The Feh Channel that will save the game starts in 2 hours

The Feh Channel that will save the game starts in 2 hours.
What changes are you hoping to see?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I hope to see more lolis!

More armpits and feet

I don't want to see any 5* demotions unless they also clean out the 3-4* pool.

More muscle guys

People still play this?

It's gonna be 16 minutes. I'm actually expecing some fun and good stuff this time.

Meanwhile, did you like the changes made to VG? Not having to keep checking my phone every half an hour is a huge improvement alone, but Grima has been on Stronger/Same for pretty much 24 hours, at this point Hardin should be already dumping flags.

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>saving orbs for a proper Severa alt
>her mom and boss get all the attention
>on top of that she's one of the worst red units and is only used for fodder

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Hope my husband gets demoted so I can finally +10 him

An alt would be nice too

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>new powercreep unit(s)
>new "feature" that fucks up the balance even more
>Aether raid update that doesn't change anything
>new gamemode nobody cares about
choose 2

Non-villain units in GHBs need to fuck off.

>will save the game
>The new blessings effect from roy and yune are probably exclusive to AR

I can see this shit coming

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So when does this become relevant? Why give these away when you only get 50 stones a week at best?

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Shit, I only have 27k. Do you use your 3 Dueling Swords everyday?

I blew all my orbs on the legendary banner. I got up to 12.5% rate. I'm just going to build up the common people from now on.

if you're playing Arena competitively you have more arena medals than you know what to do with.


Post them. Not including badges and crystals because who cares about those.

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It's a 14 minute direct here's the breakdown

0:00 ~ 2:00
pata pata pata pata pata..... pata pata pata pata feeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeEEEEEEEEeeeeh. le sigh konnichiwa you baka gaijins

2:00 ~ 5:00
New characters on a new banner

5:00 ~ 8:00
changes to existing modes

8:00 ~ 12:30
New mode

12:30 ~ 13:50
"wooooooooWWWWWWWWoooWOOOOOOOW that was ebinly sugoi~ i am excite cummoners"

13:50 ~ 14:00

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I haven't played the game in months now, instead of improving current content their solution is to throw in more and more stuff to do to the point where the game is a chore to play.

You're missing two minutes, it's actually a 16 minute direct.

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And also getting more and more jewy with fucking orbs.

this is for the EOP stream and not the glorious nippon stream. pls understand

Then 4 minutes of patta patta

Whose corpse will Feh joke about this time?

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Beruka refine!

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>post YFW it's 8 minutes of dragalia shit

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Dragalia is way better than FEH though, especially in its current state

Strongly dislike the VG changes, it went from a mode I could play every 30 minutes to a mode I play twice a day. It was a huge step in the wrong direction, I want to actually play the game.

>I dont wanna see any demotions
Suck my cock

>Better than Feh
>No one talks about this outside dragaliafags invading Feh threads

Sure fag

They forced themselves into it. The game was slowly turning into Granblue where there was too much stuff to do in a single day.

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Whale detected

>Dragalia do more QOL updates in 6 months than FEH in 2 years.

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I find it will be less annoying for VGs I don't care about and more annoying for the ones I do with how you can do multiple battles back to back.

The 3-4* pool is fucking disgusting right now, it's impossible to get what you want and they don't do the 4* banners anymore. You absolutely cannot demote units into that cesspool without doing something to clean it out. Take the year 1 units or something and put them into a separate 1-3* gacha that doesn't use orbs.

Like holy fuck it took me 14 months to get 9 Seth out of red. Since launch ive rolled THREE Peri.

I dropped it during the circus event, what changed?

the only good things about DL are Ezelith, pic related and the Slumber Shot

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It won't save shit, and we all know it.

>tfw when KMR pranks you with 12k crystals
KMR can come to my house and fuck my sister and I'd give him a thumbs up.

this is pretty far from the truth.

How the fuck am I a whale.

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now you can equip TWO worthless WPs.

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>excavate account from launch
>has a 5* Eirika on it from my free roll
>decide to level her up
>she gains exp slow as shit compared to the 4* and 5* units she's training with
The fuck


It's why I dropped the game. Daily arena was already a chore and I hated TTs, now there's even more shit the game expects you to do daily. I want to play occasionally when I feel like it, not be forced to play it daily.

When was the last time you updated this? Haven't you gotten more Spring Catria?

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>2x spd on solo.
>Double print.
>Void battles give good rewards like 4* stones for dragons and damascus pieces.
>UI tweaks

In general the game got much less grindy and smooth.

ryoma demote when? i'm stuck with a +1

>Fixed early summoning pools
>More free currency than any other game
>Made multiple classes of weapons viable
>Halved the grind in TT
>Made VG more interesting
>No stamina required to do abyssals
>Removed IVs
>Streamlined equip sets

I know it's cool to hate on FEH, but if you go back and play year 1 FEH you'd see just how shit it really was.

Do the flower upgrades transfer through merges if you give a flower'd unit to one with better IVs?

You fucking wish. He's never getting demoted along with Leo.

Pretty sure the update notes about it said yes.

>get a perfect IV Legendary Roy in March's lego banner just in time for the new mode announcement tonight
>turn him into a manual anyways because I really fuckin' hate Roy
I'm ready to get fucked out of more orbs because I chose to stick to my morals again, boys.

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The mode is probably going to be fucking shit like with every new mode and not even give out orbs.

FEH can't be saved at this point.

Unless a TT is going on there really is nothing to do.

>Daily 1 or 2 AR games, time is based on how serious you do or do not take the games
>2 quick Arena games for the daily
>3 quick Arena Assault games (done with a solo unit for minimum time required)

And you're done. Once a week you do a real arena run and a real AA run, but other than that nothing in the game takes any real amount of time or even lets you get in and do meaningful content with your units.


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Year 1 FEH with the streamlining of the later years would be the best.

Don't feel bad, I have a Celica and Duma manual because fuck Gaiden.

That sounds nice, but the reason I dropped Dragalia in the first place is that there were only 2 types of events and one of them didn't even give anything interesting except a fucking print. And the crappy gacha rates of course.

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I dropped FEH shortly after the shitty anniversary + endless reddit apologists, and have played FGO for a month so far. AMA.

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Is a -Atk or -Res Yune worse? Asking because they're not on the same account.

FGO for a month? how did you get Nobu?

Events still are same shit. But at least you can convert currency and farm like half of shop easy.

But it's not like mobages in general have variety on event types.

grail panne when

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>quit FEH due to the shitty anniversary
>went to FGO NA
not sure you fully thought that move out. as for the AMA, how far are you into the story?

Current event is one of those events, a water one.

The core problems of Dragalia never got fixed. Just a bunch of QoL stuff and smoke and mirrors to keep the children placated.

I dropped FGO a few months ago. The game was a boring grindfest with no payoff. Also NA devs are not worth supporting.

she got rerun last week.

Probably in the next update since that's generally when they mete out shop units. What else have we had since then? TT Loki, Panne, Rutger, I can't remember the rest.

>NA devs
I thought there were seamonkeys

How do I stop feeling like merging Linus is a waste of Grails when Raven exists?

Is it as boring as I thought? Is the sameface as bad as I thought? Does the giant mummy girl have any good size interaction in the game? I pumped it to that manga page of her eating a guy whole once, would consider picking the game up for her.

>The core problems of Dragalia never got fixed. Just a bunch of QoL stuff and smoke and mirrors to keep the children placated.

Neither FEH, but here we are 2 years later.

>snakewife and witchwife and nursewife
>doggo and doggo
>The Chad Nobu who BTFO traditional Japan so hard they are still seething 200 years later
>superchad penetrator
>best Tamamo
You have great taste, user.

>almost tried out Fate, had ignored stuff like FSN and Extra for years
>see how obsessed people get with it
I rather like Koyanskaya's design (black outfit) but not enough for this.
and here's your question
do you enjoy candy for breakfast

>want to make a Black Fang team
>Linus, Lloyd, and Ursula are all fighting over grails
>Jaffar still isn't demoted

Please demote

goddamn dude that is some dedication for a mobage
I have 935,000 feathers and nothing to use them on because I don't care about +10'ing (or don't have enough of the unit). For me it's one and done for 5* exclusives, even if they're -Atk.

>fehfags can only stomp on dragaliafags and even then it's not like they're overwhelmingly above them

t. Gbfchad

A Peri alt!
But realistically, demotes, AR changes, make legendary battles less retarded, and reduce dragonflower grind and a refine for her.

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I have some minor complaints (basically the return of the stomp gauntlet) but overall it's a huge improvement because I can do all 5 quest battles then forget about it.

Same, except I plan on using Nino instead of Ursula, mainly so I can use Lloyd's special refine for Regal Blade.

I did the same with GBF last December. The game is without a doubt a massive grind. But the events are a hell of a lot more enjoyable that anything FEH ever did. If FEH put even half the amount of love into it's events as GBF does then I would still be playing it even if everything else about it remained the same. The reason I played FEH to begin with was because I wanted to see fun crossover shit with my favorite FE characters. Not stories that were wrose than Fates focusing on OCs people don't care about while actual FE characters get a few throwaway lines. It certainly helps that GBF is crazy generous. I got more from the two roulettes in GBF than anything I ever got in FEH.

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There was a rerun a few weeks ago

I was just sick of FEH, and I got into Fate stuff recently, so that’s why I gave it a try. My waifu’s a 3-star, so I don’t have to whale for her. As for the story, I just finished the Rome singularity.

If you’re playing it as a real game, it’s pretty boring. If you passively play it between other things, it’s actually better than more active games, like Langrisser or Dragalia. Sameface is pretty bad; expect a LOT of Saber/Sakura clones. Mummy girl isn’t in the NA server yet, so idk.

Nope; I’m more of a toast-and-hummus guy myself

Thanks bro

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>Imagine having devs that hate their own players

This message was sponsored by the Dokkanchads®.

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That is 2 more good things than FEH has

Have you played Robomi part 2 before? It has the best Shiro skin. Hopefully they add it to side stories soon.

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I play both but I've never felt the need to try GBF simply because of how long it's been running.
From my experience, most Cygames stuff is not newbie friendly, and it has probably the worst of the "spark" systems despite inventing it (most ones I've played do it at 200 or even 100, not 300). Also heard the cutscenes are excessively long.

>anyone playing a shit mobile game

Honestly this thread feels like burnouts desperately trying to belittle FEH. It only works for FGO and GBF because they're bigger (although it's more due to being established), but seeing Dragqueens and such try do it is just plain amusing.

Looks nice. I like that promotional pic instead of this pic. The style just suits it better.

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No but it's the number one event I want added there. Shirou's SSR was one of the characters I got during the last roulette, but I skipped through his fate episodes since I haven't played the other events yet. Still really happy I got him and he has a permanent spot on my dark team.

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GBF isn't that hard to catch up on outside of the fucking Eternals and Oracles. Though you missed the anniversary which is the best time to start.

Go back to your consoles manlet

Nice, since you have SSR Shiro you can give him the event SR skin when it's added to side stories. SR Shirou is the best, he's constantly doing Kamen Rider poses.

Eh, who cares, as long as it keeps the thread bumped until Feh Channel begins.

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>Dokkan battle
To much grinding it's like dragila lost feels like a second job without the Auto battle.

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Yeah free bumps is nice. I just find it funny how obsessed people are with hating FEH. Rent free and all.

I really should play some FEH sometime. For almost a year now I've been only logging in for stuff, I missed a bunch of Tempest trial characters like Laegjarn.

Normally you'd be right, but since this is Dragon Ball it make the normie's pants wet and the weaboos seeth, so it's well into Chad core.

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>FEH can't be saved at this point.

Sure it can

I update it daily. Didn't roll her spring banner though trying to save orbs, but became impulsive and tried to get two eirs. Got one.

FEH has been dead since the first Valentine's event.
Every FEH Channel since has been said to be the one that will save the game, yet all they've done is make the game worse.

>I dropped FEH
Basado y rojo pastillado

If by too much grinding, you mean there's actual content that isn't waiting for events to come, then yes there's way too much of it.

feh already makes bank when it was shit to begin with so IS doesn't have to try. everyone should've just dropped it

All of that would be cool if FEH had literally anything to do.
Literally babby's first mobage.

>first crossover
>it's from that flop game everyone forgot

I mean you're right for the most part but if you think FEH gives out more free currency than GBF you're delusional

Why does the gacha genre seem to have the most competitive fanbases? What's so great about being the #1 gacha?

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How would you make a good replayable mode that's fun for a turn based game?

Probably because it makes them feel secure in service for the game continuing. These things do shut down.

What's there to do in FGO over FEH?

The exact same pointless, repetitive grinding, but it takes a lot longer because FGO has way more materials to grind for and doesn't let you skip or speed things up.

same reason people like supporting sports teams and shit. it makes you feel like you belong and that your better.

I know Dokkan gives out prenium currency if it hits #1 grossing.


inb4 it's not fun


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I mean the FEH fanbase has asked for things to be made less grindy so this isn't really a fault of the dev, but the players.

And to be completely honest and forthright with you more mindless grinding =/= good. Christmas lotto everyone was losing their minds, but all I saw were poor souls who had nothing to do with their lives and setting up roll macros.

>What changes are you hoping to see?

Omega yato for corn

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I mean nows as good as time as ever, demotes hit around this time last year.
Praying they knock down some subpar 5*s, I really wanna +10 my Minerva

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I play GBF, that shit is like a full blown job. FEH takes like an hour at most daily and it isnt even spent grinding

>a month in and already a Nightingale and Lobo

If FEH didn't have autobattle, I would have tossed it years ago.

No, that's what we're saying, people complained about the grind, so they made it way more streamlined and faster, and now people complain that they have nothing to do.

That’s because some people want it to be a job, frankly I’m happy with just getting on, casually doing arena and ar and then getting off.

You misunderstand. GBFcucks and FGOfags frequently criticize FEH for "no content" because everything here can be autobattled and the devs have taken measures to lessen the grind. However this was all at a request from the playerbase, meaning that FEH players want different things than GBF players who look for a second job out of their mobile kusoge.

Different strokes for different folks.

>Map 7/7
>Tempest Trials One

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it's better to have people complaining about nothing to do than a game that's a second job that requires overtime and doubletime on the weekends.

Why do tards post pics of characters with every possible buff on them in an imbalanced aether raid matchup and expect people to be impressed? Corrin is a good unit and the best arena babysitter, you don't need to lie about his usefulness to anons on a Taiwanese basket weaving forum.

What was your TT1 team, bros?
All with the same blade/fury/desperation build with Hones in C slots. Usually worked out pretty well.

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That's all people have left. The game is in such a shit spot right now, even the big name shills on jewtube who have their income tied to the game are "evaluating their options" and trying to bail. This is IS's last chance to bring people back.

>quit last month due to getting fucked last lego after saving like 2000 orbs
>deleted my account
has anything interesting happen?

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>Lu bu complains FEH has become P2W and drops the game
>Starts playing Langrisser with a new powercreep unit every 2 weeks
>Already dropped like $500 on it

I'll never understand jewtube ecelebs.

I've burned out on feh as of late, theyve gotten pretty jewish with orbs as well.
Only other gacha I've touched is Destiny Child because the characters are lewd as fuck

It was during the summer wasn't it? I think it was something along the lines of:
>Bridal Caeda

>best units I had were Eliwood, Cecilia, Camus, and Rein
>none of them could one-round Veronica so most of the time I'd end up having to use my second team of 4* shitters
Those were the days. Although recent TTs have become a real nigger for the auto battle thanks to all the powercreep units getting added to the enemy pool. At least they had the sense to remove Surtr, eventually.

>Spring Xander

he's literallly an addict

...and this is why FEH will never evolve or be a top contender in the mobage scene.
Having any content at all = second job apparently.


yeah more powercreep

Very positive. Everything beforehand about the mode was cancer
>the fucking quests
>get locked out of finishing the ally quests because the rng didn't give you the proper colour or you were going to do it and then it closes to calculate
>checking every 30 minutes
>battles only mattering if it has a 7.7x bonus or some shit
>those fucking quests
Like those 3v3 battles were ever entertaining in the slightest. plus you could always just cheese the system if you had high leveled friends and you went in with a Lv 1
I'll take stomp gauntlet over a mode that doesn't respect my time

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In words of PM1: "I spend money in this game because it's my main income and people are paying me to make these videos." Good for him that he actually managed to pay his studies by becoming probably the most famous FEHtuber, but from the very beginning they should have branched, the mobile gaming market is incredibly volatile and unstable.

grinding isn't content.

Is it time to see the dragalia crossover stuff?

It's telling how low your opinion is of ISIS that you think content can't be implemented without it being a grind.

>they didn't announce refines last night
>next new heroes banner is 6 days from now
>they're gonna waste 6/7 minutes on those two things and whatever the GHB for the next banner is
Fuck Feh

>Spring Xander

Eliwood was the one unit I believed had a consistent nonzero chance of one rounding Veronica.

My main team back then which is almost the same team I'm still using

>Olivia (now replaced by Genny)

Chaos (Ablaze) still gives me PTSD to this day. Fucking Loli of Death.

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>even the tripfag is over this shit
Jesus, imagine having lower standards than Raul. The state of fehscum.

Yeah I wasn't saying it's super bad, just too late for people to care about stomp gauntlet v2. I vastly prefer it over having to check in every 30 minutes just to finish the quests. I just finish them and forget the VG exists after until the next round.


I think the biggest reason behind FEH’s lack of content is how easy it is to build up your units. With Special Training + 2x EXP weekends, fully leveling and promoting a unit takes maybe an hour at most. Compare that to games like FGO, where fully leveling a Servant can take hundreds of embers, which take weeks to grind on natural AP. Combined with grinding for skill mats, building up your favorite characters IS the content. FEH doesn’t let you grind for skills; you can only get them by inheriting a gacha unit. So leveling up your unit takes maybe an hour, and then you have to wait weeks, or maybe even months, until the gacha gives you the unit with the skill you want to inherit, and between all of that, all you can do is wait.

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When is bunny Loki getting added to the heroic grail summon list?

I've unfortunately played enough kusogacha to know that when that shiny and new thing called "content" happens it's just another grind fest.

Next update probably.

and see the skill you waited for be powercrept

Sure you have. Why even defend this game if you hate it so much that you don't even want to play it?

The SP grind is honestly pretty bad. Without 2x SP weekends and blessings I have no idea how I would tolerate it.

Time for 2 minutes of FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEH

because i'm a faggot that's why


It's time for Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeh~

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that was kinda hot

We liv

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>friend list icon

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The tripfag has been doomposting for awhile. He gets rekt in all the new modes and his favourite units are shit so he hates the game now.


aaaaaah it keeps crashing

Watch the new units either be fates, three house, the crossover units, or fuck all

>Pair Up
Oh gods no


fuck IS


Yup, I'm the same way. Blow all the ballots because it actually doesn't influence the value of the flags used and then do it again 8 hours later

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The grinding part is painfully easy but the real barrier is orbs and the gacha. Especially now that it's mandatory to have some specific unit(s) on a rotation to be competitive.

>inmediate p2w

>pair up
>only for legendary heroes
So how bout that power creep.



>stream keeps crashing


>Pair up is not PvP
>New mode

Wow, they took one of the worst and most hated mechanics in the series, made it worse, made it even more broken, locked it to the most limited units in the game, and added it in.

Fuck this game.

>>>pair up
Glad I dropped this game when I did.

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fuck yeah, yet another new game mode with its own stamina and currency

Wait so how do you get a bonus nowadays? Is it only if you're winning?

Haven't you realized this already? Yea Forums is free shilling. No one knows how to use sage and keeps threads alive.

>new mode
>its another arena

play langrisser

how can they make something so powerful and useless at the same time lmao

dropping the game and laughing at the shitty updates is the only reason this game is still relevant

look at all those numbers flying around

>always see this
>never played Langrisser, fuck not even Warsong
literally no reason to
If I drop FEH I'm gacha free, not going to another

> No one knows how to use sage
Well it is invisible now, and the sheer speed of Yea Forums makes it rather worthless to use most of the time.

>776 points

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>tfw dropped FEH back when Hoshido New Year's banner was announced

>have a lot of whale friends
I love my friends.

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>no orbs
>But you can get dragon flowers

Yep fuck this mode

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It works unless the thread is moving so fast it's pointless

>Aether is still shit
thanks IS

Why isn't Fjorm dead

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That's so fucking cute holy shit.

>Aether resort

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Dragalia Lost...

Why is Seth trying to kill Ursula?

FEH: Pocket Camp

>chrom singing

>People still play this game.
How the fuck.

God I wish mythic and legendary heroes never existed

resort looks kinda comfy, also has a nice track

>Aether resort

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Wait are you saying FSN is bad?

I want to sleep with Sharena!

Attached: fjorm.png (518x473, 290K)

Fucking shills

>kitty sakura having a nightmare

Attached: crying cat.gif (540x412, 826K)

>this looks fun doesn't it?

I can't believe it. They found another way to make people waste orbs on non-summoning like th XP shit

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>pump orbs in resorts for AR stones


Fuck don't remind me of acpc

>don't forget to use orbs to enjoy animations

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>more def teams for AR



how the fuck did you get that from my post?
I said I decided not to try it out at all because people get obsessed.

Oh no bro....

No way those are the only demotes right?

>fixing the diluted pool

holy shit it was from echoes?
i guess my memory is shit


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lmao that sucked ass

wow it was fucking nothing

>no 5* demotes
>just removing them from the pool

Wow, it was actually nothing.
I'm not upset, but a little surprised.

>not demoting 5* locked units

Play Dragalia Lost

Wait, did they just remove those units from new banners?

eh, kinda glad i ditched the game, this update just isn't doing it for me.

>lets not demote these old 5*s lets just make them even more irrelevant and try to shove them under the rug
brilliant idea

>instead of demoting units let's just remove them from the pool entirely

Attached: 1402703943074.png (852x480, 115K)

ISIS never fucking fails to not deliver

Oh. Well FGO is shit but FSN is one of the best VN's of all time.


Wow dragalia lost won.

>Playing an even deader game

The absolute state of Dragaliafags.

So glad I stopped playing this months ago. Ahahaha.

Attached: 1520478728624.gif (600x500, 2.91M)

So is there a summary of what changed?

how am i going to +10 ryoma now ;_;

called it

I play both FEH and DL and I'm currently neglecting the facility event because the story is agonizing
>ywn be Laranoa making Luca and Sarisse slaves

Gee they sure know how to beat a dead horse

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Does IS have any idea what the fuck they're doing?

You think thats bad but they are reducing the shitty units from the new banners

>new banners purged of gen 1 shitter units
Fucking finally! Best news we could hope for

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>perma dropping heroes
Guess I'll never get that +10 Minerva

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>Old 5*s are simply removed
This is some bullshit

i already am
slowly building up for high brunhilda

rip my chances of getting lute

They made it so that Book1 5-stars cant cuck your pity rate on new banners, by removing them instead of demoting them. You're welcome :^)

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Well I missed the whole stream but from this reaction I assume it was for the best.

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I don't want to get invested in it though

Aether resorts unironically looks kino. Still wondering what the fuck they meant by the pity breaker cleanse, from the sounds of it there will be banners in the future explicitly for them and they won’t show up on normal banners anymore.

I want to see the dislike ratio

Attached: [judging you].jpg (322x157, 45K)

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> Does IS have any idea what the fuck they're doing?
>current state of FEH
>current state of Three Houses
>current state of Paper Mario
>current state of Advance Wars

If they were demoted they would bloat the 3/4* pool even further and you'd never be able to get that last merge for your Sophia
IS still fucked up tho

Attached: 1523819248143.png (149x153, 66K)

with a snap of my fingers, half of the summoning pool will be deleted

>people actually hyped this trash up
Every time.

Press F for all the poor fags that wanted to +10 a Book 1 5-star-shitter.

Well, guess I can say fuck this game without any reservations now. More crap modes, the worst possible fixes to the summoning pool, and no acknowledgment of the shitton of other problems in this game. Wonderful as usual ISIS

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I already only summon on leg/myth banners and I assume they'll still show up there, but ISIS never fails to disappoint.

Did the JP stream have more content like last feh channel?

How the fuck is Dragalia dead?
I see that meme regurgitated here and it's baffling.

pair up is added but only for specific units
new game mode that's essentially 5v6 arena
more team slots for aether raids
aether resort which does fuck all from my understanding
shitty selection of demotes, others are removed entirely
something else i think, i wasn't fully paying attention


>I was ok with Pair Up until "Legendary Hero exclusive". Fuck that to hell, but at least it will only be for Story maps and that new Arena mode
>New mode is trash, might probably do the bare minimum
>Aether Resort looks cute as fuck and comfy as hell, I'm actually excited for that one
>FUCKING FINALLY DEMOTES AND SUMMONING POOL CHANGES, I just wonder what will they do with the removed 5 stars, if they'll be available in a different pool or maybe available with grails. At least they're fixing the summoning pool, I can't really complain here, I really doubt they're removing them entirely and permanently.

Eh, 6 out of 10 only because the first two announcements I couldn't really care about. Also Feh never promoted the Askr trio.

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I haven't touched this game since shortly after release and I'm looking at it now. What the fuck is any of this shit? Could this be any more needlessly complex?

What are some other good anime mobile games?

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More like Dragalia....Lost

I just wanted to +10 Lucina.

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Then just create a 1/2* pool and use a currency that's currently going unused by most people like the level up gems to roll in it. Or add a friend point currency and make rolls with that like in other gacha.

>not even selectively removing 5*s
>just blanket nuking book I units regardless of usefulness
holy shit

Attached: 1501622989827.jpg (624x595, 81K)

Play granblue fantasy

Dragalia Lost

>The new mode doesn't have any orb rewards
so what's the new excuse for reduced orbs going to be?

I was starting to play more GBF than FEH, but now I guess that's the end.


Wtf they better start adding more FUCKING HEROS TO THE 4* POOL! If they getting rid of a shit ton of heros.

Attached: 1425314349776.jpg (1280x720, 44K)

Xenoblade 2: Continuum Phantasm of the Torna Ultimax[st] Xrd

Been looking for something similar to play as well, and unironically Dragalia Lost is probably the most polished animu game with the least convoluted skinner box

Not him but it's a crossover between 2 huge companies and it's doing worse than like all of Cygames IPs outside of SV maybe. Even Shironeko which it ripped off of is trouncing it.

>Also Feh never promoted the Askr trio.
Fuck man it's been two years let me give them the +10 they need

Attached: 1536069163175.png (1024x768, 526K)

Meanwhile, arena medals remain stockpiled

>look at your heroes doing cute things
Classic IS. Usually FEH channels motivate me to play a little more but this one just dug its grave for me

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Brown Dust, unironically more strategic than FEH and probably FE as a whole.

Play Langrisser. It's what Fire Emblem wishes it could have been.

I mean the end for FEH

>I see that meme regurgitated here and it's baffling.

Attached: 1550126508421.png (160x160, 25K)

People have been asking for a 1/2* pool since practically launch.


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I've been playing Ebin Seven

Langrisser Mobile.

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>people telling other people to play their shit gacha when the only reason im playing feh is because i like fire emblem
Name ONE (1) reason for me to play your kusoge if I have literally zero attachment to the characters or series.

>arena medals to roll for a 1/2* once every day
Fuck man why can't IS ever make good ideas?

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>they removed brave ike, one of the best fodder units in the game

There's not.

they just need to add a my room feature where you can pet or play with your waifu and the game is saved

>choosing to play mobile games
Kill yourself. The only acceptable reason to play such trash would be if it's part of an existing franchise that you're a fan of.

Because then it would possibly make the consumer happy.

literally laughed my ass off when they did that
everything about the thing is cosmetic right, with no boosts to the actual aether raid mode? so why would anybody spend orbs on this?

I unironically suggested a town building and telling IS we should spend orbs in the survey they had last year. I didn't think it would happen, but even back then I was desperate for anything that would make the game more fun because it was so shit.

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I played it for a decent amount a year ago,but deleted it for space on my phone. I had like 20+ SSRs but I never binded the account like a dumbass. How long would it take me to get good units from scratch?
Tied it when it came out, im not a fan of the game play

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the best

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>These Heroes will still be available in other Focus Summoning Events

That was the part that kind of flew over my head. So they're removing them from the pool entirely so you can't be pitybroken by them anymore but they'll still be featured in their own banners. I'm not really comfortable with that one, as many of my units were built by pitybreakers, but I can see why they're still so adamant to demote them, they don't want people who spent money on them to feel cheated, even if we're already at the third year of the game, it should be a moot point. I was really hoping for a 4 star Genny.

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Does anyone knows why the Japanese channel is 16 minutes? I literally don't see any difference

Also the dislike ratio is already high,I hope these idiots notice that no one likes their shit

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>Didnt even show off the CYL3 winners in their new outfits

You guys got your cunny bunny right?

Honestly the only joy I get from these is feh voice actor autism. Cracks me up everytime

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Kanji takes longer to say

More like Brown Shit amirite.

Removing units from the pool entirely is not the most graceful way to do it, but it makes the most sense to be honest. Who in their right mind actually WANTED shitters like Luke and Mist to demote? When I'm rolling I want to be pity broken by Tibarns and Velourias, not Lukes and Mist.

that's a stupid argument, people didn't complain when BK became available through grails even though people had spent money to get him. the number of people who would be upset by demotions are so insignificant it's not even worth mentioning. they basically don't exist and only get brought up as justification for the devs continued jewishness.

>atk refine
You dont love her.

Why is the Black Knight hanging out with Halloween Henry?

Bros why tf is this game a grimdfest

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I'm just glad I might get more Soleils so I can make a Soleil team

why aren't people playing a superior mobile game?

Stay mad Dragaliafags.

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your summoning pool change

Attached: summoning pool change.jpg (1902x5220, 2.22M)

Is it ever worth it to try and roll for a pity break unit?

>Another boring weekly mode that I will never fucking do
I'm uninstalling this shit

please play dragalia lost

see you later faggot

*only for New Heroes & Special Heroes

They're not removing the old 5*s completely from the game, just from New Heroes banners and new Special Heroes banners.

So in TT and VG banners, skill banners, and repeat seasonals, you can still get Misted.

Already got a +2 one just from free rolls and low pity breaks. Was hoping to get a +atk or +spd one eventually since all the ones I got were +hp, but I guess thats never going to happen now. Lame.

the state of dragafags hahahaha

So now that we know that the new heroes are from thracia 776 which units do you want to see?

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Absolutely not. The rate is like 0.0005 or some shit to get the one unit you want

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Try rolling for a 4* you want and see how well you do.

Welp, both english and jap videos are already downvoted to hell.

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Why are you a massive cool dude?

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What are the nips saying?

And if anyone cares, Grima won against Hardin.

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I’d +10 mist or genny if I had enough of them

Travant GHB. He's No. 1 on my list of 4/5 characters.

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Yeah man I've had a +2 Sigurd I'm probably never going to finish, an Elincia who has put it tons of work, Gennys, Lindes, Ninians, Julias I'm never gonna get

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>Loli tiki a already hard hero to get is gone.
I will never fix her IV's now.

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Preasu pray doragaria rosuto

Loving all the Luke banners.

What's extra shitty about the Aether Resort bonus stuff is that you have to pay 3 orbs a week for the bonus pass.

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Why are GBFags and Dragaliafags so desperate to prove their gacha is better? Jesus christ this thread.

They tend to share similar opinions to the Americans, so I'd expect they're posting like everyone here is but in Japanese instead

fpbp, based and cunnypilled as well

>you can now fix your heros IV's by pulling copies of that hero
>also we'll take away the ability for you to pull those heroes

sasuga, IS.

>Nintendo dabs all over retards begging for Gen 1 5* to get demotes
>Remove them from certain banners

hahahahaha, the madmen. luckshitters and chads only.

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Wait it’s not like castle upgrades? Ew

>people say that Dragalia is using FEH to get a boost, when it's actually the other way around.

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I want a reason to switch back from Dragalia

Dragalia is on a downward spiral of losing profit and users. Gran Blue is niche in the West and they have no friends who play it. Real talk.

>everyone called me a moron for throwing away my Roy before the new mode came out
>it's just more worthless trash that doesn't fix the core gameplay issues
It feels so good to stick to your code and be right.

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battle cats is the best one
Honourable mention to Grand Chase DC for being super generous (and being GC) but having meh gameplay

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>Roy, welcome to my shop. Might I interest you in one of our finest Hoshidan girls? Completely with cosplay and roleplay, it's of no extra charge to you.

Attached: 123.png (398x325, 278K)

>Dragalia isn't making profit.
>Nintendo official reports say that it increased.

Attached: 1549977267835.jpg (856x898, 235K)

Weapon refines?

Attached: Dy0SPNeV4AApafT.jpg (1000x1000, 80K)

Show off your highest merge for our newly departed 5* summons.

Attached: waer.jpg (360x640, 110K)

Too easy.

Attached: thsdf.png (387x418, 22K)

Your own /vg/ thread hate this update. I feel sorry for you

Draggies acting like they aren't the bottom bitch of gatcha always makes me laugh

Thoughts on these 716 people?

Attached: ss+(2019-04-04+at+09.14.35).png (191x91, 1K)

don't you enuji me cleo
I tried desperately for your alt and never got it. Lily cucked me ironically enough.
still though wouldn't you love to have luca as your butler and sarisse as your lesbian sex slave
>tfw missed her on the first Gala and now she's gone forever since no rateup on subsequent galas

Attached: wew.png (185x67, 1K)

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-04-23-14-17-1.png (1440x2480, 3.4M)

>Faye gone
I guess I can get spooked on rerun banners, if there's ever one I want colorless from.
Also Aether Resort looks comfy af, not gonna lie.


I got the godly one instead
Redhead in a funny poncho is great and RD is my favorite FE

>L'Arachel demoted to 3*
Truly I am blessed

So that's why she was having nightmares.

>nintendo official numbers.

Can't you read. Those kind of sites are horribly inaccurate, ain't doing FGO numbers but nowhere bad as you retards say.

>Using Data from the middle of a filler event whilst they are handing our mountains of free currency because of 6 month anniversary

It's almost like brainlets on Yea Forums don't even play the games they shitpost about

>Minerva forever stuck at +7
Well, the dream's dead. No way they'll ever give her an alt either, lmao.

Attached: 1550545166577.jpg (600x771, 103K)

>off banner busted by her twice
somehow I feel grateful now

"Hey your games not doing great so you should play a game that's doing so much worse instead"

Getting spooked by her was just as good as getting whatever it was I wanted.

Attached: Screenshot_20190404-221733_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg (1080x1920, 1.42M)

Sensor tower is very accurate and reports directly from earnings reports. FGO and GBF uses it to shill their games all the time.

This obviously

Are you talking about FEH or Dragalia? Because FEH is in a dead week.

It's the only one of these mobile gacha-shit games that isn't a bunch of png's stretching around for combat. I'll continue playing for that fact alone.

So, uh. Anyone want friends for the new event?

>be Archaneafag
I'm done with the game.

Damn, I'd be pretty annoyed about that.
Curious to see how the revival banners will work.

Me too

Attached: 1553976750684.png (584x575, 242K)

So how's Dragalia these days? Still shit? I quit a bit after New Years.

I just wanted to +10 my sheep. Pretty much all the merges were from pitybreakers.

Attached: Screenshot_20190404-221858.png (540x960, 583K)

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Sure why not.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-04-23-20-56-1.png (1440x2547, 3.26M)

so what's the problem
This excludes the excessive glut of banners like the TT focus banners, ones like the current Destructive Forces banner, and BHB banners
literally just means when you roll for seasonals and brand new hero banners these won't show

Well Watabro? Where is your god?

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Amelia is one of my favorite units and I never managed to get a single merge for her. This hurts.

If only you knew how bad things have gotten

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-04-21-22-45[1].png (720x1280, 1.22M)

Here, using a +10 Nino with Bonus Doubler and Even Spd Wave.

Attached: Screenshot_20190404-222323.png (540x960, 591K)

Also had a +4 Azura. Haven't used them in forever but they are missed

Attached: 1551221327567.png (600x1024, 799K)

God bless your little heart, I hope it doesn't die before your interest in it does

>implying that matters when GBF still trounces FEH in every front especially in playerbase, content and revenue
Stay mad FEHbaby

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The 3-4* pool of units, yknow, the majority that you draw? Thats still fucked.
You can still get Virion, Hawkeye, and other such useless heroes. Demoting the 5* Exclusives would have made the pool better.
Except now we have IS Shills sucking cock trying to make the situation sound good.

why though, we aren't getting anything from it, DL's the only one getting collab units
>tfw spent all wyrmite on Gala
Got Ranzal though and holy fuck he's good

Based Renewal fodder

Lady L'el got demoted, and now I can get my two remaining copies even easier.

They should've bloated the pool becuase maybe more people would roll to get 3/4* merges and the extra bloat would've made it harder

Attached: 1548495883976.jpg (660x893, 65K)

>get told multiple times for months that 5* exclusive demotions will never happen
>get mad when it doesn't happen
Cope more faggot

Got a +3 micaiah as well. both of them are big staples on my team, good shit

Attached: zigludo.jpg (1439x2436, 1.77M)

yeah but I was more meaning why are people acting like IS deleted the heroes on that list


Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-04-21-26-12.png (720x1280, 1.11M)

Did FeH just have its 6 month anniversary?

>incredible music
>interrupted EACH battle by the same shit theme
Either have a fight remix of the map piece like in Awakening/Fates, or have no fight music assholes. Boss music can stay, as it's an exception.

Attached: Fire Emblem Heroes_2019-04-05-00-28-42.png (720x1280, 1.12M)

I'm actually curious to see if someone's willing to do the math on this hypothetical. How would demoting the old 5* exclusives to 3-4* affect those pools? I would think it would be "easier" to get them but gacha games have a way of fucking with how their numbers work.

>he doesn't know

whaaa whaaaa cry faggot you're not getting any old 5* for nothing, bitch boi

Anyone feel free to add me.

Attached: leonup.png (501x888, 940K)

I need new friends for the new mode. Pls add a generic Tiki lead.


Attached: Screenshot_20190202-185649_Fire Emblem Heroes.jpg (1080x2220, 1.34M)

Are you stupid

Attached: kmOvbfU.jpg (500x562, 68K)

I have only +1's.

>he STILL plays with animations on
whats it like playing for the first time with all these new bullshit modes?

S-still waiting on her banner... Any d-day now...

Attached: good tiki.png (1600x1024, 1.87M)

Give in to the 3*-4* meta
It's the only way to survive

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Christ. Is that lite data mode?

I'm never gonna get more merges for Fury Man now. The project's dead.

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So what can we expect them to fill the pool with now; who's going to be pity-breaking me from now on?

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any advice?
mine is +1, +Def

Wow no news on GHB quests STILL.
So much for f2p orbs, i guess thats dead


No meta tards pls

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-05-00-31-23.png (1080x1920, 2.21M)

That's not even an issue anymore either.

Yeah. Struggling with data space, but I should really find a way to fit it in, the quality is indeed awful.

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god I fucking hate facing sheenas
almost as irritating as Idunn

Will accept any 5* lead

Attached: serlice.jpg (1439x2469, 1.69M)

Standard is Quick Riposte and some way of running Distant Counter, whether it's through the A skill or Lightning Breath. I've been using the Atk/Def Bond seal with great effect lately, although I need to get around to experimenting with the Spd/Res seal.

They haven't added a lot of colorless until recently so the pitybreakers include Maribelle, Mikoto, Veronica and Velouria.

Litebro, I had no choice but to downgrade too. Art looks very crappy and the voices are horrible, but at least the music remains almost the same quality.


Attached: demotes 1554435792421.png (1920x1080, 2.44M)

How can it possibly be doing THAT bad coming off of suptix and half-anniversary?

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>Double prints, 2x auto speed, void battles. HMS prelude so shitters can do something instead of shit on proper HMS and room filters.

Most stuff is QOL updates, so event cycle is more or less same but way less grindy. At least they are finally dropping a new high dragon.


>GBF gives out hundreds of free rolls with roulette
>still manages to stay in top 5 for the duration

Attached: 1490357913050.jpg (557x541, 76K)

Still can't believe that's it.
Least we're getting even easier restore and L&D fodder now.

Also have a +10 Roy and Nowi with a +6 NY!Corrin in the works. I rarely shift my lead though, but when I do it's one of those guys.

Attached: Selkinu.png (720x1280, 1.19M)

Shills are saying apparently they're giving out so much free currency people aren't spending money.

Which is bullshit of course since people still spent quite a lot for new years despite being showered in quartz.

Every single one, a pitybreaker. I'll miss him...

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bunch of faggots who love sucking ISIS cock for giving them nothing

why these fuckers can't make the bonus for the resort permanent? seriously as a Feh fan I hope this shit dies faster so they can be good again

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At least Legault is easy atk tactic fodder now


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you poor soul...

>removing shitty 5*s is fine but it's only applicable to new heroes banners and only impulsefags roll on that shit
>but they also removed good pity breakers like Brave Ike when they could have just demoted garbage like Olwen or Ryoma and left ones with good fodder in
>and the lower rarity pool is still terrible so good luck getting that Silvia when you have to go through Raighx300
>focus banners like heroes with x and old seasonal reruns will still have garbage like Luke and Mist to fuck your shit up

This is fucking ridiculous

>still don't have a Sothe
guess this might let me have one


>pitybroken by Morgan, Ares, Sothe, Shigure and twice by Silvia
>still haven't pulled a Silas

Why aether instead of bonfire?
Also his res is unsalvageable, odd res wave seems kinda pointless.

Cleared out some room in my friendslist

Attached: ID.jpg (1436x1280, 722K)

how does GBFs thing work anyway
I know it has a crappy version of the rollpicker select ticket at 300 rolls, but what are the actual rates and odds of getting a focus unit? I just assumed its bloated to shit so people save for months and months for the select ticket

Aether raids, and with the bonuses i give him he reaches 47 res
>S rank with refined Corrin
> Drive res
It just works

Granblue is 5 years old. Shit don't got popular overnight.

>just assumed its bloated to shit so people save for months and months for the select ticket
This exactly

>Got laughed out of /feg/ for being a brainlet doomposter
>Comes here to cry instead



That's exactly right. Think FEH's pool, but like a million times worse. No GBF player rolls on any banner unless they're a whale or are going to spark. The ironic thing is that sparking still has limits and you can't get some of the more desirable units with it.

I'm posting in both threads you tard

Added everyone so far. Please take care of this illiterate.

Attached: Screenshot_20190404-225147.png (540x960, 560K)

dead game

Wait what the fuck. Null-C actually makes that build work?
I wish I had one of those.

Attached: Untitled.png (398x273, 174K)

Here's mine.

Attached: Corrin.png (720x1280, 1.2M)

It's on a downward trend though. You're crazy if you think it's gonna get nearly as popular as GBF.

what happens if I give bonus doubler to Legendary Marth

Might as well

Attached: DE35E1C4-FAF9-46A9-8B93-1DAC8667AEA0.png (640x1136, 1.08M)

feel free to use my good boi

Attached: 1DF05A4C-FEBF-46C4-BF2A-8CE176C46031.png (640x1136, 1.27M)

Well, you can use mine in the meanwhile, before you make your own.

Then his sword becomes the big sword.

Absolutely based

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>Absent from this thread for over half an hour
>Comes back after the assraping he got in /feg/ for being a retarded doomposter



Not him but I honestly do like DL and just want it to keep running. The more colorful, bright art style and UI doesn't lend itself to the same audience, and the family friendly feel it has (without the same fanbase as something like Pokemon) ensures it won't reach the same heights in fan material (especially doujin, which all seem to be Fate or 2hu still, and a bunch of boats).
I just don't want it to die off. GBF has lovely art but when I tried it it just didn't appeal to me as much, I wanted it to be a regular, non-gacha game (which I wanted for DL too but since GBF is actually getting a real game I might try that if it's on PC).

>new IP can't get more popular than already established IP

Color me surprised. I'm saying that this kind of comparison is stupid.

Fuck Idunn.


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If you like having oddballs and not the standard Nowis and Ninos on your list, my Leo is not terrible.

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It would be way too embarrassing for Cygames and Nintendo if it actually got canned. I think it will keep running for the foreseeable future regardless of how badly it does.

It's not about what's popular, of course shit's gonna float to the top on a free game marketplace, I mean FGO is up there with Family Guy and other shit children download.

Does this actually do anything to Idunn?

I sure hope so. I'm not under any delusions of it being the top (and I have no stake in these odd gachawars), but surely there's far less successful ones that continue to run.

i was just saying that because she beat him in the VG, but yea

>make colorful game marketed towards children
>they just play what's currently popular instead
They fucked up from the getgo

Until rinka comes about not marth always stays up there.

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She's hot as fuck but I carry my Summer Miccy and a drawback supporter for her when I find an Idunn. Irritating unit.
I've never used Julius but his lines are hilarious.

Sent. Hopefully you are interested in using a +9 L'Arachel

Can you give her WoM instead?

I definitely am. The more variety the better.

I'd use her during horse bonus rounds in GC. Post ID.

There you go.

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thanks. It makes Rival Domains a lot easier having Masked Marth as reinforcements, as well as synergizing with her prf

Well here it is

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-05-00-13-14.jpg (1440x898, 721K)

4172806302. Add me if you like, got a Keaton. (DC, vantage), doesn't have any merges, but still pretty strong.

No way

I see. Sounds painful, also why aren't they all available with "spark" then? Reminds me of Grand Chase's SR selector at 200 but in a stranger fashion, since GC's SRs are always in mono-focus pools that guarantee said unit if an SR is rolled.

>tfw deleted 2 people that sent me a request in the past because they hadn't played in over 4 weeks