but you said kidney harvest when I was 50
we had a deal!
sai djen, where we droppin, ping ping?
Why do Americans blame every single other country for their problems?
What video game is this?
Is she kill?
to the firing squad you go
Oh bother...
Never ever buying a single game from epic games store gookfags lmaaoooo
F her social credit score.
Not gonna watch. What happens?
Look at this man. He is OBSESSED.
Silly old bear, remember the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989. I heard about it while visiting the independent nation of Taiwan.
and she died mysteriously in a car crash
>No one have heard from her after, and her whole family too
Shit is scary
How did get this number?
She sprayed paint over a billboard featuring Jinping.
"I build for China!"
>buying too many videogames docks your social credit score
Why are they pushing epic so much?
>Post get deleted
>Thread stay up
tfw no based and redpilled secret police to assassinate attention whoring instagram thots
Look it’s Shizo Abe!
So you don't have an answer?
Yeah hey Xin, these Redditors actually think that tianmen square shit works lmao, like as if it would affect a government shill squad
Why the fuck do mods keep deleting that shitty winnie the pooh pasta? is it really that harmful to chinese posters?
Have sex. Thats my final anseer
Bend over.
>Then, according to the Hong Kong Free Press site, she went home and posted photos of police officers that she took through the peephole in the door.
>The woman hasn't been seen since and her Twitter account has been deactivated, which has raised concerns among Hong Kong human-rights activists.
She ded
Those italics
Yes,it shutdown their internet
its a reddit copypasta
Why is the chinese president a bigger bitch than trump?
>hasn't been seen since and her Twitter account has been deactivated
Because he's a dictator.
Yeah and the next time she was seen again was on a fucking milk carton lmao
Yes master xin, I have infiltrated the american videogames board and making forum posts about how great epic store is.
Holy shit I tought people were meming when they said she was tiananmen'd
Why the fuck does the left loves this country so much?
he's the most powerful man in the world
seethe harder, mutt
China is literally irl Oceania from 1984
>On September 9, 2018, Boxun reported that the administration of the hospital where Dong has been sent hospitalized was reportedly asked by the official to feed Dong poison quietly for a long time, aiming to keep her never to be discharged alive
what the fuck
Would you?
Monarchies and Dicatatorships actually run much better than most other systems IF, and it's a big IF, you have the right person leading the country.
However, as we see here, that rarely happens so we usually get some faggot like the chinese """president""" which makes it also MUCH worse than any other system when things go wrong.
Democracy is an attempt to keep some of the good while holding at bay most of the bad.
was nice knowing you user
Nah thats still Britain.
I don't even care that she has a facehead. She has convictions and stands by them. Would plow into next dimension.
His infamy will not be in how much power he had but rather that he got legitimately triggered by a cartoon bear to the point where it had to be censored. No amount of power will change the fact that he's seen as a massive pussy.
The left is constantly bitching about what they're doing to their Muslims, what are you talking about?
You do know that nothing really stops foreign countries from fucking with our population right? There's a reason they say freedom isn't free. You have to fight for it constantly.
These assholes are "free" to spread misinformation and pay people with no morals to say and do things that fuck with our country in an attempt to weaken us.
Modern liberalism is just the result of these retards drinking too much koolaid and our complete lack of community to prevent that sort of thing from happening.
Yikes. No way.
I think Winnie did the best thing in this situation. Bitch looks like a chinese tumblrfag.
yes though...
Why not just fall them roundheads?
Why facehead? What the fuck
>wearing the same clothes here as in the webm
She so fucking ugly,based china removing thot
based chinks eradicating the mudslimes
Damn, what a cutie. I'd stick my fingers in her pooper any day.
Too bad she's dead... :(
the last one isn't even that bad. its the second one that is awful
she looks more like Winnie the Pooh than Xi Jinping
Also the one with the smallest penis.
sup dawg
1 and 3 are so fucking cute
What are you implying my fellow user?there nothing special about wearing the same clothe dummy boy haha
Typical woman, even when doing something that can literally get you killed she has to stream it to the internet first. Hope the shallow grave is worth it.
only if I could look at her feet instead of her ugly chink mug
They don't give a fuck about chinese posters.
Real reason are chinese advertisers and hiroshimoot doesn't want them to pull their ads so he can make maximum profit.
Winnie the Pooh
oh no
It's makeup, dude. 100% illusion.
wow guys its really annoying trying to talk about china with the mods deleting all the threads. If only we had some sort of a designated place where we were actually encouraged to talk abouy politics. Oh wait I dont actually want to talk about politics Im just a child that likes doing what Im not supposed to and making mummy angry :^)
ayy lmao
>when protesting the government, make sure nobody sees it
they don't retard
visit other websites
There are at least 100,000 bugwomen identical to her, worry not.
The 1989 Tiananmen Square protests, commonly known in mainland China as the June Fourth Incident (Chinese: 六四事件, liùsì shìjiàn), were student-led demonstrations in Beijing (the capital of the People's Republic of China) in 1989. More broadly, it refers to the popular national movement inspired by the Beijing protests during that period, sometimes called the '89 Democracy Movement (Chinese: 八九民运, bājiǔ mínyùn). The protests were forcibly suppressed after Chinese Premier Li Peng declared martial law. In what became known in the West as the Tiananmen Square Massacre, troops with automatic rifles and tanks fired at the demonstrators trying to block the military's advance towards Tiananmen Square.
>t.sucky sucky fucky fucky
>: 青蛙.jpg
t. brainlet pol poster
And people wonder why this country never develops any ethics. They kill all of the people capable of morality.
hmm user maybe the point was for people to see it otherwise it would be meaningless, but surely you're right and not just a seething incel
She could've defaced all of the nearby posters overnight, but instead had to gain notoriety for throwing ink onto one easily-replaced poster instead. There are smart ways to protest, especially in a country without guns.
>tfw Deng Xiaoping warned the CCP about adopting a cult of personality around a leader like Mao's and the stupid fucks didn't listen
They didn't deserve the market miracle he gave them.
China is a few steps ahead.
>Why the fuck does the left loves this country so much?
Nobody loves China except for businesses looking to outsource their labor.
even though i know it happens in many countries it still blows my mind that in 2019 doing something like this can get you disappeared. where in america you can have a nude trump statue and nothing can be done to you.
we have sent people to the moon. have internet and crazy technology. but shit like this still happens around the world.
just puts some perspective on things.
You think anyone in China saw it? It got scrubbed and memory-holed, and China literally does not give a shit what the rest of the world thinks of them. They're colonizing Africa (and Canada and Australia) and taking over European ports and everyone's too afraid to do anything.
that crazy police literally show up to your door at night and your now missing