Sekiro lore

So what the fuck is he?
A memory manifested into physical form? He's obviously not the chill isshin who died in the castle, he's the same dude who stole the country years ago, but no where in the game does it mention that it's possible to reincarnate through your grandsons body.

also why didn't they say anything about genichiro? he was still alive.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's the tengu mask guy

>"our ennemies do not have any honor sekiro.They badmouth us with stories such as the nanjing massacre"
>Isshin stares at the camera
>"That never happened"
This was such a powerful moment

Near Isshin's room there's a chest that has a note about a black version of the mortal blade that can cut open portals to the underworld. Genichiro cuts his head off via the blade, opening a portal that Isshin returns through. Out of loving a good fight/ honoring his grandson, Isshin wants to fight you since he's now at his best and you've proven to him repeatedly that you're a strong opponent.

He's literally Isshin from the underword. The Black Mortal Blade opens a 'gate'. People from the beyond are in their prime, not how they died. Read the memories and the note about the BMB.


who cares

Isshin just want to set loose and beat strong foes, this is basically his nature. The one with a proper goal is Genichiro, he wanted to save Ashina.

genichiro a busta
>So what the fuck is he?
>he's the same dude who stole the country years ago
Yeah, that's it. That's literally all. It's Isshin at his prime, walking straight out of Valhalla.

The Armored Knight is actually Hank Hill

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what if kenichiro walked out of the portal
like he was back at full strength and kept doing this over and over until he won

wiki says he is tengu mask guy
yea story doesn't make any sense
do not expect good story from From Software

He would have given up eventually since he's a complete jobber of a boss.

He would have to be dead and in the underword first. It also probably has some blood/ancestor connection. You can't just summon yourself.

Old Isshin was Tengu, dumbass. Why do you think he calls Wolf Sekiro the first time they meet? Why do you think Tengu randomly gives you one of the best skill trees? Why do you think Emma tells you he sometimes runs off after the same enemies Tengu was introduced murdering invade the castle?

>a black version of the mortal blade



Are the centipedes represent some kind of evil in this game? The corrupted monk have one inside, the big white ape also have one inside too.

>Isshin: I see you have died quite a few times during your combats Sekiro..
>Sekiro: ...?!!!
>Isshin: Yes, Sekiro: Shadows die twice™

never fails

Yes centipedes represent corruption in Japanese mythology

It's like you don't read.
If you read Isshin's memory fragment, the black mortal blade, etc it explains it all.
>Black mortal blade opens a path to the underworld (Black blade note)
>Any man brought back from the underworld is brought back at the height of his power, his peak form/years (Memory fragment)
>Isshin spent all his life yearning for and mastering combat, war, battle, techniques etc. He amassed a lot of them and his greatest wish was for war until death, which he obtained via Sekiro, and simultaneously honored the wish of his summoner and grandson. (Memory of Isshin, remnant of isshin).

going throught I first run I was caught by surprise at this reveal but after repeated visits on my second run, you can tell they were clearly pointing at it in a very subtle way
>keeps repeating the line of no hesitation, man is obsessed with going at it 110%
>so obsessed with war and protecting ashina he has his own secret persona as tengu of ashina, slaying ministry assassins by the dozens
>he's not "so chill" lol, he even goes to tell you he'd kill you if required
>he sticks to his code all the way and protects ashina while not hurting the divine child/using rejuvenation waters
>you can sneak up to him and emma talking about genichiro eventually using the second mortal blade
godDAMMIT this fucking game

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he's one of the most consistent and interesting characters from has ever created you dumbass
mfer even has the tengu mask hanging in his room
his tengu persona is a way to keep warring which is what he lives for

fucking love that he's the one that gives you your name, does so from the minute you meet him and calls you by that during your last fight
you can tell he's a great sport and not doing this because of hatred but just for the love of swordfighting and protecting ashina
fucking KINO if i do say so myself

he should have tried

Centipedes in Buddhism are the evil equivalent of dragons. The word for centipede is even incredibly close to the one for snake. So this false/corrupted version of the Dragon's Heritage involves centipedes.

>demon of hatred

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Can someone explain to me rejuvenation waters?

water good
centipedes bad
centipedes get in water
fake immortality bad

The Dragon produces waters with flow through Fountainhead Palace and down into Ashina. The further they flow, the more diluted they become. So the different types of water 'immortality' are:
>Weird glowing fish dragon ayylmaos from drinking the pure stuff
>Centipede-infested water
>The really fucked up diluted stuff in Mibu's sake that turns people into obsessed zombies and liquifies their insides

>King Kong is weak to the spear despite not having any armor
>Demon Firesage is weak to malcontent despite not being an apparition
>"secret techniques" aren't secret at all, they're just a few regular techniques found in the skill trees

This game is such wiki bait. None of this bullshit is intuitive.

>King Kong is weak to the spear despite not having any armor
Because you're yanking the centipede out.
>Demon Firesage is weak to malcontent despite not being an apparition
Because it's his waifu's ring, you fucking idiot. He tells you before that the sound of the ring is very special to him. You're a fucking idiot and should read descriptions instead of spamming through the damn game.

Where's the carp vendor in Fountainhead?

Which vendor should I help become a carp?


So how did divine loli gain immortality? Did she drink from palace water or something?

Genichiro basically opened portal in himself and summoned young Isshin who passed out just before


She drank from deez nuts

The monks were experimenting on children to create another "dragon" style of immortality. Rice loli was the only one who survived.

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The Senpou monks were doing something with the waters to try and create an artificial Dragon's Heritage, yeah. But they don't really go into what it is. She's just the only survivor of all the children they were experimenting on. And even though the other kids are dead, they're still 'around' in that illusion world where the monkeys are.

that one thing is better than whole souls series t b h

Thanks anons

I saw that but it felt more like resurrecting Isshin was the goal to reclaim Ashina castle rather than just to have a 1v1 with Sekiro

There's also dead bodies strewn about Mt. Senpou.

what's wrong with the demon of hatred other than he can kick your ass if you don't know what you're doing, or get tilted. I will say that Owl's the best at tilting, fucker just has to end with shit talking when he kills you.

Where's the black blade scroll thing? I don't remember reading that anywhere

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Right outside Isshin's room.

How could Isshin be the Tengu when you see the Tengu die before and in a different spot than Isshin?

You never see the Tengu die, do you?

>when you see the Tengu die before and in a different spot than Isshin?
You don't

is there a spot where the tengu dies? I've never seen this and I was decently thorough when exploring.

Once they succeeded in it, the monkeys hid the divine loli and use the halls of illusion as their gate into her temple.

Sidenote, how the fuck did sculptor become a shura exactly? Isshin says that those who go on killing eventually become Shura, but did he just see the invading forces then go full apeshit?

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And each Jizo monument represents a dead child.

Where does the tengu die? Last time I saw him, he gave out the mushin arts and that’s it

>but did he just see the invading forces then go full apeshit?
Yeah, the 'feeling' of war got too close to him basically.

The wiki says Owl is weak to confetti but I don't buy it, no one uses it on Youtube so I can't find out and I'm not wasting that shit

Isshin will actually tell you he's Tengu and you can see Tengu's cloak and mask on the wall in Isshin's room

There's also a shitton of corpses all over the temple.

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Confetti is a straight damage boost and does chip damage through blocks. Speedruns make heavy use of it.

Yes, that was the main goal for Genichiro. To reclaim Ashina castle and the dragon blood, Isshin would have to beat Sekiro in a fight.

After mastering one of the skill trees the Tengu gives you the Mushin text at the idol before the Sunken Valley where he's just killed an Interior Ministry goon before saying he doesn't feel great. I suppose he doesn't actually die but it seemed like that's what he was alluding to. I guess it might make sense that he is Isshin considering he can also give you the Mushin arts.
Actually now that I write all this out I realize that Isshin doesn't appear in his room if you don't get the Ashina text. Okay, nevermind.

It’s not really specified. Presumably sculptor lost his shit after his waifu was eaten by the ape. Started killing for pleasure etc, he was rekt by Isshin, lost his arm and became Isshin’s shinobi after that.

Presumably Emma was around for the shura stuff and perhaps why she feels so strongly about it.

The black sword has access to the underworld or something I think the scroll said, So I assume sacrificing life allowed him to return to the world from the afterlife.

He’s the actual Isshin, there’s a missable memo about the black Mortal Blade outside Isshin’s room after the shinobi invasion that mentions its capable of opening a gate to the underworld. Genichiro realised he couldn’t beat Wolf, so he offered himself as a sacrifice to open a gate to hell through which Isshin returned. The item description for the Remnant after you consume Isshin’s memory says that anyone returned to the world of the living in this manner returns st the height of their prosperity, which is why he’s returned at the peak of his life as a sword saint before Ashina’s slow decline. He fights Wolf because a) it was Genichiro’s dying wish and he was brought back through Genichiro’s sacrifice and wants to honour it, b) he’s excited to be alive again but also young and capable of fighting properly again and wants to let ‘er rip, and c) he took a liking to Wolf and wants to fight him.

Sekiro's story is a mishmash of barely connected ideas.

>Tengu gives you the Mushin text at the idol before the Sunken Valley where he's just killed an Interior Ministry goon before saying he doesn't feel great. I suppose he doesn't actually die but it seemed like that's what he was alluding to
Yeah, he's ill just like Isshin. Isshin also already knows to call you Sekiro even though 'Tengu' was the one who named you that. And if you eavesdrop on him and Emma, they'll talk about him donning the Tengu persona.


Wait till you realize that Clark Kent is actually Superman

He did not become a shura, he became a demon bound to this world by hatred, his memory states this explicitly.

He probably got some flashbacks triggered by all the flames of the invasion and lost his grip on his humanity. The Buddha statue showed him flames, and he's been sculpting idols for years to keep Shura at bay after all the blood he shed during his stint as the Orangutan and losing Kingfisher.

What do you think of Tina Armstrong from Dead or Alive 6?

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You can grind up 100 gold per second in the end game.
But if you mean Owl 1, I'd suggest taking your licks now; it'll be easier in the long run.

How so

Centipedes are one of the types of immortality in the game, probably the worst kind since having centipedes living inside you is very painful. In Japanese folklore, centipedes represent death and decay, and are the one thing that the dragons fear.

I wonder if he knows if shiek is actually zelda?

His transformation into shura was interrupted by isshin cutting off his sword arm, which probably sent him into shock and gave him a moment of somewat clarity once he recovered.
After that he decided to hide away in a temple and try to deal with his anger issues by carving buddha.
He fails.

>Presumably Emma was around for the shura stuff and perhaps why she feels so strongly about it.
It's implied that Emma was trained to kill Sculptor if it ever came to that.

"Shura" is basically 'demon' in this context, you just become an engine of killing.

Is it really that obvious that Isshin was Tengu?


Unironically yes.

>After that he decided to hide away in a temple and try to deal with his anger issues by carving buddha.

Fuck, this makes so much sense, he keeps talking about how no matter what he tries to carve, it always comes out as wrath.

I don't see how this relates to Sekiro, but she's alright. It's a shame Dead or Alive dies within a week of its release.

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He's the only one to call you sekiro, and the tengu mask is literally on the wall behind him.

The Sculptor was previously shura, before you fight the Demon of Hatred. That's why Isshin cut his arm off.

>gives you the name Sekiro
>first time you meet him
>calls you Sekiro

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To add to this the Tengu costume is in his room, and he LITERALLY TELLS YOU HE'S TENGU AFTER WOLF ASKS

The fact that Yea Forums still doesn't get this blows my fucking mind. No wonder you mouth breathing faggots get gatekept by Chained Ogre.

What's the Sculptor's backstory, anyway? He was a Shinobi who trained with monkeys and his friend got eaten by the Guardian Ape, but that's about it as far as I can remember

>magic japanese sword opens a gate to hell
>beating isshin in the shura ending gives you judgement cut

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Can you not read or something? It's fairly straightforward, almost too much so. You learn almost everything you need to know about the lore and story through spoken dialogue and it's pretty much Point A to Point B, with some backstory sprinkled about. Only stuff you don't learn through dialogue is the deal with the Black Mortal Blade, Memory/Remnant lore, and fluff like a diet of Taro Persimmons mutating humans into those big and chunky tards.

He then became Shura, got his arm cut off by Isshin, and went into exile carving Buddhas. That's about all there is to it.

same ashigaru topknot, same body dimensions, same skin, both in color and I guess texture. Tall as fuck. I knew before Isshin even called Wolf Sekiro. There's no way the one tengu they show you just so happens to have all the same features that Isshin has. I assume they have the same voice actor as well but I heard the tengu in japanese then when I talked to isshin I had decided to switch to english.

>Nan-what? Is that some kind of city? Nope never heard of it it
What did he mean by this?

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this made me laugh way more than it should've

>a diet of Taro Persimmons mutating humans into those big and chunky tards
I thought Japan just had a lot of retarded people

Ignoring the fact that it is the only character that calls you sekiro, the guy literally is pretty much the same but with a mask, same voice haircut and height.

I thought they were just exceedingly well ripened persimmons not that it mutated anyone. I think they just say Taro Troop guys are good at spotting good persimmons because they ate really good persimmons all the time. I don't think it's meant to have deep lore to it.

Centipede waifus when?

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Where the fuck did he get a semiauto pistol? Yharnam?

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Oh they do. Tardo Persimmon genetics do that to you so it's just an explanation as to how they became like that.

The description on the other mortal blades item is that it is used to open gates to the underworld
I believe it just revived the demon of Isshins soul in his prime since he had passed away so recently

hes the fucking lord of ashina. he can commission any prototype he wants.

he cut open genichiro's throat with the blade and pulled out a glock

Well not all of it, he then became shura anyway and Sekiro had to put him down, I'm assuming that he puts him down after the events of the Shura ending as well, considering that the idea is that Sekiro as Shura would be pretty much unstoppable.

So why were both Apes called lonely when the second one had pussy at its beck and call?

Tengu calls you Sekiro. Later Isshin calls you Sekiro. Okami says, "you're!..." Isshin laughs.
yeah it's pretty obvious

Kinda? More precisely he’s Isshin’s prime form. As in when he was at the peak of going around taking names and kicking ass. Genichiro summoned him in hopes that Isshin Prime would help with repelling the invasion but IP just wants to go back to the afterlife and chill. But seeing that he’s at his peak power and there just happens to be the guy that he can respect is also there he figured why not have a good ol duel before going back.

it's true though and especially so when he starts using the lightning of tomoe.

Noted, I don't watch speedruns so yeah. Thanks for the advice, I might use that against him since I almost sealed the deal last night but he cornered me and the camera screwed me
>mfw realized he cheesed me
>the most secret Shinobi art is actually just Souls cheesing

What the fuck do persimmons taste like anyways? I've never had one and the only thing I've heard about the taste is that it's difficult to describe, like that's supposed to be a fucking answer.

This is some weird shit, is sekiro bloodborne: japan version?

You sure that wasn’t Louis in a body suit?

explain to me the lore as if i have no idea about anything in the game

Also why are there a bunch of Turks in Japan?

Somewhere in fountain head (before underwater tunnel) is/was a locked door (the one which is pitch black inide with tons of those fishbards). The door is atop a huge stair.
When facing the door take a left amd follow the wall. When you get to the end of the cliff you can see a grappling hook. This brings you to the pot noble.

It doesn't matter which noble you help.

It was a ghost

Can someone explain the Ashina castle bit with Emma? After beating Genichiro you both act like you've never seen each other despite her being at the dilapidated shrine, then if you give her sake Sekiro mentions her sword skills despite her NEVER USING A SWORD UNLESS YOU DO THE SHURA ENDING

This game is nothing like bloodborne

>lore discussion in Yea Forums
It's even worse than reddit, at least reddit provides screenshots and everyone tries to read everything unlike here, most if you have reading comprehension problems.

I just went to Isshin's room and I can't find the note about the black mortal blade; does it only show up after a certain point in the story?

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Two anime dudes duke it out over a shota.

>The Ashina Taro Troop are practically raised on these fruits
It's either mutation from a steady diet of Taro Persimmons or Taro Troops are some sort of weird subhuman race that just happens to have a diet consisting of a lot of Taro Persimmons and are all warriors in some fashion.

From Hell, obviously.

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>That 70 year old boomer who dresses up like batman and chugs Dragonspring sake

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It's definitely there in the final stretch of the game, not sure if it shows up earlier.

I've had a pickled persimmon before and it felt like my mouth was drying out from how intense the flavor was. Not pleasant.

it's in a chest on the balcony, not in the room itself

After the ministry invasion and it's in a chest on the balcony of Isshin's room.

>pops out with badass samurai helmet
>he's just in a palette swap of his Sword Saint rope instead of armor

Guess they got lazy when they tried to design his suit. Or they used up all the armour concepts on the mini-bosses

He was pretty much a well honed killing machine just like you. Keep in mind that during his time Ashina was in the middle of war. So he did what he do best and killed a fuck ton of people.

Also the other thing is that when one kills too much and starts to crave bloodlust you pretty much end up calling for the literal hate demon. Sculptor was about to become one till Isshin stepped in and stopped the transformation literally by chopping off Sculptor’s arm. He then had Sculptor hideout in an old temple, carving Buddha statues for good boy points. But that shit wasn’t gonna be enough. By the end the land of Ashina falls into another bloodshed war except now they are on the losing side. With this much violence happening, the demon possession process begins once again and goes for the one guy that didn’t pay off his debt the last time. Dude had a bloody hard life.

plebbit lore discussion is a bunch of pseuds posting crackpot theories in a massive circle-jerk. At least here you are allowed to call someone retarded if they say something stupid

2019 truly was a different time

Jesus now those little statues gets more unsettling to look at.


no because while there are a few items that are related to blood, it's not themed around blood and other things to do with blood as a whole.

>stole the country
please do not use this verb to describe the great savior of the ashina people. he liberated the country from an oppressive force that seeks to unify japan without the consent of the nations it is taking control over. if anything, isshin is in the right for leading the revolt against the interior ministry.

This is the power of his Stand: O.R.M.M.A.C.T.T.A (Objects in the Rearview Mirror May Appear Closer Than They Are)

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He got it from the Dutch, Sengoku period ended in 1600 and they visited a few years later, this game takea place post Sengoku, it's probably a REALLY early Luger

I'd say it's the second one, cause you can give the taro persimmon to the rice loli and she doesn't say anything special other than it tastes really good, so I assume it's just a very ripe persimmon.

best way to describe its like a mango and take the stringiness and run it through top to bottom. depending on how ripe it is, it can be somewhat sweet and firm, or very sweet and be gooey.

Doesn't Isshin have an armored model on the first cutscene of the game?


So canonically, Isshin is the GOAT samurai? Or is it Tomoe? Or will we have musashi/masamune in the dlc?

so where the fuck did genichiro get the black mortal blade?
is that gonna be a dlc memory or something?

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Fucking Hell, Raimi.

Nigga doesn't even try to hid the fact that he is isshin

Good song.

I assume it was always in Ashina posession. Owl returns with it after you kill Emma and Isshin, but doesn't have it in either of his encounters.

Do you need to do Shura on NG+ to get Man Without Equal?

I don't mean as in blood but the theme.
Bloodborne is dealing with other worldly blood and shit happen.
Sekiro has dragon's water and then some shit happen too.
The theme might be similar but I'm just start playing and read some lore from thread so I'm not 100% sure.

She's best girl Chie's persona, of course she's GOAT.

Can anyone explain to me who the weird old lady is that you meet in the building you also first meet Tengu in? Once you defeat the Demon she asks you if you know who he was, and at that point you can attack her. But it never connects and her whole figure starts getting blurry.
Is she Orangutans old lover prowling th castle as a ghost or something?

He didn't have him do it, the sculptor just did, also the sculptor still killed after that, as he was the first user of the prosthetic. So his killing didn't end at the arm chopping. Emma is likely the bigger reason he stopped. This is also why emma trained to be a fighter, so she could stop shura if she ever encountered any, and it most likely would have been the sculptor.

You're damn right it is:

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I assume so, I killed every boss and miniboss on the first playthrough except for Isshin and Emma and didn't get the cheevo.

I kinda passed it off as the ghost of an old maid who have seen all the shit that went down over the years.

no, there's a few differences, but I would assume this game makes references to older ones. In one way or another. Some might just be assumed references by fans than actual ones, but it doesn't deal with godly eldritch beings.

Someone need to make a pepe with isshin holding a sword in one arm, spear in another arm, and glock in third arm

He dies when you cut off his head with the mortal blade

It will be musashi, no way a japanese game focused on samurai shit doesnt have musashi as the goat swordsman

and then you kill owl and take it so you have ultimate power. I feel like Owl never kills too often or for the sake of killing or he'd have turned shura a long time ago.

Semi automatic. Not full.

>Someone need to make a pepe

I think it's all related to centipedes, if you dive down into the bottom of the big lake with the monster coy fish, you can find the skeleton of another one at the bottom, and it's got some weird glowing centipede/worm things all over it.

But I like the pepe as guardian ape

Why did Owl stab you after you beat Lady Butterfly?

So if Owl and Isshin were both power hungry and willing to take any road to achieve said power, how come they didn't wind up as Shura?

Isshin gives you that text later if you don't meet him there.

I assume she's just a priestess or something, she's old enough to have known Orangutan for a long time, she might have even seen Isshin lop his arm off. She might know he's destined for death as shura.

"Shit i didn't expect him to beat LB, I gotta kill him"

He wanted Kuro's blood. Sekiro is a tool to him.

What makes you think Isshin is power hungry? He doesn't want Kuro's blood.

I mean if they do DLC maybe they'll put in a guy who is meant to be him without being him, kinda like how Mitsurugi is in Soul Calibur.

>Sekiro I am the final boss of the game and in many timelines I am as invincible as Tiananmen Square Massacre 1989 Winnie The Pooh
What did Isshin mean by this?

They already have Tomoe Gozen so no reason not to do Musashi himself.

He loves fighting and does whatever it takes to keep Ashina standing. If he beat Sekiro at the end, he would've eliminated all of the IM soldiers himself.

Isn't isshin already notMusashi? Isshin is a fucking legend and in his what 100s still kills younger elite samurai from the ministry. Sekiro only manages to beat Prime Isshin because of the Dragon's Blood, I bet without it Sekiro is only on par with Genichiro Tomoe version maybe even weaker

Yes, but that's not the same as being power hungry like Genichiro.
Him being power hungry would be wanting to expand Ashina, instead of going on a "dont tread on me" stance.

Shura kill for killing, Owl and Isshin have ambitions and goals beyond bloodshed. Owl kills when he has to, not all the time, he's even surprised when Wolf becomes Shura, which means Wolf may have actually killed more people than Owl has. and this is in the ending where a whole part of the true end game is missed. As for Isshin, he didn't even kill the sculptor who was about to become Shura. Once he saw the transformation was stopped he stopped. Isshin has restraint but he also knows when killing is the only option. He only wants to fight wolf because he knows he can resurrect, so why not?

I liked his character design a lot, but I felt like I could improve it a bit, here's a quick edit of how I think he should have looked

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Isn't DLC for these games usually announced by release? I think it's odd that nothing has been announced so far. Maybe they're skipping DLC altogether and moving straight to a sequel or other projects.

Fromsoft hire this man

And then Izanagi used his fight money to buy two of every animal on Earth. Then he herded them on to a boat...and then he beat the crap out of every single one of them!

When Sekiro says that the Sculptor saved the Divine Heir, what's he referring to? Takeru, the previous heir? Or Kuro? I don't get it

it seems like you only become shura if you kill without purpose. Isshin was trying to claim the land for his people. Sculptor was probably like wolf and had no stake in the fight and just wanted to kill after his waifu died

Lore wise they actually have a trophy called Man With no Equal (or something) and I assume they mean Sekiro. He's Isshin tier or will eventually become that. He either becomes a Sword Saint or Shura. depending on what you choose. They even say he had killed thousands of people and that he still existed well after that ending. If we gave Sekiro enough time to become like Isshin, Isshin would lose, dragon's blood or not.

My legs are ok

Sculptor saved sekiro
sekiro saved kuro
he is saying he never could have done it without sculptor

Hold up a minute, Isshin is the guy who kills the general in the opening cut scene?

>opens gate to underworld
This shit is wild.

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I don't know, I never paid attention to release dates that much, I played all of them way later than release. I kinda hope not, and they have some to expand the world a bit more, with more cool ninja stuff. Susano-o would be cool to see.

Yes, the one narrating is the info broker for whatever reason as well.


Yeah that's him. He fucking LOVES warfare.

I just fucking realized nobody does meme dual-wielding shit in this game.
Is From software based or what?

Did you listen to his war stories, user?

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Your confusing the regular tengu dudes for THE tengu isshin is. The regular schmuck your talking about was white masked and chilling in the memory area intro. Isshin wears a red mask and is like twice as tall if not three times.

Isshin dual wields a spear and a katana

The white monkeys and those guys that invade use dual swords.

the ministry soldiers do

He diddnt become a proper shura, as it's implied a shura is still humanoid, on top of that, shura is a being of pure death, a littleral murder machine.

The demon of hatred the sculptor became is more like a supernatural battering ram. He was more rampaging about randomly than actually going on a proper murder spree

That's badass.

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"make offerings for the dragon's blood" that sounds a little...fucked in the context of how it creates life, as if it's just bringing people back from the dead to live again as an offering to the divine dragon.

Isshin's one bad motherfucker.

I mean, I guess that's what happens when you try to bottle it up for so long, it bursts out and becomes way more violent. Kinda reminds me how clerics became the most hideous beasts in bloodborne, since they were more pious the transformation was more gruesome.

>was fighting with these guys
>Ashina soldiers shout you in the back
Go die you cunts.

and yet he is still right in the head and not about to turn into a demon like the sculptor was.

>running around and cowering in fear
>begging you to help
>help them
>instantly turn on you

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>what is Sabimaru

Based on how the ministry forces move in, and the fact that there is equipment in the place of the sculptor, i assume that the ministry’s men captured him and forced him to make a new prosthetic and be used as a weapon against the people he wanted to protect. The result was him turning around and destroying them. Im only guessing here since it seems like they made it there first, and had plenty of time to set up in his general area.

Meme prosthetic.

>Because you're yanking the centipede out.
And this is intuitive how? Why the spear specifically? Why is he more weak to this random prosthetic than the Mortal Blade?
>you should read descriptions
I did. I brought him drinks including the Monkey Liquor, fully upgraded the finger and all. I forgot half of it by the time I beat the game a week later because I wasn't expecting him to become a boss and hints for his weakness are in items like the liquor and ring that you discard. I can't be doing with this La-Mulana shit.

I think that's exactly its purpose. Abusing the immortality of the Dragon's Heritage spreads dire aids to all nearby. With the Black Mortal Blade this ids is practically rendered irrelevant.

I thought the descriptions state that it's during the Sengoku period, I don't remember seeing anything about it being post.

was fighting isshin and you can actually see kuro lying in the grass very sad

it's accurate to how sengoku period warriors were. There is no honor except the honor of doing what you were told to the letter, quickly. If this means cutting a man to pieces in a 5 on 1 then so be it. If this meant having 5 dudes pepper that guy with gunfire so be it. In the context of a game it is kind of ass. Just sneak up and use puppeteer on them.

>Isshin will stop to teabag him
What did from mean by this?

Three swords tho.

I guess that could be, so is the black mortal blade a good weapon then and the crimson one evil?

other way around. crimson can sever the curse. bmb will only prolong it

I think he means that the Ashina guys shooting the guy killing the invading forces is stupid. Even the police in comic books usually wait until after the vigilante beats up the villain.

I would have tried the whistle cause he's a supernatural being either way

The shoguns troops all dualweild katanas, and the ministries assasins effectively dual weild, with the whole katana+foot of justice crap they pull.

prosthetic is cool though.

>obvious centipede hanging out in the neck of the ape
>spear has obvious hook on it to pull things
>centipede hiding inside the ape is the bad thing, you figure you want to get it out
>spear is described to be able to hook stuff and make it come loose
It's really not far of a stretch. I didn't think of it either, but then again I had no problems with phase 2 but had to blow all my shit on phase 1.

>I forgot half of it by the time I beat the game a week later because I wasn't expecting him to become a boss
Nobody's fault but your own for having goldfish memory. The game told you his weakness.

But seriously, fuck those tengu guys. Glad purple robes blow them the fuck out.

>40 minutes of Woolie misunderstanding basic animations and not knowing when to dodge or jump
Is this what everyone looks like when they start?

That's what I went with too, that the crimson mortal blade was meant to stop the curse, and can also sever false immortality as well, like killing the centipedes, which are considered evil so I just initially thought it was good. I guess the way he worded his comment made me ask.

It's not really good. It's main purpose is to exploit.
Crimson one severs the shit so warmongers can't go haywire anymore and constantly kill the people around them in a neverending circle of death thanks to the black blade.

Yes. A lot of the fun of Sekiro is starting out as a bumbling retard and growing into an invincible killing machine as you learn mechanics and how to read your enemies.

>when you start steamrolling through Genichiro before your Isshin tries
I started feeling sorry for him.

>ministry invaded
>18 vitality
>1 prayer bead
Isn't the cap 20? Did I fucking miss some minibosses?

oh, then yeah, it is super stupid especially that a few dying guys before literally ask you to help. and then the guys up and fighting still want to shoot you.

if you look at the shinobi kites early on, you can see the woo guys on them, just holding on til it's time to woo. They got some balls.

Have you killed the Ministry's version of Juuzou?
Also apparently 2 prayer beads are in extra memory.


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Possibly but there are a couple in Ashina now that it's been invaded, and you likely are missing 2 from Hirata Estate after being given a second bell. Look up locations of Prayer Beads since some are a little hidden, like the Shinobi Door in Hirata.

well it's at least better then.

Yes. And I believe there's another seven spears after the ministry invades.

yeah the purple ninja faggot who calls wolves endlessly. and also Juzou again.

yeah some are just sitting in chests or other areas. Did you fight both long arm centipedes? Also there's a second Ashina Elite in the dojo after you complete the fountainhead area, and also there's the sakura bull IN fountainhead.

To the people who still think the Divine Child has centipede immortality:
The monks know about the centipedes. There are a million centipede/bug-infested dudes all around the temple. There is literally no purpose to doing the exact same thing to a child and holding them in higher reverence. The reasonable assumption is that she has an experimental offshoot of the Dragon's heritage with the rejuvenating waters--it is likely that many of the dead children became infested and were tossed aside as a result.

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This faggot?

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I honestly don't get it, is dragonrot like the undead curse, spreading and nobody can stop it? Are the centipedes like the serpents?

When Ashina gets invaded there are 3 extra bosses to get beads there. So that's your 9th necklace. The other 4 you might have missee as items lying around/to buy or you didn't get the second buddha memory bell for another 2 beads.

>this thread right now

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Yea but the memory version of him. Which is a bigger pain in the dick unless you pull him out of his aggro range and just R1 while he takes it and dies.

Is Sekiro in the Wolf or Cat school?

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no there's a second time you go to the hirata estate, he's in the area you found Owl last time, except Owl is not there and instead the purple ninja is. You'll have to do some work getting the bell for the memory though. Just a bunch of eavesdropping, I dunno if you've beaten fountainhead yet though, cause if you have the second memory is locked off because kuro is no longer available and some of the eavesdropping requires kuro to be with emma in the room you got to after beating genichiro.


Why was this faggot so hung up about Masanari?

jesus it's true what they say about soulsborne fans, you really can't take any criticisms of the game

He's in the Chimera school.

I learned a lot here

Cat school by design Wolf school by literality.

>monks wanted immortality
>SCIENCE around a bunch
>only 1 in a 1000 or so survive the process
>process deemed a failure and the only survivor gets hidden by monkeys
>monks find another way with the centipedes
>forgot their SCIENCE to worshipping immortal centipedes
That's how I saw it.

>w-what are you doing?
Severing immortality.

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a lot of what we're talking about is actually straight said in the game, but I like that clip, cause it's funny.

makes sense, I don't really buy loli eggs theory, but for the sake of playing devil's advocate could she have an altered version of centipede immortality that the monks produced through their research? Maybe one without all the downsides that is actually a successful imitation of the dragon's heritage. we don't see any other infested make "rice" after all

Oh the ironing.

she'd probably want to kill herself if that was the case, cause she says she despises the monks and how they let themselves become infested. She's got the dragon's heritage, somehow after a shit ton of trial and error, literally thousands of attempts.

What IS a headless?

What happened to ROOOOOOBERTOOOO?

Gamble. He has Sekiro and Kuro bond for awhile so when Sekiro was taken down (supposed to have been by LB but Owl had to intervene with LB jobbed) Kuro would save his bodyguard with immortality juice

That was the impression I got anyway

A ghost you dingus

An extremely shit boss type that shows up too many times


I mean you could have tried all your tools though. And not just ones that seemed like they'd be his weakness, I mean all the tools you have of differing effects, like the shield and then the fire shield. Without knowing a weakness this is literally the only way you could find one going in blind, unless you never got the ring from that shichimen warrior which is a possibility if you said fuck it to fighting a second headless ape plus his new trim.

They are pretty much the equivalent to the black knights in DaS 1.

I think they actually say that. Owl wanted Kuro, lady butterfly was going to help, Sekiro goes shinobi on her ass, Owl comes in for the gank backstab after the fight. Kuro makes you an heir of the blood by saving you.

no thats the father I'm talking about his son robert. My guess is he got experimented on and was killed by the monks.

Black Knights are nowhere as cancerous as them, let's be real.

>she'd probably want to kill herself if that was the case
she likely can't, with the immortality and all

Was offered immortality (or probably just heaving) from the rejuvinating waters. Unfortunately the monks were experimenting on all the children to create another dragon immortality bloodlines, so he most likely ended up dead like all the other kids.

The Black Knights were way more fun to fight

but that does make complete fucking sense you retard. everything isshin does fucking hints at it.

not really, cause those guys are consistently easy to fight. The headless are kind of assholes to fight, though I will say the underwater headless are much easier, even the one in fountainhead.

Because they are.
Wolf's underwater's speed shits on them hard.

>Ashina style is literally doing anything to achieve victory
>but somehow immortality is bad
Defend this Isshin fangirls

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that's why I said want, instead of saying she'd kill herself.

They are the same fucking thing.

>black knights show up
>no chance against them unless you manage to cheese them with plunging attacks
>only worth dueling when you have higher level/better gear

>headless shows up
>no chance against them
>come back with more attack power, throw on confetti and ako sugar, they are now little bitches

you can also pop a divine confetti above water and use it to do more damage unless it just straight up doesn't, I actually never tried to. I do know Gachiin's sugar helps immensely with the treasure carp.

>he doesn't parry the black knights to death when he first encounters them

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could benjamin franklin still be alive?

you can legit take an hour against a black knight and there'll be no real threat throughout the fight unless you make a risky move. Headless the longer you fight the more likely you'll run out of confetti or terror reducing items and be totally fucked. You can fight a black knight for hours and be just fine.

>Armored Warrior heads to Japan hearing tales of immortal/undying people, in an attempt to cure/heal his ill/dying son, Robert
>They sell firecrackers during their trip to finance it (The item description for Robert's Firecrackers)
>The undying people he heard tales of were the Senpou monks, and you fight him at the bridge leading to the main temple
>The Senpou monks experimented on countless children to create an artificial form of Dragon's Blood, with only ONE survivor

It's not hard to consider that, since the armored guy is guarding the bridge to the temple, where they experimented on kids, that they likely told him they'd cure his son in exchange for guarding the temple.
He died never knowing his son probably just died in the experiments.

Black Knight fights aren't completely determined by the consumables you have, though

and still banging every woman he comes across? Benjamin is a true alpha.

The fun in that being? You do the exact same thing for a minute to kill a black knight. And you do the exact same thing to kill the land headless. Both are unfunny shits only there to protect something/have a "good" drop.

it would spread dragonrot throughout ashina and genichiro would become a power hungry shura. By the time he died Isshin knew the dream was dead and nothing would save it anyway, thats why when he get's ressed he just tries to have a good fight with you instead of immediately running off and trying to save his kingdom

Benjamin IS a woman now you shitlord

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Better thinking he died for a noble cause than knowing that his son died in an experimental test that might have just ended up with him having a centipede inside him.

>boss powers up
>actually becomes easier to defeat
Why does this happen so often in this game?

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Post kino minibosses

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You can kill a black knight fairly quickly even at the beginning of the game. I always kill the ones in Undead Burg and the Parish right away. Headless REQUIRE consumables.

Victory lap.

literally the first words spoken by anyone, ever, in the entire game, cutscene or not, are 'in the closing years of the sengoku era'. that is when ashina had its rebellion, and the main story takes place I would wager a good at least 30 years after that.

>can take hours
And? Nobody not fucking autistic cares about that shit. Point is most people ignore knights because they're unfunny garbage early level. And most people ignore headless because they're unfunny garbage until late game.

headless also have the "nothing personnel" teleport behind you. Not to mention their mist which slows you down. And an instadeath ailment buildup on each hit even if parried. They're worse by far.

>You do the exact same thing to the Headless
No you absolutely don't. You never swing at a Black Knight. You only riposte. It's totally passive. You don't fucking posture kill a Headless without dealing any damage. You need to be aggressive and attack him. He will try to tear your soul out of your ass every so often as well.

They absolutely don't require consumables. With enough autism you can fight them for an hour as well, chipping their HP away.

don't call me a shitlord. I know that's a woman, I was making a joke.

never found that note, is it time specific?

he powers up at the wrong moment, he essentially pulled a goku.

You don't need to autism black knights though. Literally just a few ripostes or backstabs.

>tfw still haven’t killed the headless in the cave because the music is too spoopy

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>I know that's a woman,
ba dum tiss

Come on, user.

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What was her fucking problem?

After Owl's bossfight.

It doesn't take hours, I'm just saying in a situation where it would take hours to beat them both, black knight is a safer fight. You can easily say that the divine dragon is Pinwheel because he's the easiest boss in the game. but it's not at all like pinwheel.

You've killed the other 4 headless though?

>you only riposte a black knight the whole time
>you are only aggressive against headless the whole time
I know you are gonna call this ad hominem now, but unironically the autism defense force arrived. You take the "do the same thing" literally on an inter game basis. Of course you don't do the same thing against headless as you do against knights. But in their respective games you do the same shit against them.

You mean the easy as fuck "jump forward once to evade 100%" nothing personnel grab?

What the hell is that hair style?

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have I been lied to? What is it? I think I'll just call it an it from now on.

she want the bushido bone so much it made her crazy.

balding man in his 30s growing it out to look like a woman but ending up looking like an ayy, style

Did you actually think it was a woman?

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What a handsome man.

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Only the one in the mist forest.

t. Genichiro

The centipedes were not in the water, fuck off and quit spreading this fanfiction shit.

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Genichiro did nothing wrong

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it's easy to get away from but the longer you fight the more chance of getting grabbed. I think they also have ranged attacks unless that's just the underwater ones cause they never move, and even if they did they'd never be able to catch Sekiro. They're different. but you can gameplay parallels but at the end of the day they have more bullshit moves than a black knight does. having a status effect on their sword just makes it worse. if the black knights had a status effect on theirs like the toxic one I might agree.

I swear to god there are enough people who don't look like their gender that I'd believe it if I didn't for sure know one way or the other.

>she will never secretly watch you training under a storm

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>fish dragons
They're eels.

Sekiro only cares what Kuro thinks.

Owl is a really interesting character in how he's like 90% a total asshole but still like 10% a pretty cool guy.

Ashina HAS committed some...rather unsavory acts. His defending it is either ignorance or he's defending those unsavory acts.

What if Kuro wanted Sekiro to impregnate Emma so he could have something like a sibling?

Ashina dindu nuffin

>Demon Firesage is weak to malcontent despite not being an apparition

Isn't this because The Sculptor used to listen for It's sound up in the mountains in his youth?

The ministry didn't attack for nuffin. They attacked because of the immortality.

yes, it makes him remember so he stops being violent for a sec, but the flames come raging back all the same, and after 3 uses it has no further effect meaning he's completely and utterly gone.

Only the most kino

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he'd rather impregnate kuro

it's pretty much the music box from BB

I need to go here before the time change next time so I can see it with the aesthetic sunrise lighting

that's what most people say and it's pretty much the same idea.

Lonely and horny

I've only ever had yellow fever for two vidya characters and Emma is one of them

>that armor and poise
>its a giant (compared to sekiro)
>its a dad

Isn't Kuro like a son/younger brother to him?

Emma is white

I don't like that he has to be a punk when he kills you and shit talk after you die. he's the single best tilter in this game for that.

Okay, I thought you meant "parry the headless to death", but still, that's bullshit. And the fight is fun, less in a frantic fight like Lady Butterfly or Owl, but a slow and suspenseful one, trying to sneak as much hits as you can before the attacks follow through and your confetti runs out. It's not like raw aggression neuters the Headless, like how raw passivity neuters the Black Knights. He'll kill you quick if you are slow, and if you are slow, you lose your buff, and if you lose your buff, you are extremely vulnerable and can't damage his vitality at all.

Who is Masanari

I'm pretty sure the setup was that Kuro would be 'captured' by Lady Butterfly, and Owl would 'save' him, thus giving the dragon blood contract to him.

Wolf at that point was supposed to be dead (for reasons not stated anywhere in the game), but he isn't, so when he actually saves Kuro, Kuro gives the contract to him. Owl arrives, sees this, gets mad, backstabs Wolf, and Kuro sees this and clearly realizes Owl isn't a very nice person.

Since Owl won't be getting shit anymore, he shrugs, lets Ashina imprison Kuro, and lets the two bond in hopes he'd be able to meme Wolf later with the Iron Code.

There is nothing that says that it is the end. the period ended with the unification of all of japan. The ministry is just getting to ashina, a clan on the outer fringes, at the end. Thus it hadn't ended yet. But guns were present in Japan during this time, yes.

as if that has ever stopped someone before. Joking aside I actually never got a father-son vibe, but a big bro little bro thing seems like it could work. Still though, I wonder what Sekiro might do when Kuro is older. Kuro seems to have a large amount of affection for Sekiro. It's not impossible for Kuro to end up homosexual. I do wonder if Wolf is just asexual though. All his mentality goes into being a shinobi.

his ninja bro who got fucked by Isshin

It only shows up near the end, likely because they pulled that whole plot point out of their ass at the end.

>we don't actually see him die

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>Lightning reversal
>Rice loli’s delight when eating persimmons
>”....Please say something”
>Rape ape 2
>everything Isshin says
>bringing a gun to a sword fight
>Genichiro turning out to be a fucking jobber
>ass rape
This game had some really memorable moments.

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No, Masanari is, in fact, the ninja who also uses dogs. You fight him in Hirata Estate Deux (specific ending). It's probably the case that Wolf actually killed him in the real version of the Hirata Estate that actually happened, but the story just doesn't show it the first tim you go through, because Wolf is only starting to remember, or something.

>implying Sekiro isn't setting up rice loli and Kuro for marriage like a good big bro

>>ass rape

It's strange, I don't hate anyone in this game. Isshin staged his coup to take back his homeland amd adopted Geni in recognition of his skill, not caring about his lineage, also taking in Emma. Geni just wanted to save Ashina but didn't go full retard, once he realized it could not be done by his hand he let go of the reins and sacrificed himself so Isshin prime could do it. Kuro did not want to pass on the dragon heritage because he knew an army of immortal morons, killing and dying and coming back, would just spread dragon aids to the whole world. Wolf is a good boy soldier but not mindless. Owl is a scheming fuck but he's not detestable, he just wanted to be free from the yoke of the warlords and takes his losses without malice, only proud of how great Wolf has become. Really, the only hateful ones are the monks.
And I guess the ministry, but they're such a non entity it's hard to form an opinion on them.

they mention it way early on if you eavesdrop on Isshin after getting the mortal blade. he says yours is crimson, so his must be black. Or something to that effect.

The headless fist your ass to steal your soul or something, which they then shove up their own ass.

Bruh, doesn't Kuro go inside the body of the rice the true ending.


The black mortal blade was hinted at for a while.

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It's a reference to the Kappa from Japanese mythology. They're said to reach up into your ass and steal your 'anus soul' which they then offer to the lord of dragons.

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>that's actually a website

>0 confetti

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The young master has strange fetishes

Oh shit, completely forgot about them stealing your shirikodama. Wish there was more jap mythology like that in Sekiro.

>this post is referring to a AAA mainstream video game

Isshin is so fucking cool. I wanna play a dynasty warriors style game as him during his rebellion.

This game is filled with jap mythology shit

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>”There was once a rather... difficult patient. He said very little. I didn’t know where he was hurt or how much pain he was in... I had no information to go on. It was maddening. ...None of this sounds familiar to you?”
What could she actually mean by this? Hmmmm hmmmm...

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what is, What does it lead to?

>tfw gave sculptor some booze
>dat backstory
Can you give booze to other characters?

This boss fight is so cool.

Yeah, you can give booze to Sculptor, Emma, and Isshin, who have different backstory conversations for each type.

explain this. what the fuck is that.

Emma is the only really soulslike character in the game, because of this, and the sword convo. Both of them strongly imply her knowledge of the different endings.

I think there's a lot of implication that she is clairvoyant or some shit, being the only character that recognizes Wolf can turn Shura, saying she 'had a vision' a few different times, but I can't pull out specific examples right now.

A Japanese blog.

I do not remember anything like that, Lady Emma. Could you now take this seed while I take to Master Kuro?

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I mean if it's supposed to be familiar to wolf then it's either wolf or someone wolf knows. Did she mean the sculptor?

What other instance two diferent characters from different places(universe, worlds etc) fight each others?

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About loli or anything?

No loli at all.

so why do the pot nobles have red eyes when they become the new great carp while this one does not?

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>have red eyes when they become the new great carp

just a straight up blog. Huh.

It's a real carp. The ones that become human have red eyes because they've been transformed.

You can listen to a song if you click the link near the bottom of the page.

A carp that lived in Mibu Village Pond. It has two red eyes. Carp with only eyes that are red cannot become “masters”. Though they’re considered incomplete creatures that lack the ideal number of scales, their eyes are said to be everlasting. The researcher Dojun in the Abandoned Dungeon in the Abandoned Dungeon wants these eyes to improve his “procedure”.

Just the other night I was thinking "Robert. Bobby. Bobby Hill." and then I imagined the armored warrior falling and saying "bwaaaaaah" all the way down.

I guess. It's just that I expected more youkai like Nioh had. Would've been cool to get shit on by a nurikabe or a fuckhuge skeleton.

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The giant one has human teeth though
>in the closing years of the sengoku era
it takes place after the sengoku era.

Fallen heroes. Why they retained, or came across boons form the gods after death who knows.

I mean they look exaclty like it minus the red eyes, so I assumed they'd grow as big as it.

Did you even look at the carp and read through the items? The giant carp used to be human, it has human teeth and a human like face.

no but the pot nobles look like tiny versions of the great carp but with red eyes. Is it just a thing that signifies they aren't true carp?

Why did Wolf become the sculptor?


no they say it likely used to be an okami, which are inhuman. The okami are the warrior women in the fountainhead area.

They are not master carp and can never be as they were just humans.

because he lost someone dear to him and he decided to hold back the flames of hatred. The true ending is the best one. Immortal Severance is the standard ending.

I thought the whole point was that he did it to defend Ashina and redeem himself. THe buddha kept showing him flames and he did not know what it alluded to until he went to war. Maybe he felt it was his calling, and Sekiro showing up to put him to rest finally fulfills the prophecy he was given.

How long before Vaati collects all the info from these threads and makes money off of it?

It's exactly the same red eye carp model

She's talking about the Sculptor and implying how much like him Sekiro is.

oh yeah they do say "closer to the master" not "become the master" I guess so that makes sense.

Does the true ending imply that there will be a sequel in the "west" (China)?

>but IP just wants to go back to the afterlife and chill

man way to completely miss his characterization.

He's fighting Sekiro because that was what he was summoned for, and while he may not specifically have any desire to kill Sekiro, now that he has to, he will either fulfill his wish of having an exciting and fulfilling fight with an opponent he knows is worthy while also going on to be able to reclaim Ashina and stop them from abusing immortality, or be killed by said opponent, finally putting him at rest and releasing him from death by illness and instead dying in a way in which he and his spirit can be fully satisfied that he lived the life he wanted to live.

It's a different texture though. they have the mix of the red black and white scales the great carp has.

The kicking Ministry ninjas are more akin to Black Knights, scarce and hard to fight in the early stages of the game, common in a late game area

I hope he puts some effort into them, at least.
His Dark Souls 1 videos were the shit, even if it was all just stolen content from Yea Forums, but then he got really lazy by the time Dark Souls 2 rolled out, and his Dark Souls 3 videos were just a commented playthrough or something? I don't know, that's when I stopped watching him.

It does, but I hope not. Fuck China.

Some people actually say Korea. That's entirely up to interpretation though. Both if there will even be one and where it would take place.

actually yeah, they even place them in odd spots like in Mibu Village. though they aren't in every place. Like Black Knights tend to be.

Korea is because the dragon uses a korean sword and has 4 toes like korean dragons

Isshin also knows that Sekiro may turn to shura.

isn't the seven branch sword a mythological thing from japan though?

I wonder if we'll get a Shura bossfight in one of the DLCs


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シシ神 (ディダラボッチ)

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it ended up in Japan but came from korea, just like the dragon

well I mean it wasn't a weapon used in combat, I guess ceremonial is a better word.

How can you possibly be this stupid if you actually played the game? This place is reddit with mean words at this point

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well then yeah. With those kinds of things, going to the west means going to Korea. I doubt they were setting up for a sequel. Never know though. I doubt they were with Dark Souls and that has 3 games.

Sekiro is understandable because it has a story and characters.

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if you think about
it was doomed from the beginning
because one needs two hands holding the sword while doing ceremony
Owl breaking a branch(left arm?)
which just fucks up the whole thing

>still 'around' in that illusion world
Where I never saw them

I'm normally right with you on anything outside of contemporary MAINLAND China settings, but if it would overlap with Romance of the Three Kingdoms, I'd be okay with China since From would probably do a dark version of Shu.

>Divine Dragon is literally called Sakura Dragon in Japanese

You can't, but Taro and rice loli apparently could.

isnt Sakura the girl in Street Fighter

Fuck outta here with that faggot

Does her rice really taste that good?

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oh no not this guy again

Get ready for Guardian Panda.

It has a laid out story whereas Dark Souls was mostly inference by the players. It would be more understandable for Sekiro to have a second game, but I wonder what they're going to do, and the fact the immortality is not severed at all, just being moved, means wolf probably still has his own power of resurrection still. Honestly that with everything else heavily implies they might make a sequel.

I mean you can only go so far west in japan before it stops being japan. I think they mean it originated far away from japan, which Korea fits that. and there are other things. It makes the most sense. I don't really know if they'll make a sequel based anywhere, but Korea just seems the most likely based on what we can infer.

Who was she rooting for when Wolf and Gen fought?

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Her frozen snow tastes better.

I'm not even the same guy, but try and refute it

I really want to see FromSoftware’s take on Chinese myths and aesthetics in a sequel. Although how likely is it that Chinese authorities would sperg out over the “wrong” depiction of their mythical figures?

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Why is this asshole missing an arm? Why does he summon lightning even though it's his mortal weakness? Is he a descendant of the the Dragons from Dark Souls and the Dragon's Blood is just the undead curse?

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> Chinese authorities would sperg out over the “wrong” depiction of their mythical figures?
I mean garbage like FGO managed to get free pass.
It's all about how much money you have to bribe them.

Nobody gives a shit about korea

I just beat Genichiro!
Took me like 7 tries but it got easier every time.
Those first two phases I didn’t even use a Gourd and I managed to get every lightning reversal and Mekiri Counter on the third phase.
Feels fucking good, man

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I want to eat rice out of her asshole.

aren't the nightjars under his command
why do these ninjas always try to block my path

Sekiro. She realized Genichiro is a jobber. She even tells Sekiro that she is rooting for him for all of his battles.

>Why is this asshole missing an arm?
Possibly because of the stolen Everblossom branch.
>Why does he summon lightning even though it's his mortal weakness?
Lightning is the weapon of the gods in nearly every culture across the planet.

You feel proud now but you’ll only feel pity later on.

Persimmons smell like semen.

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I can agree to this.

>Why is this asshole missing an arm?
The owl stole it.
>Why does he summon lightning even though it's his mortal weakness?
He's a fucking retard.

Takeru chopped off his left arm and planted it and it became a sakura tree, and the lightning I couldn't tell you, it might be that Tomoe is a descendant of the Okami and the Okami summon the lightning. Supposed to be a means to kill you but you end up using it on the dragon. A lot of things have dragons with a lightning weakness, I actually don' know why. I think even WoW has dragons being weak to lightning.

FGO doesn't even get a pass, the Chinese version has a bunch of censorship and cut content that they didn't deem acceptable

>Takeru chopped of his left arm
When is that mentioned?

How would the Wolf do against these guys?

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Takeru chopped it off and planted it and it became a sakura tree, then Owl took a branch from the tree and then it withered and died. and lightning I still don't know, I feel it might be an Okami thing.

Okay whatever you say Genichiro

By Kuro. He says Takeru went to the divine realm and took the dragon's left arm and planted it and it became a sakura tree. I think it even mentions it in the notes he gives you.

2nd Owl is weak to confetti, not the first one you fight. The one you fight in the Hirata estates.

Why are the ministry shinobi missing one of their arms?

There's a million Dynasty Warriors games out there, I'm sure Sekiro 2 will be fine.

get rid of the guns and he'd probably kill all of them. Even with the guns he'd die the first time then stealth them all to death. At least the ones with the guns.

This makes so much sense I wonder how retarded theory that Owl 'stole' the dragon's left arm by cutting off the branch even came to be.

they aren't, theyre just hiding it

They aren't. Some of them even use it in that technique where they poison you.

why do you think that is? He's not an apparition. Unless he technically counts as one because he's created in a false memory where Sekiro kills him.

He is an apparition, the fuck. He's dead dumbass you kill him once and then summon his ghost.

no wonder it's so pissed when you show up

it's just straight up wrong. They say right out it was Takeru who took the dragon's arm.

I can’t believe I missed that.

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In the context of the memory he's still alive, dumbass. Is lady butterfly also weak to confetti then?

The fuck do you mean no? Confetti is a flat damage increase even if something isn't weak to it. Go fuck yourself, nigger.


I mean it might also be pissed cause you have the crimson mortal blade. The thing I took note of when finishing that fight is, Sekiro doesn't kill it.

It would get an easy pass if it doesn't go later than whatever era came before Qing. The government only cares about how their Chinese dynasty is portrayed which is we never get any games based on the most interesting part of China, the chaotic, corrupt mainland. Sleeping Dogs faggots can hold your tongues, that's only the tip of the iceberg.

Is she? Well then I guess they are apparitions. Just not the ultra scary kind like the headless that spook you to death.

well in Sekiro it's the 1500s. When does Qing start?

Actually Takeru came from the divine realm, the everblossom branch was a parting gift, you can look up the description of both the aromatic branch and the aromatic flower

Which Chinese dynasty ruled during the events of Sekiro?

The fountainhead nobles are labelled "innsmouth" in the code.

It's Ming. One that got btfo by Manchus in 17th century

>”those women were honestly asking for it”
-Isshin, 2019

I see From couldn't keep their westaboo tendency in check even their nippon themed game.

Are there any notable figures from that era. I’m not really into Chinese history apart from the rottk stuff.

>"All we ever wanted was to free the Asian peoples from the yoke of their western colonizers, Sekiro"
Isshin was truly based.

Not really
With a few exception almost all Asian dragon has 4 toes.
Thunder dragon is something in Bhutan and in Tibetan culture dragon is protector of Buddhism.
So it make more sense for the next sekiro to be in China or Tibet.

wait so the dragon just let him take its arm?

And Buddhism is from India

Would like a sequel where Sekiro cuts through Korea, China, India and ends up in Europe because why not

it's a parting gift

well is that already too far in time for them to make something in china?

>sekiro pulls a reverse nioh and goes to england

yeah but it's also an arm. I didn't think the dragon would part with it so easily.

he still has two t-rex arms up above so it's all good

And according to a famous ancient Japanese historian researcher Kurihara Tomonobu. The sword is in fact made from Eastern Jin (東晋) China

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