what kind of pissbaby is afraid of a glowing box that makes noises and pictures according to button presses??
What kind of pissbaby is afraid of a glowing box that makes noises and pictures according to button presses??
what a nice caveman perspective you have.
reality is just a glow box that makes noises and pictures according to your movements
Oh fuck
What kind of retard has fun pressing buttons and watching colors move?
>i am too autistic to understand how instinct and adrenaline works and that it doesn't matter if the perceived threat is real or not
>Feeling the need to use your glowy box to criticize some else's use of their glowy box.
this is why when I play horror games I have a rabid chained animal just out of reach, and if I lose or die a servant unleashes it for a short time. (there are animal handlers and first aid responders on hand so it's not like it sounds)
Yesterday I stuffed 5 gummi bears up my ass and masturbated. When I tried to shit them out only 4 came out. Should I be concerned?
no, it's pretty common for them to get stuck on the side for a while. give it a few more days.
You are literal autism if you can't understand this. A literal retard
what kind of piss baby is afraid of atoms reflecting light?
I can be reductive as well you mongoloid.
Thank god, I was really getting worried.
What if there is zero adrenaline, fear and it's literally a flat line for me?
my point is that the body can't help itself from reacting to being startled
what if I don't get startled? Again, I felt about as much stress/tension/adrenaline playing the game as I do going to the grocery store or something.
A pretty strong indication of autism is the inability comprehend fiction or hypothetical situations, so I can see why you would be unaffected
just be sure to keep count to track what's there I usually have someone else do it for me, but it should be easy enough.
So inability to tell reality from fiction is autism?
You sure you know what the word means?
Wow, you're not only autistic, you're also stupid.
Unless I'm doing an S+ run or 4th survivor, I like when Mr. X shows up. He's fun to watch.
Hmm, it seem your inferiority complex is kicking in and the cope mechanism follow right after.
Learn English, you autistic dimwit.
No you dumb fuck, the inability empathize with characters in a hypothetical scenario is. The reason you are unaffected is because you're too fucking autistic to comprehend anything that isn't happening to you directly
>Unless I'm doing an S+ run or 4th survivor, I like when Mr. X shows up. He's fun to watch.
People actually have trouble with 4th survivor? it's the most chill part of the game
>trying to explain autism to someone with severe autism
did you really think this was going to be easy
I'm not autistic, and why would someone waste perfectly good beans like that? you could make any number of meals with those, and they're high in protein!