How many boys lives did Nintendo ruin with this character design?
How many boys lives did Nintendo ruin with this character design?
I played FFVII where I had to dress up my character as a lovely woman and I nearly got raped by a fat man.
I don't think it's done anything
Just because you're mentally ill doesn't mean everyone else is, even Nintendo fans.
>tfw BotW Link unironically cracked my qt gf's egg back when she was my qt bf
None, they just taught them to be cuter
Cringy ugly faggot fuck. Must also be really insecure hiding half of your face.
If that's not you and you find that attractive yikes, confirms gay ppl have really low standards
Nintendo is doing gods work by unleashing more traps upon the world.
I had qt twink bf
then BotW link made him into tranner
now i have qt gf
you what
>cracked my qt gfs egg
is this some kinda tumblr speak? or did a sleeper cell just get activated?
egg = closet tranny
That faggot is a tranny lover who doesn't deserve more replies.
Based user still loving their partner for who they are
hey! I just love her no matter what, no reason to be upset about that
It was the Sheikah outfit that got me.
I'm so sorry for your loss
dont worry, everything is still working out just fine, im gonna make sure to be there for her so she doesnt add to the 41%
i see no problem with the crossdressing part, it's just amusing like crossdressing Cloud
his body though, what were they thinking?
You're gonna need to change all your home's mirrors to carnival ones when they eventually look like a man-monster
Y-Yeah just a funny joke heh...
Whats the problem? besides nodick, it looks like a perfectly normal male body to me.
i think you underestimate hrt
it basically prevents further masculinizing, while also softening the features.
unless you start out as very obviously masculine, you'll probably still pass as at the very least a not very pretty girl
gf had a pretty decent starting point, so she already is doing pretty well
he's a manlet
how tall?
Honestly, I am all for normalizing cute boys cross-dressing.
That image has been around for years, newfags. Holy shit lurk more
boys like this one were literally made to become girls for straight men
As a straight man idgaf but this got me...
This is how all men will look like in 50 years.
God I can't wait for the future
>i think you underestimate hrt
not even close, most still look like men, but with small boobs
the only exceptions are the ones taking HRT since very young age like picrel or late teens / early 20s low test femboys, those end up looking like women
video games
an improvement, congrats
that doesn't even remotely look like a woman, and that's a very handpicked photo, he's even taking the photo from a top down face perspective. Every tranny can be easily spotted from a distance just by looking at the bones, the large torso, the wide shoulders, the narrow hips, the huge hands and feet, the big head in relation to the rest of the body, etc. These people waste their entire days taking these close-up pictures to fool themselves into thinking they actually look like a man when in reality everyone can easily spot them from miles away when they leave their safe spaces.
This one is a good example even taking a sideways photo you can still see his obvious male frame. You can't change your skeleton.
more like 90%
the remaing 10% will still look like regular men and swim in pussy / boypussy
kill yourselves faggots
Sayuri has a tramp stamp?
*into thinking they actually look like a woman
nigga that man has on a centimeter+ of foundation and other makeup
Even video games has been taken over by transfags hahahaha Yea Forums sure is much better than reddit amirite goys
there's nothing wrong with passable trannies and traps
>passable trannies and traps
these don't exist
>there's nothing wrong with passable trannies
But they have no penis
traps maybe not, they're mostly a taiwanese cartoon thing, but passable trannies do exist
a fuckton of trannies keep their dicks
but it's a good thing i'm a straight man, even the ones without a dick are fine as long as they let me to keep fucking their butts instead
>but passable trannies do exist
no they don't
>traps maybe not, they're mostly a taiwanese cartoon thing, but passable trannies do exist
Thank god someone with common sense on this board. i swear to god half the trapfags are deluded into thinking that estrogen turns you into a man and that testosterone turn you into a woman.
I browse /passgen/ on lgbt for some qt trannies and some of them turn alright.
Cursed be the Gerudo outfit for ruining Link threads.
couldn't they at least make a less gay design? it'll only get worse from here
and fuck that shark too, made everything worse by having fujoshits making them have buttsecks
it should have been gayer
I already faped today, user.
Link threads were always doomed since Ocarina of Time for being a twink
this is another reason why botw sucks, beyond all the empty open world shit. It bred all this other gay degeneracy because these faggots want a female protagonist in Zelda so badly.
But Link wasn't a twink in Ocarina of Time, he was too buff, god damn he's hot though.
Even fujos are more bearable than the tranny shitposters. These idiots need to fuck off.
Link was THE gay fairy boy since OoT. Yeah he had some muscle but he wasn't swole or anything, fujo and homobait since and Nintendo is simply playing to their audience
>4Chadan (minus /pol/)
"you can crossdress, you can use female pronouns and live like a female, just don't throw a tantrum when someone says they don't see you as a real female"
"chop off your dick, but NEVER shave your face as a protest against stereotypes of beauty, don't forget to throw a tantrum everytime someone misgenders you"
"Adult" Link has always been a twink, it's BOTW Link who isn't a twink, but a Timmy Thick-like thing
ugly af
It made me a tranny
I'm 10 months hrt and am currently starting to cry because I know I'll never pass
I should never have played this game
>"you can crossdress, you can use female pronouns and live like a female, just don't throw a tantrum when someone says they don't see you as a real female"
Name 5 boards that aren't /lgbt/ where someone has said that.
He's like the step above Twink, a Twink with muscle. The best fucking kind might I add but I see TP Link as the definitive Twink Link.
>you can crossdress
no, just kys
then stop?
just accept you're gay and go from there
Can all the faggots and trans on Yea Forums kill themselves already? Your faggy discord psyop shit doesn't work. Its transparent, obvious, and only makes the rest of us hate your kind more.
That ugly nerd couldn't trap a blind man.
You trapfags are so delusional.
Yuck. Reminds me of that picture of ProJared wearing a Sailor Mercury cosplay "ironically"
>thinks everything is a psyop
i don't know what you are on about user?
just take some of these pink pills uwu
What lunatic puts make up on their nostrils to make them more defined, what a retard
Estrogen pills are blue
He has childbearing hips
You know how I know you're new?
But where's the issue?
traps don't exist in real life, you either have regular trannies or crossdressing gay dudes, both still look like males 99% of the time
zoomer trannies on the other hand often look like females
That looks nothing like a female. Just a pasty white dude in drag.
Sick bee-sting face
>being this new
>being this insecure with your sexuality
>people actually fall for this shit
Who cares, it's hot. Child-bearing hips + no womb = no need for birth control
Kill yourself /pol/ nigger.
The fags and trannies were here first and they always will be.
I don't want to be gay for Link
Yea Forums has always been gay, but now has it become tranny too? was the slippery slope thing right?
They are both disgusting.
What HRT regimen are all my girls on? I'm on cypro and estrofem but I'm getting patches soon soon :)
More like some of the gays have a tranny fetish
>tranny jannies completely ignoring this thread
>want to be cuteboy
>mexican gene causes my body and facial hair to grow at a rapid pace
>delete vidya threads but keep these up
Its a perfectly acceptable and normal response to want to fuck Link.
Its a Yea Forums doesnt know what real women look like and claim 100% ability to clock trannies episode
how smol is your bepis now?
Certainly not mine
I've always enjoyed dressing like this for pictures. Nintendo only gave boys another character to dress as.
Because they’re based
are you me?
also having an 8 inch dick doesnt help
cope. qt trannies exist
It was like 4.5 inches before HRT and like 4 inches now..
Ugly ape
>people still fall for this shit
damn, pasty white dudes look like THAT?
>it's a biological woman retards.
They don't.
It's still an ugly ape.
Well, she's an ugly one
an ugly one, she looks like a man
Reckon a lot of “sensitive” boys in school care dressed as this for Halloween
>tfw you'll never track your gfs size as they get smaller and smaller than your own
Trannies still sound like men lmao
Would you bang a hot trap, Yea Forums?
wtf i thought trannies were gross ,but this user says trannies are based?????
I'd bang that one, that's for sure
where is your god now?
Post him without the veil
Am I the only one who thinks such a physique makes Link look extremely athletic/fit, not sexualized?
And a better angle
tomboy the mannie trannies away
>all that seething insecurity and jealousy
I have this exact kind of body but it's just slightly less muscular but smoother. The hiplines are there though.
Maybe I should dress up as em.
Real lofe tomboys are almost always lesbians
yes, i'd fuck a hot tranny / trap, but not planarshifting, he looks like a butch dyke
Tranny needs makeup for two
Traps and trannies are the same type of abomination, one is just more disgusting then the other.
post tummy
Done that too many times, user.
that's a tranny though
not a crossdressing cute boy
no excuse
Keep your mental illnesses outside of the video games board, glad we had this chat
that's a real girl
Is there a video where you hear the man voice?
we need more yoyo as weapons in video games
Zero, it's the people around them that contributed to their actions, parents and the like.
Looks like a man
They're always fun
but i thought we were talking about voices?
yes, very nice
Based 9s user reposter
Imagine ruining your life just to still end up objectively inferior to both genders
based discord tranny
Nice tasteful cropping
Me on the right
Anyone who plays as a girl but is actually a guy is in the closet.
You cannot refute this.
you have the same pills as me, user!
I like cute girls though
don't make me do it Yea Forums
Jesus christ how fucking triggered did this dude just get over that image
Thanks, Yotsuba
this thread got pretty far
goodbye tho
We need a cute and funny poster right now
I'd still bang her
That's a girl(boy(girl)), or as I like to call them, a double trap.
>tfw spend so much time in this shithole that i can recognize gay camwhores
Kill me.
Thats not a camwhore user. Just a boy who posts on Yea Forums.
at this rate, we're going to look like lisp in not time
Any attentionwhore who posts on Yea Forums like this should be used by the whole board. Prove me wrong
>tfw spend so much time in this shithole that I can recognize gay attentionwhores
She's a girl who dresses as a boy who dresses as a girl. She's also a FtM tranny.
>that's a real girl
he looks like a FtM tranny and i'd rather fuck or at least they don't look like Nico Rosberg
used by the whole board?
disgusting. kill all trannies
No wonder Yea Forums defends MJ. They like underage feminine boys
MJ did nothing wrong
First day one ?
Fucking love roda's art
Fucking hate her, though.
god I want to fuck Kaname
can't believe I missed this thread
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:
Stop cruising for attention and using Yea Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.
Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.
You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.
Make a discord and peddle your trash there.
>roda's actual link lewds are locked away on a private twitter only given to certain people
fucking WHY
0%, 25% and 50% are all fuckable
25% isn't fuckable in this chart, but "he" is here
It could be a real girl, but for the sake of this scenario, assume it's a guy in drag.
>not on the nip artist BFF list
""""""reprinting issues""""""
no other artist has been THIS anal about sharing his/her artwork. just setup a patreon or equivalent for fuck's sake.
and of course.
When are you finally gonna get fucked in the ass?
Actually thinking about it now that moment probably had a pretty substantial effect on a large swathe of 20 and 30 year old Western men.
When I finally stop being a troglodyte and finishing my backlog and go outside for once
didn't she purge her list a while back? she's stopped accepting randos who ask them politely in nip.
>Cringy ugly faggot fuck
listen to yourself man
I feel fucking sorry for the parents of the dudes that fall for tranny meme.
I know this person, He already has a boyfriend and we speak sometimes.
He's never visited Yea Forums in his life.
>white knighting for a boy you've never met
"look Astolfo, a straight guy is coming behind you"
"say no more, my body is ready"
Congrats, your boyfriend has autogynephilia
As long as they don't look like Nicole Bass, it's a-ok
I want to fuck Astolfo
This, but unironically. I don't care if you're from discord or not. If you are a tranny, you need to join the 40%.
I know him, he does
>Yea Forums
>also Yea Forums
Did you have to leave your room to suck your friend's dick as well?
2D > 3D
He came to my house and then again
why is it that a lot of people confuse traps with trannies? heck even some people consider "trap" an offensive term
nice, good for her
Trannies make these threads and erp in them, it's the same people.
Absolute retards
>heck even some people consider "trap" an offensive term
What the fuck, since when is trap an offensive term?
I love when a janitor comes to a completely off-topic thread, deletes a single post and then goes back to sleep. Their incompetence is almost comical.
>imagine taking pills to make you feel better
well you see user one is a guy who wants to be a girl or vice versa, the other is a guy who acts and dresses like a girl but is still fully aware that he is in fact, a guy. They're two completely different things
every does
Yea Forumstards call Sue Lightning and Bailey Jay "traps" even though they're trannies who take HRT and have fake bolt-on tits.
So yeah, traps and trannies are the same thing, even according to trapfags themselves
more like:
>screw cuddling, lemme sit on your dick while i finish this level
Traps are fine since they're just crossdressing dudes and they acknowledge that it's strange behavior, also they're more of a fictional thing than a real life thing. Trannies literally think you can become a woman and are pretty predatory about finding anyone having a low point in their life to join them. It's like a trendy meme cult and those types deserve all of the hate they get.
who doesn't?
cute shotas. Who's the artist?
because people are fucking stupid.
also because the actually mentally ill trannies not the ones that actually keep their shit together. the few of them that even can. keep pushing that narrative about it being a slur against them because everything has to be about them
Disgusting golem
>still can't find the source of these pics
I honestly find transgender people more depressing then anything else
>They will never have children
>They will never reproduce after the surgery
>There body is an unnatural mockery of the female form
>They will never truly look female
>They will likely end up suicidal realizing these things
>There fathers will feel miserable knowing that they lost their only son
Don't know. Wouldn't being called a trap be a compliment?
based newfag schizo
Kill yourselves faggot filth
Then just have him screw your brains out while you cosplay
Post what?
>mfw no amount of screeching from annoying zoomer LARPing newfags who drank the Stormfront invaders' koolaid will ever purge the depraved degenerate soul of Yea Forums that has existed since its birth
5, by the way.
because traps are trannies?
any kind of crossdressing male is a tranny, even drag-queens. traps are just attractive trannies
we dont talk anymore since i moved to texas
You're probably one of the few people here who know what a fit athletic body looks like. Yeah, Link looks like he's in good shape. Runs and lifts enough weights to balance it out. Good physical character design for a hero.
Trips checked.
This is now a Toon Link thread.
>ywn be this retarded
Posters on Yea Forums have hated fags since the beginning of the board. Go have a mental breakdown about how disgusting your lifestyle is and then blow your brains out you disgusting freak.
mods will delete an on-topic vidya thread if you breathe the wrong way, but shit like this just gets a free pass. Why?
>They will never have children
>They will never reproduce after the surgery
Sounds good to me, boss.
Trannies cried about trap being offensive, realized no one gave a shit about their crying, then started trying to co-opt the term to try and equate the two in desperate hopes it would make people accept trannies
Because jannies love trannies
We all know why
Please don't post boy armpits. Amrpits are for girls only.
Is anime a gateway to becoming a tranny? All these ones on twitter use anime avatars just like anons on here, weird.
Apparently the tranny janny isn't just a meme.
>Posters on Yea Forums have hated fags since the beginning
>Posters on Yea Forums have hated fags since the beginning of the board.
>Trust me, I know. I came here when the board was made during Gamergate!
Link is a cute girl with cute girlhips!
>9S user in your home state
Im still trying to get used to the fucking HEAT
Trannies deserve no rights. Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you cant
If you think it's hot now, then enjoy the summer.
Lmao at this psyop fag
>a literal drag-queen (THE drag-queen even) is saying he's tranny
>no, you're a retard
traps are trannies retard, being "passable" doesn't change this fact
I do though
Depends on how many of them like SFM animation of elf twinks getting dicked by men/futas.
>being fag
Seriously. I wish OP would fuck off.
i'd bet Hitler would fuck this nordic tranny
Can you talk about Link please?
I can talk for a hundred years about him
they should have the right to off themselves
Fags are defective. Your brain is trash.
no one likes that attentionwhore, dumbass. Only secondary gays and faghags
>or did a sleeper cell just get activated?
fuckin lol
Traps are not trannies desu. Do you know the difference?
God I wish I were a girl so I could a be a hardcore fujo for Link
yes we can, she's alright
Actually yes, Dallas. Around Mansfield!
Trannie Defense Force in full effect. Neck yourselves you creatin pieces of subhuman shit.
Posting the best and manliest Link
>Traps are not trannies desu
based and redpilled
traps are their own thing and it's not gay to like them
Kill yourself you delusion pathetic being
Those aren't traps either
>it's not gay to like them
Sounds like cope
Garland here.
When we gonna play vidya together?
How dare you call me a fag!
I'm only half-faggot ancestry, so please thing again before you post that disrespectful racist shit, nigger.
depends if you want to play RoR2 or fighting games.
what does Link's penis look like?
Has the time finally come for me to fuck a cute boy off of Yea Forums?
I love the berserker outfit
>tfw will never apply the warpaint to Link's body
The worst thing about BotW on top of all its other flaws is the fact that you have to play the game as a filthy manlet. Even female NPCs are taller than Link. What the fuck.
Don't do it, he has AIDS
do it
He was always short
Link has always been a shorty, because it makes even basic enemies seem imposing.
i want to make Link a woman
user i've never even had full-on sex before, goof
what do you think his ass tastes like?
You got them another way, obviously
>fighting games
Which ones? Stick or pad?
We can start with you sucking my dick
According to trustable hentai mangas that include Link (mostly as a bottom), Link's dick would be about 5~6inch
as a straight man, they definitely look more like traps (i.e. capable of fooling me) than your average Yea Forums "trap" wearing a mask
Sure but they ain't traps if they don't fool you.
Rivals of Aether occasionally
and Smash Ultimate if you count that
>smaller than mine
I do believe that grants me right of penetration.
hee hee!
More of a KoF and Tekken player myself. but shit I always wanted a real life friend in the FGC. Discord?
If you like traps or trannies your life is meaningless. Your brain literally can distinguish between what your genitals were meant for and the faggot things they want to do. You're a failure as a human being. Die.
user you already know i'd get nuked if I posted mine again.
I add people who want me to add them though.
cut or uncut?
>being this mad that others live differently than u
If they take HRT and/or have fake tits then they're trannies, not traps.
You guys are always going on and on about how "traps and trannies are totes different lmao" so don't be a hypocrite
>traps are their own thing
>and it's not gay to like them
nope and cope
except in your pic 100% basically looks the same as 75%, and they both still have feminine features.
this scale needs to be bigger with more gradations, with 100% being full-on bara shit.
Saw both so can't tell
Bara ain't trap, dummy
You could post a throwaway email. And link me there
Triforce Heroes was a riot
>literally none of the feminine features that make women attractive
What's the point
What's with BotW Link that attracts trannies, lonely 3D faggots and similar kinds of shitposters? This shit only happens with this Link's incarnation. Not even Young/Toon Link threads are like this despite them being perfect bait for pedos.
There are no jews in Hyrule, you moolyak.
He's a slim, somewhat trashy twink you pump and dump
All faggots are defective human beings. Prove me wrong.
That's just the way it is now
>Tfw I have fapped to all of these doujins
If you really care that much, you can post your discord.
>why do these people fawn over older link instead of cringe shotacon shit
Answered yourself, retard
This is not video games. This is gay. Stop gay.
they're trend following zoomers of course they've only played botw and nothing else
Just gonna leave this here before the mods delete this thread
But then who is in the other 60%?
God I want to cum on that tummy
Maybe they won't after almost 400 fucking posts
I know artists who throw temper tantrums and lock their account whenever they see someone repost their art. Then they reopen it just to do the same thing a week later.
Then why it's only BotW and not TP, OoT, or ALttP Link?
don't believe his lies
Man Worth A Thousand #4648
TP Link is a manly man
Because BotW is the freshet. Previous to it, SS Link was considered the cutest, and previous to that, SS and OoT were tied.
Me :D
Fake news
>Peer reviewed studies vs a literal anecdote on fucking THAT site
Gee I wonder which one is more belivable
that's adorable. I hope they treat you kindly.
remove the nigger lips, he's still cute
>If they take HRT and/or have fake tits then they're trannies, not traps.
according to who? a trap is some dude who can pass for a female, having fake tits actually help their case
Shut up faggot
this is not a tranny
Why are trannies with intact male genitals better at being women than the ones who go the trouble of carving them up?
>according to who
repressed pol fags trying to feel better better about their fapping habits
No they don't faggot. That thing isn't even human anymore.
your taste is very masculine.
It's a woman you retard, you couldn't clock a hon if they were staring you in the face
I know that bud I was trying to bait the >lol ugly man
Natalie Mars is a good slut, but she's got some weird taste in fetishes.
In b4
I wonder if xe got banned.
>according to who?
Taking HRT is what makes someone trans.
So if youre going to claim trannies and traps are different then you can't claim someone who takes HRT is a trap.
It's pretty fucking simple logic, are you retarded or something?
t. Kamiya
i've been here for over 10 years
how do i even know if someone is on HRT or not? if identical twins both look like females, but one is taking HRT, he stops being a trap?
Thanks user I post rarely on Yea Forums but i still post sometimes.
I usually do it in cosplay but I'm looking for more costumes at the moment.
I'm thinking Fugo or Persona Joker
>1998 > 2003
>>cracked my qt gfs egg
>is this some kinda tumblr speak? or did a sleeper cell just get activated?
>Sleeper cell just get activated
I'm happy for them.
Why would 4channel mods delete something that they agree with?
are you gonna cry?
>Taking HRT is what makes someone trans.
No. Someone who is already a tranny then chooses to take HRT.
Is discord the only thing you use?
just get a cute fit twink bf what is wrong with you people
gonna need sauce on all of them
What else are you looking for user! I used to have a tumblr but i deleted it before they nuked the place.
retard, this is Yea Forums - Random
It's technically this. Anyone who suffers gender dysphoria is a tranny regardless of whether they transition or not.
Which is why it's hilarious when Yea Forums fags say "I hate trannies" but also "i really want to be a girl". It's an amusing cope :)
Either way. The point is, only trannies take HRT.
So if trannies and traps are different, like trapfags claim they are, then logic says someone who takes HRT can't be a trap, because only trannies take HRT.
I can't believe I actually had to spell this out for you retards
>saying "i want to be a girl" is the same thing as "i am a girl"
Yea Forums is always entirely sexual in their desires for such things, having purely sexual fantasies of being a slutty female is not gender dysphoria
>you will never have another comfy 2D trap/twink thread on Yea Forums thanks to 3D obsessed trannies and normalfags
Imagine being a Zelda fan who has played the games since the NES, viewing Link as their favorite stoic and silent hero, only to see him reduced to a cumslut sissy boy
twinks look like shit
if i decide to go gay, i'd at least try to grab a trap or a passable transsexual
Thats really hard user. If it were up to me I'd already have one. Its been so long since I've felt genuine affection at this point anyways that Im use to it anyways I suppose.
I was gonna say kik but i'd need to reinstall that. You added me before in discord under the miserlou alt
definitely a tranny
>The point is, only trannies take HRT.
lots of femboys take HRT to keep their femme looks for a longer time
Haha wouldn't that be funny
I know. Isn't it great?
Kik can work I suppose. Anyone who wants to chat can post theirs.
Bubblebumbutt is the only 3D femboy I fap to
>HRT makes you fem
It doesn't do that you fucking retard it makes you a bald fatty
>2D trap/twink
She kept the penis, right?
Then they're trannies.
Injecting yourself with unnatural hormones makes you a tranny.
sjws pushing the narrative that AGPs are trans and need to transition is what's caused this whole mess. AGPs pushed into transitioning are what make that large suicide rate. it's made life even more difficult for actual dysphoric people too since the waters are so muddied now.
>unnatural hormones
You know HRT whether in patches, pills, or injections is bioidentical to the female hormone, estrogen, produced in the womb right?
It's not natural for males to take it.
>admitting dysphoria is real
Must of /pol/ here would kill you for saying that, but your post is 100% correct.
Level 1 trap vs level 30 futa
i'm banging an 18 year old trap. i'm almost 30, and now fully understand why old men date way, way down. someone spent 18 years trying to cultivate a man, and he ended up a fuck slut for a perverted boomer. feels good, man.
Dude, Link could give Gannon a standing BJ.
Does this boi ever get fucked by the protag, or beg the protag to fuck him
It's not natural for people to get vaccinated, take steroids for an illness, or take aspirin either. Cope, nigger
hardcore when?
traps with tits are the best traps
Actual trans people, not AGPs.
They're in the fucking image. Look at the example listed.
>Yea Forums stays exactly the same
Never ever
The protag thinks about him a lot. The light novel is ending soon, I hope the trap wins.
But think about it logically, someone reared, fed, and raised this boy, only for him to call another man "daddy"
>preventing disease is the same as fucking with your hormones
you cope trannyfucker
i make sure the neighbors hear him calling me daddy too.
then traps don't exist, because every single example of 3D "trap" i've seen on Yea Forums had some work done on their bodies or faces
did you unironically just blow off a bunch of actual academic studies for a shitty image macro made by a 4channer?
holy fuck no wonder you believe in white genocide over here
Who's this artist?
>then traps don't exist
Exactly. They only exist in 2D
Why is this so hard to understand?
Why do trannies have a monopoly on being d ickgirls, anyways? If a trap wants to further than most others, why should these people be grouped in with people who want to cut their dicks off?
Also, I want to add that not all femboy are traps and the two are really not the same thing.
>tfw you realize there really is nothing you can do for them
I'm sorry things got this way you poor lost souls
>another Link thread ruined by trannies
This is why everyone hates you.
Cope with what, exactly? Retarded opinions like yours continuing to be pushed further and further to the outskirts of 1st world societal dogma?
>boo hoo muh body is a temple!
There are plenty of other medical excuses to fuck with hormones, you just hate fags unironically. You're gonna be one of the faggots protesting cool ass cybernetic augmentations in 20-40 years
>why should these people be grouped in with people who want to cut their dicks off?
all trannies in porn have their dicks intact and use their thing to fuck Adam Sessler
Based, you should fuck his mother as well. The ultimate power move
>crossdressing Link image in the OP
this has never been a thread about Link, the more you know...
Cope with the fact that you're a disgusting trannyfucker. The only people who like trannies are autistic fetishists
>The ultimate power move
no, that would be fucking his dad and making him a trap too
>posts a butt
i didnt realize how snowflakey people are
I don't know, how many lives did Nintendo ruin in 1999?
high IQ and based
I was too young to realize Saria wanted Link to stay
best Zelda girl
That's not Ruto.
Wromg girl
>you just hate fags unironically
First, I'm gay and I hate trannies. Second, how in the fuck can you hate something ironically? Third, fucking janitor, do your fucking job.
i wish i was a cute anime twink
>t. dobson
>a thread with a transvesting Link picture gets overrun by transvestites
i wonder why
>I'm gay
How is this thread still alive but faggot tranny jannies? All faggots deserve death. Your brain just isnt up to par thats why it either wants to be the opposite sex or fuck the same one. You're fucked up subhuman pieces of shit. Kill yourselves for the better of mankind you pieces of biological shit.
what brings a man to turn up like this?
Seriosu question.
trannies really are trying to claim traps are the same thing while decrying them on the era all the same. Fuck off
based mudslime
yes, that's not
yes, Midna is the wrong girl
good taste
>How is this thread still alive
I've stated this a million times.
These are the highest traffic threads on Yea Forums. The mods know it's been reported and know it's off topic but ad revenue from clicks and views > actual moderation. All tranny/gender bait/pol threads are allowed to exist as long as it's "vaguely video game topic" but 100% off topic shit posting in the thread.
Cunny poster was actually a hero for what he did since he forced the mods hands, but he is no where in sight ;_;
She's ok but I still like Midna more
Please god... just tell me the artist, please
Cope with the fact that the conservative suicide rate will be higher than the tranny suicide rate in 15 years.
i like Midna too
I'm literally fucking retarded and illiterate, please just post the full image or tell me where I can find the full image
Roda, you illiterate fuck. Are you blind?
>Wanting to find Roda's art
Quit while you're ahead.
Link is old news, we stan Joker now
i'm not gay, but a trap gf would be interesting
Someone on /y/__ Dumped a few pics, but I dunno if the thread is still up
I wish Link looked that good in game.
>i'm not gay, but a trap gf would be interesting
They don't exist in 3d
and with these words you just destroyed my faith on mankind
i had to google this term, how do you even know about it bro?
>did a sleeper cell just get activated?
Our literal site founder sucks dick you retard.
Well that tripfag is fucked I guess
oh boy should we tell him?
hiroshimoot isn't gay
And how about gooning?
as a non-native english speaker, what does it mean?
i didn't read the rest of his post
>tripfag post is immediately deleted
Ya'll niggas gay.
Good job mods
Pretty sure there's a janny who babysits these threads. Pretty pathetic honestly
>your girlfriend will never look like this, nor have a heart as big
The only ones who turned fag were lefties, like they naturally do
Thanks for the help user, but I couldn't find it.
This, god fucking damn it. It's like everyone is fucking underage here.
Nice attempt at distraction, Alex Jones.
spread boypuss Link, I need to suck on your musk
based and dare I say... redpilled?!
>This thread and your tum will be archived forever
100% is
[NOWHERE (NONAME)] Yoru no Kao wa Enkou Shounen -Aki-chan no Hitori Shigotohen- [English] [Digital]
My dick recoils every time.
I looked it up, it's like next level edging, I guess. It seems to be the hot new sissy fetish meme.
>tfw wanna be fucked twink Link
>tfw wanna be fucked by trap Link
>tfw wanna be fucked by twink Link as Zelda/futa Zelda
>tfw wanna be fucked by trap Link as Zelda/futa Zelda
>tfw wanna be fucked by trap Link as trap Link
>tfw wanna be fucked by twink Link as twink Link
>tfw wanna be fucked by Zelda/futa Zelda
>tfw wanna be fucked by Zelda/futa Zelda as trap Link
>tfw wanna be
Aaaaaaa fucking BotW design drives me wild
Also fuck your labels, the only thing I care about is if they're attractive to me or not and I pretty much only stop at bara and fat women.
Fuck roda. Dumb nip cunt.
>fuck your labels
Closetfag cope
>implying you're not gay
>trap thread hits bump limit
what went wrong
No I like women too, so can't be