It sounds interesting, but I need more info.
Should I get Labyrinth of Refrain?
Other urls found in this thread:
pretty good dungeon crawler with great artstyle, interesting characters and enjoyable music
If you like dungeon crawlers and anime style then this game is up your alley. If you don't like either of these or only like one of these then it wouldn't sound interesting to you since it's clear that this game is both of these.
If it looks interesting to you, it's worth playing. Whether it's worth buying is up to you. I pirated it first, and bought it for my second playthrough.
The game blows. Don't be fooled by the pretty art.
Can you explain why?
The fucking soundtrack in this game is absolutely horrendous. It's no Etrian Odyssey.
Is it as good as or better than Stranger of Sword City? Fucking loved that game, can't find anything quite like it.
Extreme difficulty curves. Some enemies do an insane amount of damage, regardless of your level. The only real way to get past it is to swallow your pride and set the game to easy. Enemies go from doing 75% of your health with one hit to 25%.
I would say it's better than SoSC. I played that game twice as well.
Everyone seems to agree it’s basically discount bin Etrian Odyssey from what I’ve seen so if you’re dying for more eo go for it
It's worse.
just paid for it for 42 bucks for switch. didn't want to spend more and got it from Canadian
did i do the right thing. i hear its pretty fucking dark
This is untrue. You might be specifically referring to a section of the first level that you're not supposed to access until much later in the game but you can gain access early if you explore. You'll realize this if you ever bothered to actually explore the intended way.
Yikes. I paid less for the dark souls remastered on release. I got this one for 29.99 euros.
You got ripped off
I love exploration. Especially in dungeon crawlers. Of course I'm going to delve to the deepest floor of the first dungeon.
The game tries to present the battle system as an overly complex min-max number autism simulator but at the end of the day nothing beats a zero effort full mage team for maxium damage input, still better than your average generic cookie cutter drpg tho.
Worth a try just for the story.
Everybody did this and they hit the same wall. Then they explored in the proper direction and realized that obviously that one area is meant for when you return to the dungeon. This doesn't occur at any other time in the game. If you're saying the game has insane difficulty spikes it's because you gave up when you accessed an area you weren't expected to survive yet and then stopped playing and simply assumed this continued to happen.
Got any other suggestions similar to sosc? I've played most of the Wizardry games
Only series i haven't touched is Etrian Odyssey and that's because it's on handhelds and i can't fucking do handhelds, i have big hands and it hurts me to use them for hours and hours
It's pretty good, OP. I won't say anything about it since it's most likely to be spoilers but get ready for a comfortable ride of suffering and healing. The threads were fun as playing with Yea Forums on release date tends to always be a good time, discovering how the mechanics work with the soul transfer system. Just make sure to force your party to die as soon as possible to end the 'tutorial' since you won't be able to progress further. It also has a sequel coming so I'd play this as soon as possible.
i could not find it cheaper in my location or in any gamestores. how you buy it?
it was the shipment that fucked me over. it cost i got the game for 33 but shipment cost 10 if i wanted it shipped faster
Honest advice: pirate this game and if you enjoy it then buy it and copy your save file to continue. Also don't skip the story if you can help it because it's not too long or annoying and it comes together nicely at the end. As far as EO goes I'm pretty sure you can emulate that but I'm not 100% positive about that. Other people with more experience emulating on that system might have more insight. If it's possible then EO is largely considered to be better if you're into dungeon crawlers and also don't mind anime.
If you're really desperate though you could check out Sakura Dungeon. It's more ecchi but the mechanics are very simple in comparison and probably won't satisfy your actual dungeon crawling itch.
Luca is such a good girl
game starts off slow in terms of story and mechanics
gets really nice at the end, especially storywise, shit gets fucking crazy and i was not expecting that level of fuckedupedness
It's good, but it has a very very mediocre interface for such a deep pocketed system (the sorting options are garbage for a game in which you WILL have 15+ characters on board, making everything related to team building a MASSIVE chore; and you can't even see how much the equipment adds in sum!), there are quite a bit of really fucking annoying mechanics (level reset or in other words "NIS wants you to be a grind bitch even though the game isn't really difficult until the very first last boss and isn't difficult thereafter", karma) and there is a particularly cumbersome dungeon that feels like it lasts 3 times longer than anything else in the game. The story does this thing in which the elements you interact with and the foreground story barely interact but the former matters in a "everything clicks at the end" business, which is rather lazy writing at this point for me imho, somewhat confusing at times, it can also be hilariously edgy at some points.
Also, do play with japanese voiceover. I've heard some of the english dub and the child character is really unconvincing. She's half of the game. Explore everything but if the game tells you at any point "go no further" (only once), do go no further. Most anons can't read apparently.
>there is a particularly cumbersome dungeon
Big contender for "that part" of a game awards.
I swear to God, the three dense towers gimmick was almost enough to make me drop it, and then it fucking drops a massive floor full of DARKNESS. Fuck the "you can die from a fall now lol, gl" in Amadeus too.
>and there is a particularly cumbersome dungeon that feels like it lasts 3 times longer than anything else in the game
Umbra, right? I never had an issue with it and thought it was the best dungeon in the game overall even if others beat it out in specific categories.
>massive floor full of DARKNESS
And theres a wall you need to break in order to proceed haha
The game outright tells you that you should explore that specific area later.
It has an interesting setting and story but the gameplay is incredibly tedious even by dungeon crawler standards and only gets more tedious the further you get and the bigger your party becomes.
>Only series i haven't touched is Etrian Odyssey and that's because it's on handhelds and i can't fucking do handhelds, i have big hands and it hurts me to use them for hours and hours
So emulate them, what's the problem?
You can simplify everything by keeping your party size small. Even if you can have 40 dolls you never really need more than 15.
t. beat the game with only 15 Theatrical Stars
Umbra was great but when you get to the prison level and have to make your way to the third tower with all the fog and enemies it really makes you want to kill yourself if you somehow manage to mess up and not place two portals.
Combat's lousy. Everything else is pretty good.
I think it's kinda cool, but it makes you learn to use and abuse the mud exit system fast. That shit required at least a better positioned second entry point, it's just so fucking tedious to go back to do whatever, the secret boss for example, or some treasure chests.
>beat the game with only 15 Theatrical Stars
Buff magic (White Rose is a must always anyways) and can't be touched, I take it? I like that.
I didn't even have 15 characters because I only used enough to fill up my party slots and I don't know why you want to juggle even more. It was still tedious as fuck with how long turns took by the end of the game.
Anyone else ready for the successor?
Sure, but I didn't do the post-game dungeon and I bet the plot will be related to that.
Does it look as good on switch as it does on PS4?
There is a surprising amount of versatility with all stars regarding formations and strategies. Not that it's even necessary because you can brute force pretty much everything except the end-game. The defensive skills and auto healing trivialize most of the game.
Everybody should be using Cheat Engine's speedhack function to speed up unnecessary delays for combat.
They said it was a successor and not a sequel so I doubt t it.
It's misleading to describe that as the post-game dungeon because the story continues in that dungeon.
It looks the same but I think the PS4 version runs at a higher framerate. You should go with the PC version for the best visuals though since it has a 4K option for textures and art.
What are you waiting for, user? It doesn't even take long as the post-game dungeon grind spot is insanely better, plus by the time you get to that grind spot you'll unlock a pact to make farming gear easier too.
I honestly preferred the more classic mage characters, but those are slow as sin, the difference in speed between a coven with all of them and a coven formed of two of them and a theatrical was humongous.
You need to beat the game senpai.
It looks good but there are some framedrops here and there for some fucking reason I can't grasp. Being able to play in bed is a blessing tho.
is newt ourguy?
No, but he is.
Just download Citra and play SMT4.
Does the crack work for this game yet? Last time I tried I couldn't get it to run.
shoo shoo lolicon owl
Do you really need to grind beyond soul clarity ~20 max level though? I'm steamrolling through this shit already, I thought the first final boss would be infinitely harder because I didn't know the Great Sage Pact thing until later when I was just using new pacts for the sake of it. Still fucking hard to pull it off correctly though, the cunt would drop abyss on one of the characters.
Can't really blame him. He knows and hes ready to get that attachment started early
I love SMT4 a lot but it's kinda weak if you view it as a pure dungeon crawler. I still think OP should follow your advice but also play LoR as well.
Maximizing soul clarity effort isn't necessary, it's just there for people who aren't using all of the mechanics or strategizing effectively. But if grinding some soul clarity is going to take you less time than replaying the same fight over and over again you might as well.
I tried Stranger of Sword City but having a pre-made party on a first person dungeon crawler turned me off immediately.
Tried Mary Skellter and enjoyed it immensely to the point where I even bothered with the post-game dungeon.
I think I'll give Labyrinth of Refrain a try.
I don’t got a 4K monitor only a UHD tv. Thanks for the suggestions though. Based on how hot the Switch gets while playing, wouldn’t be surprised of what it could be.
I just did it for the sake of it because I though I had hit a massive roadblock in the last boss, and then I saw myself with roughly 40 lvl 1 puppets. I can't imagine someone just going up to soul clarity 99. Grinding is such a fucking chore.
I did it but I was using speedhack with cheat engine because waiting around to press an input isn't fun for me.
Because I was already sick of the gameplay by the time I finished it and going back through copies of the previous dungeons but with extra grinding didn't seem like a good time.
You don't, I had all my party around ~20 to 30 soul clarity and at max level(99). The final boss still isn't going to be easy and I wanted to make use of some of the weaker classes that are considered soul transfer fodder. See pic related for the two skill procs, although be warned it's a spoiler for the final boss.
Someone post maggot Alice
Who would be interested in Dronya's lopsided tits?
Here you go.
You don't really have to grind in postgame if you passed the last boss already desu
>lone shinobushi in vanguard
Fucking mad man. Pact?
I'm pretty early in the game, what even is soul clarity? Not sure it's explained it yet and I have been curious.
Wasn't expecting the sprite sheet, but that works. That faggot deserved it, prove me wrong.
Keep playing, you won't need to know until later. Do get every witch petition on time though.
I need to install the game again to check, hope I still have my save files. Wait for me user.
It's rare to see threads on this game. What's the overall consensus on the game?
basically whenever you reset a puppets level it takes slightly more xp to level up, but gains higher stats on level up
>You don't really have to grind in postgame if you passed the last boss already desu
Is that true, because as soon as i hit the first boss of the postgame dungeon i get my shit kicked in easily.
Reading the thread helps.
>when the loli drinks her milk
I've seen the sequel to the witch and the hundred knight so I'm kinda worried that this new game will strip the charm the first one had.
feels good
Already on it.
It's a fun ride with a good story, very unique and interesting gameplay mechanics, good music, and decent-good dungeons with fairly unique settings. Unfortunately it's lacking in difficulty and the mechanics I mentioned aren't as fleshed out or even as complex as they could be. I'd recommend giving it a shot.
My only question is: can you disable those chibis popping up on the screen? it looks stupid as fuck and if you can't disable it then i won't even bother
reminder she's pregnant
They realized their fuck up with Witch 2 which was not letting the guy that wrote Witch 1 do the story. Witch 1, Coven, and Coven 2 are all written by the same guy. Witch 2 was written by someone else.
>sequel to the witch and the hundred knight
fuck this world
I just wanted more Medea
Please, do more palettes for the sequel. I hate repeated characters, even if it's thematic.
I still have my save files, just re-downloading and installing it.
Whatever. I've still got 4 Etrian Odyssey games to get through anyway.
Yes you can. You can even get rid of the annoying battle cries.
Well that's a relief. Thanks for the reassurance user.
It's fun, the story is interesting, the characters are likeable, but I dislike the mandatory grinding for the final boss though, but I suppose it's something to be expected in a dungeon crawler RPG.
>Announce the sequel for switch.
>lol except we don't.
Didn't it take a couple months for the switch release?
Alice did nothing wrong.
>but we have it on vita
>even though it's dead
I think it took a year or two and I'm pretty sure NISA was the reason why it and the PC version existed in the first place, since LoR only got a Switch release in Japan AFTER the West did.
The original release was a Vita exclusive for a year then a PS4 version was made. A year after the PS4 version was when they finally released the PC and switch versions with the English release. When we get the game there will definitely be at least a switch version because Nisa has said that switch games sell the best for them in the west. Which is why every game they release now has a switch version
I officially dropped it yesterday.
The story was super interesting from what I played but the gameplay is so damn boring. And I love dungeon crawlers.
The music typical Sato shit but even worse than usual honestly. The player characters and actual characters are barely connected, and the dungeons drag super hard. Difficulty is awkward too. Things are either easy as balls or literally impossible.
Best thing about the game is the Story and the delicious Harada art. I wish I could just watch the story online or something to see how it ended.
Where you at?
Wtf and here i thought the game was new when I bought for switch...
Most niche japanese games you buy are definitely not new when they come to USA. And they're definitely not when they hit Europe, usually. I really do hope they don't slack on the Dragon Quest 11S release, don't wanna play it in 2021.
Memory Gate:...
Seriously wtf?! What were they thinking releasing this on a dead system anyway? I could have played this 2 years ago?! I'm so retarded thinking this game was new when it released on switch.
There were no translations
Maybe like 2 areas after the tiny village or whatever it was. Its been a while since I bothered.
and then Luca gets hit by a car
It's fun for a while but the last 50% sucked
basbushka loli could be fun
Just fucking shoot me, it's not here after all and recurva didn't fetch anything. I really need to get my hands on at least a 4TB HDD by now to avoid this mess in the future. From what I remember, I focused on getting him really good AVD/AGI gear and passed on proc skills to make use of his SSS tier stats. I think he was on the pact you get from killing Metallia in the post game dungeon. Sorry user, wish I still had my save file to help you make your own solo vanguard shinobushi..
>Pic related
>The fat baker's daughter
>Baba Yaga
>The wasp
Did any of them deserve it?
No problem senpai, thanks for the hassle you went through.
better fate than making a chestnut dinner
Every single one of them did.
this is one of my favorite games of all time. buy it and fucking support it PLEASE
hands down best videogame story ive ever seen
that 6th dungeon story ;_;7
the first floor drops them they're just rare as fuck
Is there even more Apprentice quests? This is lunacy.
what's with the japanese and extra cutesy shit mixed with extra grotesque shit
Be careful where you click.