HL3 confirmed

In the make

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where the fuck did you get that? Did you tell Tyler (VNN) yet??

I remember nocliping for the first time in hl2, finding all the gman sightings and how stuff spawned and worked. Was fun, almost makes me wish it was 2007 again so I could get hyped from this and believe it but it sucks knowing exactly where that is. magic is gone

Holy shit?

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i dont get it

this just looks like cut content from HL2:EP2. That's either been nocliped, or put together in Hammer... or whatever the source mapmaker is called.

it's just a random mod

it's the corridor where mossman makes a video call and a hunter breaks through

>some HL2 mod
who fucking cares

the first picture is just the location from where the female doctor mossman or whatever calls you / alex on the video message.

>not posting the real leak

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>all these people saying mod
am I the only one who knows this is where mossman is when she contacts you in ep2? really? All these newfags to life and Yea Forums

Will Half Life 3 be an Epic Store exclusive?

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People would die cumming and farting at the same time

I-It's happening bros.....

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jesus, I have this saved from January 2008... I feel old

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me too man

Looks great.

Dumbass do you believe that shit that easily? people not joking when they said that Yea Forums is mostly retard

Technically it is since valve never officially cancelled it

>the only one who knows this is where mossman is when she contacts you in ep2? really? All these newfags to life and Yea Forums
Nobody remembers this shit anymore. 11 fucking years man.
I played hl2 and eps and i barely remember shit besides exploding tower and throwing bombs at spiders

They're not lying, you are proof.

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no dyson sphere no buy

>mfw you fell for his bait

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