So what is it about Sekiro exactly that is causing game journalists and western developers to demand From Software add...

So what is it about Sekiro exactly that is causing game journalists and western developers to demand From Software add an easy mode? I don't remember Dark Souls causing a reaction this absurd.

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Nobody wants an easy mode. It's a small group of insincere hacks knowing the more unreasonable their demands are, the more their voices will be amplified on the internet.

It's the same reason Uncharted always gets roasted for ludonarrative dissonance (i.e. funny nice man murders a million people).
Sure, hundreds of other games are just as inaccessible as Sekiro, but Fromsoft has been memetically linked to the "git gud" shit and it will dog them for decades.

>I don't remember Dark Souls causing a reaction this absurd.
Because they could hide behind summons in dark souls

They're too slow for DDR Souls

>every game needs to be made for MEEEE
this is whats happening
they clearly don't understand that they are not the main audience

Basically this. I feel like there's a lot more things to fall back on with the Souls games if you so choose to use them. Sekiro doesn't seem to have those and pretty much rely on you knowing what to do or eat shit.

because in other souls games, shitters could still get through content by being grossly over-leveled and summoning help

There are no such thing as a game being inaccessible unless you are blind, amputated, or mentally deficient.
Some game are made to be a challenging game so their player gloats about eachother's "dick sizes".
If a game is too difficult, it literally mean that its not for you. Demanding developers to make it easier because you are not simply skilled/dedicated enough to git gud would have been rather selfish

>I don't remember Dark Souls causing a reaction this absurd.

To be fair, Sekiro is like ten times harder than Dark Souls.


I hope From never do summons again, or at least lock them behind NG+. No fight in any souls game is tuned for multiple people, and by summoning you are robbing yourself of a sense of accomplishment.

No it’s not you fucking retard

Even amputated people can play video games. Those game journalists just refuse to improve.

well, you see game journos are terrible at video games and dont actually like them. They want an easy mode so they can review games quick, that way they can get back to pushing their tranny faggot progressive agendas.

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Here's one person's take on it: Directors/creators should not have to change their work at all. Film directors and authors don't explain every nuance for people that think it's too hard to understand. Most people would watch a different movie or read a different book. Those who are interested in film or book but can't understand it for whatever reason and still want to get what they can out of it have things like cliff notes or wiki pages dedicated to breaking things down. The director/author doesn't have anything to do with those, and they shouldn't. Just like a video game director/developer shouldn't either. They shouldn't have to take time to add an easy mode if they don't want to, it's not what they want their work to be. And just like cliff notes or wiki pages, there's shit like cheat engine. So just fucking use cheat engine and stop complaining.

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Do you guys ever wonder that whenever something stupid like this 'outrage' happens, that no one really cares, and that the real purpose is advertising and getting views? I mean, I'm just spitballing here, but it is REALLY easy to create controversy in the video community, maybe the real goal is milking tears out of you faggots to keep the game in the spotlight with some arbitrary reason, knowing that you guys can't leave anything alone.

Just a weird little thought haha thanks for reading my blogpost

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>No fight in any souls game is tuned for multiple people
Demon Prince and Friede were

They don't actually care, it's just the newest fad of moral back patting. Some new equally pointless "problem" will rise in its place eventually.

I was honestly answering OP's meta question.
I don't give a shit what people want or don't want, and probably neither does From.

Even if they eventually do concede, and even if it causes their downfall, that's fine too. Had to happen sometime; in fact it's well overdue.
But I sincerely doubt those first two assumptions.

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Get your logic the fuck outta here

>Every year we stray further from God's light
Imagine this, but like, games related. People are becoming more casual man. We don't want to be struggling any more. Humanity (that is to say most Western millennials and whatever generation comes after them) don't want to have to work hard any more. They want everything to be really easy if not just handed to them.

Case and fucking point, I play D&D with a broad age range. The older people understand the value of hard work and dedicate time to getting things, knowing they are going to be challenged. The younger people want the best items and shit out of the gate, and moan and complain non fucking stop to me about getting their rewards. Nigga you haven't done anything. You killed 4 goblins and then freed a poor halfling from a cage. Do you expect him to have or hand over Blackrazor?

This is a microcos (or as some say, cosm) example, but it shows how fucked the world is. We aren't going to do anything at all in two generations. People won't want to strive and work and reach their goals. They'll expect everything to be easy. And it won't be.

You almost had a point there but it's clearly not the game being advertised. It's the websites saying this dumb shit. It's textbook clickbait, and if people learned to dismiss it without looking we'd have a much cleaner online environment.

Its hardly an outrage on either side because at the end of the day it wouldn't matter. Zoomers are now pretending playing on 'normal' makes them hardcore and is the 'intended difficulty' while journos can't even handle the bare minimum of the game. Meanwhile hard modes are neglected and the majority of players avoid them as is and never truly git gud. Hell now I want their to be an easy mode so at least normalfags could stop pretending normal is any meaningful accomplishment.

its summon signs, you guys seriously underestimate this, summon signs carry atleast 10+ dark souls players i know irl

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If I didn't know better I'd say it was a coordinated assault on a high profile launch of a game from the most critically acclaimed "series"/developer still making games based strongly around challenge and a learning curve in an attempt to both reduce the concept of skill, challenge and player input in games even further into monotony, and cause a backlash from those people who still care and enjoy videogames for such things whom they can then try to shame through falsely equating such things to "accessibility" in a sickening display of propping up human shields to cover their own lack of judgement and drive.

But what do I know?

Yes it is.
Just the fact that you can't overlevel or cheese literally everything with arrows makes it so much harder it's ridiculous.

Outrage sells. victimhood is a huge market. You might think I'm joking but it's something like hundreds of billions of dollars just money milked out of people through victimhood outrage campaigns.

>Case and fucking point
The term is "case IN point" not "case AND point"

you cant call your bros to fight for you and there are no broken builds that allow you to completely ignore boss mechanics.

>I don't remember Dark Souls
It started towards the end of DS3, came up again briefly for Remastered.
As for why it's happening:
>Sekiro is hot right now, easy click money
>Brownie points for supporting the "disabled"
>Trying to pump up ego by getting big dev to cave to their demands
>Yet another way for them to say "fuck you" to the audience they hate

You don’t need to overlevel or cheese when they give you tools to deal with every situation.
>ogre is too hard!
Use firecrackers
>shield enemies are too hard!
Use the axe
>shinobi Hunter is too hard!
Learn how to mikiri and completely trivialize anything with a spear. It’s no harder than any other From game, people are just too stupid to learn it.
tl;dr git gud fag

When Demon's Souls first came out I heard it was brutally hard, and that didn't seem appealing to me at the time so I didn't play it. Why can't others do the same? They're obviously not interested in playing Sekiro if they want a core design choice to be altered.

>victimhood is a huge market

But the victim here is clearly Sekiro and it's sure as fuck not From Software behind these attacks on it.

There are other games within its genre that are far harder and challenging that still have easy modes while maintaining a high skill ceiling. Putting an easy mode in the game would only create the possibility that some shitter casual might spend money on the dev you praise so much nothing more.

This is spot on. It drives me crazy that I'm in the "bad guy" camp for wanting Sekiro to stay how it is, as if I've got some agenda against people who have a harder time playing games. It's infuriating.

Because activision published this one and if they think if they whine enough Big Daddy Kotick will force From Soft too change. It's not actually about wanting an easy mode it's attempting to gain power over a Japanese dev.

enabling retards is just dumb and has to stop

They think they're victims because a game is too hard for them.

>I don't remember Dark Souls causing a reaction this absurd.
Because the entire Souls has never been hard, like all ARPGs.
Boss is too hard?
Just farm soul levels and Titanite shards for upgrading your stuff.
Use your ranged options that make the game a shitshow.
Summon a NPC or play online.
Use the overpowered weapon of the week.
Upgrade your armour.
Kite it.
Sekiro does away with all these crutches to the point that people are too shellshocked to even understand that the game gives you an extremely powerful set of hard countering tools and other crutches, people can no longer grind away their problems or ask some NPC/online player to solve them like in Souls game.
Sekiro is simply exposing both the Souls franchise AND the userbase at the same time, that's all there is to it, and it's not like Sekiro in particular is the cause of all of this, if an Armored Core game came out in its place it would have been the exact same.

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good ol entitlement
hopefully based from doesn't listen to this crap

The only retards are the casuals who put themselves on pedestals for buying into fromsoft marketing and actually thinking beating normal is some grand accomplishment.

You don't get it retard.
In Dark Souls you literally do not ever have to learn to play the game to beat it. It has a reputation of being hard, but it's absolutely FILLED with ways to cheese everything in it. Only thing making Dark Souls hard is the player holding himself back out of some sense of honor.

Sekiro cannot be cheesed like that. In Sekiro you actually have to learn to play it to progress in it.

You can still fucking cheese through a lot of the game

Any publicity is good publicity when you're selling entertainment, save for when it completely damns sales. I don't think that it is too unreasonable to look at this as multiple stages.

Break it down into simple concepts. The game 'series' of souls-like games are known for being hard, but after consistent decent releases I imagine many fans are starting to tire of the formula. Suddenly a few major publications post articles about easier modes, essentially calling the game TOO HARD. Naturally smaller blogs are going to post the same shit too, because they have to stay relevant and they would also like some clicks. Can you really not see the full picture?


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>I don't remember Dark Souls causing a reaction this absurd.

Really? because I remember Dark Souls fanboys throwing a shitfit when Fromsoft floated the idea of adding an easy mode. Even to the point where E-celebs like JimCuck shit out videos about it.

They're putting out a game per year and selling like crazy
They don't need western casual babies money, game journos can go fuck themselves

English is not my first language, thank you for the lesson user.

Souls let you either grind your way to victory or do something like bulk up on heavy armor or use a shield to cheese your way through. Sekiro demands you suck my dick bitch suck it down you filthy slut mmm good that;s right yo're my gurl now babe. mmmmmhmmmmm yeaaaahhhhhh

I just don't get it. When a game isn't for me it's cool because I have a shit load of other games I'm interested in playing. Fuck, I wish less games appealed to me so I could clear out some more of the backlog.

She gets straight up stunlocked to death by multiple players, that's one of the least multiplayer-tuned fights in the whole series

This. It's crazy that people can't apply themselves. When I was struggling with Genichiro early on, I went around in the world, found some more Gourd Seeds and Prayer Beads and was then able to beat him. It wasn't some genius revelation, it was just me spending a bit more time delving into the game.

>Sekiro cannot be cheesed like that.
I've cheesed every boss with bullshit tactics.

Thats the irony of the situation, fromsgames aren't even close to hardcore, have massive casual appeal and influence, and adding an easy mode would objectively hurt none of the difficulty on other modes. The only reason people consider fromsoft games hardcore is because the bar in gaming has been brought so low casuals honestly think they're legitimate tests of skill instead of what was the norm 20 years ago.

no, you haven't.

Then maybe they should play those games. Why would I want them to use development time to sully their game's balance and disregard their creative intent so someone can waste their money on a worse, cut up experience and still have some others potentially call it too hard since they don't learn the game? I'd want better for them, and they should too. Saying From designs around challenge wasn't praise by the way, it was simple fact.

>if people learn to dismiss it
You mean like this board?

Sekiro is not a Dark Souls game. That’s probably why it’s not the same. God forbid people have to actually learn how to play the fucking game instead of relying on cheesing it. That’s not the game that’s harder, that’s the players conditioning themselves to use crutches and then crying when said crutches are taken away.

>Can you really not see the full picture?

Dude you're absolutely out of your fucking mind if you think From Software is orchestrating this shit somehow. From Software are incapable of deception, and they have need to do anything of the sort because people already love them by default.
This is literally just the clickbait sites trying to get attention by pissing all over themselves and crying like fucking babies.

Sekiro is hardcore though

I can see how you’d think that it’s not possible, not having seen any of the actual bosses and being stuck on the ogre.

>strawgrasps to not lose the argument

Not even him.

Sure if you haven't played action games for the past 15 years.

Overatch is a game based on skill, doesn't change the fact that the skill ceiling is extremely low. Sekiro is an action game therefore it is going to be compared to better games that have objectively handled accessibility and difficulty modes better. Making the comparison and criticism fair, doesn't mean I think they should force it into the game. But Master Ninja never stopped being hard because some shitter only played normal mode or ninja dog.

Are they still whining about it? I'm afraid the Japanese will pick up on this and think we westerners are a bunch of pussies.

Makes you even more of a faggot

>I don't remember Dark Souls causing a reaction this absurd.
Every From game has a reaction like this, it just gets louder every time. This crying absolutely happened for DaS3 and it'll be louder in the next From game too.

A faggot who’s actually finished the game :^)

>Sekiro cannot be cheesed like that
Yeah right m8
>Mash attack until you get parried
>Mash block until enemy stops attacking
>Jump away whenever you see the red symbol
Works on pretty much everything that isn't Dragon

i hope they add a even harder OHK mode just to spite these people who keep whining about it

Name a boss and I'll tell you how I did it.

I believe you finished the game, but you didn't cheese all bosses. Because you can't cheese every single one of them, not even most of them

Again, I’m not the guy who claimed to cheese them all.

they don't realize mashing L1 is easy mode yet.

Granny butterfly
Then why are you even replying to me you faggot?
Go away

R1 R1 L1. Attacking her twice causes the AI to deflect and retaliate more often then not, and it loops in on its self.
Not that annon by the way.

That’s the second time you’ve called me faggot after calling me cute as well. I think I found the problem, user. Stop thinking about me and focus on the game and you might be able to finish it.

Circle strafe her with the sidestep dodge attack and then throw a shuriken whenever she jumps. She cannot deal with it. She didn't even get a chance to summon ghosts in the second phase.

>Granny butterfly

Journalists abusing their power to make the issue sound bigger than it really is.

But AdmiralBulldog said Dark Souls 3 is way harder (but not as fun).

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>playing with the tools given to you is now cheesing
what the fuck?
also how many tries before you found out the winning strategy?
Yeah, the problem is that you keep replying to me.
I could call you faggot a 3rd time but you're enjoying it

The game requires you to learn the mechanics of the game to play the game remotely correctly.
Journalists are playing it like a souls game because the From Soft logo is on the box. They refuse to not do that and honestly believe it's the games and developers fault for their short comings.
>I don't remember Dark Souls causing a reaction this absurd.
Then you clearly don't remember every remotely challenging game being called "The Dark souls of _____"

Pretty much this.

When AI patterns into a single none threatening response because From legitimately cant program to save their own lives?

Try me.

Two tries by the way. First one I was just checking the patterns and seeing the move set and how she retaliates before actually attempting it. Ghosts where a cool surprise

I beat her on the first try because a tool tip pops up telling you to do the sidestep dodge attack on her before the fight starts.

Sekiro's structure is largely different to other games being a game designed specifically around a single experience rather than a mission based game where each difficulty is changed entirely. Maybe NG2 would be more balanced on MNM without having to also spend the time to design the easier modes. no, doing it differently doesn't equate to doing it better or worse. I see you're trying to call it accessibility though which is again a terrible perversion of the concept. Everyone is able to access a game through playing it, the challenges themselves and learning what the game offers to let you get past them are the game, not being able to guarantee getting through them without engaging with it. That is what a game is.

Lol no. Nice theory posting though, you quite clearly never played MNM on 2.
Its unbalanced because its not finished. Why its not finished was internal politics between TN and the publisher over the previous DoA game and the bonus they never received.
Regardless if they did one difficulty at the time or not, development would have halted early for one reason or another, like how DoA 2 hit shelves because a manager wanted a copy to play but instead shipped it to production.

You realise that only strengthens the "theory", which is based on simple numbers and time rather than the game in question? I used NG because you did, that's all. Regardless that's not what the post, the discussion or the thread is about.

firecracker, malcontent is the cheese.