Fuck Dark Souls, this is the only action game recently that has ever been legitimately difficult with minimum cheesing and actually requires skill. Prove me wrong
Fuck Dark Souls...
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It isn't THAT hard, but I think Furi has very well designed difficulty and probably one of the fairest action games ever made.
Furi was a fucking miracle. Not only the devs previous experience were all about mobile squid games but the also gave it for free on psn when it launched. It was a pleasant surprise. I tried goi g back into it but got stuck on the angel bitch again but her fight is cool. The only fight I dislike is the sewers boos because he takes way too long.
dun dun
DO do
dun DUN
Explain yourself.
I remember an awful lot of shitters complaining about the dash being on release instead of on press
Yeah, the sewer fight is definitely the low point of the game.
People on here really have a hard time learning different controls. They are the main reason every game feels the same nowadays.
I played for free on ps 3 and now I bought it on PC.
Excellence isn't an art, it's a habit. We are what we repeatedly do.
That fight was great, but it always irked me how he looked so pissed off after losing that fight and genuinely saying "nice". He didn't have any stake in that fight, unlike other guardians, he just wanted to test out his skill against you, so seeing him looking angry while complimenting you on how you bested him didn't make any sense.
Not going to say DaS is bad, but Furi is definetely one of the best games in terms of challenge. I hope their next game has similar gameplay unless they can somehow make something better.
They're making some jrpg like game where you control a couple that is trying to find their place in the world. Unfortunately it looks nothing like Furi.
I fucking love furi, but I'm finding DMC5 HaH without faust cheese to be way harder
>with minimum cheesing
did you know that you can parry while holding down fire with the proper control scheme? did you know it does more dps than the sword?
>exploiting the game to your own benefits instead of finishing it as it was intended
You people are the worst.
Disagree. Sniper boss was the most obnoxious. No reason for a stage to be that fucking huge. Secret boss also way too different to be enjoyable IMO
I think that look was supposed to be a stare of determination, not actual anger.
>best music
>best balance of bullet hell and melee gameplay
>best difficulty
>best final phase
>uses the arena in creative ways
>has a sniper rifle
>doesn't try to guilt trip you
>teases and mocks you but still gives out a few compliments of your skill
>those legs
How can other bosses even compete?
most Kino bosses
>The Chain
>The Hand
>The Edge
Honorable Mention, but a bit too gimmicky:
>The Song
>The Line
Fine but boring
>The Scale
>The Beat
Shit Tier
>The Strap
>The Burst
>The Star
Don't forget the build up when the drones scan you to determine your skill before you're thrown into the fight.
>Sniper boss was the most obnoxious.
I thought that was the best boss actually.
If you empty parry you point to her, made that fight much more fun for me
That was one of the best bosses though?
Didn't this game just add an invincible mode today? Are you butt babies pretending your good at games now?
I just didnt like having to travel so much to get to her.
what do you mean by empty parry? just hit the parry button? does that automatically block the direction shes coming from?
So who did The Voice say he took care of when you enter that room and just walk around it? Was it his own stage?
>sewer level
>bland and uninspired music
I enjoyed everything else, but it was definitely one of the weakest battles in Furi.
I think it was his own planetoid yes.
>The Hand that high
His final phase was cool but everything else was meh
yup, you look straight at her
What the fuck does the level matter? It's Furi.
What awful taste.
How come there's no porn of her?
Yeah it was the Architect's room
The Voice was the Architect of the prison
If anything, the difficulty curve in this game is absolutely perfect.
Also Wisdom of Rage is my favourite boss battle theme of all time. The fight might have been one of the weaker ones but the music and the buildup beforehand are fucking incredible. Such a shame they were butchered in the OST
There is actually no porn of Furi at all apparently.
i learned about it after finishing normal furier mode legit, you can never take that from me even if you don't believe it
I discovered it when I looked up some speed runs
>best music
every carpenter brut stage was the best prove me wrong
I still listen to enraged everyday
It's a real tragedy, but the only way to get something would be through a commission
So could everyone have avoided dying if they just had Song as the first jailer instead of Warden Prisonrape?
Rider cares not for pussy, so I don't think that would have worked.
If you haven’t got a S rank on Furier mode kill yourself
>devs confirmed there will never be Furi 2
>they're currently making some jrpg which you can play with your significant other or >>alone
Why live
People really liked the aesthetic of Furi so they assumed they could make DEEP AND MEANINGFUL game about a coal burner instead of a fun game
The Song is the mastermind behind the prison (even though The Voice built it). If you pay attention to her dialogue, she’s actually kind of a shitty person with a huge ego. She cares more about being seen as a hero to humanity than actually protecting them. She placed herself later in the prison because she’s a wuss who wanted to wait and see if she actually had to do anything.
>devs confirmed there will never be Furi 2
is this conjecture or are you serious?
Conjecture, he’s just mad that their new game isn’t Furi 2.
I gave up on the mother ship. The shooter part is too hard for me.
thank god, I really want another game down the line.
Fuck The Star on Furier. That was some real bullshit. Also I doubt I’ll ever beat Bernard.
I quit on that bit, replayed the entire game just to quit on that bit again, and then beat it after picking it up again; the furier fights are worth it
use the fully charged beam to mow down the hands ASAP (it charges quickly and you can extend by holding it) and just pray on the last segment
There is an interview with the devs where they explicitly state that Furi is a self contained story that they don't want to go back to.
Wouldn’t blame them if this is true. It doesn’t really need a sequel. I’d rather not have the game’s artistic merit be marred by a forced sequel.
That doesn't mean they can't make another game like it in a different setting.
I gotta admit, I would have preferred if Rider was some kind of death god or spirit instead of some generic rogue alien
That moment when you finally get out and start walking in the field is one of the best parts of the game
What could they even do for a sequel?
>A new protagonist vs 10 bosses?
>Turn the transitions between bosses into actual levels?
>Maybe add a new 3rd gameplay type to bosses?
That's all I can think of
I would post a link to that interview but ever since the announcement of Haven I get nothing, but articles about their new game. I'm sure you'll eventually find it if you put in the right words in the search engine and look hard enough, but I remember the devs saying that Furi won't ever get a sequel.
Name a more kino moment in gaming
Game sucks. Too much of the devs jerking it in my face with a bunch of time wasting shit. The long useless cutscenes between fights are just the devs beating their meat while they force you to watch.
They take 5 minutes at most though
I know you're being rhetorical but the only thing even coming close that I've played in a while were the last two phases of the final boss in Killer is Dead
dark souls isnt hard in the first place
Well I can at least hope its challenging
>black man
>everything in his path withers and dies
Really makes you think.
>dark souls
Didn't know it was international come out of the casual closet day.
That last boss was such a giant fucking letdown. Otherwise it was quite kino. That soundtrack is fucking great and I listen to it every day.
Loved it aswell. Felt like a frantic chase to get this bitch.
pic related
>that moment around ~3mins
Yeah, that's that.
Entire game has great music though obviously
Oh okay then you'd be okay if I dude just forced you to watch him jack off if it was only for 5 minutes right?
Which final boss, true ending or wind hockey stick chick
How do I fight him, I beat the Flame and it said he was unlocked but I don't know where to go to fight him
I guess i'm a baby since i stopped at the time stop dude
should pick it up again tho i'll need to start over
True ending. Wind hockey was good.
I think you may have an obsession with dudes jacking off
Select "one more fight" and pick Furier difficulty. There he is.
Go to Furier in the fight select.
>giving up on the 3rd fight
No, that's why I dislike these sorts of indie games, because I DON'T like dudes forcing me to watch them jack off. I guess you do though.
The sections where you're traveling to the next boss encounter are there for you to cool off and rest before the next fight while you soak in the lore.
>A game should be 100% action, any quiet time is just the devs forcing me to watch them jack off
How can one man have such terrible taste?
I just beat this game today and I was honestly at a loss for words when I got to this part
There are other metaphors you can use fag
How do I fight the Star? Do I need to restart and lose on purpose to the Beat? Or is it somewhere in the post-game open world?
yeah i know i'll do better this time i swear!
>he doesn't like Samurai Jack
You don't know shit about pacing.
>How do I fight the Star? Do I need to restart and lose on purpose to the Beat? Or is it somewhere in the post-game open world?
There’s no way a human being could be this retarded
>Or is it somewhere in the post-game open world?
Of course. It's not a big area to explore, user. Get to it.
By far the hardest fight in the game but goddamn is it the most satisfying thing when you finally beat him.
>finally a Furi thread
>derails into talking about guys jerking off
Game is fun as fuck, no need to be elitist about it.
Infinite retries keeps it fun even if you suck.
I hear furi has the depth that fromsoft games lack but I find the artstyle obnoxious.
>Beat the game in one sitting (like 3 hours maybe)
>Only boss during the story that I ever died against was the Musashi boat paddle guy like 6 times, he was cool, and the optional end boss one time
>Did the optional purple old guy boss without dying
>Then took like 11 tries to beat that fighting polygon fucker who is just a combination of all the other bosses
>Didn't have game audio on at all the whole time I played
7/10 game. Being forced to walk and listen to rapper rabbit was boring.
>definitive edition released
>this fucker still has no model
fuck off.
I'm getting Deja vu reading this post...
be nice
I mean, everyone is entitled to their opinion but what the fuck dude
Are you serious? Did you even get to the endgame or did you alt+F4 once the credits rolled like some sperg? You get to the building and after that you get to choose two out of the three endings in the game.
user...the whole point is that they turned their test model that they used to prototype bosses into a boss fight.
>blocks your path
I still haven't completed the final boss on the hardest difficulty.
I really suck at bullet hell.
>barely make it through his final phase on Furier
Feels bad being this awful.
Honestly the one that gave me the most trouble on Furier was the fucking sewer dude. Fuck him
Just spam the attack button and learn how to parry ezezezezezEZ
Taking a break from homework for a half-ass attempt at a joke
okay, but this could also apply to each and every White antagonist. and quite a few White protags, too (Kratos comes immediately to mind)
Don't entertain his garbage.
>Not hand holding
Good art though
fuck off. game is mediocre as a shmup and those sections are broken up by dumb ass quick time even simon says sequences. like hey dude got a great idea for a hardcore game a shmup with quicktime events. but then none of the devs had ever played a shmup before so we get boring garbage. game is only hyped up because of the visual style
Why does everyone on this board have to post insecure shit like this?
But it's not meant to be a shootemup game it just has a few shootemup elements you chucklefuck.
You clearly have autism, I'm sorry
Yeah you’ve definitely never played
half of every fight is a fucking shmup you gay retard thats the base gameplay when youre not playing simon says
Thanks user. I admit it looks obviously messy, but her design lended itself for a 'lewd but not really' joker
Disappointed it wasn't used for an actual boss fight.
Damn you really did just watch like one boss fight before waltzing in here didn't you
I don't know why someone would compare the two; they're totally different games. but yeah furi has more depth mechanically. I also really liked the art style, maybe it'll grow on you, but either way the gameplay is great.
>they actually made a waifu ending
I thought it was funny.
my favorite was the old man, then this guy then the sniper lady cuz she was the most difficult.. until I figured it out. she had me down to one last hit b4 dead jst b4 the final phase where she goes invis and starts meleeing.
I got p parries all the way to full hp and damn near lost it all again killing her
she also glitched once and I couldn't finish the fight
this style of game was rly fkn cool. I got Tron, and that stuck-in-vidyagames feel all the way through. ending was kino. I got teary eyed during The Beat fight but still didn't expect the end.
I honestly don't have a reply to this so I'm just gonna call her cute. The joke is how lewd she acts yet covers herself in a fuck ton of optical camoflauge cloth, basically ruining any chances of porn of her, right?
old man makes my palms sweat
He likes men.