What gacha games are you playing right now Yea Forums?

What gacha games are you playing right now Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Fate/ Grand Order
Granblue Fantasy
DBZ Dokkan Battle
Yugioh Duel Links

im not a weeb

You kids waste time on the most useless hobbies these days. Men like me had real hobbies back in the day: Football, beating up spazzes and nerds, going bare-back on cheerleaders, sneaking Playboys everywhere, punching random things in random places. We really knew how to live life. You kids just have no clue these days.

Valkyrie Anatomia just came out and I tried it and it was terrible.

None but I'm waiting for Magia Record to get translated. Any day now surely

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Trying out this Fate game.

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I'm looking for a good porn gatcha game after getting sick of the current ones, can you recommend me any?

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Langrisser. It’s he only fully fleshed out game out of all these gacha shitter. Too bad it’s gonna die since it doesn’t hold you hand and you need to actually strategize. Won’t even last a year but I’ll stick by it til the end

Too bad it's machine translated and the only English staff member throws memes into the script.

I thought tamimin asagi was the only one?

What the fuck is a gatcha game?

Is it just farmville for lonely weebs?

DOAXVV, and I'm pretty sure this will kill my 1070 before I play any actual games on it.

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Granblu, Bandori, occasionally FGO. I missed the GBF April Fool's 10k crystal event, oops.

Another Eden

They balance each other well imo

Are there any gacha that are:
>Low on power usage
>Have mechanically distinct build variety and synergies to play with
>At least somewhat F2P friendly
Even two out of three would be fine.


Kirara Fantasia
gonna play Revue Starlight when it comes in a few weeks

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How can you play more than one? I played DC for a few weeks and just getting the dailies done took an hour and a half or so and was incredibly tedious

Just Grubble.

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>gonna play Revue Starlight when it comes in a few weeks
Wait, that's getting an English release?

Anyone who spends a cent on gacha should have their assets seized.

Try another Eden. All the events are permanent, the story is by the Chrono trigger dude (it's very detailed, I was surprised) and you can work through it at your own pace.


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Too damn many. I'll jump between games depending on current events and just do daily logins.

I had to sell my ipad, but I'm playing the battle cats on my phone.

>There are Merlinlets in this thread RIGHT NOW

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Girls' Frontline and Toji no Miko

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I don't play any because I'm not a subhuman

I'm not going to have enough time to get ChaCha bros...

I wanted to like GF but it's just so boring to actually play, and the story and art aren't enough to keep me interested.

Destiny Child
Valkyrie Anatomia
And a bit of GBF

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girls frontline and dokkan

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How the hell do you even keep up with that many gacha games?

are my fellow exviuschads ready for Akstar

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I'm still waiting.

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Does any gacha other than GBF have at least decent writing?

Only Sdorica right now. It's fun, all of the units are good, nice art, a lot of content.

Destiny Child and FEH

Dissidia FF OperaOmnia. I'm a sucker for the character models, voices and little cutscenes.

Fate GO
Dropped GBF because I got fuck all during the anniversary.

Destiny Child. I'm a sucker for Hung Tae Kim.

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>mfw rerolled Ravi and Angelica

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How the fuck could you be this bad? This event is fucking free, I'm sat on 800k each faction and there are days left.

Shit, that's already coming? Love Live and Bang Dream already take up all the storage space on my phone, I can't fit a third game of this size. Dammit.

Dragon City

I hope everyone in this thread dies, even myself, if it means some of you gacha faggots are removed from the face of the earth. you're disgusting subhumans

I'm playing the only worthwhile Gacha in the market.

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Epic Seven and the steam version of Venus Vacation if that counts.

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GFL, currently grinding a new dedicated night squad. I need to replace uzi at some point, but the rest of the team is rock solid.

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None because I'm not a dumbfuck who wastes money on waifu pics.

name one thing wrong with gacha

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im too poor to afford it

Bandori and dragalia

Also, why isn't there an actual hentai gacha? It's always softcore shit.

It's a god-awful mechanic and I don't want it creeping into my "real" games.

Dragonball Legends, sadly.

Calm down gramps, I have your spare oxygen tank right here.

But you already have lootboxes in every single game nowaadays.
Even if it is for some inane shit like "door cosmetics"

>the only worthwhile gacha
>another korean cookie cutter game

The gameplay is terrible but no one cares because you can dump money into waifus.

Ignore free fire, I'm not brazilian I swear.

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>playing multiple shitty gacha games
Make the world a better place and just kill yourself already

I was playing FEH but the pulls I've been getting have been pretty bad so I decided to pick up Dragalia Lost again.


Azur lane daily, gfl on and off.

Record Keeper master race

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Remember that the next Feh Channel is happening in three hours and 45 minutes from now and it's bringing a huge update as it will be a 16 minutes long stream.

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>free fire
>brown dust
not a shitskin

just stop lying user

Gacha is shit lite-gambling that barely qualifies as a game and you should feel bad for touching it at all and kill yourself if you actually dump money into that cancer

Your "real" games have had it for much longer, you can blame tf2 for popularizing it.

The Downloading Jpegs from google game.
has a 100% win rate on every draw.

Huh, bro? Where's FGO?


Fire Emblem and Star Ocean.

Used to play Dokkan Battle, SIF and Bandori too, but got bored.

Help me, Yea Forums. I've tried every gacha extensively but only ever feel invested in FGO. I fucking hate FGO so much it's taken over my life. I'm always farming, always rolling, spending way too much money on a game I hate. It's been this way for almost two years now. What do I do

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Epic Seven

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>Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Links
not a gacha but it's my most played mobile game right now
>Puzzle and Dragons
i've played this game since launch throughout multiple different accounts with a few hiatuses inbetween
the point is i'm still engrossed even after six years. god bless this gacha
>Granblue Fantasy
absurdly grindy but i love it anyway for reasons you can probably deduce on your own
not playing anymore but still log in for bonuses:
dropped completely:

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>playing the app version of Grubble

I grabbed FEH because I need something to do when slacking off at work and I recently got into the series. I don't give them any money but in my first few summonings I got some good characters so I'm content with it.

>Yea Forums now plays mobile games

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Give me your account.

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Only GBF right now.

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I mean if you fucking meme yanggang faggots want to give me free 1k whatever but thats a terrible idea
I still wouldnt spend it on gacha garbage

FGO and dokkan

try one again
it takes me two tries to get into most of them

If only gameplay the were good

GBF and Dokkan.
wouldn't be playing dokkan without mods and scripts that play the game for me

Sega Heroes is actually good Puzzle Quest-ass shit. I like how players hate Rolf but he's a godly healwhore when used right. I wish Sonic wasn't so OP, they should swap him for Tails and have him as legendary instead, his free turns and Sonic Boom make him too OP. Also all Onishima all the time. SEND IN DA CHOPPAHZ.

Ayyyy where is your fgo app bro ???

i've always played them. the only reason people shat on them was because this board is extremely resistant to change and hates things that are new and different
you can like more than one type of game btw
get with the times boomer

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Pokemon TCG Online
The client is terrible, the avatars are ugly, matchmaking is limited. The trading is really nice though and I like buying irl packs to get codes online. I also enjoy swiping them off youtube from stupid kids.

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The comfiest.

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I'm playing Langrisser, too. Pretty fun game.
Currently debating whether to play through the Langrisser 3 story on mobile first or playing the actual game first.


Battle Cats was my first gacha, it's so cute and PONOs is probably one of the least jewish gacha companies out there.
Shame I lost my account when my phone broke.
I even made a design for their halloween contest some years back.

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brown dust is pretty good since you can set so many things to auto while doing other stuff

Battle cats is great

Only Girls Frontline.

I don't know why it isn't known more.
The tower defense gameplay is a lot less oversaturated compared to the RPG gameplay other big gachas got.
Plus it not only has cute cats but cute anime girl cats.

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Should I bother trying to pick it up again?

>Summoner's war
My first gacha, its pretty terrible but it has some cute features. Just insanely boring with no fun events and such.
Began playing just so I could have another game with Lyn in it. I am too lazy to make more than my first and most basic team, so I cant survive any of the content.
Its my favorite gacha currently. The gameplay is alright and the events are great. I also really like the character designs, especially the female draphs for obvious reason. I'm just grinding my first proper grid before I even attempt anything else.

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>Trailer shows no gameplay footage whatsoever

Is it still censored?

>Dropped all my old gacha like FGO(JP) and the like, waiting on new stuff
>Oh cool, SiNoAlice is coming out in English, I'll give that another sho-

Well nothing then I guess

>Summoner's war
Try Epic Seven, it takes a lot of good things from SW and feels fresh and fun, came from SW too as did half of my guild.

>steam version

its been out in japan for months now user

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Despite what people say, don't rush the grind and do it with your own pace. Happy grubbing user.

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granblue's gameplay isnt that great at the start because you're still playing old raids from years ago. Newer content is a lot more fun with the exception of magna 2 which isn't even too bad anymore

It's a shame, really. Wish it got more attention, it definitely deserves it.

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I didn't know SiNoAlice was already out, but why the fuck would the censor it?

ded just like Vodka

i would argue the gameplay is what kept it from getting big honestly
the designs drew me in because they're super weird and fun but the actual gameplay just wasn't interesting to me. tower defense is a very niche genre already and the game just felt like a more watered down version of other TD games i could be playing instead.
also the weirdness of the cat designs probably put off a lot of normies (i hate using the word but i don't know how else to say it). there's a reason why wacky/strange designs like that aren't common anymore, and it fucking sucks because they're so much fun to look at.
maybe if they do a spinoff under a different genre it could get it some traction, but unfortunately i doubt that'll ever happen.

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>Gbf app

Destiny Child
Dragalia Lost

>those drinks in the back left

Dead because of whiny horse owners and CyGames trying to accommodate them.

It's coming out in the summer sometime for global but it's being done by a certain company known to censor english releases.

Glad we're getting it in english, sad to know they'll most likely sanitize the story and art because they 'know better' than the target audience.

Granblue, Super Robot Wars, the Im@s ones and Bandori occasionally.

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Coin Master

I'll keep it in mind, though I am not looking to start a new gacha these days. I just have so much stuff in SW that I dont feel like dropping it. Several hundred hours in it after all.
That's what I've been doing. I've been told that I should do every tier 1 raid every day with specific SR & R teams for pendant farming but I just dont have the energy. Doing three Celeste raids a day is enough for me. My team isnt even strong enough to do a single Arcarum boss.
Its sometimes clunky but I havent suffered it too much. Someday I'll get MVPs on magnas or such. Still interested in seeing how rest of the content goes.

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>it's being done by a certain company known to censor english releases.

Thanks doc

Theres and easter event at the moment, and some new chapters added. When did you drop it? Some primo girls have been added recently.

Makes me thirsty.

I like it. It's generous for F2P for one. And I mostly let it go full auto while I'm doing other things and in between treating it like a resource management game. If I wanted "gameplay" I wouldn't be playing a fucking phone game.

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>P2W trash
No thanks

I picked up my old Granblue account as a meme for the anniversary but ended up getting amazing roulette rolls.

Then rolled on the zodiac banner currently running and now own 3 of the 5 zodiac.
I can't just quit after the game practically sucked my left nut to keep me around.

Also FGO JP since launch. I need help.

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Nexon. Feel free to google their censorship stuff.

what gacha?

60k lapis and Twisted Hero ready

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I'm playing the Looney Tunes gacha RPG and loving it

Nothing right now, kind of disillusioned with the gacha games at this point.

Well I know they undid the censorship of Maplestory 2. I'd be more worried about it being dub-only and extreme jewery in the gacha.

Epic Seven and The Alchemist Code.

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HyperUniverse, a fanservice heavy game got a bunch of small sanitizing touchups.

Maplestory 2, also got a bunch of small sanitizing touchups.

Them realizing people were pissed and undoing the 'fixes' isn't the same as not doing it in the first place.

Hyper Universe was before Maplestory 2. Hyper Universe was a fucking mess and given that they reverted the changes to Maplestory 2 I'd like to believe they learnt their lesson.

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wut? Forget about just being f2p, there are people who manage to clear all the content with starting characters.

Girls' Frontline
FEH's been in a decline for a long, long time and constantly fucking up anything it does right. I haven't done more than log in to get free shit in what feels like months.

Fullbokko Heroes Ending May 27th, rip 5 years
Alien Egg
Brown Dust
Kemono Friends Pavilion
Kemono Friends Festival (I actually haven't played this since it came out, I just rerolled to have both Shisha Servals)
Dragon Egg (I don't even play it anymore)
Disgaea Haha just kidding, it's not worked since it released

>Maplestory 2, also got a bunch of small sanitizing touchups.
Everything got reverted back though except for a Red Cross helmet.

Why do you guys play gacha?

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FGO is the best one, yuuuup. I hate playing it too (horizontal gaming...), but at least Camelot is good.

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How is D x 2?

>yfw destiny child world boss is coming in a week

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>Disgaea Haha just kidding, it's not worked since it released
And they're blaming "overseas logins" for it instead of their own shitty servers and management.

what do you think of my fourteen year old gf and her outfit?

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Absolutely terrible.

Mindless grind while I listen to stuff or traveling and there's a large community/culture to take part of and enjoy.

>Stopped playing DC
>Still look forward to new music
Same thing with Dragon Poker, now I just play Granblue and Cookie Run

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I just want one more Bart

It's like neither of you read what I said.

Try again.

Reverting the changes doesn't mean they 'learned' anything, because if they had learned it wouldn't have been done a second time.

We can hope they 'learned their lesson' this time but I highly doubt it, especially with how volatile SINoALICE's story actually is.

Let's not even get started on the 'underaged girls in lewd live2d' stuff I know will be brought up.

About damn time after weeks of nothing.


She could stand to be a lot cuter.

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As someone who started at launch and dropped the game ages ago, it's awful.

If I wanted to jerk off to anime titties I'd just google them

I don't want to be a latelet in DMM.

Playing mainly AL, sometimes Alternative Girls just for free pulls and VR for fun.

Horrendous. If you thought FGO's rates were a joke then you should look at D x 2.

I'd take being late over being censored.

I'm doing shit the whole day I can't find the time to sit in front of a pc or a console

Do you need dupes for 5-star demons?

Terrible, play it to clear the story then uninstall. I'm only doing login and that's it. It's disgustingly anti F2P and the PvP mode is whales plus too many gacha paywalled demons. Heartbreaking because the gameplay is more compelling than Persona 5, just too many paywalls for the good demons. Drop rates worse than FGO too, insane prices, too little F2P currency as I said. If I didn't luckshit 12 of the 5* demons I have I would've quit. Game's dying anyway, I'll see it end.

I heard someone mention that you should only start Granblue if you can get someone else's account.

the meguca one

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>unironically playing gacha
>actually flushing thousands of dollars down the toilet for jpegs & gifs

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Fire emblem heroes

Azur lane

Granblue Fantasy
Destiny Child
Puzzles and Dragons

Probably jump into Brown Dust at some point

You probably shouldn't play GBF at all

Wait it's censored?

but I haven't spent a penny on any of them though. Only retards do that

>actually flushing thousands of dollars down the toilet for jpegs & gifs
Never spent a single penny on them, get fucked tranny.

is this any good

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Im trying Arknights right now

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Yes. How did you not hear about this? It's all anyone's said about it since it came out. The Steam release removed the touching mechanics entirely.

>granblue faggots who circlejerk over a fishface gook are cancer
as expected

I'm surprised it made it to the end of 2018, I thought for sure it was getting shitcanned before that.


I wish it was possible for a good gacha to exist. It's amazing, the kinds of gacha people consider good because the shit they're used to is even worse.

They're not that far off. It takes a few months to get off the ground unless you're extremely lucky, or you whale like an absolute motherfucker.

Read into things if you want, but the general concept is you need to make an omega grid to start 'playing' the game for real, which is made up of 9 weapons + a mainhand, and usually 6 of those weapons drop at

just granblue, dont have much time to juggle more than 1 mobage anymore unfortunately

>people who like things i don't are bad
don't you have a wojack thread you should be posting in right about now

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I'm doing Pokemon challenge runs on emulators. With randomizers or doing a nuzlocke, it's basically a gacha.

>too little F2P currency
It was amazing to finish the tutorial and realise that they only give you enough shit to summon one single demon.

Less story content than fucking FEH. YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING WITH DUPLICATE GACHA DEMONS, can't fuse them or do any merging for more power (FEH, FGO do this for dupes. It is an infuriating game. If I didn't have these demons, pic related, would've quit a long time ago. Worse summon rates than FGO, jesus SEGA jews.

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Is Valkyrie Anatomia any good?

Puyo Puyo Quest (Sakura Wars collab is getting its second rerun with 7 star upgrades)
Depending on how you spin it, Pokemon TCGO which is fucking my storage in the ass

They go well with Podcasts.

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How do you go from this

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Can I patch it back in? I don't feel like restarting...

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Seriously? That's hilarious. No wonder their stocks are plummeting so hard.

to this

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Can't fit anything else on this cheap phone.

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I want my illya back bros

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Currently playing Destiny Child, Star Ocean Anamnesis, Epic Seven, and logging in to F/GO. If PC games can count, then I'll also include DoA Venus Vacation. Kind of want to pick up the Valkyrie Profile game that just came out in English, but I'm not really sure after hearing about how you have to sacrifice a rolled weapon to get a character and then roll it again if you want to keep their weapon to use.

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None cause I'm not a bitch user

That's the worst thing about it. There is quite literally 0 content outside of PvP which is just whalegames.

No. The UI is ten years outdated and on top of being generally poorly laid out it takes way too long to do anything. The writing is horrendous and the tutorial already had a few typos in it. The new character designs are mediocre and uniformly worse than the originals. The story scenes lack basic functions like auto and a backlog. When you do a summon you can't even skip ahead through it, you have to watch every individual item's animation.
That was as far as I got before uninstalling, everything about it screams outdated low budget trash. I could see the Japs accepting it back when Granblue was the only notable name in gacha but compared to anything else from the last several years it just can't compete at all.

If you want a laugh, look up SMT DX2 on Android JP store on a PC. Google translate the reviews, so many angry people over the rates. Despite it all, SMT DX2 is doing well enough in Japan. It's in the top 10 RPG grossing charts every month in Japan.

You'd get way more shit in JP anyway, though you've missed the two free SSR tickets they gave out two weeks ago by now.

Epic Seven and Granblue Fantasy

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I only play Girls' Frontline. I really don't understand how people have the patience to play multiple gacha games. At some point they'll consume your life and you won't be playing other video games anymore. These games can be fun but they all have a pretty tedious grind. I'm still leveling girls in this game whenever I've got some free time.

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Did they ever undo the censorship or did they just tell everyone complaining about it to fuck off?

just this one right now

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I usually idle them between other games

>Goes to Yea Forums
>Goes to the videogame board
>Goes to gacha thread
>im not a weeb

how do you even manage progression in two games with absurd grind

That's a pity, but the game is constantly crashing a bunch of times on the start menu so I guess I shouldn't even bother anymore.
I don't even think I could get into a 3rd gachashit, I already play Dokkan Battle and Opera Omnia pretty much daily.
Dropped Star Ocean after playing a few days for the same reason.

Sounds boring

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>That's a pity, but the game is constantly crashing a bunch of times on the start menu so I guess I shouldn't even bother anymore.
Oh yeah, that too. It crashed on me twice before I got it running once and then again during a battle halfway through the tutorial.

I forgot there's a Disgaea mobile game, that sounds just like Makai Wars.

I tried to play another gacha too with nonshit rates and realized i spent a good 10-30 mins of my morning balancing dailies. Dropped azur lane like a month ago and have had no regrets.


It's over gacha bros!

It actually flushed out, but massive difficulty spikes and bullshit are all over the place. Strategy doesn't make up for enemies with absurd equipment and elite maxed out mooks.

What good gacha can I play with my phone vertically?

different user but I am just here to laugh at retards who have somehow managed to be a bigger failure than me

5 second reviews

>Destiny Child
best one to do where you can automate almost everything. Lazy mans game. Need decent phone or turning off all effects to use.

>Star Ocean
terrible story, ok combat but I found it boring

>Azure Lane
worst grinding game ever, but can partially automate at higher levels. Probably not worth anyones time. Weapon equips is a bit confusing for types and effectiveness.

good story, ok gameplay very grindy, elitest attitude vs other games thinking they are superior with a 1% ssr gacha rate. company hates its players and gives them almost nothing in rewards.

Based dad saving his son from one of the jewiest gachas currently

I have quite literally lost control of my life and I don't know what to do

FGO- Stopped actually playing once I got my all 5* support list because the actual game sucks. Just log in when I remember so I can eventually roll for Abigail.
Azur Lane - Played it up until a couple of months ago, top tier girls but there's nothing to the actual game. I can just fap to the art.
Epic 7 - Grindy korean bullshit but it's pretty and probably the only gacha game I can say I actually enjoy a little.
SmT Dx2 - Played until I got banned for modding, which has the only fun that could be had with that shitheap.
GBF- Played until I realized it was worse than a second job, now just log in when they give out free rolls to collect more sluts.
Dragalia - Dropped this 2 months in and never looked back. Gameplay gets really stale after a few weeks and the rates are awful.

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Right now just GBF.

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try to get vector or ump45 since they're like top teir for evasion tanking and stats

Fire Emblem Heroes.

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>elitest attitude vs other games thinking they are superior with a 1% ssr gacha rate.
What the fuck. Who the hell brags about that shit? Ive been playing since early jp and all i see is a massive salt mine unless youre referring to bragging faggots calling everyone lucklets.

Based, unlike whiffing on Bartz and Terra Awakenings and everything else this fest

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It crashed the first time I opened it, then I was able to do the tutorial and play for a while.
Now I can't even get past the "Game Start", since it crashes every time is starts loading.
Was this released years ago on JP? If Global is more than 1 year behind I wouldn't even bother to download it in the first place.

Nope, they just said that they had no further plans for censoring other characters. It seems they're only concerned about the loli characters, but I still don't quite understand what they're trying to do on that front. Right after they talked about it on their stream, Valentine's Verda with her cute tummy came out unmolested, so maybe they really won't change character models anymore, but we can't know that for certain.

I haven't played Dragalia actively since November but I have some good units and dragons. How do you even get back into the grove for that game, because it feels like some weird hybrid between Shironeko and Granblue.

Honkai Impact 3rd

Attached: Screenshot_20190404-205333_Honkai Impact 3rd.jpg (2220x1080, 1.38M)

Man did I want to like that game but the wikis were devoid of needed info to properly play jp, and I quit global after that nier double-whammy they did last year. Wasn't worth being jerked around since they would definitely do it again in the future.

what am i looking at

Too much sauce

Do parents really do this?

this is your rape tonight

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aren't gacha games just slot machines/skinner boxes? How do you progress aside from rerolling until you get a rare picture of a waifu, made faster by purchasing ingame currency?

I just play KHUX. I don't know why I do this to myself.

You tried, but only two of those armpits are decent.

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god bless puzzle and dragons

Feh, dragalia lost, child destiny

>download Azur Lane as my first gacha game
>pretty generous with rolls
>feel like I don't need to spend money to keep up with getting each ship from every event
>decide to put some money down for skins
>since EN release have put it about 200 dollars
>quit today

My personality can't handle these games. I have too much disposable income and I'm too retarded. I also noticed myself just logging in to do dailies every day and it started feeling like a chore. I fell behind on some Switch games I wanted to play before bed and some Manga I've been meaning to read. Instead I was just playing like an hour of Azur Lane doing all my chores for the day. Said fuck it and just uninstalled it this morning and not going back. To each their own when it comes to gacha but I don't think the genre is for me. Just stopped being any semblance of fun.

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I should also clarify that the character who did get censored, Meracle, isn't even a loli but more of a teenager. She also shows less skin than others her age, but I guess because she had a somewhat less developed build, the localization team thought she was too young to have so much skin showing.
Oh yeah, they just had a rerun of the actual NieR event a month back in Global. I'm expecting them to do it again in a few months from now, too. It makes money and gets new people playing.

>Was this released years ago on JP?
3 years ago, yes. But global already has stuff JP didn't have at launch. JP only had weapons in the gacha at the start, the artefact system for getting characters wasn't added until later.

Gbf waiting for that rise of the beasts.

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>completing daily missions require you to fight map events which scale ahead of your level
my biggest and only beef with the game. it doesn't help that I feel like I'm way behind the power curve and I can't even beat the time rift to get lvl45 evo mats, even though I'm already plvl 47

I very casually play GBF. I like the characters in it, and the side story events are cool. But I don't have a job that has moments of downtime during the day that gives me time to play it, and the last thing I want to do is play a gacha when I'm home.

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It's not very good but still surprised it's getting a English release.

So they released Verda untouched? For fuck's sake, I guess they got the message, but why not accept that they fucked up and revert the change to Meracle then?

>Rate-up banners exclusive to WJE
Into the trash it goes

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Combat was at least engaging compared to most other mobile games I've played, and the models are great.
Shame, really.

I think the only other mobile game I've had actual fun playing was Alchemist Code, and that was purely due to me enjoying that type of 'strategy' game. But too p2w, jesus.

>he thinks magireco will get a English version

Just suck it up and start playing now but you will be over a month behind of everyone. You also missed the walpurgisnacht raid.

Attached: chara-05.gif (227x265, 243K)

what the big new gacha coming out in english next

There's not much too it but grinding the same dailies and rehashed events


is this idol kino?

Thats true for every single mobage.

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Only GBF.
Other gacha games are too weebshit pandering for my tastes.

No nigga

That's why I liked AL. I can't think of any other gacha where I was able to roll the SSR banner girl every single time and still managed to have a net gain of gacha currency.

BanG Dream. I like it, even if gacha fucks me over
I just want the new Ran skin

True but most at least pretend to have some kind of meaningful progression

Too proud, I'm guessing. It's stupid, but they at least addressed the issue and gave us a proper response. Now, as long as they keep their word and don't actually censor anyone else, I'll forgive them. A lot of people seemed to drop the game around that time, so I'm sure they don't a repeat of that.

No this is

Oh when I quit this morning I had about 400 cubes. I was pretty much good for the next few events. I definitely recommend it for people that want to play a gacha without burning a bunch of money. It may be a bit different as I was playing since release though, I'm sure it's tough for people that start playing now and have to play catch-up.

>Put hard content.
>WTF too hard grindy ass shit.
>make it easier.
>lolololol no content.

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Nice boob physics. I hope my phone can run this game, if it ever comes out.

I was mostly kidding, I've pretty much given up hope. I tried playing the japanese version but it was too annoying laboring to read everything so I just lost interest.

The game with the absolute best lolis.

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Literally Granblue

Pick one retards

langrisser has a lot of strategic options and is f2p friendly, not sure about power usage since I play using the PC client

playing FGO for a year but now I'm barely playing it because epic of rerun and albert KKKao are killing the game

I've picked up epic7 and it's pretty fun

here are the 3 more recent ones, haven't tried them though

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No, this is

fuck gacha and FUCK (you) fags for playing and funding this cancer

Hope you're not looking forward to Abigail.

>I play using the PC client
>He installed the Chinese botnet

Just do what people do in the general. Skip and wait for the translation/summary.

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Fuckable armpit pussy.

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Granblue but I only log in to get free draws.

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Everything is a chinese botnet nowadays

>download DX2 again on a whim yesterday
>do a 10x pull on the fiend banner
>get yellow Alice, yellow Pale Rider, yellow and purple Jeanne D'Arc

Rate my wife collection.

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Langrisser made FEH obsolete. Even Japan agrees.

>Playing more than one gacha game
I already regret all the money I put into FGO, this would probably kill me

What's with japs fixation with Jeanne anyways? She's in fucking everything.

Not enough Sarus/10

Enjoy your censorship.

Based boomer

>putting money into a gacha game
you're doing it wrong

From left to right, as someone who doesn't know what game this is;
>Best girl
>Mega slut
>Probably a dude in drag
>Level 99 slut
>Whored herself for levels
>The tryhard with the min-maxed gear and body size

>Oh look, another fucking OC I don't give a shit about
Wake me up when Yuffie gets released, until then don't fucking bother.

Attached: 1467965137924.jpg (480x563, 32K)

>Yellow Alice

fuck you cunt, get out of this thread. I'm sick of 4* shitters and I'm sick of Thors. JUST GIVE ME ALICE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I dunno. They love France in general.

When is NA getting her?

It wears off when you realize there's nothing you can do with the demons unless you have 10+ more top tier.

Its Azur Lane aka the only gatcha that won't make your wallet bleed and is fun enough to play.

its already translated

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She's pure

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Name one thing right with gacha

How's Langrisser doing in Japan? I know it fucked up due to mismanagement in the west but I still play it

First time seeing someone else who played TAC. I still play it because it's the only mobage that actually requires you to use your braincells, but then I have also been lucky as fuck with my rolls.

Pure laziness

Attached: Jeanne_d%27Slack.png (960x800, 127K)

I don't think the mobile game is even out in Japan yet due to licensing issues or something like that.

She's cute

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R8 and H8

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Shot up to #1 in both AppStore and Play Store. More than 1 Million downloads in the first 24 hours after release.


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Recently got into FGO last year, should I try playing GBF? Is it a good time to start or should I not bother?

Dokkan Battle and ONLY Dokkan Battle.

I always wanted to check out one of those Gacha games with the cute girls, but I end up installing it, and deleting it later in the day after I jerk off and don't want to put the effort in just to see cute girls I can see anywhere else for free.

My lust is temporary. Dragon Ball is forever.

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why do you only have bara niggas?

The only reason to even use this joke of a site these days.
>Complain about DLCs and lootboxes
>Praise gachashit
Weebs are the biggest faggots on the planet.

>tfw you finally put together a mono legend team
>tfw /ssg/ is long dead so there's no one to talk to about the game anymore

Attached: ss.jpg (1334x750, 271K)

>tfw you pull a 1-star weary detective

Why don't you just play a good dragon ball game instead of collecting pictures of Goku?

>ctr + f
>no King's Raid

Attached: GiftedOnlyAmericanalligator-max-1mb.gif (260x246, 893K)

She was a real life waifu.
The question is why do they draw her blonde

Attached: Albert_Lynch_-_Jeanne_d'Arc.jpg (770x1062, 1.07M)

It's dead, Jim.

>real life
It's time to grow up.
There's no easter bunny
There's no santa clause
There was never a jeanne d'arc

Japs believe if you're European and whit you have blonde hair for generations.


Love Nikki.

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Vespa has kind of fucked up since the patch that made the game completely unstable. There is like nothing going on in that game since it became unstable.

>There was never a jeanne d'arc
Don't talk about a saint like that

I like the team building. It's fun. Especially collecting deep cuts of my favorite characters.

Not to mention it's nice to have on my phone. It's an easy game to mindlessly grind while I'm waiting for class to start, listening to podcasts, etc

I enjoyed it up until I realized progression was effectively lucksack/whale locked, with constant powercreeping.

Someone needs to make a less jewish version with the same combat and I'd be in.

Sorry bruh

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None of them you filthy casual scum.

>There was never a jeanne d'arc
I thought you guys weren't allowed to meme anymore.

>most of Yea Forums plays granblue fantasy
>most of reddit plays FGO

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>furry waifu
Hold up, what game is this?

Taimanin Asagi RPGX
recently used 50 gem things to get that oni bitch, but got the rarer 4 armed tan bitch instead - i should be happy but I liked the oni better
This is a gacha, right? It says that in the game.

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You sure you're not missing something important, e.g. upgrading your gear and soldiers? I was generally clearing content ~5 levels ahead of mine.
Daily events stop increasing beyond level 52 though so you'll be able to beat them effortlessly once you cap out.
You can also use guild points for class promotion materials.

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Jewel Princess on DMM.

It came out yesterday actually


Just GBF, its the only one that could hold keep me coming back.

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someone explain to me what the appeal is without saying waifus.

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I want to fuck my best bro

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I think GBF is sucking me back in. Can't stand the boring omega raiding so I'll probably just do Fate episodes and side stories. There's just so much shit to worry about, the weapon grid is just annoying. Most fun I had in the game was fighting The World, and then I go back to raiding and just pinching the boss to death while I wait for the big boys to clean up. Its a shame no other gacha can compare to its quality though. The art, the music, the events, the rates, free rolls,the fate episodes nothing compares.

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>formerly Yea Forums
>created in 2003 by Christopher "White Jesus" Poole to discuss politics and promote white supremacy
>one faithful day degenerate weeb hordes from Reddit took over the website
>The good white christian oldfags were forced to regroup in a board called /pol/
> As 2006 Poole runaway to Oogle
Weebs pig go away!

>Kumagawa reaction image
This means you are wrong

the women in Langrisser are pretty hot

Visual Novels

Tokyo Afterschool Summoners. Sorry to say that pic related and the fox chick are the only furry females in the game.

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Soccer Spirits because I actually like the gameplay

What’s the difference between AL and that other shipgirl game?

They fixed most of it if you don't have a piece of shit phone. Events tab is finally back too

Still the best by far doomposter

None, none of them are lewd enough with high enough quality.

Girls Frontline is alright, but I'm a gun fetishist american so I'm biased.

I play rhythm games but I'm so bad. It's like trying playing a fighting game, but more tiring.

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Damn. Even if those are the only two, I totally would have gotten into that game earlier if people didn't just post the gay furries all the time from it instead of the cute chicks. Thought it just had males in it until now.

waif- oh!....umm....hmm...uhh..

Tried getting into gacha, but I refuse to spend money and nothing is more demoralizing than saving to do the 10 times pull in FGO to get fuck all

>He plays weebshit gacha cash grab trash.

Attached: kek.gif (794x564, 2.95M)

These games aren't for you and you're wasting your time trying to find something in them that will pull you in.

I like the concept of the weapon grid, team building and trying to minmax but its incredibly grindy to fill out a completed grid

So why spend money on these games? Why not use that money to buy actual games that will give you hours of enjoyment for a much better price ratio? Is it just weebs?

Foxynite, it is a porn game but the gameplay is really good, kinda like Diablo lite + Honkai Impact

>181 posters in a mobile gacha thread
this place has really gone to shit

They captured the original aesthetic really well.

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>only 10.

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>tfw I'm sparking her

just because he lost doesn't means he is wrong

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AL is a light shoot em up.
WSG is a wholesale kantai ripoff. IE: spreadsheet simulator.

they're not games. they're gambling with a time wall.

These are the only ones I play with any regularity. The others I just log in to do rolls. Duel Links isn't technically a Gacha but it has pack opening and I feel like shilling it. I also have that new Elder Scrolls mobile game and it's pretty fucking mediocre.

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This thread is what led you to this conclusion? I'm sorry to be the one to have to tell you this, user, but you might be retarded. At least this thread is generally on-topic and has minimal shitposting.

I only play Girls Frontline and haven't spent a dime

thats why i reroll and don't spend money on the game. i always get 5 stars from it and plan to reroll for gil when it comes out next month or maybe something else.

shitposting is better than gacha shit

lol what a fag
i bet you still play video games

Honkai Impact
Girls Frontline

I like how join raids, click on button and leave has a whole meta dedicated to it


you know you can just look up the porn and cut out the middleman right?

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IMO it's not that p2w, for every hard ex stage there was always a f2p-friendly way to beat it, some would even say it was more fun that way since you got to use very niche units.

Why play games when you can just watch then ou youtube?

something to fiddle around on your spare time, as well as watching your collection "grow".
just like tamagotchis back then.

The same as gachapon, trying to collect them all. I guess it gives you that gambling fix as well.

most games actually involve doing something besides jerking off

I've spent more money on physical gfl merch than actually putting money into the game.

Attached: GFL Meme.jpg (1200x1600, 448K)

I was playing langrisser but I blew $400 on pulls and got 0 SSR characters so I rage quit

You refunded that, right?

Meanwhile, I have 14 different SSR's on my F2P account.

Nice, I remember they had some rad looking drink coasters but they had the retarded japanese name on them, would've bought them otherwise.

Are there any gacha games that are actually fun to play and don't feel like a daily/weekly chore?

Mordred the best, so of course I'll keep playing for her.

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imagine playing any of this shit

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>400 dollars

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I’m still playing KanColle, if that counts.

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Thank you! None of them are offical or anything, I'm not even sure if there IS an offical GFL physical merch store. Maybe with the upcoming anime, we'll see.

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Jesus tapdancing christ, people actually, unironically play gachashit, even knowing full well what a scam and cancerous plague on the industry they are?

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Just MagiReco.

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King's raid is the best

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Jesus tapdancing christ, people actually, unironically play consoleshit, even knowing full well what a scam and cancerous plague on the industry they are?

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Play Granblue

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Stardust Shooters and Diamond Records.
I play them because I hate women.

>Not playing Wonder Gravity
It's finally out. Get to it, non EOPs.

Other than that, Idola Phantasy Star and Destiny Child JP

Attached: 0b7.gif (462x259, 781K)

are you seriously implying consoles are even near as bad as mobile cash grab gacha games? pathetic af.

Why are you so mad, grandpa? I don't enter Fornite or Apex threads to shitpost yet I don't like those games.

>These poor bastards playing the final fantasy gacha
Easily the worst of the worst in terms of mobile gaming.

>granblue fantasy
>fate/grand order
i'm a 23 khhv manlet incel and i spent $4000 in the past 3 month son these games. do i regret it? no i have nothing else to spend it on. i spend my friday nights rolling anywhere form $50-100

Attached: jDkHS7T.png (376x895, 484K)

>plays idola
>plays destiny child
>the japanese version of destiny child, at that
I don't know what this wonder gravity is but I am absolutely confident it's garbage.

Sell me on this game. All I've read so far about it is that it was written by the dude who wrote for the only Kamen Rider I've watched all the way.

wow. that might be the worst thing I've ever read.

how is Idola doing?
I remember it had a general that died on his first thread back on the launch

Which one? There are like half a dozen final fantasy gachas.

explain picture please

I've been playing Brave Frontier for five years and haven't spent a single penny on it. I kind of miss when it was challenging and you literally weren't handed a 7-star unit daily.

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Sup Onsokumaru, an old face from 10 years ago. The Lanced Jack days. Anyhow, what's your mobile gaming poison? Post a screenshot pussy.

does it make any difference? they are all trash.

If you want to limitbreak units to get better jobs you need more copies or pray they add a way to farm shards.

Some units are only good after being limitbroken a few times since the base job is terrible for them.

Also the game has a pvp which automatically makes it p2w. AI is AI, but pure whale will roll anyone.

I'm planning to play Revue Starlight, but for now I'm free of the gacha menace
Fuck FEH, I feel like I've been stabbed in the back by you, not cool

Cute girl does evil things.

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Damn I want her, but will take some long time to do all the arcarum stuff.

this one
Man I really want the current event banner girls. Evil Mankoto and Kaori are way too good to pass up.

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I keep fucking telling you not to move my fucking oxygen tank

Idola I won't defend. I'm just in it for the story at this point.
DC and WG are great.

>He probably plays Global DC

I'm not sure how to sell it to you other than it just hits all the right points. Great characters, interesting story, style and great music. Feels more like a JRPG on the phone rather than obvious gacha stuff.


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That a mother fuckin five star Alex and gorilla character?

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Just Makai Wars but I'm looking forward to the Disgaea RPG if it ever gets out of maintenance.

Has anyone been following that story?
It was supposed to come out on the 19th, last month, but has been down for maintenance ever since. NIS made repeated promises that it'd be out by April and when it wasn't their stocks fell in value by about 30% almost overnight.

On the plus side, I managed to log-on during one of the very brief windows it was up and roll Raspberyl for my overlord.

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This is now a Granblue thread.

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Just jp bandori

How can other mobage even compete?

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I'm not sure. I never really focused on others with Idola. After the general died I just only really do story updates.

Haha just the 3 games I mentioned. No screenies available at the moment.


I play a gacha no one on this board plays. It's f2p friendly, has a lot of content and let's you roll special units through standard play without having to pay premium currency (which you can farm easily)
Been at it since it opened and I'm basically in the top 0.01% of players.

Apart from that just GBA/DS emulators for pokemon amd Fire Emblem hacks.

Attached: Seven Knights_2019-04-04-16-11-09.jpg (2220x1080, 1.68M)

Choked on my proteim shake fucking ken


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Grandblue wish it had these tunes.


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Monster Super League but its boring as fuck with no endgame content

There's a new gacha for 765?

Girls Frontline, pic related it's my wife

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They made starlight stage for million live


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FGO's music got really good after a while.

How is this even possible?

>2 inch nigger dick is back

Why the fuck does Stardew Valley has a black bar on the top of the screen on my phone. That shit bothers the fuck out of me.

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This thread made me start up a Granblue account
>Yeehaw just finished the first mission
>Ten part draw? Well it's free, sure
>Why is my party attack power ten times higher now
>What are these weapons I didn't even get these from the draw
>Why do I have so many rupies
>Oh cool loli rapunzel
Then my phone died. 10/10 game.

I love this games ost to death. Few things are as comfy as listening to the Imperial Capital theme or Home with headphones.

>event only

Destiny Child

Magia Record.

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>Playing on phone
Play it on your chrome browser, goddamn it.

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wtf ur from Korea? that's nuts. I thought you were from NY. Well whatever, I heard South Korea FGO got fucked by the publisher lying about the rates and the whole game burned down to teh ground over the lies.

You just missed the best time to start, probably for a long while at that. They tossed out hundreds of free rolls last month.

You can do both user. Hell, I've never played GBF on my computer and I'm in HL shit.

I just started playing GBF and pulled the summer Jeanne and Dark Jeanne in the same 10 free rolls.

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Mine looks fine

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>loli rapunzel
Melissabel a qt.

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None because I'm not a simp

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She's about the closest thing to a real life anime protag.

I recently moved here. Originally from NY.
Also that is possible. I saw many FGO ads everywhere but they died down really quickly.
Right now Princess Dive Re Connect is being advertised pretty hard here.

This is my issue with starting mobage too late. There is just too much going on in the beginning. You get so many valuable resources you have no idea do what yet or how truly valuable they are and end up making a fool out of yourself.

Are there any weebs over 30? Is this a thing that exists beyond a certain age?


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>real life
I bet you think the Knights of the Round Table were real too

Keep trying, user. I'm sure you're making a change.

>Are there any weebs over 30?
They absolutely exist.

I miss dorapo

If to you weeb = someone who likes jap stuff, yeah, a lot. There's probably a lot that approach the classic definition though.

postknight, good taste user

Of course. how else is there a pizza place down the road from me?

They make for a fun myth.

I played it for a bit but I dropped it for some reason. Sucks, cause I put a lot of time into those events.


5 days left.

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Man of great taste
>tfw pull a last minute grind and save up just enough for one more roll just an hour before the P5 event ends.
>Get Harapeko as the final roll
The gacha gods smiled upon me that day


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I play granblue. that's enough. How anyone could waste time on more than one it's beyond me

No one cares about feet grand odor

That's a good first step. Now lets do some studying to get to a good speed.

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>If you want to limitbreak units to get better jobs you need more copies or pray they add a way to farm shards.
All non-limited units are farmable or will be farmable a couple of months after they're introduced. For limited units you just use the generic elemental shards which you should have plenty of unless you make a habit of wasting them.
>Also the game has a pvp which automatically makes it p2w. AI is AI, but pure whale will roll anyone.
Honestly not really, since you can preview the other team it's more about knowing how the AI will act and counterpicking advantageous elements. PVP rewards are garbage anyway.

I'm not ready.

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Been playing AL for about 4 months. Tried GFW and found it tedious. Recent tried Venus Vacation and quit that after 4 days because the load times were just fucking retarded for a casual gacha game. Also, I just don't have enough time in my day to balance more than one. AL takes like 2-3 hours as it is.

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Crash Fever
Dawn of the Breakers

A god to be born in our world.

Are there any good multiplayer games?

GBF is an MMO lite.

Langrisser is chinkshit, avoid like the plague

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>Actively Play
Kirara Fantasia
Mega Miracle Force
>collect rolls and free shit
Pastel Memories
Secret Fragrance
And I haven't spent a cent. Only thing I'm vaguely considering spending money on is like 300 yen so I can have White Heart as my alarm in Mainichi Compile Heart and that's not even a done deal that's only contemplating.

Used to play FEH, but ISIS killed it with mismanagement. Been playing GBF a bit more again recently, free rolls helped with that but I'm not looking forwards to farming M2 or Oracles/Jew10s.

OOOOOOOOH HOW FAR AWAY THE IDEAL WOOOOOOOOORLD Why can't I find any good pictures of The World?

Any recommendations for a game with low daily time investment? I quit FGO because the events were just tedious, especially since i didn't enjoy the gameplay

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so why are you posting on Yea Forums?

Megido72. Vepar best girl.

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