Post a picture and anons recommend a game based on it

Post a picture and anons recommend a game based on it.

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Dragon's Crown

Attached: 1528987668391.jpg (1492x1194, 864K)

Besides the obvious Mordor ones. Dragons Dogma.

That's obviously Lord of the Rings

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Attached: Easy Allies Hall of Fame.jpg (1920x1080, 481K)

Makes me think of KCD

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[realm of gondor playing in the distance]

Xenoblade chronicles

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Ace combat 7

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i am bread

kingdom: new lands

Risk of Rain

Would be really cool if Hyrule wasn't destroyed in the next zelda game so you can explore a version of hyrule with huge incredible castles and shit like this

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parts of rdr2 look like this minus the sled dogs

Final Fantasy XI

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Attached: Deux Ponts.jpg (1200x812, 399K)

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The Witcher 3 Triss' romance exclusively


Halo 1

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