Hey faggots, come to get my blood? LMAO get in line. Only one for (you).
Classic thread
WoW Classic Attunement
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I miss attunements because it was a casual filter.
Didn't get attuned for this dungeon? Don't waste my fucking time. You might be a nice person, but get your lazy fucking ass out of here and don't come back until you're attuned.
>Never ever got Devout Robe, despite eventually getting Prophecy and Transcendence
>resub after 10+ years
>Devout set removed from the game
LFM UBRS please have key
Drakisath dropped some serious shit. I only went along for the loot and eventually my guild handed me a blood. I was like ok lol
Holy shit the trash before this guy used to trigger my autism so fucking hard.
Sometimes I'd get so anxious about the patrol wandering into us that I'd pull it just to feel better.
Youre in the club and this guy slaps your girlfriends ass.
What do you do?
Rogue lockpicking door open for you for a small fee.
Raiding in general triggers my autism. There's always that one guy that doesn't understand the simplest of mechanics. Also that one guy that can't into rotations and stays at the bottom of the meters, even with the top meta class, but he/she is "well respected" in the guild so they get a pass.
Classic will be DOA. Saged this shill thread.
Ditto. At least attunements were somewhat fun and filtered people out so you know who can cut it
Beats RaiderIO
Reminder that we're also getting Classic TBC and Wrath. So pick a class you know it will be good in the next expansions.
Attunements were a waste of time that did nothing to stop shitty people joining raids
If the braindead retard who barely knows how to play the game got in, what makes you think you're special for doing it?
I look forward to playing comfy warlock. Only difficulty is watching threat and I can give people cookies and summons
pretty comfy
i'll be giving out free mage food and drink to anyone who asks, for free
Attunements didn't filter retards out. Attunements only really fated people who had things to do instead of chase Rexxar across Kalimdor or farm Draconic Defenders which never fucking dropped.
MC was basically brain dead anyway. Designed to carry 10 people on the ball and 30 drooling morons.
Thank you for your service. I imagine consumes are gonna burn a hole through my pocket
>get full devout
>think its the best gear a priest can possibly get before raids
Oh how innocent I was
Are paladins a good healer class for a beginner
Because the braindead retard won't put in the time and effort to get the attunement. How is he when he's known as the village idiot and no one wants to invite them? The retard would have quit, cried on the forums or have fun doing something else or reroll. I'm sure some casual guild will pick up the braindead retard though if he's social enough.
Not really, buffing in raids is a headache, just go priest. they do everything good.
I absolutely CANNOT wait for the amount of assblasting this will cause in pugs.
You can't lockpick ubrs, larper
don't bother with that tripfag
he's even proud that he plays on paylysium for rank 14
Yes you can. You had to boost lockpicking to 315.
Look at my post again.
See ":^)"
what do i do after i hit 60? i know i gotta farm gold and run dungeons for gear, but what about pvp? should i do that after or before?
I'm pretty sure pvp titles and gear won't be there at launch and for quite a while. You'll want to get BiS pre-raid gear, epic mount, level professions, clear MC/Ony. If you want to do PvP, I'd suggest getting pre-raid BiS and just do world pvp or BGs. I'm wondering how BGs will work at launch though. If there will be queues at cities or you'll have to walk to the portal.
No I am here for the free 40g for my UBRS key and main tanking service as well as having the beastâ„¢ hide on reserve and the flask recipe.
Pic related, its me
No, you can't. There's no door to lockpick, the key is a ring.
I'm rolling huntard with skinning for the sole purpose of selling UBRS key / kiting services.
kill it like the rest
Horde > Alliance
Shaman > Paladin
Fury > Prot
>tfw the race for early edgemaster's
No need to worry user, pugs won't even find the entrance
Also check my 5
big bro blizz won't let us not have fun
What are the best methods for farming
lionheart, edgemasters, and cloudkeepers?
Arcane crystals in silithus
Same lad, my healslut already has agreed to poopsock with my warr to lvl 60 and help me get UBRS key
Yeah I regret not rolling human but I'm not gonna make that mistake twice, I wanna be a thicc brown bitch
reminder that white people will roll on pve servers
reminder that warrior is the soiboy class
Also crusader orbs from strat
reminder that you're a coward if you don't click it
Depends really
If DM is open find a partner to do mining runs through there, or you can do them in Silithus/Burning Steppes
A real big win would be to get in an early raiding guild and max your blacksmithing, try to convince your guildies to give you plans that drop. On the last fresh server I played on some Russian cunt had the only Lionheart plans on the server and he was charging 200+g tips to make them (your mats)
If you're a good tank you can also sell tanking although its not very consistent.
A pretty easy thing to do albeit time consuming if you're playing a warrior is to get a hunter alt to 60 as soon as you can so you can do a few hours of princess runs a couple times a week
You mean you can just go buy it from Darkmoon now for 500 tickets.
really? Based.
Human Holy Paladin.
Herbalism and Alchemy.
Main focus will be raids, but I will pvp a lot on non raid days.
Being NEET is great isn't it.
and its up this weekend
>warrior leads groups, can reserve whatever it wants
>warrior 1shots clothies in pvp with middling gear, literally playing with cheats on if you have a pala pocket healer
>warrior is best possible dps at the high end
>warrior gets paid just to tank dungeons and can reserve boes
I'd argue only warlock comes close in terms of receiving special treatment for being good at the class
i hope a nice warriorchad going mining/bs sweeps you off your feet and you plow through everything together
>literal who begging for (you's) by responding to every post
Reddit is down the hall and to the left.
>warrior is best possible dps at the high end
>believing "0 boss armor" private server fairy tales
>I'll just make a level 30 rogue to fuck with people in STV until classic comes out
I had to try so fucking hard to stop playing before I burned myself out already
But its true and literally everyone knows it?
Let me guess you play the abilities don't scale off gear and gets left in the dust after BWL class aka rogue?
>Friend asks if i'll play with his Classic group
>He's a warrior
>I want to be a Pala and live the meme as his pocket healer
>He convinced the group to go horde because reasons
All i wanted was to go home to Elwynn Forest and be a healbro with shiny plate and a cool horse i didn't have to pay 1000g for.
warrior shits on rogue and mage with vanilla bis
lol rogues are fine; warriors get cucked super hard if they lose their buffs also
tell your friends you don't want to be a smelly totem humper user
he cucked himself, paladins are immensely better support healers
Ice barbed spear or Bloodseeker for hunter?
>retailfags knowing the statue sequence
It was over before it began
I did, i even called them other non-advertiser friendly words.
Damn right, if i have to go horde he'll get a fucking warlock instead. I'll get crits all the time like Drakedog, and he'll get snared and kited to death.
>The Nicker will be renamed in Classic too
imagine cucking yourself out of a personal blessing of freedom dispenser; your friend is a retard
Go paladin anyway. He doesn't deserve your heals.