Holy fucking BASED

You just know he plays Apex Legends

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Harry's a smackhead freak unironically

>UK wants to ban something
It checks out.

Is Harry the one that married the mutt or the one that spends his days getting his feet tickled at Epstein's loli playhouse?

No one gives a shit about the monarchy. Especially the House of Jewinsdor

If they aren't allowed to have guns or knifes in real life why should they be allowed to have them virtually?


Might as well ban mobile games while you're at it, and also gambling period.

Sure, ban fortnite to decrease its profits headed towards purchasing exclusives.

The Queen can legally
>declare war
>appoint any prime minister she chooses
>behead or arrest anyone for any reason

Not to mention the Royal family is the largest land owners in England and one of the richest.

I don't like Fortnite much either, but I don't believe in the philosophy "ban things I don't like."


>ban Fortnite
>teenagers get addicted to Apex
>ban Apex
>teenagers get addicted to FIFA
>ban FIFA
>teeangers get addicted to Black Ops 4

I would say just talk to his wife, but this is China we are talking about. Ban Fortnite!

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the green text is bullshit and everyone knows it, but them being godly rich as fuck/ own fuckloads of land/ get special tax exception for royalty on everything / have a hand in the pocket of every major company and organization in england is true.

I agree Fortnite is shit but who listens to ''royalty'' who have been inbreeding for centuries?

ive been jerking off to so much shemale porn lately that I can only imagine meghan with fake silicone tits and a meaty cock that can't cum properly


Should've saved FIFA for last. The other ones will get banned long before any sports game.

From the country that brought you needing an id to prove you are 18 to buy plastic butter knives and the porn pass.

You know that porn ban that everyone was talking about a few weeks ago, the UK delayed for a year, again. They'll keep doing this until a new government is elected who will shitcan it forever.
This is how the UK works. "Fuck you we're going to do something!" and then they won't, every time. EVERY. TIME.

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>ban FIFA
this would never happen in the UK. people would revolt.

hot i can see it

don't forget to buy your tele license and to bin that knife, it might save a life.

They keep implementing policies but are too stupid and old to understand what they are actually doing and throw a fit when their advisors tell them it's a bad idea.

But Brexit's gonna happen, right?

do britbongs like her

even with Brexit

>ask advisers for advice since they have fucking experience in the field you want
>promptly ignore whatever they say and do whatever the fuck you want
>get confused when it doesn't work in the long run or everyone calls you out
every fucking time

>survival game

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Only if the EU refuses any more extensions, otherwise they will keep extending it until people vote the "correct" way in another referendum.

>harry forgoing the family bloodline for mutt trannies

wouldn't surprise me knowing their family history

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The royal family has no say in anything.

She can legally do that but then she'd likely end up removed and executed so she wouldn't.

They don't have much say with that since ultimately the EU decides when they leave.


You'd prefer incest?

They're done giving extensions unless May is going to hold a GE or new referendum.

Brits are retards so they're all probably going to die on the 12th

I would if we get to see another Charles II in the flesh.

Doesn't matter. They're getting MUTTED whether they like it or not.

True, I wasn't trying to have any rhyme or reason in the list though, just listing casual games randomly

Any idea what the 'brexit party' is about?
Not sure if it's a 'all the current parties suck shit and we're going to fix that' or if it's more along the lines of 'all the current parties suck shit and we're just another maggot crawling in the pile, but with the heat on the shit at the moment, we stand more of a chance of claiming power to start moving and placing investors and other key individuals in to places of power because this shit will keep going forever'?


>tfw tencent starts a war with the UK over this
We're snoggered now mum


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she looks like Tori Mayes if you squint hard enough

Cucked anglos missed the day of the guillotine

Imagine actually believing the queen can force the country into a war, deny its people democracy or literally behead someone and not be put on the chopping block within the day.

>Royal raised and pampered all his life while doing literally nothing of worth and marrying a divorced whore trying to gain relevancy by acting like a zoomer and bashing Fortnite just because it's the only video game he recognizes

I never understood people's obsession over the Royals. It's like the equivalent to glorifying Trump before he became president.

Not really. Old people don't like her because she's a nigger, rich people don't like her because she's a commoner, poor people either don't care or don't like her because she's a nigger and rich and a lot of the younger people don't like her because she keeps pushing faggy social justice points, which most of them are sick of hearing.

she literally can

First they ban porn and police guns
Now fortnite
I would honestly check if the water supplies are compromised, or if someone is drugging the fish and chips

Hey, he sat in a gunship once and patrolled around the base a bit, the man is a war hero.

They're already trying to cancel Brexit against the will of the people. Basically anything to prevent the rebirth of the British Empire and white civilization.

>largest land owners in England
try the world. mostly because Canada has a massive fuck ton of useless crown land tho


no one would've given a shit about his opinion if he wasn't born into "royalty"

>rebirth of the British empire and white civilisation
>getting cucked by eu trade taxes while being outbred by niggers, pakis and “Asians”

>Not to mention the Royal family is the largest land owners in England and one of the richest.

But they get a yearly apanage grant from HM Government that lets the Government use and retain all rents and profits of the land, so they arent' technically in control even if The Crown is technically the owner.

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You have to realize that a lot of people will agree with the Queen on sheer virtue that she's the Queen
And then you have to consider that a lot of people may have the same line of thought as her and agree with the execution even if they aren't blindly loyal
People will bitch but she can get away with it

Queen's just a figurehead, she's literally the UK's WE WUZ now. Rothschild can and does tell them what to do.

I don't know. Talking with some britbongs it seems like the new generation doesn't really give a damn about the queen.

oh yeah willie,
you know i bet those crown jewels are pretty fuckin addictive.

get off yer high horse ya punk fuck.
