is this what we're doing now? reminiscing about the good old days of Overshit as if it's vanilla WoW?
it was good when the game came out after that everything they added was fucking awful and made the game worse
>game was better when there was no meta and people had no idea what they were doing
no shit
I'm more surprised the game is still going. I wonder if OW even makes money anymore.
>papa jeff just announced overwatch plans into 2020 and 2021
lmao WEW
blizzard made a fps game with 0 experience in fps games
its like expecting Bethesda to make good decisions
it was always shit nothing happened
Overwatch was never good.
Every new character after Ana was poorly designed, poor balancing, and the biggest one being forced esport. OW could of been a fun casual game to play for an hour once a day but forced esports ruined it by drawing in the autistic MOBA people and meta whores into the game faster than normal.
Nothing. Everything happened as expected.
Overwatch is a dumbed down, hyped up casual shooter that ran its course with its target audience. They've left to play the new flavor of the month games now.
I just want muh cyborg cowboy's robot waifu
Ana was fucking garbage too you dumb nigger.
it was great when it was just casual fun shooter. then they started catering to the esports faggots and the game got flooded with bunch of angry moba retards.
Is this bizzaro Yea Forums? Literally overwatch is dead threads since its release and now suddenly old overwatch is good? Has the old good new bad meme gone too far?
Simply put: the game became shit when people got better at it. The game was best when no one knew what they were doing and were simply playing for fun.
>When you can’t kill a decade old game after pumping and dumping all your WoW money into your own FPS and your own FPS dies to a decade old game
Like poetry
>thinking OW was ever good in the first place
This rubbish has little depth, and it's both easy to play and master.
To be fair WoW is just as shitty as Overwatch and you fat turboniggers acting like it had anything to be nostalgic about just confirms this place is overran with Reddit trash who actually think one of the shittiest mainstream MMOs of all time isn't just as garbage as Overshit.
Jeff Kaplan is a literal retard who made shitty balancing decisions which sucked all the fun out of the game, and rather than taking responsibility and fixing what they did wrong they doubled down and made more changes to try and manage the fact that their previous changes were shit.
A million new characters and many of the original ones still don't have a clear purpose in the roster.
Gone are the fun dynamic games where a solo player could make a real difference, now you're only as good as the dumbest member of your team.
If you think OW didn't hurt TF2 at all you're an idiot.
On the contrary. TF2 hurt Overwatch simply by being a better game.
user TF2 is 12
It was never good in the first place.
And seeing this faggot Metzen behind it is a sign that it was meant to fail.
I remember when there was no established competitive format so players had to shoehorn in their own rules in an attempt to force it to be competitive.
Half of the maps weren't played due to horrible balance, everyone realized teamwork alone could not overcome stacked team composition so same character choices were removed, all on top of character balance being fucked in general.
It's truly amazing that OW ever caught on
could you be more specific lol
Remember all those big plans for HotS talked about last Blizzcon? Tournaments, heroes, events, and more?
Never believe ActiBlizz lies.
I know. And it’s still alive and well
>That horrible face
Their character designs are getting worse. Mono-eye was better
Literal idiot. OW isn't a good game but it most defiantly harmed TF2 player base, and is the reason why Valve made the dumpster fire that was meet your match.
user that’s all these people DO.
Blizzard was always garbage at balancing but I think they really fucked up when they made it so you can't have more than 1 of each hero in ranked.
>And it’s still alive and well
Literally delusional
This was a good change imo. Fighting against double Tracer, Lucio, Winstion was terrible. Adding that cap to quick play was stupid though.
Why does Yea Forums keep falling for these bait threads that /owg/ spams here everyday multiple times?
The retards that wanted it thought they could get Valve to bend the knee to their retarded 6v6 bullshit. Instead they got cucked.
I’ll agree that the quickplay killed a lot of community servers though
>A constant of 50k daily players isn’t healthy
Get a load of this buttlord
Sorry I play Fortnite where we have the population of large countries playing so deal with it
It's competitive
Comp ruined everything, everyone was fine just having fun with friends until they introduced comp and ruined the game. This game should've stayed as a casual game. Compfags ruin everything.
>literally in the top 10 most played games on Steam
>not alive and well
You are an idiot if you think OW didn't influence Valve choice to add ranked and focus more on the competitive side of TF2. Valve has been talking about adding an ranked mode years before OW and they happened to coincidentally add it some time after OW height of popularity.
what am I supposed to take from that video?
>more players means the game is better!
>unironically playing Fortnite
Get a load of this zoomer.
agreed but it'll probably be an alt skin
But old Overwatch WAS better.
Are you forgetting when Ana first came out and the game degraded down to “who can combo with Nano boost the best”
wait do americans actually have roll up hot dogs?
>Valve choice to add ranked and focus more on the competitive side of TF2.
The fucking most they added was a shiny sparkly badge that shines and flips when you click it.
Why Blizzcon exist? They haven't made a good game since wc3
they need to add more skimpy shit for the ladies, i bet it will pick up popularity again a bit
no more grandma outfits
People just realized they don't enjoy the game even though it really didn't change that much but they can't accept that.
They had fun with it before, right? So it must be because old Overwatch was better, back when everyone was optimistic, new and all their friends played it not because they didn't see the walls crumble early enough
Briggitte happenned. Case closed.
Sure do. We even have these!
Ana is a well designed character that fits the original roster. Her being poorly balanced at the start was just Blizzard and the community being stupid for not realizing how broken she was during the PTR.
>it really didn't change that much
It didn’t change. You just got older
what in the fuck is wrong with americans
Sure, you have new shit but at it's core it's the same shit
This. It's casuals that are forced to play comp just to get a shiny weapon skin that that ruined the game. Worse is that you are forced to win in order to get the skin so...
Valve time.
It's the same deal with all their storefront updates coming at the same time Epic is now putting on the pressure. It's not a response, they're just slow as fuck when it comes to getting anything done..
You believe everything you see on our internet
>Turn everybody gay
>Game dies
Are you just going to ignore all of the balance changes that also happened around that time that was very clearly made to pander more towards the competitive players, like the sandman nerf?
100% this.
Tried this once. It was merely 'ok'.
for how much this is posted every day i get the feeling that most ANONS here play the game all the time...
then they come and bytch here on Yea Forums
nuBlizz is shit at even the genres they were supposed to be good at like RTS and ARPG
>Overwatch already dying
>meanwhile TF2 hits new peak
I don't think anything truly shows the problem with Overwatch than the statement Jeff Kaplan said along the lines of:
>"When we made this game, we didn't expect people to play main characters so heavily..."
It just shows how disgustingly out of touch the development team are.
Pretty much this. Once everyone learned that the best strategy was "build ult charge as quickly as possible and coordinate them all at once" the game got really, really dumb.
Ults were a mistake.
Oh no now I can’t get stunned by a scout within melee distance but I just get slowed down and can actually fight back now! The horror!
Day one OW had a better community. Felt more like I was pissing around in a TF2 server just playing for fun, over everyone being a meta whore who complains if someone doesn't go the meta in quick play.
we epic now senpai
So the guy who uploaded this video immediately started blaming others and started a fight on his team? Why would you upload this to make a point aside from making a point of being a fag.
>Make a game with over 20 playable characters
>Make only 5 viable
Classic incompetence
This kills the blizzdrone
Overwatch suffers from the classic problem of casual games: summer puppy syndrome.
When you make your game extremely casual, you are rewarded with a very large initial userbase, because everyone can have fun without putting in any effort. But over time the user base dwindles. This is because of the inherent shallowness of casual games. There is little room for improvement, you are never rewarded for years of playing by becoming a god like you would in a skill-based game. So people simply stop playing.
People are playing TF2 twelve years on. They aren't playing because it's new and shiny and full of novelty, but because the game develops and rewards skill. Overwatch doesn't do this.
I agree with the nerf. But it's clear that it was made to please comp players. Most casual players didn't like the nerf and still complain about it to this day.
*says n word 1000 times*
You're wrong.. I just like to see people shit on a dead game. blizz shill
Meet Your Match should've never happened. Get rid of it, Valve!
His point is that the game is so shitty that just makes EVERYONE toxic.
>Most casual players didn't like the nerf
For all the shit comp gets, being stun locked and defenseless just because someone used an alt fire is bullshit in any situation
This kills the steamdrone
Most people don't understand depth and longevity, the reason why OW is dead and unfun is because it's extremely shallow and gets very repetitive pretty fast, people that never played shooters before can last a few months without realizing that but if you are an experienced shootan player looking for something new then you very quickly realize how repetitive and flat OW is, it barely changed at all since release and its shallowness is the only thing to blame for its death.
>immediately compares it to Fortnite
This is about Overwatch boyo.
I quit it a few months after release, still shit on it all the time.
Most casual never viewed it as op due to the sandman not being good in a 12v12 setting with no communication between teammates. It was a change only made to make comp players happy.
I do agree it was a dumb weapon though.
when it comes to americans, yes
The same you could say about tf2 derailers
I really wish TF2 wasn't still the only decent alive shooter, it's insane how incompetent or dead all the other games are.
Overwatch and TF2 are comparable, especially since Overwatch was touted as "tf2 killer" for months since release
Fortnite isn't comparable to TF2 or Overwatch. You alright?
ok see you in the wildy faggot
Didn't Overwatch's concurrent player stat leaked to have just 20k people playing regularly? this was a few months ago
like i mean seriously, how are americans that fucking stupid?
Meanwhile TF2 is still the most fun you can have on PC
So when will Overwatch die, bros? What could possibly be the last nail to the coffin? Controversy, gay characters straight from J.K. Rowling's granny ass, shitty e-sports league or the lack of lore and original content?
>thinking Overwatch will die in your lifetime
all they need to do is introduce an F2P version and its pretty much eternal
Let's not forget about how many will fall for the lootboxes
how is the new ptr patch?
Time. Poison never strikes quick. but will happen and it'll just prolong
It will always stay a rotting corpse stinking up its genre with a permanent hatebase like all the other Blizz zombie games.
like a monkey fucking an american
What happened you ask? Bizzard can't make fun games, its the same shit with riot and league
of course the community is awful when no one is having fun, they can't even productively channel their emotions on the enemies because the game doesn't allow it,
so they dish it out to the team in voice chat.
Slow paced team games with large cooldowns are cancer.
I put in around 100 hours when it first launched. Haven't touched it since. The arcade shit killed it for me.
its true that he was rude and engaged in mud slapping, but the lucio was refusing to communicate to begin with in a higher level of play.
automatic disadvantage and "she" never switched to something better until it was a shitty time.
Yeah really
You can say literally anything retard, doesn't mean you're right.
fortnite is not a class based team game you dipshit
you are comparing apples and oranges
>company makes poor decisions
>customers leave
It was fun, but right now theres 0 incentive to play the game. 99% of loot boxes are dupes, theres no other reward or something to play for, and the forced 50 winrate kills any potential fun
Only thing that will kill it atm is if an even bigger wide appeal FPS comes out. Most likely will happen and will cause it to stay alive just as long as TF2 even after people move on from the esport scene.
ok american
keep proving your education is shit
Play the game first then run your mouth.
are you actually fucking illiterate?
>old overwatch
>back and forth team fights, social
>new overwatch
>90% steam rolls/getting steamrolled
>leave chat because every game has a bitching moaner
>Overwatch will go f2p
And lose the hardcore whales? Highly unlikely
>believing ActivisionBlizzard will do anything other that maximize profits
A better question is what happened to Paladins? It doesn't have the Blizzard polish but it's core game play use to be so good. Now it's just a water downed version of it's self with no hope of ever coming back.
>OLD GOOD NEW BAD on fucking overwatch
It was never good. It only got worse
>overwatch is balanced
Eh, that I’ll concede.
Sandman could have been better. I think getting beaned by the ball should mess up your aim instead of making you slow.
>6 of the 30 characters get picked 90% of the time
How do people take it seriously
The fact that a game that started as phenomenally disastrous as Overwatch somehow managed to be become even worse should raise at least some eyebrows.
Good goy
It had Blizzard backing it up. Though people are finally getting fed with the lack of character variety. They even booed during a tournament when a team instantly swapped to the meta core at one point.
What was so inherently disastrous gameplay wise? I shit on the game because of Blizzard trying to appease everyone with skin so thin you could see the muscle
There's like 7 overwatch threads right now and 5 of them are all "PLS COME BACK TO OVERWATCH!"
Who the fuck is making them?
The Widowmaker vs Ana part is stupid, but the rest that are still relevant are good points that also bother me. Especially all of the 76 vs MeCree and Pharah vs JR ones.
>play Rocket Leauge
>get steamrolled by a good player
>still have fun
>Play Overwatch
>Get steamrolled because of a multitude of factors
I think it's the sense of control and skill that makes a game fun. In rocket leauge the minute differences in cars don't make much of a difference, it's the skill it takes to maneuver them. In Overwatch you have 100 different stuns, and if you have a thrower/inept teammate you might as well leave the match and save yourself 5 minutes of being steamrolled
>OWL gets called out for discrimination
>panic and call a character gay to take the heat off
>it actually works and everyone forgets about the OWL controversy
Fucking Chu
Everything wrong with the game can be boiled down to extremely shallow gameplay that can be mechanically "solved" by an orangutan in 2 weeks, which means all players are at the mercy of whatever the fuck blizz tells is the right way to play, what synergizes with what, what team compositions should be, what counters what, what chokepoints there are and how a team should break a chokepoint and how long it show take, etc. None of these things require any particular thinking or skill, the game basically plays by itself and you are just moving through the motions every match, this is what happens when your game isn't skill-indexed.
And if you think all those wounds were permanent you're an even bigger idiot.
Not that it matters much since TF2's been a zombie for years, though that's still an improvement over Overwatch essentially being a late late term abortion.
>I've somehow managed to completely avoid looking at Yea Forums for nearly three years to the point where I'm actually and completely and unironically oblivious to the petrabytes of posts that would answer a question like "What was so inherently disastrous gameplay wise?"
Might want to do some fiereden lurking before you post again. Next you'll be asking "How is Yea Forums an anime website?"
When summer games has its 3rd straight year of Lucio Ball
The launch characters were the most balanced they were gonna get. Most of them were well rounded, and had strenghts and weaknesses.
Throwing in more characters into the roster throws off the balance that existed at launch.
It was decent. Updates changed it, and it was still decentlly fun. When a new character gets thrown in the whole balance, meta, and all that changes because nowadays the New Characters cannot be under-powered because they don't want a new character to drop and be a wet fart
Thats from a Gameplay side, I know alot of people that were interested more in the story, and 3 ears in nothing has changed, in fact some of the more interesting r fun stuff was retconned, or just changed
Things like Mercy being responsible for Reaper's weird mist like state was changed, now shes not responsible. D.VA doesn't play Starcraft anymore. Instead of progressing the story its just throw more backstory in. Oh look, another character that has their own personality and goals but what the fuck is the point if they never do anything. They just make characters gay now because fuck it they don't wana do anything.
The game was sold on a Premise but its been getting dimished more and more since launch. Fuck man they don't even do anthing to hype up a new character anymore because they know that nobody cares and that they're gonna fuck it up when they do it. Remember the Sombra ARG? It lost that New Game Smell
Obviously the gameplay has to be shallow, they sold that game to anyone with a pulse
Trying way to hard to fit in my dude.
>best experience you can have on PC is TF2
>fucking TF2
And you wonder why Glorious Nippon is crushing your sad little corner of gaming.
>And if you think all those wounds were permanent you're an even bigger idiot
Broken balancing
Broken matchmaking
Seems like the best way to fix the game is to make everyone stupidly strong to the point where their unbalance balances everything out
So why is TF2 still alive?
Because its fun and has no meta. Just fun
Every class is viable
it was never good from the start.
actual depth
I got bored of it years ago though
all i got from that video is people complaining that the game is shit now. but nobody told me why.
Overwatch could live if they release community server support and in-depth modding tools, but Blizzard love being a nanny state and have open contempt for their customers so this won't happen. You can't even adjust the fucking FOV in Overwatch without the sort of tools that get you banned.
People that still play that shit game will never be able to you tell you why and they will always blame random shit like balance updates or "toxicity" but the true tl;dr is that the game is just too shallow to have any longevity and variety.
The first month of overwatch before comp came when everyone was plying who they wanted, combining ults, choosing classic tank/healer/dps trinity config and there was no "meta" and tryhard fags telling people what meta is, was fun. After comp all of the above slowly crept in.
medic isn't viable tho
needs at least one other class
When is was playing OW i already knew this game will not have much longevity. It is just not fun to play. Even pros are admitting it
very accessible for new players
yet still has a very high skill ceiling so even veterans are still getting better at the game
charm and wit that makes overwatch look like a loaf of stale bread
great characters
amazing artstyle
>it really didn't change that much
You dumb nigger. It is drastically different than it was at launch.
Melee medic is a beast
nobody was talking 2 u bro
>he doesnt go on blutsauger rampages
[email protected]
Overwatch was always fucking shit. Rock-Paper-Scissors is absolutely shit in a class based FPS
No, it isn't.
t. played since beta
Games change.
while balance isn't perfect, it's still in a decent spot since valve only adds weapons instead of classes, which doesn't disrupt the core gameplay as much to where it's still enjoyable to play years later
is right in that adding more characters causes game balance to become more and more frustrating to work on to the point where players are sick of dealing with those extreme changes
The only thing that changed was the development of a meta. It was always going to be a shitshow.
Only cause in casual
But if your playing comp tf2 your doing it wrong.
blizzard just isn't very good at designing games like these. they are used to making primarily co-op games (mmorpgs) with rigid roles, but obviously that doesn't translate well into a pvp game where you have to pick your hero based on what everyone else is picking. no one likes playing mercy besides mercy players, etc.
so when they made their competitive mode, people quickly mathed out the best composition to play in each game, which causes people to be railroaded to picking heroes they explicitly DON'T want to play, which causes people to lash out and get butthurt each other.
basically cause for all the "toxicity" in overwatch can be tracked down to blizzard's poor design decisions. the people playing overwatch are probably the most patient, saintly people you can find for an aggressive shooter game like this, it's just impossible to endure blizzard's shit design and not get angry as fuck. the main cause of toxicity is the fact that the individual player has very little impact on the game. just look at all these variables that cause a singular player to have little impact on the game
>6 players per team, you have 17% of the team's impact
>rigid roles where each player has to perform their role perfectly or the whole team's effort suffers. a bad tank is enough to lose the game
>ults just instantly determine the outcome of the fight
and so on. it's just a very frustrating game to play. you often feel like a spectator while playing it. the rank system also acts as almost like an illusion of player skill, where a player can end up in grandmaster or silver depending on how poorly they do in their placements and what heroes they get to play.