Tim Sweeney just confirmed Tencent has no sway in Epic. Can we please stop calling the EGS spyware?

Tim Sweeney just confirmed Tencent has no sway in Epic. Can we please stop calling the EGS spyware?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>chinese waiter just said what you ate is not dog

>I'm not compromised by a foreign government I swear!!
>you can totes believe me!
you are a dumb bitch if you believe this effervescent monkey shit.

When you capitalize things in your first green text, and then don't in the rest of your post, it's very easy to notice that you're playing pretend, user.

>chinese vendor confirms he isn't using gutter oil

Both Epic and him can't decide what they believe, why should I believe this?

You really think he'll talk shit about his big Chinese investors and his own store on Twitter?

"He said he didn't install spyware. He said he didn't install spyware. I asked him again. You can only ask so many times,"
Every time Ted sees me, he says, 'I didn't do that,' "And I believe, I really believe, that when he tells me that, he means it

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Hmmm no

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Why does he lie so much, bros?
>Several long-timers left after the acquisition and Tim hyped it up as "Epic 4.0" that would completely change the company
>All members of a board of directors weigh in on discussions and vote as fiduciaries on behalf of the interests of the company. Tencent's directors are super valuable contributors whose advise and participation helped make Epic what it is today.

>Defendant pleads not guilty!
>Holy shit case dismantled

but he still owns the majority of the shares which means he has the last say, idiot.

not even once

>"you no do what we want, we take our mirrion dorra and go back to china"
>"I-I still hold majority so it's my call, but it just so happens I agree with everything you ask of me, master"

He already directly admitted several times chinks are extremely influential in the company, retard. You obviously don't know that a company is essentially run by its investors and the CEO must bend unless he wants to lose all investment and break the company.

Still won't stop me from 1989 Tiananmen square posting

Oh that's a relief.
A corrupt business always admits they are corrupt if you ask nicely.

As a corrupt businessman myself I can confirm this

His tweets contradict each other if that's your stance on it. If "Tencent's directors are super valuable contributors whose advise and participation helped make Epic what it is today" then that means their feedback hold more sway that what he says. If he's the one calling the shots then Tencent's directors don't help make Epic at all. The only way those two tweets jive is if Sweeney's a yesman for whatever the Chinese directors are saying.

lol look at these retarded boomers who doesn't know what majority sharholder means

>I don't listen to my investors

No one in business has said this and meant it. Fuck Sweeney, Fuck Epic Games, Fuck Tencent.

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spyware or not, EGS is still dogshit.
>piss poor security
>no games
>purchasing exclusives
And Tim is such a god damn hypocrite. Anyone else remember him bitching about Windows turning 10 into a walled garden, saying games should exist on every platform?


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It doesn't matter that they're not majority. If they invested enough that the company will fail if they pull out then that's enough to control things

Fucking @ him with this.

As a corrupt businessman I hereby declare I am not corrupt

lol at him literally addressing Yea Forums shit posting. might as well just be admitting its all true also fuck off twitter screencap fag

Tim Sweeney:
>has previously said that the shareholders have voice in their decisions, and that their partners have helped to create what they have today
>now claims they don't have a say

>platform got caught stealing information
>so they changed their terms of service soon after to avoid legal issues

>is desperate enough to hire shills to post on the cesspool of the internet, Yea Forums

>Thinking that we're stupid enough to trust the "zuckerberg" of videogame industry

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>we offer a good deal for consumers
>actually we don't care about them at all
>we won't keep buying exclusivity to games already on steam
>actually yes we will
>we don't make copies of information we didn't ask for
>actually yes we do
>we aren't controlled by tencent at all
Help a brother out, I need some deep thinking reaction images.

Tim Sweeney also said that paid exclusives are bad and that forcing a monopoly is bad. WHO WOULD HAVE THOUGHT HE'S A FILTHY LIAR?

Tim constantly flip-flops on what he says depending on what he's shilling for.

He's a hypocrite. An anti-consumer hypocrite. His list of hypocrisies continues to grow. The same guy who said PC should be a fair and free platform where all storefronts should be free to compete without restrictions and customers should be free to buy from their preferred storefronts, the same guy is doing the exact opposite with the whole forced third party exclusives and restricting / preventing customers from buying games from other stores.

I mean how greedy and arrogant does one actually have to be... to be so blatantly, so shamelessly anti-consumer in public, in front of everyone? He doesn't even acknowledge us customers or have a shred of respect for us. Even EA had the decency to do their shady stuffs behind the door and trying to come up with an excuse for it in public. But this guy, he's not even trying. Screw Epic and everything it stands for.


He recently tweeted his earlier statement of consumer choice and free competition while doing the exact opposite which again shows his hypocrisy. Here's his recent hypocritical post on Twitter

Whoever thought this guy should talk in public should be fired.

He is a PR disaster like I have never seen before.
>creates a new monopoly
>literally buys game exclusives
>also the prices are still the same

Now add to this
>data leaks
>pretty much nothing Steam can do
>Chinese control
>spying on your system

Why can he be so retarded? He should hire someone who writes his tweets, because if he continues talking bullshit, even the Chinese won't want to waste time with him anymore.

Epic Games Store? More like "Tencent's Favorite Whore"!

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>chinese cook assures us there's no dog meat in his meals.

>is desperate enough to hire shills to post on the cesspool of the internet, Yea Forums
I think they are ledditors that are doing it for free, there is a legion of them defending epic on leddit.

kek, hivemind
FPBP if I had read first before posting

>please stop calling us out as an obvious chinese puppet, they're tightening my restraints as we speak :(
Fuck you, spineless shill. You let china make your bed, now sleep in it.

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>the majority stock holder of a company having no say in how said company is run.
Sure thing Tim.

what makes you think that the ones in reddit aren't shills as well?
hell, if they're pathetic enough to shill here, they'll definitely be pathetic enough to shill on reddit

he also says steam is a monopoly when it isn't
he also says developers choose his platform because of their lower cut, when the truth is they choose his platform because they are paid
he also says the lower cut supports developers more when the money is actually going to the publishers

Tim Sweeney is a compulsive liar

Make a meme where if you see a shit game or a shit company make a game you say that it deserves to be on the Epic Store as an exclusive.

Due to the sheer number of shills there. Honestly, I bet they are C*lifornians. It's funny how the SJW capital of the world loves commies and China. You would think that the far left would hate the Chinese, some of the most racist people in the world and the least respect for human rights.

He's just one step away from calling everyone racists for critiquing him now. Same thing PUBG did when people were complaining about Hai Ping chinks and cheaters.

>none can dictate decisions to epic
>I'm 100% responsible for the decisions
that doesn't even mean anything of course he's responsible for the decisions he's the CEO, that doesn't mean tencent doesn't have huge influence over the decisions he makes and why he makes them

Pull out to where, space? Do you understand how shares work? They have to sell their shares to other investors which would make no difference to Epic, it would be beneficial even as Tim could buy back more shares from them.

This is Battlefield V vs the uneducated all over again.

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>spartan feature set

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Are you implying the anti-China posting isn't racist? Saying they're spy on everyone isn't racist but blatant shit like calling them cockroaches and such is racist and there's been plenty of that.

Oh well if he said it then it must be true.

>some of the most racist people in the world and the least respect for human rights.
Why don't the conservatives/alt-right love China then? They seem to have a lot in common.

This just in: Conartist promises he didn't con anyone!

Racism isn't necessarily false or wrong.
Chinks really are amoral bugmen.

True, you're only allowed to be racist against Russia now.

Not capitalizing "I" in any circumstance makes you look like a dumb-dumb though, even if you stylistically choose to spell everything else in lower case. It's a weird aesthetic thing.

of course a paid shill would say that
can't have angering all these investors now

>made it a point not to bunch the average liberal in with the crazies
>proceed to bunch conservatives in with the alt right
No need to get defensive unless you yourself are a filthy Commiefornian.

Niggers and kikes are also incredibly racist, that doesn't make them good.

lmao valve shill/drone shit posting is going to destroy the largest chinese and gaming powerhouse ok this is hilarious

>muh individualist enlightened bugposters

>companies don't answer to their stakeholders

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But that’s how the chinks work... They wait till publicity is low and then buy out the rest of the company. It happens I many different industries... Jesus Christ Yea Forums is stupid

>You would think that the far left would hate the Chinese
They are retarded, to nobody's surprise.
Just like in europe, the far left worships "minorities", even when they're near 50% of the population in some places.
They love muslims and islamic terrorists, despite them being pedophiles who execute women and lbgt people - both groups which the left claims to stand for

Not even American, just so happens that many American conservatives are alt-right. American conservatives make the Australian liberal party (conservatives) look far-left in comparison due to their sheer lunacy.

Epic Games is an American company, run by Americans. Tencent does own 40% of the stock, but they leave Epic Games to run themselves for the most part. This is common for the Board of Directors to mostly let the CEO run the show, since the CEO is more familiar with the company, its employees, and its goals that the Board. The CEO is also heavily involved in Board meetings and often presents the issues for the Board to vote on/approve. The Board usually doesn't do much. In fact, the Board of Directors usually only meets a few times a year and votes only on large scale calendar planning and the biggest decisions.

The CEO and everyone under him are American. These people collectively make 99% of the company's decisions. Tencent and their members of the Board of Directors do very little.

And even if Tencent wanted to do something crazy like transfer a copy of all data to Tencent or the Chinese government or dethrone Tim Sweeny, they couldn't because Tencent is not a majority stock holder. All the other board members could vote against them and prevent Tencent from doing anything stupid.

Stop trying to force the chink meme. It is completely unfounded. In fact, it is based off a plebbit post. That's right, all people trying to force the chink meme are plebbitors. Here's a suggestion: try posting a valid argument instead. You can pull those from plebbit too if you are too retarded to come up with your own.

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because the western civilization values freedom and humanism - both being things that the chinese lack

Don't forget that they hate religious conservatives but they absolutely love muslims, who are about as religious and conservative as you can possibly fucking be.

Australia doesn’t have conservatives

everyone knows reddit is based and redpilled

>ceo reports to board members, surely the board members dont have anything they want from him and just join the meeting to watch

>The Board usually doesn't do much
Clearly Tim disagrees with you

I'd take the chinese communist party over sweeney any day

Not the crazy American type, no. Thank God for that. Everyone on every side of the American political spectrum is filled with crazies, from the left to the right, it's like you people get more crazy just to spite the other side.

for all you know they don't even show up to the meetings. besides his newest tweets provide more info on this positive relationship than we've ever had. they aren't trying to control Sweeney or the company.

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You guys banned encryption.

I like how shills are trying to spin Epic's cancerous bullshit as being alright as long as it's not the chinks that made Tim do it as if that made it less cancer.

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Hes not contradicting himself retard. the quote from wikipedia is talking about how little power they have over the company. his new tweets are talking about how much they help advise him. two totally different things. he has the power. he just asks them for help.

>anti-China rage
Why would anyone be against a fascist country that represses its people, controls information, takes political prisoners, and executes people with impunity?
Now put on your Hugo Boss jacket, get in the Volkswagen and drink your Fanta, we are going to be late.

>Can we please stop calling the EGS spyware?

Regardless of what Sweeney says, Yea Forums needs to stop calling EGS spyware. This entire shitshow is based upon a single Reddit post from some idiot who has know idea what he is talking about, and no idea what he was looking at.

Wait, one second thought, believing nonsense they see on Reddit is in-line with what Yea Forums has become. So carry on, I guess.

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Get the fuck out

If you weren't retarded and actually read the laws, you'd see that they were poorly written and impossible to enforce.
The bill states that Government can force companies to add a backdoor but that backdoor must be so secure as to not be exploitable by 3rd parties and that would be literally impossible, thus making the bill useless.

>he has the power. he just asks them for help.
You're just playing semantics and ignoring the fact that he said Tencent is extremely important and influential and then saying they have nothing to do with the company when they clearly do.
It's just classic Tim antics, he's unscrupulous and contradicts himself all the fucking time, see Gabe said it best to be extremely careful with what you say to the internet because they will remember everything and will always call you out on your bullshit.

>Trusting tencent

why would you admit in the first place ?? op is a faggot

It's no surprise that the politicians that wrote up the bill also said this:
>The laws of mathematics are very commendable, but the only law that applies in Australia is the law of Australia.
Dumb fucks.

I take it back, I mean resetera.

Only when they live in the west.

what a fucking cuck idiot or slimy liar pretending not to have a clue how chinese influence works. >Muh all our interactions have been positive
yeah because what people are worried about with chinese spies is them being rude bullies and barking orders to you
fucking unbelievable
>bbbut they loved unreal tournament guys relax they're just dorky gamers like you haha.
Do not have ANY dealings with him or his software from now on


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tim sweeney also said metro exodus sold very well without giving figures

tim sweeney also said that would be the last epic exclusive they make by taking off steam

tim sweeney also cannot accept he has a receding hairline.

tim sweeney also knew there was a security flaw with the EGS which is why he crammed 2FA down fortnite players throats (not talked about btw)

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>Pony Ma
Fucking /mlp/

>it's just another platform! you want competition to drive down prices, don't you?
>look, the chinese aren't even a part of this!

gaben, for all his flaws, at least didn't have to constantly do damage control for his objectively shitty in its starting years platform.

i wish these threads and everyone who posts them would just fucking die already. shitposting on 4channel has never swayed anyone's opinion on anything.

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Is Epic still leaking user emails? I remember when everyone was getting phishing scam emails even if they only used Epic for UE4 and never installed Fortnite.

First, Sweeny is a know compulsive liar, so why should I believe him.
Second, I go well out of my way to avoid spending a dime on anything connected to China because their an evil dictatorship that should have died 40 years ago if it weren't for western companies sucking their dick for money. Even if what you say is true, why would I buy from you, who's sending the Chinese a cut of your profit by virtue of their 40% ownership?


A very good pran

I get attempted logins from epic on a weekly basis

They are full of shit and everyone knows it

Good joke. Were just more subtle about it.

>haha epic has no
>reeeeeeee why does epic have all the games

Borderlands 3 will sell millions and millions of copies. EGS is not spyware. Epic is going to continue to compete with Valve using every weapon at their disposal, including exclusives. Nothing you idiots say or do will stop that. Developers are going to continue to migrate to the EGS regardless of exclusivity deals because Valve takes 30% of their profits in exchange for foisting a review bombing army of mental deficients on them and they're sick of it. There are no corporate shills trying to influence a fucking image board populated by racist NEETs.

You can all go back to jerking off to cartoon characters now.

You’ve convinced me comrade!
Orange box bad!

I like how you rendered everything you said moot in the last sentence. Shit is funny brah

Anyone in business knows how companies will bend over backwards for clients generating much less than ~1% share of revenue. The key word in successful business is "yes".
No one ever tells a company with 40% stake in your business to fuck off. Literally never. I don't know how anyone could believe that for a second.


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Didn't Epic recently say that Tim Sweeney doesn't speak for them?

It's honestly hilarious how stupid Epic Shills are on this board. No other group of shills has been so thoroughly BTFO at every turn.

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Hes such a hypocritical idiot

thread should have ended here

>This fucking buttblasted over people finding out his shit store is stealing shit he talks shit on twitter
Absolutely pathetic

1989 Tiananmen Square

bye bye

There's nothing better than the sound of tank tracks on the pavement.

The guy is walking cringe compilation, his zoomer FOTM bucks made him delusional.

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>talking shit to me with chinese memes
I'm a eurofag retard and on steams side. Read again and realise I was talking shit about Sweeney you absolute retard.

You can't honestly expect him to be telling the truth.
Tencent, a company notorious for being under the direct control of the Chinese government and constantly spying on its users, has a majority stake in this company.
There is literally no reason for them to own Epic Games in particular.
Money is a non-issue for a mega corporation like Tencent which rakes in billions from its Chinese users alone, nevermind the government backing it has.

The only remaining reason could be because
they're bending Epic Games over backwards to take their Chinese cock and take all their user data.

User data and Big Information is basically gold to a mega corporation. It allows them to make massive business decisions and to stay informed to the general public. It will make them more money than just being given more money ever could.

Why the hell would tencent keep all their money in China when they can spread it around to less points of failure? The planned economy isn't exactly bulletproof.

What do you think Valve is doing with Steam?
Gabe was Billy Gates butt buddy for years and knows what's up with M$ and them being the alphabet agencies bitch.
Selling off the data of the users nets them so much more money then selling those shitty games.
Same for youtube.
They make money selling data and directing the eyeballs of users towards trashy videos they are paid to shill.
Yea Forums?
You don't want to know.
You really don't.

Welcome to the dark truth of the net.

I don't think you understand just how fucking big Tencent is. As a company, it dwarfs Google, Disney, and Facebook.
It is THE corporation for China. It's basically owned by the Chinese government in that everything it does is dictated by the leaders of the country.
Tencent failing would only happen if China as a country failed, and at that point no amount of foreign money will save them.

Imagine actually arguing about which store to buy your digital game licenses from. You should consider how silly you guys sound.

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>what are they, protestors?
>get out of my way, I'm busy!

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>Spartan feature set

Is that how he justifies having such a barebones store? The ego on this guy

>We are totally not spying you guys..trust me

Nice argument, /pol/tard.


>Stop trying to force the chink meme. It is completely unfounded. In fact, it is based off a plebbit post. That's right, all people trying to force the chink meme are plebbitors.
Nigger, people have been Tiananmenposting EGS threads just a few days after it debuted on the Game Awards

BASED mungposter

lmfao did you shills really think this would work here

>Epic is paying for my pirated copy
Based EGS.

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Fortnite babies are too dump to comprehend that user. That's why most of them votes for Trump because muh epic badass Youtuber and Twitch streamers dabs on the left.

*dumb. Fucking auto correct.

O-oh, the chink is emotionally scarred because people are bullying him on a website that's a copycat of a Japanese site.

I was mistaken, I looked through the archives and the VERY FIRST Epic Games Store thread on Yea Forums was filled with mentions of Tencent and also had the Tiananmen pasta.

A Saudi Arabian prince owns something like 48% of Facebook. Do you think he doesn't get a say in what Facebook does? Here's a quote by him.
>a strong American government is not good for us

devs didn't "choose the platform"
the publisher did, and the publishers are the only ones getting paid, and therefore benefiting from this whole ordeal
no matter how he spins it, in the end, the only group of people benefiting from all of this shit, are the publishers

Also Twitter got a large chunk bought out by a Saudi as well.
>t-the billion dollars he invested doesn't influence us at all hehe

Who remembers that tencent wanted to publish their game launcher steam equivalent on the west 3 years ago and we got it already aka ebic gays