Which of the Heavenly Tailor's gifts will you choose?
Which of the Heavenly Tailor's gifts will you choose?
The only right answer
These stats and bonuses are completely meaningless if I don't know anything about the game they relate to.
If they're for real life I'll take the suit because I am rarely ever attacked by blade, pole, or blunt weapons, and I don't know anyone who can cast magic.
Hold up, how does the bogyo set have less defense but more speed than caesar's cuirass? It covers more parts of the body than the cuirass, it should provide more defense but less speed.
I don't give a fuck about your stats or lore, I'm picking whatever lets me go faster
Can I buy his fabulous moustache?
Gavian's plate has the biggest defense number and has the coolest hat so i pick it.
That's apart of his body.
fuck clothes, gimme body pillow
It's made of a lighter material.
Holy Roman Regalia. All others are peasant choices.
Roman Regalia immeasurable charisma means I could probably talk most of my enemies into killing themselves and most women and men into bearing my children.
Give me the true roman item, the cuirass. The """holy""" """"roman""" stuff is for fakers.
you also get immunity to magic
>men bearing my children
Cuirass is more solid and sturdier.
This honestly.Take the suit, get discounts on everything and +speech. Id be a rich Chad by the end of the year.
Where's the mystery box?
Antlers on helmets are kino
What mystery box?
It’s a cardboard box with a question mark printed on it. It has no actual value but people assume that somebody going into battle wearing a cardboard box is a terrifying motherfucker and will likely surrender immediately.
Anyone who doesn't choose Francais is stupid.
I pick Ben because Kiwi.
Caesar's Cuirass. Musculata is the Chad's armor
Where's the trap outfits?
I need to be a cute girl (boy)!
pick a weapon Yea Forums
Caesar's Cuirass, roman gear has the best aesthetics and being well rounded is always nice
>no One Shot Johnny
shit list
Hero's Blade with Chaos and Wind
Skull smasha with perception and chaos
>Skull Smasher
Guaranteed 650 dps
I choose the Heavenly Tailor's robe.
Surely he saved his most powerful creation for himself.
>whats your superpower
>i turn into a scantily clad black guy
What if it's just another generic kimono?
Then at least I'll get to see the dragon's penor.
Stop being salty and take off your goddamn clothes
No way fag
Blessed kimono's straight up immunity to magic is broken but it seems there's a lot more melee dangers than there are magic ones.
I think I'll take the best option, thanks.
Now choose your weapons
Not so fast faggot
We need more anons like you desu
>boosts speech and charisma from -16 to 0
Okay but where's the Neaterest Hat?
holy roman regalia so I can finally convince women to have sex with me
I've already got the best armor set in the game, thanks
>an entire thread dedicated to how terrible Yea Forums is at making balanced video games
The shit in these dumbass lists are either broken as fuck or worthless as hell. Shit's worse than Blizzard balancing.
Holy Roman Regalia is just a better business suit, not counting the lockpicking and sneaking bonus though.
What have you done
>no stockings of programming or genderbending panties
This doesn't pander to me.
I'll take the pope stuff and run around groping people with telekinesis then using my charisma to convince them it was someone else nearby.
Knights >>>> Samurai
I think I'll take a hat that I can personalize, thank you very much
Drew Blue, because I'm a Speeed king
Somebody lewd the tailor now.
>Fairy Wand - Perception, Power, Wind
>Attacks 5.5 times per second for 125
>Guaranteed 687 DPS
>Probably from range since it's a wand and shit
That said, you done goofed. Perception + Wind on the mace is retarded good at 1000 DPS.