How come Yea Forums doesn't do meetups?

How come Yea Forums doesn't do meetups?

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Anyone near shitattle?

The last meet up there were too many FBI agents pretending to be gamers.

yeah shoreline here

People who go to meetups or conventions are faggots.

BC here

Say what you want, there are 3 fuckable women in this pic all along the bottom right. Bet they'll suck your pokeballs all night

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cutie alert

You do realize they're 13, right?

The one in the pink shirt has a man face

Adding to my previous statement, the most fuckable girl is also represented by the most fuckable pokemon. I'll leave it to you to figure out which she is

Kent here

Every single person I met who used this site was a literal retard. I'm aware of the irony that I also use the site btw hah.

What the fuck is that thing in the middle. It looks like a poocheyana but it has cheese ears

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>my boy aggron hasn't been touched by these mongrels

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This still hurts to look at.

maybe I've had better luck but I've actually met nice and surprisingly not ugly people that lurk here
and they aren't trannies

I live about 5 min from Uwajimaya, if you speak Japanese there's karaoke tomorrow night at Ten Sushi #35


The Wobbuffet is the only good one

Mostly white.

I hope /vp/ has a meetup because there are some specific people on there I want to fucking kill
for personal reasons
I also want to kill a ton of smogonfags but that's because they're cancer, so it can wait

>not a single Venusaur line mon
lmao the absolute state of Char and Toise fags

When's the NYC meet up?

obviously gardevoir

Idk I went to a mlp convention and met up with a couple of guys from /mlp/. One was on the convention staff and the other drew porn and was loaded. We drank, and played rockband and smash all night.

never ever meme IRL

So what's the deal with the guy that has a female Charizard as his counterpart?

You got it my dude

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Based on the garbage you mutants post day in and day out the only reason I would ever want to meet up is so that I could kill you and kick if the DOTR for weebs.

Because there's so many people on Yea Forums with so many interests that there would barely be any common ground. Imagine taking a bus to some public place only to be met with 10 pajeets who have only played sekiro or some shit
That's exactly what it is
>I also want to kill a ton of smogonfags but that's because they're cancer
Legit autism. it's nothing more than an agreed-upon set of rules, nobody is forcing you to play that way.
/vp/ does have too many retards though holy shit

>white people

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>the /fa/ meetups of olde
That's why I don't

I know they aren't forcing people. They're still fucking fags.

Same, Fiesta Equestria? Still have the hand drawn /mlp/ pic w00tmaster drew from around that time. Met a couple bros as well

You're not wrong but there is a brown one

wtf they don't look anything like my favourite anime characters, vile
but why? competitive pokemon sucks a fat one but there's people with worse taste in games

Christ, internet meetups are always full of the ugliest, saddest looking people. I guess that is the kind of person who would troll the internet looking for friendship though.

they're fags because they can't handle anything that they lose to

Why does that Charmander have human hair?

fuck that why is there a cheese dog


Nah everfree northwest. Was that the one where he dressed up as a trashcan that said "your waifu" on it?

look at her, she just reeks of cheese smell user

just seen the plug tail on kecleon, what's the lore behind this

They just had one in NY.

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Nah, he was in plainclothes just doing his thing and giving away pictures. I need to find that old scrap of paper and post it on the containment board so I can relive the ride if only for a minute

They look like school shooters lmao

>that shopped long neck
good to see the meme lives on

Damn, nice to see at least some people have good taste in clothes.

How much smelly, cheese-covered dick do you think she took that weekend?

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Imagine the smell though. I bet most of you fuckers have poor hygiene, on top of being fat and/or ugly.

I would never ever want to meet up with anyone associating themselves with this board. I fucking hate all of you.

dont say it
it's what modern /fa/ wants

wtf? I thought white people are supposed to be attractive

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Not enough

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Be glad u didn't run into purpletinker. That freak was literally shoving kids on the ground just to get ahead in line for merch.


/fa/ggots either look like they're trying too hard or that all their good clothes are in the wash, christ
>pokemon fans
>wanting to fuck humans

It's not a shop. This is.

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What's that on the lefmost dude's shoes? Plastic warts?

Because I hate all you faggots

Because I fucking hate you faggots

Holy shit tinker was something else. I used to have her added on skype for the longest time. I sometimes wonder what happened to them, I don’t think theyre involved with the fandom anymore.

I remember why I don't go to /fa/ anymore

Can you pony fuckers erp in your jailcell board?

Because you're awful and I hate every single person here.

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Wouldnt doubt it, I saw many things there that I will have to bear with for the rest of my life, God rest my soul. The karaoke where you could choose the song that w00t and I came together to set up was one of the cringiest things I've ever seen in my life. A guy sang some song I can't find about "toons" and some nonsense, I died inside.

90% of Yea Forums is filled with Hispanics who think they're white and will be surprise to see other non-whites at the meet up.

which board was this

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Not suprised. Shits dead as all hell.

jesus christ how horrifying


I believe that was a pol meet

uk meetup when
I want to make fun of britfags for their shit taste in games

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>that middle aged fat woman in the middle
is that one of their moms lmfao

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I'd be worried one of you would rape me.

>using the crap version
Here you go mate

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Well they're obviously Kamen Rider fans so, /m/.

I went to a Yea Forums meetup once. It was ok. Sat around eating and drinking at some restaurant talking video games.

because Yea Forums isn't a community, you mouthbreather

sounds alright

boy in white hoodie is cute

According to a quick reverse search, it's from a /pol/ meetup in 2017.

They aren't called /fa/ggots for nothing.
Also how does the fashion board have such shit taste in clothing?

he looks like a manlet though

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Tranny here, could I come to a meetup?

when the FUCK is the Yea Forums meetup?

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the board curse user, same way Yea Forums can't seem to talk about vidya