Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is pretty fun.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is pretty fun
Other urls found in this thread:
I guess since eric's distracting himself with the other thread it might be possible to have an actual discussion thread for once
Is there a list of what areas are considered indoors anywhere? I'm doing challenge mode and have no idea what the area for 9th Imp. Armored Div. is considered, so I'm not sure what aux cores to use
I'm not really sure about Uraya or Tantal either.
You're not allowed to think that
no it isnt
Sometimes. Mostly during the early game. After Mor Ardain, the game takes a huge nosedive until Morytha.
its fun to fap to. I love self-inserting as Rex. Escapism and pretending I have a harem of chicks is the best feeling.
opposite for me, I found it boring until after mor ardain since you have so few abilities in the early game and it takes ages to really open up
Funny, chapters 2-4 were easily the part of the game I hated the most, and I found chapters 8 - 9 pretty dull in terms of gameplay. (Though the story was great.)
>XC2fags got btfo so hard that they had to go and make their own safespace
Enjoy getting autosaged since even the mods are on our side.
Thanks for making a thread about the game and not the waifus.
I agree, I really enjoyed it despite its flaws and its one of my favorite of all time. I liked 1 and X, but after playing this one I finally decided to go back and play the other Xeno games. Gears is a true diamond in the rough, and even with its frustrations its one of the most memorable RPG experiences I've had. Playing Saga I now and its okay, definitely the weakest, but I'm holding out for III.
Weird, I thought the opposite. I felt like the game was mostly getting better and better as it went on.
go back to your shitposting echo chamber thread bruh. This thread at least is actually discussing a game, whether or not you think the game is shit is irrelevant - hell, this thread is hardly blind praise anyway. Your thread is absolute garbage with no substance to it whatsoever >INB4 "just like xc2 lmao" your shitposting is too predictable
>even the mods are on our side
are you proud of this?
I don't know if I should start NG+ now or try to finish off ursula's quest first, since I don't know how close I am to completing it.
It was always so slow during the early game. Once you could start with arts charged and cancel arts into arts, it got so much better.
How many stamps/fans do you have?
I really hope that the idea of animation cancellation/arts timing returns in future Xenoblade titles, even if they drastically change the combat again.
why does the gameplay suck so much
I agree, though ideally next time they'll make it like the way blade switch/special cancelling works, where you actually have to press the button at the right time to cancel and can't just mash it.
I can't remember where you check that
What a handsome man.
Should be in your key items
I keep going back to it to finish up maxing out blades. Tempted to just start NG+ even thought I still don't have KOS-MOS. I love how broken you can make your party, I really miss when RPGs and games let you do that even if it does break the balance. I think XBC2 does a good job on that front though by putting in super bosses and the Challenge Mode DLC. More RPGs should do shit like that.
The stamps should be in your inventory, and Tipitapi (the nopon manager dude, depending on how far into the quest you are he'll either be at Rumbletum Canteen in Argentum or Mymoma Playhouse in Uraya) should tell you the number of fans.
I fear starting ng+ without all the blades. Kosmos eludes me and I heard ng+ is awful if you do it without her
only got about a third of the total stamps needed
1326 fans
You still have a way to go, if you have nothing else to do go NG+
If you have some other things to do then go ahead and finish the quest
You could do it while watching animu or playing something else
Where'd you hear that? NG+ isn't any harder unless you turn up the difficulty.
While would NG+ be awful without her? You can finish NG+ in OoC without her
You're just going to miss on her quest which rewards you Fast Blade Change VI and Blade Combo Up VI aux cores
What are some Heart-to-Hearts you all enjoyed? I just got the one in Mor Ardain between Rex, Tora, Poppi Alpha, and Azurda, I liked how by the end of it, Tora just runs off to talk to Nia anyhow. I think the Replay Theatre allows you to see all possible versions/dialogues of the cutscenes, right?
>pic related
i can’t believe it’s been 1yr 4 months and i still see xc2 threads. what’s so special about this game?
This game ruined real-life women for me, because they'll never be this perfect.
The two in Elpys were great, the one in Rex's secret base too, the one at the hotspring and the one where Morag tries cooking a fish in Argentum are gold. I also loved the one where Mythra shatters Zeke's image of Addam in Theosoir.
Honestly, most of them were great, and I hope they keep that form of H2H going forward (not locked by affinity and actually voiced)
The h2h where Morag try to cook fish in Argentum is my favorite, both options are hillarious
I don't think you can see the h2h in the theatre though? Someone might confirm
>What are some Heart-to-Hearts you all enjoyed? I just got the one in Mor Ardain between Rex, Tora, Poppi Alpha, and Azurda, I liked how by the end of it, Tora just runs off to talk to Nia anyhow. I think the Replay Theatre allows you to see all possible versions/dialogues of the cutscenes, right?
Not the heart to hearts, sadly. There's a guy on Youtube who bothered to record all of them, though.
I think my favorites were the NG+ blade heart to hearts, the H2H in the spirit crucible where the party talks about where they want to be buried, the H2H in Torigoth with Rex and Zeke, and the Morag cooking one in Argentum.
there's only a couple waifufags itt though
Thing is, this thread won't hit 300 posts.
It's being bumped at page 10 by like 20 or so autists
uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah i dunno then
The one in Tora's house with Tora, Poppi, Pyra and Brighid. Brighid sees right through the perverted little fuzzball.
you sound upset by the fact people are unironically discussing the game
The heart to hearts in XB2 had too much fucking Tora.
Nopon extermination when?
Not upset at all, just stating a fact.
It really is, it's an amazing game. I'm really glad it's been so well received.
I'm still hoping Rex gets into Smash. Having Sakurai apologise for not getting him in was unprecedented.
>thread won't hit 300 posts
Oh it's you again. Repeating the same post over and over again won't stop Xenoblade threads from happening, friend. Time to move on.
>I'm still hoping Rex gets into Smash. Having Sakurai apologise for not getting him in was unprecedented.
You don't have to do this to yourself, user.
If all you've got left is rolling for Blades you should do that on NG+, since there's plenty of NG+ only Blades.
Just make sure to get your Luck start back up if you reduce your levels.
Funny you say it's time to move on, when you keep making threads about this game that struggle to get 150 posts, let alone 300.
Rex doesn't deserve a spot in Smash.
>But Corrin!!!
He didn't either, I'm glad Nintendo is picking heavy hitters for DLC this time.
There's Blades you can only get in NG+, if you're gonna be rolling, it might as well be in NG+.
And no, it's only hard on Bringer of Chaos difficulty. Make sure you finish Ursula's quest first though, since it resets otherwise.
No it's not
I actually can't think of any I didn't enjoy, they were all great. I really liked the Rex/Zeke one in Torigoth though.
It's literally a reddit discord op, it's gotten so bad mods finally started deleting threads.
what discord?
There isn't one, he's just a schizo.
It's legitimately the best JRPG since the PS2 era.
I 100%'d P5, loving it almost all the way through (Goro was handled badly), even solo'd Death and made an invincible Persona. I expected that to sit as my favorite modern JRPG for some time.
XBC2 blew it out of the fucking water.
They literally openly discuss it though, they unironically believe posting threads about it "saves Yea Forums from ResetEra invaders"
I need to get back to this. Nearly 100%'d Torna, and I've done a good chunk of the sidequests and blade quests in the main game before NG+. Looking to do that in the near future and enjoy the game all over again.
Really I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it, hadn't played many JRPGs before this one so I was afraid I'd hate it. More than happy to have been proven wrong!
So many 10/10 girls in this game, it's hard to choose.
I'll probably start NG+ once I beat the super bosses and Relentless Arduran so I can farm that nibba for legendary cores and not do the sidequest again.
>It's legitimately the best JRPG since the PS2 era
But SMT:Strange Journey was the greatest JRPG ever made.
You got any proof of that?
post comfiest songs
Adaam Ketchum and Mythrachu start their journey.
Yes, but I got banned last time I posted it, so feel free to not believe me.
It's got too many problems for me to make a claim like that, but XB2 has been one of my favorite RPGs in a long time. It really surprised me.
She doesn't want to cooperate.
Post an imgur link to it or something.
Blobbers arent JRPGs
Why do you insistent to shoehorn XC2 into everything?
You guys are the new JoJofags and bronies.
I stopped playing when I got to CH.5
I should play it again... but kinda forgot how the combat system works
What a bitch of pokemon.
Dog mode Poppi at the World Tree. She goes from sensible to ridiculous in the blink of an eye, and I love it.
It's easy, just spam buttons to win.
I hope Manami Kiyota does more work on XB3's soundtrack, she didn't do much for 2
It is because you have shit taste. fucking kill yourself right now.
A game is not good because it's flawless. A flawless game is the kind of ideal that leads to western AAA trash. A flawless game comes from a list of boxes to check, a good game comes from the heart.
Those were THE JRPGs though you fucking newfag, if you only play vita level trash of course you'd find a game like XC2 to be the best JRPG.
Mythra became a lot more fuckable.
Who is that pokemon?
>A game the head dev didn't even want to make comes from the heart
A whole flow of them! Quick! Steal Lora's bike!
I'm not denying that, but for me XB2 was less "good but flawed" and more "good despite being insanely flawed". And a lot of its problems are things that I really can't blame others for not being able to tolerate in the same way I could.
Oh god.
this is some of the unfunniest shit i've ever seen
I'm not arguing with anyone.
Lord have mercy
you're posts LOL
I just recently finished the game. The combat system is a lot of fun, but I don't like how binary it is. It seemed like every fight I'd either completely roll something, or just get completely rolled by the enemy. I wish there were more battles where you survive just by the skin of your teeth.
>Muh imaginary boogeyman
In reality, there's no conspiracy, and imagining there somehow would be about a year old single player JRPG is retarded.
People legitimately like XBC2, even if you (didn't play it) and that's fine.
People who legitimately like a game wouldn't make the same robotic posts everyday about how it's the best JRPG in the last decade.
The fucking beak nose kills me.
Put me in the screencap
No, Lora is too nice to be a bitch like Misty.
I shit you not, I thought that was Carlton from thumbnail.
There are dozens of threads a day for single games played much like this one. Let people enjoy talking about the game and whatnot, it's not a big deal.
Still think Malos was one of my favorite game villains in some time. Something about that hammy acting and pure nihilism just made him lovable.
I had the same issue in XB1, and it's frustrating that this many years later it's still the same.
I found setting my level to around 10 below the enemies I was fighting in NG+ sometimes worked well for making fights harder without being impossible, but going back to inns constantly to keep myself from getting overleveled was a pain.
I keep meaning to go back and do a fresh playthrough now that the custom difficulty is out, but I'm not sure what settings to use to keep things challenging without being impossible.
This game would be 20% better without field skills.
Target acquired
Why? I liked it, and when I see a post asking how good it was, I say I really enjoyed it. I've said that in several threads over the last year or so. That's normal.
Your idea that anyone who doesn't hate or forget a game is somehow part of some nebulous conspiracy (to what end? Who knows?) Is deranged.
>There are dozens of threads a day for single games played much like this one
Not with the same posts about how it's the best game of the decade, someone, or multiple people, have an agenda with this game.
Malos is a national treasure. Every single scene he's in in Torna is a fucking 10/10
Announcing reports is against the rules, even of you mask it with a retarded mantra.
I got that feeling from the Superbosses, especially the one in the cave, and the human driver one on the cliffs. Very rough fights those.
No sane person would say Xenoblade 2 is the best JRPG since the PS2 era unless they played very few JRPGs, the gacha alone destroys that statement.
>Still think Malos was one of my favorite game villains in some time. Something about that hammy acting and pure nihilism just made him lovable.
Malos is the best.
He's cheesy as hell, and a interesting character to boot.
So it's ok for the shitposters to spam the same insult all the time?
At least you could report the shitposters.
I would say that, I even did, because it is. Play it sometime, it'll impress you.
Is bizarre how that hair looks good in a Pikachu.
Name 5 JRPGs you played besides XC2 released in the last 10 years.
He really is. There's a lot going on with his character that gives him way more depth than he lets on, and it really just makes him far more memorable that way. Almost makes me wish the ending were a little different.
So if a blade gave you a blowjob and swallowed, would she become a flesheater?
If it was that easy, there'd be a lot more unintentional flesh eaters in the game.
I'll never understand why people like le shouting man so much.
is the remake any good or should I play the original?
Waifufaggotry was a mistake.
is the remake any good or should i play the orignal?
I didn't know your name was Waifufaggotry, user.
I liked it, but some say it ruined the spirit of the original.
It's also a lot easier.
This isn't really the thread you should be asking that question.
It's okay. Most Americans can't understand anything about XC2.
I like his whole character, not just the le shouting man part. Which is incredibly overrated anyways.
Me neither. He wasn't menacing and he wasn't interesting.
Ah, Americans are the retards that think this game is something way bigger than it actually is.
It all makes sense now.
I dropped this game at around the second titan town, the war camp place? It was just so dull and slow, and the companion AI, which you need, is so stupid, and the level design so lacking.
And the gacha elements. I despise gacha.
He had the best voice acting of the English cast and he's just a chad.
>He had the best voice acting of the English cast
That's like winning the Special Olympics
Couldn't tell you, I've only played the original. And I almost gave in when the maze/labyrinth bullshit got ridiculous.
>Persona 5
>Octopath Traveller
>Cold Steel 1 and 2
>Trails in the Sky 1-3
>Valkyria Chronicles 1 and 4
>Alliance Alive
>game the head dev didn't even want to make
>its a xenogearsfag who thinks that takahashi only wants to make xenogears over and over again for the rest of his life despite the fact that he has said on multiple occasions he is never going to remake or sequel xenogears and wants to leave it as a standalone while he works on other projects
wow, I just finished Ch.7 yesterday and it's literally "no fun allowed" zone and the areas with cliffs are cancer, the story part was good tho
Any advice? Thinking of running Morag as my tank instead of Riki.
Should I open rare cores on her? I just got her Kasandra. I got her some agility gear and working on affinity max evasion stuff to add to her.
It's no wonder you think XC2 was the best if all you played was garbage like that.
>Should I open rare cores on her?
>its a xenogearsfag who thinks that takahashi only wants to make xenogears over and over again for the rest of his life
If I honestly believed this, I would actually approve of XC2, considering it's just a rehash of Gears without any of the edge it's fans overhype it for.
Try XCXfag. More specifically the one who comes to every thread just to bitch and moan. And is going to respond to you with a link to a Takahashi interview where he talks about western media, and to me calling me his number 1 fan.
Replace 1 with X, and it's perfect.
No, burgers don't like Xeno. They like Shulk, but they also think Shulk is Nintendo's answer to Guts. Take that as you will.
>Backpedaling this hard
>but they also think Shulk is Nintendo's answer to Guts
I know the fanbases of both series are nearly identical in terms of shit, but you're thinking of FE and Ike.
>You won't like XBC2 if you've played actual JRPGs
>I've played plenty of JRPGs, including most of the best received ones through the years
>T-They don't count!
It's not backpedaling, see
>unless they played very few JRPGs
You specifically listed subpar games, some I wouldn't even consider JRPGs, so you either played very few, or only listed ones you don't actually like that much.
Considering you're opinions on Persona 5, I knew this was the case from beginning.
>best received ones
Just because Persona 5 did really well doesn't mean the rest weren't niche as hell picks.
Outside of maybe Valkyria Chronicles, he picked some really weebcore JRPGs like Tales and Cold Steel, the kind of games that don't have the level of care of good JRPGs like Xeno, and Dragon Quest.
name 5 jrpgs you played that came out within the last 5 years then
was there any lore shit in the artbook ?
I she /ourgal/?
Not really. There's been a few minor details reported by anons here (and who knows how accurate those are), but nothing important at all.
is that grimes
Xenoblade X, of course.
Dragon Quest 11
Fire Emblem Fates and Echoes
I am Setsuna
Why can't the fanbase be happy instead picking a game to side and shit on the others
Plenty of them are, but there's always going to be obsessed fanboys in every fanbase.
I don't shit on any games, but accepting Xenoblade 2 like it's nothing is accepting the stagnation of the series.
You need to be harsh on games like XC2, so the series doesn't go the way of Fire Emblem and Shining Force.
And which one of those is better than xc2
Most Xenoblade fans are fans of the whole series, you just have a couple dedicated autistic one-game-only fanboys that can't help but loudly shit on the other games, as well as that one literal boomer that can't help but whine about muh Xenogears.
All of them except Setsuna and maybe Fates.
Even Setsuna and Fates doesn't have gacha or roadblocks though.
I really enjoyed the heart to heart with Tora and Poppi in Uraya on top of that one tree. It built this cute, childlike friendship between the two and it was 100% wholesome.
mythra looks cuter in pyras outfit, pyra looks worse in mythras, really makes you think
>Most Xenoblade fans are fans of the whole series
You mean specifically the blade series, right?
You brought up Gears though, so I'm not sure, because I guarantee most people that play the blade games haven't even touched the previous ones.
Yeah, I mean specifically Xenoblade. I don't consider saga and gears as part of the same series.
Both look good to me.
I would rather post cute.
Ah, now I understand
But user, think of the advertisers!
I agree but the wholesome meter drops everytime Poppi upgrades
gameplay seems fun
it's the story that sucks
That is bullshit, all the poppies are wholesome.
You need to post this cringe compilation. You gotta have it all on am imgur or something now, right?
I appreciate that they had the decency to keep Poppi's other forms out of the story (for the most part, at least).
I fucking hate that, I wish all the forms took a part on the story. Hell, I wish all the rare blades took a part too.
I'm grateful that you aren't a writer.
so did the new ip turn into zelda or what?
Why do people like Jin?
He's literally "we live in a society" the character
>he doesn't know
Nah, I'm waiting until I hit 50, I'm halfway there.
I've also been keeping a scorecard of the last few threads for each time the thread bumps at 8, 9, and 10 each.
Because Lora.
Xenoblade Chronicles is in my top 3 games of all time, and while X isn't as good it's still amazing and in my top 25. 2 is an insult to the series
>not understanding that the world of xenoblade 2 actually lives in a society
Jin was the hero they needed
probably not, it still has its own page on monolith's website
someone post the 50 page thesis that one dude wrote on jin
All but confirmed. It featuring a female protag probably means it'll be the first (first party) Zelda game with a playable Zelda, too.
the duality of man
Once Octopath gets a sales boost from the mobile game release then XB2 is finished. It's over bros. Square Enix won.
Yeah, having to rely on Octopath and KH to keep their sinking ship afloat from FFXV really is winning.
thank you
didn't octopath sell a million in its first week? who's surprised by that?
I get why Rex gets surprised when Tora says that he loves Pyra and Nia loves Dromarch but why does Nia act surprised too about Rex and Pyra
I want Linkle instead of Zelda.
Ain't both those numbers pretty pathetic
They are lovers. Discuss.
I think that heart to heart is meant to take place fairly early on in the plot, before Nia's picked up on how Rex feels about Pyra
It doesn't make much sense if you do it after chapter 5 though
Don't listen that shitposter with wrong info. The last time we had sales info of xenoblade 2 (the 1.53 million) was in September 2018 in the last Nintendo sales report before smash moved it out of the top 10. The octopath sales (the 1.50 million) info is from January 2019, xenoblade 2 had 5 months to sell more.
It's actually pretty good for Nintendo-exclusive RPGs not named Pokémon. Xenoblade 2 sold a lot more than either of its predecessors, and those sold enough to warrant sequels, so I wouldn't be worried. Octopath also blew SE's expectations considering the fact it was literally out of stock after its release.
compare the release dates of those games to the dates of those sales updates, dumbass
it's about how long they took to reach that milestone, and it's not the fucking end of the world if xb2 is outsold by some other game.
It took me a moment to realize that was morag yuri and not niall ntr
this guy sure is dedicated
The shitposter didn't say anything about sales speed, just posted numbers and went "oh no no no!"
Nice quads
his point is that octopath is going to outsell xb2. it's certainly selling faster, so I don't see how that's wrong.
you don't have to buy into his rhetoric of 'SALES NUMBERS ARE THE ONLY THING THAT MATTER' by making your counterargument 'n-no, xenoblade's definitely sold more by now!'
Are there any crutches (in any form) in Xenoblade 2?
>14k word essay on the character of Jin from Xenoblade 2
Why? I get he's probably one of the best written characters in a video game in a long time but why does that mean he needs a document discussing the depth of his character and their motivations.
I thought FFXV sold really well?
Because that person obviously enjoys doing it, is that wrong?
>I get he's probably one of the best written characters in a video game in a long time
This is bait, but the biggest literally who from Danganronpa had an essay written about her despite literally being on screen for about an hour.
It sold "well" according to Square but to make up the amount of money they lost due in its extremely fucked development it would've had to break records.
They also cancelled all of the DLC for it, so clearly it wasn't a roaring success.
that game could have sold 50 million copies and it wouldn't have made up for the massive budget and time spent on its three iterations.
Yes, but SE keep bleeding money over loads of stuff (mostly related to FFXV production) that moment, reducing the profits.
torna dlc was better than base game but both are good. Jin became my favorite afterwards.
To people who never play JRPGs(The target audience) he's actually pretty unique.
I guess abusing crit recharge arts + crit heals? But you have to be pretty late in the game to have good crit accessories, crit rate cores and a level 5 crit recharge art on Zeke's Great Axes or maxed out the node on Mythra's affinity chart, so I guess it's more of a mid-late-to-late-game crutch, and even then it's not like crit healing's going be enough on its own to get you through some of the harder Challenge Mode challenges.
Basically this Happened.
>FFXV has a fucked up development process.
>Game comes out and sell millions.
>However, the development of it left massive bleedings.
>FFXV's profit is reduced as result.
holy shit I just realized
the reason why they give you such shit rare blades at the beginning of the game is because they assume you would be giving them to rex
so when you get to chapter 8 it doesn't matter if rex has the shitty blades that you aren't going to use anyways because by then its more likely your other party members have better rare blades anyways which rex will be able to use anyways
its all make sense now, the developers are actually geniuses
the raw gameplay was better but balance was fucked. its excusable as a dlc for the base game where people are already expected to know the 70% of the systems that transfered over, but as a standalone the difficulty spikes hard once you get off gormott and hit the torna continent
It did, but proportionally Octopath made far more money, it's development and marketing cost would have been at absolute most a few million with Nintendo eating a lot of the marketing cost themselves, meanwhile FFXV's marketing cost alone would have been multiple times the complete cost of Octopath to SE, the difference would be so significant that if SE had instead opted to make 6 Octopath tier games in terms of budget and they had sold as well as Octopath it would have cost significantly less than the development cost of FFXV and made more money.
AAA is a joke, ever wonder why Nintendo's own games don't meet AAA standards.
Chain attacks, given that they're the one thing they went out of their way to nerf the fuck out of in BoC mode
>the reason why they give you such shit rare blades at the beginning of the game
first blade I unlocked was the fucking monster hunter chick, one look at her skill unlocks, even the first tier was half question marks because I hadn't reached uraya yet, and I knew I was fucked
Which rare blades are the shit ones they give you in the beginning?
It's more like why does it exist, who said it's wrong, I'm confused why someone would put in this much effort, is it autism, it's autism right? well he's pretty on, I think the Malos one is actually better, the title alone basically backs up my own views on Malos so it must be right.
How the fuck am I supposed to know that people are autistic enough to write a full essay on an extra from Danganronpa.
>The monster hunter girl
Sexy chocolate woman or battle hungry axe maniac?
Morytha was the peak of the game. This is a fact
The guy who wrote it just really likes doing character essays. He did one for Malos too, and is apparently going to do Nia, Shulk or Pyra/Mythra next.
Ice stripper, Ice hunk, Fire Bird, I waited a fair while to use Wulfric's core only to find out that he's literally the strongest blade in the whole game with a complete chart of actually useable abilities.
That person enjoys writting massive essays of Characters, is that so hard to understand?
No, it literally was lower than anything else in the game. The peak of the game was Elysium, there's literally nothing above it.
Those characters aren't as good as Jin and Malos though, I guess it would be nice to see if someone can change my mind about them.
Atlusism explains it quite well, so in that context, no.
the guy who's writing them seems to be a big gears/saga fan, so it's definitely autism
Since when "for fun" means autism? This world is fucked up.
most of the time its godfrey, finch, agate, dahlia, boreas, percival, gorg, and perun
Fuxk you carlos
Nia is too fucking perfect Yea Forumsros...
That is a fake Nia.
that's just where she stores all of her hot oranges
>literally perfect
I gotta remember to need not use Agate when fighting bug enemies, her voice line gets annoying after few times she says it
Based mods
What it was?
the shitty naked nia model
So where are the scans?
this may shock you, but nobody actually cares about that doujin other than you
I always liked this artstyle, I wish the artist did more.
Where are the Nia doujins?
Never scanned except for one, I am afraid. But the person that did the pyra and then mythra sequel doujins is making a Nia sequel of the Mythra one and you can bet it will be scanned.
Why does this game look like shit handheld mode famalam?
it's the garbage sharpening filter
just removing it immediately makes handheld mode look 10x better
Should have taken on the super boss.
Hasn't the artist already made like three doujins?
None - you just get one common wind blade. Rares are just gacha (and the odd quest).
The one in Spirit Crucible Elpys, where you fought Addam's shade. I loved Zeke calling out Morag as an autist.
He's talking about the three pity blades.
>This is bait, but the biggest literally who from Danganronpa had an essay written about her despite literally being on screen for about an hour.
what character?
The idolshit that dies chapter 1.
what? she gets a ton of attention from the game, no wonder.
now I'm disappointed, you had me expecting it'd be some random character I'd never heard of
>she gets a ton of attention from the game
I never see her brought up ever.
There's like one waifufag, and even in most of side material she barely gets brought up.
Her entire character was die and trick anyone who was expecting her to be a cliche waifubait to be caught off guard.
She isn't even talked about later, the protag moves on to the actual heroine of the game in mere moments after she dies.
If you're going to bump, at least do it with a picture that hasn't been posted a thousand times already.
If you're going to bump, at least do it with a shitpost that hasn't been posted a thousand times already.
What's next xcx2, xc3, or new ip
Ideally new IP > X2 > XB3
But it'll probably be new IP > XB3 > maybe X2 if Takahashi/Nintendo are feeling merciful
Yes. I hope they properly announce what they're working on this year.
"New IP" is BotW2, and that'll come out before any new Xenoblade
I ran through ng+ pretty quickly. Now I've wan birrion sidequests I can't be arsed to replay though.
>"New IP" is BotW2
please no
I'm glad I don't care about Smash beyond playing it for a bit whenever a new one comes out. Rosterfagging is just getting yourself worked up and making yourself mad out of your own volition.
I wish Nia would cheer me on, and talk dirty to me in her lovely Welsh accent!
The only way to check I know is to try using Mythra's Level IV Special. It only works outdoors.
I only care about the music in Smash and I still get way too irritated about it. I can't imagine what being a rosterfag is like.
Funny how these posts are literally one minute apart.
I agree. I just finished Torna the other day and it was enjoyable. After I beat Sekiro and some other games I'll play it again w/ some new blades.
>Not a single Xenoblade X track in Smash
I will never not be mad.
Friendly reminder that Uraya and the plains of Gormott are the best zones in the game.
I don't know, it seems like they would merge the new ip page with the zelda page on their website if that were the case
Thats actually a really good time to get her because you get a natural power progression throughout the game.
I got that out of my system with Brawl. Boy that had so many cool rearrangements.
>the ONE Xenoblade 'remix' in smash is just credited to ACE themselves
What did they do to deserve this?
At least ACE graced us with that banger new DK rap
Did that user ever post his "meaning of xeno" essay?
It's almost funny that my favorite games in franchises constantly ends up being the 'weird' ones.
I'm getting used to them not getting any attention.
ACE also did this.
Could be they couldn't get the license, remember it was from Sony and they did lose some other tracks because of money.
My optimist self keeps hoping the real reason there was no X track is that Elma's gonna be DLC with her own stage, but deep down I know it won't happen.
Does Sawano work with Sony Jewsic Japan?
Probably because I didnt expect this sepiroth looking wannabe to have a backstory that plays with the themes of the game so well.
What are the themes of the game?
Hey, would you look at that, this thread DID reach 300 posts after all.
And these.
Manami Kiyota did some remixes, too.
And it only took 8 near-death bumps this time, good job.
Thanks user, I try my hardest. ;)
>Attempting to bumping dead threads with useless posts
>Tantal Night theme
A really comfy song to listen and a good one to play in the background while thinking about shit at night
>not writing an essay about the Ultimate BASED student
Yes, all of his music is owned by them.
We're not talking about good characters in this thread.
I didn't actually bump anything, I just said that to bait you into replying. Good job, user!
I thought you said I was just a shitposter that baits replies?
Wouldn't replying to me be giving me what I want?
I never said anything like that, user. In fact, was the first time I even replied to you in this thread.
God damn I want more Xenoblade X
Alright then, keep replying, because I enjoy talking with you.
Just for you, user. ;)
Screw favorites, post underrated songs that aren't your favorite but are good anyways.
Keep it coming.
Hypothetically, If they re released it again, would keep the English version censored or go back on it?
We never had a good grasp on why it was censored in the first place, so I couldn't say.
there are many but if I had to choose one it would be trying to find an objective meaning to your life by meeting god. Jin plays a pretty good foil to other characters because he already had an objective meaning to his existence but rejected it and instead desired what we humans already have, one life and only one chance at it.
Oh, it's you.
How are you number 1 fan?
They would have to go back on it because the Switch is region free. Or it might mean every region gets censored similar to what happened with CERO and smash if the ESRB throws a shitfit.
Best regular battle themes of each game:
Best boss themes of each game:
Best field themes of each game:
Best event themes of each game:
finding meaning to your life is definitely a theme, but I don't think I'd say 'by meeting god' is a big part of that
Not him but several are from von Leibniz's monadology such as the relationship with the Architect, 'the City of God' concept and the nature of divine machines.
Can’t believe this game still gets threads.
>Want more experimental Zelda like MM.
>Want more middle chapters like Metroid Prime 2: Echoes.
>Want more Japanese sci fi that isn't just Gundam.
>Want jrpgs that takes risks.
Life is a bitch liking the things that I do.
please fuck off already
its just how it is man
Fuck, had to fuck it up right at the end, didn't I?
Final link is supposed to be youtube.com
Not this douche again.
>games are about Monadology
>borrow heavily from them
>bring them up in Xenoblade thread
>fuck off
Spite is a powerful thing.
>picking oblivia over sylvalum
what's wrong with you?
Thanks for the list and correction user. I was going to ask you where the Torna track was.
Whatever's the easiest/cheapest option available.
>XC2fags thinking 1fags are on their side looking down X, but 1fags are also looking down on them
>bringing up Monadology in a series that started as Monado: The Beginning of the World and continues to be ABOUT monadology
Yeah, fuck that guy
I mean, with Xenoblade 2's designs, I'd guess Xenoblade X would be uncensored if it was released today. I've always thought it was the Treehouse's fault for the censorship
Why are you referring to yourself in third person?
How new?
The problem is Lin and the ability to give people her body type. That's the reason the breast scale was axed, not making them to big, but making her flat.
I was talking about you're calling yourself "that guy" not the green text.
I'm asking how new are you?
I've been here for almost 9 years now, how new are you?
9 months? Wow that's old, well you'll fit in eventually fella
This post really makes you look mature and not new at all.
I have urges to become a fatherly figure every time I see Electra,
shit, I'm retarded and meant to reply to
Ironic post is ironic.
I have urges to go live my life in the wild everytime I see Zenobia
I'm not being ironic, I'm a actual fan of Japanese media unlike the ironic ones that play XC2.
>Monado: The Beginning of the World
damn i remember seeing the first trailer for it thinking it looked cool but i would never actually play it because i wasnt into jrpgs
also that fiora and bootleg dunban
pretty cool trailer though
> I'm a actual fan of Japanese media unlike the ironic ones
Wew lad
Not an argument.
I'm not claiming any post ITT is an argument, just laughing
Explain what was so funny about my post then.
I would argue that in this game both concept are inseparable due to the fact that the main objective of the game, for both antagonist and some of the protagonists (people that are feeling lost or are missing something), is pretty much ascending to the in universe version of heaven for their own reasons.
The implication that the only people who like Xenoblade 2 are somehow 'ironic' fans of japanese media
I mean X is still the best in the series but jesus christ
You say that, but the fanbase keeps doing shit like and the Etika watchers
how come none of you guys told me about best blade?
>because a series has silly fanart or gets in smash, now all fans are now ironic
>e-celeb shit
Stop posting
Are you implying ironic weebs don't exist?
She's a lesbian.
That would imply it was actually funny.
JoJo references are normalfagcore
I never made a statement that supports that claim, no.
>silly = funny
You need a dictionary
So why is it such a shocking revelation that they've invaded Xenoblade and have a whole game pandering to the Smash secondaries?
You need to go back.
Both reddit and ResetEra love this game.
How come there are people who absolutely love persona 5 but call Xenoblade 2 shit? Is it journalists or an e celeb?
Because Persona 5 has style and it's actually turn based unlike meme RPGs of today, also no gachashit.
It deserves it's praise.
Anywhere else
Persona 5 = left wing anti-establishment
Xenoblade 2 = conservative fantasy
One is on a sony system, the other isn't.
It doesn't go beyond that.
>it has artstyle
>it deserves its praise
Despite its story and characters? Yikes
>conservative fantasy
I didn't know pedophilic open relationships were a conservative fantasy.
The worst part is when theses same people call xenoblade 2 a waifu game while persona 5 is the game that has affection points toward different girls so that you can date them.
It has a shitty story, but all Persona games besides 2 and 3 do, it still has the best gameplay of any "modern" Persona.
People always exaggerate that, the S-Links are such a minor part of the game, and there's barely any fanservice.
Xenoblade 2 panders to waifufags harder than P5 ever does.
both games are good, don't get the hate for either of them
But you can date adults in Persona 5
So why did Breath of the Wild do so well if Nintendo is oh so hated?
>Xenoblade 2 = conservative fantasy
But the main villian was a conservative who was against egalitarianism, which conservatives hate.
>open relationships
Polyamory is not open relationships, also you're thinking US Christian as opposed to Japanese or others, Islamic conservative is "pedophilic" (not that there is any pedophilia in Xenoblade 2) polyamory
Literally a pedophilic open relationship game
It's all about presentation. Persona 5 makes a great first impression, Xenoblade 2 doesn't.
I was talking about Xenoblade 2.
>girl in a cat tight suit
>student council president
>loli neet girl that spouts memes
Dont get this complaint. It's not like you're supposed to get every single blade.
>Xenoblade 2
>main villain
All the villains in 2 have strong arguments beyond ORANGE MAN BAD like in Persona 5, they are all seen as sympathetic but going down the wrong path to reach their goals or perhaps they don't know what their real goals are.
>conservative who was against egalitarianism
Who are you describing?
Nintendoid victim complex
Cheating on your gf isn't an open relationship.
Ehhhh, idk. I'm convinced the series isn't for me.
I didn't get far at all in the first game.
Didn't bother with X
I bought 2 cuz it looked fun and more anime but the gameplay is actually worse. Doesn't help that the story is boring for most of the game. I dropped it twice. Once when Rok's gem got stolen, then again at Rex's hometown.
I'd like to come back to it someday and really 100% from scratch but I have an actual backlog for the first time in years and plan on leaving NEEThood beyond soon so it'll only continue to grow. Definitely one of those games I'll fondly remember for years to come though.
You're just a /pol/ppet who's butthurt at anyone who is critical of your fascist leader. Grow up.
>Who are you describing?
I'm guessing that's supposed to be Amalthus?
Its closer than whatever he was describing in Xenoblade 2, which is Polyamory not an Open relationship
>Who are you describing?
Have you even played the game? That's a no brainer.
Yeah Persona 5 has it too by your standards in your argument
>This is a loli
Roc's stupid little required fetch quest was definitely too early to be dropping the game, but if you made it all the way to Leftheria and it still wasn't clicking then it probably wasn't for you.
>All this SEETHING over P5
Still haven't recovered from Sakurai's great cucking, huh?
No I'm pretty sure Amalthus is more out to connect to god rather than to attempt any anti-egalitarianism.
His open and equal treatment for people as a healer and support of refugees doesn't really jell with that
>That's a no brainer.
Then say who it is
I've played both games but people only played Persona 5 have no right to shit on Xenoblade 2
>boring characters
>bland story
>forgettable enemies
>b-but the artstyle and music!
Ok user, it's ok, we'll stop bullying you
Why not?
P5 made Persona great again by bringing back guns and demons while XC2 just rehashed the first one.
>No I'm pretty sure Amalthus is more out to connect to god rather than to attempt any anti-egalitarianism.
>His open and equal treatment for people as a healer and support of refugees
I'll pick everything you said soon enough, but I just want to laugh at how you completely missed the point and took everything at superficial face value.
>His open and equal treatment for people as a healer and support of refugees doesn't really jell with that
He uses those refugees (including children) for his human experiments, I'm not sure that I'd call that 'equal treatment of people'.
And he's pretty clear about how he considers Blades to be lower than humans.
>forgettable enemies
Nigga, they were the SMT demons, did you prefer the featureless blobs of Persona 3 and 4?
>Persona 5 isn't a rehash of 3 and 4
Sure user
The characters in persona and the dungeon design was a step backwards tho
They had it good but the quality of those two things goes downhill after the Bank
It's not.
P3 and P4 are like night and day for one.
Try to go gout with a 14 year old when you are 18 years or older and see what people call you, whether the girl has boobs or not.
>now some gay baby is trying to force a persona rivalary in these threads
I don't even remember what game it was last time, but this is pathetic.
I mean the bosses and antagonists.
Persona 5 are the least developed to date
I'd rather the dungeons in P5, no matter how small, over the hallways of P3 and P4.
I know you never played the game, but you can at least look up the characters age before you make an argument.
Pretty much always Xfag
It's amazing he's still not banned yet with all his deleted posts, he must be going down on his brother hard
What's wrong with the bosses?
got 100% in the game and a platinum trophy. I just dont pretend its not a waifu game.
Nice paranoia.
Please don't lump us all together with him.
I like 2 as well
In that case it's pretty sad you play Persona and Xenoblade 2 but don't even know what a loli is, but I guess ResetEra does the same thing.
Should I play NG+ after I beat the game or go to the Torna DLC instead
Cartoonishly evil and simple, also forgettable. You can tell the devs put no effort into making the villains in 5.
>No I'm pretty sure Amalthus is more out to connect to god rather than to attempt any anti-egalitarianism.
He got a full conservative upbringing when his mother was murdered by bandits and later he came across the family that was murdered by a soldier he just healed. It taught him early on that life in its natural state is cruel and selfish. So he climbed the great tree to meet God. When God decided to hide, he took the two Ageis's and ran, and because of his view of the world. he infected Malos with it to create the lovable, genocidal scamp we interacted with.
>His open and equal treatment for people as a healer and support of refugees doesn't really jell with that
The Refugees weren't protected out of virtue, but because they were the direct result of Indol keeping the wheels of war churning. Furthermore Amalthus used both people and blades as human experiments, and say blades as lower beings than people. Which is one of the reasons he targeted Torna because they were seen as equal. That sort of behavior is an affront to conservatism that believes there are certain castes where some natural lead, and the rest serve. Amalthus seeking out and genociding the Tornans' while blackmailing the few survivors who became the tantalees, destroys any idea that he's misunderstood.
At this point it's just a name, he doesn't even show any evidence of genuinely enjoying X, just using it as a vehicle to shitpost against 2(sorry, 2's fanbase).
We're not talking about the their characters, what's wrong with the boss fights themselves?
Not him but Oppai Loli's exist.
Depends, if you feel you want to take a breather and try something new, play Torna first, if you're still engaged in XC2's systems and gameplay, play NG+ first. Nothing's stopping you from juggling between both as well.
I post X threads all the time, and 100%'d X in both English and Japanese, but keep spreading lies about me.
Those lolis still aren't 15, they're 10-12 year-olds with oversized tits.
>He got a full conservative upbringing when his mother was murdered by bandits
Is this shitposting?
>It taught him early on that life in its natural state is cruel and selfish
>Right, nothing anti-egalitarian yet.
Furthermore Amalthus used both people and blades as human experiments
He also 'purified' the cores, stealing their data for himself to become a blade-eater monstrosity
He sees blades and humans as nothing more than tools for him to ascend and "become worthy" as he said he felt he was not worthy when he climbed the tower, he doesn't see blades as untermensch he sees them as tools, food or rather something to evolve with
>sort of behavior is an affront to conservatism that believes there are certain castes where some natural lead
Torna was still a monarchy, with elite and commoners though, I feel you're stretching here.
1000 year old dragon lolis are still lolis. It's all about the build.
That being said, Futaba isn't one.
>Currently at 400+ replies with almost 100 posters
>Which is one of the reasons he targeted Torna because they were seen as equal.
Didn't Amalthus go after the people in Spessia because he thought Mythra was there, not because they were Tornan?
Granted, at least 100 of those replies are his alone, pretty ironic that he spends more time posting in every XC2 thread than anyone in the fanbase he's dedicated his life to flamewarring with
I got confused because I thought this was a XC2 thread, turns out it was a Persona 5 SEETHING circlejerk
Also this thread was dead 8-9 times now, it just got bumped on page 9 by that one guy who was desperate to prove me wrong.
And some how Xenoblade isn't night and day compare to 2?
Xenoblade 1, X and 2 share common themes, explored in different ways
this picture is the best thing to come out of smash ultimate
it's perfection
It literally parallels the orignal, right down to the cuckolding.
Kind of like how Persona 3,4 and 5 share a common theme
Structurally all 3 games are incredibly similar to one another, 4 & 5 in particular bare more than a passing resemblance to each other in how the plot beats play out throughout the story. It's partly the nature of trying to tell a narrative over such a long in-game timeframe, but it doesn't stop it from feeling a bit worn thin by the 3rd time they've done it.
>Persona 3 - addressing death
>Persona 4 - addressing your true self
>Persona 5 - 'emancipation' / release from things that shackle you emotionally (on paper: IRL it's just "fuck adults")
Nah, not seeing it
what themes?
>Persona 3-Only high school kids can solve this problem of "Death." A special someone who comes to town at the right time to lead the way
>Persona 4- Only high school kids can solve this problem of a mystery murders with a special person who came to town at the right time
>Persona 5- Only high school kids can solve this problem of stupid adults and it shackles on society with a special person who showed up at the right time
Too many similarities
High school is the setting not the story or themes
>they all have the same character introductions for the MC
Also not the themes
XC1 is about not letting your betters decide for you, to forge your own path in life.
XC2 explores the other side of that coin. What if the guys going "Screw God I make my own destiny!" have nothing good in their lives and decide to kill everyone instead?
>Xenoblade 1-Boy finds magical sword and saves the world by killing God
>Xenoblade 2-Boy finds magical sword (female) and saves the world by killing the guy that killed God
Agreed, most fun I had in a jrpg in years, and this game reminded me why I liked jrpgs in the first place
>have nothing good in their lives and decide to kill everyone instead?
XC2fags don't even understand their own game, jesus christ.
>by killing the guy that killed God
did I miss something?
>Xenoblade 1 - Evil force wants to wipeout mankind, hero is chosen by the Monado as its champion, the twist is that he was not really an OG human
>Xenoblade X - Evil force wants to wipeout mankind, hero is chosen by the Elma as its champion, the twist is that he was not really an OG human
>Xenoblade 2 - Evil force wants to wipeout mankind, heroes is chosen by the Aegis as its champion, the twist is that he was not really an OG human
Go away Andrew, you haven't played the game.
>X is the most original
Still winning.
Yea he didn't play the game. God literally only did anything in the game at the very end and basically said make your own destiny and live how you want.
If you take that statement as the truth you're literally admitting your villain was poorly written.
Its almost like a series has a running theme in them. None of these games a unique from each other so stop trying to pretend otherwise.
And God wasn't Shulk's enemy for most of the game, I thought you guys would be smart enough to understand I was describing the whole story, not the first impression.
I was making fun of him, Xenoblade have FAR more in common thematically than the most dumbed down premise while Persona 3-5 are in a school with the MC being new.
That's a theme somehow.
That quote was about Xenoblade 2 you retard.
>Xenoblade 2-Boy finds magical sword (female) and saves the world by killing the guy that killed God
>killing the guy that killed God
it's more that your attempt to tie 2's final boss to god was confusing, but okay
And Malos didn't kill God?
Thanks for confirming you don't know shit. If anyone killed god it was Shulk. Killing one half killed the other.
>And Malos didn't kill God?
No. Shulk killed God you fucking retard.
>He was already dead, that didn't count!
user, Malos literally did not kill god. I don't know what more you need. He didn't even attack Klaus or anything.
>He didn't even attack Klaus or anything.
He tries once, but Klaus has some barrier bullshit that deflects it.
>Got exposed as a retard
>He was dead already
Still don't know shit. Klaus wasn't dead until Shulk killed Zanza.
His goal was to kill God, and he succeeded.
He's meant to parallel Shulk, that's why he has the Monado.
Again, you guys don't even understand your own story.
>He's meant to parallel Shulk, that's why he has the Monado.
that's Jin you dingus
They both are.
>His goal was to kill God, and he succeeded
No he didn't. He tried and failed so he went and decided to destroy the world he created as a way to get back at him.
>Again, you guys don't even understand your own story.
A retard like you needs to take your own advice
>His goal was to kill God, and he succeeded.
Malos had literally nothing to do with Klaus's death m8
>Survival of the fittest, no compassion, only care about yourself.
Conservative views of life.
It goes beyond egalitarianism.
>Using people as tools to reach his own ends.
That's called conservatism.
>Torna was still a monarchy
That's a strawman argument that has nothing to do with the fact that Almathlus was against treating blades and people as equal
Doesn't matter if he ended up killing him or not, that wasn't my point, he was Shulk as a villain, that was the point of my post.
>only care about yourself
>Conservative views of life.
user, stop reading leftist propaganda.
Jesus christ
Fuck Rex
Fuck the Architect
And fuck Xfags
Most X fans are based.
>Moving the goalpost
Malos would be the ultimate Xfag though.
>Hey, I'm an Xfag, but I'm not like THOSE Xfags!
It's like homos posting on /pol/.
One of the only non cringe designs in the game.
It's like the artist realized he could draw literally anything he wanted instead of waifubait for otaku virgins.
I'm not moving the goalpost, my point from the beginning was that protag does thing, and then you kill enemy that does thing.
I don't care if Malos actually killed god or not, I'm talking about the god killer trope in general.
He's a knockoff Lao.
Maybe the confirmation that KOS-MOS:Re was actually built by Shion Uzuki and Allen Ridgeley a d her number was 1.2 or something while the KOS-MOS we know of was 1.1 or 1.0, I can't recall, so we can assume she really was pulled out of Xenosaga's universe somehow
Got her and she's gorgeous. Those tiddies are where the dreams of men are made.
Couldn't that just be explained as blade KOS-MOS getting her form from data in her core crystal about a character from a fictional Xenosaga sequel released in XB's Earth, though?
I can't see there actually being a plot-relevant connection, since she's still owned by Namco.
we did it reddit
Not an arguement
>mimics words without understanding them
>Can't refute the substance
>Can only attack personally
Another hallmark of modern conservatism.
Do the core crystals on these figures look any better in person? They look really dull and shitty in the pictures.
>Can only attack personally
I never did this though.
>refute the substance
That you believe that Social Conservatives (top values are family values and national security) only care about themselves? How can I attack what you personally believe? I just suggested you try non-biased sources in the future.
>People would rather talk politics since this game is so dead
user, even by the eyes you won't reach the level of details seen in macro photos. Macro brings out every default you can think of, which are invisible to the naked eye. The fact it looks this decent in macro is actually amazing.
Best boy.
>I never did this though.
Lie, right off the back
>stop reading leftist propaganda.
Your attack is to claim I'm misguided by correctly pointing out how conservatism is an inherently flawed ideology that holds society back and how it relates to XBC2 in the case of Indol. As for your counter argument
>top values are family values and national security
Caring only about themselves and what affects them, but not the community
>National security
As a means of protecting themselves, also the a strong military industrial complex protects those in power while also funding them.
Thanks for proving my point of the inherent selfishness of conservatism.
>But conservatives tend to be the most charitable
While the term is overused, it's a virtue signaling, because people are forced to rely on charity due to the system conservatism creates where there is no room for class mobility and the sins of the father becomes the sins of the son. As a result, the rich help the poor when they see fit and believe they should be given a pat on the back for helping those beneath them or worse, use it as a means to an end to further their own interest.
We're talking about how XBC2 is critical of conservatism.
If you want to talk about X, we can talk about how that game destroys nativism and racist policies like you're seeing in the US.
Proof: The entire Alex quest line.
>Your attack is to claim I'm misguided
Incorrect, I said to read non-biased media
>correctly pointing out how conservatism is an inherently flawed ideology
Wew lad
>If you want to talk about X
Which leads to attack on sources by claiming some are biased because you disagree wit the information they present you.
Keep in mind, I'm being relatively light on the information and not heavy handed in dealing with you. If you want a dissertation in the next thread. I'd be more than happy to shatter your world view on how Conservatism is the root any of any authoritarian type of government. And that has nothing to do with 'non-biased sources' it comes for the fathers of conservatism.
>you disagree wit the information they present you
Incorrect, I merely advised you to be open and seek less biased media
Didn't the corporations work directly under the NLA government and BLADE?
No, you disagree with the information so you attack the source. It's a typical conservative tactic of disinformation. Feel free to refute the facts.
Or better yet, look up the Conservatism Order and Counter-Enlightenment.
Go away cat, we're talking politics.
Post Pyra now that the thread is dying
I refuse.
You will like cats