Prove to me that Sekiro would be ruined with an easy mode. All video games have difficulty options. Why can't Sekiro?

Prove to me that Sekiro would be ruined with an easy mode. All video games have difficulty options. Why can't Sekiro?

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Other urls found in this thread:

I dont give a fuck retard stop spamming this garbage and commit suicide you worthless fat sack of shit

It wouldn't be "ruined" it just would't be as good as it is now.
>All video games have difficulty options.
They don't, but even for the one's that do its because players using a lower difficulty doesn't clash with the director's vision of how he/she wants the players to experience.

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>have different set of modes that only tweak numbers just so retards like OP can play
Either play the game the way it was meant to be played, or don't play it at all.

>All videogames have difficulty option

That's just straight up false

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good ones*


Well it does have difficulty options, it's built in the fucking game. But game "journalists" are too retarded to understand any of that because they aren't actually into games.

we talking the kuro charm where your options are hard or harder?

i really hope from doesn't go pussy mode

Actually, the good ones would have ingame ways to adjust difficulty dynamically.

I dont mind easy modes if there is a "normal" difficulty and a "hard" difficulty as well. That way you know when you pick easy you actually should never play video games and should stick to books and movies.

It would defeat the purpose of a game made to be challenging.

Games should include a Journalist Mode where you just walk from point A to point B with no actual gameplay to speak of until you win the game. Somehow I feel ""journalists"" would still find it to be too difficult and demand it be made even easier.

Prove to me that Sekiro should have an easy mode. Good boy points will be docked for using any of the following non-arguments:

>disabled gamers should be able to play every game ever
>i paid $60 that means i'm entitled to finishing it
>only autists care about gitting gud
>i deserve to experience the entire game in spite of the fact that the core experience of the game is overcoming its difficulty

>From Software has been notorious for making games that are hard/too hard for casuals in triple A gaming since Demons Souls, maybe earlier
>New From game comes out

They're known for making difficult games, no real pause menu, and hard fucking bosses some of which are bullshit because of limiting mechanics. Fuck anyone who bought Sekiro and expected a quick, easy 8 hour game to fill a review gap and got destroyed then cried about not being able to beat it.

Sekiro HAS an easy mode. It's the fucking default mode. If you didn't use the demon bell as soon as it was possible to obtain it you're playing on easy mode.

All fucking casuals must fucking hang.

this game is MADE to be challenging, if you want a movie or easy game just play last of us or god of war.
if they agree on this shit next game they'll be asking for nigger representation

Damn that is based response

Unless their next game suddenly sells way poorly compared to previous ones, they won't change. From Software's games occupy this kind of unique niche in video games and because of that, they more or less have a monopoly on it. Demon's Souls and especially Dark Souls showed that people were actually hungry for a somewhat more challenging experience, something that other devs prefer to shy away from. As long as other devs prioritize "accessibility", From Software basically has no competition.

>All video games have difficulty options
That's false though

Because the gameplay is built around the difficulty. If you reduce the damage or slow down he enemies or anything like that the game would become completely fucking boring. The combat is not really that complex, it's not like DMC where even on a lower difficulty you can at least have some fun playing with combos and different weapons and styles. Without the difficulty games like Dark Souls and Sekiro become completely fucking brain dead and boring.

Mario doesn't have a difficulty setting

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it was another time.
games are for everyone.


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>talking with an idiot like OP in 2009 about call of duty and its casualized influence on the first shooter industry
>"so what if all other FPSs copy COD ? they'll sell more atleast"
>games like crysis 2 , duke nukem forever etc, all copy COD's gameplay and lose their original charm, becoming COD but with different engines (2 weapon limit, regenerate hp, linear levels etc)
maybe you should stick to walking simulators OP.

what are they talking about?, the game comes in easy mode, you have to find the temple and sound the bell to make it harder

To the point.

Modern Mario will beat itself or make you invincible if you die too many times

I can't believe there is literally anyone who would agree to the game having an easy mode.

I’m pretty sure this is the same publication that was complaining about “Entitled Gamers” forever

Easy mode would be mediocre as fuck.

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Japanese are good about this sort of thing. I believe in From.


As much as I want to believe that From will continue to respect Miyazaki's vision as a director the bigger reason for them not caving to this western journo bullshit is probably their bottom line. The fact that they can release a

The point of From games is overcoming challenge. If they add easy mode, players will give up and switch to it, defeating the purpose.

>>disabled gamers should be able to play every game ever
The Wiimote nunchucks made games more "accessible" to everyone but disabled gamers wtf

This. Journalists think
>gamers are entitled manchildren
>sekiro needs an easy mode to pander to me
I have more respect for the shit I took this morning than I ever will for the media.

You guys are fucking idiots. They’re not complaining to From right now to patch in an easy mode but rather looking towards the future to make a more accessible, fun, and overall better experience for everyone to play. In the future devs should add an easy mode for everyone. This isn’t about Sekiro but rather it’s just an example. Look at how many more people would enjoy and experience the full game if they HAD put one in. Again they’re not screaming at From to do so now, but rather coddling and giving advice.

Sekiro and all souls games would literally suck with easy mode.

They'd be fun and flashy for first run, but the run would be a lot less meaningful. Those times that stress you out don't exist anymore, so you don't get super excited when you progress.

But not everyone wants to do that, and that's okay. FROM doesn't do that faggot dance tho.

kill yourself

I honestly don't care. My only actual objection to From adding an easy mode is that it takes time and manpower which could be better spent finishing the new Armored Core game that they better fucking have in development.

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*Giving a shit advice

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I have never understood how anyone could be mad at an option.
If they had an option to turn every single character into the easter bunny and every time you pressed attack you hopped out of the map in one jump and crashed the game, just dont fucking use it.
Just dont pick it. I know a lot of you guys dont want to play as a black character for whatever weird ass reasons, do you hate on every game with a character creator that allows you to be black? No you dont, you just dont pick that option.
This shit blows my mind.

>Why aren't you generic and play it safe like every other AAA studio
FROM has found their niche. Whats the problem here?

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Imagine you go to a mexican restaurant and order the blandest, non-spicy dish. This is you.

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it wouldn't have been ruined but you'd have to ask miyazaki what the opportunity cost of implementing an easy mode would be on a game like this

There is already an option. You can opt to not play Sekiro and play something easier.


Shouldnt he be allowed to eat bland food if he wants to? It doesnt stop you eating spicy food, and theres still all the dishes you want on the menu, they didnt remove any dishes to put the shitty food on there.
I dont get why youre so mad other people want to eat shit, dude just let them eat shit, who cares?

If I hear that From Software is developing a new action adventure game in this similar engine/framework but pre production is formulated around making the game "accessible", I will instantly be less interested in playing that game. All that tells me is that the developers are compromising a good game to try and market their game outside of their niche and that is shitty because it happened to games like Resident Evil

Appealing to the lowest common denominators has ruined franchises.

you could add an easy mode in seconds.
reduce dmg taken by 75%, increase posture by 200% and increase dmg dealt to hp and posture by 200%.

Sekiro already has an easy mode.


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fuck casuals and fuck normies

If his intent as director was to create a game which rewards players by pushing themselves to get better and overcoming challenges they struggled against which has been pretty evident in numerous interviews as well as multiple previous games he's directed then yes, it would be ruined.

>All video games have difficulty options.
Except for all those ones that don't.

>An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game
What is Runescape 3?

holy fuck that is next level based

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This. It's my only response to people asking for it. Fuck em'.

1. Not all video games have difficulty options
2. Easy modes do not necessarily ruin games, but they require additional resources to develop (sometimes not much, sometimes a lot, depending on how involved the changes are). It is up to the developers to decide if they'd rather spend the resources elsewhere for their product.
3. In addition to being treated like a market good, games can also be treated as authored works, and if the author feels the difficulty is core to the experience, no one should demand a dumbed-down version. You wouldn't demand a version of Hamlet with no words over 2 syllables long.

Because it already has dynamic difficulty. Just change your play style bro.

He should ask himself why he is at a mexican restaurant in the first place. Also the chief could consider it an insult to him and his cousine.

Seriously, why is video game journalism so fucking bad? Why are the only good voices in the video game community random ecelebs? Even then they’re rare and not nearly as mainstream as these journalists and writers. People may not think much of it but this is a huge reason why video games are still never taken very seriously and why most casual and mainstream games are completely disconnected from the rest of audiences.

The whole point of the game is to be difficult and provide a sense of fulfilment to players when they finally overcome the challenge.

Easy mode serves no purpose other than letting people finish the game which might be useful for games where the story/production values are the main appeal.

If you're going to a spicy restaurant and upset that you want bland food that they don't offer, you should go somewhere that actually offers what you want instead. Dumbass.

Food analogy.

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>bioware makes shit game
>everyone complains
>From makes a good, difficult game

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And who decides what an easy mode is? What if they implemented an even harder difficulty and called the already existing one the easy mode. Would you shut the fuck up if they did? You can go fuck yourself, making a game easy enough so that literally everyone can beat it means to remove any possible way of failure, because there are certainly retards out there who would still die to something and quit because of it. A game does not have to appeal to everyone and neither should it try to.

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>game is intentionally balanced in a specific way for a certain level of difficulty

>game is made as a counter to the huge number of concessions game developers of other titles make to hold the hand of the player

Why don't these people just accept the game is not for them and play something else? There's no fucking shortage of casual and easy shit out there for you. I don't want resources taken away from making the game to add in difficulty levels. Difficulty levels as a whole were a mistake.

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Journos will never have any integrity

That chef sounds like a faggot.
the onyl legit argument i can accept is it removing dev time and effort/funding from other things that could be put into the game. But like other posts have said, a very basic tweak of the numbers would have the effect the casuals want and allow them to throw their money at From like you should want them to do. make a no-effort easy mode with HPx1000 damage taken x0.15 away you go, idiots stop complaining and can enjoy the game, from makes way more money, everyone else who wants to enjoy the game as it should be is happy, what exactly is the issue here?

Stop being so entitled. If the devs don't want to put an easy mode in, you don't deserve one.

Why would the Japanese developers and publishers bother to put an easy mode in? Half the point of these games being obtuse and difficult is to promote guides and magazines. Learn to understand Japanese game development you fuck.

Damn, it took Slasher making a joke tweet about this whole discourse to actually get game journalists salty enough to reply and argue with people. And that's only because he is inside their ecosystem as an esports consultant

"We choose to go to the Moon! We choose to go to the Moon...We choose to go to the Moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard; because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills, because that challenge is one that we are willing to accept, one we are unwilling to postpone, and one we intend to win, and the others, too."

If the game is too hard, get good. Don't demand that the game lower itself to your standards.

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Did someone actually defend Anthem? You are talking about Anthem, right?

from softwares response is "fuck em" and that's the best response you can give.

I think he meant ME3

Did they actually say that? Based as fuck.

ME3 actually

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I don't think it would be ruined but I do think it's funny that all this bitching is coming from the same journalists who called people entitled en masse for being upset at shit like Mass Effect 3's ending, because how dare they question the devs' artistic vision

They won't respond to any of this. That basically means "fuck em"

Would you stop linking journalist bullshit? That isn't what this board is for. Making fun of them is just like 4% of what made old Yea Forums good.

Kennedy was a mysoginist ableist nazi but people don't mind because muh it was a different time

Its real fucking ironic. You can't be so vehemently for easy modes in all games when you're also going to write articles or complain on twitter about "entitled gamers"

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Why do I keep seeing this same argument regurgitated on Yea Forums? Is this really a point of contention or are you all just really fucking bored

>Shit, I'm a worthless fucking faggot that can't even do their fucking jobs.
>This game needs an easy mode because I'm too fucking worthless to even play a fucking GAME
>I know, I'll try to disguise it as a thing for disabled because I'm not only subhuman, but also a fucking coward
Also. Trainers are a fucking thing, fucking evolve already you primate scum.

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Shitposters. Call them a shitposting fag and move on.

It wouldn't ruin it at all. That's why the game defaults to its easy mode. If you want to, then you can make it harder once you're in the game.

This. OP is a fat mess and can't even beat a fucking video game.

it's not even good right now. It's just hard, so people think they need to say it's good or their peers will think they are bad at doing video games.

If the developers wanted you to have an easy mode then they would've put one in the game already.

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Why do you think that means having an easy mode is ok? How about instead of running to the internet to complain you just practice and get better at the game? This is what happens when you raise an entire generation of kids to think its ok to pussy out of anything slightly difficult.

Who are these people kidding? Disabled people don't want things made casual just for them. They HATE that kinda shit.

I mean, you're doing a whole tough guy routine on an anonymous video game message board so I think maybe that's a bigger problem with how you were raised.

Trying to paint it as "accessibility options" akin to colourblind modes, subtitles and button remapping really is the most disgusting part of it all. Not to mention the games are chock full of items and systems to make things easier anyway, but that would take a little forward thinking.

What's the point of playing it, then? Just watch a playtrough and spend the money in something you actually like.
In the other hand, they are making money with a niche market. Would it be as profitable during almost 10 years if they didn't take the masochist route?

Okay but define what makes a game "hard". Are you expecting to steamroll every boss in 1-2 tries? Sekiro isn't retardedly hard once you pick up the feeling of combat mechanics, which happens fairly early on if you put in the time to actually learn. Yes you will still probably be stuck on certain bosses for a bit but it's all about learning their movesets and adapting. Sekiro does not need an easy mode, it needs you to learn

To be fair, since there's no online aspect, adding an easy mode wouldn't fuck up the dynamics of the game like if they did it to Souls.

>An Easy Mode Has Never Ruined A Game
World of Warcraft

It would incentivize devs to make their core gameplay easier
Why bother adding in an easy mode when you can just make the whole game easy?
Oh wait, that’s already happened with most AAA and indie games

I'm only "acting tough" if you're such a gigantic pussy that you cant handle mean words. I dont know you but im positive you're a gigantic faggot in real life.

easy mode lowers the ceiling for players and leaves them with self imposed rules to fill the void where difficulty should be

pic related is what happens to games that are too easy

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did you ever play battletoads?
That's a game that actually needed an easy mode.

The first playthrough w/o the difficulty modifiers IS easy mode.

The game is already on easy mode. You need to go on NG+, ring the bell and forsake the charm for the true difficult mode. Imagine being so bad at video games you actually find the first playthrough hard.

Wasn't Seikiro a dumbed down, streamlined Dark Souls?


This. Fromsoftware´s response pretty much destroys every easy mode argument there could ever posibly exist.

If there are no difficulty sliders in a game that means you are getting the experience the developers wanted you to have, how you handle that is up to you.

Its definitely shitposting for the board, but its actually a real discourse that's been going on twitter since the game released.

Its now evolved past the game itself and instead a discussion on gatekeeping in general in and its just as tiring to see people upset that everyone isn't going to enthusiastically push you to play every single game on the face of the earth

>theme of the gameplay meant to be an imitation of the hardships of real life
>people demand an easy mode
>same people who want an easy mode for real life

And even then it's not difficult because you already beat the game and know what to expect from bosses and areas

This is the worst part. If game journalists argued as hard for font size changes, colorblind modes and custom button mapping in games instead of complaining about video game difficulty, they might actually do some good in the world

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>less than half of players killed lady butterfly

At least im not a TOTAL shitter

No you're definitely trying to be a tough guy lol

easy modes don't ruin games, they ruin people.
>participation trophies for everyone

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I'm all up to give players options so they can tune the game for maximum enjoyment but why can't they accept that FromSoftware designed Sekiro with a very specific vision and philosophy in mind, one that the developers felt wouldn't come across with things like difficulty options?

Because you should either git gud or git out.

these are only hard till you learn, once you get the mechanics down the game is a fun challenge at best. They are fair.
Now halo 2 on legendary, that is unfair

Only bad games need easy modes. Sekiro is perfectly balanced and don't need it.

Streamlined but it also meant there’s only ever one correct approach to any scenario

Cuphead has an easy mode, but you can't get to the final island using it. Would these guys be okay with that?

I ask this because Sekiro honestly doesn't require you to beat many enemies if all you want to do is run around 80% of the world and poke at people.

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bUt GAmeS ArE foR evErYonE

>What if they implemented an even harder difficulty and called the already existing one the easy mode

kek i hope they do this

This, on top of the fact that "easy" and "hard" are entirely subjective. What happens when it's easy for them, but someone pipes up saying that it's still far too complicated? What about the reverse of games being too easy which is far more common nowadays yet they still feel entitled to a barebones experience? More importantly, why are they heavily advocating for a downgrade in quality and design purely for selfish, lazy reasons? Because that is all that will happen 99% of the time when difficulty modes are forced into games that don't fit them, regardless of it being easier or harder. And if you say you don't care about ruining the experience for yourself by using the easy mode so it should be an option, then I'd question why you want to play any game at all, let alone the one in question.

>Using this language on 4Channel.
dude, sort it out.

The ironic thing is that the original mantra of "git gud" was specifically saying that. Keep trying, learn more about the game, don't blame your losses on things you don't understand, and you can beat anything.


Tough act loses credibility when you post it on Yea Forums, you nEEt.

I don't care what setting you play on but I'm still gonna call you a bitch for playing on easy.

Sure, you get an easy mode, but it's still challenging.
The game ends after Genichiro (No phase with the storm or lightning, though.) and you get an ending worse than Shura, and no new game plus. 'Too see the true endings, play on a higher difficulty.'



An easy mode is fine but you don't get the true ending/a large portion of the game is behind the regular difficulty.

Because sekiro wouldn't be nearly as good without the difficulty

Prove Sekiro would be improved by an easy mode.
Not the target audience.
If the dev wants challenge to be part of the player's experience, he has no reason to cater to people who don't want challenge.

A lower difficulty would be fun, so long as you don't get an ending to the game, or it finished before the real final boss or something
That's how games used to do it in the 80s and 90s

but it starts on easy mode

I wish Demon Bell did more than just damage amplification and unlocked new moves on enemies like in the higher DMC difficulties. I was never a fan of difficulty options that just buff or nerf damage because you're essentially still playing the same game. If you're already good enough to never get hit by enemies because you understand their moveset then the increased damage to posture and vitality and their increased tankiness does very little. Kuro's Charm is a better implementation of higher difficulty because it forces you to be more accurate with your parry timings if you don't want to eat chip damage.

You want the real answer?
Fromsoft games are shit
They have bad design, the RPG element is tacked on and changes nothing since you rely on iframes anyway, and they can't even introduce a proper story without the 2deep4you item lore
The difficulty is LITERALLY the only thing these games have going on for them
So you can slog through the bad gameplay and show off online that you wasted your time
Take that away and there's nothing left

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the first run is mathematically the easiest. it gets harder the second / third time you play.

There is an easymode. It is unlocked after you beat the game once.

describe to me a good game

But practically it isn't since you know what's coming 2nd time you play

uhhh noone is debating it having an easy mode, except shitbag fake ass wannabe gamers that run these website because their all hooknosed inbreds whose primate brains cant handle the games.

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Imagine getting paid to play games and being shit at them

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>Streamlined but it also meant there’s only ever one correct approach to any scenario
No, it simply adds a means of defensive options from 3 in DS and bloodborne (roll, block, parry) to 4 (dodge, block, parry and jump), while instituting a mechanic where sometimes one of the safest answers can't work (unblockables).

You can still use all three other defensive options and even other offensive options to deal with the unblockable, all it means is you can't just block.

Fromsoftware doesn't make story based games. Some games like Skyrim, Witcher 3, etc are much more story based and don't have very in depth combat. Games like DS, Bloodborne, and Sekiro are combat heavy. That's the only point to the game. You beat one set of baddies to get to the next set and then eventually to a boss. By making an easy mode, you just make the game pointless. Every encounter is built around difficulty. Without it being hard, there's no actual game. There's no satisfaction from beating something difficult because it was all easy. Why even play the game then? You're not actually doing anything even enjoyable, it's just running through and mindlessly pressing buttons because it'll die anyway.

good post, i'll get you your trophy user

Nah. I just used it when I went twinking and got hatemail.

2 weapon limit was the fault of Halo
Regenerating HP came from someone else but probably stemmed from halo's regenerating shields despite the fact that shield and health were seperate values in Halo.

>show friend nuRE2
>plays on assisted
>bumblefucks to item box
>pulls out infinite SMG and completely ruins whatever tension the game had left
>he's still shit at solving "puzzles"

I just started the game and finished the prologue.

What are those unblockables? the first "boss" had some attacks that had a red rune glow before attacking you mean those? you cant block those?

Honestly there's no excuse except 'people only like our games for the bragging rights so I guess we'll just keep it hard.' I probably would've spent more time with it if you didn't die in two hits. I have a job, I don't have time to 'git gud' at a literal children's toy.

Simple: Give them an Easy Mode
And disable all trophies for it

this one billion times

to be fair i cant imagine a 60+ year old otaku guy, who just wants to play a ninja game, with arthritis, finishing this .

>red rune glow before attacking you mean those? you cant block those?
No, you'll get a tutorial shortly about what those all mean and exactly how you're supposed to counter them

potion seller was in the right

Yeah whenever there is a red kanji over your head it means the next attack will go through your block and hurt you. There are usually multiple ways to deal with each kind but it depends on the enemy and type of unblockable attack they do (stab, sweep or grab). Some unblockable attacks can just be interrupted with an attack or use of a prosthetic, for example.

There's a framework that is easy to stick to for dealing with each kind though that the game describes to you. Jump a sweep attack, dodge a thrust, and run away from a grab but you mix these answers around for different attacks and actually find they work better than the suggested action

Try figuring out the game it’s quite easy

>Games are art, thus the creators artistic vision has to be respected
>death and struggle is part of the core parts of a game, thus adding to the artistic vision of the whole product
>game is too hard, add an easy mdoe, even if it detracts from the artistic vision of the game

I call this the game journalists paradox.

Honestly this

Wasted time and assets used for a mode that takes the game out of the game. This game is 75% learning the mechanics and applying them and 25% story. If you just want story read the lore on wikis or watch it on youtube. If you make this game easy then it's a 2-3 hour game for bad end and 3-4 for good ones

>add in cheat codes for every game
>developer can design the game they want, and people who find it too hard can turn on cheat codes that disables trophies/achievements to progress
Done. Shame them at the same time as making it more accessible

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No one gives a flying fuck about achievements.

trainers exist brainlet
lmao retard

>dodge a thrust
>not makiri

>Why don't these people just accept the game is not for them and play something else?

To be fair it's literally their job to play this. Doesn't mean they shouldn't just suck it up and admit they suck.

Judging by any gameplay video from a journo, they don't play at all. They're paid to write, and it'll be about any media or topic. Why they'd pick something known for being hard as fuck is beyond me though.

Just a reminder that buying sekiro makes you a bugman as it is published by Activision which is a subsidiary of Activision Blizzard which Tencent has a good stock share in.

no one cares about gaming journalists. They're doing this to generate clicks.

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Super Mario Land 2 has an Easy Mode. Also, Super Mario Maker has four difficulty settings for the 100 Man Challenge mode (Easy, Normal, Expert and Super Expert).

not for consoles.

Herman Melville should rewrite Moby Dick because I am too much of a brainlet to understand the nuances.

Accessibility leads to a broader fan base. And we know that’s always, always a good thing. Companies never destroy themselves and lose a shit ton of money by trying to please every possible demographic. And the original fan base is never, ever alienated after that.

You’re right. Let’s appeal to everyone.




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I'm literally an oldfag with old man reflexes (almost 35 just fuck my shit up senpai) and I never considered myself good at videogames even, but I am managing Sekiro and I don't think it's nearly as hard as they are making it out to be. It's time to sack up and stop complaining, especially if it is your job.

Sekiro has 4 difficulty levels: Normal, No Kuro's Charm, Demon Possession, Demon Possession+No Kuro's charm

I remember this debate coming up around the time of dark souls 1, and everyone responded with: "there is an easy mode, summon phantoms". It's hilarious how fucking nuclear the shitters are going now that they can't summon phantoms in sekiro. They have to turn it into news that they suck ass at a video game.

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I got one from when I was 5 and my parents forced me into little league baseball. It only reminded me of how much I hated it because my inability to process shit as quickly as everyone else meant that I got hit often and kept trying to get out of going to the game every week.

if you want video games to be art you can't make it incumbent on developers to make them accessible to everyone. you wouldn't say 'this poem is too hard, it should have an easy mode.' it would destroy its integrity as art

video games as a whole are for everyone but each individual game does not have to be for everyone
they have just as much right to make a hard as some fag has to make a dull walking sim

>add Easy mode into game
>remove certain enemy types
>make the game so easy its boring
>lock half the game away in normal mode

Don't forget easy mode: be handheld by reading guides and wikis as you play

Difficulty is fundamental to game design. Asking them this is asking them to make another game entirely.

>reviewers play easymode and rate the game poorly because they don't know about the true content

>Demon Possession


ring the bell, brah

Attached: SEETHING.jpg (706x858, 32K)

Are you serious user?

Attached: file.png (256x256, 69K)

Games HAVE been ruined by becoming too easy.
If your primary audience becomes the mass market there is financial incentive to dumb down your design for the masses. The skill level of your audience is lower, and games are always designed for the audience.
Difficulty levels don't typically totally revamp AI, level design, and mechanical complexity, they just give players a little bit more wiggle room.
Inevitably the result is that people playing on easier difficulties aren't getting the full experience - so they're less likely to continue patronizing the series unless the DESIGN accommodates the level of difficulty that they play at.

Pic related is a great example of how casual playtesters have affected the actual DESIGN ITSELF.

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First off, not all video games have difficulty options. That's just incorrect.

There's no objective proof when it comes to something like personal opinions. Some people just want to know the story and watch things play out without having to struggle to get to the next point of the game. However, games like Sekiro are designed with the core idea being to provide players a challenge so that they experience that satisfying thrill of overcoming something that seemed impossible before. In fact, post-Demon Souls FromSoft made its millions for this very reason.

When you subvert this idea merely to make it more accessible, you ruin that sense of achievement for the player. People THINK they want things all the time, but if they truly did get their coveted Easy Mode, they'll soon find themselves wondering why they're playing the game in the first place.

While people always pose self-limitations and occasionally judge people for not adhering to them (No Summoning, no OP weapons, no cheesing, etc.) There is always a certain level of achievement gained from playing these games because they are DESIGNED TO CHALLENGE YOU. If you don't like that challenge, you probably wouldn't like the game even with an Easy Mode.

Attached: Something+something+snu+snu+_1e734a857ee28348fb27b7bedb84d569.jpg (604x604, 72K)

From should make an easy mode where enemies just stand still and don't attack you. Then journalists could get a cinematic experience.

maybe you should try to get good

>boss enters
>slash it once
>instant cut to finisher


Trophies/Achievements would be worthless.