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Other urls found in this thread:

>Lucy O'Brien
More like Lucy Was'Brien

>switching between sekiro and weeping
More like switching between genders and weeping

>Should Sekiro have an easy mode?
Imagine being so obsessed with easy modes you make yourself a woman.

This is perhaps one of the most based and redpilled first posts I’ve witnessed in my life

He's surely going to be part of the 40% after this one

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>Lucy O'Brien
Soo.. why is this thing even playing or care about games?

I refuse to believe that god gamer based lucy o'brien thinks there should be an easy mode.

great post

despite the manface, I'm pretty sure that isn't a tranny.

>Oh no, I bought a 60 dollar game that I can't beat!

This is a sad world

White people need to die

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>Imagine being so obsessed with easy modes you make yourself a woman.
goddamn lucy got BTFO

That's a woman you retards. Trannies always have deep voices.

Despite the dick in your mouth, I'm pretty sure you're not a faggot.

They really need to patch in and easy mode just to end all this bitching. Using easy mode makes enemies 20% faster, hit 35% harder and item drops are down to 10%.

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Luke, pls.

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watch a lets play if youre a shitter

god Yea Forums dudes are literally the biggest bitches on earth





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thank you for bringing this very important video that has clearly had a large impact on video games to my attention, dipshit


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imagine being so bad at videogames you compare yourself to a cripple

I want a more extreme Easy mode where it instantly shows a screen with "Congratulations You Win!" and then deletes the game and mangles the disc.

Legit thought that was Jamie Lee Curtis.

top fuckin post m8

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Doesn't this just piss you off? Like, you lie in bed every night giving this person free rent in your mind. They won.

>sekiro... that was some funny ass shit my nakama.

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Coudln;t they do an easy mode and have it cut out content like some other games?
So they complete the game without satisfaction, write a review about and get called out for the fake ending like those other times?


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Begone tranny

absolutely BASED

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The only thing more pathetic that people who beg for an easier difficulty so they can actually play a game, are the people who think beating such a game is a fucking accomplishment.

Show me one (1) tranny with a female voice

Extremely based and fpbpilled


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>"as someone who sucks at video games"

this dude is a fucking idiot, goes to show what a joke ign is and why noone takes that website seriously.

They all made good points and are valid, but in the end, this is a game that says, Git gud and I'm glad From Software remains firm on the difficulty of their games.

That's impossible, they lack the requirements, no matter how effeminate it might be it'll always be a man's voice.


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Damn bro...

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>Yea Forums actually believes that's a tranny

The IQ is steadily falling, I see.

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You are on the wrong neighborhood. This is 4channel mate.

t. brien

She should receive credit for at least being honest, as opposed to using cripples as some insincere front.

Now imagine this person is supposed to be a journalist, someone who you figure has some skill and/or knowledge of the subject they're covering

It'd be like someone who absolutely hates sports but writes for a goddamn sports page

Which is why this is obviously not a tranny


god, so fucking based
what a blessed post

Attached: topebin.png (540x562, 52K)

why do people care so much if a game adds an easy mode? if anything it would stop casualization since the easy mode could be the nerfed one and the rest could be legit.

are you people just doing the reactionary thing because its what you feel you have to do? who the fuck cares

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Fucking BASED

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Fucking based

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Sekiro and Souls are not even that hard, they just punish the stupid an impatient.
I mean if you see Gone Home is the epitome of videogames then it’s not going to be for you, is it?

That's actually a woman, but your post did give me a good laugh.

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>comments disabled

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Are you trolling or retarded? That's never in the world a tranny.

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Press D to dab on this resetera tranny.


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If they were to explain blunty that video games have more people coming into the space every year the population of noobs have a demographic that don't have the skill to complete the game then everything would be ok.

I'd honestly feel worse for him if he wasn't a tranny. Regardless you misunderstand my previous point, his voice can sound like literally anything and it'll always be the voice of a man and thus a man's voice.

>Lucy O'Brien
>listening to a potato nigger about vidya

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I hate trannies but that is not a tranny, the voice is obviously female, something which a man cannot copy.


Nice arguments incels)

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Replace all games "journalists" with people who are good at video games and the problem will solve itself. Then these english majors who should've ended up in middle management at your finer re-fueling stations can go fill out the application of their dreams and leave video games to those who actually fucking care about them.

But if Sekiro does get an easy mode, make the easy mode sissies run like Steven Segal so we can tell who's a gamer and who's a big pussy.

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I found a picture of this user.

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So you're saying the game is currently casual and the addition of an easy mode would make it less casual? What kind of backwards ass logic is that? Just play a different game if you don't want a hard game, that's so much easier than demanding a programmer change the game for you.

>more options is bad
Well yes, they are in this context.

A quadriplegic beat the game, you just need to get good

sue lightning

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In the journalists' defense, quadriplegics don't have a lot going on in their lives.

> Well yes
Why? How does YOUR experience changed if somebody plays the game with less damage taken?

this mild shit could actually get you insta banned in most platforms.

Dan Stapleton can staple my balls to his forehead. Insisting the game is hard and the programmers go back and fucking change it makes you a pussy... no matter who you are.

"Mom, I don't like my teeth, go back in time and fuck dad differently."

I want the option to not have an easy mode in every game
Stop excluding games with no difficulty options
Easy mode makes the game the same as all other games with easy modes, boring
Checkmate atheist.

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based and redpilled

Sekiro easy mode should end with you escaping with the young lord in the tutorial instead of having your arm cut off.

Yes. Absolutely. For no other reason then to watch sperges flip the fuck out and laugh at them.

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At least I'm not a brownfag

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>Developers *Clap Emoji* don't *Clap Emoji* owe *Clap Emoji* you *Clap Emoji* anything *Clap Emoji* stop *Clap Emoji* being *Clap Emoji* entitled *Clap Emoji*


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you know reeeeing about incels doesn't constitute a rebuttal to this correct statement right

You scum dont even play videogames, why do you care?
>Gamers who pride themselves on skill patience and autism need to bend over to your whims so that your weak shit ego doesnt end up killing you today
The absolute entitlement of these fuckwits

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More like Luke


drink less s󠛡o󠛡y

we won
no tranny in all of existence can recover after this

>@Maxscoville / hopes to beat Bloodborne by 2021
Oh no no no no.

"Games should be for everyone"

I don't understand. I'm not American so I don't know how it works there, but do they prohibit selling Sekiro to some castes?

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Fucking B A S E D

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She wants Sekiro to have a yaoi scene where the prince gets his boipucci pounded until he breaks to appeal to the gay pedo audience.

Janny tranny on suicide watch.


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It definitely looks like Eddie Izzard after starting heroin, realizing it's tearing his life apart, kicking the habit, and staging a comeback.

The most important thing we can all agree on... man... woman... half aborted Eddie Izzard heroin joke, whatever it is, it is wrong.

Becaus eif everybody gets a first prize medal, the medal loses value. That simple. Play, practice, git gud and then earn your completion instead of whining for the world to bend to your whims


Could they at least come up with something funny or seriously damaging to our egos?

>Should Sekiro have an easy mode?
>Imagine being so obsessed with easy modes you make yourself a woman.


Attached: anon.png (678x359, 509K)

Its a real girl but based post anyway

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Sekiro is on easy mode by default. You have to ring the bell if you don't want to play on babby bitch mode.

>More like Lucy Was'Brien

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Why are game journalists so entitled?

Because I sell trainers to retarded teenagers who suck at games, my experience with the game is diminished because I am less happy now my paypigs are gone.

Life should have an easy mode.
Oh wait, that's called being born a woman.

Attached: biffo amused.jpg (500x500, 54K)

Screencap this

Honestly I rang the bell and haven't noticed much difference

This guy's got it

I fucking hate how hard the game is, but I wouldn't ever ask them to change it. I just need to fuckin git gud, and so should you

This but unironically.

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> Becaus eif everybody gets a first prize medal, the medal loses value
Imagine being that insecure, lol.
Dud, it's just a game. People play the game for fun and enjoyment from gameplay, not for medals or prizes.
Jeez, you are such an incel.

Jesus user, you're gonna jump that number from 40% to 80% with just this one post

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>tfw easy mode has a feature where once a month you just bleed and have heart attack tier pains


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Why does everything have to be inclusive? It's ok for shit not to be. Everything shouldn't have to be made for everyone. There are plenty of things that are made without everyone in mind, what's the point of targeting a game just because its difficult? Honestly, is there nothing better for anyone to do besides echo chamber?

How many 666 hand sign can one do

Remember when games journos wrote article after article saying Insomniac didn't owe anyone anything and people were being overly entitled by constantly asking for pic related?

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God damn.

So, this is what true power looks like.

Holy shit, you just wiped out dozens of discord tranny freaks with one post

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All it does is give you a little friend that hangs out, that's literally it

I don't know what he does yet, but I like him

Even if you're not a woman you can just go into video game journalism, you don't even have to play the games, just cry in headlines demanding they make games play themselves for you and rake in the cash.

You could retire on a post this good

>(((journalists))) should be lined up and shot, more news at 11

>What's your name, kid?
>The Human Holocaust!
>That's it? Jeez kid I know this is wrestling but even we aren't that fake.

Holy shit Raimi.

Consolation prizes are as valuable as dirt in the real world, tranny. No matter what mommy tells you, you dont deserve a prize for existing. Now fuck off back to your hugbox and leave games alone. Or git gud, then come back

Then why are you so obsessed with winning, just have fun lmao who cares if it's hard, just stop being obsessed with winning you incel.

What friend? You mean the demon inside you?

This is the best way to do it honestly.
Don't make it mangle the disc, just give it them the credits and a the end screen, make sure to not give achievements.
The tears would be a tsunami

Very well done.

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That wouldn't happen if you didn't need to dilate in the first place.


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Holy shit that last one

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t.janny ______


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go back to discord, brien

I feel like this is the kind of game that needs a demo.

But literally everyone hates trannies?

What's enjoyable about only playing mindless games?

put me in the screencap leddit

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Lucy was Bryan
This got me good, cannot lie


>all those (you)s

Very good. Very good indeed.

Attached: 1507635548856.jpg (480x480, 26K)

Has someone posted this in the comments yet?

>2 minutes later
I don't even care if you're OP that was fucking merciless.

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He looks like a red eyeball, seems nice

> sell trainers
Did somebody really BUY trainers?

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>That's never in the world a tranny.
Are you ESL?

are you australian by any chance,fucking bantz m8

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Even trannys hate trannys see the statistics

For some reason people still do, it's pretty fucking insane.

thanks for the laugh

100% Chad

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If he is savor it lad because they're about to be made illegal on Yea Forums.

Back to resetera dude

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>Imagine being so obsessed with easy modes you make yourself a woman.

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I love you user

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I used to think this site was a tragedy, now I see it's a comedy.

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11/10 post.


best in show

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I’ll give it up .

Probably not. Most Australians are tranny defenders.

I usually don't reply to this type of shit but that was good.

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Well then.

>see this

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>white women

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rotoscoping makes me CRINGE

I don’t hate trannies but even I’ve gotta admit that this post was fucking based. There’s absolutely no countering this, my lord.

>all those (You)'s
i want some too...

Attached: 1524268056839.jpg (250x250, 5K)

>potato nigger

>that thing
>a woman

You gotta earn for it.

lmao get fucked nerd


This is on the house

Then do something, faggot.

ah truly shadows die twice

Literally why does anyone pay attention to these talentless journos? Fucking ignore them you incel retards

>I dont hate trannies
Well you should

Fuckin hell mate.

How can IGN recover?

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>Devs make a game how they want to
Fucking Candy Crush audience is what it is.

This may honestly be one of the greatest replies I've seen on Yea Forums

No. Dance for it you fat fuck

This worlds truly gone mad, Im glad you see it like me. Mock it all

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sometimes, Yea Forums can be pretty cool

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Trannies really do need an easy mode though, no matter how many times they revive they just keep killing themselves.


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Oh ma lawd

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my gf beat genichiro before i did lol

these are posted by the brain-dead slobs who made it

Yea Forums still has its moments

Attached: Baughahaha.jpg (246x205, 10K)

>Wahhh nothing is lost or hurt by having an easy mode
Given how the vast majority of games are easy mode by default and have really shitty hard modes because developers can't be bothered to dedicate the time and resources needed to make a game more difficult in creative ways instead of just increasing numbers, I can say with 100% confidence that yes, this can and would have a tangible, negative impact on the game. In fact, the industry's overwhelming tendency toward casualization has long since driven most developers and publishers away from making games hard at all, meaning players who prefer harder games have fewer options than ever before. Focusing on making games easier literally drains the already anemic market of challenging games.

There is a reason Fromsoft games (which are barely difficult to begin with) are considered niche outliers in terms of difficulty; nobody fucking makes difficult games anymore because casuals ruined everything by being whiny self-entitled faggots like OP.

They already tried switching to easy mode that's why they want to be women so bad



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I don't understand why this is even a discussion. just don't play the game. Also, stop posting so many of these goddamn threads. Sekiro is only mediocre anyway.

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I like that the game features a slightly harder mode instead of a turbobaby faggot mode


They think everyone has a right to access every part of every game. Meanwhile journos lecture gamers that they're entitled brats and yadda yadda

do not hate the circus, it was made for your entertainment you just get front row seats
>lady with the beard = modern trannies
>the monkey = niggers
>ringmaster = jews and their underlings
>lion = islam
The world is your circus, laugh ENJOY, its almost the perfect setup for a entertainment circus 24/7 look around

Attached: 1550726550634.gif (2952x3047, 1.76M)

I really love From
But for some people
The games are sometimes too hard for them to git gud
I think a easymode
could really benefit in a more efficient gameplay experience for
those people
So From should totally add a easymode to their games

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-04 Should Sekiro Have an Easy Mode - IGN Now - YouTube.png (853x480, 766K)

absolute kino post

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But what I'm saying, is stop paying attention to them. IGN sucks, this isn't news to anyone here, but people keep taking the time to screencap the website and post it here to continue the endless wave of shitposting. It's bad enough that there were too many Sekiro threads before this easy mode nonsense started.

why do all these s.o.y.boys look a like wtf

I have a feeling someone is same fagging but goddamn you make a great point

Not one, not two, but THREE (3) based-worthy comments in the same post.

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>dat projection

they all share one thing in common, the eyes of defeat

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fp has never been so bp

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this but unironically

Fucking blew that tranny the fuck out so hard he transitioned back to last week.

Attached: laughing biffo.jpg (543x640, 46K)

when i go to a circus i don't get murdered by the lions

i hate how this guy called sekiro's tutorial "good"
it just tells you what buttons to push but in a significantly less intuitive way, that takes you out of the game as opposed to dark souls' messages


>games should be for everyone
does Yea Forums agree with this statement?

Attached: file.png (243x279, 147K)


FROM is making games that harken back to the early days of console gaming. The enemies are always in the same place, the patterns never change, progress is earned through patience and close attention.

I'm a fan of bringing back some of the better aspects of that era as it is where I grew up. This "hide behind a rock until your health bar regens" thing is new to me.

People who expect to be pro skaters the first time they get on the board who then run crying to the manufacturer when they skin their knee should just stay curled up in their twitters and their facebooks and find something else to be offended by.

Attached: trannytry.gif (500x260, 493K)

Gaming as a whole should be for everyone, but specific games don't have to be designed to be enjoyed by everyone. Like, you should support your troops as a concept, but you don't have to be nice to every single soldier you meet.

>buys demon's piss 50 million scoville hotsauce
damn bro spicy sauce should be for everyone

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One of the best posts I've seen in a while

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thanks mr sekeltal

No,games are intended for the audience they are targeting.

If you try to make something "for everyone", you always end up making it for no-one.

Who the fuck liked the video?

Oh my fucking god

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Games are for everyone. You can't be prohibited of buying any game due to you race or sexual orientation.

women shouldn't be allowed to buy video games, next question

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Agreed. I may get angry enough to break my controller from fucking up constantly, but you know what? If you don't give up, you eventually get to the point where you can speedrun the game.

It's that got that feeling most modern games lack: satisfaction. Overcoming a tremendous challenge. Now, you just get everything handed to you on a silver platter, and that's boring/gay (stupid gay, not cool gay).


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Jesus christ user
Going in dry

Not even a tranny, just an ugly dyke who gave the shit tier nu-Tomb Raider games better reviews than the Uncharted games for feminism.






also lol

To further that point, look at how much Dark Souls has in common with Mega Man X.

You can choose any level from the start, though some areas may be more difficult than others.

Once you've been through an area a few times, there are no more suprises.

Once you learn a boss pattern, you don't need to learn it again.


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Git gud or fuck off, I'm not the best gamer, far from it, but even I have been managing to get through, the fucking game, just like with the other FromSoft games. These people are absolutely fucking pathetic.

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First post best post, absolutely savage

Triddle me this Batman what is .6 but also 40?

Many Lucy used to be a really cool chick too... I knew her IRL when I ran my own games site. Watching all these people slowly descend into madness was interesting to see.

This is what really throws me, these are the same people who complained about entitlement and now turn around and whine and beg for an easy mode while using disabled people as a shield.
The hypocrisy is mind blowing.

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I hope their next game is harder by default than Sekiro. Hate on Miyazaki all you want, but I like the fact that he makes these bitches cry and yearn for an easy mode like nobody else in this shit faggot industry.

Anyone else fine with gay/lesb/bi but absolutely hate trannies?

>game journos never do more than 2 hours of play before writing up their 600 word review they can trade for a bowl of soup
>suddenly soulslikes need easy modes
Who are these retards and why do they think they can influence a nipponese dev studio

You're alright, user

Attached: skeleton_smirk.jpg (411x346, 24K)

Did you know her when she was still Brien?

Impressive, if not overkill

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She was never Brien.

Me, I've got a few bi friends and a lesbian friend. Manager is gay too.
But fuck trannies, their entitlement is worse than the most flaming faggots out there

>put easy mode in game
>entitled fags can win without trying
easy mode is a cancer affecting the whole world in several ways,it's never a good idea

Yes! 100% because you tell that they're just going to be offended.

Said "Hello?" It's offended.

Breathed? It's offended.

Voted? It's offended.

Close your car door a bit too hard? It's offended.

Refer to transmission fluid as tranny fluid? Its head exploded.

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Eh I’m 50/50 on them. Half the trannies I know are genuinely nice people who just want to live their lives quietly and in peace while the other half are the most obnoxious people I’ve ever met. I don’t know what exactly it is about them that makes them act that way but good fucking lord I understand fully why people who’ve only ever interacted with those types of tranny hate them so much.

Yeah, the X games on the SNES were all fantastic... never thought of them as hard, but I guess they kinda are vs. all the new shit that's out there

Glad they got rid of the whole password system thing, though, I had notebooks with level codes in them and notes for what each code unlocked

got em

holy fuck

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They're annoying, they should just call themselves whatever their biology dictates. You can't change chromosomes, so stop being delusional and just accept yourself for who you are, you know?

Back when I was in school, when you had a problem or delusional thoughts like this, people helped you overcome them. Now, they nurture them until you chop your dick/cunt off and drive yourself to suicide. Fucked up world.

Excuse me sir, but it's illegal to own a nigga like that.

Attached: stop-sign1.jpg (1694x1133, 1.05M)

What they should do instead of sending Western journalists playable review code is send them a video of someone competent playing it so they can watch that and then write their review based on that. Now they don't have to pretend to have played the game in any serious capacity when they write their review, and we also don't have to put up with these human-shaped objects whining that they can't use their basic motor skills and reflexes and learn how to play the game they are being paid to review.

Like literally, this entire thing is them being entitled children mad that they can't adapt to how different the game is and demanding the dev change the game to fit them.

>human-shaped objects
That's a little too generous a way to describe them, I think.

They they should find a different hobby. You don't HAVE to play vidya, if it's not for you, then it's not for you and people should accept that.

alright this post deserves a (You) at least


Wait, isn't this the EXACT SAME PEOPLE who for years and years have called people "entitled manchildren" for not wanting their hobby destroyed by gender politics?
The EXACT SAME PEOPLE who kept going, "It's not made for you", "We would prefer it if you didn't play *our* games" and "If you don't like it, don't play it"?

Why do they think they can now demand that a game be dumbed down and changed for them? Shouldn't they just accept that it's not made for them and play something else?

Attached: questionman.jpg (378x293, 18K)

Based and Redpilled

Fuckin' got HIM.

So let me see if I follow. I was "entitled" if I wanted a better ending on Mass Effect 3, but they're not entitled because "VIDEO GAMES ARE FOR EVERYONE! ....Misogynist?"

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put me in the screencap reddit

Capped holy fuck

Attached: lucy_o_brian_easy.jpg (1661x401, 133K)

Oh user, if only you knew

>>Should Sekiro have an easy mode?
>Imagine being so obsessed with easy modes you make yourself a woman.
lost here

Attached: 597120605_e61a4ec005_b.jpg (1010x1024, 675K)

ebin bread is ebin

Give it a couple of weeks and these leftist parasites will say something along the lines of

Fuck these power hungry pigs.

Attached: 1554429860601.jpg (416x600, 142K)

Some of them realize the hypocrisy which is why most of them are hiding behind the "accessibility" excuse and claiming that the game needs an easy mode so disabled people can play (and them) or you're an asshole who hates cripples.
They're completely shameless.

Attached: shulk recoils.gif (350x293, 1.68M)

Are you slowly realizing that their intrusion into games has never been about 'representation', 'equality', or any of the other bullshit they pretend to be for, and has been solely focused on gaining enough of a foothold in the industry to destroy gaming for 'the enemy'?


Attached: laff.jpg (646x600, 112K)

>destroy gaming for 'the enemy'
What are you talking about?

Sekiro easy mode should have you play as Kuro and you just wait around for Okami to come and talk to you as he beats the game

I won't stop until we get the filthy savage Japs out of video games.

Women ruin everything.


Attached: 1550231455096.png (822x802, 680K)

The kikes, user. He's talking about the kikes.

Attached: 1554415458888.jpg (905x700, 108K)


Attached: shekel rub.gif (444x225, 360K)

sekiro is a single player game anyway. no excuse not to have an easier mode

and i hate catering to the lowest common denominator

Fucking hell. I wish other people here would turn their seething over trannies on something this good.

Attached: TomHyper.jpg (960x745, 45K)

>it's not on reddit yet

put me in the screencap faggot

Attached: 1524936095841.jpg (728x640, 500K)

This post is beyond based, beyond redpilled; it is ascended.

Attached: the immortal boner.jpg (633x695, 215K)


Attached: DngpeosVsAEZKgH.jpg (279x580, 35K)

I would only accept an easy mode provided it was called "Game Journalist Mode" and made all enemies die in one hit and Sekiro be impervious to damage.

Attached: smoker_1950_01.jpg (487x486, 85K)

Uh, wtf. The image cap I uploaded is 100% a .png.
Is Yea Forums(((nnel))) forcing images to jpg when they are posted now?

I meant that their main goal is shitting up gaming badly enough that it turns 'the enemy' (whites, males, and non-ideologically conforming people) off from gaming altogether because they've made it alienate them so thoroughly

It's basically like a group of kids on the schoolyard intruding into a game of handball and then bullying everyone else into changing the rules of the game to the point that they're playing something else totally different and the original group leaves to go play something else. It's the whole 'degradation of a hobby' cycle except the intruding group explicitly has malicious intent and and intends to fuck things up for the original group.

Sometimes I miss videogames being a semi-niche hobby. At least normalfags looked down upon them instead of try so hard to fit in and bring their stupid ideals and inclusive shit.


Attached: 88ddf7ccc1c253f00f19cd6e3f16180eba186b718b4774d48147608e016a93c5.jpg (1523x1762, 754K)

Pretty sure it isn't, as long as you're under the 4MB filesize limit.

Attached: ez mode.png (1437x678, 205K)

Attached: 1539138299003.png (395x405, 153K)

include me in the screenshot

Attached: 1547330737321.png (285x393, 138K)

>implying reddit won't ban transphobia

Attached: 1532696747602.jpg (632x700, 20K)

From, fucking do this

What the fuck is up with that font.

Attached: ew druid.jpg (733x850, 134K)

I am 100% sure its .png. I am looking at it right now in its properties. Strange.

Regardless thanks for the .png
Wish you had gotten the whole thing tough.

>Implying reddit would ever ban something that makes 4ch look bad.

>Disrespects women
>Yea Forums praises him


empty buzzword, no one's afraid of trannies

My proof

Attached: image_my_proofs.jpg (366x502, 35K)

They didn't have the balls to put up *ONE* voice for yes. One of them still needs a year and a half to beat Blood R1 until it's dead Borne. Fuck gaming journos holy shit


Attached: 9897645325678.jpg (707x682, 74K)

Well, here's one including the OP.

Attached: With OP.png (1920x1116, 454K)

Literally the best first post I’ve ever seen, cap this and put me in it

Devastating truth bombs.

More like fuck you.

Fuck you dumb roastie bitch. They should make HARD MODE

It's just the Burichan theme.

lmao, damnit. I just made another one to test it.

Thank you user.

Attached: lucy_o_brian_easy_2_realpng.png (2531x531, 207K)

this could be the ugliest screenshot of a website ive ever seen

I want to suck Lucy's Pusy

Attached: F1B8C6C2-848A-4934-8767-604BB63899CF.jpg (200x164, 7K)

Attached: smilelaugh.jpg (798x798, 101K)

Attached: 1544533938407.png (768x900, 740K)

>hurr muh participation trophy

Has someone posted this on the comment section yet?


>Not using 4chanX and not switching to a serif font in 2019.

I'm never going to see a post this based ever again am i?

Attached: 1554429089392.jpg (401x455, 77K)

They do. Its called demon bell and no charm.
Its ironic seeing that the game actually starts out on the easiest setting and can become harder if you allow it.

Games already are for everyone, the only one from stopping them from playing games are themselves.

>he's this upset

Imagine if From Software patches in an "Easy Mode", and when you start it, it's just every cutscene from start till end without any gameplay whatsoever.

Attached: heh shiiiiiet.jpg (712x612, 209K)


I always wonder if these people wonder how entitled this is
people don't have to make music for everybody, or movies for everybody, so why should they have to make games that are for everybody

Not bad senpai.

Attached: 1518665626171.jpg (598x448, 28K)

But what is the point in alienating the main target audience?

>4chanx doesnt work on firefox anymore
is there any replacement?

Not funny

You'll never be a real woman, Brian.

Attached: 1498095187387.jpg (680x383, 32K)

Attached: Sweden oh oh.jpg (1536x2560, 1.26M)

Attached: Chris_hansen.png (427x640, 85K)

How the hell is this thread still up?

I miss the old serif font but fuck 4chanx.

i didnt expect a post to be this based, congrats user

Attached: E5069641-CFEA-4D8F-A7D6-C4C876C9C0BD.png (447x378, 11K)

What was it?

Attached: 1554330958078.png (619x838, 667K)

Do a tranny get mad and post cp?

I know you stole that last joke from some other user but the first two got a chuckle out of me too.

Scat porn

The jannies are laughing with us.

based mods

I actually agree. Every game should aim to cater to everyone so nobody's excluded from enjoying games the way they want to enjoy them.

In an unrelated topic, how's that Gone Home hard-mode patch going?

Attached: 1548842946415.jpg (500x534, 45K)

You will be Earth's emissary to the aliens.

It was a dude licking shit out of another guy's ass.

Jesus christ

Attached: 1546113180273.jpg (500x645, 25K)

Screencap me

>4chanx doesn't work on firefox anymore

Attached: uwot.png (1920x1072, 268K)

wish it was cp,first a chance on getting arrested than watching gay scat porn

>game developed by a developer known for above-average difficulty games
>makes another above-average difficulty game
>reviewers fully aware of this buy game
>complain that game is above-average difficulty

I consider their bitching a positive.

holy shit this post only had a few (You)'s when I first clicked this thread

Attached: 1446349003361.png (544x400, 168K)

>.20 ign bucks have been deposited to your account

They wanted an easy mode just like their job.

No give an achievement, just a really condescending one that everybody can see

If you KNOW you're shit at video games, why the fuck buy one you KNOW is going to be very challenging?
Help me Yea Forums, help me understand these people.

Attached: happyshep.jpg (340x332, 32K)

>buy a mathematics textbook
>it's advanced for you to understand
>demand the publisher add an easy mode

Because you ran out of things to be outraged about.

>they send you a copy of "My First Math Book" (Ages 3-6)

How would trannies ever recover?

Attached: 1516155048097.gif (265x308, 1.95M)

Attached: 1486091679717.jpg (284x311, 26K)

put me in the leddit screencap xD

Basically pic related

Attached: 1533930267574.jpg (600x267, 39K)

Ok, here we go.

Okay now THIS.. is epic.

Attached: 1554013785780.jpg (720x720, 57K)

Wait is """she""" actually a tranny?


No, but who cares?

bald , american, pro sjw shit what else?

What the fuck is happening

I dont get it but ill contribute

What would be sadder? That it's a tranny that couldn't pass for female even in pitch darkness, or if it's a woman who looks like a tranny who couldn't pass for female in pitch darkness?

Attached: flanders.jpg (256x197, 8K)

samefagging, but who cares

Nope. She is a kiwi though.

foundationed and medicated

"hate" is tiny compared to what we do to degenerates here but i understand your point

Ah, a citizen of the Islamic States of New Zealistan.

Maybe she intentionally made herself look like a man so no kebab would want to rape her.

Attached: thonk2.png (352x352, 39K)

The latter.

im so sad to see so many people focus in on this one person when so many males said the exact same thing

people are too fucking obsessed with gender politics to discuss video games anymore

honestly just delete this board

Attached: 1336633613737.jpg (343x357, 20K)

>honestly just delete this board
Delete all video game "journalism" on the internet.

>implying soiboys and numales don't get made fun of as well

Someone get the firefighters on this man's house

Fucking destroyed

Attached: dae.jpg (980x1040, 138K)

Jesus dude


Attached: 1551752031135.jpg (631x658, 39K)

Attached: Gentleman laugh.jpg (425x300, 43K)

Just don't play it. Not every game is for you. Plenty of easy games around.

stop oppressing me

You can stop samefagging now.

Attached: Res5RZfL.png (250x241, 64K)

Quit being so ENTITLED.

>do they prohibit selling Sekiro to some castes?
Yes. Women are banned from playing this game and if caught will be subjected to judicial gang rape.


>If you KNOW you're shit at video games, why the fuck buy one you KNOW is going to be very challenging?
They don't want to admit this.
Song name related.


go make some more soundcloud garbage, Poke

was that actually a tranny or a woman?


Attached: 1439356279594.png (324x294, 3K)

god i wish this was me

Hey Beamdog, I don't like all the gay and black characters you added to the Baldur's Gate 1 & 2 Remastered Editions.
You should make a "Original" game mode that removes them so the game can be enjoyed by more people.

Attached: Imoen.jpg (571x900, 127K)

I'm so fucking tired of this bullshit deflection to criticism. Of fucking course not everything is for me, retard. I'm not a 15 year old girl. Stop deflecting criticism and address it instead.


trannies hate themselves. That's why so many choose suicide. It's actually really fucked up when you think about it. All of this "tranny acceptance" is actually misleading some terribly lost people and making them indulge in strange delusions. It's not healthy to be so far in denial over who you were born as and running from an obvious truth for so long only leads to self-destruction.


This board isn't beyond saving just yet.

put me in the screencap

Attached: 47966747080_n.jpg (404x417, 18K)

How about this: easy games suck and if you pick easy mode you have absolute shit taste in games and you're a gay bitch.

you can stop samefagging

Attached: 1427396199880.png (788x784, 189K)

Maybe because it's their goddamn job to buy and play videogames? They're openly admitting to being bad. Just because theyre bad doesnt mean they cant say "I'd like an easy mode in this game." It's not like they're saying "Make everyone else's experience worse" or "Give me your game for free."

hot damn

Truly a fpbp

Attached: 1554250073659.gif (400x270, 2.01M)

>Relevant opinions
Pick one

How will s(he) recover?

Attached: 1517369380352.gif (379x329, 298K)

God fucking damn

Attached: BEB2E128-8674-4B05-9FBF-521D208206C7.jpg (750x768, 447K)

Is the person in the OP even actually a tranny? They look like a typical dyke to me.


Attached: 1552776496403.jpg (642x642, 105K)

Attached: 402947D2DE404CA999EBB6C1651A4B40.jpg (1223x928, 123K)

Attached: laughing griffon.gif (309x374, 1.11M)

They're zealots on a crusade. Alienating those people is the entire point. The people worried about profits have been stupid enough to let them take over key positions because it's packaged as progress.

Attached: 1540275571631.jpg (493x424, 30K)

Attached: 1552266307298.jpg (757x430, 63K)

>honestly just delete this board
how about you migrate to resetera or reddit it suits your tastes better

"Mommy Mommy I Won! Yay!" Achievement Unlocked

but then you'd have regular gamers complaining that they can't 100% the game

put me in the screencap boys

Attached: a1fa7077-218b-418b-a23c-90dfc8129957.jpg (336x415, 35K)

I nominate this post to be the first inducted into the fpbp hall of fame.

FP eternally BP

you get my (you) good sir

But he said it funnier

>wants to discuss vidyagames instead of gender politics
>How about you migrate to the few places on the internet even more obsessed with gender politics
Good suggestion, user.

Attached: 1440574487751.png (1280x800, 1.02M)

I forgot it was spring break.

Imagine being so thirsty for (you)s you have to reply to your own post again and again.

all people need to die.
mankind is a blight on this universe.
end it.

In like 2 weeks it is

Can't they just beat the game on normal and then on Game Journalist Difficulty?

best post in years

Attached: 200_s.gif (245x245, 1021K)

How's polygon/rps these days? Seething, I bet

Maybe game journalists should just be people who aren't complete shit at video games.

But it isn't? Spring break is usually around Easter, which is the 21st.
Unless that was changed in the last 10 years but why would anyone change that?

>muh summer
fuck off kid

bah gawd somebody stop he damn match

Attached: 1554154013103.jpg (640x640, 20K)



it is not an achievement you would want to have


>I'm bad at videogames
>now with that introduction let me tell you my opinion on how videogames should be made
fuck right off, I honestly have no idea how someone can so publicly announce their incompetence in their work field and keep their job.

Attached: 1286620922792.jpg (408x326, 49K)

Holy shit based


Attached: 1554329631057.jpg (1437x770, 349K)

Attached: 1553652973653.jpg (1000x800, 118K)

Just watch a fucking lets play or one of the dozens of streamers playing it at any given time if you can't hack it yourself but still want to pretend like you played it while sitting in the company beanbags with your trans coworkers

jesus christ man

Attached: 1353956173645.jpg (900x900, 357K)


Attached: 2015-05-04_00012.jpg (1920x1080, 539K)

Wow, has ign realy become this worthless

fuck off kotaku

>weak burn gets a gorillion replies
in typical nu-Yea Forums fashion
inb4 "discord tranny"
Yes, nu-Yea Forums, everyone you don't like is a discord tranny.

Attached: 14.jpg (640x480, 25K)



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t. sweden

fuck humans
fuck god
and fuck niggers

You're not doing a good job blending in.


throw me in the creampie senpai

Attached: 1551469667109.png (1000x660, 354K)

This post does not deserve this many (you)s.

yeah include me

Attached: 1553232972279.jpg (750x752, 88K)

Go back to your discord group, tranny.

Ah, my mistake.

Attached: 1502598301814.jpg (1157x772, 409K)

>i make fun about transgender hurr durr such funny edgy humor
>oh no those journalist call me and my fellow gamers misogynists why is this happening must be the jews behind this

Someone make a collage out of this, it's gold!

Attached: 1552786893535.jpg (595x890, 69K)

this honestly wasn't that funny you retards

Wow, you really got me bro.

Attached: discordtranny.png (640x960, 589K)

Can't have any wrongthink in our echo chamber

there we go

>top KEK classic Yea Forums am I right or am i right lel

discord tranny

I just want a fucking response from Fromsoftware or even Miyazaki himself to put and end to the stupid discussion

Attached: 1527797911614.jpg (700x688, 69K)



there is still good in this world

I've replied to this post like 11 or 12 times now because it's so funny

And that response should be "No".

Somebody sticky

Attached: gorespriteflip.png (250x250, 57K)


>implying IGN even cares about an easy mode and aren't baiting you niggers for a (View)

Attached: 1551023732264.jpg (1280x720, 168K)