Why is literally everyone talking about making their own games accessible to retards these last few days? What beef they have with Sekiro?
Why is literally everyone talking about making their own games accessible to retards these last few days...
they've been outed for being casuals and the realization not every game is designed around them upsets them. It's just seething
It's the current narrative shift in gaming now that racism and sexism has failed to gain any more traction.
sekiro breeds toxic masculinity.
Because its supposed to be entertaining. Thats why youbshould be able to adjust difficuoty.
For the same reason every moron on this board reacts to it.
People were never taught or forgot that not everything requires a reaction.
Fuck xcom, that game is bullshit.
even though i picked Classic I don't blame them, nuXcom is just purely RNG bullshit
Stop posting twitter screencaps to start your thread you fucking mongoloids.
They are sucking up to game journos for an easy 85 on their next game.
>why would a for-profit company want to make their game more accessible to more potential buyers
gee, i fucking wonder
Challebge is entertaining. Isntead of adapting the difficolty to your skill level, you could adapr youe skill level to the didficulty.
>easy and normal
show me the separate stats you fucking cowards
Ever since dark souls became a mainstream success "journalists" have a little seethe every time a fromsoft game comes out and they can't easy mode their way through it to have their article up as fast as possible
Someone needs to lower the difficulty on their English skills.
>"In regards to easy modes"
>Gives the statistic for people who choose easy AND normal.
Is Jake Solomon retarded? Just list the easy mode statistic if that's what you're talking about. You're clearly not confident in your point if you feel the need to hide it.
>and normal
Yes and doing your taxes should be easy and you should be able to post Winnie the Pooh in china but it's not nigger. Some things simply are and you're gonna have to accept that or move on to something else.
These games are for a certain crowd and if you're too inept to play them, you aren't entitled to them. Move on to something else or start watching movies to pretend you belong in society.
>Sekiro has easy mode
>You can revive as much as you can
>Everytime you revive after the first 2 times, enemies will be cautious and stay there instead of walking away
>They will also make fun of how useless Wolf is and how he needs to revive just to die again
>Bosses throw indirect insults at player
Why can't people understand not every game is made for every demographic?
This. He's pushing a narrative.
I'm actually okay with this as a compromise, if only to see the resulting shitstorm.
Miyazaki got them shook, they can’t beat a game so they need to cry about it on the internet.
Because they want to be involved in the next big thing but feel excluded because they are literally too retarded to actually handle that thing.
It's literally like a child whining that they can't drive a car and how it's not fair.
Have sex, incels.
it's also not clear if that's campaigns finished in that difficulty or just started in it
>some games are 100x easier on the hardest difficulty
What did they mean by this?
tfw struggled through stalker until /vg/ told me to play on master
This is political signalling.
Leftism is about egalitarianism/accessibility/inclusion.
Right-wing ideology is about hierarchy and exclusivity.
This is all a bunch of soi swilling faggots preening about their virtue.
So that journos can make content for the game. They are beaten by twitch streamers and youtubers.
Get laid, incel.
Virtue signaling.
Because game journalists are the ones that hand out review scores and if their shitty retard asses can't simply breeze through the game like god bears then they get all mad and take out their frustrations by dinging the game a point or two. Just look at I think it was rock paper shotgun's review of Ys Oath in Felghana: the simpleton didn't even beat the first dungeon and decided to pan the game with a low score because he died and couldn't just grind/pay money to win. This is why people have long since turned to YouTube personalities, they might be annoying as shit but at least they can actually play through a game competently.
>last few days
They're making their games accessible to retards since the beginning of 7th generation.
>grouping easy and Normal together to inflate the number
It’s probably 70% normal
this is retarded
>you cant change anything, just deal with it
People have the ability to make things accessible for others who dont have the same accessibility. Why is it so upsetting to let people enjoy things. Things in life suck, we have to power to change them.
I've been implementing support for retards into my game the past week, by adding controller support.
Guess what is he complaining about nowadays
I'm tired of baddies who want to brag about being Sekiro or whatever using disabled people as their shield against criticism to literally play the game as the developers want.
People play Fromsoft titles for the challenge.
I see more disabled people being pissed off that non-disabled people are claiming Sekiro needs an easy mode for the disabled. There are plenty of vids of these disabled people beating bosses and plenty of abled people who are unable to beat/play these games because they just refuse to learn. It's tiring.
Because Fortnite attracted super casuals and normies which actually can't play video games. Gaming is pretttttty fucking huge right now and it's all people do so yea we of course have a huge demographic of shitters.
Why should they have to readjust and rebalance a game for an audience it's not intended for? Any faggot that wants an easy mode really has no interest in this game and just wants to be part of the cool crowd. Fuck them and fuck you. It's not for you. Fuck off to another game.
It's not like you're being told you can't vote for being a nigger.
>easy and normal
in other words 70% pick normal
xcom also lets you save literally every single move, they went out of their way to pander to babbies
Based slasher
The disabled people argument are just an excuse. The journos don't want to admit that they are a casual scrub
You can argue that xcom's gamplay has satisfying team building and base management so if some one doesn't enjoy the combat they can pick easy.
Fromsoft's games are pretty much all about combat. Might as well watch it on youtube then if you want easy mode
post them side by side, retard
Why are they ignoring the point of games like Sekiro, are games not allowed to exist as an artistic statement or something? I thought they wanted games to be art.
XCom is unironically easy on hard.
Difficulty should be:
> Game journalist mode
> easy mode
> normal mode
> etc
I don't see the down side to this
Bend over
>toxic masculinity
The desire to want to be as good as possible at something and not subpar isnt toxic you half asked faggot.
Masculinity is something that is in short supply in this day and age
Very much this. The RNG was bs and the easier difficulty at least took the sting out of it. Besides, is it really surprising that one of the only turn based games on the market has people gravitate to easier difficulties?
Its almost as if they make for a talking point or something.
They are braindead journos, they want easy mode so they can churn out guides. They are beaten by youtube personalities so they become irrelevant
This should be spammed on all of their twitters.
I really don't understand why people think every game must have difficulty modes. The biggest problem is that a good easy/hard mode would need different enemy placements, changed AI, different movesets for enemies etc. This would mean a way longer development time, and thus also higher development costs.
Games like Sekiro sell because people expect them to be hard and they can "prove they are hardcore". Take that away because anyone can beat them and it will affect sales negatively. Also everyone who cries that the game needs an easy mode already bought the game anyway.
If you just introduce an easy mode like most games do it by increasing player health and damage (or decreasing the enemies) casuals will still not get through Sekiro. Dealing say 50% less damage from bosses would still force you to learn the game mechanics, as they would still 3-4 shot you and the bosses are designed in a way that you need most of the game mechanics. And having to learn the game mechanics is exactly what casuals cry about. All these people who get filtered by the first 3 bosses would not even with 200% less damage taken defeat the last boss
They shouldn't have to but why is it such a big problem if they do? Why be bothered with people playing the game for reasons that you're not playing the game for. Video games are for entertainment, you shouldn't be allowed to decide how everyone should enjoy games. I will agree with you that casual games are boring but why not just have the option there.
as for the personal attacks, I play games on w/e difficulty seems better because if YOU played games you would know that some "hard" modes just make enemies "bullet sponges" with no real challenge other than to play the game slower.
why did they bundle normal and easy together? . Also, does this include anyone who ever tried those difficulties or what? That just seems deceptive.
God i hope FROM goes full itagaki on these fools with their next game
ayo does that cat have an eyepatch?
Jake, you do realize that most people only pick those because of the meme surrounding Xcom, right? Also idiots that haven't touched any kind of strategy game that balk at the idea of having to manage more then one unit or even the idea of missing and having back up plans.
Also, no one cares about difficulty levels if they are a series staple. That's not the point, the point is that players need to get over themselves. Games don't need to be 'accessible' to be successful. The very idea breeds a mentality of underestimating players, dumbing down mechanics and creating baby gamers that can't handle anything more then 10 actions a minute
>They are beaten by youtube personalities so they become irrelevant
They've been making ways into the Youtube sphere though, and there are many who side with them there too, it's very unfortunate.
Meanwhile 100% of Sekiro players play the designers designed it to play best.
Because everything nowadays has to be accessible and accepted by everyone.
You don't want to exclude anyone. People on the internet will tear you apart.
>Sekiro or whatever using disabled people as their shield
Jesus christ
Being disabled doesn't mean you can't beat a game, and I'd be pissed if I was a disabled person that played games like anyone else and essentially got backhandedly told that we need all games dummied down for us.
Nintendo made the Super Guide yet everyone makes fun of them for that.
Where were they when THAT happened?
Maybe an Easy mode works for Xcom but not every game is the same.
reminder that "casual filter" games like sekiro & dark souls depend entirely on mindless repetition and are only suitable for tryhards
Kill yourself already you tranny faggot
How much does XCOM differ between difficulties?
If its just adjusted hit rates and more enemies that's much less work to implement than how they would have to change sekiro to make it easier.
>because if YOU played games you would know that some "hard" modes just make enemies "bullet sponges" with no real challenge other than to play the game slower.
Which is irrelevant to the discussion of Sekiro as that style of "hard mode" does not apply.
Makes you wonder why Kaizo Mario or Mario Maker's bullshit levels are so popular to make.
I'm personally in favor of difficulty settings because if a game has only one difficulty I automatically assume that it was designed in mind with players with lowest skill set and so that they could pass the game.
XCom has a reputation as a game you can put 30 hours into and still lose (granted on the new ones that really isn't the case), so it's no wonder that people pick easier difficulties as you say
I really want this. Please let their next game be insanely unforgiving.
And 100% of Sekiro players played on normal. What a bunch of casuals
Because if you buy mario maker and are also a faggot you could play the shitty automatic levels
Someone post that picture of the death of a hobby.
When you don't belong, you just turn it into something it isn't until it dies and the people who never belonged leave to kill the next thing.
Movies are for entertainment to but you don't see a fucking option to change the ending or portions of it if you didn't like it. You just don't fucking watch it.
Also, I didn't mention hard mode. I usually don't play hard mode for that exact reason. But if the game's normal mode is a certain way, I either enjoy it for what it presents or leave it for something I prefer. I don't bitch that it wasn't tailored specifically to me.
For example, I think Gothic is a terrible fucking game and the exploration doesn't make up for all the jank and shit mechanics but you don't hear me screaming that they should adjust it to my personal tastes.
This isn't the kind of shit journalists are pretending is difficult, right? Like I suck ass at souls games, but this looks super easy.
If I wanted to play XCOM on easy mode I'd fire up Mechanicus instead
Itagaki was the only god thing about Tecmo.
Absolutely this, most players will pick the default difficulty because that's the one the game has been extensively tested with in mind.
By not having difficulties at all, they can make sure it's actually fair and doable.
It just hurts a lot for most people who've been fed with "everyone can do anything" when they clearly can't do something.
Based oatmeal cookie
Aren't Fromsoft games prove that this isn't always the case?
Well the harder modes literally modify the RNG to work against you so I don’t fuck with that. If it were a skill based game I’d definitely play on hard for the challenge, but there’s no “challenge” when your guys miss an easy shot then the enemy will turn around and make a practically impossible hit that crit kills them.
Who cares
Japan never caves into this type of pandering bullshit
If anything Sekiro 2 is going to be even harder
weren't hard games considered awesome like a year ago?
I am a paying customer. I DEMAND to play the game (product) I purchased using my hard earned dollars, the way I want.
If you buy food at a restaurant, does the chef insist you can't use a fork? Fuck off. I purchased it, I'm entitled to enjoy it how I see fit.
Why the fuck is this an issue all of a sudden? journalist have been complaining about Dark souls being too hard and should have easy modes since forever and nobody listened to them then. But now suddenly you have devs coming out of the wood works acting like it isnt the same old complaint as usual. Is it because journalist are trying to push the "accessibility for disabled meme" in order to get their way? What ever happened to the idea that not everything should be for everyone? Just let people have play their hard game and if you don't like it because its too hard than thats fine. Its getting really ridiculous lately with all this.
Well of course Miyazaki will never compromise his vision, but it's fucking annoying trying to talk about Sekiro and this whole tiresome argument comes up. Why did they have to target GOTY? I hope it blows over soon.
>Sekiro gets easy mode
>Most people still don't play it
>Those that do think the game is boring because the only hook the game had was defeating difficult foes
Easy, Normal and Hard will do things for you that Legendary won't.
If you miss a shot, then a hidden calculation will increase your shot percent in the background. So that 50% shot on easy? That's actually an 80%. HP of enemies are also less and the scaling of enemies raises slower then on higher difficulties. Easy and Normal pull punches a lot, Hard much less, but is still noticeable if you pay attention. Legendary is the full rape train and the way the game is meant to be played.
I don't give a fuck what Xcom players do, Sekiro will not get a an easy mode. Get good or fuck off.
Why did he lump normal mode into that statistic?
Normal mode is, by definition, the way the game is intended to be played.
If they have journalist integrity, they will write about this guy too as a counterbalance of the argument. But they don't, they only care to push an agenda
Why did he lump easy in with normal? If course most people are going to choose normal.
Sounds more like you want to mod it which no one is stopping you from doing but the chef doesn't have to give you a fork if they want it eaten another way and there are many high class establishments that do exactly that. I've even been in one where the chef wouldn't provide salt so you don't ruin his intended flavor.
And just like there, you can fuck off to another place if you don't like it faggot.
>Japan never caves into this type of pandering bullshit
Raiden in MGS2
SFV dumbing down
BBTAG existing
White Tanooki Mario
Gaming changed since Dark Souls came out. Even more streamlined than beck then. A lot more eyes on Sekiro now and it's a new IP as well.
Most of sekiro bosses can be cheesed, if some randos on youtube can do it, no reason why those braindead journos can't
XCOM, shut up. You're a turn based strategy that can be played with one hand. Nobody's using physical disabilities as a scapegoat for their inability to play you.
>that leg photoshop
shame because it probably means the waist isn't real
>80% choose normal or easy
Yeah but how many choose "easy"? I'm guessing not many since they combined the two in order to virtue signal.
They'll use the argument that people with mental disabilities should be able to play the game
>Gaming changed since Dark Souls came out.
But it wasn't even that long ago.
Alright, crunching the numbers (using steam achivements) we get that approximately 67% of people that own the game have started on Easy or Normal, and that only 34% of said owners have finished the game in ANY difficulty level
So approximatey half of those who played on Easy or Normal haven't finished the game
That's a funny way to spell certainly.
Not all games have to be easy. Not all games have to be hard. People make games for all kinds of reasons. Some are gonna be perfect for you, some not. I don't enjoy slow-paced narrative-heavy games, and I really enjoy twitchy action games. People like different stuff for different reasons, and that's alright.
Of course people will choose the normal difficulty, it's a game based entirely on RNG. Is he actually fucking retarded?
Xcom doesn't have "easy" and "normal" difficulties, though. Its difficulties are defined by term and target groups, and the two easiest ones are "challenge for players unfamiliar with tactical games or new to XCOM" and "challenge for players who have played previous XCOM".
In other words, unless you ignore instructions and skip straight to "significant challenge for experienced XCOM 2 players only", 100% of players should have started on the "easy and normal" difficulties.
They should make difficulty levels the ZUN way: there's an easy mode for the casuals, but you won't get to unlock shit if you play in anything below normal.
Raiden was designed to appeal to girl gamers in Japan, not whiny western bloggers.
>Japan never caves into this type of pandering bullshit
a u 'avin a giggl' m8?
It's probably advantageous.
It's been nearly eight years, user.
But they can't stop you from using a fork or salt, or even dumping it in the garbage. You paid money, you can do whatever the fuck you want with it regardless of what the kikes try to tell you.
The idea that easy modes and lower difficulties don't hurt a game, especially an action oriented one based on reflex, is mind numbing to me. The perfect example, at least for me is the situation regarding difficulty in Kingdom Hearts games.
Take whatever preconceived notions or personal opinions about the games, but in KH2 the difficulty of the game was deeply connected to how the game's action combat was reviewed. Easy, standard and proud modes for KH2 more often than not just created an experience of single button mashing with no depth and it was true because thats how the game worked in those modes. The actual highest difficulty in the definitive version can actually change the way you enjoy the gameplay because it added more risk to the player. It made things more engaging even if you could simplify it with grinding (as you can in all RPG's). When I first played KH2, while it was one of my favorite games as a whole the combat of it felt pretty mediocre on a design level because the difficulty of the game was not particularly engaging. It wasn't until a couple years later revisting it with the Critical mode did I have new found appreciation for the combat.
Easy modes in action games can and will ruin the possibility of an elevated level of enjoyment in the video game. A single difficulty in an action game while not always superior in game design, at the very least makes it so everyone who plays experiences it on the same baseline
It's the direct result of letting women, trannies and faggots infiltrate the gaming community.
This is what happens when men don't stand their ground.
>it's a game based entirely on RNG
why would the existence of RNG dictate that the game only works on normal difficulty
they just want any leverage they can get over japan, once they lever up that crack they'll start machine gunning bluepills through it
It was shallow pandering to people who don't play games.
This. Cut content. Prevent any achievements. Remove endings. Give them the credits screen in the most unsatisfying manner.
But 2000 was ten years ago.
It's just the clickbait meme of the moment.
Not only that but FromSoft themselves became much more known.
This is what game "journalists" and ultra casuals don't understand.
The challenge and weighty movement that forces you to learn the mechanics is what makes the game and what appeals to the fanbases.
They're not your usual action games that you can brute force your way through by upgrading your hp twenty times.
If you take away the challenge and mechanics that force you to learn the game then it's no longer the same game.
It's not that these games are too difficult.
They're perfectly fair games if you learn and follow their rules.
They just don't like the rules.
These game are not made for them, and they don't understand this.
I can't even imagine having fun in XCom without Ironman mode. It's a seriously lacking game otherwise.
>they've been outed for being casuals
So just like Yea Forums then?
Didn't the exact the same thing happen around the time dark souls 3 came out?
How long before the blue checkmarks start slinging the 'ol trusty i-word at anyone who smells like they disagree with them?
Isn't normal the recommended difficulty for new player in new xcom?
If a restaurant has no forks at all, you can’t demand that they go out and buy some for you
The funny thing is that all this drama generates free buzz for Sekiro. When difficulty is part of your marketing gimmick to the point that you reference it on your titles, the notoriety is beneficial to From.
>They're perfectly fair games if you learn and follow their rules.
>They just don't like the rules.
>only works
No, it works on all difficulties, however beating it is a victory of luck. Hence beating it on higher difficulties is a victory of greater luck. It's unrewarding and pointless, whereas a game like sekiro is a victory of skill, not a series of flukes.
You can't eat food with your hands and loudly burp in a restaurant
Entryism. Gaming is the biggest hobby in the world now, eschewing its core audience in favor of trannies and shit. There's no reason to be angry or confused over this. Trannies will be trannies. Journos know controversy begets advertisement revenue.
Advice to the younger anons out there, only buy one game a year and spend the rest of your time picking up some other hobbies.
hey ching chong, i can't use these gay ass chopsticks, give me a fork
there have been countless Yea Forums threads over the last few days centered entirely on helping eeach other "git gud" in sekiro and shitting on "games journalists" for being whiny plebs who don't want to have to put effort into what they're being paid to do. Yea Forums is a lot of things, but I wouldn't list casual among them, at least not nearly on the level of these retard normies who want a mode that they disingenuously claim is to "help the disabled" (like themselves apparently) put into every game.
They do understand that the games aren't made for them, but like all leftists they are totalitarians and believe that everything must bend to their will. Everything must accommodate them, because nobody wants to.
Just lock all gaming journalists in a room together and don't let them out until they beat Wizardry IV.
>at the very least makes it so everyone who plays experiences it on the same baseline
Which Miyazaki says was the exact intent and why the game will never have an easy mode. If it did, then the perception of the game would vary completely depending on person and he doesn't want that.
Give people their easy mode but put a pink ribbon on the character that is visible at all times. Problem solved.
That is some powerful autism
Money. If you appeal to the lowest common denominator, you make more money. That's it. There's only a couple reasons you wouldn't do this. Artistic integrity, for one, which everyone loses eventually; but also stabbing your dedicated fans in the back can have long-term consequences if the sheep move on to some other shiny keys and another developer fills in the vacuum you left behind when you sold out. There's another reason you might not want to sell out, as well: if part of your game's appeal is its difficulty to begin with.
Also, do we need seven threads on this topic?
how'd they get away with this just a few short years ago?
>uses shitty food analogy
>gets rekt
>reiterates shitty food analogy and completely ignores the argument
maybe it would actually gain traction if Sekiro was made by some gigglefuck sissy west coast estrogen laced girlyboy that subsists on twitter approval instead of nips
Oh wow, glad this thing are not new. Fucking journalists scum. No one would miss them if they all get fired
Because people bitched about being talked down to but they did it anyway.
Stop posting on Yea Forums and get back to making Ninja Gaiden 4, Team Ninja.
>Money. If you appeal to the lowest common denominator, you make more money
But Souls games became popular despite that.
user, why do you want so many people to die?
>XBOT players confirmed retard casual
>White Tanooki Mario
Honestly I always found this one to be the most insulting towards players. Think about it, you're so bad the game thinks you need a handicap just to help clear it.
>Don't like spicy food
>Buy the spicy food
They don't have a beef with Sekiro.
They're just pandering to the Kotaku drones. Virtue projecting.
>I'm just trying to demand that developers change the entire way their games are created to cater to my whims. I don't see how that affects you, INCEL
and of course this fucking blue check is a bald sóy lord.
It's not that, it's just you can't write racism and sexism angle about Sekiro because the plot is basic
The two games aren't remotely comparable as they work in entirely different ways.
fuck that sneaky fucker
>easy AND normal
Okay now give the percentages for both
Because they hate video games.
Yes and whether or not this changes for other games, I think it was the correct choice for his action games in the long run.
Its the only way.
100% of sekiro players choose Normal mode
Your head
>Only 20% chooses hard which wasn't even hard by tactical game standards
True but without him we wouldn’t have gotten RULES OF NATURE
I thought journos agreed games were art?
You don't dumb down a complex painting to make it easier to understand.
Yeah and they had a myriad of ways to progress through the game without actually being good, but those methods are marginal in Sekiro.
Why are journalists so entitled? Why do they think the devs have to cater to them in any way?
Didn't these fucks all sperg about gamer entitlement some time ago? What happened to that?
honestly kind of surprised that the game journo trying to play the cup head tutorial isn't getting posted in every thread about games journos crying for sekiro babbymode.
Can't wait for this to get filtered just like basedboy and KEK.
But it won't happen since we know which ballpark the "Yea Forums" mods play for.
shit i was with this until strategy and fps. Now I think that poster is a salty faggot.
t. gene mule
When a game has 4 difficulty modes i always pick the third one and the fourth one if i replay it but when a game has only 3 (easy/normal/hard) i stick with normal.
So i might have added to that 80%
>Games are only art if I say so
This is the mentality of those journalists. It is best to ignore them
This guys a retard, their difficulty modes are garbage number tweaks, what difficulty people picked barely makes any difference in how you play and most people did it for achievements.
If the difficulty modes were 1. normal and 2. hard (long war) - which is what different difficulty modes should be not fucking gay ass cheap lazy number tweaks - then the numbers would be very different
God people should be unable to end up with the rights to an ip that they fundamentally don't understand
"It's okay when we do it, and if you dare to point it out we can just censor you on social media"
It's their white privilege speaking. Find me a single nigger or chink journalist that's complaining about difficulty settings
oh i get it, you don't understand why RNG, risk management and skill come together to make the game work
hint: RNG doesn't decrease the impact of skill required to beat the game, it increases it. if you have a 100% chance to hit an enemy with an attack, then there is no need to plan for the contingency that you miss.
if you have a 80% chance to hit, then you have to take into account the possibility that you miss.
if you have two potential 80% chance attacks, then you have to take into account that you miss one and hit both, miss both or hit both, even before you take any action.
understand yet?
this explicitly forms the foundation of gameplay in xcom, turning the odds to your advantage as much as possible and planning for every possible contingency. an individual case of "bad luck" doesn't ultimately affect you when it comes to beating the game, it is just a case of your ape brain chimping out when you can't grasp all the variables that go into determining your success.
End yourself - just because you can't 1 or 2 try defeat bosses doesn't mean that others can't.
>easy and Normal
Why do these faggots like to bullshit so much, someone ask him how many people play on Easy itself instead of trying to spin the numbers like a lying faggot?
Is there a single fucking person in the whole videogame industry with any integrity left?
haven't people already moved on to the next game by now? Why are people still bitching about easy mode?
Yea Forums is shit at video games but I don't know about being casuals.
Luck isn't a thing. Beating a game with heavy RNG, particularly heavy RNG not in the players favor, suggests that you as a player are capable of mitigating the effects of randomness and planning out moves or strategies that have higher percentages of success; this too is a type of skill.
You know what? Give it an easy mode. But have a big "E" somewhere on the screen at all times, it's there when you take a screenshot and it's there when you capture a video.
The usage of tactics is completely dismissed by the overshadow of RNG.
YOU don't understand why RNG makes the game luck based not skill based. Because even if you are a godlike player and use perfect strategy, you still can lose for no reason whatsoever. Like i said, beating it is a victory of luck, not skill.
>and normal
so 80% of those 80% play the game as the dev intended... interesting
You don't remember the early 2000s with all of those "Medal of Honor 2/CoD4/Battlefield 2142 so realistic that US/UK/German military is using it to train real soldiers in squad-based tactics! It's not just any children's video game, its a mature experience for mature 12 year olds like our target audience" shill campaigns?
They're tired of their audience having zero respect for them. So rather than try and improve viewer relationships, they much prefer to mock and deride them.
"Art" and "games" are separate categories in the minds of westerners. Notice how all the titles that get the title are shit that resembles games as little as possible (Gone Homo and whatever David Cage shits out, etc.) They can't make anything like Silent Hill or SotC or Demon's Souls because they don't see artistic value in the actual gameplay experience (thanks in no small part to cultural prejudices stemming from their own Judaeo-Christian origins), see .
>enemies call the player " a fucking cripple"
meanwhile, an actual disabled man....
I always pick the hardest difficulty available. These days normal is the new easy and easy is movie mode.
However this is not the case for niche games, even normal can destroy you in that case.
I remember when easy mode would only let you play the first few levels.
>I DEMAND to play the game (product) I purchased using my hard earned dollars, the way I want
And that way will be in accordance to the game's rules, you tool! You can do whatever you want however you want, but you must comply with these restrictions. Every game is like this, even open world. When I go into Monster Hunter, I play to the rules the game has in place, but I'm still allowed to play however I want within those boundaries.
>use perfect strategy with backup plans for contingency
>lose everything anyway because the game is based on RNG
>"oh damn if only i did it better, oh wait i did it perfectly i just need to repeat the same thing again so the RNG won't fuck me this time"
Regardless of how good you are, you are at the whim of RNG no matter what. Beating it is a victory of luck and nothing more.
>Because even if you are a godlike player and use perfect strategy, you still can lose for no reason whatsoever
could you please quote an instance of this happening? because it is not in line with reality at all.
>Like i said, beating it is a victory of luck, not skill.
yeah, you keep saying it, but you're not proving it.
i already know you're 100% in the wrong and that your dunning krueger clouds your judgment, but i'm curious what kind of arguments you'll make. so far, your counter-argument has amounted to a lengthy "no u" comprised of nonsensical maxims.
I heard something similar akin to comics. While the American comic book industry is tailored and known for kids, the French and Italian version deals with more mature themes since it's taken as a legit artform. I was surprised by this.
Risk management is a skill.
War is a long term action.
Merit, skill, capability etc. these are things that scare the weakened generation.
The RNG string doesn't reroll on save/load
Though you can still just use that knowledge to burn out the useless rolls on shit that doesn't matter.
Yes, good goyim. Follow the rules.
>could you please quote an instance of this happening? because it is not in line with reality at all.
Are you actually this retarded? I'm having trouble belieing this is genuine and not a piss poor attempt at a troll. Here's your (You) atleast, but you might want to go back to grade school or something if you can't even grasp the concept of RNG and it's effects.
More people have completed DMC5 on Normal than on Easy
A big one is perseverance. These people have none.
I agree for easy mode if it's come as DLC 6 months later.
XCOM is one of the very few games I play on Normal and not the hardest difficulty. I aint down with missing 9/10 times just because Im on hard. That shits dumb as fuck
>Watch porn with cute girl getting BLACKED
Git gud lol
>easy AND normal
Cool, so this information is suspect and useless.
>go to kfc
>ask for a big mac
what happens next
problem: it's never fucking worked
no matter how much kowtowing you do for your detractors, they will never go out and buy your product.
comics had to learn this the hard way
movies had to learn this the hard way
video games are learning it the hard way too, at least American companies too fucking whipped to just say NO
funny how authoritarians cry about artistic expression and authorial freedom until you do something they don't like
>be 5 feet, 100 pounds
>want to play American football
>get shit rocked in first play
>play XCOM on Easy mode
>99% chance to hit
>still miss
>They shouldn't have to but why is it such a big problem if they do?
It's not, but they didn't. It's not for those people, so they didn't make it with them in mind. Nobody is complaining that easy modes exist in general, but there are people complaining that easy modes don't exist when the entire point of the game is to be hard.
fuck casuals and fuck normies
fuck em and fuck anyone asking for an easy mode. it's the only response we need.
I noticed they have to lump normal and easy together, I wonder why they did that...
That's optional. Default/normal does reseed the RNG.
>lumping easy and normal
now show the breakdown on that
Spoken like someone who never actually played pigskin, or any sport for that matter.
>Comparing Actual sports to Video games
Kill yourself
>buy something advertized as being very spicy, which most people like for the very spicy quality which is hard to find
>wtf this is too spicy how was I supposed to know change this now
>food analogy
Thank god you'll kill yourself soon
>specifically had to include normal mode because I bet easy is closer to 1/4
lmao that's life, crybaby
nothing else in life is like that, but video games somehow have to be?
They need something to talk about. Journos are having trouble competing with twitch and shit
oh wow, you went for this defense
>i'm so right that i don't even HAVE to prove how i'm right, now go back to tard town u dumb bitch...
just admit you have no fucking clue what you're talking about or put your money where your mouth is. you can watch a ton of good xcom players on youtube and they have no trouble beating the game consistently, and the RNG never fucks them enough for them to lose a mission since they know how to turn it to their advantage.
>and the RNG never fucks them enough for them to lose a mission since they know how to turn it to their advantage.
Imagine telling lies to "prove" your point.
Sorry Jake, but your shitty game is luck based.
Ironic coming from the paranoid toddler afraid people complaining about difficulty will mean the entire industry will capitulate at once. Ironic the Hardmode players have such thin fucking skin.
If I made a game I'd put a mode in called games journalist mode and it just opens a browser to a let's play of the game.
>fuck normies
these fucking normalfags need to go back
I’ve never seen a game expose casuals like Sekiro. It’s actually impressive
There's a vid on youtube of a quadriplegic playing the game well.
>Regardless of how good you are, you are at the whim of RNG no matter what
your argument is on the level of saying that you are "at the whim of RNG" in sekiro because your PC could bluescreen or your controller could stop working at any time you're about to win. thus, winning in sekiro is completely a victory of luck and nothing more. you can't disprove this argument without also disproving your own.
so is every game in the world, by your standards
And yet we don't commit suicide, hmm
westerners fear the samurai
I want to like Jake but he says stupid shit sometimes.
Maybe if the XCOM devs focused on making one balanced difficulty and tested Ironman as the default, the game wouldn't become piss easy after the first couple of hours no matter what setting after enduring a completely unfair meat grinder prior to that.
>this level of denial
Yeah okay, buddy. Totally, that's exactly right.
this user knows too much
it's kinda fucked that they keep creating a really fucking tight combat system but then they fuck it all up with overwatch and grenade spam
here's what i would do to fix xcom
>only assault has grenades and they have lower range
>only support or maybe sniper has overwatch
>team sizes of 4, damage dealt by enemies slightly reduced to compensate
>massively shortened animations for shooting and stuff
I know I shouldn't apply logic to this fucking idiocy but how the hell are the people refusing to admit their own inadequacy and demanding the game cater to them not the insecure ones?
I'ts meant to be insecure, not incel. Rent free, huh?
Game journalists are dogshit at video games and need an easy mode to review them.
>I really don't understand why people think every game must have difficulty modes. The biggest problem is that a good easy/hard mode would need different enemy placements, changed AI, different movesets for enemies etc. This would mean a way longer development time, and thus also higher development costs.
just make it so you are immune to damage and that every one of your hit is a deathblow.
>this level of not having an argument
i guess i'll just declare myself the winner since you're too lazy to do it. this shit is getting too easy
Yes, do that. I too will declare you the "winner".
Anyone who has read your asinine posts knows why i'm not bothering to give you serious answers.
I've been thinking on this and am still conflicted
What if the "easy mode" is still to hard? Would they have to make an even easier mode to accommodate completely uncoordinated people? People still fail at the easiest setting of Guitar Hero if they are simply uncoordinated and don't have the patience to sit and learn basic ass rhythm, while claiming they "just can't do it".
When journos or whoever cite the disabled as a defense, who are they actually talking about? Are they under the assumption that disabled literally incapable of learning? There are 5-6 year olds that can beat these games and other tough games like cuphead. Do they mean physical disability? In that case, shouldn't the issue of accessibility be on the hardware developer and not the game dev? If your wrists hurt playing sekiro, should you even be playing at all?
There's always the option of having a boss-trainer, but I thought that the addition of the trainer NPC at the temple in Sekiro was a nice addition in that regard. It's definitely not 1:1, but it helps in understanding certain movesets and strategy
And as far as further training outside of the main game, what is preventing anyone from simply googling "how do I beat so-and-so" and pulling up any number of strategies and walkthroughs?
If people are sad that they suck at the game and can't experience the story and setting, what is preventing them from simply watching a lets play?
People bring up assist modes like in celeste, but the dev straight up admits that it destroys his vision of the game. Should FROM be expected to add a "destroy game for dumdums" button?
Miyazaki stated that his vision for these games was to create an environment for the player to despair in the face of overwhelming odds, and overcome those odds through persistence. As far as I can tell, this is directly tied to difficulty (as opposed to grinding etc).
I don't think it should be tampered with, but is there anything else to ease people in?
When exactly did journos start crying en masse about difficulty? There was the same crying when Cuphead game out.
Now explain how these types of video games, are, in fact, not video games.
Thanks Dante.
>tfw finally beating Lady Butterfly after like forty tries
I dont see why tryhard faggots get so angry because an extra easy mode, if you want to play im whatever hard mode then do it, no ome gets harmed because a fucking easy mode is added dumbasses.
The same people that push the “games are art” meme are the ones who want to regulate difficulty instead of an artist sticking to their vision.
Not to mention that difficulty and challenge is the USP and the rep these games are sold on.
I feel like this claim literally contains nothing good to the argument, 80% choosing normal sounds perfectly normal, why would he need to lump easy/normal together?
I would assume not a lot of people actually choose easy and he really just has a case of FOMO since he works on a series that the mainstream has a "hard mode" boner for
When you ask them "how do you think an easy mode should be done?" they don't answer, they just say "make an easy mode".
The truth is, these journalists just want the games to be easier so they can breeze through them and dump out a clickbait review as fast as possible.
You might also remember a time not long ago, where all journo's were clamouring for games to be shorter. It's the exact same reason.
Why do easy faggots think that any form of effort in life is tryhard?
>Anyone who has read your asinine posts knows why i'm not bothering to give you serious answers.
all you've done is make claims you can't back up with any kind of proof or logical deduction, then resorted to namecalling and memes when confronted. oh believe me, i think i know exactly why you aren't giving serious answers. you already know you've been demolished, and the only way you can save face on this korean carpet-weaving board is with this 2smart4u shit that just makes you look like a sore brainlet.
perhaps this discussion has righted your course. a lot of dumbasses are adamant in their own stupidity while in discussion and only later learn to be smarter in later reflection.
>sekiro is just a little effort lol
Statistically wrong, its an extremely hard game given most people dont even finish it
Balanced Gameplay >>>>> Difficulty Modes
Skyrim has plenty of difficulty modes, and the combat is shit no matter which you pick.
It's still not that hard to beat.
Oh yes most definitely, you've really shown me the errors of my ways and thoroughly proved that xcom doesn't have RNG. How could i have been so blind?
People did bitch about that, but the devs got away with it mostly because it's a reference to Wolf 3D's difficulty settings.
Yes, for people that don't play videogames its very hard, no wonder the journalist keep complaining
It's the way of the sword faggit get gud
What the fuck STEM's are fucking hard why dont they respect all the students and make them ez as the other major degrees!!!!!
Why are abled people using disabled people as an argument for Sekiro needing easy mode? Are there any actual disabled people claiming the game is unplayable for them because of controls? Because the controls are very simple.
I'm only seeing non-disabled people saying Sekiro is too hard.
>80% of players are fucking casuals.
Imagine the next GamerGate is centered around journali--activists demanding for easy mode in games.
That's how HARD Sekiro is lel
Universities are doing that. They pass students who should be failed all the time so that they can get more funding.
i paid for my degree i'm entitled to it
Game journalists do not get paid when there is no controversy that exists. So when people started to cater to removing racism and sexism, instead of accepting the fact that their jobs are in jeopardy, they made up a new controversy, games being too hard still, and skill shaming.
scratch that last part i said
just so you know, pattern recognition and IQ are closely connected
They're doing it as a way to shield their opinions. You can't criticise them because they're doing it for disabled people!
I talked to my mate with Cerebal Palsy and his main complaint was that Sekiro was too easy.
Sekiro isn't a dice roll simulator. False equivalence.
>Game's difficulty is based entirely around meta-gaming
>"Whoa what a surprise look at how many people played on normal!"
Most game journalists are mentally disabled, it's true.
Good, remember if "journalists" tell us "toxic masculinity" is bad that automatically means it's good.
Erm, i dont see whats wrong with an easy mode
So, you are not one of those " CAsUalS " and you want actual challenging? Increase the difficulty then. You can still feel superior to people who did it in easy mode anyways
I dont exactly see whats wrong with a gamemode for people who are new to the genre, or maybe even videogames, or perhaps just want a more relaxed playthrough.
>Patch in difficulty modes in Sekiro
>Easy mode is just the current version of the game, Normal mode is a harder version
Video games are like puzzles. You're presented with a problem and you need to solve it in a restricted rule set. When you solve a hard puzzle you feel a sense of accomplishment, just like when you beat a difficult game.
Puzzles are given respect because they have an "educational value". Video games are "low brow" and as such are given far less respect, mastering a challenging game is seen as "a waste of time".
I can't really blame people for thinking this though. Mainstream games treat the player like they're mentally handicapped. Challenge is put to the wayside in favor of making the player feel like superman. I don't think it'll be like this forever, the video game medium is still young. The fact that a game like Dark Souls reached the level of popularity that it did is proof that people value challenge
Isn't Incel supposed to be used on people who insult women to imply they are just mad those women won't have sex with them? Explain how the term incel has anything to do with video games?
see this is the funny thing
if you've ever played fromsoft titles or were playing sekiro right now you'd know the bulk of whining is coming FROM SOULSBORNE FANS who think sekiro is too hard because they can't use the same tactics in soulsborne games
newbies to the series seem to be having easier times overall
Takes away time and resources from the vision of the game the devs intended. Some games are built to the hard, some easy.
Yoshi's crafted world might be more your pace.
Didn't Lisa add an easy mode that just put a balloon on a rock at the edge of a cliff that some journalist walked off of and complained about in a review? I vaguely recall something like this happening.
Doesn't XCOM2 easy mode give you an artificial hidden hit bonus equal to 10% of your written hit chance (so 80% actually needs to roll 88 or lower to hit, and 91% and higher will always hit)?
just because someone doesnt have the time or simply doesnt enjoy spending hours and hours on a single level, it doesnt mean they are not allowed to enjoy a game
True but does it really take too much to change a few values?
If a game is advertised and talked of being extremely hard and requiring tons of free time im pretty sure it will lose a bit of sales by you know, people who are a bit more of useful members of society and cant spend hours and hours beating 1 level
based Sekiro
>20% of players are trying to rule the world
>actually supporting this kind of world
This guy said it best TL;DR: Basically, it wouldn't be the same game if it didn't demand more of your atention, it would just devolve into button mashing and chugging health potions and moving on to the next mob
Next news article:
>"New easy mode gives you a breast cancer awareness ribbon!"
>Creator outright comes out and says "no, its meant as a insult, its to call you a weakling and a coward"
>Next news article:
>"Correction: New pink ribbon actually not for breast cancer awareness, but actually for trans support awareness according to creator, to show that real men aren't afraid of toxic masculinity and wear pink!"
It would never end.
>it doesnt mean they are not allowed to enjoy a game
Evidently not or we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?
Honestly Human is a slog in DMC5.
It's not really all that fun because things just melt away without fighting back.
Certainly a nice mode to dick around in, watch the live action cutscenes, and set up dumb screenshot moments, but it sucks to play.
You're not entitled to anything.
If you dont want that, pick a higher difficulty. Simple
>Games """"journalists""""
filtered by chained ogre
Because they have control over video gaming media, and believe their word determines if your game gets good sales or not, because they think their reviews control the consumer base, when actually most of them just watch the first few minutes of a youtuber lets playing the game, and then decides if they want to buy it or not from there. Game journalists that are reviewers are growing obsolete to youtubers, and they hate it.
For a single mode. Anyways, enough with the hyperbole. God Hand had an easy mode and it didn't ruin that game or change the creators vision in anyway. In fact, it was still pretty damn hard it just gave you more leeway in case you didn't want to put up with a higher level of bullshit.
>over 80% of our players played the game at the level we balanced everything around or at a different level
This says literally nothing worthwhile at all. He might as well have said nothing.
>Combines the stats to push a point
What a bitch.
Or wait...
>includes Normal because Normal nowadays is so pissant easy in most games it would be considered Easy mode a decade ago and Very Easy mode 2 decades ago
I mean I know it isn't a secret red pill considering the blue checkmark but it would have been a decent one if it were.
Seriously game ""journalists"" are so irrelevant all they can do is drum up controversy related to indentity politics. They'll all be out of a job in 5 years time.
>team size of 4
You're just exacerbating the central problem of an exponential difficulty increase for every dead squaddie.
The original had it right, big squads so individual deaths aren't run ending.
Jake works for Firaxis. He's not indie. There is only so much he can do.
>dude wtf!! how am I supposed to do a review if I can't beat the game!?
>Cuphead was being sold on the promise that it was a rough and tough shoot-em-up game
>adds in easy mode for morons who can't overcome a decent challenge
>you literally can't progress in the game until you beat bosses on the regular difficulty
Biggest laugh of 2017. Much like the Soulsbourne series it's not even that hard of a fucking game, but it still got people good and riled up.
Yeah heaven forbid someone not play XCOM on please fuck me up the ass mode and might actually want to enjoy the game. The difference here is XCOM's difficultly is literally rng whereas Sekiro you're entirely in control of what happens. I see an attack I can deflect it, in XCOM I see my shot has 95% chance to hit and it misses 100% from point blank range. Good analogy fuckwad
Xcom 3 is literally the only game I'm worried about becoming an Epic store exclusive. Since Japaneses owned companies don't care about the Epic store.
Best part is these % could be completely made up, so they're most likely lying about lying
legit the most obvious answer is From to say that their game arent for everyone. But then it would lose them potential customer, so they better pretend to be deaf for now.
You know what's ironic, no one who writes about video games actually cares about people with disabilities in their sphere. The argument as a whole has nothing to do with meaningful difficulty curve as an integral part of game design philosophy and everything to do with catering to the most common player. Bayonetta won game of the year for best action game and has a slew of invalid- friendly features like color-blindless hues, key binding (on console and pc) and all more.
Any game journo that bitches about games being to hard are usually garage.
Wonder when will this stop working
settle down man
100% of Sekiro players play on normal mode ;)
Imagine having difficulty writing a quality copy of 3000 words
One of the reasons all these writing jobs are being outsourced to asia is cause of man babies like this.
Games should be entertaining. If you buy a game that is too hard for you to enjoy, FIND ANOTHER GAME
Bayonetta has difficulty modes. I'm not sure what you're arguing exactly, but I have seen people recently bring up more in-depth discussion on game accessibility.
I found this neat website while replying, so thanks. game-accessibility.com
Or you can just pick another game, if you don't like hard games then you don't like fromsoft, being hard is part of their brand in a way, "prepare to die" was the tagline of dark souls 1 and basically followed that up to bloodborne and now sekiro (and before even DS1, demon souls), the whole fucking point of these games is that they are hard, these games are marketed as being hard, people that likes hard games play these becouse the like hard games
Should a game have a label that says don't buy it, it not made for you.
Oh god i can feel that webm
>was able to beat Cuphead and get all the achievements
>have only played XCOM on easy
I don't know how to feel about this.
>easy and normal
Who the fuck is he trying to fool?
>mfw just got a gf and had sex instead of asking for easymode in life
>4% easy & 77% normal
I beat Sekiro in four days and I have a job. Fucking incompetent journalists.
>lumping easy mode in along with the normal mode to inflate statistics and make your argument seem better than it actually is
What's this about
Did xcom 3 got announced?
Just trying to steal some publicity for their dying franchise.
Games are intended to be played on normal.
Hard is basically for veterans or players who can pick up on mechanical insights quickly.
Expert/insane modes are for replay value.
Easy is for your kids/girlfriend/mom
>Devs known for making relatively difficult games releases relatively difficult game that becomes extremely easy as you go on
Maybe have someone who isn't total shit play the game instead
then ask for a refund, cuck
Easy and Very Easy are for gaming "journalists" as well apparently
There is nothing wrong with an easy mode.
There is something wrong with demanding that all games have it.
If Sekiro was a western game they wouldn't be doing this shit. More xenophobia.
Statistically nowadays most casuals hardly ever beat the games they get. Sekiro is tough initially but it is WAY easier than the soulsborne games on subsequent playthroughs
Here we go again.
>I'm tired of baddies who want to brag about being Sekiro or whatever using disabled people as their shield against criticism
I have nerve damage in my arms and struggle to play for extended periods of time before it starts getting painful. I really appreciate devs throwing in actual accessibility options like skipping button mashing, because it's a shitty gameplay mechanic to begin with. It's not like I'm missing an arm or anything, but it prevents me from playing games like I used to, which is an awful feeling. Even then, I like playing challenging games that you feel like you need to work to learn and overcome. These people are just fucking babies who want a free pass to the credits without putting in any effort, all so they can feel like they're a part of some "social experience" because they don't actually care about video games. I am beyond tired of people propping up their opinions as some kind of voice for the voiceless moral championing, when in reality they're just selfish and insecure. These people will never realize how scummy they are.
>does it really take too much to change a few values?
It takes more than From is willing to provide, which is 100% their prerogative.
Also, you can't just change some values and call it a day. A new game mode requires playtesting and constant tweaking to create proper balance. That requires money and time. Both of which From Software chooses to spend elsewhere.
Like I said, your kids.
They're writers that can't get a decent writing job.
Would YOU care about a game if you had to review like 20 different games every month?
Writing what's basically a school report on each one?
Sure, maybe you care about 1-3 of those but most of them you'll just churn out a half-assed opinion to keep your job.
They want it to be a r1 mash fest because that is clearly how they are playing it. They want the posture bar gone and you just wailing on HP, doing huge chunks of damage.
These people just want to plow through it with no actual skill increase. I got BETTER playing DeS, DaS, BB - you name it. I got better than when I started the game and sure stats were part of that, but part of that was me. In Sekiro its way more on YOU and that blows these peoples minds.
>3k words
I write smut for /trash/ longer than that
i dont need to i have a real job
>muh hard earned money!
nigga fuck you, go play something else then
Never beat Xcom but i'm not a fucking casual who plays on normal. I play on Veteren because Legendary gives you some bullshit funds.
post it
doing your taxes is easy faggot. nigga you never used turbotax before?
> (You)
>just because someone doesnt have the time or simply doesnt enjoy spending hours and hours on a single level, it doesnt mean they are not allowed to enjoy a game
Yes it does. It means they are not the demographic for this game. I personally hate first person games, but I don't whine that the devs should change the camera just so I can play them.
>someone argues something that makes sense
>'h-h-h-h-have sex, I-INCELS!'
that's pretty cute
Should games have easy modes? Why do people insist a game that wasn't made for them should have a mode that specifically caters to their lack of interest in the game?
Its TF into a cat with tits, just FYI
it's such a stupid jab, guarantee you it encourages people to side with more right of center perspectives. if you don't like something then just say what you mean!
I don't consider them alive at that stage. Let's say they develop awareness and other senses when they're plopped into the game to be controlled by the player.
>it's such a stupid jab, guarantee you it encourages people to side with more right of center perspectives.
Who do you think is making it, user? How new are you? Yea Forums is nothing but people falseflagging nowadays, its the easiest way to make your side look BASED!
Why don't they just play on PC and use cheat engine to double the health bar and damage?
Mislead much?
>Cuphead is Japanese
did you even play the game retard
the game has 4 fucking difficulties and as long as you know basic shit like how to reveal pods and move your squad around the first 3 are the same easymode, the only noticeable differences to gameplay happen at the last diff where say even the earliest mooks gain 1 more hp which hugely nerfs your chances of oneshotting them with starting weapons making you pay way more attention to positioning and covers instead of alphastriking every pod from 100 to 0 on an opening turn.
>easy mode dev encourages easy mode.
Cuphead was by an indie dev they could harass and bully. A white male dev using a racist cartoon aesthetic.
Isn't that because it's buggy as all fuck and based largely on RNG?
read i really wish people who dont know how game even plays would not try to comment on its difficulties
why go and spread uninformed opinions like that
>A spic male dev
Fixed. Even though spics are white whenever a leftard decides xe doesn't like them, same as Asians.
>comics had to learn this the hard way
Marvel Comics was on the brink of bankruptcy until they appealed to a bigger audience with the MCU.
>I never beat Xcom on Normal
I remember posts on neogaf saying that NG putting a ribbon on your character is sexist
the faggots complained about wolfenstein baby mode too.
>hurr durr ez mode is good
>look at all the people playing our game on normal for proof
Why is this asshole virtue signaling about this?
>have THE most malleable medium that is able to pander and cater to pretty much any need, can create anything for literally anyone, the grandest variety of choice in any medium in the history of mankind
>Nuh uh, games must be homogenized because it hurts my fee-fees
Bunch of spineless fucking nigger faggots
>easy and normal
no way the majority of players prefer the NORMAL setting of a game?
>literally everyone
You mean a few game journos so inept of their own profession trying to make it sound like they represent the majority?
They can go suck Hollywood dick.
its the same fucking shit in nucom, you wont even notice the difference between the two unless you are clinically retarded and just leave your guys out of cover or some shit, game is pathetically easy on both mods and has numerous nerfs to its mechanics compared to higher diffs.
the only virtue signaling asshole here is you, you dont even know what the words "easy" and "normal" mean applied to nucom. game has 4 difficulties. the only big gameplay changes happen on the last one, while the third can be maybe considered normal one to someone who has their head out or their ass, knows what xcom generally is, but isnt yet particularly experienced with the nucom random and the way pods work. once you get how the game works all but last diff offer 0 challenge and even the last one is kinda difficult only in the early game and very much less so as you get things going, unless you will have your squads fullwiped but on that diff you generally evac with your first fuckup casualty.
This. I have no idea who gives a fuck about journalists these days when Dunkey or Frustrated Fernando and the like take their audience
it's become some faggy ass "it's for everyone! your opinion matters the most" virtue signalling.
how does this get multiple replies every single time
call it games journalist mode and make fun of the player, i'd be all for it.
Incel is just the new term for virgin.
Jesus christ.
You think development and QA time is free and infinite?
>obese social media whore who absolutely abuses corsets and will die an early death for doing so
LOL i wanna FUCK
he's talking about the comic books, not the movies
It's either a gut punch or low hanging bait that Yea Forums never learned not to bite, yet. Seems to bring out the bile in some of the replies.
percentile increase to hp or damage or other stats is done in literal seconds and there isnt a real point to make different games and change enemy placements, all the mechanics and shit, if someone craves easy mode that much then just give them a preset dev-made trainer in the options so theyll shut the fuck up.
People realized that gatekeeping via difficulty is only done to hide how shallow the games are.
>easy mode doesn't hurt your experience
>oh hey looks like 80%+ play easy
>the dev team decided to make the next game easy without harder difficulties or harder modes are paid dlc
You're either baiting or insanely naive.
If you put in a half-assed untested mode in the game and it's obviously half-assed and untested people are going to whine about it.
Think of all the great single player games with shitty multiplayer added on that got lower review scores because their multiplayer was trash whereas if they just had no multiplayer at all they'd score higher.
Despite all the easy mode whining Sekiro scored 92/91/90 on Xbone, PC, and PS4 respectively. I can almost guarantee those scores would be lower if it had an unbalanced and rushed easy mode.
Left wing is about what's good for the group, right wing is about individuality.
>>Those that do think the game is boring because the only hook the game had was defeating difficult foes
It's almost like Sekiro is trash or something
challenging isn't very inclusive
that's ableist incel
>and normal
im dropping xcom
Who knows. Cash in on the free (You)s while you can.
Why the fuck would you include the default option in this discussion?
because he has no arguements and wants points
Got this without the letters?
So half the players chose not to change the difficulty at all, and less than a third chose Easy mode.
>add easy mode to game
>its the exact same
it's good tells me which game series to no longer buy
Is Stalker easier on Master?
the thing with easy mode is that you cant really half ass it, if people want easy its just what they want, easy. lots of games have incredibly halfassed easy mods that nullify games mechanics and are still incredibly popular, say nucom, which play like different games on easy and legendary. in a simple game like sekiro there isnt even much to halfass, all you have is your damage hp and stance versus theirs, make taking damage less punishing and dealing it easier, thats pretty much it, what else do you suggest, having different movesets with the easy mode ones being twice shorter? ironically its this that would feel incredibly half assed despite taking much more work to do, because with simple number buffs/nerfs you cant just shrug off entire fights unless we talking buffing it like 5+ times, with the nerfed moves you can turn the whole game into a joke very easily, not to mention how the fights would suddenly feel very tame and spaced out.
the only addiction to easy mode i can think of is removing mooks before some bosses that you have to kill every time, like say first and especially second memory drunk fight, but that doesnt really change much and is pretty quick to do, too.
when people want easy they scream "we dont want to deal with game mechanics" so why even bother changing those for them? just make what there is easier to deal with via simple numbers and theyll eat this shit right up. pretty much every game with difficulty settings is like that. because there is no point in making it otherwise. as you said, development time is not infinite, and why change something that already works and worked for decades?
>Make easy mode the only mode available
>It's still difficult.
>pls i need good boy points journies
>pls rate my game with a good review
Flip the script:
>69% of players play on normal to hard difficulty
Marketing is easy.
The game has no modes and people are autisticly screeeeeching over that
>Have a variety of difficulty modes
>They all revert to the hardest one when loading a save
>Add easy mode
>Enemies have 10% less life, deal same damage
>Give 50% less xp and money
Well, honestly, Sekiro isn't a game with enough 'wacky' 'fun' mechanics to make a super-easy mode interesting. Just mashing quick attack and tanking through damage gets boring fast.
There are many similar games that get misunderstood as just boring and repetitive because the """normal""" mode is far too easy and doesn't really force you to engage with the interesting mechanics and makes you fall into very boring play patterns.
Also pic related, game journos would use the super-easy mode and judge the game based on that.
A week ago, yes. When sekiro first release, everyone was playing it including shitters. Now only people who actually enjoy it are still playing so skill of the fanbase has technically gone up since release.
Holy fuck user you're so cool since you find the normal mode so easy, can I have your babies? What you're saying is 100% irrelevant you mouthbreather.
Everything becomes a 1 hit kill but you do too.
How fucking stupid. Obviously people dont play hard mode on regular games, because the only thing it does is just gimmicky enemy hp raise and more damage to you. No shit people want to play shallow shit like this.
FromSoft from the ground up hand crafts everything in their game to complement the difficulty,
Why the fuck is this a discussion?
cause racism and sexist angles didn't work so now this is the new means to fight for "exclusivity" and ACCESSIBILITY.
People who play on normal are worse than people who play on easy. Those who play on easy know what they want and they're not ashamed of it. Those who play on normal still want an easy as fuck challengeless experience but are too insecure to actually select easy.
.................how the fuck do they know?
So retards can play, retard. Its so fucking simple.
It takes a special kind of self righteous retard to think players are not allowed an easy mode.
how is it irrelevant, retard? normal mode equals easy in nucom which nullifies all the buttblasting about clamping them together because in nucom there is barely any difference between the two.
why are you so mad about topic no one called you in and you dont know nothing about?
im pretty sure there was a comparison there somewhere on nucom wiki of all difficulties with the full list of changes, why dont you go there a find out for yourself just how similar both easy modes are and how different they are from legendary and veteran. the fact that it has "normal" label means next to nothing which is even aknowledged by the dev here by implying they are the same thing.
i wouldnt even need to send you to read it if you would play the game at least a couple times to know for yourself, but apparently you didnt.
what is it with zoomers and voicing their opinions on topics they dont know about in such a tone?
Achievements, duh.
They can
They just have to apply themselves
Everyone has dumb opinions. He has one I think is dumb as fuck yet I like something he thinks is dumb as fuck I am sure. Just because he had an opinion or two I disagree with doesn't mean I can't like him and his work/team.
Disagree wholly on 4 teammates. That's horrible, it should be more and more expendable like the original.
Pods are the biggest problem, and require an innovative solution. Pods mandate the turtling and they keep dealing with the symptoms or try and offer ameliorations (Meld, then timers) instead of dealing with the disease itself. I'd rather have individual aliens who don't get a free move + 2 actions on your turn, who instead might be in a nook and cranny or around a corner so if you blitz ahead you open yourself up for a risk of a sudden on their turn fuck you ambush. Instead the risk going forward is you get a rocks fall everybody dies because you moved one tile left instead of right and now you activated two full pods who get a free move to flank you then a full turn to kill you. Coupled with lethality rates and it obligates a Alpha striking philosophy. In Xcom2012 it was only a low
You learn to deal with it and so I now go to legendary mode after the initial start (because I don't like the RNG at legendary) but replacing pods would lead to a better performance. I'd love to bull-rush a guy in to a house and the next turn get a 'lid I didn't suspect round the corner and skullfuck me for my brazenness. Not a big fan of do a very cautious, sober and reasonable move and LOL YOU GOT 6 CHRYSALIDS SEEING YOU AND MOVING ACROSS THE SCREEN.
Still love Firaxcom as one of my favorite games but the pod mechanic is pretty bad.
Ah yes, expanding an established IP with a dedicated fanbase to reach out to a mythical generic audience is a good idea. Never backfired before. Nope.
Just tells me pc mustards are easy babbies
They can't process that there is a dev team out there that is doing things however the fuck they want, without taking retards or casuals into consideration on any serious level at all. Western devs are bound to cuck themselves from making their original vision for a game because of suits and other factors such as being scared of angry articles from "game journalists". FromSoft has, historically, never given a flying fuck about any of that shit. It's not a recent thing. They literally can't process how a company can be so focused on their original vision because they can't do that themselves.
>won't happen since we know which ballpark the "Yea Forums" mods play for.
That's right, your toxicity isnt appreciated on the internet anymore, neckbeard.
If even Yea Forums mods are against your toxicity, maybe, just maybe, it's time to take a good long look at yourself in the mirror.
>From decides to include difficulty options with the DLC
>easy mode is the current default mode
>normal mode removes Kuro’s charm from the start
Also have itchy trigger tentacles in lieu of the pod. Go ballsy and rush into a building you didn't check the windows of? You get Advent gauss rounds from 2 out of the 3 advent in the room. Brush the LOS-edge of an advent trooper looking out the window? I could dig a very brief on their turn 'hunker and 1-5 tile re-position' to put cover between them and the target, or maybe if you keep the pod they do the short range reposition and then get itchy trigger tentacles. Not so big on they get a full ~15 tile move + full attacks on their turn.
PC mustards aren't the people making these claims, they're just quietly using cheat engine if they think the game is too hard.
Also this Fromsoft darkhardgame series has been on PC since DS1 only skipping BB due to console exclusivity
>implying Druckmann is in the wrong
Oh shit, he flipped the script, now all the new indie games will have TRANS MODE DIFFICULTY
Because the same people giving it free (you)s are the same people who care way too much about incels in the first place, which is most normalfags.
Toxic masculinity only exists in faggot sports like handegg.
There is a massive MASSIVE anti-Japanese bias in the West. Western devs and "journalists" get absolutely butt blasted whenever a Japanese game especially an overtly Japanese one succeeds this much without compromising their vision (that we know of) especially since they're having a quality resurgence after 10 years of shovel-ware while the west is going the opposite direction
I read his posts user, you're just a dumbfuck retard.
If you want to be "as good as possible" just play the hardest difficulty you fuck
>Add hard mode
>Everything is the same except enemies now have levelhack instakill aimbot precision
yes, his name is Hidetaka Miyazaki
hideo kojima but he is a hack with integrity so
It's like these people are allergic to any sort of adversity or challenge
>maybe, just maybe
I know the post was sarcasm but I still wanna post this.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with feeling superior about beating a game that others couldn’t. Just don’t let it get to your head.
Japan makes gatcha shit and kiddy games now though.
Why does it matter to any of you faggots how other faggots decide to play their game?
shitters go home
>Put in easy mode
>It's the first 15 minutes of the game with piss easy enemies
>at the end the screen fades to black and they're urged to try normal mode to experience the real game
What's wrong with this? Journalists technically can't complain because they got their easy mode, and nobody else gives a fuck because it's basically a demo mode to shut these twitter retards up.
2 completely different games. Turning up the difficulty in xcom just means you're gonna save scum more and it's annoying.
Seriously though fuck that lounging grab that snaps to you, I hate how every boss in this game has a fuck you move
yeah, mhw, re2, dmc5, ds3, sekiro, man i love gachas.
>lmao just check the wiki to find out what the actual standard difficulty is bro
Most people who play a game will start in Normal mode or wherever the cursor is by default. Of course including those people will skew the stats. The rest of your post is so self fellating it's disgusting to look at holy fuck. If anything not having played nu xcom, which unfortunately I have, would be a good thing
>bitching about tone in Yea Forums
ok grandad
>savescuming in nucom
yikes dude
>add in an easy mode
>it's the game as normal but as soon as you hit an enemy he dies and the game cuts to credits
Fuck off with your retarded conspiracy
Developers are pissed because they fucking suck that's all there is to it
It's actually the opposite, the game reverted to beginner after fhe first mission. People complained and Microprose made TFTD almost unbeatable since everyone was having a breeze even at legendary in 1.
because it changes the development process immensely and splits resources unnecessarily numb nuts
Basically everyone does it
because we don't to compromise what we enjoy just to cater and appease others desires for instant gratification
>"not really"
What is a non-söy alternative to this phrase?
some people don't like to be raped by RNG and trial-and-error experiences. sometimes it's more fun if you don't treat a video game like some kind of challenge, because they're not. they're just meant to be fun experiences, and developers are only somewhat capable of making a challenge that's both fun and fair, especially in a game like Xcom. who gives a shit. as long as it's modes, it doesn't change much significantly anyway and you always have the option of "gohard" mode if you really think it improves the game
assertively not really
shutup tranny
t. casual
West loves to virtue signal when possible.
Yeah, he's above a level
What conspiracy you faggot.
It's a goddamned fact.
Western devs fucking HATE jap devs even while they outright fucking steal and ape their game designs.
Remember that cocksucker who "made" fez talking all of that shit about japanese games and the fat faggot who made that shitty sidescroller meatboy or whatever that aped the FUCK out of japanese sidescrollers laughed?
Yeah. That kind of shit is the norm.
They even helped push weeaboo and outright shat on anyoen who played jap games.
This is reality. This happened.
>over 80% choose easy and normal modes
>easy AND normal mode
What kind of slimy wording is this?
>enabling and pandering to literal retards
so is this referring to sekiro, or every game with a woman/minority lead that throws Yea Forums into hysterics?
well yeah of course its going to skewer the stats, hows it my fault though? the devs made difficulties unbalanced and made normal mode the easy mode, not me. op screen says most people play on easy and he is right, why are you getting your panties in a twist over such simple truth? its just one game and one dev, relax, drink some tea.
the figures say 1% easy and 79% normal
look it up
you get raped in souls rarely because of rng, it's 9 times out of 10 your own fault
The issue isn't easy modes. easy modes are fine.
The issue comes when game devs stop making the game based around the harder difficulty, and cop out with generic value spikes (leading to enemies becoming HP sponges) and the easy/normal mode is the only way that isn't a total slog.
thanks for that pic user
Another Eden, The Alchemist Code, Azur Lane, Brave Frontier: The Last Summoner, Fate/Grand Order, Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, Fire Emblem Heroes the list goes on. Sure they made a few good games but clearly the main focus is on mobile gacha games.
the challenge is the experience for from games dumb ass
>Taking Responsibilityros
I don't get it
>Game considered a spiritual successor to a franchise known for being difficult
The real issue stems from how Sekiro fucks with your soul muscle memory, Genichiro in zappy form is the best example, you WANT to dodge his lightning attacks but the way to deal with it is to actually get hit and toss back at him.
Biggest the game does is prevent you from summoning or grinding stats, that's why this conversation is suddenly happening now, because worthless game journos can't just brute force it or get carried.
Normal mode is basically easy mode.
Easy mode is "I don't even want to play the game" mode.
Follow the reply chain my dude, obviously the guy who just posted "and normal" was implying that'd skew the stats, then someone sperged out on him about normal being easyt for some reason so I replied
various shovelware was prevalent in all generations no matter west or east, why are you bringing this up? japan makes a very good chunk of very good games, depending of player tastes maybe ever majority, cant argue that.
>some people don't like to be raped by RNG and trial-and-error experiences.
Some do. These kinds of roundabout arguments are pointless and everything you've said is nothing but a shitty subjective opinion that you mistakenly state as fact.
the whole reply chain is me and some dude or multiple dudes saying they wanna have my babies for me beating xcom on not-easy mode.
eh whatever.
Granted you're in the 50th percentile when it comes to mechanical skill, it'll eventually click. I only got good at the last 3 bosses.
1. Learn to run
2. Learn to block/spam L1
3. Learn to counter perilous attacks properly
So why does everyone care about some people asking for an easy mode?
This. Of course most people play on normal. How many pick easy is the real question.
Yet they still have , meanwhile the only alternatives the West has to their particular brand of cancer is still stuck in the indie pixel ghetto or Kikestarter hell.
once again
shutup tranny
How old are these journalists? I mean only 20 years ago games were still using their difficulty as a selling point in their ad campaigns. The more difficult a game was the more respect it got.
Weren't they around?
I can already see it
"x journalist said she was harrased relentlessly, and gotten legit death threats"
Comments on Reddit and the like
Wow, really? Alt right said x, wow, and they all spew more misinformation
Dev start tweeting
We support the journalists being harrased, and we've added an easy mode to our game, bigots don't buy our game.
We will make our next game only easy mode to fight this injustice #allgamersmatter
Journos pressure devs to say something about the situation and give them cliff notes full of lies so they bend over to their demands.
It's all so tiresome.
The marginal profits gained from casuals are outweighed by the losses caused by "hardcore" players not buying the product.
Catering might work for games like COD, but not for games purchased BECAUSE they're difficult like Dark Souls.
hahahaha i was waiting for someone to post that article
keep spreading that image in every thread that talks about homo enabling easy mode
it's obvious by now le games journalists arent worth shit any more since they cant even play games right and have to lie to their audience in order to appear relevant
truly a disgusting time to be alive
Dis nigga gets it. Souls games are designed like this, adding an easy mode would ensure your next installment might fail.
i wonder if these people ever at least once in their lives consider the possibility this will back fire tremendously?
This never would have happened if sonyfags weren't such casual scum.