Why is this allowed? Borderlands 3's timed Epic exclusivity has no bearing whatsoever on the other Borderlands games and they should be judged on their own merits and not on an installment that isn't even out yet.
Why is this allowed...
>people shouldnt be allowed to protest
Because it's the only direct way consumers can mark their displeasure. You know, considering Epic Game Store doesn't have a review system itself.
Cause I can
Suck it fag
Is the vidya industry the most blatantly anticonsumer thing out there? Does anything besides may cable companies come close in anyway?
>go to restaurant
>waiter is rude and slow
>ask to speak to the manager
>manager comes out
>don't remember thew waiter's name and don't see him around
>point to a different waiter and blame them for the shitty service
>manager fires that waiter instead of the one who is actually to blame
gamers are fucking retarded
>games anybody who, even gave half of a shit about, already bought
Big deal.
Getting it on ps4 :)
>BL3 is only available on epic
>complain about it on steam
lol, fucking retard
>giving a shit about TIMED exclusives
>In the year of our lord 1009.5×2
>PC players
it's almost like you're surprised you're all a bunch of manchild virgins
How are they review bombing it if it isn't even close to being out yet
Why do all of the characters in BL3 look and act like they belong on some portion of the LGBTQA rainbow?
Why do leftists care so much about corporations all of a sudden?
>REEEEEEEE me hate epic me review bomb prior games
>meanwhile in reality, the previous borderlands games have been top sellers on steam since the BL3 announcement
it's fucking hilarious seeing gamers impotently rage online
Watch as Steam stops the reviewbomb from affecting the final score of those games. You know, the same feature epicshills were screeching about? Something about censorship?
Attacking a media company over a minor business descretion is the civil protest of our Era. This shit is like gamer 9/11.
Epic can't afford forums or reviews, too poor to implement. Poor guys can't even afford a cart.
They're doing it to the previous games.
Steams PR guys are paying some marketers.
Consumer ethics are lost on groupthink hivemind types
It's a requirement for any character in 2019
Review bombing isnt a new thing. People do this over actor they dont like, sjws, or if a game gets censored
Not like the borderlands series was ever any good, I dont get the hype for this game especially with how boring 2 was
Now I understand why PCfags were amused with consolewar shitflinging. Seeing Pcbros outrage over a game that will be available on 3 other platforms and not on their service is hilarious.
Because its BADASS dude
Chinks and the whole Epic thing are pretty bad but let's be real here. GOG is what people should be pushing as the new industry standard, and maybe in some years possibly (though highly unlikely) a refocus on physical copies.
Crying about it not being on your personal favorite DRM restrictor is still stupid
within one week of creating an account someone was already trying to jack my account, not sure if they succeeded because i don't want anything to do with epic or any of their shitty games.
in 15 years my steam account has never been compromised, but these faggots can't last one week even.
fuck them and their shitty launchers, people can do whatever they want to them with my support.
>reviews are there to show whether the game is good or not, as well as why
My nephew actually asked me why everyone looks gay and I had to tell them that they think it's cool and to not do what they do because that shit is gay and you just be yourself.
Now he has to be hyper aware of homosexuals and form a negative opinion of them becuase he had to create a mental barrier between him and the gay stuff because he knows what's up with western media.
>it's fucking hilarious seeing gamers impotently rage online
giving your game a 87% discount is basically giving the middle finger to the playerbase and shows how much Epic paid them to get the title onto their platform
they don't care about the money from steam anymore
The chinks are going to eat our lunch once they figure out how to make games that aren't buggy spyware ridden shitheaps wit tons of backdoors mandated by the chinese governement.
Lmao this
Sounds Based.
>gog just got warcraft 1 and 2
>couldn't even get them from blizzard for years
Truly the heroes we need
The previous games that are well known by many at this point? How exactly does bombing them with bad reviews make any difference then? lol
I still don't get it though. It's not tied to hardware. Are PCbro just retarded?
I don't want to get invested in a franchise that is going to end up Jewing me. I appreciate the warning from these Steam reviewers.
Steam is adding an anti review bomb filter that's toggled on by default so this makes literally no difference.
>send the Epic-owned spammers on a reviewbombing rampage
>sidehelp from the actual few 12 year olds smart enough to post a review
Way too convenient
I dont think that's going to happen. Making something without backdoors and spyware is a conflict of interests.
This is how gamers "fight the power" (complain and give bad yelp reviews like a middle-aged woman).
pc launcher exclusivity is fascism
Unironically based. I cant stand people who act "woke" or conform to isms to be cool or "in."
If you suck cock do it because you like sucking cock, not because you want fucking twitter asspats.
Read any of the threads you shitpost in. You don't get it? You're retarded.
Don't worry, they'll just have to put an end to user reviews because gamers are the most entitled manbabies in the universe. I get it, epic store sucks fucking ass but Jesus Christ almighty people are embarrassing.
Not quite. More like this:
>Go to restaurant
>ask for mac and cheese
>"sorry we don't sell mac and cheese anymore, Red Robin's bought exclusive rights"
>go to Red Robin's because it's the only place to get mac and cheese
>get an attitude from the waiter, food has hair in it and the seats and tables are filthy
>go to the bathroom and when you get back your coat is stolen because there's no security and employees don't care
>tfw you have to go to this shitty restaurant to get what you want because they paid for exclusivity rights
Is it sinking in how retarded this is yet? Also it's not like people can get a message through to these fucking blockheaded businessmen any other way, why not fuck directly with their game library's reputation?
Okay, so they are retarded? Sorry breh, jeez laweez
You forgot to mention the first restaurant is a carnival full of apes flinging shit at each other while also being a cult.
The point is that the Epic store is objectively inferior to Steam in every conceivable way. Being forced to use a poor service because the creators of said service are competing in the most retarded, consumer-fucking way imaginable is the crux of the issue here.
>Just don't play the game then
So yeah, options are that I cave in and support this kind of cancer or don't support it and miss out on entertainment I want to partake in. What a great environment that fosters healthy competition.
It's obviously self sabotaging because you know some mid tier corporate suit is losing his mind over the negative reviews, it just makes steam look worse. It will just make the suits want to put the screws in even tighter, how dare you prole complain!
Enh it'll get better. If it doesn't, oh well. No biggie, it's just videogames.
You don't have to interact with steam users to appreciate the platform. Steam presents a good consumer experience, no matter what way you look at it. Especially in that you don't have to worry about getting your account stolen and losing hundreds of dollars worth of shit. This is not even mentioning the plethora of basic features steam has that make it a more desirable platform than the shit-heap that is the EGS.
Maybe like some better games.
Here, don't sweat it:
>Sell subnautica on Epic
>No forums on epic
>People trouble shoot on Steam forums for their problems
It goes both ways
Hit 'em where it hurts. In their wallets.
I refuse to buy any game i can't physically ejaculate on. I only play DOS games
If it wasn't for review bombs. GTAV would still not allow modding. Unfortunately, since BL3 isn't steam they can only go to the previous games. Similar thing happened with Skyrim when paid mods were there for 4 days.
Get flossed on nigggggggger, ain't ever buying an epic games store game EVER AAHAHAHAHAHAHA
To be fair, all of the Borderlands games are bad so at least the review bomb will correct their scores to what they should be.
So why not just take it to twitter? Bombing an old game on the wrong platform is surely less efficient
just pirate that shit. metro got cracked super quick out of pure spite, i imagine every epic exclusive from here on out will be ready to pirate within like 13 minutes of release born of sheer pc mustard rice butthurt
>borderlands games are bad
>get bad reviews
i dont see a problem here?
>food analogy
Nah we are just pro American, anti gook
I love how faggots like you roll over and take dick from these suits. I don't even understand why.
Anyway they'll probably make a shit ton of money, and then a few years down the line faggots like you will be crying because of some scandal where ching chong chinamen stole your credit cards or a ton of user data leaked, however at that point because of how massive Epic will have grown there will be no alternative anymore.
What are the odds they get RDR2 exclusive to the epic store? I can't see it happening since they'd have to spend hundreds of millions in lost sales to do it. Plus R* is more concerenced with getting more players exposed to it MTs shitfest.
>giving your game a 87% discount is basically giving the middle finger to the playerbase
imagine being this retarded
Devs don't care and publishers don't either or even interact online. When you hurt their place of buisness is when they pay attention
they still report it
Steam reviews mean nothing. There's always negative reviews because some retard couldn't get his controller working or something. Most steam users are braindead.
this one would be huge
epic needs to spend like never before to get exclusivity rights for this one even for a couple of months
it is a form of providing feedback in a meaningful manner, that the people who actually make the decisions hear and understand.
You make shit decisions in your portfolio: your other products will be affected.
Boming it on steam isn't gonna hurt much. Twitter is the face of every company these days, people look at Twitter to see how a company is doing and this will spread the news much faster. Every video I've ever watched about community backlash has gotten that info from Twitter. The only place I hear about people down voting games on steam is on here and on steam.
You could buy the console version
Imagine being this braindamaged.
>people trash epic’s lack of reviewing
>steams houses bullshit misuse like this
You fags literally don’t deserve to not have chink overlords.
Smells like Steam December 2016. I remember they had to send out emails to those affected by a security breach
>You make shit decisions in your portfolio: your other products will be affected.
It's not steam's decision that this is happening though. Have you tried just not buying the game?
As a console gamer I would kill to have a Playstation or Nintendo launcher on my Xbox. I don't understand why you PC babies are so angry at having another launcher
Who cares? Borderlands is fucking trash and it always has been.
That would still present the same problem of shitty platform, though in the case of consoles, the shit seeps into performance as well, not just the online service.
>I don't like popular game therefore it's bad!
Everyone knows it’s not Steams fault. All you have to do is look at the reviews to get the fucking picture
Epic is worse and you know it.
Didn't know that it wasn't on PC, weird.
>vote with your wallet bro
When's the last time that actually worked?
It’s a trash launcher with less than bare minimum features and security flaws to boot. People would rather stay with the safer alternative than risk info getting stolen or spied on.
more like
>Go to restaurant and order mac and cheese
>Go to same restaurant to order mac and cheese wedges; they don't have them
>Told that the restaurant next door has them and you're free to head over and order there as they have empty tables ready
>Stay in the current restaurant and complain about how bad the mac and cheese is because the other store has mac and cheese wedges
Marvel Infinite?
Because the launcher still comes with the negatives. Imagine having to pay for PS+ in addition to Xbox live or even getting lizard squaded because you used a shit service.
Like one wise man said about PC players: "You can cater to console players but it's impossible to satisfy PC players. They will pirate your game instead of buying it and them review bomb it on metacritic"
I’m not saying Epic isn’t worse. I actually think it’s much worse. However we can’t forget that it wasn’t long ago that the same thing happened to Steam that has happened with Epic. The only difference is Steam had the resources to handle the situation. I find it difficult to believe that Epic can do anything about the shit that’s gone on so far.
No user, the first restaurant in the terrible analogy was Steam. Not the Fortnite launcher sponsored by tencent.
MvC:I sold 1.4 million copies, more than UMvC3 did. The idea that no one bought the game is a fantasy because again, more people have a copy of it than of the previous game.
more like
Whats up with gamers and food anologies
You guys are retarded. Review bombs no longer work on Steam. They don't effect the store. I made a thread about it and everybody called me an Epic Game Store Shill so now you guys can live with your "protest" being meaningless because you didn't do shit when this happened.
It doesn’t even accomplish anything because the developers have no control over where the game gets distributed, that’s completely on the publisher
Because people everywhere eat food so it's an easy analogy to understand
I could go for some Mac and cheese right about now
No, it’s just an easy way to throw a tantrum. You’re altering the display of the reception of game, for the mishandling of an entirely different game. You’re creating misinformation.
Gamers do't stop eating, food is always in front of them so they never stop relating things to it.
part of PC being the best platform is you arent beholden to supporting shitty practices or missing out on what you want to play; you simply pirate
>by giving a negative review to an old game you’ve already bought and played
>ever letting a service save your information
you realize that it is completely illegal for a US business to store any of your information without your consent right?
>that won't stop them from doing it!
if they lose personal information of from users that didn't opt to store it then you sue, class action style for $5 each :)
It's more like
>Go to McDonalds and get shit talked by a staff member
>Go to a different McDonalds and yell at the manager
This may be true but it’s maretings job to follow reviews and relay info up the chain. And with all the coverage this is getting, along with the shit that’s been hitting Gearbox the last 5 years, someone is bound to notice.
How are people review bombing it? I thought Epic didn't have reviews yet.
Borderlands is a terrible series though
1. Other users who may not follow the series closely and are just buying BL2 to prep for BL3 will see it and know it's a timed exclusive if they haven't heard about it already.
2. There are very limited ways for people to voice their concerns before the release date, so people will take the few options they have in order to vent.
3. Go 50-cent army somewhere else.
>What a great environment that fosters healthy competition.
It "works" for consoles
shut the fuck up boomer
Your theory falls apart when these video game journalists keep pumping out articles about it.
They’re reviewing bombing it on steam to show the publishers how much better it is to stay on steam.
ourguy Randy doesnt deserve this. PLS NO BULLY PEDOS!!!!!!!(^・ェ・^)
>Nathan Grayson
Isn't that the guy who accepted sex for positive press?
If I were Valve, I'd ban the shit out of those posts. Let people who made the mistake of investing in Epic get frustrated and realize how little the company offers them. Allowing them to use Steam's resources for an Epic issue allows them to reduce frustration way too easily.
This should not have made me laugh as hard as I did
That's pretty accurate
>Entire point of review bombing is so that when a person goes to the game they see negative review score and maybe read or don't buy
>The score is not effected at all so casual consumers will still buy it if they don't follow shitposting on Yea Forums
what alternative would you suggest in this scenario?
Why would Steam be mad at it's users for bashing Epic?
Borderlands is shit either way. Even when I was an easily impressed highschooler I didn't have the willpower to touch the series ever again after beating the first one once.
It's more like
>What we are talking about has nothing to do with food
>We talk about the literal thing and not with food analogies because we don't have an IQ of 5
Eh publishers don't give a fuck about people who buy the games. I don't really like the idea of using other launchers because it decentralises my game library so I'll probably hold off, especially with Borderlands 2 being fairly shitty.
I'm surprised Valve doesn't file a lawsuit over the Metro Exodus shit though. That was advertised on their front page and then they did an exclusive deal after. I'm sure there's a law where you can't con someone to advertise for their competitor.
Why are people allowed to voice their opinion? It literally should be illegal imho