so user, remember to keep a good posture
Doc told me i have scoliosis
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how do i do it
its so uncomfortable
Fucking this.
Get stronger back and core muscles.
So do I user who cares you forget about it sometimes.
thats not a problem
its just not comfortable
>not resting on leg on your chair so that your spine also does a horizontal curve
i agreed with this a few months ago, i started going to the gym and now it's confortable, must be something about the lower back muscles
this. it sucks.
I'm so used to bad posture that sitting straight actually hurts now.
You need a chair with good lumbar support.
what the hell would that be
>Just sit up perfectly straight
>Just don't tilt your neck to look down bro
>Just turn your neck down 90 degrees to look at the table bro
How am I supposed to do that when my chair doesn't even have a back. and sitting straight it a meme. they already proved that wrong like in 1998
If you're always sitting up straight you never develop the muscles you use when you're in awkward positions. This makes your core weaker because you're relying on your bones to do all of your heavy lifting. Real legends suspend themselves from the ceiling with hooks and cables.
Any chair that supports your lumbar vertebrae.
Preferably with a solid structure rather than a shitty pillow like racer chairs have.
My bones would never betray me.
with the "correct" posture you can't even see wtf you're working on
Thanks doc.
How come the correct posture looks gay and the wrong postures all look cool and chill
Because people with correct posture are all tightwad tryhard stickassed dogooding twoshoes. They'll never understand the value of comfort because they're enamored by suffering.
Using a stool is actually the optimal choice because it forces you to use your core to sit upright.
Of course you still actually have to make yourself sit upright.
okay i have no clue what the fuck a lumbar is
i have a basic wood chair thats uncomfortable as fuck
and i have office chair at work thats also uncomfortable as fuck
sitting straight it uncomfortable as fuck, id rather stand or walk or lie down
Chairs with flat backs don't work because the lower part of the spine (lumbar region) curves inward. As a result, the muscles in your lower back remain tensed when you sit upright. You need a chair where the lower part of the back curves outward so that you can comfortably rest your lower back muscles.
Enjoy your comfort when you can't bend your knees at the age of 27.
that looks uncomfortable as all fuck
The human body was designed to walk around or lie down. Evolution did not account for chairs and tables.
The fuck does my back have to do with my knees, sandsurfing negroman?
>primates never sit and spend all day lying down or walking
>trying to pull the evolution argument as if chairs are a recent fucking invention coming from the past ~200 years
Get a footrest. Having your legs elevated a little bit helps push you back into the chair and prevents you from leaning forward.
Some of us aren't 5'6", bro.
The guy on the right clearly can't fucking see the paper he's writing on
wish they would make their mind up what good posture is
my doctor told me lean back slightly like the third one was actually good posture
Evolution occurs on the scale of millions years, faggot. That's why the "missing link" between primates and humans doesn't turn up anything from the mesopotamian era.
Just did this routine twice, thanks dude. I like it. I had one, but I think I like this better.
>mesopotamian era
>missing link
This was a good meme back in the day.
I wind up sitting in the far left position more often than not whenever I'm doing work at my desk at home.
I have a short chink desk I got off Amazon like 4 years ago and I have to keep my keyboard in the little compartment underneath or my cat will starting BRAAPposting all over it otherwise, and if I raise my computer chair too high it'll start pushing the against the compartment's bearings and fuck up the desk regardless. I need to save up for a standing desk one of these days just so I don't damage my back any more than I already have.
Tightening muscles start at your core and pull on everything else, hence why hunched-back old people can only walk at a shuffle. They can't bend their knees.
A test for the thread - sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you, feet pointing up, and with your back absolutely straight against a wall so your body is bent at 90 degrees.
If you can't even make 90 degrees without feeling pain in the back of your legs, you need to start doing stretches.
Slouching wouldn't cause scoliosis.
Where did you get your physiology degree? A crackerjack box?
This lol
I did sit upright while playing some singleplayer games that don't require too much focus but when I play multiplayer or play challenging games I just enter my standard shit posture because I need to actively remind myself every 2 minutes to not sit like a golem
>A crackerjack box?
That is in fact Mr. Boomer sir.
That thread killed me.
ya if only there were a way to sit without chairs and tables
My grandmother has a hunched back, but can bend her knees fine, shes out in her garden every day and shes 82.
>tfw I naturally find sitting up straight more comfortable than slouching
What if I put a pillow on my back?
It'll help if it's in the right spot and it's stiff enough.
I unironically sit like this
Looks comfy. I'm to tall to do this, and my desk isn't strong enough to support anything heavier than my monitor.
i unironically have sway-back
i thought i was standing up straight this whole time. turned out i was pretty much teetering backwards to stretch out my gyno ass titties away from emphasis.
theyre not even gyno titties i just got scooped a lot as a fat kid and i guess it left some scars.
>good posture
I don't know a single person that stands like that outside of an intentional pose
okay now how do i do that?
no, seriously, how? please tell me.
Go to /fit/ and read a lot.
>my posture is so fucked that i'm starting to look like one of those worm aliens from MiB
Ask your doc to give you a dose, He'll know what to do
If it's so bad then get a back brace. Gonna save you a lot of pain in the future.
then just put a mirror tilted 45 downward in front of your face so you can see it while keeping your neck straight, it's not that complicated
>everything is inverted
You need 2 mirrors, asshole.
What do you do with the inward curve of your lower back?
I thought back pain would slowly get worse but a few weeks ago it just started and hurt like hell, even when trying to sleep. My posture wasn't even that bad, I'll probably be a cripple when I'm 40.
>he fell for the 90° meme
>not chilling at the optimal 135°
Put a pillow in that shit.
Based battlestationposter
>hooks and cables
>not duct tape
Get on my level
My problem is my chair's seat is too big so if I sit correctly my back doesn't touch the back of the seat. Need to buy one with an adjustable back
I got one of these bad boys and my lower back problems were reduced to like 20% of what they used to be even though my posture hasn't changed.
>having your legs up to one side of the desk
>threading one arm under legs for the mouse
Rows (seated or standing)
Pull ups/Pull downs
Leg Lifts
How's my posture anons?
Gym. Upper body workouts. Not even brutal ones, 15 mins 3 days a week will do it (You should do cardio too though) It's fixed my standing posture right up, though I am still a shitter when it comes to chair posture because it's so easy to be lazy when you're being lazy.
No one in the world sits with their back fucking rail straight like that all the time.
You have some fucking spider-monkey tier arms
I do this shit. I'm going to be in a wheelchair before I'm 40.
I get lower back pain when I do anything strenuous and I don't know if its just weak muscles from bad posture or if its something worse. doc said I'm fine but didn't do x rays or anything. the pain gets pretty sharp
>tfw sit like this, but it’s so stiff and can’t help but move legs or bend forward to aim better
You'll regret it when you're 25+, unless of course you're only like that for 1-2 hours a day then you're fine.
Probably like 95% of people with back pain have back pain because of muscle atrophy. Exercise is the only way to fix it.
>doc said I'm fine but didn't do x rays or anything
Then how does he know you're fine?
>not having a standing desk
Squats and oats.
But only ever in that order.
I've been going to the gym for 6 months but I'm still only doing very light deadlifts as its very easy to become painful. I had a pt check my form and everything
I don't know, he's the """"""professional""""" and felt my lower back a bunch.
>diagnosed with scoliosis at 13
>Wear some body brace through middle school
>Wear it under my clothes
>Trick kids to punch my gut
>Some kid bruised his knuckle on it
My right shoulder blade is still like a solid 30 degrees higher than my left.
Too busy standing to focus
link it. I wanna reminiscence
Scoliosis has nothing to do with posture. It's 100% genetic.
it's actually comfy as fuck
>I don't know, he's the """"""professional""""" and felt my lower back a bunch.
And that is why I always get a second opinion, once had a dentist tell me I had to get a bunch of shit that would have cost me upwards of $5,000, meanwhile the other dentist said I just needed a few fillings and I was a-okay.
>tfw permanent hunchback
>neck basically horizontal
feels FUCKING bad
The first ten minutes or so you'll be uncomfortable and in mild to even moderate pain, but after that it'll stop hurting as much. Take a photo of your profile and sit so that your ear is aligned with your shoulder and your back is straight. Don't try to overcorrect though, if you're forcing your back to curve extremely harshly it's gonna cause more. Make it so your shoulder blades feel straight up and down, but don't push your middle spin in or your ass out so much that they become un-aligned with your shoulder blades.
>tfw my neck is so fucked up I thought I was having a heart attack
The stretching and exercise routine the doctor gave me has made it better but it still happens some times
Oh, also, if you're fat, your neck will look like you're leaning your head forward a lot which can throw you off (it threw me off). That's why you should go for your ear aligned in the center of your shoulder. Even if it looks like the back of your neck is curved and your head is strangely jutted forward--it's not. It's just because you're fat.
Whats the routine
>cannot sit longer than hour a day
>dont get shit done at computer
>walk/run for hours
>posture decline just keeps accerelating while cucking myself
i sit on the floor. my back will be ruined in 5 years
The Japanese so just fine and they do it for 100+ years.
The secret is the honorable Japanese people have kotatsu (ping pong) and onsen (Japanese for public urinals) that heal their aching backs.
Pretty sure I have it too, probably from shitty posture and lying around all the time as a NEET. I should have known better
I rest my feet just like that on the sub woofer below my desk
you are a scholar and patrician
I'm usually sitting sideways
But how do I strengthen my core
Mostly just general stretches and then using my hands to add slight resistance.
The pain from the nerve getting pinched or whatever is only really bad now if I spend all day looking down at my phone or at work and what not. Leaning against the wall while sitting in my bed and what not helps as well unless I wind up sleeping in an absolutely fucked position. Switching from two pillows at night to an Orthopedic pillow helped a lot too initially, but recently I can't fall asleep using it.
>actually sit correctly with back support
>it's comfortable
What the fuck was I doing all these years?