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I haven't played it but I can already tell you're boiling it down retardedly.
when is this game coming out?
It's not saying capitalism is bad. It's just considering that rampant unchecked capitalism has resulted in the complete degradation of society until even advanced technology can't stop 99.9% of the population from living in squalor.
>d capitalism has resulted in the complete degradation of society until even advanced technology can't stop 99.9% of the population from living in squalor.
Name a single time when this has happened
But thats literally the opposite of what capitalism does
society only degenerates under socialism/communism
Thats literally the point of cyberpunk
>name a single time that has happened
Are you legitimately retarded? In modern society we check capitalism.
Name a single time it has happened.
What the fuck is this strawman?
It is if you abuse it
>capitalism has resulted in the complete degradation of society until even advanced technology can't stop 99.9% of the population from living in squalor.
>"Name a single time that has happened"
Pretty simple sequence of events
You dumb nigger, that's IN GAME.
Next question
Look at modern society.
The white working class is in shit, big business and rich corps want to replace them with cheap labor via immigration.
LGBT and rampant sexual degeneracy, promoted by Hollywood and the porn industry.
Video game industry full of loot boxes micro transactions, dlc etc.
Social media monopolies that deplatfom opposition to the status quo.
Federal reserve, banking power etc
More working hours, less free time, rampant consumerism.
enough for you ?
Relative squalor. Aside from the crime I'm sure any one of us would prefer to live in cyberworld, just as any 20th century middle class worker in the dirt factory would take living in a shitstain low class apartment (that still has working water, heating and cable) compared to what was available at the time
Capitalism ≠ Corporatism
what you mean is corporatocracy (which is powered by capitalism)
Corporatism (known as syndicalism) would mean the organization of society by corporate groups, via agricultural, labour, military, scientific, or guild associations on the basis of their common interests of the native population, led and regulated by the state. We haven't had corporatism since fascism was defeated in ww2.
Yeah in that one screenshot in that specific angle she is not a 10/10. cherrypick harder faggot.
That's literally been the core message of cyberpunk as a genre since its inception, dumbass. The neon lights whatnot is supposed to represent the soulcrushing nature of capitalism ruling our lives, which combined with constant night and extremely common rainfall is supposed to make you feel like all this tech and cool shit you're buying isn't actually worth a crap.
yes, the us is a cesspool of degeneracy not because of rampant capitalism but because of magic secret communism that was always there
Yea, a bullshit scenario which is the point of this thread. Literal commie propaganda
>Look at modern society.
The most thriving and best society in the world.
Cope seething socialistcuck
Misrepresentation of cyberpunk. I'm sure Adam Smith and other early influential capitalists wouldn't approve of egregious human rights violations just because you have more money than God. The general premise behind most cyberpunk works of fiction is that wealthy groups or individuals seek to weaken, control, and remove the freedoms of the rest of the population, which I'm pretty sure is a violation of the NAP.
hacker girls look nothing like this.
Im not sure why developers rely on the trope of using people from the mad max universe but it just looks overdone making the game look cheap and unoriginal.
I bet the first mod for this game will be perma nighttime
>Yeah a bullshit scenario
Nigger this scenario has been going on since the fucking 80s. Go cry about it to your decrepit dad that should have beat the fag out of you.
ayo hol up
are you saying fiction portrays hackers wrong?
>b-buh muh free market
>Literal commie propaganda
Do you not fucking understand the point of dystopian literature? Whether it's A Brave New World (which we are almost fucking living in, jesus christ), 1984 or modern cyberpunk sci-fi, they are EXPLORATIONS OF THE HUMAN CONDITION IN VARIOUS EXTREME SOCIETAL CIRCUMSTANCES.
/pol/ please go to public library
Rain was there because back in 80's people were scared about acid rains.
These days people are scared about global warming, so sun makes much more sense.
im just saying Saints Row V got it right with kinsey who was a hacker, they nailed it.
Cyberpunk needs to take a note from Saints Row V. Yea its a shit game but they nailed that character.
She's not necessarily a hacker.
>The most thriving and best society in the world.
>The most thriving and best society in the world.
With the most depressed, unhealthy people. You also didn't address the examples posted.
> Cope seething socialistcuck
too bad for you that i'm not an internationalist marxist. We must evolve past capitalism and communism ,and simply put the well being of our kind at national level. Commies hate me for not being a humanitarian, capitalists/lolberts hate me for not sucking the dick of their rich CEO.
Objectively is.
Cry about it commie
>Commies hate me for not being a humanitarian, capitalists/lolberts hate me for not sucking the dick of their rich CEO.
This, Capitalism/Communism are two sides of the same paradigm, think different.
so are you a nazbol ?
>Saints Row V
You mean 3?
I bet you think GDP is the only thing that determines what makes a society good, there's a reason people like you were called machine men.
The point of cyberpunk is whether or not the internet would be utopia or the wild west you fucking dolt.
Date is revealed this E3, probably Q1 of 2020 to coincide with the pen and paper game's original setting
>larping germanic reactionary garbage
miss me with that shit
Okay, Mao Jinping
you could say so. It's the logical conclusion if you're really a tribalist , that also cares for the good of his country. Imagine an actual party-movement like that in the US, it would make the corporations and both democrats and republicans shit themselves for how they've ruined the US.
You wouldn't have EA or Valve pulling their bullshit in a nazbol/third positionist US
Once, just once I want a cyberpunk thread that doesn't derail into full-blown misinformation spewing autism ten posts in
Dyke haircuts are literally, unironically, and unequivocally good
I bet you wear Che Guevara t-shirts and also think racism is bad.
Monopolies are bad, my guy. Fucks the consumer over and allows the business too much power.
nah Sankara is better, fancy projection tho
Jobs that are usually are given to immigrants(not the natives) that come as cheap labor, who are promoted and enabled in the country by the actual big business themselves.
Small business are fucked, and the native working class gets more shit. You were saying ?
good dyke haircuts rule, you're basically gay if you don't like them anyway.
The Great Recession. Unchecked corporate greed, trusts, monopolies, secret dealings, and general fraud caused America, the shining leader of the world in modern technology (all modern comforts and appliances were built and sold by America at the time), to have to resort to fucking bread lines.
>a bullshit scenario
it's a syllogistic reductio ad absurdum regarding the premise that economic and technological progress are synonymous. if you consider it a bullshit scenario then surely you must also consider the concept of "infinite growth" to be a bullshit scenario?
and kills small businesses and local economies
but these cucks would rather eat the shit comming from the assholes of Walmart or Amazon
As long as I can make my V a turbo weeb slut, I'm buying. Maybe not day one, but first month at least.
*the great depression, my bad, but yes the great recession is up there too
You understand that that there is a positive economic impact for immigration working low skill labor jobs
Mate despite what late night talk show hosts and comedians say America is one of the best countries in the world to live in. I really don't think it helps your point to try and point to America and say "look at what evil capitalism does!" When over half the human population would give an arm and a leg to live in America.
t. non American
Unregulated capitalism is bad. America is quickly heading into a future where more than likely only 3 or so companies will exist after having bought out every other large company and strong-arming any small company.
The difference between a katana and a revolver is that the revolver killed more people in one year than the katana did in its life time.
Positive economic impact the mega corporations getting a steady supply of cheap labour. You do understand that lowering the value of labour hurts working native citizens right?
When you put it like that, the sun in Cyberpunk 2077 actually makes sense.
The whole point is that we make sure it doesn't happen. Are you stupid?
>"Building spacecraft will mean we can travel to other planets eventually"
>"No it won't, name a single time when this has happened"
>"We need to keep in check our environmental impact on the planet to avoid the polar ice caps from melting and disrupting major ecosystems while avoiding extreme natural disasters"
>"No we don't, name a single time when this has happened"
I'm hoping they'll implement a bitchasscool nightime that will blow us away, coming off all the sunny complaints
You know, when they aren't rusting shut, getting jammed, literally exploding, and getting outclassed by rifles and bows.
Not so much capitalism, but Rome.
retard. the only reason capitalism has thrived for so long is because marx's theories were taken into consideration and the state purposefully intervened in the market with "degenerate socialism" to prevent disasters, a la addressing immersation with federally mandated minimum wages, entitlement programs to actually allow people to retire and so on
the entire reason you're seeing a surge of unironic communists today is because neoliberals have utterly failed to address to immanent contradictions of the "free market."
Fun fact: acid rain is very very much a thing in Cyberpunk 2020, I doubt they'd incorporate it into 2077 though
Positive as in the money goes in the pockets of the corporation. Meanwhile, the native population is stuck in a multi racial conflict, while the liberal capitalists pay their dog politicians to enact hate speech laws in order to silence any concerns, or use the media to dox and shame the opposition. Profit at the expense of the ethnic citizen.
Hey i know your whole neighborhood is now a nigerian crime favela, but at least you get to buy cheaper 4k tvs, lol.
if you're not an american then how can you speak with any authority on living in america?
>global warming
>make sense
I get the just of it but still the entire California theme does not mix with cyberpunk
Remember when your president shot guns and hit politicians with a giant stick? Remember when he was shot and kept giving his speech while shot?
Apparently that's already a thing. Neon signs and glow in the dark stuff doesn't show well in daylight, so stuff will look different at night.
unironically yes
Because I've lived in America. You can have non citizens live in your country you know
That's the point of the thread.
Most people do research, unlike you.
I'm still hyped for the game but seriously give us some fucking night footage!
Half of what you said described poor maintenance, the other half was the finer points of longer barrels and some bullshit about bows.
A group of people once tried to use Bows against revolvers, they're living on reservations and drinking pinesol.
"It's worse elsewhere" was never a good point. Besides, don't worry, the US and all of western europe are getting closer to 3rd world standard a little more every day.
Climate Change is real, you can't deny it anymore.
>Climate Change is real
so are these nuts but you don't have to be scared of them
This guy would rather live in pozzed America than Nazi Germany. In Bongistan rather than the Roman republic.
>Capitalist country, let alone unregulated
well yeah, the climate changes subtly every day as we move between seasons. The climate is quite changed between summer and winter. When you make definitions loose enough you can't deny anything, the debate is the magnitude and the implications surrounding it
I'm not scared of them, I'm hungry.
Your right it is.
that's because the honorable sensei will only kill if he absolutely must. meanwhile the man with the gun becomes a literal nigger mad with all that power at the tip of his fingers and shooty bang bangs at everything. see: american police, american gangsters, americans in general, etc.
"its worse elsewhere" is a completely valid point when you're trying to portray America as bad. Literally holding America as your example of a bad country is countered by pointing out most of the planet wishes they were American
What happened to acid rain?
you know that you can choose your own hairstyle right? not to mention the fact that her hairstyle is punk and its a cyberpunk game. get triggered harder
no ty
Yankeeland is such one big echo chamber with no self-criticism when it comes to right wing libertarian ideas.
>most of the planet wishes they were American
This is why you need your schools to be funded properly, they fill your brain with absolute drivel.
I live in the United States, and that user is right. It's not perfect, but quality of life is high in most places.
There are three countries in America. America is not a country.
>right wing libertarian ideas.
whats the point since libertarians will never win here.
>honorable sensei will only kill if he absolutely must
ah yes, like when he sneezes on his lord, and must draw the smaller katana to commit sudoku
ITT: Yea Forums gets their defintions of capitalism and communism for actual propaganda
I bet everyone here believes America is a Capitalist country
It hasn’t been since Dec, 23rd, 1913
The worst depression in American history occurred because the president and the courts didn't regulate enough.
>There are three countries in America. America is not a country.
fuck off retard
We live in an oligarchy
debate me
It's not good but better than anything else. So far this is the best blogpost I've read about this
Are you joking? California is literally Corporation Rape & Ethnic Melting Pot: The State
>There are three countries in America.
Holy fuck you're not serious are you?
I'm not American, if you're trying to imply I've been indoctrinated by American schools. Sounds like you're the one fed with drivel if you think most of the world doesn't wish they lived in America, go look at how many people apply to citizenship or risk their lives to try and go there illegally. It's non debatable. You're probably some first world middle class+ retard who's financially better off than 99% of earths population and can't think outside his own demographic
You literally described japan during the feudal period.
>Meanwhile the samurai with the katana becomes a literal nigger mad with all that power at the tip of his fingers and pointy slash slash at everything. See: The shogunate, the yakuza or gokudo and japs in general, etc.
great depression
>There are three countries in America. America is not a country.
I'm Canadian and you need to shut the fuck up. America is refering to USA 100% of the time and no one thinks otherwise except for pretentious faggots trying to look smart
they both start with essentially the same syllable you can't expect them to be able to make the difference
Which American continent has 3 countries? Fucking hell Americans are so stupid it's unbelievable
>Video game made by a corporation to sell for 60 dollars plus DLC and shill socialist ideas
Honestly, it depends if you include Greenland and Central America. But, yeah. You know what I mean. America still isn't a country. :^)
You're right. All of the 3rd world wishes they'd be at least american.
This epic frog is right. L-E-L
Opinion disregarded.
Correct, and the 3rd world is the VAST majority of the world, making my previous statement correct and you an absolute fool
Any retard that thinks otherwise doesn't get cyberpunk, in particular Cyberpunk 2020.
why are socialists the most likely to be capitalist sellouts?
>Retard that doesn't know the difference between climate and weather
>shill socialist ideas
where in "unregulated capitalism and super corporations are bad" do you see "Karl Marx is a pretty swell guy, seize the means of production
The head of epic said that he doesn't believe in the free market you fucking nonce.
I do though
you're right, nazi germany and imperial japan was the best.
There are two continents in the Americas, Central America is not its own continent.
The dose makes the poison
- Paracelsus
Today's capitalism is extremely far from unregulated
great depression was caused by the Federal reserve tho
So then were you just pretending to be retarded?
What's your bosses' cock taste like?
I was just trying to throw a hear hear to your point geez don't be such a meanie.
>nationalism and socialism literally the first two words in your shitty infographic
wow, even low-IQ pinkos are clued in on Nazi superiority
I bet there’s more than one negative comment about Trump in the game.
"Climate Change" is long term, you are thinking of temperature. The difference between Summer and Winter is temperature, but the difference between Tundra and Desert is climate. Climate is long term. Your winter should always he about the same, reguardless of which year it is, same for Summer. Climate Change is when that isn't the case. Pollution is causing hotter Summers and colder Winters, not normal seasonal changes.
No because what I said is still correct
international socialist always abandon the working class for humanitarian reasons. They either maintain their socialism under "Democratic socialism" or become left liberals. tldr, they become part of the system.
Keep it nationalist, and it's good. See strasserism or national syndicalism
Thank you for your input? In the game the capitalism is extremely unregulated. Corporations literally go to war with each other to control their market.
And Jamaica, and Cuba, and Dominica and The Dominican Republic, and Haiti, and the Bahamas, and Barbados, and St Lucia, and Grenada and the Grenadines and Trinidad & Tobago.
Those are just the ones I can name off the top of my head. Did you just skip every single Geography class or what?
>he doesn't wanna yank on a dyke's hair while he's plowing her from behind
You are unequivocally homosexual
>TR almost fukken ded after a bloke tried to shoot him point blank in the chest
>saved by some Deus Ex Machina speech transcripts
>never bothered with gun control afterwards
I love the guy
It'a still around, and destroying environments, since both are caused by pollution.
>to control their market.
within the regulations
This but unironically (ironically).
The earths climate has no stopped changing since the creation of earth. It's been both hotter, and colder than it currently is. We moved between hot mega fauna to ice age's to something resembling today climate all before homo sapiens even existed. So, like I previously said, the climate has never stopped changing and the debate is over the magnitude and implications surrounding it. Notice they had to stop calling it "global warming" and change it to "climate change" in the last decade so they could still be definitionally correct
Bermuda as well, forgot that one. Fucking hell Americans are so fucking dumb to the extent where I actually feel sorry for them. All memes and trolling aside do you really not get taught this in school?
Not user but acid rain isn't much of a problem in the US anymore due to improved emissions filtering as well as regulation. Still happens all the fucking time in China, though.
Am I talking to a bot? Are you just replying for the fun of it?
It hasn't changed at the current rate in millions of years, though. And the last few times it did, everything fucking died.
Why are people trying to make this about real modern society when cyberpunk shit happens in a future world where a handful of unrestrained megacorps run everything?
What did they teach you in your History class user?
The early 1900s saw the most regulation and centeralizing of the economy the US had seen.
And because of the Federal Reserves and the New Deal, America is now royally fucked forever in dept to itself.
Are you really honestly trying to say that over 3.85 Billion people want to live in America? Is this really the hill you want to die on with nothing but complete conjecture. You are delusional.
What? You are living in the literal proof that capitalism is evil right now.
Yeah, there are natural cycles, like the ice age, but pollution is accelerating this to unnecessary speeds. The change in name was because new info was learned. At first, everyone just cared about the increase of warm weather, and didn't know about it getting hotter and colder at the same time. Now that we do, we changed the name to better reflect the issue. You're just retarded.
>It hasn't changed at the current rate in millions of years, though
you're overconfident in how much evidence there is for this to be honest, although you're probably not wrong. Once again though, the implications surrounding this are absolutely up for debate despite the "zero debate" doomsday cult surrounding global warming that seeks to silence any counter argument
When did CDPR turn this politically correct?
>C-c-climate change isn't that bad, cus like its basically weather
Fuck off retard.
Climate change is undeniably real. Its undeniably between "really bad" and "apocalyptic".
>where a handful of unrestrained megacorps run everything?
We're already dangerously close to that
>Climate change is undeniably real
I literally just told you it's undeniably real
>Its undeniably between "really bad" and "apocalyptic".
this is where you're wrong
We do, we also get taught about who got their shit kicked in during WW2, to the point they begged America to help them. Future generations will also be taught about Brexit.
Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover were some of the most laissez-faire presidents we've had. And among legal scholars, the era between 1900 and 1937 is infamous for how anti-regulation the Supreme Court was.
Are you American?
Not every American wants to stay, they just don't realize that they are gonna have a shit time in the 3rd world that is the UK.
This whole communism thing is so tiresome man, life is so easy people have time to argue about fucking genders on their 1200 dollar iPhone.
I understand if someone is jealous of the wealth of people who affect the lives of millions by providing services, just don't fucking act like you do this for the greater good. It's feminism all over again where upper class women sitting in their SUV are complaining they aren't billionaires. Fucking hell man, some people truly just can't get enough
This is gonna be one of those games that gets more discussion BEFORE it comes out than after it right?
Because it's gonna come out and be just "okay" and nobody is gonna have anything to say about it.
You fucking wot? Bermuda is part of the UK, it isn't a country.
>first person only
>i live in a bubble and im totally ignorant of the realities of billons of humans around the world
>I literally just told you it's undeniably real
No, you said weather is real, and that is different.
>this is where you're wrong
That statement is wrong.
But user, those are the same thing.
I'm already bored. Let me be a cool sci-fi please.
You perfectly described the teenagers screeching about communism, thank you user.
>the British were American all along
What a twist!
>The most thriving and best society in the world.
For now, but it's trending far and away from that. Talk to me when capitalism has made you pay out the ass to your ISP for the Yea Forums and gaming package and when you work more for less pay so your CEO can afford his ninth yacht.
And what did you do to help all those billions retard? Absolutely nothing. Your virtue signaling is useless. I close the browser and everything you did stop existing completely.
You obviously haven't read a word about feudal japan. Samurais primarily used katanas for cutting down uppity peasants.
No, you aren't gonna here the last about this game for several years because it's going to be really good and Yea Forums is going to shitpost about it for years.
>We do
So why didn't you know that then? Were you off that day? It's your own continent and not only did you not even know what countries are inside it, you went as far as to post a smug reaction image boldly claiming that there were only three countries in North America. Do you not see how embarrassing that is?
Just look at yourself, you're a mess. Desperately trying to bring up history in an attempt to deflect away from your own stupidity. It's the oldest trick in the book.
I like to visit America, I like most Americans and I get no pleasure out of making you look stupid on the internet. You need to fix your educational system big time, if nothing else do it for everyone else who has to share the internet with you.
Reminder that there's a difference between Free Market Capitalism and Crony Capitalism
Here's your RPG bro
Found the AOC supporter.
Where are you from?
>For now, but it's trending far and away from that.
No it's not. You just have to accept that buying a house, two cars and feeding 3 children from a blue collar job is not the norm. That's the problem you americans have. You had your unrealistic, extremely short-lived honeymoon phase and you keep crying since then. It's not gonna come back. It was an extremely short period in history, not something that is sustainable.
but the earths climate has been substantially hotter than it currently is in the past, you realize that right? there isn't a climate that the earth is "supposed" to be in, it's been through hot periods beyond what we're even close to now to ice ages. So when exactly is the apocalypse? When we set a new record hot climate? because we aren't anywhere in the scope of that now
I'm not the original person, I was just reminding you about stones and glass houses.
>it's going to be really good
it's going to be painfully generic.
thanks bro, can't wait to play it, but why are you giving it to me here in this /pol/ thread?
>And what did you do to help all those billions retard?
I educated myself to not say stupid shit like "capitalism dindu nuffin wrong xd". This an issue of individual effort but a systemic problem
>All those threads discussing what job everybody was going to play and how they would RP their day-to-day
>Turns out to just be three jobs which have minimal impact on the game and are essentially Red/Blue/Green/Combat/Signs/Alchemy again
So did exactly nothing yet you feel better about yourself. wonder why no one takes you people seriously
>I sniffed my own farts about how enlightened I am while doing absolutely nothing
literally nothing wrong with supporting /ourgirl/
>Simplistic design
Revolvers are much more complex than a modern pistol. They practically need clockwork level accuracy to function and have parts that are more prone to failure.
Funny enough, the katana is similar. The techniques put into forging it are more convoluted compared to a longsword which is as straightforward as you can get.
>man with the gun
Only in the cities. The "Wild West" was very peaceful and civil; only hollywood bullshit makes it seem like there's a train heist every other day and shootouts every other second. Meanwhile the cities along the southern border and on the east coast US were total shitholes in the late 1800s due to the rise of gun crime.
The samurai were the equivalent of young punks fighting over which street corners they could hang out on. Most of them were also total bitches - their weapons weren't katanas, but chairs and other shit they could throw at people.
Nothing you say is going to stop all the GOTY awards.
Depends how many waifus there are.
There are natural ups and downs, and they move at natural speeds. That's okay. What isn't okay, is when humans release greenhouse gases and accelerate that cycle. That makes it happen faster than life can handle, and we risk changing the planet quicker than any species, even ourselves, can survive. If we can buy ourselves a few more years, why not?
Well you said that 'Most of the world wishes it was American' so we're talking 3.85 billion non-Americans.
>3rd world that is the UK
You literally have no statutory minimum paid vacation or paid public holidays and the average (After a year of employment) is 10 days. Do you understand how shit that is? You literally couldn't pay me to live in the US and I think it's a great place to visit. The living conditions are appalling.
>this problem is too big and should be solved by a new political system
Holy shit what a retard
But none of it is purely "capitalism is bad." You know there's a balance between "Capitalism needs some regulation to prevent exploitation" and "We need communism" right?
They don't mean a simplistic construction, they mean a simplistic appearance. A Katana is hard to make, but looks basic, same with a revolver.
>Located in the continent of North America, Bermuda covers 54 square kilometers of land, making it the 233rd largest nation in terms of land area.
Fucking hell, you could have Googled this in 5 seconds and not looked like an absolute cretin.
>le epic centrist
No, capitalism is fundamentally anti-ethical and no regulation could fix that.
>There should be more women in STEM!
Not me of course, rather those nerdy girls!
>We need more girls in the military!
Not me of course, those butcher lesbian types fit it perfectly though!
>The pay gap need to be erased!
I'm not gonna take a harder and better paying job though. Men should just work less or something!
>bunch of autists who have zero details about a game get really worked up about it
>turns out they're wrong
So strange that this isn't said about any other game where this has happened.
seems like everything is gonna stay the same then :^)
I feel the same way about the orwellian country of the UK. You have a politician who wants to put GPS trackers in knifes, despite the fact that would be one of the most expensive projects the country would ever undergo. The UK is actively trying to leave the EU, you can not describe that country as anything less than beyond stupid.
Are you implying we need to start killing the rich individually? Not such a good plan imo. We better wait the point where life becomes so badly cyberpunk that people revolt and we guillotine rich fucks massively
>What isn't okay, is when humans release greenhouse gases and accelerate that cycle
You mean CO2? That thing that plants love that is scientifically proven to increase the floral growth in an area?
>we risk changing the planet quicker than any species, even ourselves, can survive
You mean like all the natural extinction events in the past? Remember dinosaurs? the whole planet almost went extinct all on its own before humans even came around, and has MANY times before. This may be hard for you to comprehend but extinction is a naturally occurring part of life and fighting against it can be as unnatural as accelerating it
> If we can buy ourselves a few more years, why not?
and HERE is the actual debate. I'll tell you "why not." because "doing something about it" usually results in things like carbon taxes, which my country has despite being NET NEGATIVE carbon country. Because "doing something" can have a very real and immediate detriment to people while only having hypothetical results which are nothing more than slowing down a hypothetical event. All this while SIMULTANEOUSLY brainwashed retards like you scream down and silence any opposition debate because the whole topic of climate change is ideologically driven and unscientific. the field of climate change is a field where people seek to discredit and strip authority from any scientist who's saying its no big deal, just look at any discussion on the topic inlcuding this very thread
all the "awards" won't make it a good game. Just like the witcher 3 before it.
based Sankaraposter
Bermuda is a British Overseas Territory. Not a country.
It's okay for you to think that, but don't project your extreme viewpoint across cyberpunk as a genre. Cyberpunk is not inherently completely anti-capitalism or pro-socialism/communism. It definitely is about the dangers of having no restraint or regulations in the world and how quickly things can get out of hand, but that's not the same as being completely anti-capitalism.
If something like that happened, actual rich people would just leave the country and live their remaining life in a paradise meanwhile you "how are you doing my fellow worker classer!" 8 dollar latte sipping faggots would hang.
The fact you think you have anything in common with the actual working class is one of the reasons why no one takes you seriously
Well, I mean yeah, basically. Unless you have evidence to the contrary.
I live in the states and I have PTO. Just because it isn't mandated by the government doesnt mean it doesn't exist here.
No, I mean the stuff that makes acid rain, you know, bad stuff.
>You mean like all the natural extinction events in the past?
No, because it isn't natural, it's entirely man-made. The dinosaurs didn't kill themselves, the meteor did. Undoing natural events is bad, but undoing mad-made disasters usually isn't. Are you saying we shouldn't clean up oil spills, because it would be "unnatural?"
>carbon taxes, which my country has despite being NET NEGATIVE carbon country.
That doesn't sound like it's hurting anyone, other than the billionaires that own the companies desperate to pollute to save money.
In summery, the only one here being brainwashed, is you.
>implying they will be able to leave
Not like they will be able to escape with their wealth anyway, stay in Swiss, we will use your capital for the people :^)
Everyone who does not lives thanks to capital and labor of other people is part of the working class, not your stereotype of a blue collar worker.
>muh regulations
>he thinks the goverment will help the people instead of cooperating with corporations
Literally name one cyberpunk movie/game not anti-capitalist.
LMAO. Please tell me you are not older than 16. I worked construction for many summers. Working class hates you more than they hate anyone else. Accepting some people are born into wealth or become rich by doing something is easy to swallow. But no one likes you fart sniffing useless faggots.
The fact right wingers still pretend the common leftist argument is to completely abolish capitalism just shows they are not really interested in discussion.
The argument is introduction of more social programs and nationalizing healthcare and education. almost no one in the left wants to "abolish capitalism"
it's more like you're playing a game of monopoly and someone already has all the properties
implying we'll let them leave
I love my funky futuristic 80s novels but people don't seem to realise that we are already living that vision.
>mass media manipulation
>crypto currency
>dependency on social media
>hackers targeting mega corps like sony or google
>mass surveilance from the state
>breakthroughs in biotechnology and genetics
>extremists using guerilla warfare tactics (even in developed countries)
Just to name a few, if you actually research some of these topics you will realize that these predictions were somewhat naive and we already surpass many of these expectations.
Nevermind the goofy visualisation of cyberspace and other cliches, that's just pop culture in general. But you have to give these people credit, many were way ahead of their time.
Dont worry, when the unemployment and life conditions become unbearable, the blue collars will hate someone else harder than they could hate us
I’d say that is largely true, but I guess that really depends how you define left. Social democrats are very left in America, but there are tankies that call them “social fascists”. Your average Sanders voter probably just wants universal healthcare. That’s almost his entire platform.
Please tell me how you're going to stop a private jet leaving three months before your "revolution" takes place because they can already see it coming a mile away.
The problem is you are literally just too dumb and see the whole world through some "evil vs good just like my Star Wars" lens.
The US is not any better or worse, its simply different. There is a reason why every single startup and corporation moves to the US. There is more freedom and its less regulated. The tax rate is huge. Who do you think pays for the social programs, education and healthcare? It's the huge amount of tax on everything. It works in a small white country where the average person speaks 2 foreign languages. It won't work in the US. too big, too diverse, too divided, too dumb.
In america anyome who is not a total willing slave of corporations gets called "the left". Stop appropiating the term fucking liberals, left without a solid knowledge of marxism doesnt exist.
Evidently, it is since your whining about the epic store is the result of unchecked capitalism.
fixed it some more
gorilla tactics
>when the unemployment and life conditions become unbearable
So never? The US has extremely high living standards considering its size.
No user, we're not allowed to have any nuance in these discussions. You're either a commie or a Nazi.
Which politician? I mean, does it matter what a single politician thinks? You have a lot more politicians who believe a lot more crazily stupid things, the important part is that you don't let them get into power (Which actually, you did).
Either way, arguing down to this sort of politics is tit-for-tat. America doesn't take care of its population, social security is minimal, working conditions are awful and when the shit hits the fan there's virtually no safety net at all - That's the problem here.
I'm not trying to shit on America here, I want you guys to have a better country but you are always going to be stuck with this as long as you keep deflecting when these issues come up. The very fact that you guys have it drilled into your head that 'America is the greatest country in the world' is cause for suspicion, because anyone with a brain in their head knows that while the grass sometimes really is greener on the other side, once you have the basics of a functional, secure society the rest is pretty much down to preference. America is lacking on those basics. We are never taught that 'Britain is the best country in the world' because those sorts of lofty, incredulous claims are the words of idiots and are met with equal parts suspicion and healthy cynicism.
What is unique about this game other than the setting?
I want to give Vee my babies
>yeah we will keep growing exponentially forever, nothing will happen if we keep raping nature for its resources, and everyone will have a job despite massive automation coming every year
Nothing, it's hyped because CDPR
>Just because it isn't mandated by the government doesnt mean it doesn't exist here.
Yes, but the average is still 10 days no matter which way you spin it. And while it may exist for you, it doesn't exist for everyone and that's precisely the problem.
How long is your PTO?
I am disappointed you don't have an actual answer, but still amused
>Saints Row V
Greetings, time traveler.
Unironically not going to play until this mod is made.
>rich techno overlords wont exploit everything they can to earn more money
Well the factories and building dont fit in the jet, which is most of a companies asset, we only care about the means of production.
user its so obvious that you have actually no life experience, never went to the US and never event speak to someone who lives there most likely.
Everyone seems to be on the edge on the internet these days. Reading about the US feels like everyone is dying on the street next to the hospital.
Get off the internet a bit, you got fed by the outrage machine a bit too much.
>the undercut meme still hasn't died
I can't remember what it was at my last job (Best Buy) but the job I had before that (Subway) I dont think there was PTO, though I only worked there for about three months. Right now, I am awarded 2.5 days of leave a month.
pathetic man, dont you have parents to kick your lazy ass or friends or someone
Meant to add that I think it was more than 10 a year, but I'm honestly not sure.
I suppose you also don't care about the money they'll be taking with them, or the fact that they'll be living out the rest of their lives in peace while you get in line for bread
We have hair styles from 1920 still popular. What the fuck is your point retard?
>never went to the US
Been 4 times, 2 weeks on three of those occasions and a month on another. Got American friends I talk to every single day, they can confirm because they are constantly dancing on the knife-edge of homelessness juggling multiple jobs with shit pay, no fucking time off desperately trying to pay off their student loans.
You can deflect all you want, but this is the reality in your country. Minimum wage is a pittance, working conditions are awful, student loan repayments are ruthless and extortionate, healthcare is at the mercy of insurance and doesn't even cover dental. I'm sure you will find some way to chalk it up to it being their fault because that is how you tell yourself that nothing is wrong. Something is very wrong and no amount of denial is going to raise those wages and improve those working conditions.
>They wait for the inevitable starvation
>You all starve to death
Now what?
Man this is dumb as shit tbqh. America really isn’t that fucking diverse. They play it up but every ethnicity is largely consuming similar media, going to the same schools, buying the same bullshit, working at the same companies. Somebody from a middle class suburban family bitches that their office doesn’t like their burka and people say America is diverse, or Mexicans all eat at tiny taco joints in their neighborhoods. It’s literally nothing. The USSR was actually diverse. There were weird hyper specific cultural rituals to different regions, people stealing brides and shit over here while Ivan looks at it and thinks “wtf is this barbarism”. People living in the Siberian wilderness that were virtually unconquered by the Tsars because it was too much trouble to bother.
When it comes to the universal healthcare shit it’s literally just pay your fucking taxes and you get a card that every doctor accepts. Nobody is going to give a shit, you won’t have some polygamous nomads in Alabama saying they need their doctor to officiate their wedding with a song or else they’re going to attack the police.
The money is completly worthless in a revolution, most rich dont have billons lying around most of their net worth is stocks, properties and other investments
2.5 days of leave a month? I take it that's an average and you get 30 days annually? I'm struggling to understand how you could holiday/vacation on 2.5 days a month. Does it include national holidays?
Their money won't be worthless when they're spending it months before things turn south, liquidizing their assets and buying up properties out of country, and they'll take with them all tangible assets, including whatever amount of gold the plane can lift.
That's verifiable untrue, look at any other first world country and then compare it to the US and you'll see that countries with regulated capitalism are far better off than the shithole that is America which is filled with monopolies and corruption.
>if we dont have capitalism we all starve to death
>being this brainwashed
Guess whats the country with less (none) starvation problem in the entire world. Protip: is not usa, its Cuba
capitalism is pretty fucked desu
>Got American friends I talk to every single day, they can confirm because they are constantly dancing on the knife-edge of homelessness juggling multiple jobs with shit pay, no fucking time off desperately trying to pay off their student loans.
If that's true its their fault, they would be dead in 90% of the other countries.
>You can deflect all you want, but this is the reality in your country.
I'm from eastern europe where the average salary is 700 eur. its always incredibly entertaining when someone is trying to enlighten me how life is hard in a first world country. its honestly one of the most bizarre things I experience online. People where I live would die to live there as an average person, I go online and people act like they are starving. Honestly feels like some sort of social experiment
shouldn't you be in bed by now, wagie?
American here. I can confirm that I'm not on the knife's edge of homelessness. I'm living comfortably and I have an associates degree at most. Also I have a single job with slightly above average pay.
user you can have our country burgeoise to exploit you, we have to get rid of them
US is highly regulated capitalism, Switzerland,Singapore and Hong Kong have the most unregulated capitalism too and their living standards are higher too so you cant establish a pattern there
>If you call me out on my retarded anti-capitalist rhetoric then you're just a bootlicker!
My point is «stop using stock character designs».
Why you guys want it to be pure night? ITS CYBERPUNK NOT VAMPIREPUNK
Your ideology is responsible for the death of millions through famine, war, and class genocide. The only thing Communism was good at was making weapons to create more death, Yet you want to try it again. Definition of insanity and all that.
>If that's true its their fault
But it really isn't, they're a product of the oligarch that is America. America is at the absolute bottom of every list in the majority of all areas when it comes to developed countries. Nobody wants to say anything about it because we're taught from birth that "that's the way the world works". Meanwhile, Thor and his cousins are enjoying mandatory 40 days paid vacation time, tuition-free college, and free universal healthcare.
So you haven't actually gone to America then? Which Eastern European country are you from? People literally are starving in the US, why do you think this is so hard to believe? 700 euros is less than their take home pay, but once all the outgoings are paid for, they have close to nothing to live on. It's all very well you saying that you come from a worse country but so what? Of course there are worse countries, that's not the issue, the issue is that the US is a first world country and prides itself on being 'The best country in the world'.
I'd like to know which Eastern European country you come from. Which one is it?
So? Did you think I thought the entire country was on minimum wage? I understand the concept of people having more than others.
>America really isn’t that fucking diverse
It is more diverse than any yurop country by far
>They play it up but every ethnicity is largely consuming similar media
yeah because thats the most important thing. what media they consume. not iq, living environments, conditions and educations. they all watch star wars so its like they are the same! fucking kill yourself
>The USSR was actually diverse
no it wasnt, im from an actual ex ussr country. the difference was the treatment between the countries, some got it lighter like hungary, some got it worse like poland. culturally, it was the exact same shit.
>When it comes to the universal healthcare shit it’s literally just pay your fucking taxes and you get a card that every doctor accepts
yeah, thats that easy man. wonder why no one though of that. maybe because everyone wants free healthcare but not many people are willing to get taxed over literally everything.
>Nobody is going to give a shit
except the people who are forced to pay taxes now? what about the doctors? you realize it will bring down the average salary of the doctors right?
man these are complex problems that affect millions of people, you clearly lack the intelligence but even just the common sense to think it through
A vampirepunk game would make significantly more use out of daylight, considering the lethality of it to vampries. Cyberpunk has no need for daylight whatsoever, nor does it belong in the setting.
>implying people does not starve in Africa which got fucked by capitalist countries
You need two sides to start a war
>class genocide
Fighting evil is always good, killing the rich is literally nothing wrong
More like
I get 30 paid days off a year. I work Monday-Friday except for the odd Saterday once a month. I do not work Federal Holidays. Depending on where you are, time off can be awarded freely. I was literally given a day off for getting 2nd place in a command chili cook off. Time off is given away for community volunteering. We had a change of command today and my new CO said "See you Monday!" So a random three day weekend I wasn't expecting. These stipulations obviously change when I'm deployed, though I'm still earning leave while underway.
I live in the US and it’s genuinely pretty fucking stupid sometimes. I don’t think Europe is perfect at all, but there are obvious issues that mainly revolve around the interests of corporations and rich people. I got in a bad car accident when a guy hit my car a couple of years ago. My girlfriend broke her back (not paralyzed luckily), and the guy who hit us actually did it in a company car working for a big retailer. We thought we were lucky here because otherwise insurance was offering us 50k, and the hospital bills were already surpassing that. But after suing the company for damages, the judge threw out the case because he said the guy had stopped somewhere to get food when he wasn’t supposed to, which meant he was liable for anything he did with the car after that point.
The guy had no insurance, and we weren’t going to sue some random wagie with no money who’d probably just avoid getting his wages garnished anyways. So we’re just fucked out of 10s of thousands for getting hit on the road one day.
this but unironically
Not him, not communist (and not anti-capitalist either) but capitalism has literally been responsible for those things too. Saying 'Your ideology was responsible for XYZ' doesn't make sense because any ideology taken to its extreme will be responsible for extreme consequences, it's all about how a country applies an ideology that matters.
I don't care about Cuba, I just think that blaming ideologies as an umbrella is nonsensical at best and dangerous at worst and seeks to detract from the important parts of debate.
>Stop using stock character designs
>Crew cut
Look if you want to purge the earth just say so, No need to beat around the bush with this communism shite, You just want to kill.
Does that mean you can only take 2.5 days off a year? What happens if you want to take a 2 week break in another country?
Capitalism is bad, but its mostly due the shit under it trying to pull it out to return (feudalism).
We need a better cork to keep this demon asleep.
And i said better, not socialism and communism where they just pull the cork and think the kings will be nice because they're given cute names.
Capitalism is bad, communism is bad. Everything is fucking shit because WE are fucking shit at carrying out an idea without corrupting it.
A month* sorry.
anything that isn't entirely unrestricted, unregulated fully laissez faire capitalism is literally gay jewish communism
>But it really isn't
But really it is. The average american is not starving. They are doing something horribly wrong
>Meanwhile, Thor and his cousins are enjoying mandatory 40 days paid vacation time, tuition-free college, and free universal healthcare.
This is the mindset I'm talking about. You cherry pick a few small, white countries with strict border control as an example. Yeah, there are a few counties on Earth who got it better than the US. That won't make the US bad.
>the issue is that the US is a first world country and prides itself on being 'The best country in the world'
Because its the country that gives you the most freedom. Thats why the US is the home of almost every start-up and new corporation. it has less regulations. In the EU you are fucked over by hundreds of regulations and huge taxes.
The US gives you free hand. Do what you want with your life. Some people like your friends fuck it up by making bad decisions.
Does not change the fact that the average salary and average living condition is way higher than the european average and it is a first world country.
>Cyberpunk game has unusual hairstyles
It can't happen because Capitalism is inherently good. Cope
Stopped reading, the great recession was politicians bailing out banks, which is the opposite of capitalism
Wasn't a capitalism issue retard, that's literally double digit IQ reasoning.
Try reading any book on the subject - Economist Henry Hazlitt once wrote that “worse than the slump itself may be the public delusion that the slump has been caused, not by the previous inflation, but by the inherent defects of ‘capitalism.’”"
A previously communist shithole that had tens of millions deaths attributed almost solely to communism that is now a thriving and world powerhouse solely due to its shift towards captialism?
Thanks for proving my point
Kys, you fucking commies
>its ANOTHER pol thread
This board is so fucking shit lmao
Dunno who's the artist but goddamn I hate that picture so much and I keep seeing it everywhere. The dude may have some techical skills but the execution of this picture is so fucking bad.
>It reeks of photobashing.
>The character doesn't even align with the picture in the background.
>The perspective is all fucked up.
>The design is so cliche and archaic, I've seen character design from the 60s that's more avant gardew than this shit.
>The smug expression on his face. The more I look at it the more I hate it. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH
>Because its the country that gives you the most freedom.
To companies, not you. Thats why companies love US they can fuck people without consequence
>Some people like your friends fuck it up by making bad decisions.
>you are free but if you dont do exactly what you have to do you are fucked!
Not true freedom. Everyone should have the right of a home, homeless people are the evidence of how fucked capitalism is.
It really is a masterwork of pure shit.
>stopped reading
Oh so you missed the part where I corrected myself, because I was referring to the OTHER economic crisis America got itself into by failing to regulate capitalism
>the great recession was politicians bailing out banks
That was something that happened, yes, I hope you're not insinuating that was the cause of it. The cause was the housing bubble.
Objectively and categorically BTFO’s communism in every way, you dumb virgin.
>The average american is not starving
The average american lives paycheck to paycheck without little to no disposable income. 40,000 die a year from not being able to afford healthcare, around three million or so are bankrupt for the same reason. Why are you fellating America so much? They are the worse "developed" country, period.
>You cherry pick a few small, white countries with strict border control as an example
If this is the part where you go full white-nationalist and start making unsubstantiated claims about how "brown people bad, white people good!" then I'm not interested.
No. It rolls over. If I decide to not take leave for a year, I can then take 30 entire days off in one chunk if I want, while still earning 2.5 days for that month I didnt work.
only took you 40 or 50 years for you to realize that's what basically every piece of cyberpunk fiction in fucking history has been about. you too thick to understand the trope of the "Evil Megacorporation?"
>Not him, But..
Nice try. But what is there to debate? It's been proven time after time that it doesn't work and ends catastrophically, If it worked, Where is this utopia? Nowhere, It doesn't exist.
Capitalism bad, national socialism good
>it's not real capitalism!
>dude regulations lmao!
>commies reee!
>*anti-capitalist genre* isn't inherently anti-capitalist!
>tfw enjoy dyke haircuts but as form of degeneracy like incest or beastiality
>99.9% of the population living in squalor.
>Because its the country that gives you the most freedom
How do you measure freedom? Student loans in the US are ridiculously expensive and build up interest to boot. You can spend most of your life trying to pay them off. Is that sort of financial burden 'freedom'. Is not even being allowed any paid vacation 'freedom'? What exactly are you free to do?
>Thats why the US is the home of almost every start-up and new corporation.
That's clearly incorrect. What do you mean 'almost every'? There are hundreds of new startups and corporations starting all over the world. There are tech hubs all over the world.
>The US gives you free hand.
It gives you an empty hand, there's no safety net at all. It's all very well to say 'your friends have made bad decisions'. Like what? Can't get a job if you don't go to university, once you're out of university, you can't get a job because of lack of experience. Then you can't pay your rent because you've got no money coming in and you have to pay off your student loan straight away. You sound like you've been drinking the American Dream kool-aid as they say. Think about the actual reality of how you transition from education to employment and the financial ramifications of that. The whole point of social security is to provide a safety net for people who make mistakes.
>Does not change the fact that the average salary and average living condition is way higher than the european average and it is a first world country.
Europe is a continent and contains many different countries, some 1st world and some 3rd world. The 3rd world ones will bring the average down obviously.
It sounds like you just haven't thought this out at all. What Eastern European country are you from?
>If you don't want unchecked capitalism you're a communist
>calls others double point IQ.
Congratulations, you've just discovered the cyberpunk genre
So what happens if you want to take a 2 week break in April and you've used up last year's holiday? Does that mean you can't?
>The average american lives paycheck to paycheck without little to no disposable income
But that's undeniably false. Why would you lie about numbers?
> 40,000 die a year from not being able to afford healthcare
In a country of 330 million people. Thats why its impossible to argue with you. You pull this number out of your ass because it sounds so big. except its an incredibly small number compared to the population.
>then I'm not interested.
I don't care dude, get a fucking job. crying on the internet wont solve anything
>Capitalism bad, capitalism good
Make up your mind
>Oh so you missed the part where I corrected myself, because I was referring to the OTHER economic crisis America got itself into by failing to regulate capitalism
Literally no major economists consider the great depression or recession as a result of "unregulated capitalism", wtf are you talking about
>The cause was the housing bubble.
Which came about, how exactly? This should be a good one, i'll even give you time to google it, then slap your own forehead when you realise the answer
>no it wasnt, im from an actual ex ussr country. the difference was the treatment between the countries, some got it lighter like hungary, some got it worse like poland. culturally, it was the exact same shit.
Lol dude it absolutely was. It spanned all of Asia into Europe. Stalin dropped like 150k Koreans in Kazakhstan in case the Japanese invaded or some shit. They just kicked them off a train and the Turkic people there had no idea what to do with them.
I’m just saying virtually everybody in the US is culturally assimilated in every meaningful way. There are no superstitious dirt peasants killing their cows because they think the communists are literally demons. Sure, doctors don’t want to have their salaries cut. They’re not the majority of the country, and they’re not going to risk jail, poverty or having their license removed en masse by rejecting giving treatment if Medicare for all was passed. If you’ve been to a small town or a big city in America, basically every small town or big city is recognizable. There are no cultural barriers to something like this, except for conservatives who literally only dislike it because they think it’s socialism. But hey, they thought the same about Obamacare and all they did was loudly complain for years until Trump failed to end it. They moved on to the wall, nobody talks about it anymore because nobody really gives a shit.
>low iq retards with no inherent value
>receive no monetary gains
how is capitalism inherently good? what is good?
>capitalism caused the great depression
I can have up to 60 days of leave on the books before I hit "use it or lose it" status. If I've got it I can use it. I just rout the chit up my chain of command. A two week notice is the standard expectation, unless theres an emergency.
>it wasn't REAL capitalism ;_;
>ignores all of the observational good capitalism has achieved
>has to get all pseudo philosophical to make up for his lack of any tangible arguments
Spoke like a true BA Degree drop out
As to answer your question, me, i'm good. Now what you commie fuck
>no lens flare
You had one job
Corporatism that eliminates any competition and controls the government BAD
What are you even saying, explain to me what caused the great depression and once you google the answer, explain to me how it was capitalism.
>Yea Forums trying to talk about /biz/
Every time
Capitalism brought you your favorite games, Nigger
> Student loans in the US are ridiculously expensive and build up interest to boot. You can spend most of your life trying to pay them off.
Then you are doing something wrong. Dont pick a major with no career opportunities. There are paid universities in Europe too and studying something for years that grants no opportunities is a bad idea everywhere.
I know people who migrated to the US and they live a perfectly comfortable life a wife being a babysitter and the guy doing a blue collar job.
>There are hundreds of new startups and corporations starting all over the world. There are tech hubs all over the world.
No, by far the vast majority of startups and big corporation start in the US and usually the big ones started in Europe move there.
>Can't get a job if you don't go to university, once you're out of university, you can't get a job because of lack of experience. Then you can't pay your rent because you've got no money coming in and you have to pay off your student loan straight away.
Yeah and this is a thing in every single country on Earth. you are supposed to get an internship while you are studying. in fact where I live you are required to take an internship, cant even get a degree without that
Dude you just sound like some dropout NEET looking for excuses. If you are failing in the US you can only blame yourself
>Which came about, how exactly?
Do you not know what the word "bubble" means? I'm not your economics teacher, google it yourself, because you clearly don't understand.
Oh right, the US was totally operating under a communistic economy at that point. Silly me.
the concept of "goodness" is ultimately a philosophical one, and ineliminably moralizing.
in what way are you "good?"
>this 20iq retard
The creation of the Federal Reserve Bank, in 1913, caused the Great Depression.
The banks were no longer bound by deposits. They could borrow money from the Federal Reserve. They allowed people to borrow money in the 1920s, and do whatever they wanted with it. The money was still backed by gold, but only on paper. Many people who borrowed this money, invested it in the stock market. This drove the market up to incredible heights. Then, in 1929, (and this has nothing to do with the stock market crash), a run on gold started, because many astute traders could see the increase in the money supply. So, in 1929, the discount rate was raised to 12%, which effectively cut-off money from the markets, and brought down the stock market, but the run on gold still continued.
That's literally the opposite of capitalism
Yeah, that's how capitalism works.
>there were not economic crises before the Fed
Capitalism is bad, but its less bad than kingdoms, that is the only other system we work with.
Not only communism, as socialism has never been tried and will never be tried.
It all instantly collapses to kingdoms.
King Stalin, King Mao, King Maduro...
>n-n-n-not real capitalism
I know what bubble means, i've seen it used to describe the great recession numerous times. The thing is, you don't know what it means that's why you're just parroting terminology you don't understand.
>Obamacare is a failure
That's how retarded you sound. An inherent anti capitalistic practice is what caused the great depression, that's the irony in it.
Google "Did capitalism cause the great depression" and get me one economist who sides with you. Just one.
No, the workers brought me my favourite games. The -ism just decided who got paid for it. In this case, not the workers. Capitalism's contribution are microtransactions.
>implying that's a positive and hasn't caused a massive detriment to social cohesion and cultural health
Not that you're right though. Socialism is responsible for the production of 99% of all video games ever made.
Except class disparity also comes from class freedom.
People in Cyberpunk setttings have more individual freedom but the same technology that enables that freedom and independence also causes great disparity
>seething commies get BTFO
>post a nigger and a pepe image
Private property, markets, wage labour.
Yup, it was capitalism.
This shit is only really present in Blade Runner, many other cyberpunk stories focus on different aspects of runaway technological progress
Chap, I'm a sperg myself, But how autistic are you to not know the difference between good and bad? You sound like a robot
the great depression wouldn't have happened without capitalism, thus capitalism could have been the only rational cause. furthermore, if any tangible change in an economic system results in abject catastrophe, then maybe the system is inherently flawed?
>You can spend most of your life trying to pay them off. Is that sort of financial burden 'freedom'. Is not even being allowed any paid vacation 'freedom'? What exactly are you free to do?
Free to have as little liability as possible for the welfare of your workforce. That’s actually it. Freedom is code word for “freedom for some business owners to get mega rich and hide in an enclave”. I went to Japan last year, and even though it obviously has its own immense social issues, one tangible thing I noticed while there that made me actually pissed when I got home was how good their trains were. I felt so free to go anywhere and see anything in the country with no massive urban traffic jams, or fear of crazy drivers cutting me off, or anxiety about how I’d find parking in the city. This isn’t even to say I hate cars entirely, but in America it is virtually impossible out of the northeast to get quality public transport developed primarily because of business interests. When we finally got light rail in my city, it was far away from any actually useful area because the local businesses lobbied against it, fearing the construction being disruptive. The majority of America capitulates to business interests over social welfare. We had a great low cost program that got nixed because the towing companies were pissed. They just steal fucking cars. That’s their whole business.
>Yea Forums trying to into business
The event that pushed the recession of 1929 into the Depression was the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act which triggered the US' trading partners to raise their own tariffs, making it harder and more expensive to sell goods overseas. Because there was a backlog of inventory and exporters weren't making much money, well, you can guess what happens.
The idea that the Great Depression came from unregulated capitalism is silly, and revisionist history at worst.
>thinks he BTFO fucking anyone
Central banking is the sole reason capitalism hasn't imploded from crises.
>But that's undeniably false. Why would you lie about numbers?
> except its an incredibly small number compared to the population.
When you consider the numbers are literally fucking zero in every other developed country it speaks volumes. Thousands of people dying from lack of a basic fucking right is already far too many, let alone millions going bankrupt because "Ooops! I got sick, my bad!"
>get a fucking job
With no experience?
Only middle class to upper class white 20 somethings think capitalism is bad. You would legit have to be shelterd as fuck to think it wasn't the best stystem in the world.
Low cost towing program*
>If this is the part where you go full white-nationalist and start making unsubstantiated claims about how "brown people bad, white people good!" then I'm not interested.
i dont give a shit, thats how it works. its not even a white or black thing. its more developed and less developed. if you could buy drugs as easily where i live as it is in amsterdam half the city would be dead by tomorrow. the greater the risk, the more you need to filter people. thats why doctors are required to study for 8 years and in clubs where people are fucking next to people dancing, bouncers gonna be extremely strict about who they let it. thats how it works dude, you cant talk about society without the people living in it. the countries you keep mentioning as good examples are way more developed than the us, with people speaking 2 or 3 foreign languages on average and cities having a very low crime rate.
>That's literally the opposite of capitalism
how is it possible to attain this level of delusion?
>I know what bubble means
I fucking doubt it, friend.
Capitalism IS bad.
These gangs have such an incredible amount of power that when they are failing the government will just bail them out. It's a fucking racket.
In 1900, 90% of Americans were self employed; now it's about 2%.
are wars for profit good? is invading a country for oil good? is slave labor good? all byproducts of capitalism. if capitalism is immanently good, then so must be its proceeds. therefore, war and slavery = good.
Nice buzzwords, still waiting on a specific explanation as to what caused the "housing bubble". You've had ample time to google it, i'm assuming you tried to google it but your low IQ brain prevented you from understanding the very thing you were parroting.
So here, lemme explain it to you:
Mortgages grouped and sold off, no one cares if people foreclose because house prices always rising and investors from around the world are buying up these mortgages like crazy (great returns on low perceived risk). Shit hits fan, people start bankrupting. Banks get stuck with these toxic loans on their books because no one wants them anymore. Lehmans collapses, AIG nearly collapses. government steps in and bails them out.
Now, to further retardify what happened to you - An anti capitalism thing is what caused the housing crisis DURRRRRRRRR
huh? what country is that never heard of it?
>it's capitalism's fault that idiots can't control their fucking impulses and not buy bad/incomplete games
Capitalism only lets corporations get away with whatever you, the consumer, allow them to.
>Capitalism's contribution are microtransactions.
And various genres of games that appeal to different audiences.
And the ability for games to come out in a reasonable time frame
And successively better games.
Again, the issue is that idiots (particularly in the mainstream) are easily misled by advertising (which exists under any economic system) and become conditioned to accept all sorts of bullshit.
If you think the government wouldn't use video games to nickel and dime the populace under communism or socialism, search up who runs the lottery in the US
>muh Great Depression
There were two dozen economic crises and crashes before the Fed ever existed
>unironically arguing against capitalism
>as he uses the internet
They worked for a paycheck. So why isn't there many games made under Communism? There is barely any
In 1900, the actual productivity of the country was shit compared to what it was later.
There are certain things you can only do at economies of scale
I'm not American, I'm just explaining the reality of my American friends and what they deal with on a daily basis.
>No, by far the vast majority of startups and big corporation start in the US and usually the big ones started in Europe move there.
No they don't at all. Do you even work in tech? Do you even know what a startup is? Startups are absolutely everywhere, most are designed for the domestic market - it makes no fucking sense to move to a different country.
>You are supposed to get an internship while you are studying.
No you aren't, I never did. I'm in the UK and have a great tech job (senior network engineer for a big ISP) that pays well and I get bags of time off.
You still haven't said which Eastern European country you come from. You seem to be sounding more suspiciously American with every post.
The only people who dislike capitalism are those with no useful trades/skills to benefit from it. Figures that most of the comments on here (Yea Forums - Yea Forums) seem to hate it.
>unironically being a dumbfuck people make fun of and use as a strawman
Regulated capitalism is great. Be glad you have it, because you'll live to see it fade away because of corporate bootlickers in this very thread being told consumer rights are for commies, and they should let Mr. Trust Fund Baby do whatever he wants because it's good for the 'conomy
>talks about a specific depression
>gets an answer on said specific depression
>"w-w-w-what about the other ones?"
Based retard
Ask a jew not me, Two wrongs don't make a right
>arguing against capitalism
this entire thread is about unregulated capitalism, but by all means go straight to the "you're a commie!" defense
>No answer
based dipshit
Capitalism the voluntary trade of resources between peoples wherein the people own, command, and distribute the means of production as they see fit on reflex to the information provided by prices.
It's inherently good because it allow resources to be efficiently allocated by interested people to objectives they demand and away from objectives they do not want.
>but muh rich people control everything and get away with everything
Policing is part of the government. It's not capitalism's fault that government is a monopolistic control of force that's immediately corruptible, inefficient, self-serving, ever-expanding, and unchecked. And no, it really isn't capitalism's fault - replace it with communism and you still get the same behavior patterns from government.
Shelterd fucking cuck
>If I can't have my luxury stuff made with chinese child labor I'm just as oppressed as a mid evil slave.
Consumer rights are enforced BY consumers.
That's the issue: the government enforcing shit typically never works out because no system enforced by finite, limited human beings can be full proof or beyond abuse.
It's a rare day when the government has been able to enforce consumer protections without them backfiring in a major way or simply being impotent because corporations find an easy loophole.
The things the government should be doing is providing safety nets for people when capitalism fails them, not trying to muck around with the machine itself (for the most part)
God I wish capitalism wasn't a thing. Maybe then I wouldn't be wasting my life arguing with strangers over the internet and playing video games.
>that image
>spic women crying about low skilled chinese workers that are easily replaceable
>nigger with a early 1900s car
>low skilled, low IQ farmer wanting to improve society yet has no answers on how to because he's low IQ and low skilled
Unironically can't tell if you're trolling with that image or not.
Either way, you should go back
>regulations will save us!
They won't. Enjoy contaminated water.
this but unironically.
unregulated capitalism is bad but regulate it and it's fine
the only form of socialism that ever worked was market socialism
>lens flare
From what sun?
>magic secret strawman
America is chock full of self-described communists. This is not an exaggeration. You can find, at minimum, at least a dozen Marxist professors at every major University in the country.
>no Answer
See: It's an answer, you're just too low IQ to comprehend it
Enjoy your system that has never worked because it's not designed with real, flawed human beings in mind
The Internet started as a government project called ARPANET. Today, many countries consider it a basic human right. Do some research before you look like a dumbass next time.
name one
This is the kind of retarded shit I was talking about.
You can live paycheck to paycheck by taking Uber multiple times every day, eating out every day, buying a 10 dollar coffee every morning. You can be in dept if you buy a brand new sportcar and change to the newest iPhone every year. You can high rent if you live in one of the most exclusive cities in the world.
You can be a literal millionaire and live paycheck to paycheck. thats how a lot of ex athletes go bankrupt. does that mean making a million is not enough? or they make bad decisions?
Without details, these fancy words dont mean anything.
>When you consider the numbers are literally fucking zero in every other developed country it speaks volumes
except its not, especially considering that "free" healthcare is often really low quality and the deadlines can be months, even if you have a late stage cancer and are literally dying. many people end up paying in private hospitals if they actually want to get treated in time. probably still better situation than the us, but its incredibly far from perfect as you believe
>With no experience?
what degree do you have?
I kinda want the west to try socialism since liberals keep screaming for it. Maybe after 10 or 20 million people die, we'll have our reminder
Literally no contradictions in that image
>my phone is a product of slave labour
Boycott the brand
>Cars should have seatbelts
Either invent one with seatbelts, invest in one with seatbelts or don't buy one without seatbelts
>we should improve society
Make your own society if you don't like it you filthy pauper
Literally nowhere does it the comic imply or say that, delete yourself.
There were but never at the level of the Great Depression because capitalism had natural forcing equations and plateaus built in back in the day.
Those limits were overcome by getting access to resources at a federal level that weren't really a natural part of the equation
Without regulation, Apple would hire a private military to commandeer all the mines used to make the various chips and components of phones, preventing any other companies from securing the raw material required to produce those components. Thus, forcing them out of business until Apple was the only phone company on the earth and they were charging new car prices for their cell phones.
You wouldn't have any video games to play without capitalism, friendo
>letting a commie choose who to kill
Fuck that, Civil war will do the job, Survival of the fittest too
That's what I'm saying, retard
>Today, many countries consider it a basic human right
A bunch of self entitled, low value commies think one of the greatest products of capitalism is a human right? Shiver me timbers!
Jesus christ, imagine BEING these faggots.
agreed, we need more mulatto, half-shaved neon hair androgynes instead. Is there a single character archetype that doesn't scream generic diversity more than that? Maybe give 'em a constant scowl while we're at it?
Try hard labour, You will change your tune.
Capitalism may suck but unless you're going to do some transhumanist experiment to change the nature of mankind, it's the best we've got (with some safety nets) since communism and socialism are essentially jumping to late-stage capitalism where you have all the power centered around a single entity that can essentially force the populace to do whatever it wants with an unopposed economic and military bludgeon.
The naive belief that "OH, ITS OKAY BECAUSE WE VOTE ON THE LEADER" is a perpetual stopgap against tyranny is absurd because that clearly doesn't stop fully industrialized countries now from electing idiots
>And no, it really isn't capitalism's fault - replace it with communism and you still get the same behavior patterns from government.
It’s funny that that is actually only true to an extent. I’m not even a commie, but the commie countries before the collapse were actually recognized to materially provide more for their citizens with less by researchers. It was in a trend of international comparative research that looked at what determined who’s different countries measured up on providing “basic needs”, and it was determined that the ideology of the state played a bigger role than even growth. On average, the socialist states at an income level comparable to other capitalist states had higher standards of living, and states with higher incomes but massive inequality associated with rapid growth often had devastating trash poverty in comparison.
But I’m not a commie because they were obviously stagnant and had bad civil rights records. But they provided more for their citizens with less, because the common ideology of the state matters. So we should have a fucking social democracy already Jesus Christ. Just have the growth potential of capitalism and the ideological commitment to social welfare of socialism.
>as socialism has never been tried
Name one what? University or Marxist?
If you want me to name Marxists, we can be here for a long time.
>trusting filthy rich people to have your interest in mind
rich people dont even see you as a human, you're nothing but a tool so stop licking their boots.
>ITT retards argue between the merits of two of the worst soco-economic ideologies to currently exist
>liberals are screaming for socialism
When exactly did the average politically-minded anons turn into actual boomer republicans? 2016?
Not him but living paycheck to paycheck means you have no liquid assets. You can't be a millionaire and live paycheck to paycheck, otherwise you wouldn't be a millionaire.
>I'm not American, I'm just explaining the reality of my American friends and what they deal with on a daily basis.
and thats entirely different than mine american friends. i know people from blue collar workers (as i mentioned baby sitter and jobs like that) and people working in the bay area as engineers. they all live a way higher quality of life than anyone i know where i live
>No they don't at all.
Yeah they are.
>Startups are absolutely everywhere,
Vast majority in the US
>most are designed for the domestic market
especially in tech, not true.
>I'm in the UK and have a great tech job (senior network engineer for a big ISP)
thats extremely weird. honestly never heard people not taking an internship. we are required to do so in the third year. only a month though so its pretty useless but most professors will advise you to get an internship anyway.
>senior network engineer
so how did you start with no experience? senior means at least 5 years of experience
We have
You have the scandinavian countries that have enough dosh from their capitalism days (and oil, in some cases) to ward off the inefficiencies of their system.
Then you have some western European countries like France or Germany that have a mix of elements. They have most of the same issues as the US.
>It's inherently good because it allow resources to be efficiently allocated by interested people to objectives they demand and away from objectives they do not want.
so it's good to allow individuals to pursue their interests? then the "most good" system would be to allow the most amount of people to pursue their individual interests as possible. the problem here is that not all interests and disinterests are aligned, there is no universal telos. therefore conflict inevitably emerges. this is precisely where capitalism thrives, as any healthy market is predicated upon competition between market forces.
but therein lies the immanent contradiction - it's a system that depends on competition, yet is ultimately a CENTRALIZING force. the monopolizing process is an inevitability. "corporatism" is synonymous with "late stage capitalism" - what most don't understand is that the term "late stage capitalism" isn't ultimately an admonishment of the system itself. it doesn't negate the prosperity that early stage capitalism creates, it just necessitates a certain cyclicity.
this is precisely where regulation comes into play. an unchecked market will always consume itself, that's the beautifully ironic nature of consumerism in itself. capitalism needs to be DESTROYED in order to PRESERVE capitalism.
I see you are new to science fiction
>trying to force an equivalence between socialism and capitalism
Nice try you commie fuck
Yeah, like all those people in Sweden and the UK who are constantly dying from socialism.
Poor health insured bastards.
liberals are socialists, always have been always will be, and now with the rise of people like bernie sanders you're now seeing a rise of the bolsheviks within this socialist party
He's agreeing with you, read the full post
I mean it is but as Churchill said paraphrased it's the least shit one.
i don't know maybe something about oligarchs shitting on regular folks under both socialism and capitalism kinda blurs the line between the two
The UK or Sweeden isn't socialist you fool.
>They have most of the same issues as the US.
I for one like not dying in infancy
regulations have saved capitalism itself from itself time and time again
>consume 54.31% of oil
Yeah because the government raised the taxes on oil 500%.
We have the NHS in the UK and it's excellent. There are waiting lists and there are staffing issues but it's nowhere near as bad as the media would have you believe from cherry picked scare stories. I've had relatives lives saved on the NHS, nieces and nephews born and cared for on the NHS and continued excellent dental care on the NHS. Like most Brits I am fiercely defensive of it.
Are you seriously going to ignore the
>64% more likely to be unemployed
>make 33% less money
and use this picture as an argument? are you falseflagging?
and if nobody dies and everyone actually prospers, you'd be even better off. sounds like a win-win to me.
i mean what do you fear more - being proven wrong, or being proven right?
Yes, it was never been tried, and will never be tried.
Capitalism is the cork keeping a literal ancient evil from rising again, and the first step on socialism is "remove the cork".
Then everyone gets surprised when the ancient evil comes and kill everyone and say "it was not real socialism because nothing bad should happened when we removed the cork".
No it isn't. Cyberpunk is just focused on the low points of the culture, not necessarily to make a statement.
I hate this modern generation of politicizers.
Wow fiction protrays niche roles unrealistically? Next you'll tell me Presea from ToS shouldn't be able to swing an axe.
this is ontologically unknowable
Let’s just say if nobody dies from having no food for ten or twenty years I’ll be impressed.
>You can live paycheck to paycheck by taking Uber multiple times every day, eating out every day, buying a 10 dollar coffee every morning
If you think Americans are working two jobs to barely fucking afford basic luxuries like this then you're deluded, the majority of these people are also in fucking debt. All you have is unsubstantiated bullshit that constantly victim blames. Why are you talking about athletes? We're talking about your average working class person.
>"free" healthcare is often really low quality and the deadlines can be months
More fake news bullshit that you pulled from fox news or Breitbart, Canada, Denmark, Germany, the U.K. all rank bove the U.S in terms of quality of healthcare.
Just watch an actual fucking doctor beat right-wing pundits that espouse that same trite garbage into submission youtube.com
>what degree do you have?
Computer science, I'm a tech consultant and have to spend the rest of my life in debt.
Now, in all of those, take away the actual spendable income of the individuals by about 70-80%.
Also pretty regular worker strikes where you just don't get paid for weeks on end
Shit small and medium business growth
No say in geopolitics or national security
Shit pay if you're a doctor or medical professional of any kind (because you work for the state a lot of the time)
I could go on.
France may experience these issues to a slightly lower degree than the US but many of the issues are similar
was huey long NAZBOL?
Short answer: Yes
Long answer: EVERY MAN A KING
There are no socialist countries in Europe. Sweden can afford all those social services because
>skipped WW2 completely
>rich from oil
>small, homogeneous population
its basically a rich country that can afford rich country shit.
scale it up to x100, raise the crime rate to x10, lower average education and suddenly things starts to go shit
Read a book
Have sex
>provide more for their citizens with less by researchers
Your assumption is that this is a good thing. Resources are limited - if more is provided here, then there is less for there. Time and labor are finite resources. Something needed must have been given up. I don't doubt that this is true, but I will say that this where the central bureau started to inefficiently allocate resources.
>who’s different countries measured up on providing “basic needs”
A highly subjective term. Basic needs in America are the same as those provided to the millionaires in North Korea. I don't wipe with anything less than a $100 bill - and most people in rural Africa will never see that much money in one place in their life.
>On average, the socialist states at an income level comparable to other capitalist states had higher standards of living
This is easy to reproduce - simply exclude enough of the undesirable from consideration and you get excellent results
>states with higher incomes but massive inequality associated with rapid growth often had devastating trash poverty in comparison
If everyone starts poor and some get out of poverty, then you have massive inequality and a subsector of poverty; but the net effect is an undeniable good. If you have general wealth and all of the sudden a huge group of people are poor, then their money must have been taken away. The only organization on the face of the Earth with this power is government. The government's corruption is undeniable and indefensible.
>Just have the growth potential of capitalism and the ideological commitment to social welfare of socialism.
Impossible. Capitalism depends on the people keeping the payment of their labor, and owning the means of production. Socialism requires the state to take the payment of their labor and redistribute it not how the people would have used it in their freedom. but how a central authority would choose to do so in order to win votes and ultimately power.
All of these things are a symptom of democracy, not capitalism. More specifically a symptom of the tribal jewish elite
>so how did you start with no experience?
Went for an interview as a normal network engineer, got the job, 5 years later I was senior. Already had way above the normal demonstrable knowledge. Didn't even talk about my time at university because it wasn't relevant.
>Especially in tech, not true
Do you know what a startup is? It's not just an app or a service. I work with hundreds of tech startups and the vast majority wouldn't move to the US because all their customers are in the UK and their businesses are mainly based on UK SME needs.
You keep dodging the question, what Eastern European country are you from?
No nation ins Europe actually is.
What the common public calls "soclaism" is nothing of the sort to actual textbook socialism.
This is, largely, due to the fact that most nations refer to their programs as "social programs". Like how in America there is social security. They use social to describe any program run for public good by the government.
this is now a kaiserreich thread
>If you think Americans are working two jobs to barely fucking afford basic luxuries like this then you're deluded
If you think the average american is working two jobs to barely live by you are the one thats deluded
>the majority of these people are also in fucking debt.
because your entire culture is based on fucking consumerism and buying things you cant afford. for fucks sake we dont even use credit cards in most of europe. we spend what we have. credit card is an upper class thing yet in the us thats the norm. your culture is based around buying shit. if you take things like taking uber every day and eating out as basic then no wonder you are in debt
>More fake news bullshit that you pulled from fox news
dude im not from america i dont watch burger tv shows.
>Computer science
the CS field is too fucking big, you have to find one specific thing you can do. apply for an internship or start learning a language for a few months and apply for junior jobs
The problem is that retarded American right-wingers think any infringement on free enterprise or government effort is socialism. And this ironically pushes people into becoming actual socialists. In part because of confusion in terms, but I think to a greater extent it is because a failure to reach compromise leads to people pushing for more radical change. Even Bismarck understood that concessions in social policies like pensions and insurance were effective in staving off real radicals and as a Swede living in a social democracy (and for some reason staying up to a totally degenerate time of night) that we don't have anyone with remotely the same political presence as Bernie Sanders describing themselves as socialist. Just a little Left Party that is just a bitch for the market-oriented Social Democrats to draw parliamentary support from without even formally including them in government. Though the left wing of the American democratic party seems to have a somewhat similar role, but that could change, just like the more openly anti-immigrant side of the Republican party has come to the forefront with Donald Trump.
What happened to friendly PTO bro?
>You mean CO2? That thing that plants love that is scientifically proven to increase the floral growth in an area?
Too much CO2 is not a good thing, regardless if plants use it in photosynthesis.
Venus has an atmosphere that is nearly all CO2, and things don't seem too great on the surface of that planet. (Venus and Earth also have, roughly, equivalent global CO2 levels. The difference between the two planets being the majority of CO2 on Earth is not in the atmosphere, at the moment, while the majority of it IS in the atmosphere for Venus)
You're making us Europeans look stupid by making superfluous claims about American spending habits and then admitting you don't even live there.
Please don't drag the rest of us down with your idiocy. Anyone with American friends in the working class are well aware of the struggle.
Who is the guy on the left?
the us being a home to mindless consumerism is not some tinfoil hat conspiracy theory neither a secret.
>Anyone with American friends in the working class are well aware of the struggle.
anyone with working class friends realize its two entirely different group of people we are talking about.
one is the actual poor working class people struggling.
the other is the middle class with horrible spending habits and bad planning crying on the internet.
Do you remember the depletion of the ozone layer? Do you know what that was caused by? Human made chemicals that were being pumped out by quite a bit. Enough that said chemicals were banned and the depletion of the ozone layer had began to slow down afterwards.
>make 33% less money
>have 20% more free time
>86% less likely to be in prison
>spend 47% less on health care
>68% less likely to be murdered
>experience 32% less of a class divide
>46% less likely to die in infancy
>live 2.1 years longer
>33% less likely to have HIV/aids
I'll gladly make the trade familia
>the other is the middle class with horrible spending habits and bad planning crying on the internet.
You keep saying this but whenever you're presented with the reality of the situation you either dodge the point or say it's their fault.
Try living in a high rent area while paying off a student loan with no job, a struggle to get a job due to an overcompetitive job market and when you do get a job it barely pays enough to afford rent, much less utilities, food, transport to said job and the aforementioned student loan.
These jobs pay literally minimum wage which is a pittance. How on earth do you make that money stretch?
yo why the fuck is Norway consuming so much electricity
>the problem here is that not all interests and disinterests are aligned, there is no universal telos.
This is not a problem - is the core of freedom.
>therefore conflict inevitably emerges. this is precisely where capitalism thrives, as any healthy market is predicated upon competition between market forces.
Yes. But please consider how you use the word conflict here. This is not armed conflict or war. This is a conflict of vision and intent. As long as the costs of such a conflict are paid by those involved, and the losses therein are not absorbed by the society as a whole, then this is a perfectly legitimate state. Any cost to those outside are externalities, and generate a legitimate claim that may be meditated by either private means or by the state.
>but therein lies the immanent contradiction - it's a system that depends on competition, yet is ultimately a CENTRALIZING force
You lost me here. There exist a conflict of many visions, and this centralizes? No I don't think so.
>"corporatism" is synonymous with "late stage capitalism"
A corporation a political entity existing entirely by the government's whim. It, like any governmental privilege, exists at the cost of the freedom of the people and its behavior necessarily skews responsibility and allows externalities to again be forced back onto the people.
>this is precisely where regulation comes into play. an unchecked market will always consume itself
This is the core of untruth. It is the regulation imposed by the state that locks in corruption. It is the freedom of the free market that allows those who wish to outperform the corrupt and inefficient to remove them from the system, and to punish or replace those who harm others or create externalities. It is the regulation that puts in bigger and bigger prerequisites to competition (all of which are added under the guise of safety, responsibility, and decency) by those who have the best of intentions.
Capitalism promotes extreme individualism, which in turn promotes decadence
>roman republic
Nah, Roman Empire under Marcus Aurelius on the other hand
>It is the freedom of the free market that allows those who wish to outperform the corrupt and inefficient to remove them from the system, and to punish or replace those who harm others or create externalities.
>why would a very cold country with a decent part of it in the artic circle consume more electricity
There's a reason most people become more conservative as they age.
Name for me a single instance where a corrupt entity or organization which abused its customers remained in power without the privilege of governmental regulatory capture.
>Im not sure why developers rely on the trope of using people from the mad max universe but it just looks overdone making the game look cheap and unoriginal.
>think it's an achievement his country participated in a WW
Top fucking kek faggot, my country started a World War big fucking deal. Btw Russians won WW2, you were basically on the sidelines
Brain cells die
They become more bitter and resentful?
Brain plasticity is reduced
we use ac in the same way they have heat and have like a million more people than them tho?
it's disillusionment with the liberal activist type of attitude.
but living in a high rent area is a privilage not a right dude. a high rent area means a lot of people want to move there because ita desirable. in a high rent area if you can get a job it will pay better than anywhere else.
seriously dude stop this bitter mindset, if you got a cs degree you cant be retarded. get an internship and eventually you will move up, learn a language and get a junior job, work out get a haircut and fuck the hr bitch or suck the guys dick, lie in your cv, take xanax before an interview dude whatever you do its gonna be more effective than waiting for some collapse thats not gonna happen. turn your life around before its too late man. upper class neets can afford arguing over communism on the internet, you cant. dont trap yourself into this mindset
They become distant from the realities of struggling with no job and no money and look back on their younger years as being easier than it was.
Rose tinted glasses + Being left behind socially.
just use geothermal heating lol
Cope harder.
seething black roastie libtard welfare queen
Cope harder with what?
was caused by Federal Reserve monetary policy and exacerbated by FDR's New Deal. Even liberal economists don't dispute this anymore. You're a fucking brainlet.
>99.9% of the population living in squalor
>meanwhile type 2 diabetes from obesity is a top killer
Yeah, those fat fucking people are clearly starving to death in the streets of NYC, Shanghai, Mexico City, London, and Dubai. 999 out of 1000 people on the planet will starve to death don't you know, ESPECIALLY those poor capitalist americans
>Completely unsourced graph
Oh shit oh fuck it's over
This is the problem with the left, they're in this fake world where everyone but them has the mind of a child while they're Einstein. Even going so far as to make charts and reports based on no evidence.
>but living in a high rent area is a privilage not a right dude
They were born in a high rent area. It's completely their right. They can't get a job because there aren't enough and the ones available don't pay well enough because the employers know that beggars can't be choosers.
I'm safe and comfy in the UK, your advice doesn't mean anything to me. I'm telling you the reality of working young American graduates who can't make ends meet. You're sat there blaming it on iPhones and coffee. You're a super size Mac n Cheese idiot.
Face it, you lost. Now re-elect Obama to keep drone bombing brown people like an intelligent liberal.
Alt-right meme generator
This isn't quite true. People tend to mellow out as they age. This adage comes watching as the rebellious countercultures of the 60s/early70s became quite normal as they aged.
Younger individuals are more prone to 0-100 style ideas and thoughts. Hence why your young edgy atheist is vastly more militant than your older ones.
So yes, people can mellow out and realize something they extremely hated wasn't' as bad as they thought. Times also change and peoples ideas do as well. But really this was based, largely, on hippies.
>keep drone bombing
well we're still doing that, so I suppose everyone wins.
Which cunt? And heating uses more energy than cooling by far.
They will thinkgeoenergy.com
worst thread ever, holy fuck you're all brainlets
[citation needed]