ITT: actually good remasters
ITT: actually good remasters
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*sells you the maps that were originally in the game as DLC*
Left looks better. Another fail remaster. I don’t get it, why does it always happen?
Literally SOUL vs soulless, try again.
left better though...?
Because nu-devs (females) think turning bloom on = remastering. In other words, developers these days due to diversity quotas fucking suck.
>game goes from letting you see it to hiding itself behind blur and bloom
kill yourself asap op
They didn't do that but they DID make the same DLC pack from the original game DLC in the remaster. I found that shitty (part of the upside of getting a remaster is you get ALL the content you missed out on the first time).
imagine being this much of a nostalgia-goggled brainlet
That's a remake tho
The melee is completely fucked in MP for it.
CoD 1, 2, and 4 are PC games first. Sorry you played the shitty overpriced port with paid DLC.
>PC game first
just because the lean feature is still there doesnt mean it wasnt designed from the ground up to accommodate consolefags with stuff like knife melee removing , slowing down the movement speed, removing weapon specific movement speeds and automatic weapons getting heavy buffs since consolefags cant into semiauto or bolt action
Majora's Mask 3D is a huge improvement.
Based retard
Not reading that Lol, get fucked codbabby.
>babby can't read a paragraph calling others baby
Watch out don't want to trigger those people who saw that one YouTube video pointing out its flaws.
hating CoD is the most reddit thing imaginable. Just because the kids who bullied you in middle school played CoD the games are suddenly shit?
Cod 4 sold 10 million on consoles and 1 million on pc though.
Dunno if it's just me but they absolutely destroyed the sound in the remaster, all the gunshots from other people sound like shit and theres no ambience, no nothing, no bullet whizzes, the graphics were great but what the fuck happened to the sound God dammit
>muh crouch only servers
thats more of a WaW thing
>talk about milk
>someone comes in and begins to talk about lubricant
That's you.
>highly optimized mesh that requires a nanosecond to draw
>quality is good enough because you don't spend 99% of the game staring at it close up
>fucking waste of rendering power on pointless shit like individual mustache hairs and excessive polygons
>only see it close up once during opening mission, rest of game he's always in the distance taking up 20 pixels
This is why we need 2080 Tis and other bullshit today. Devs became lazy and complacent about optimization and just lean on the bruteforce strength of modern hardware. Lazy fucks.
What constitutes a remake or remaster? SotC is considered a remake but it's no different than MW1 which reuses all the same animations and level designs and is considered a remaster.
poorfag detected
>why remaster a game when it looks fine from really far away
Is this a telltale sign of 'old good new bad'?
Yeah bro we need PS1 tier character models so it can run better amirite
Please don't talk about shit you have no clue about, that level of detail won't be rendered out of cutscenes and even if they used the high quality model during gameplay, the finer details would be turned down due to LoD. Your stupidity is baffling, no game today needs a 2080ti considering it all runs on incredibly weak consoles.
Only activision because codfags will eat anything up.
Remaster = same game ported to new console with higher resolution and framerate
Remake = new character models, lighting, geometry, animations, sound
what the fuck are you talking about, it runs at 60fps even on base consoles.
Enjoy your setpieces, cuck.
Have sex
So MW1 is a remake then?
Liking CoD is the most underage zoomer shit imaginable.
Yeah go play video games with your moniter off since graphics are bad
Find a single flaw
Protip: you can't
you need a account for it
Kys valve drone
>zoomers born 1997 and after
>MW released in 2007
Hating CoD doesn't get you any upvotes here buddy.
>valve drone
I prefer GOG desu, but nice try.
nothing wrong with battlenet
wtf I said desu not desu
Except that it's absolute trash.
>hating CoD is the most reddit thing imaginable
Newfag and perfers old abandonware games
>Devs became lazy
wow you're full of shit.
also, LOD's are a thing you fucking nonce. I assume there are like 5 other lower poly versions of that head with Mipmaps on it.
god you people are fucking retarded.
What are the odds that we'll get COD4 Remastered for free on Steam for already owning COD4?
>using the word "mesh" despite not knowing what LODs are
I can smell you from here.
Why don't you just pirate it if you want a free game?
t. Loser who sat on the floor in the foyer at lunch playing MtG with his unwashed metal T shirt
No. I want a free upgrade for a purchase I've already made. (like with Bioshock, Darksiders, Borderlands, and a few others)