Define "souls-like"

Define "souls-like"

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it is like Souls

Like Souls.

all souls games are cringe and fromcuck incels are almost as bad as weebs

Like Souls

3rd person
uses melee weapons
has dodge button

Ask me something easier

Customization, stamina bar, """high difficulty""", pace of combat

Metroidvania on hard mode.

Trial and error third person action rpgs with artificial difficulty where you can roll and has castles in them.

Only half of one of the souls games could be described as metroidvania.

High damage
Lock on
Circle strafe and dodge to win

>wooooooooooow.... So hard.

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Games that have several elements that make them similar to a game like Daemons Souls.

In essence its just action games whit light Rpg elements that also in some way limit your abilities be it a stamina bar in skeiros case a Posture bar.

Get out

It plays similarly to Demon's/Dark Souls.
The term will inevitably mutate into something entirely meaningless, given enough time, just like roguelike.

Completely unironic response for a term that I think is retarded but is clear enough to get what people mean

Emphasis on methodical combat
Emphasis on level design, linear or interconnected paths
May or may not have RPG elements but always has action rpg esque player progression

like souls

To be honest the term "Character Action Game" would work better to describe Soulslikes than games like Bayonetta and DMC.

In the Souls games you actually build a character in an action game. In those others, you technically "build" a character insofar as you decide what to upgrade first, but your capabilities barely change from the start of the game to the end. You just gather more tools to do what you've been doing all game more stylishly.

>Emphasis on methodical combat

So Bloodborne isn't a Soulslike?

I can't, i never found one.

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>Character Action Game
nobody wants you here, go back

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it just is

Wrong game

I think character action games are more based around an actual character with a real personality. I think this is why sekiro is not considered a souls like. But I don't fuckin know, the lines are pretty blurry.

modern iteration of MUD

A game that has artificial difficulty

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Slowpaced games with a greater emphasis on combat skill, area design, and story-telling through strong worldbuilding and minimal dialogue or cutscenes.
The game usually penalizes death through loss of inventory or material rather than a game-over state.

the only thing more reddit than that pic are the people replying to the mod's post like "omg rofl! owned!" ,prove me wrong

>the dark souls of fantasy RPGs
What's the Citizen's cain of movies?

could care less what you think

>Citizen's cain of movies
Citizen cain

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>Lose EXP on death
>Emphasis on level design, interconnected paths, opening up shortcuts, finding ways to avoid enemies in order to get to the end of the level boss fight
>Pace of combat (slower, methodical, reactive, every action feels important -- compare and contrast with character action games which tend to be more faster, free flowing, and your actions have less importance and weight)
>High difficulty
>Many enemy attacks can often kill you in a single hit
>Limited healing items, which may be restored upon visiting a checkpoint
>Atypical online components, such as players leaving online messages, invading your game, or in the case of Nioh, you fighting their "shadow" in order to take their equipment

Not every single element needs to be present. Like, Nioh is a souls-like even if the combat pace is slightly more faster, almost like a fusion of souls-like and character action.

The atmosphere of these games tends to be dark and oppressive, but that's more of a tradition and not a necessity for being defined as a souls-like. Additionally, while almost every souls-like so far has been pretty class-less (that is, your build determines your stats and powers, not which class you chose at the beginning of the game), I feel like you could still make a souls-like game with a typical class system. Nioh doesn't really have a class system, it has a weapon proficiency system which is similar, but you are given many items that allow you to "scrub" your build and redistribute your points. Lastly, the type of story telling that mentions is another kind of "tradition" these games holds on to. The bizarre story telling and oppressive atmosphere do a lot to build on top of how difficult the game is and how unguided the player is in traversing the world, however.

third person with dodges and checkpoints


You wouldn't dare say that to my face irl, little b i t c h lmao

havent played sekiro yet, plan to in the next couple of weeks tho, why do people say it isn't a souls-like?

Ocarina of deathtrap dungeonvania

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>The Dark Souls of Persona games

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babby's first action game.

>havent played sekiro yet, plan to in the next couple of weeks tho, why do people say it isn't a souls-like?

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>what if souls was an action game
other than ditching some RPG elements, it's 100% souls

Its a classic Soulstroid

I'm making a 2.5HD souls-like, rogue-like metroidvania sandbox survival game with 4X battle royale and crafting elements. What should the plot be about?

>What should the plot be about?
It should be vague

games with bad combat

>a 2.5HD souls-like, rogue-like metroidvania sandbox survival game with 4X battle royale and crafting elements.
add open world to this list and you have the worst thing imaginable

melee attacks confined to the right shoulder buttons.

>What should the plot be about?
Post-apocalyptic and Earthbound-inspired with art deco environments

Because there's more focus on stealth and way more options for mobility. I personally think it still feels like a souls game, but desu soulslike has lost all meaning just like roguelike.

a fake "genre" just like rogue-lite, metroidvania, and character-action

can somebody put that text over an image on Ninja Gaiden black? thx