Sonic Movie leaks thread

Get in here and wait until the trailer drops. Confirmed coming

Be prepared for the absolute worst

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Will this finally push Chris over the edge?

While we wait, let's discuss CWC and his deteriorating mental health

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He already went over the edge a long time ago

Sonic is a quality franchise

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Jesus, i'm both afraid and curious at the same time.

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when are they gonna publish this shit, fuck

Just waiting for the shitshow

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I still wonder what will happen when barb with dies, i'm still surprised she survived that long.
If Barb had died at the place of Bob, Chris would have been a better person, Bob was far from perfect, he maybe wasn't even good, but he was the best person to help Chris.

When is it dropping

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How big is Sonic's dick?

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Someone Delet this.

in the next 10 hours for sure.

Some KiwiFarms fags are trying to set Chris up for when the inevitable happens, last I checked. So he's got a safety net of sorts. Plus people keep giving him money for some bizarre reason, so he's got that too.

Chris will try to kill himself. He has no one else to support him, even with his monthly tugboat.
That, or he'll finally snap and end the saga in the greatest possible way of our time

Are they going to use sonic's usul VA or will they replace him with Kevin Hart or some shitty celebrity?

>tfw the trailer drops on my birthday
>tfw i get to celebrate today with the trailer for a movie that's just raping a franchise i've held dearly since birth
Oh no, this is happenin

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How d oyou know?

Post your favorite sonic character, can be from any media.

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Happy birthday user!
Y-you fucking faggot!

The movie is using Ben Schwartz as his va instead of Roger.

that would be kino as hell if he snaps and ends the saga with like a shooting

God I wish hyper advanced sex bots were a thing just some rich fag could send one to seduce Chris and try to clean his life up just to see what happens.


>Chris has the ability to purchase a gun
>will say sonic told him to
I'm not even American and I'm scared

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some shitty celeberity

I doubt he'll kill himself, the worst I can see him doing in that regard is to fake it for more attention.

I still remember how jarring it was that the dub pretended they were "friends" to the bitter end even though they clearly weren't.

I'm sorry to hear user. Also happy birthday, faggot.

honestly he's starting to seem like it he's acting bordeline insane lately

Do we actually know it's going to drop today, or are we just waiting on something which could drop in two weeks?

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anyone have the link to the previous thread?

He's already gotten laid years ago and that clearly didn't fix him. What he needs is proper therapy, like 25 years ago. Best anyone can do at this point is try and mitigate the spiral into madness.


>chris shoots you and then crushes you to death by rolling over your wounded body
>like a spindash

Emerl is a Guile Main? Based???

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multiple people involved in the movie said its "coming" and the trailer premiered

I'm just here because Sonic hype(?) threads are kind of comfy for some reason

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unironically a great song

Along with Blaze.

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Does he?
Wasn't he prosecuted when he tried to run over the game place guy?

I mean if they already showed the trailer, then it's just a matter of time until someome leaks it, i would think they'd want to release it before that happens

god I hope he'd livestream it though

>trailer starts
> starts playing

Her father was kino.
I'm thankful i am french, our version had no censors beside the swears words and the adult joke. Every else was kept, from the story, to the death, to the musics. (even if we only had the instrumental version of the japanese songs, and the theme song was a french translation of the japanese one. )

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who would direct the inevitable Chris Chan biopic?
Who would star?

third season was ass but I loved the metarex designs

Best Sonic character coming through.

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Happy birthday. Enjoy the sodomy.

I can only see him spiraling down more until he eventually actually kills someone

They can't afford Chris.

Why did you post the worst character?

he's been to jail he can't legally get a gun

Why does the Sonic serie have some supprisingly good human design?

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>thinking laws stopped gun crimes
you think dylan and eric went to school but didn't bring guns cause laws lmao

Does Kiwi farms still have people guarding Chris because otherwise I'd expect them to drop off loads of guns at his house.

T. Chris

t. someone who lurks still

Because most developers and artists that work on Sonic would rather be doing literally anything else and that's their only creative outlet, if I had to guess. Working on Sonic games is basically toilet duty at Sega.

Do you think Chris would be smart enough to illegally obtain a firearm? Cause I don't

Its actually Eggman but that's just unfair.

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true rofl

When will movie executives live and learn that this movie is going to be worse than Alvin and the chipmunks?

The OG version of Sonic x had some pretty dark moment...Well, for Sonic.
Between Shadow losing two waifus and the guys that get "eaten" by the tree...

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Tons of dumbfucks got guns and shot up places.

I wonder how they treat working on Yakuza. One one hand biggest property they have + Japanese cultural export but on the other they have to shit out one every year.

I'm not expert on that front but I'm gonna say it's probably considered to be a step up from Sonic.

Randy was autistic but not to the point of Chris tho.

Alvin and the chipmunks made enough bank for several sequels and that's all they care about.

Puyo puyo

>Second trailer shows Jim Carrey playing Dr. Ivo Robotnik with a big black mustache while the song “Everybody Dance Now” plays in the background

I feel bad for David Cross in the third movie
He actually called it the worst experience of his professional career


you may never know

I don't understand

she's just so perfect

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Fucking kids...

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I wish this character had more going for her.

the problem has never been the executives, the problem has been the normies, breeders, and children that happily consume it like good little NPCs.

Sorry user, got the picture at random.

>Post yfw Sonic flosses

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Why was the third movie any worse than the others for him? I never saw it

not if someone donates it to him, I think the second he gets a gun is when he'll go off the deep end. Also I think we might actually be able to manipulate him to shoot up something

No shame here, first fanfic I read was After the Metarex.

Tgt isn't counted, but it's still pure kino.

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>there are going to be kids that become fans of Sonic via this movie
Great. Can't wait to deal with that particular brand of autism in ten years.

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The first and only fanfic I wrote was a sonic fanfic.

I will commit sudoku soon because of it.

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I wonder if it was worse for him then Scary Movie 2. It was one of those movies where my brain threw out most of the info the second I finished it so it was like I only saw a trailer.

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Happy birthday

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He had to dress up in a seagull outfit at sea which was hot as hell, he was sea sick all the time and he had to be on that ship for a week filming

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keep in mind the movie takes place on a cruise as well

after the third movie he refused to do the other fourth.

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I like Cosmo.

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How many dank memes will this dumpster fire movie give us?

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One of my favorite things about TGT is that even thought there's so many wildly different opinions on it, the one thing absolutely everyone can agree on is Rob being the best OC

R*ddit is that way user

based and borgpilled

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happy birthday user

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I wouldn't regret working on Scary Movie 2 if I was him, mostly because he shares scenes with Tim Curry

"Why are we too blind to see that the ones we hurt are you and me?" is one of the most inane lines ever in a rap song. You're not the only one you hurt you dumb nigger

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Shadow was always consistently good except in Shadow the Hedgehog

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No joke, why are Americans the only race of people to do this kinda of shit? First during a Batman movie, then Danny Phantom, and now possibly Sonic. It's not just Sonic autism, it seems like America is just autistic and a lost cause as a whole.

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Thread theme:

Murricans think mental health is just pseudo science.

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Cosmo is my favorite sonic character

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wait when is it

Firstly, OBSESSED. Second,
>Americans are a race

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america has garbage quality of life

>Chris posting to people on Twitter
>His account is locked so they won't see his posts unless they follow him
>Chris doesn't listen when I tell him this


Nicole is A-Grade cute!

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>following him

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It probably won't be today, if it comes out anytime soon best bets are tomorrow or next week

California is a single state y'know

He's too busy getting ready for his new documentary.

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Nothing document him more realistically than the wiki.

He should be doing this instead. But I guess you gotta go for the zoomer audience instead.

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The GenoSamuel is still the best on, and it's not even done yet

he gots hair in his mouth

They'll never find their way.

The educational system and lack of free healthcare is country-wide

Poison in pretty much everything fucking up people's brains, exacerbated by the death of the family unit and the proper development of boys actively sabotaged so girls can get ahead.

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>vs the internet
Yeah because the internet is one person

Do you not remember Heroes?

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Imagine how much better mental health would be if social media was destroyed.

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Imagine how much better it would be if it were the other way around

>thinking dank is originally from reddit
you need to go back

There are a lot of things wrong with Heroes, but Shadow really isn't one of them. He's just sort of "there" for the majority of the game.

At this point, being a sonic fan is the equivalent of spending eternity of hell.

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How much better social media would be if mental health was destroyed?

fluoride/other chemicals in the tap water probably has something to do with it
I actually believe this

It isn't but it became reddit and it hurts

Social media really radicalizes the legions of lonely people

Do you complain when a court case is labeled as "Lastname vs. the State of (x)"?


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Tomorrow or Monday.

It premiered and people are describing the trailers. We're all just waiting for the eventual upload to youtube

>going to the gym
Proud of you, user

>breast feeding

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thanks :)

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Shadow's almost nothing in Heroes but the interaction between him and Sonic was kino

mfw there are zoomers out there who don't know who chris-chan is.

Where the fuck is it, i want the shitposting to start already

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Almost every single one of Shadow's appearances between between 2006 - 2017 was extremely forgettable, easily mediocre portrayals at the very best.

>SA2: Good
>Heroes: Meh
>Shadow: Edgy
>06: Literally one of maybe three characters that wasn't shit
>Generations/Boom: Evil again for no reason
>Forces: Somewhere between Heroes and 06


He was supposed to stay dead. Now it's thanks to that game they even had to waste time teaser his own game just for it to kill his character (mentality, not physically sadly)

Happy Birthday, hope something good happens to make up for the trailer.

Boom Shadow is amazing...though mainly because of how Eggman treats him.


Bump, this thread has potential if it does end up getting released within the next 8 hours or so

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same here

This is banner worthy.

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That's mostly because Boom in general was great and had good writers.

It's really wasn't, Boom isn't bad but it's not "great" either, it's just average. Sometimes the writing and the jokes were sharp though.

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>the worst was non-existent leaks


>an actually funny gag got cut
>the breastfed thing was kept

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Oh, so it's by one of those shitty studios that have zero idea what property they are making a movie for and are just in it for the ez neet bux. Fuck.

I hope this becomes the new kung pow

>the breastfed thing was kept
I'm sorry, what?

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>not knowing this the moment they revealed Sonics look, or even the moment they announced the movie

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Has anyone confirmed if the style leak is accurate?

We'll know when the trailer drops, I suppose.

Eggman. He carries the entire franchise.

This thread shall not die until sonic flosses to the sound of gangsta's paradise

we must keep it alive.

>no one has mentioned the best character of the entire franchise
He literally killed himself and his brothers to free them.

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Soulless. Mania is clearly better.

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potion sella

floss hope bump
it's coming lads I can feel it

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I wish I had a goat momma

OP here. Even tho it premiered and a bunch of officials saying its coming soon, I dont think its today. It's probably tomorrow or next week

No need to bump. Go get a rest and play vidya because you're gonna want to forget about the nightmare that's about to happen

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holy shit, are you me?

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Dropping at cinemacon today or tomorrow which is the last day

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Live action Sally when

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Never cause sega hates satam characters

Never. Sega hates the Freedom Fighters.

The one and only
Ever since I saw him for the first time in Collision Chaos, I knew I found my beloved.

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This is one of the first porn pictures I ever saw as a kid

It's gonna be tomorrow

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Robotnik will always be be my favourite

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Why the heck would they cut this? it's actually clever

What is it about Metal Sonic that makes him such a cool villain, without really THAT much to him?

bump it

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He doesn't speak outside of his appearance that no one likes so they can't ruin him much.

of course, my liege

Good aesthetic/design, him being built to match Sonic's biggest trait (his speed), being Dr. R's number 2 guy and, if you really want to add character to him, there's still some wiggle-room. I can appreciate other Sonic-bots like Mecha, but Metal just works best for me.
Doesn't hurt that he's probably the one thing Eggman treats with respect, even in the comics where he's very sadistic to his followers.

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