Why is Steam backpedaling all of a sudden?
Why is Steam backpedaling all of a sudden?
Nobody has a fucking clue how they choose what adult games get on steam, there's apparently 8 different people using their own set of unknowable rules and they can overturn each other or something at any time.
Steam has no proper control. Sometimes the most harmless of games get banned and others with full on nudity stay up.
That's not an adult game.
It was pretty clear that when they fired James Harding from hosting that Dota 2 event that the left hand at Valve has basically no idea what the right hand is doing.
>get told "just bee yourself"
>be too cheeky and later unknowing clomplain to a valve guy during a smoke break
>he goes directly to gabe and gets him fired
It’s a dating sim VN so it shouldn’t be allowed to exist either way.
it says nudity and sexual content in the pic, but I didn't check farther than that but I'll take your word on that. What I said stand though, since the rules seem completely arbitrary for certain games.
Perhaps a weakness in Valve's flat corporate structure. No one is really above anyone else, so anyone can enforce any ruleset they see fit when they are working on Steam specifically.
next week it will be banned again
there is some shit going on at steam, some SJWs trying to impose their views
I heard that they behead a chicken and let it run around and die on a roulette-like board to decide what games pass
>but I'll take your word on that.
Never take the words of the VN weebs here, they are literally all liars and all games that get deleted are loli porn disguised as games and they lie about the games not being pornographic since the base game is usually censored but has an uncensor patch.
> loli porn disguised as games
fuck thanks for letting me know, now I know I need to buy it
Not that I'm personally against it, it's just the weebs here are always completely dishonest about the content of the games like they're trying to smuggle drugs into Steam, I wouldn't mind if they were at least honest.
More than backpedalling, it sounds like a lot of people ate up the alarmist garbage from clickbait sites like oneangrycück
Rape Day falseflag scared them into walking it back.
I really get the feeling it's a lot of underage B& trying to sneak porn past their parents.
There's that forum post from a Valve employee, spelling out their view is pretty much that their rule against "no illegal content" applies to games with erotic content of characters that appear to be underage. A game with 18-year-old schoolgirls would be included in this.
Oneangrygamer or twinfinite posts "SJWS ARE TAKING OUR ANIMES" and this board eats it up.
OAG is hyperbolic bullshit but they're not wrong when they note that games have been banned or refused and the developers aren't able to contact Valve to find out why. Nipleheim's Hunter was the dumbest shit.
The fact that Rance games aren't allowed is fucking gay as shit.
there is literally nothing adult about this title, if you cant handle nudity your just a toxic manbaby who never grew up.
Retard devs are prone to cry "muh game was banned" when it wasn't. When that happens you can trust OneAngryIncel to be there crying about it (but never reaching out to Valve for a comment, that would take actual journalistic effort).
why are you so pissed off about oag?
he is just a news reporter.
this board eats up polygon and kotaku articles as well as twitter posts from literally whos.