koth_harvest_final... Home.
Koth_harvest_final... Home
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For me, it's pl_upward.
2fort is everybody's home you fags.
These are both my favorite maps per game type respectively. Top tier taste, anons.
Tf2.. home...
for me it's koth_harvest_event
>sniping other snipers who got spooked
Least it was before Valve released the matchmaking update.
For me it's dustbowl
Vanilla Dustbowl... I wish I could go back.
ctf_turbine is the best ctf map.
>koth_harvest_final... Home.
said scout, soldier, demo, heavy, and literally nobody else
i hate brazilians
Snipers, pyros , spies and that single engie are a common sight.
only literal drooling retards like 2fort
sawmill is the true map kino
>always wanted to make tf2 maps
>afraid no one will play them
>Snipers, pyros , spies and that single engie are a commonly in my sights
easy targets that are fun to kill in between killing actual useful members of the other team
i wish more people would play custom maps but the server browser being filled to the brim with 10000x cp_orange servers dont help the situation at all
> not koth_harvest_event
goldrush and badwater are still my fav maps
plr_pipeline... home.
At least it was until plr_hightower fucked everything up.
This map is just mini sentry spam
It was fun when it just me and some other guy abusing it but holy shit is that strat obnoxious
custom maps are dead so long as community servers are being shafted
for me it's coldfront
comfy snow aesthetic and nice symmetrical map design
I miss arena mode. I hope valve adds it in someday. Lumbermill was my favorite
Thanks to matchmaking, you can be certain they won't, now.
Make them anyway faggot, who's stopping you?
I just want a community server with custom maps. No weird shit.
For me, it's CTF_Doublecross
>Downloading touhouscout.mdl
>Downloading Rarity.mdl
>Downloading KILLINGSPREE.mp3
>Downloading Adminskin57846.mdl
>Sending Client Information...
>Disconnect due to slot reservation
answer me this
why the FUCK are the shitty zombie, trade, surf, and 2fort servers always populated while actual good servers like dustbowl and payload only ones empty with only 1 or 3 being populated at a time?
Remember the weeabootique plays Friday-Sundays
At least is was before the hacker fucked everything up.
>tfw server is changing to koth_harvest and I can aim with demo's primary
>sticky jump to other side of the map
>start laying down stickies and throwing pills in people's faces
>watch the rage begin
>someone goes scout in an attempt to counter me
>one pill to the face, scout is dead/nearly dead
>he goes in close to maximize damage with scattergun
>easy melee range
>his rage intensifies
>someone goes soldier in an attempt to counter me
>on roof
>soldier is dependent on splash damage
>angled floor
>fires all rockets, only 1 or 2 do any damage at all
>2 pills to his face
>his rage intensifies
>someone goes heavy in an attempt to counter me
>big fat juicy target
>terrible damage drop off
>everybody loves shooting him
>I get the assist
>he acknowledges it was a dumb counter
>someone goes pyro in an attempt to counter me
>can only reflect
>I throw pills
>if he's still alive I sticky jump to another roof
>he stares in confusion while I throw more pills in other faces
>he does the walk of shame back to spawn to pick another class
That said, harvest is a shit tier map and it would be vastly improved if it was impossible to get on the roofs. Without that, it's a lulz only map that's only fun or winable if half of your team is either scout, soldier, or demo.
>I can aim with demo's primary
I wish I knew this feel.
Sawmill is comfy
>100 base damage
>no damage drop off
>crit splash damage
>predictable bouncing makes them easy to bounce around corners
>can kill 2 of pretty much any class without reloading, more if they're close together
It's well worth the effort to learn how to aim.
>That said, harvest is a shit tier map and it would be vastly improved if it was impossible to get on the roofs.
Then it becomes boring as fuck and hell of a lot worse than viaduct.
just make jump maps with your friends and never release them to the greater community.
What are some good community servers that host custom maps?
I just want to play TFC again bro's
doesnt Keet still have a sekrit club policy?
>wanting to play with those circle jerking fags over the based van reincarnations
>make it impossible to get on the roofs
>map becomes more accessible to other classes
>map has a flow and pushing is more about team effort instead of picking classes that can explosion jump to roofs
>other paths to cp become relevant (the side hallway spies think they're clever hiding in)
>an engi getting to the other team's upstairs loft and setting up a tele and nest becomes high tier fun
What did you mean by this?
For me, its Surf Utopia, the best TF2 map
omnific and thedistance are better
>load into thundermountain, harvest, upward, frontier, sawmill, goldrush, or nucleus
>feel the warm sense of joy in my heart
the weeabootique is dead, you're playing a abomination run by a dumb euro.
>its been 3 years now
>there will never be a shooter as great as TF2 again
>new games will never feature community servers
kino thread?
>tfw all of dust 514 maps are lost forever
I liked the one with one objective on a bridge
also the one with the big round building
>Dust 514
what the fuck were they thinking with that? and FPS that was console exclusive that tied in with a PC exclusive spreadsheet sim? That was a disaster even on paper
Does anyone remember a mod of 2fort that was called engi_power? There was a server I regularly played on back in 2010 that was really fun. It was like 2fort except you could go on the roof, there was an additional tunnel to the intel room, and you could go into the raised glass room next to the intel room.
I tried to find a server hosting it recently and couldn't find one.
yo guys why the fuck do people keep lowering the price a cent on marketplace? If this keeps up they are gonna crash the price back down from 2 bucks to 60 cents cause a group of retards are fighting it out
>Used to have a lot of fun all night on this map
>Spawnraping, talking shit, partying inside the main building
This was 11 years ago... i was still a happy person, i just want to go back, man..
>building a sentry gun on the blimp and sniping with the pre-nerf wrangler
>Unlockable weapons
part of the cancer that killed tf2.
>one team would build a huge nest inside the building
>our team would spend hours trying to kill everything in there
Trade servers kind of adopted that until scrap.tf became a thing
you retard unlockable weapons are one of the reasons people still play tf2 to this day
>go engi
>bind e "build 3; +attack; -attack"
>noob joins
>he goes soldier
>on roof
>he sees me as an easy target
>I side strafe and spam e
>i just want to go back, man
Same, brother. Same.
you guys need to find a server. id love to play this again with you retards
Cause fuck you they can charge however they want
both harvest and 2fort aren't well designed maps (except from a visual perspective). everyone knows why for 2fort but when it comes to harvest:
>single worst map for spawncamping in the game, a tiny spawn with a fucking window on it situated beneath a massive height advantage for campers and 2 exits that lead to the same place
>entire map is incredibly biased towards soldier and sniper at the expense of other classes, with absolutely fucking massive sightlines, very few indoor areas, and a point with a perch for soldiers to spam other classes in total safety
>low skybox so you can't have fun with cuhrayzee sticky jumps
>the map is essentially just a flat box with five other boxes, other than the slight height advantage on the health sheds. very little vertical gameplay
don't ever get into the stock market
based retard calling a game in the top 10 of steam "killed"
>I don't like it so therefore nobody is playing it
There's the party van on weekends but I'd really like a 24/7 mario kart server yeah with the real map and not those autistic off shoots
There are 3 Yea Forums servers that run on the weekends
>but I'd really like a 24/7 mario kart server yeah with the real map and not those autistic off shoots
you think you do, but you don't
I would though but I probably wouldn't have the time to play on it that much anymore
>yeah with the real map and not those autistic off shoots
Its the one with the blimp that nobody runs anymore though
But people were actually buying the new higher price it could have become the new norm and thus be a better profit than a short term barely break even
i liked dustbowl
>play demo for the first point of the 2nd level of dustbowl in pubs and swap to Soldier for the second point
>56 kills 2 deaths
>still lose
dustbowl stage 3 is maximum comfy
me too, sometimes
3 types of tf2 map
>ones that are good for playing the objective in a skillful fashion
>ones that are good for variety and something different
>ones where you shut off your brain and hear satisfying damage dings as you spam a packed chokepoint for an hour and a half
dustbowl falls into the last one
That moment when you have managed to do so much and yet at the same time have done nothing at all
he bumped his kdr at least
>tfw finally can play the game at a decent framerate with my okayish comp
>the game has stagnated to the point that it's unknown whether or not tf2 will die
>wiping in pugs with your bros on dustbowl
>getting wiped with your bros on dustbowl
It's a shitty map but if it isn't the most fun in the game, then I'll be damned.
>that it's unknown whether or not tf2 will die
tf2 isn't going to die for AT LEAST another 5 years
I need some content man, I missed out on a few years of stuff since my computer was complete ass, and now all I can do is get the pain-in-the-ass contracts done for some worthless weapon skins.
For me it's siwa oasis
>tf2 isn't going to die for AT LEAST another 5 years
Come on, man. I love TF2 probably more than you, but even I'm not that delusional. The only life left in TF2 is a small niche crowd of hardcore fans and the usual casual noobs just now joining. That's the same active userbase of pretty much every dead MP game. Try playing Anarchy Online right now. It's the same shit.
TF2 is dead. And in spite of everything that people kept saying was going to kill it, it simply died of old age, and that's nothing to be ashamed of. TF2 was still the king when it was on its death bed.
For me, it's Mountainlab.
those recent tf2 threads made me reinstall the game and i gotta say its still pretty good because there is no alternative
neck yourself
I wish there were still class based shooters. And not just hero shooters.
>just want an alternative so I can finally fucking quit
>overwatch is shit
>splatoon is shit
>arena shooters are dead
>anything else that was fun or interesting is dead or dying
Why are we still here? Just to suffer?
>ad hoc
Nigger, try english.
based and redpilled as fuck