Today I shall remind them

Today I shall remind them.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I kind of like it.

Fucking furries

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This shit reminds me of that one Courage episode. Do you it caused him to turn out like this?

cute feet

Today I will remind them.

Attached: Colossal Kaiju Combat.jpg (181x265, 14K)

is the "furry mafia" thing real with this guy



>tfw I think a kaiju kangaroo sounds fucking awesome

why did duncan's creator need to be full autismo?

source on that quote?

The macrofag trex was better

What if it like put you in its pouch haha

this game never came out lol
the furry wasted all that money

how hard is it to search "kangaroo" on e-hentai

This is why you don’t let furgins take over your game

This could have been cool in a Rampage way. It just needed to be uglier. As it is, it's clearly a fursona.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 31K)

the paw focus really gives it away as furry fetish material

Attached: ss_d7e3389ff9452c2a8f0b0ffe279715cc761a3691.1920x1080[1].jpg (1280x720, 235K)

The furry got exactly what it wanted. It ruined things for everyone and did it by appeasing his own boner.

Nothing that bad with the design, just a complete autist calling the shots with him.

This just sounds like Yea Forums in general

Fuck off.

>on the cusp of one of the greatest kaiju films in well over a decade
>won't get a PvP monster mash game out of it
>won't get any games, period.
>Pacific Rim didn't get a good game, either

Attached: Monsterverse kaiju.png (2800x1001, 3.5M)

God, this game failed miserably.
Back before kickstarter was starting to get projects that were actually competent like Shovel Knight.

What game?

What do you think his paws smell like? Haha

Australia is a magical place

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There was a 3rd furry that got their character. Their kaiju ended up being more sentai-esque in the end, think it was Dragon Lotus or something along those lines.

the hard part is finding it

>look at animal
>immediately think of having sex with it
cringe and satanpilled


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I didn’t? The guy who put that in the game is a furfag, it’s a whole thing.

There are at least 17 kaiju awakening in the film, so maybe?

>he doesn't know about Duncan


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If you've been on the internet for a considerable amount of time you know the telltale signs of a furfag.

This kangaroo is not kaiju at all and the weirdly detailed pawpads give it away as a giant foot fetish thing.


Attached: Reize.png (814x1319, 497K)

Are there any cases of someone buying their OC into a game actually being good?

Muffet I think was OC

>this giant beast is not a kaiju at all
if you say so, chief

Undertale has the best and worst example of that. Spidergirl was extremely popular, but not the bloated diaperfag dino

Kaiju aren't just giant animals. Kaiju are monsters, often with extra body parts or mashups of existing animals, like a snail-walrus-orangutan hybrid.

Why do degenerate furries always seem to be wealthy?

I liked this anons idea

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It’s not just furfags, a lot of rich people are just degenerate

you probably only hear about the ones that are wealthy since they're the ones making commissions and donating money for that purpose.

Toho being assholes with their licenses.
They are apparently ending the deal after the next movie too...

They probably don't even make a lot of money they just save up for a long time to buy dumb shit

Because doing shit like throwing down "$500" on your diaper commission isn't exactly hard to do when you're autistic enough to forgoe basic necessities while living in your mother's basement.
>inb4 300k a year chad businessman who is also a giant patron of furfaggotry
okay dude

Maybe they don't like the idea where you have the main star not appear until the very end, for a few minutes, and spend most of the film on some retarded fuck guy.

Furfags are very insecure so you often get them pretending all other furries are these business tycoon chads. In reality maybe a couple are decently well paid software engineers

Godzilla (Monsterverse)
>355ft / 108m
>90,000 tons
Gispy Danger
>260ft / 79m
>1,980 tons
>296ft / 182m
>6,750 tons
Game when? These could be interest matchups.

Attached: Gipsy Danger vs Godzilla.jpg (1072x712, 180K)

>furry backer buys character
>re-design it so it's good

Attached: kj80nfgqbof11.png (1500x2000, 2.54M)

Daily reminder to reject furgin commissions, if you're working on a project, unless you're willing to sell your soul to them. It makes good money, sure, but at what cost?

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Because they're stealing from their parents or irresponsibly going into debt for retarded shit. Sort of like how that chibi speedrunner faggot was going to take out a $10,000 loan to get his voice in Yooka-Laylee.

We should make a character for the 2nd game

Attached: 2andb.sprite.charge.png (886x507, 159K)

296ft is 90m tho


Reminder that this furfaggot forced the creator to remove based Red because he wanted to keep his shitty OC a mary sue

Attached: Red_Image.png (184x174, 3K)

Shovel knight
>several enemies, as well as all the non-knight bosses
>exception obviously being reize


pls be lies

>Tfw a certain finnish xenophilia artist decided to let a bunch of anons and randoms form an idea for a character in his game project
>this happen

Attached: QC.jpg (1125x758, 475K)

I'd have preferred a more appealing design

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The only furfag contribution that has ever actually been regrettable is So Sorry. The rest are unappealing but harmless at worst.

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Even worse he made the game never come out

Wow, I wonder what it would be like to be crushed under one of his feet haha. Just a funny thing that came to my mind.

duncan killed CKC

still the best

I don't doubt there's a decent percentage of CSfags who are furries. 40-60k goes a long way to fund garbage. Just look at the average numale who fund retard patreons or donate to twitch streamers

>shitty fetishized character design in a video game is harmless
You're either a furfaggot doing damage control or fucking retarded.

Wow, rebutted within a minute of posting.

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I see this shit all the time here but I don't know the story.

What's so bad about the Beastboy Kangaroo?

Explain please

Asking questions will get you whacked

>collossal kaiju combat is a kickstarted kaiju fighting game
>looks good, has good artists and designers working on it
>open up tiers to have orignal characters
>duncan is a macro mary sue furry insert with a foot fetish
>I believe he threw a massive fit when the designers refused to model his constantly erect cock
>shitstorm ensued
>game died

They just mad that people prefer murican godzilla over the le epic and totary not evangelion inspired shin-gojira who gets btfoed by trains

>John: How did you go about coming up with the concept for the Abomination? What inspirations where you drawing from?

>Josh: I’ll confess outright that I’m a werewolf fan and that’s where I originally started from. In some regards, the Abomination still resembles the original concept. The transformation mechanic was a reluctant suggestion from me (concerns about how well it would fit the current engine); Tyler snatched that part up immediately. So the concept of a transformation or berserk mechanic was always going to be a factor for this character.

I haven't touched the class that much but that is a little interesting.

I know there's some good examples of "donate x amount to get your oc in the game" like muffet and shovel knight but what are some absolutely godawful examples that aren't mentioned as much as duncan, so sorry and reize?

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Game creator want to create kaiju game. Some furfag pay him to add his character into the game. Said furfag doesn't like the idea that his OC isn't special enough or unstoppable. He and his friend that put money into the game threaten to cut fund if creator does not complied to his demand. Creator did not and the game ded.

>That fucker who designed military aircraft for the united states that took loony tunes tier furry commissions WAY back

Wrong, one of his autistic directives was that his character is never allowed to have genitalia

Why didn't they just refund him and use the rest of the money? Did the furfag somehow bankroll the entire game?

Red had some sort of mind-control ability, Duncan's creator wanted Duncan to be immune to the ability, or else he'd take his money back.

What a faggot

Redpill me on this nigga

CKC was never going to be finished, that dumb kangaroo had fuck all to do with it.
Literally any character can and will be be fetishized. From inflation fags getting off to balloon Peach to furfaggots getting off to yoshi pooing eggs. If your game can be "ruined" by some dumb furfaggot's OC then it's a shit game regardless. Just look at Undertale, the dev was smart enough to hide the horrendous OC and emphasize the good one, that being Muffet, which has still been massively fetishized outside of the game.

Attached: peter-gabriel.jpg (1018x700, 50K)

Theres just as much rumor that they are handing Godzilla over to Legendary while they work on their own Godzilla stuff

>New Kaiju movies coming out
>No giant woman Kaiju
Why though?

Attached: 1200px-Attackofthe50ftwoman.jpg (1200x1842, 518K)

Fuck, that's one detail I'd never heard before.

lmao did he think the game creators were going to just slap some fully modeled kangaroo cock on it for their game?

Attached: Pain n.gif (200x200, 470K)

that could almost be hot if it wasn't so furry, shame

>>I believe he threw a massive fit when the designers refused to model his constantly erect cock
please tell me the erection part is a joke

Attached: $_12.png (582x440, 68K)

>CKC was never going to be finished, that dumb kangaroo had fuck all to do with it.
Elaborate, because that's the entire reason the Duncan situation was infamous in the first place.

that art isn't very good lol that fucking jaw, and the eyes on the character in the back

The OC was used as an excuse by the dev to take the money and run. Just like that crazy bitch who thought the sun was telling her to kill people. It was an incredibly easy scapegoat.

Obvious pet OC. He's a backer character for shovel knight and very obviously the creators baby given by the fact that he appears way more often then he should given that Black Knight is the rival and when you push his shit in as shovel knight he doesn't lose like everyone else in the game but gets tired of fighting or some bullshit like that.
In the spectre knight DLC is even worse because he becomes a main character there probably to try and justify his stupid inclusion in the regular game.

I don't think that's true, I distinctly remember reading that Duncan's creator made it a point to mention that Duncan had no visible genitalia whenever possible.

This game honestly failed due to issue after issue. Apparently their environment artist at some point died, someone doing concepts had their house burn down, Hasbro forced them to change the original name, etc. Not to mention, their original kickstarter failed and they had to put it up again.

fag with too much money in love with his mary sue OC

So your word against his. Got it.

Attached: 1410220402405.jpg (500x369, 9K)

>very obviously the creators baby
Anyone have the image or link to the guy's DA where he has almost every detail of the character's entire life, personality, and quirks written out?

I remember reading that duncan was implied to have genitalia but always hid it in pictures somehow, like standing behind a building or something.

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Either that or he's just wrong. Duncan through a fit because Red's gimmick, and maybe a part of the story, was that after Red won a bout he would 'corrupt' the other monster. Duncan raised hell saying that his OC was incorruptable and basically demanding the devs bend over backwards or he'd pull his cash.
Its really odd too because macrovore is another obvious fetish OC but his creator didn't give two shits about what they did to make him fit in the game so you hardly even notice it about him.

Bagan deserves it more

Attached: Bagan.jpg (200x240, 8K)

>because he becomes a main character
his dad becomes a main character not him

Man, just take a second to logically think about it. In what world would a single additional backer OC cause a developer to be unable to finish a project? If nothing else he could slap the skin on an already created frame and call it good. The only way it makes sense is the guy never intended to finish the game and used it as a get out of dev free card because he knew it'd be easy to shift the blame to some literally who furfag. It's an extremely obvious con job.

Attached: Yun (1).jpg (264x296, 12K)

I don't

Yeah, this is basically a "now i will buy your game"

but you know, movie.

The Furry Mafia is at your doorstep
What do you do?

Attached: fake.jpg (1140x1278, 379K)

Good feelings don't pay the bills.

I would be piss if I pay for a movie to watch godzilla, but most of the screentime is spent on generic american hero man and godzilla doesn't appear at all.


Attached: latest.png (800x679, 816K)

>tfw we never got matt frank art

Attached: kami.png (960x850, 371K)

>Furries ruin the kaiju game I always wanted
I think this was the tipping point that made me hate them the most, and then the Kerothewolf shit made them irredeemable for me.

I don't even hate the concepts of even some of the kaiju like Lycanoid or Tornaq. We've had mamammlian kaiju since Kong and Shisha, but goddamn, fuck Duncan and fuck Macrosaurus and their self insert bullshit.

Attached: Tornaq.jpg (600x708, 147K)

Amazing how these things are conventionally ignored.

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I give Macrosaurus a pass because his guy was actually ok with devs making changes. Also he was dragged into the game because he was Duncan's friend and he couldn't say no.

Red wasn't removed, but he could mind control for a limited time. Heard that Duncan demanded that removed

Honestly aside from the name, Macrosaurus was a pretty fun character anyway. Without knowing furrydom, he's just a goofy Deviljho.

First, before the spoiler, I must say that I love Anguirus and Godzilla vs Gigan is one of my favorites solely on the basis I could see pure Godzilla and Anguirus bromance.

Some guy on Yea Forums that did a test screening, who's leaks seem to match up with the trailers, stated that Anguirus does show up briefly. Although it's entirely possible that he could've gotten it mixed up with the spiky boi that shows up in Munich. I hope he's right though, I love Anguirus that much.

Attached: 810-RtkieSL._SY445_.jpg (316x445, 48K)

That's what they did with several of their own Godzilla movies, though.

...have you never watched a Godzilla movie before?

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I didn't really follow it at the time so I'm not particularly well-versed, but I believe he had a furry army behind him. I think he was a big-shot on some furry forum and had a small army of furries helping to back the game because they wanted to see his furry in it. Which made it a lot easier to financially bully the creators. On top of that, his donation was particularly large. But I don't remember that well, so I might be off base.

I've never seen an actual screenshot of this kaiju game

>environment "artist"

There was no conspiracy, no army. They fucked up their hiring schedule and couldn't get an environmental artist in time and ran out of money. The furfag had nothing whatsoever to do with it being cancelled.

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>we want the phone game shovelware look

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I agree, however, poor scaling on this poster. Most overpasses are around 13-16 ft high and this bitch is at least as tall as 8 stacked on each other

Based, I hope so

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People's hateboner for furries is stronger than the wholesome love for giant monsters in general

i honestly prefer City Shrouded in Shadow.

user, there is trend in this board. If you post an OP that will guarantee post, like half naked woman, shitposting on x, I HATE X tread, deliberately paint the border of the image red, and furfag stuff, it will get responded.

Because there's not really much to discuss with kaiju. Everyone most universally agrees they're pretty cool popcorn flicks and have potential to be decently fun arcade games, but outside of that what else is there? Power tier debates about mothra being mechagodzilla and shit? Recycled those conversations a million times. The only reason this gets replies is because everyone loves jerking off their furfag hateboner instead of actually talking about video games.

Attached: 53d.jpg (500x375, 62K)

Whatever! It's still a Godzilla crossover game. I wanted to talk about Godzilla games in general.

What's with furniggers always making the paws so puffy?

Shovel Knight at least made his character a bit more redeemable by purposely fucking with his long trail of fucking OC big nosnos to do. The dynamic between his Dad and Donovan was nice

They could easily fix this: make them all girls.

Attached: mothra.jpg (1000x620, 183K)

>tfw we will never get another Atari/Pipeworks Godzilla fighting game that has the Monsterverse versions of the Big Four alongside their Toho versions

Attached: godzilla-king-of-the-monsters-trailer-2_h1080p.webm (1920x816, 2.76M)


Well whatever I'm already late to this one and I don't wanna lose it before asking shit. Will this shit actually work and if so, can Zilla be in it?

Attached: Zilla.jpg (1000x500, 152K)

As much as people wanna meme about the big gay kangaroo the game itself was shit and wasn't going to go anywhere even if the designs were amazing.

Wait did a guy straight up die making this game?

>tfw Zilla was considered for Godzilla Unleashed but his at the time low popularity prevented him from getting in
Fucking sucks. Bagan was also seriously considered but the head guy was a Varan fanboy.

Honestly, the sheer number of the designs and the quality of the artist really said a lot to me, since there's no way they would have been able to fit all of them in.

nu-Yea Forums prefers talking about furshit than Kaijus, user

>Just watched the original Rodan for the first time last night
>That part at the end where the one Rodan gets caught in the lava, and the other jumped in after it, because it refused to live without the other stuck with me, and I had a horrible feeling about something.
>Get a call this morning from my mom that my grandma had passed away after struggling with heart failure. I intended to visit her in the hospital this very morning before work.
>I got bereavement leave and made my way to my grandparents house in a hurry
>I've never seen my grandpa in such a crushed state, grieving over his wife of over 60 years, being unable to eat much. Get reminded somewhat of the and how crushed the Rodans were.

Weird how fate selected this moment in time for me to watch Rodan for the first time. I had trouble finding a decent torrent of it.

I won't be posting much in the coming weekend, for obvious reasons, but I love you faggots, thanks for the Godzilla thread to clear my head.

Attached: Who's_Afraid_Of_Godzilla_Godzilla_Sits_Alone.jpg (600x754, 128K)

My favorite part of the entire game is the beginning. I mean you start off with having to survive being in the middle of a bout between Ultraman and Fake Ultraman/Zarab, even get to watch Ultraman use his finisher to destroy them.

If Pipeworks makes another one of those games all I ask is the return of Megaguirus. Zilla and Bagan would be fucking dope though

Attached: Megaguirus.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

Sorry about your grand-ma, user. She's in a better place now

Be thankful that your grandfather had someone wonderful in his life that he loved for 60+ years, though she may be gone the memories remain

I doubt she's going anywhere, along with the rest of the cast. The only two I think won't come back are Krystalak and Obsidius, and I'll miss Obsidius. about that petition to make Pipeworks make a new Godzilla game?

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This shit is the reason why you have to make some sort of closure when letting people be able to have their OC in. Especially when you deal with the fucking furry mafia.

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in fairness, in the Spectre Knight DLC he gets his ass kicked and is incompetent and the focus is more on his dad

She looks really cool. I love her so much

Attached: MOTHRA.jpg (760x428, 48K)

When is he going to be in a game? I want to kangaroo kick fools in the face and snap their spines like he did to King Ghidorah. that's right, fuckers, the only reason Godzilla and crew managed to best the King of Terror is because this chad right here kicked his goddamned spine into an accordion.

Attached: LMS-Gorosaurus-1968.jpg (670x485, 64K)

Even funnier when you read the bullshit he wrote about his OC

>those colors and patterns

Attached: 9693030724_b616b87fb2_b.jpg (1024x768, 477K)

Also I want to comment how it's a mad bullshit idea that the Rodan that hatched was fully grown almost immediately after hatching so I headcanon that that one that hatched in Shigeru's flashback was the offspring of the two seen in the movie and was the one that later showed up in Ghidorah the Three Headed Monster and the entire Showa series later on.

I always thought she would be a perfect nemesis for Rodan if Toho ever wanted him to have his own movie again.

Thanks friends.

Attached: Godzilla_King_of_the_Monsters_-_Rodan_poster_-_Clear_keyart.jpg (2000x2964, 602K)

Ah yes, teraurge, degenerate, but at least this guy isn't doing futa. not that I've seen so far anyways. Wish fenoxo toned those down a bit.

I honestly think he's hot

>I always thought she would be a perfect nemesis for Rodan
They attack a city together in a novel that takes place on the anime trilogy canon

Attached: Grus.jpg (324x248, 13K)

Does that mean Battra won't be part of the Monsterverse?

Sign the petition. He has a chance and so does the Iguana

Mothra's warm, meaty bug-cunt

>Krystalak and Obsidius
You think they'll take fan OCs again?

If SNK was cool, we'd have a King of the Monsters reboot by now with a giant half-naked American chick hitting kaiju with pro-wrestling moves and shouting in Engrish. Maybe if Samsho makes mad bank, I can't trust indie devs to make good sizefag vidya when all they do is artsy pixelshit.

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Toho only allowed a 3 movie deal for godzilla. And depending on the next two performances. They'll renew the contract. And theres a lot of speculation that Destroyah is gonna be in Kong V Godzilla.

Those weren't fan OCs, Pipeworks made them, and they had three other monsters as well: Lightning But, Firelion, and The Visitor. Those three and Obsidius were voted on for being included and Obsidius won.

>only allowed a 3 movie deal for godzilla
>In fucking Godzilla Vs Kong
No! They can't do that! It should've been some shit like the MCU with dozens of movies and Destoroyah woulld be saved for last and there would be a second younger Godzilla that would try to take on him and the first Godzilla would become Kiryu at some point. No, this can't end like this

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>Those weren't fan OCs
Weren't they part of a fan contest? I could swear they were.

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There's always into the breach.

yeah it kinda sucks that legendary is going all out due to the uncertainty with TOHO. but at least it will make for a decent trilogy.

Please watch at least 10 godzilla movies before posting another idiotic and clueless post like these

Didn't his owner get buttmad when they turned him into an edgelord because Reize is supposed to be "pure"

From what I've read the owner actually enjoyed what they did and erp'd as his father

I knew godzilla vs kong was coming but I was hoping that it was going to be godzilla vs kong and THEN King of the Monsters. Doing it the other way around is stupid

I saw retardation once that furries were chads who get laid all of the time and get paid well.
Huge difference between fucking at meetups with other lonely losers and using neetbux to buy furry porn than what that moron was telling us.


Attached: Lightning display.webm (1280x720, 1.64M)

This would've been much better

casualy know kong more than ghidorah. but yeah, having godzilla go up against a world ending dragon only to follow up with a kinda smarter than average kaiju monkey is a bit dumb.

>Grand King Ghidorah reference

Furfags just ruin everything they touch, they need to be forced back into their communities and own sites.
Seeing boorus that are anime related getting flooded by furry content is one of the latest things to hate them for.
Back in the 00s they were everywhere and ruined communities and discussions, it didn't matter what, videogames of all types, anime, art, they just couldn't control themselves.
Which resulted in a lot of hate which made them retreat to their own circles and everything turned out fine, they went on with their fetishes unhindered and others were free from their constant derailing and inserting their fetish into completely unrelated shit but a few years ago they decided to just all start coming out again or maybe it's the newer furfags and in turn are ruining sites again.
Something needs to be done to fix this.

Attached: 1423943752383.jpg (584x483, 71K)

How can a giant gorilla possibly top this shit?

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Looks like a fucking nuke going off in the last .1 second too, at the base of his feet

t-that's a he?

He won't

Attached: Death.jpg (920x600, 613K)

Don't bother posting evidence. Yea Forums doesn't care. Yea Forums just want to keep shitposting as hard as possible, and doesn't care about truth.

Just ignore theses faulty bad threads.


Attached: Beam.webm (1280x720, 1.72M)

Baragon is cute

>gets to be in a kaiju suit for a godzilla movie
>at age 14

if only I could have that life.

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The woman in the suit is cute too

This is prime kaiju design

Attached: Gamera3.jpg (1024x683, 88K)

I never thought of that, but you might be right. It looks a lot like Eustace when he became a kangaroo.

Who's your favorite Kaiju, Yea Forums?

Attached: megalon_by_killustrationstudios-d52lwym.jpg (400x619, 119K)

>still hated by the star wars fandom
I never really hated him


Attached: DESTOROYAH.jpg (850x1083, 228K)

fucking RIP to everyone still on that city

The city gets fucking destroyed

Attached: Slam.webm (1280x720, 1.6M)

Your dick or the doujin?

anime as fuck


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Rodan is a cool guy.

Attached: Rodan eats a dolphin.webm (1164x480, 2.98M)

Still upset that the teaser for a new movie that was never made.

>Be a furry
>But also be so based you end up designing the best character in the game next to Bounty Hunter, Highwayman, and Leper

Maybe furshitters ain't all that bad

Attached: nice dogy.jpg (683x508, 145K)

>no PR vs Godzilla
>no PR show
it was never meant to be I guess

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Absolutely based

Attached: Irys in flight.webm (546x360, 2.13M)

Left head is like "I never liked the right head anyway".

dumb autists ruining everything

Attached: Cretaceous Ghidroah.webm (854x480, 2.07M)

>two dorsal fins

What am I looking at here

Attached: Leo vs Cretaceous Ghidorah.webm (854x480, 1.82M)

Fuck off with the "furry" boogeyman. Stop attaching irrelevant shit with video games, and go back to Kiwi Farms.

>that scene where Gamera is flying against Iris in the air and retracts into his shell and starts spinning rapidly while Iris stabs into Gamera's shell
Fucking badass

Man, Jurassic World 3 looks a lot different than what I was expecting.

Either Megaguirus or Gigan (Millenium). I also like Mothra and Kiryu a lot.
Allow me to say you have good taste.

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>Its really odd too because macrovore is another obvious fetish OC but his creator didn't give two shits about what they did to make him fit in the game so you hardly even notice it about him.
That was Duncan's friend's OC. He didn't even want to have him in the game but Duncan forced him to have him in. That's why he was OK with the changes.

Attached: Baragon.webm (1176x500, 1.27M)

I had only heard of this game through the Yea Forums memes, and it turns out they were completely made up. Guess I should have known better than to believe something I read on Yea Forums, anyway.

you actually thought that was a girl?

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I like playing as MechaGodzilla in Destroy All Monsters:Melee, great game I'm sure you all played too. I unlocked the extra monsters and shit, was there any Godzilla game like that since then?

Fuck off tranny yiffnigger

>The way he just drops the t-rex

I want a new Godzilla fighting game, Yea Forumsros. I'm sad, because I know we probably won't get one for a long time.

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I would honestly take the furries over this whole wanting to be a girl tranny trend.

this one?

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Attached: King Ghidorah's tail.webm (854x480, 2.09M)

He gets lightning powers too again


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Gamera should totally be in the next Pipeworks game if they ever make one. In a DLC pack containing non-toho kaiju

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>tfw Abomination could have turned out like this
Red Hook really dodged a bullet there

Pic related counts, if "heavily modified from the original concept" counts as an OC.

Attached: This guy was originally supposed to be a werewolf that was hated by christfag party members.png (1200x872, 942K)


>Laud someone for making a good character
>Fuck off


Duncan stepped on him.

it's already my favorite figure and it isnt even up for preorders yet

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King Ghidorah & Gigan equally

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a really ugly one

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Is "tranny" just going to become the next "person I disagree with" word? We seem to get a new one of these every few months now.

Will they actually make a set of Rodan, Mothra, and King Ghidorah standalone movies? Ghidorah is the only one other than Kong and Godzilla out of all the Toho monsters unique enough for his own movie.

The whole "cinematic universe" thing is retarded.

Am I still cool, guys?

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They put so much personality into those two dinosaurs I love it

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>Retarded Tripfag doesn't know the full lore behind Abom

The guy who wanted him in definitely liked werewolves and wanted one in the roster, but he didn't think they'd do it and only reluctantly suggested that he should be able to transform.
Red Hook literally jumped at the opportunity to make a character with a berserker mechanic.

Of course, I haven't got to call anybody tranny yet so you get the pleasure of being the first person I call tranny. I can't wait to see what exciting new slang term Yea Forums will cook up next.

worse it's a fat autistic dude that refuses to acknowledge he has a dick and acts like he has no gender. Also he has a fetish for obese animals eating eachother and farting.

The fuck you on about? All of those (except Kong) are from King of the Monsters.

hi Samael

Even Tuna head is cool now. So Clover should be alright
Your last movie sucked though

Attached: Zilla04.jpg (526x457, 193K)

Either Space Godzilla or Ghidorah

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imagine the smell

It was one funky movie. Mothra traveling through time. Pedo King Ghidorah.

Attached: Leo vs Ghidorah.webm (854x480, 1.83M)

Attached: ikki.png (487x564, 118K)

its pretty easy when you put irl relationships, health, education, any other reasonable forms of escapism and any prospects of a future before your fetish

You'll always be cool to me.

pipeworks trilogy remaster never ever

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I love you Clover

They're making a petition for a new game though

based, i love spiders

I don't care for the fat fetish stuff, but has a nice ass

I said "could have" turned out like that. It could have turned out to be someone much more inflexible or wanting a fetishfag class who got to design it.

I don't see many people complain about the Lisa OCs besides sometimes Garth, but he has his share of fans too.

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Attached: Gigan Arrives.webm (720x480, 1.3M)

After GvsK? I thought it was this movie then the Kong rematch.

When did people start liking Zilla?

Attached: Gigan vs Godzilla.webm (720x480, 1.99M)

Oh so they aborted the cinematic universe thing teased at the end of Skull Island? Good.

Attached: Gigan and Godzilla box.webm (720x480, 1.46M)

Can I get a tl;dr of what happened?

>The whole "cinematic universe" thing is retarded.
Reminder that Godzilla has been doing the cinematic universe shtick since almost the beginning, and if you shit on the franchise for literally employing the technique it helped pioneered, you're a raging homosexual.

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Attached: Gigan gets the shit beat out of him by Godzilla.webm (720x480, 2.76M)

It wasn't aborted. It was just a teaser for the sequel

Matt Frank and other big name fans like him. People soon started realizing he's way too over-hated. As his own Kaiju he's pretty cool.
Plus, I'm pretty sure Toho itself likes him a little

Attached: ZillaIDW.png (1164x805, 1.46M)

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>Toho put Zilla in solely to crap on him
>acts far more like a monster and destroys Sydney by himself

I got mixed signals from that movie.

Zilla Jr. is also a cool guy

probably around rulers of earth

>Even worse he made the game never come out
The game looked like complete shit. If anything the furfag did the world a favor.

Nah, he's shit.

They're just leapfrogging. Shin Godzilla may be a standalone film, which I'm glad it may be. Toho is trying to make a new Kaiju cinematic universe after King of the Monsters is released, and that might be interesting. Legendary and Toho really dropped the ball on the Godzilla franchise 2bh. Final Wars, as cheesy as it is, still holds up well against the two newer films

Attached: Cava6CL.jpg (480x270, 59K)

Zilla was awesome in the cartoon

Bruh Godzilla's been doing the cinematic universe thing since 1955.

Deep down we all liked Zilla a little. It's just that people are much less afraid to admit it.

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Legendary confirmed that they're going to continue making Godzilla movies if KotM is successful.

Your opinion is shitter

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speak for yourself zillacuck

Attached: Godzilla kills Zilla.webm (1000x426, 2.97M)

>no one has posted this yet

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I think people really started cutting him some slack once he started getting more of an identity as a separate monster that's not Godzilla.

>Remember an old OC I made a long time ago
>Was completely innocuous when I thought him up.
>Would be furiously fapped to by fetishists if he was ever fully realized, don't want to really put it out there because people might think it's a fetish thing for me
This ever happen to anyone else?

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>Final Wars
>holds up well

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>We've seen in multiple trailers that Rodan and Ghidorah fight
>Seen plenty about how Rodan is this molten fucker that lives and comes out of a volcano
>Show a scene where Ghidorah is roaring while standing on top of a volcano with a cross in the forground
Am I the only one that thinks this makes it obvious that King G puts Rodan down before the climax of the movie?

werent some giantess fetishists making a fighting game recently?


fling poo at it

Attached: Eat Shit.gif (267x200, 1.44M)

You speak for yourself, kid. He is genuinely being more appreciated by fans and the companies nowadays. Hating on him is completely pointless.

I never get tired of watching this.


Say all you want about the low production quality, but I had a fucking blast watching the flick, way more fun than the other tryhard Godzillas

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Final Wars has the best fight choreography in the series

he's not as bad as the new cast with the gorilla, the bug and the woman

People hating on Zilla nowadays are just kids trying to get mad at something. Prove me wrong

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he's also like, the only character with a logical progression + growth in the phantom menace

That's not the point. The point is the guy I replied to insists to redirect all the attraction and attention to a person that's furry, can't think of anything concrete to say other than "Maybe furshitters ain't all that bad", and posts an image of a person wearing a fursuit. He's going all out with ad-hominen and generalization. That's rule-breaking of this site.

He's, basically, letting some kind of internet group running rent free on his head, and that's completely idiotic.

What I was getting at was mostly that, while it definitely has high points, Final Wars is a massively flawed film and, despite the fact that I love several parts of it a LOT, it really doesn't deserve to be considered good or even great. Parts of it, definitely, but not the film as a whole.

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we'll see
WHO'S the best.

Getting killed by Godzilla only puts you in the "noticeable enough for the King to kill" category. All this hate will get you nowhere, kid.

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Skullgirls had backer characters appear in stage backgrounds, including Zone-tan

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really glad they made his breath more of a beam again as apposed to the shitty whispy fire the 2014 movie had. Everyone was just happy he actually had his atomic breath this time but barely anyone notices/comments on how weak and pathetic it looked.

17 seconds of screentime and its dedicated to killing your shitty nu-monster
Seethe harder

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For the Matrix ripoff shit, maybe. Can't say that about the monster action because there's hardly any of it.


According to leaks, he melts Ghidorah's heads off

Attached: Confrontation.webm (1280x544, 2.7M)

there's a good amount of monster action, its just near the end of the movie

>implying kaiju films were ever meant to be taken seriously
It's the absurdity of the genre that made it so great in the first place. I'd rather watch an exciting shitfest than a redundant 2 hour drama that overly overly blueballs the audience by making Godzilla a mcguffin with 8 mins screentime instead of having him(her?) being a character in his own movie

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>Buzzwords, buzzwords and buzzwords
Did you even watch the movie? That wasn't the only scene he was in. You're not even trying anymore.

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Holy fucking cringe

Even as a youngin I liked zilla, I can't remember but he may have been the first "godzilla" movie I ever but even so I never thought of him as the real Godzilla after seeing some japanese (especially godzilla 2000) movies.

oh Im sorry, I forgot the additional 4 seconds where they introduce it and THEN it gets fucking raped by Goji in the next scene it appears in

Attached: Kurata.jpg (442x440, 21K)

Now post his theme

Hello zoomer

Holy fuck, he's really rude

>a redundant 2 hour drama that overly blueballs the audience by making Godzilla a mcguffin with 8 mins screentime instead of having him(her?) being a character in his own movie

So you mean like 90% of Godzilla movies?

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Spoken like a true faggot who has never seen a single film but instead says his own bullshit he heard from some niggers echo chamber

Don't mistake me for a 14shitter. I'm not saying every Godzilla movie has to be taken seriously. Gojira and arguably Shin are among the proud few that can be. My problem with Final Wars is that the cheesy "fun" parts are often drowned out by the Matrix-tryhard human scenes. Anyone that isn't Don Frye bogs the human scenes down. That's why he's single handedly the best part of the human plot despite his acting ability. He's the right kind of fun. The rest of it is horribly flawed and often isn't the kind of fun you really want from your Godzilla films.

Attached: 1546401025350.png (517x432, 337K)
>Although never sighted in the water, Duncan has been sighted on all seven continents - though only at humorous and/or inappropriate times.
>In combat, Duncan often uses hillarious hijinks to confuse and confound his foes.
>Initially thought to be non-threatening to humans, Duncan is now classified as a priority-one global threat to decency and good taste.
Red died for this. Fuck this world

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He's still much more appreciated than the Kaiju introduced in that very movie.

Attached: Kaiju.jpg (308x450, 54K)

This guy is fucking great

Screw you furfag, you are a cancer.

>Implying getting raped by Goji is something to be ashamed of
It's fucking Godzilla, mate. Just because he's not as strong as him doesn't make him bad at all.

Toho appreciated having Godzilla kill it and send a message to Tristar for being fucking retarded

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Other than Duncan and So sorry, what are some of the worst OCs?

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I remember watching that show all the time.

>My problem with Final Wars is that the cheesy "fun" parts are often drowned out by the Matrix-tryhard human scenes
I love teh Matrix scenes (and the cartoon villain too)

Attached: Guilty Pleasure.gif (360x192, 612K)

Call me unoriginal but big G himself is, has been, and always will be my favorite

Attached: theking.jpg (810x1200, 113K)


Toho itself allowed them to use that design, do some research. They were just having some fun, the "message" thing is a meme
>Toho later acquired the character for themselves
>He appeared in multiple Godzilla media
>Was planned for several games, only didn't make the cut because of butthurt fans
>Was in the first and last issua of Rulers of Earth
>In the Monster Apocalypse novel he's referred to as one of the most cunning and deadly Kaiju due to the strategies he uses with his hatchlings.
Let go of the past, user

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I was under the assumption it was "favorite kaiju that isn't Godzilla"

As in kaijus or OCs in general?

Godzilla save the earth, same basic game just more monsters/maps


>Kaiju VG thread
>no one mentions this

I'd love to see this come back, you'd think with the rise in Kaiju material due to Pacific Rim and Shin Godzilla that another Kaiju game would come out.

Attached: war of the monsters.jpg (3202x2130, 2.53M)

MireGoji is the definitive Godzilla design
Shin and Legendary niggers can fuck off

Attached: Mire4.jpg (1200x1200, 332K)

Funny how you keep harping on Godzilla killing Zilla so fast when he does the same thing to 99% of the other monsters in the movie. Guess you despise Rodan, Anguirus, King Shisa, Kumonga, Kamacuras, Gigan, Hedora, and Ebirah as well.

I love how he has a list of incredibly specific demands and then has "I'm a pretty nice guy" in the middle

I don't think it's happening. nobody fucking makes kaiju games these days.

Attached: 1552381408703.png (304x224, 30K)

>Video thumbnail shows two women and zero monsters
From that alone I know this will be a shit movie with the wrong priorities.

*blocks your path*

Attached: 1538324386480.webm (1280x544, 2.86M)

That this thing died because of a retarded Kickstarter plan and not because of Duncan.

Bringing in other monsters that had their own prior movies just because why the fuck not isn't the same thing as all the lame ass "cinematic universe" garbage where they expect you to watch 35 movies to gather the plot details for a dumb action movie.

Post yfw you hear this erupting from the speakers during the movie.



Attached: gigachad.jpg (1242x1394, 156K)

That's just because those movies are centralized around human characters. Doesn't make it any less of a cinematic universe. If anything, it's better that the monsters are what tie the films together instead of the humans. They don't have lifespans and their contracts are determined by studios, not individual actors.

The other Kaiju get to fight him. Godzilla absolutely pimphands Zilla. By far the most one sided encounter in the montage.

There's barely any Kaiju anything these days. We've got the movies sure but I'm surprised there's not some Kaiju anime or manga. Even the only comics I can think of are the IDW Godzilla comics, Kaijumax, World War Kaiju and some other small ones.

Best girl, best kaiju.

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The nigga was straight up Frieza'd

Gigan fought Mothra for a while, decapitaded himself and was flamefucked by her. That's way more humiliating than just dying by Godzilla's hand.
Which he did. He was 1-shot by him before being rebuilt

>Dark Green skin
>Jagged purple spikes
>G Cells
>Reptilian as fuck
>That fucking crackling sound for his atomic breath followed up by the pixie dust sound affect
>Atomic breath is the color of the sun
>This fucking theme
Its just the cold hard truth

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>Already busted a nut to Roo-pussy
>There's a loli in her pouch

This doujin is just godly

Just want to personally thank everyone in the thread for discussing this wonderful genre and the Godzilla franchise, even if it started over the furfag question. I'm so glad kaiju things can be talked about in any capacity nowadays.

Macro is a shit fetish

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I really like his dorsal spikes here

But I already knew this, what is the pill going to do?


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Yea Forums is always great for kaiju fun.

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Heisei Gamera is the best
Nothing tops the lore behind the Four Gods and Atlantis

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This pill wasn't for you then, but here, have another one

Attached: 7323FA96-7C56-4060-ADFE-5ED2E10A9C04.jpg (237x213, 6K)

5 years later and this is not only still great, but relevant.

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Gigan also got one of his coolest designs ever and got hyped up pretty hard. Final Wars Gigan is best Gigan despite how his fights play out.

>help rodan something spooked me. it looks like you but faggier

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Dude, stop shitting on Zilla. We don't have much Godzilla threads, this is supposed to be comfy

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user! Your image is upsetting Old Kentucky Shark!

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Jesus Christ, That flick is a fucking disgrace

I honestly hope that's the design they stick with. It looks too damn good. Do you like the scythes or the chainsaw better?

Attached: Gigan.jpg (594x594, 70K)

cry more Yea Forums faggot

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The chainsaw are cooler overall. I like how once you give him the saws on his hands the weird saw on his chest sort of becomes part of a coherent theme instead of a nearly irrelevant and obscure design detail. Chainsaw Cyborg Kaiju is a pretty cool theme

Literally what the fuck does Yea Forums have to do with any of this. Jesus christ you niggers like to be annoying.

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The world can always use more Biollante art.

Nigga quit replying, it's what he wants.

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Gamera, friend to all children

Reminder that Dr Serizawa (Original) is the most based man in any Godzilla media. Also what does Yea Forums think of the MUTOs as their own Kaiju?

God, I'm so fucking hyped for KotM

Attached: Ghidorah roar.webm (1280x720, 1.39M)

Name a better shitposting duo. I dare you.

The chainsaws are sick as hell and were an undeniably great reveal but I think the scythes are better aesthetically.

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Worthy of the Heisei Era

They're cool, waiting for the graphic novel with MUTO Prime.

>The other Kaiju get to fight him
Kamacuras, Kumonga, Ebirah, and Hedorah died just as fast and didn't do jack.

Let's just pray it's a success so Legendary can keep making them. We'll certainly see Gigan, Mecha G, Maybe even Hedorah, Megaguirus and other underappreciated ones too.

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They were perfectly fine, no glaring flaws outside of being obvious fodder for Godzilla to beat down. I do like that they had their own little story in regards to finding each other as a mate. It's not too often you can see the kaiju antagonist be kind of cute and affectionate. Even if they had to die, their screams of despair when their babies got killed made me sad.

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>Duncan is now classified as a priority-one global threat to decency and good taste.
You ever wonder if a small reasonable part of furfags is constantly trying to cry out against the greater whole?

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I think they're great. Love their designs

All of those monsters have already had solo films before from back in the day with the exception of Ghidorah...I imagine if they got new solo films they'd be reimaginings of those

Poor MUTOs all they wanted was a big and happy family, fuck skullcrawlers though they killed Kong's family.

>tfw I don't give two shits about Godzilla but really liked the design of the american one because it is way better than some fat guy in a dino costume

I've heard that the screentesters found it amazing, so I have a lot of hope.
Legendary Destoroyah when???

Attached: Destruction.jpg (1000x667, 818K)

Ghidorah's redesign giving him fuckhuge wings is fucking amazing. Fight me.

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It'll never happen, but Legendary Biollante would be a dream come true. They could play up every single aspect of her. Being a genetic monstrosity, having both human and Godzilla cells influence the mind, defending the professor's lab of the dead girl she's partially made of.

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why does godzillas little sister hate him so much

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Fuck huge wings are my fetish

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Ain't no one gonna fight you, nigga, those designs are on point.

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No one likes him in the Yugioh world.

Muffet was a kickstarter goal

Disregard the design, what kind of kaiju name is that even?
>Breaking news, the city of New York has been devastated by Duncan!

I still can't believe how good yet down to the source material these designs are.

What's the key to kino kaiju designs and why is it prehistoric beasts and insects?

>FeMUTO's wails of despair turned into growls of rage and hatred when she saw the puny human who killed her babies

Because overdesign stuff get distracting and mocked. It basically scream LOOK AT ME BIG SCARY COLORFUL MONSTER!

If the Monsterverse is successful enough, I don't see why Biollante would be so impossible. Definitely deserves more love.

Their /ss/ fan art is great

Let's not forget that Duncan literally forced macrovore into the game by duncan because it was his OCs boyfriend and against the creator's wishes

To be honest I wish we'd have more variety.

>3 crustacean kaiju
>2 mollusk kaiju
>1 plant kaiju
>2 mammalian kaiju
>everything else is reptilian, insect, or mechanical

the cartoon was pretty bitchin'


Anons this was a great Godzilla thread. Thank you.

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Who else here is /unbelievable/?

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For whatever reason I just can't get off to cats

All things considered the kaiju resurgence is going better than I ever could have imagined. Goji 2014 was flawed but fun and immensely well-received. Shin Godzilla was so fucking great, Kong was unexpectedly amazing and KotM is shaping up to be insane. I don't want to get my hopes up too much, but at the same time I'm so happy for all this happening right now. Shame about Pacific Rim...

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super short version
Rich(?) furry paid for his fursona to be in a game, his immense autism caused multiple bad things to happen and people backed out

Godzillaverse King Kong has lightning powers, don't know if Legendary will go that route though

Is there any hope of PR getting good again?

Still, not as impressive as Ghidorah or Mothra imo

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>furbait thread
>becomes comfy Godzilla thread
Even the flamewarring is endearing in a supernerd kind of way. Good thread

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Kong's lightning powers literally let him resurrect himself

Retcon all the events of uprising out of existence.

He's kind of a dick. Just saying.

Attached: Biollante.jpg (825x600, 105K)

Some people are thinking that Kong will team up with Godzilla to take down a bigger threat because a straight GvK fight would be way to lopsided.

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I don't have much hope after the snoozefest that was the sequel, but I suppose there's always the smallest possibility. Seriously, how the fuck do you make giant monsters and mechs boring? The first movie made it the most glorious thing for years until the sequel came about.

Attached: 3057_10151745865621117_280432233_n.jpg (960x744, 88K)

I blame John "I identify with Kong" Boyega

>Seriously, how the fuck do you make giant monsters and mechs boring?
blame John Boyega

I've been working on a Kaiju webcomic on the side with some artists. Main thing has been trying to think outside the box for some designs. Got a few reptilians, robots and insects but only one character is semi more original in design compared to others.

Showing Soviet robot character

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>Matt Frank is still doing his Godzilla neo series of art
Man it feels good to be part of this fandom

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The gimmick with Skull Island is that almost all of its life either mimics or is bonded with plants, becoming a flora-fauna hybrid. I'm not sure if or how that fact can be represented with Kong, but it could be relevant.

I'm fairly certain that they said that's not going to happen. They will fight, and there will be a winner.

Travis Beacham and Guillermo del Toro left the project, so what we ended up with was a hollow shitfest sequel with garbage CGI and a terrible story that's loosely based on Beacham/Guillermo's original sequel concept of the Anteverse creating mech-kaiju hybrids in an attempt to learn from their loss.

Good show, Godzilla. Perhaps you would enjoy discussing the state of the kaiju world over tea and crumpets?

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Holy shit.

>destroys and megalon will never be in another movie
Help me

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>tfw I saw this same artist offering commissions in one of the art groups I'm in

He actually had some pretty good prices too. When people asked him about Colossal Kaiju Combat all he said was that any development stuff he didn't know about. He just did art and that was it.

Thanks for the comfy Godzilla thread, anons

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>because a straight GvK fight would be way to lopsided.
Kong's going to be nearly or as big as Godzilla when they meet. The only thing that would make it lopsided is Godzilla's heat ray and that's assuming he'll be firing it willy-nilly or Kong won't try to avoid it.

God damn that artwork is beautiful as fuck. What is that from?

I don't even LIKE godzilla movies and I know most of them do EXACTLY that.

except for based Final Wars. Because Final Wars is the best godzilla movie because it doesn't feel like a godzilla movie.


>there will never be another shin Godzilla
Seriously send help

It just makes me so fucking mad. I could go on for hours about it, but one of my biggest peeves was the new mechs' dumb weapons and the fact they were all piloted by little kids. The hell were they thinking? I laughed audibly in the theater when those kids died and not a single person dared contradict me.

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>make them all girls
that would make biollante a VERY different movie

Final wars was the greatest action movie I’ve ever seen. Giant monsters and weird power ranger style fights. Amazing

That's pretty awesome, user!

Still cute.

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also zilla's scene will never not make me smile.

This is what peak kaiju performance looks like

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He did nothing wrong.

I think it ruined Godzilla's image for quite a number of people who didn't know Godzilla.
I remember taking my friend to Godzilla 2014 and she was confused as to why he had atomic breath

Your the only person to acknowledge his existence. OG mecha Godzilla outshines the fuck out of him

>design OC
>ends up being one of the most popular NPCs in the game

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Toho kaiju roars are always a delight, but this guy's is definitely among the top 5

dont have anything to contribute but this is the best thread on Yea Forums right now, nice

>Sum 41 for the american godzilla
>all to blame
>SUPER SIZE OUR TRAGEDY *a disappointment, a disappointment* BORN IN THE LAND OF THE FREE

goddamn, even the SONG is the fucking japs making fun of zilla.

God Bless America.

You're welcome

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The titan redesign was nuts to. He looked like an actual killing machine

Titano's got a pretty robust fanbase, he's far from forgotten.

The thing I love most about Toho's sound design is how distinct and recognizable they made (most of) the monsters' roars. They did get a bit lazy in the Heisei Era with both King Ghidorah and Battra using Rodan's roar with different speeds and pitches, though.

>walk in expecting fun if mildly mediocre film
>it's a fucking Vietnam war movie crossed with outstanding kaiju action, mild horror and Samuel L. Jackson as commander that goes nuts
How'd they manage this? Almost every single scene is memorable and the fights were brutal as fuck. That scene in the forest where that poor bastard gets impaled through his fucking mouth came out of almost nowhere and is one of my top 3 moments of the film.

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>buy rights back to hated character just to kill him off

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until King of the Monsters, kaiser ghidorah was the only time I ever thought ghidorah looked at all intimidating

I’m going to cream myself hearing ghidorahs weird cackle roar thing in the movies.

That's why we all hated him initially, but he's okay now. The Monsterverse trilogy already made people-not-from-the-fandom forget completely about Tristar anyway.
This scene is still haunting.

>also kill him off in an effortless way while a song about americans ripping shit off and ruining it plays

The guy who made this film is currently helming the Metal Gear Solid movie

Actually, Tristar's contract just expired

Wow, that's pretty stupid. Even my ancient parents who barely watched one or two films back during the 70s knew what they had just watched wasn't the real Godzilla.

The tragedy will always be that as a design, Zilla is top notch even if it is derivative of the JP raptors. It simply had the misfortune of trying to take over for the king of the monsters, which it had zero chance of doing. Time has been kind to that overgrown iguana.

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Toho always had the rights to 1998 Godzilla and Jr.

I meant to say gigan but ghidorah always looked more majestic than Godzilla in almost every movie. Kaiser ghidorah actually looked like the evil.


Cloth from HK



Crown if Leaves
They went with the episodic development and there is no ep. 2 yet.

I really don't like ghidorah's design in general. having no arms just looks really off - it's why I REALLY like the monster X design.

They never ever had beef with Tristar. Where did this rumor even come from? Toho was the one who gave Zilla's design thumbs up to begin with. And the directors were even good friends with some of the Toho executives iirc

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His faux intellectual bullshit was great in this movie. So many horrible theories about this movie when in reality
It was about humans not being retarded and actually grouping together to get shit done.
>shin will never crack out of the ice

>never ever had beef
>a YEAR after 98 comes out, they rush out a new godzilla movie
>GMK has them mock zilla as not even godzilla
>then this happens

Oh boy, it's a big fucking Kangaroo
Garbage design

There's a group in the furfag community that is exactly that.

They might as well be pissing in the wind.

It would make more sense if he walked on his wings but oh well. The legendary design for ghidorah is better than the original. Monster x makes more sense as some evil villain blowing up planets with ease

Roland and Emmerich had no respect for the source material, it's why their Godzilla is just a giant lizard with no special powers. Hell they even said their movie is what Toho would have made if they had modern effects technology back in 1954.

I just want to say this: Fuck the PS2 version of Godzilla Unleashed. It's like a shitty total conversion zombie mod for GTA Vice City. It's just Save the Earth but with slightly different character models, broken throws, different stages and more frame rate drops. None of the new characters from the Wii version were there, bar Obisidius, and him and Battra are literal clones of Orga and Mothra. And the Battra models used were so shitty, too. Even the announcer for Battra was recycled from an unused voice clip from StE. Fuck, they didn't even port the Final Wars Gigan from the Wii version, and just reused his old models. The ONLY change to the models in that game was Moguera's hands becoming white, like in the Wii version, instead of black.
Don't get me started on the throws, too. Most of the characters' throws simply don't work: they have no horizontal range, so when you'd throw an enemy, they'd flew straight up. Only a few characters had properly working throws.

Now where's my Kaiju Girls show with Godzilla monsters instead of Ultraman monsters? That's untapped potential right there.

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I heard that some dumbass flew in last minute, changes the script and what Godzilla would look like and essentially ruined everything. He wanted To ride Off the JP hype at the time

I don't mind this too much for whatever reason.

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y’all mind if shit on this jobber real quick?

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yeah, fuck furries

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>bump limit
We've reached the end of this one, it seems. It was a real pleasure turning this into a fun kaiju thread with you motherfuckers. I'm gonna ride out this train posting my favorite images.

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I always find it ironic that the cartoon after that 98 zilla was a thousand times better.

>such a jobber he's not even named in the title

Don't talk smack about Baragon.

>there will never be an actual fun Godzilla anime

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Don't be mean to the kaiju puppy.

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A cute comedy spinoff of the franchise could be great.

don't bully baragon you fuck. he dindu nuffin

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The people who made the cartoon actually cared about Godzilla. Also many of the monster designs were 10/10.

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Don’t talk to me or my 1 million angry souls ever again

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Kaiju means "Strange Beast", coming from Daikaiju, meaning "Great Strange Beast".

Strange, key word.

>But daaaaaaad, you said I could use the car tonight if I mowed the lawn, and I did!

i must apologize for zilla, he's an idiot, we have purposely made him weak, as a joke

Japan had one but this was forever ago and it was mostly aimed at toddlers. I'd at least something current that isn't that atrocity on Netflix.

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It was a 4 movie plan from the beginning you fucking retard.

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