30% off should I get it?
30% off should I get it?
If it looks interesting to you, sure
it was free on steam a while ago, you should be able to find it for cheaper
It's just another fetch and craft survival game. I don't see how people keep getting tricked into fucking buying this garbage
Because it is fun and the game is good.
Its fun and comfy, retard.
Epic Games Store actually.
Only if you like survival games. The setting and aesthetic is unique, but mid-game progression sucks so it gets quite dull.
It's good for the first two areas: safe shallows and the sea weed areas. Then you have seen 90% of what the game has to offer. It's not really that good.
Dios mio, I hear it coming... la creatura...
That's a nice game. It was my goty last year.
A few graphical bugs there and there, but if you got a decent PC you shouldn't have these.
It's a very unique experience. Equally relaxing and terrifying. I wish there were more underwater games.
you should get it for 100% off
>"That will be 30% off + a 30% Steam tip."
Yeah, I agree. The deep water in most of the map is cancer and not fun at all.
xi-jinping already paid for it in full
time to pirate
its a decent premise of a game but the scale is just too small. it has some good fun if you like under water base building, but the problem is the more you build the more performance degrades. the sub is pretty worthless since its only useful during the very last part of the game when you can power it thermally and you dont get the alien batteries until the end as well. the biomes are kinda small and a few of them like the dunes are worthless because there's nothing there to find beyond a shipwrecl the reapers dont guard anything of significant value and they never really threaten you beyond the ones that swim the near crashed ship but even those are easy to avoid. it would have been cool if you could build more extensive underwater bases to study the animals instead of just scanning them with your hand held scanner. the little containment tank was cool to raise some cute animals in though. the sound and music was pretty good.
Massively overrated. If you are one of those idiots that thinks "the sea" is scary then you might be amused but if not, it's a shitty game.
>30% Steam tip
i didn't buy this game from steam, got it from humble.
heh nothing personnel.
Dios mio...
It was free on the epic store a couple months ago ago, and there were trillions of threads on Yea Forums about it. What is wrong with you people? Why do I keep seeing threads about games that were recently free?
>30% off should I get it?
This game is bare bones. Buy no man's sky instead. I didn't bother to finish it I was fun for a couple hours and that's it.
>walking (floating) simulator with autistic busywork
I loved this game so I say yeah. If you like exploration and nice environment and sound design, this game is top notch.
If you hate crafting and resource gathering, you won't like it. But it's not really grindy, and anything grinding involves exploration which, for a game with an interesting world to explore, makes it a lot more interesting than most games of this type.
The story is pretty good and its one of those games worth playing blind, since its all abotu discovery.
I'd say it's worth $20-$30, it'll give you a good 40 hours of gameplay to complete and its a solid and well completed game.
based Chad
Anyone else find it weird that there's no waves in the game?
Literally every game is a waste of time with artificial means of giving players satisfaction. Why even come to this board?
>tfw used to be fucking terrified of Cave Dwellers
>Get fire knife/prawn suit
Reapers still terrify me though
oh fuck i forgot about them
>its not their brain, but their stomach on their head
Nah wait till it's 20% off.
Its a fun little deep sea survival game that focuses on exploration, and building bases / gather materials to build stuff.
Despite the sjw cancer devs that make up the team its actually pretty good for what it is. The atmosphere is really well done and the controls handle pretty well.
Overall the game is probably a little too easy, but its got its oh fuck moments. I recommend getting a few simple quality of life mods like the one that adds a map that uncovers as you explore around.
The creatures are bit cartoony, and its not realistic with diving, but its enjoyable for what is it. I recommend picking it up for less than 10$ if not less.
Realistic diving would make the game complete ass to actually play, so they didn't even bother
If they added a fucking map to the game it would be way better even ass a mid-late game item.
Remember to boycott this game. Firing the sound designer (best part of the game) for having a "controversial political opinion" is fucking pathetic.
the sonar upgrades to the vehicles were a missed opportunity desu, they should have made it so you could have constructed map data with all your scanning. or the camera probes on the scanner room could go out on their own mapping stuff around your base, provided they dont get eaten of course.
Got it for free, I have never played anything survival/crafting but loved this game and played it non stop, I would say it's definitely worth it at 30%
The camera drones ended up being pretty fucking worthless compared to the scanner room itself, huh
>Too autistic to see why people might be interested in exploring an alien world
No (you) retard
Only boycott the new expansion.
When I started playing I wanted a map, but half the fun is learning the map. I will say that there are serious performance issues and the object pop-in was absolutely atrocious. I would hand over all my shekels for a more optimized version.
As someone who beat the game, this.
There's such a retarded amount of unnecessary material hunting in this game. You're constantly paying a titanium tax.
Why would they even demand you fulfill four separate grocery lists of materials to build a rocket that is only useful after you already beat the actual plot of the game? There's nothing of value to see or discover at that point, and the only actually dangerous enemies are unaggressive by then.
The sub is honestly never useful. I tried making it useful and driving it past the lost river, but then you're forced to do some cramped maneuvering and ultimately you risk losing the sub and everything inside of it.
Meanwhile if you Spiderman all over the place with the Prawn, there's nothing other than a lucky warper that can ever kill you.
most of the people refuse to get a free game just because it's on the epic store
I'm in college and don't browse Yea Forums all day.
>unlock vehicle
>Can go deeper
That's cool!
>Must go deeper still
>Must upgrade vehicle
Okay I guess
>Upgrade the upgrade
Uh... Boring.
>Out of 6 "depth goalposts", only two are reached by getting a new vehicle
>The rest is done by grinding
>Some of the upgrades only unlock enough depth to get more materials to grind more depth upgrades
This is the one thing I'd change with the game. I'd make only three major depth barriers and every one is unlocked with vehicles. Upgrades would allow you to stealth, combat or conserve energy better.
The game should be about EXPLORATION, not about autistically grinding a number so it goes higher. And there's nothing better than getting a whole new vehicle as the beginning of a new major chapter in the game's progression.
>One of the deep sounding music has a Trump "China" hidden on it.
Their intended methodology was to have the scanner room find shit, then you go with the camera drones to find your target objects, then you follow the drone's beacon to reach the object yourself. Maybe bring the drone back with you too.
But this was so incredibly tedious that not even they liked it. One update later they added the HUD chip and the drones became useless.
This is another one of their "cool idea if only the game was multiplayer". I would have totally not minded manning some drones if I had another player actually following them. Sadly, Subnautica 2 is already slated to be Single Player only.
No, you fucker, actual games have fucking GAME in them. Not just picking up all the shit scattered along the way and learning basic production chain. Winning conditions, losing conditions, mechanics, challenges. I can appreciate some good open-ended sandboxes like Space Engineers where you have tools to entertain yourself until the end of time without ever engaging in any kind of gameplay, but Muttnautica is so shallow that devs had to put a fucking ending in it just to evacuate player from the planet before he notices how empty this shit is.
>so autistic that you would shill gm_flatgrass as the most deep and immersive exploration game ever
I understand that you can get some enjoyment from environment design for the first hour but please at least be honest about it and don't shill it like a "fun game", it's not even a minimum viable product, it's nothing more than a page in the portfolio of artists who worked on this half-assed joke of a "game".