>the harder games gets the lower score.
nothing to see here.
>game that tells bad gamers and soi critics to fuck off and cry more reaches 90%
so te real score would be something akin to 99%?
>infinite stamina
>refillable heals
>jumps/stealth/grappling hooks to escape/cheese every situation
About right, Bloodborne does everything better except responsiveness and fluidity of movement
This. BB should be 101% and Sekiro should be 99%.
>still sucks despite having all the aces
*wheezes* you just can't make this shit up!
does nobody enstrange these high scores for all these soulsborne sekiro games? it's like critcs just give them this high because of how much a meme from software has become at this point
But I beat the boss. All that matters to me bucko.
Shit game, izi as fuck, casual bait for noobs like urself. LOL
Did you just describe Babyborne?
sure you did kid.
How do you get half a death, what
maybe killed the boss but still died?
>couldn't finish the DLC because he was getting filtered by Ludwig
>didn't even count his deaths from the DLC
What a fucking casual lmao.
Also Bloodborne really is the easiest souls game
wtf happened in ds3?
Knowing DSP he died and thought it was unfair/cheating so he said it's only half.
This is correct though, both games are pretty god tier action games
Bloodborne is just more unique
>on NG+
Yeah I loved Bloodborne
Still haven't played Sekiro, it looks great, but since I stopped playing vidya that much I'm torn between it and DMCV
I just wanna relax on the couch on a Sunday morning hangover and wreck some shit.
Did he do the chalice dungeons though? I think he quit half way through. They kinds suck but you have to do them at least once for the full experience
DaS3 is. DaS2 is hard because it is a poorly designed game with questionable hitboxes/graboxes.
BB should get points for coop and pvp. Even if you don't do it, it is objectively more content to enjoy. Sekiro having only 1 weapon is pretty boring, I am on my 4th go and I don't even feel like finishing it
Nope. On NG.
DaS3 isnt hard, but BB is just easy
What's the problem? The game gives you a choice to invest into ADP so you can be a dodge bitch or END so you can be a shield chad.
But END its good for dodge
Some of the early game and optional bosses, DLC, and especially the chalice dungeons were difficult. I hit wall with Darkbeast and Defiled Amy that was unlike anything in souls.
90 is honestly too high
it has too many flaws and the combat is too simple for it to be a 90.
Just as the other guy said. Some of the DLC stuff and especially the chalice dungeons are the hardest shit the series had. The entirety of that defiled dungeon has a difficulty unlike anything I've ever experienced in this series. I think it takes most players 1-5 hours to defeat Defiled Amy or Defiled Hotdog.
Sekiro is the demons souls of our time. A lot of people don't get it therefore they write it off. For the fanbase that understood the masterpiece it will be a cult classic. When they make Sekiro 2 or whatever they call the next game, the Yea Forums "fanbase" will pretend they were good at Sekiro and basically we will get DaS and DeS again where most people haven't actually played DeS but count them as fans
I think most people just forgot about that. You only really do that once and all other runs are really just mainline with optional world bosses. I have played BB like 20 times though but only fought the queen like 3 times, honestly forget all of the bosses that are in the dungeons
it's bad by fromsoft standards
the only interesting level is the palace/water area
>bloodborne has infinite stamina and grappling hooks
Yeah pvp and coop felt a lot better in my opinion than DS games, so there is that. However I'm autistic as all hell in video games and will never use more than weapon that I like or in a fighting game never use more than 1 character. Played BB about 4 times and never used anything other than the cane, so the 1 weapon thing is actually fine for me
Nah. The CEO of sony called Demons Souls absolute shit. This is the same way. Sorry you won't be in this club, but there are other games to play.
Two based games. From Software does it again.
You do you. I keep an open mind and did a run with every weapon, some weapons that I expected to be ass were actually really fun runs
I think it's a shame. I'm one of the guys who likes the chalice dungeons just because I like being able to get optional unnecessarily powerful loot if I want to, and about half the game's enemies are in there. There's a lot of interesting fights and situations to be had, and some of the chalice dungeon exclusive bosses are my favorites in the game too.
I don't like how they all have the same basic premise of pull switch fight boss. The levels themselves get pretty old to look at too. I always wonder what the game would have looked like if all of those bosses and enemies existed as their own level in the game. Would have been 10/10
I loved the chalice dungeons too but they would have benefited from being a straight dungeon crawl rather then randomly generated.
I bet the majority of bloodborne players have never even beat the queen.
a fifth of his ds3 deaths were solely attributed to Champion Gundyr
It was baffling to watch
feels good to enjoy both without having to complain about one or the other
I think he intentionally died to the angry get in my sack guys and counted it as half
lol. How do you people stay alive in the real world
game is easy as shit