GOW continues to rack up GOTY awards

GOW continues to rack up GOTY awards.

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And Yea Forums still says this game is overrated and no one talks about it. Hah, suck it nerds. You guys are ALWAYS wrong.


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Everyone ITT is based so far!

What the fuck is bafta?

isn't BAFTA the org that bars any media that doesn't have at least one black person in it?

clearly not since no one is black in GoW

>writing award
>for video games

Move along.

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Matthew Matosis video tears it to shreds and nobody has ever countered the most vital points in it.

It getting awards does nothing but delegitimize the award giver. I now know, as a videogame enthusiast, to never trust BAFTA's opinions on games.

On top of that, as with Dragon Age Origins, the game receiving awards foes nothing but harm the studio and further restrict them from making the games they want. The reason that the devs reached out to Matthew as a thanks for criticizing it is due to the fact that they are crying for help to be freed from making garbage games like it.

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>muh nintensoi youtuber says gow bad so gow bad!
the absolute state of Yea Forums


I know by just looking at GOW that it's pozzed shit

You're full of shit, Nu God is the kind of game that SSM is passionate about making, they have at no point ever made a good action game, and even watching interviews talking about the first one "cinematic" is constantly thrown around as their leading goal.

>autistic e-celeb
Probably why no one cares.
>the rest of the post is a shitpost and something I have no idea what you're talking about


back to /int/ kid

>Matthew Matosis


And I know by reading your post you're a cuck in real life.

It was a good game, but it wasnt the best of the year.

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What? No. The developers were suffering trying to meet deadlines and make the game. They were forced to fill out all these oscar-bait quotas to fit into the game and as such the entire game suffered for it because the team was forced to meet nearly impossible tasks.

Why did I greatly enjoy playing the game, but looking back I don't like anything about it?

Something tells me you're not even talking about god of war anymore.

Because you spent too much time on Yea Forumsintendoland were anything more deep than a Kirby mini-game with hacked infinite health gets called cinematic or mature.


Is this why Yea Forums is so angry all the time?

Just look up some BAFTA winning shows if you want a good laugh.

probably because the constant "muh snoy only make movie!" shitposting on Yea Forumsintendogaf has brainwashed you into hating it

I'm sorry user i just don't wan't to get life lessons from a faggy video game, A story about raising a kid only appeals to cucks who have no kids of their own

the actor that plays Kratos is black

The Oscar bait story was their goal all along, it's blatant from the start, anyone who thinks that the new combat system is because the studio wanted to try something new is being naive, the combat system was built around the games cinematic goals, being drawn in so close makes getting the game in "one shot" significantly easier.

yeah, but none of the characters in the game are

You were right, lmao

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answer me this
who cares what some random faggots think is the best game?

Where's your proof

Yea Forums certainly did in 2017, I wonder what changed?

you seem to take that first user's point too literally, it would be eligible by the standard of having at least one black person in it by having black actors/developers working in it...

It's better that you confront your wife about cheating on you during your smash nights than taking it out on sony.

Reviews and awards only count for Zelda not for Sony paid reviews.

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Serious question, what makes this game so great?

Doesn't change the fact RDR2 is the most relevant game of 2018

The strong critical recepion of games like God of War debases the medium of Video games as a whole. Don't call it a grave, it's the future you chose.

It's okay user baby casual garbage like Yoshi will still exist.

Awards from people who desperately want video games to be more like movies do not count as awards. They're pushing an agenda and it has nothing to do with quality and everything to do with their own myopic perceptions of what respectable, "adult" entertainment should be. It's why they're 100% committed to showering GoW with awards when RDR2, another game that is actually what they claim they want, came out in the same year. RDR2 never stops being a game, never forgets that it is a game. GoW was made from the outset to be a cinematic experience first and a game second.

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>someone criticizes GoW
every time

BOTW and GoW are two of the most overrated games of all time.

He also ripped Mario Odyssey and BOTW, faggot.

Cope harder tendie.

I've had this game for months now and haven't bothered to play it. It looks okay, but nothing to go crazy over so its hard to get any interest in starting.

Overrated is not a argument retard

Yoshi isn't held up as the high point of the medium for all the elements that aren't gameplay, but even then the visual design of Good Feel's Yoshi games are far more praise worthy than anything seen from God of War.

I mean they are praised despite being inferior to other games in the series.

??? are you confusing him with another youtuber?
he sucked BOTW's dick and has not reviewed odyssey at all

Care to give your personal GOTY...

>after Ascension
Grow up

Look, user. I'm just not the target demographic, I don't want to play as a onions chugging, Bearded cuck, He doesn't even own the kid. it's a game for low t bugmen

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Who gives a shit what that potato nigger? He gets completely rekt by pic related after Matt put out his shitty dark souls 2 video.

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>RDR2 never stops being a game
>You have to slow walk while istening to characters talk
>You have to press Square to make some cutscenes move along instead of having a minigame or something to actually have player interactions
Dont fool yourself, R* is not quite there yet but soon enough open world games will have this cancer spread to them as well.

I dropped it right after alfheim.... Yea Forums made me think it was something else but it's just a generic video game. Collect x fruit to upgrade health, unlock y move with exp, search for hidden collectables.... shit we've seen a hundred times already. Gameplay or story would have kept me playing but neither kept my attention.

because game has no replayabilty, I swear more than 90% of people who played it didn't go in for the second run or they're simply blind and can't notice obvious flaws

>British Academy of Film and Television Arts
Literally confirmed a movie.

How does it feel to not be able to think for yourself, requiring an e-celeb to do that?

nu Gow is the most casual game in the series.

You clearly haven't been launched from your fucking horse while chatting with someone. And the fact that pretty much every mission is as gameified as possible more than proves my point. They even put fishing missions in, you're constantly reminded that there are game mechanics surrounding you. You can't hang around crime scenes, even story-created ones, for another example.
