BOTW good

>BOTW good
>god of war bad

I don't understand what the fuck was his problem with his BOTW review. He didn't address the shitty ubisoft towers and the empty open world and then he hated God of War just because it was too cinematic. Why did he contradict himself?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nintendo bonus.

he didn't say god of war was bad he was critiquing it like he does everything

How is he contradicting himself when "ubisoft towers" and "empty open worlds" are completely different points separate from whats "too cinematic"?
Do you even what contradiction is?

Because he's a patreon-backed pseud.

It's all down to opinion at the end of the day so who the fuck cares. I thought they were both pretty good.

His BOTW reviewing wasn't exactly a glowing praise

>nintendro ne crying again
wew lad

The guy has good content, just deal with it.

I don't understand a word he says, but I enjoy listening to the funny Irish noises he makes

Going by his standards and his other zelda reviews it was.

>nootin personal boyo

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just because he takes time putting together videos doesn't make him a pseud
i'm assuming that's what you're alluding to by pseud but none of his actions make me think he thinks he's smart
i do understand the mentality of "they're backed by patreon so they don't make stuff"
but i prefer to give him the benefit of the doubt since i enjoy his content
granted that's extremely biased of me but i assume you also have your own biases

Did you even read the post you replied to?

Yea Forumsirgins can''t think on their own, have to rely on reviewer cucks to do it for them

>shitty ubisoft towers
How are they ubisoft towers apart from being, you know, just towers.

I dislike both

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Why the FUCK is this allowed?

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That's a painting.

>incoherent ramblings a a hamster
>a decisive and to the point observation
Based matt.

Go to bed Sean

Regardless which one you prefer there's a reason Joseph is making more than 3x the amount Matthew does through patreon alone.

>towers you climb to unlock part of the map
i wonder where i've seen that before

in metroidvania games

yes those famous open world metroidvania games

But they're not anything like, mechanically wise.
BotW just shows the typography on the map, Ubisoft towers litter your screen and minimap with pins and icons and symbols that all lead to each and every specific collectable and side quest, clogging up your screen with arrows pointing you towards everything, removing all sense of exploration and turning the game into a checklist simulator.

the issue most people have with ubisoft towers is that they tell you where everything is so you have no reason to actually explore the game world anymore, botw just show you the topography of the map

Because Matt has been focusing on indie puzzle games that nobody really gives a fuck

>They're not anything like
>One fills up your map with info
>The other fills up your map with info

I always though the big issue with ubisoft towers is that it clutters the mad with meaningless side content.
Something BotW doesn't do.

actually it's the same mechanic used in metroidvania games whenever you access the map room you retarded faggot

>it's ok when nintendo does it because the minimap with icons has fewer icons so it's totally different and very innovative from nintendo

>Why didnt he mention THIS FLAW or THIS FLAW
Fuck off, he never said it was perfect, just that it was really good (It was)

Since he's expressed interest in reviewing DMC5, what do you think his opinions will be on it?

if you claim there is a reason share it
i'm glad you prefaced it with regardless which one you prefer though, but that just feels like a poor attempt to cover your ass for what you said afterwards

Matt is absolute kino and always hits the nail on the head.

>it's literally okay when nintendo does it
should have known better than to criticize a nintendo game on Yea Forums

so nintendo copied castlevania rooms except they're towers and not ubisoft that does the same thing with actual towers in an open world just like BOTW
got it

The towers in BotW literally place no icons on your screen, you fucking dunce.

call me when joseph makes a 7 hour video about a game that's entretaining from the beginning to the end like matt did

>His biggest compliment for BotW is the freedom
>Hates skyrim

Man, you really tried to respond to anything that guy said.
But no, you just want to be a contrarian.

I listen to him because I like his voice. It's good background noise

Am I the only one that hates both these cunts?

i'm not the person you're replying to but what is inherently wrong with climbing a tower in an area for the area to be displayed on a map
i've played neither game

>wait 2 years to review a very popular game
>end up choking on the game's dick and ignoring all its flaws just like all the other hack reviewers did right after it came out

literally for

why did he wait so long if he wasn't even going to make an actual review? why didnt he just shit out a video sucking the game's dick when it came out for more views? is he just lazy?

Do you even know why people don't like ibisoft towers or are you just retarded?

>literal autistic nit-picking, obsessing over frames of a hitbox in 10 minutes what takes 10 seconds to explain


>intelligent reviewer who understands the big picture and how the whole thing comes together. Understands trivial mechanical complaints are tangential to the critique itself.

Matt cares more about crafting a script than actually examining a game's content.

>Boycotts Dark souls 3 until game of the year edition is out because he hates DLC's
>Never does it again

Yes it is okay when Nintendo does it, because they did it in a better way. This goes for any game.
What is your point, you seething cuck?

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>Matt will never say "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen" again

it only looks weird because the paper is old

Except BotW doesn't fill up your map with info at all.

I completely agree, fellow poster. Every game is better with nintendo's name on it. If BOTW wasn't zelda or wasn't made nintendo, it would be soulless empty garbage, but it is, so it's a masterpiece.

Why do you care so much about what a random e-celeb thinks? Why are you contributing to a cult of personality for some guy that doesn't affect your life in any way?

Isn't this the guy that refuses to use anything but the starter gear in soul games?

not really you retarded faggot. castlevania ripped off zelda so you're wrong again

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>h-he didn't say they were bad so he must be a Nintendo shill!!
you people are pathetic

Man, so this is your brain on Sony.

One is reviewing AAA titles when they come out, the other one is mainly reviewing lesser known titles or titles released years before.

One uploads consistently, the other one doesn't. I wonder which uploads YT would push harder when they have explained how consistent uploads are the key to growth on YT.

Quality is not the same as quantity. As a fucking writer Anderson is abysmal, as a reviewer too long winded and without any substance. You can take your time to review a game, but literally spending minutes rambling about the same point and repeating yourself over and over again is a no go. Go watch a Mauler review, which is certainly longer than an Anderson review and yet the guy keeps on getting points across throughout his review, while Anderson rambles like a senile old fuck.

The towers in BOTW are basically the same as Tingle in MM. The only difference is that you're no longer interacting with a little fruit like Tingle

He does multiple playthroughs but always starts with a knight because he feels it's the "standard" route the game is designed around. Which makes sense given all Souls promo material features the protagonist as a knight.

Sad to see people disliking his Rain World video, haven't played the game yet but his interpretation was interesting.

>it took a whole 60 posts for a seething nintendie to bring up B-BUT SONY
impressive, is this a new record?

I explicitly explained exactly what it did better and WHY it's better and then came to a conclusion based off facts and evidence.
You can stop coping so hard right now, little snoyboy.

There are people who cannot wrap their heads around the idea of BOTW being a good game that has towers in it because ubisoft made a bad game with towers in it. They genuinely believe this is a contradiction.

I never understood the point of Video Game Critics, they all have bias especially ones that have a large field of games instead of sticking to one genre

There is nothing wrong with "ubisoft towers". Play far cry 3 and far cry 5 back-to-back and tell me which one you prefer

Well that clearly bothered you to some degree, so you pretty much just confirmed his suspicions.

He's right.

Only idorts would understand.

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To be fair, using the word Nintendie is a pretty big giveaway as well.

>Play far cry 3 and far cry 5 back-to-back and tell me which one you prefer
neither because they're not nintendo games
but if the next zelda was a 1st person shooter where you loot and hunt and climb towers in an open world that'd be amazing

>not based MauLer
None of your autism power levels are as powerful as me when it comes to reviews, step back

sony will forever live in your heads rent free and there's nothing you can do about it

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Damn that's actually an alright inverted cover for God of War.
But yes I do have to agree, my memories of playing BotW are just more, what's an appropriate word, vivid? I have more fond memories of playing that game over GOW, and that's mostly just me doing random optional shit in the world.

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>8 hours long videos analyzing a video analyzing a video
you would be correct in that claim
he does put his time in though and provides good background noise

Yep, just proved my point from the beginning.
Seething sonyfags are still butt hurt after two years, too funny.

BOTW and God of War are both massively overrated games.


No fanboy bullshit, fuck you.

Yeah bro, that's because I play sony, so that I can make sincere and unbiased critiques of them :)

His streams are garbage, people only care for his opinions not some rambling drunk irishman

Same here. BOTW gave me 200+ hours of exploring fun. GOW was good, but I didn't touch it again after beating it.

post more sony wojaks that you spend your life saving from Yea Forums, I'm sure that will do a great job proving that you're not absolutely obsessed

It's only entertaining to you because you are autistic


would did you expect
him to sound like his scripted videos

>Actually google it
>it's all sonyfags trying to make this Meme big on reddit
Holy shit, how pathetic.
The top search result has about 18 comments

His commentary wasnt that good, there were still lot of points about the game he left out and seemed like he had some filler random video game facts in some parts of the video

>it's all sonyfags
rent free

why is it if you criticize any "10/10" game people instantly think you are a fanboy

I like other zelda games more than BOTW yet if I criticize it, people instantly assume "sony fanboy"

fuck off.

Still true, look up their comment histories.

suspicion: confirmed

people would rather put a blanket over actual discussion so they can feel good about themselves

as has been mentioned before, sony lives rent free in their heads, so whenever something they like gets criticized they immediately think of sony and nothing else. it's basically a real mental disorder.

Because OPs critiques are shitty critiques.
>shitty ubisfot towers
>empty open world
Those just aren't true, they're "statements" but these people can never actually elaborate on them.
It's like when people call God of War a movie game. It's clearly not, but I know that probably bothers you.

these games are hardly comparable but gow had the better story

I agree, what a terrible shame that Joseph, despite having incredible length in his videos, can not coherently describe anything he gets across.
Matthew's videos feel like they're literally 20 minutes although they're normally one or two hours. That's how good he is at getting his point across.
It's an actually chore to get through a Joseph Anderson video, he is a genuine retard.

it blows my mind, because OOT literally has better combat. why in the fuck doesn't link have a roll in BOTW? I am stuck with a basic stab or a floaty side hop, and the shitty "flurry rush" that is buggy as fuck.

and people praise this game as jesus. why.

Yet Nintendo lives rent free in your head enough to the point that you gravitated towards a thread about BotW like a fat kid to candy.

>although they're normally one or two hours
Matthew's reviews are very rarely over one hour. The only one I can think of is MGS4, which is feature-length.

said the sony fan in the botw thread

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>Those just aren't true
they're valid opinions just like 'gow has too much story getting in the way of gameplay'. it's just said in a brainlet way

What? They're completely different games with completely different problems. It's not a contradiction at all. I say this as someone that mostly dislikes both.

All his souls videos and his DMC video are way past an hour. I was just kinda rounding up, considering the BOTW video is 6 minutes off of being an hour.


>he literally talks about this in the review
oh right youre just shit posting

let's play a game user
I only own one current gen console. can you guess which one it is?

Attached: Matthewmatosis plays God of War 2018.webm (400x300, 2.65M)

Mauler is the only one that's good. But he splits his videos so he never accumulates the millions of views through return clicks.

The hamster seems to be smart enough to know.

Most of his reviews are between 20-45 minutes. His only excessively long videos are his commentaries, but that should be expected given that they're complete playthroughs of whatever game he's covering

Anderson discord trannies are out in full force today. They are both on hipster welfare but one makes videos because he loves games the other makes videos because he loves himself. Matthew is a flawed but valued critic, Joseph is asmr for autistic trannies with mental illnesses. Simple as. Ya don't like eet, get out. Luv Norf

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you fucking bet i am
fuck if i'm wasting 1 hour of my life to get some e-celeb certified opinion on a videogame

it could be he just loves game and reviewing them

Rent free. I don't watch that guy by the way.

Name me one review where Matthewmatosis ignores the game's flaws.

When has he talked about Skyrim?

I like Mauler's 8 hour DaS2/Hbomberguy video. I wish he would turn more of his autism towards making content that isn't based around dumb mainstream movies and reply videos, though

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Are you fucking daft.

Would you rather him shit out low effort content, or take his time? It's a rhetorical question, and I don't think is backers mind that he doesn't make a video every however often.

is this nigga serious?

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didnt he release this recently? go watch it again

That's my favorite video series of his. I love how he picks apart a retards rambling defending a game without any reason and trying to rationalize it with nonsensical points.

Did you even fucking watch it?

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>he said while still SEETHING about a nintendo game being a massive success
Follow your own advice deluded cuck

>I'm sure that will do a great job proving that you're not absolutely obsessed

Like this entire board is about shameless brand loyalty?

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Got me to buy Infinifactory and Exapunks. So there's that.

Charlie making the other guy watch always gets me.

The best thing about Mauler is that he puts other shit youtubers on blast. His april fools video was a masterpiece

There is literally no difference between the Towers in BOTW and the Fish in WindWaker. They do the exact same thing. People don’t like. Ubisoft Towers because they clutter the map with waypoints. The Towers in BOTW just give you the general topography of the area.

Are these Ubisoft Fish?

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>GoW and BOTW

two good, highly overrated games.

neither deserve the praise they get. both good, both with major flaws. GoW is too narrative driven/slow paced for a GoW game. BOTW lacks what makes a Zelda game good (story, dungeons, items and progression).

On his

You can pinpoint the moment his audience lost all respect for him when he starts fucking navel-gazing and talking about how clouds make the world feel realistic in his shitty open world upisoft tower experience with more loading screens than actual enemies in the game.

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Rather waste that time on Yea Forums? This site is literally for people who have too much time on their hands


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Demon souls

what game are you even talking about

Yeah Youtube’s system favors people who shit out poorly edited hour long garbage on hot topics frequently.

his BOTW review obviously, where he starts talking about clouds for about 5 minutes in a review that's already too long.

Critpoints can make good points but he's a complete autist who doesn't know what "Death of the Author" actually means

Imagine if Zelda wasn’t a Nintendo IP. What would these people’s excuse for their awful criticism being shat on be then.

Huh...maybe that’s because he understands atmospheric, emotional, aesthetic and narrative value instead of playing through content 6 times and making a list of all the game mechanics and collectibles like a soulless sperg.

botw has loading screens???

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>both are overrated and have their own flaws

wow what a brave and daring opinion, you think all that up yourself?

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I've never cared about story in a Zelda game. It's strange to me that anyone does save for Majora's Mask.

I find GoW4 just boring in general. I understand the old style had been pretty well milked (consider DMC, which only just recently got a fifth game, or 3D Ninja Gaiden which has three, and compare that to classic GoW's six games in less than ten years) but I don't think the revival did it any favors.

>I've never cared about story in a Zelda game. It's strange to me that anyone does save for Majora's Mask.

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I haven't watched the review since it came out but I believe that segment is less than a minute long and he is specifically talking about with the moving clouds, wind through the trees, lack of music ect. Really making the world feel alive.

If i'm wrong feel free to correct me but I think your statement seems hyperbolic.

im saying reviewers suck the dicks of those games too hard without pointing out their many clear, and obvious flaws.

but reviewers make money by being shills.

No he doesn't. It's a 1 min segment where he says that the world feels alive. And he's right.

the main sin of BOTW is there is no "adventure". you just collect apples and collect a glider and then you go to some random giant puzzles (beasts) and beat the game.

I'm watching the video now and just got to that part and yeah it's literally less than a minute.

>I feel BOTW is better for intrinsically motivated players
>The new cinematic style for God of War hurts the original, over the top hack and slash it once was

yes, loading screens. lots of them. immersion shattering loading screens that take too long. a fact completely ignored by matthew phimosis, even though he brings loading screens up in his BB review.

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joseph's writing really feels likes the average undergrad trying to pad out 300 words into a 6 page essay, considering he graduated with a journalism degree from YorkU i can't say i'm surprised

>streamed RE4 instead of Sin & Punishment 2 because he didn't have enough batteries for wiimote
goddammit matt, rectify this immediately

Because of the Dunning-Kreuger effect shared by Anderson and his viewers. Throw out word salads and contradictory points, not realizing how fucking stupid it makes one look because they are too busy sucking their own cock thinking because they used big words they heard smarter people use before it means they are smart too.

Why would you watch a review and disregard every point it makes?

You are aware he never reviewed BB?
Shitposter-kun, more effort on your side would be appreciated

You could sum up any game like that.

Snoyggers can't read, they just watch movies.

>BB review

You fucking what?

>even though he brings loading screens up in his BB review
what fucking bloodborne review

it still felt too long and navel gazey. but sure get all caught up in semantics, it's all you can do.

Nice try moving the goalposts.

>He didn't address the shitty ubisoft towers
Because they weren't shitty Ubisoft towers

>Climb tower in Ubishit game
>Reveals entire area
>Everything is marked on your map for you
>Landmarks and points-of-interest are not placed in such a way that the player will observe them themselves, because they're just marked on your map
>Follow the dots, no actual exploration necerssary

>Climb tower in BOTW
>Reveals topography map, nothing else
>Landmarks and points-of-interest are placed in such a way that the player will see them when looking around and will have to go find out what they are themselves
>Player can mark things themselves if they choose

100% about execution and not the core concept.

>his BB review

The only thing he ever says about loading screens is that he understands that advances in technology will eliminate them in the long run.

Fucking retard. The state of Yea Forums, unable to think for themselves. Nevermind the fact there's only loading screens when going into shrines which aren't even a problem.

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I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings dude. I didn't mean anything by it. So can we be cool?

there you go again pedant. you've never had a strong opinion about anything in your life you lukewarm milquetoast cocksucker.

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No it didn't. What he said was on point and lasted a 1 min. Learn how to think for yourself.

Unlike you, who literally lied to make an "argument".
And your reply just showed you are a retarded shitposter, better luck next time.

>matthew makes sonyfriends seethe so much that they start having schizo delusions and imagine reviews that don't exist

Which is funny, because he's a Playstation kid.

no, OOT, LTTP, WW, MM, Awakening, every good Zelda game has an adventure.

BOTW is a series of fetch quests done in any order.

>He hasn't watched Matthew's LIMBO review

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>B-But he said GoW bad and BotW good waaaaaaah!

I like it whem Matt gives input on changes that he think would improve the game. Like not being able to change clothes on the fly or recover health instantly by eating. A cooldown on eating or an interuptable eating animation are actually pretty good ideas.

>I like when Matt points out things people were saying from Day 1.

Why do people get so autistic about fucking youtube reviewers

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He's not wrong.

why should i?

>ubisoft towers and the empty open world
how to out yourself has not having played the game

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I'm pretty sure it was trying to emulate the original zelda formula of free exploration. The game being less about Link's adventure and more about YOUR adventure.

You know the thing everyone was asking for because the Lttp formula was growing stale.

but it's absolute shit.

and the original zelda still has dungeons and items and actual progression.

the ONLY thing it does well is give you freedom. but the "main quest" is shit.

>average undergrad trying to pad out 300 words into a 6 page essay
Holy shit, this. Buckley's excess amount of words always felt pretty organic for what it was but JA just can't stop looping back on the same thing thinking that paraphrasing it the second time will add anything to the video


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Yep, you never played the game

This is literally every Joseph Anderson video. He takes fucking forever to get to any kind of point

Give it a decade or two for people to get bored of this formula. Then you will probably get the old formula back.

>this tower unlocking geographic info is different than the 10 year old AC game doing the same exact thing when you synchronize!


Yep, you never played the game

they went too hard in the wrong direction. they wanted an immersive sim, and an open world rpg, and a traditional zelda game all at once and these gameplay design choices objectively can't work without watering down the other. as the saying goes, trying to please everyone pleases no one.

>He didn't address the shitty ubisoft towers and the empty open world
that's because those are lazy shitposts and you've spent so much time in this cesspool you're incapable of distinguishing them from actual criticism, it's time to take a vacation from Yea Forums and alternatively kill yourself

They function differently to Ubisoft towers. BotW's just map out the topography where as Ubisoft towers fill that portion of the map with icons.

they do the same exact fucking thing. except one is a fast travel point.


Did you even has ever watched a single gameplay or you are so butthurted that you just want to shitpost?

>TW101 best
He will forever be my favorite reviewer because I just know he has impeccable taste.

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>BB review
Uh oh, the snoyboy schizoid is having a psychotic breakdown.

>they do the same exact fucking thing

you don't have to take my word for it

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Yep, you never played the game.

can you fucking shills admit your game has derivative ideas

nintendo did not invent towers, holy shit

>they do the same exact fucking thing. except one is a fast travel point.
You are guilible that don't know that both are used as fast travel.

>trying to please everyone pleases everyone but a handful of autistic people on Yea Forums.

>Jim Sterling
So you're a cuck?

are you going to claim that towers that unlock map info is an original idea never seen before BOTW?

are you that delusional? what's next, nintendo invented bows?

>moving the goalposts
Nobody called the towers innovative, just that they aren't shitty ubitowers.
Don't even try.

It's actually baffling that people dont know the difference between ubisoft towers and BotW towers.

he didn't give either game outstanding praise or criticism you brainlet. he had a nuanced opinion on many aspects of each game. if you're going to pick on the one game critic that isn't a pile of shit at least do a good job of it.

Assassin's creed towers have been filling out the map with topography and iconics since origins

"It didn't break new ground."

No one is saying they invented it other than you, my dude. You're actually making up things people are saying to get mad at

Uh... who said they did?

>tower: *exists*
They don't act anything alike, mechanically wise.

>calls them ubisoft towers
>point gets refuted with an explanation that they work differently
Sure, the idea probably stemmed from Ubisoft games but it's the implementation and function that's the important part. Ubisoft towers are bad for reasons that the towers in BotW aren't.

>sonyfag seethes in front of everyone for their enjoyment

That is not the point, jackass. No one said the towers in botw was an original and completly new idea never seen before. towers in BoTW don't work like towers in ubisoft games, and you keep insisting on that, period.

It's consensus that BoTW took every element in the stale open world genre and take it to the next level, that is it.

they do literally the same thing

>climb to top, unlock map info

oh, and the physics system? half life 2 integrated that into gameplay YEARS ago.

everyone sucks the dick of BOTW calling it revolutionary when it's a copy paste of skyrim/Assassins Creed/other open world games.

name ONE revolutionary feature in the game.

The original Zelda formula pretty much *is* the ALTTP formula. The biggest difference is the lack of guidance; Zelda 1 is otherwise much closer to ALTTP in terms of emphasis and structure.

The game that came out after BotW? And again, it's the icons that are the big differentiator here. Things don't turn into a checklist in BotW like they do in Ubisoft games for that reason.

I genuinely think he's schizophrenic

they're both functionally the exact same thing with the same purpose of being landmarks and fast travel points.

You're still doing it. You're just making up arguments no one in this thread is actually using and trying to fight them. It's embarrassing

>half life 2
yeah you've never played botw, probably haven't even watched matt's vid

Man, play the game and find out yourself.

You have problems.

yes, using objects in the world to solve puzzles is a new and exciting idea.

>what is the gravity gun

literally done a decade ago.

you can turn the icons off

origins came out 1 month after BOTW, by that time the game was already gold.

You can create an updraft from starting a fire in Half life 2?

no, the people with problems are calling BOTW revolutionary when all the "creative" ideas have been done on PC or other platforms, for many years now.

>origins came out 1 month after BOTW
No it didn't.

Have you played the game?

imagine being this fucking retarded.

> well it still FELT too long to ME

Sheikah Towers don't flood your map with pins and unlock side quests. Ubisoft towers remove explorations and turns everything into a checklist while Sheikah Towers do not.

you're never the only smug asshole who thinks he's too good to like anything
just look around you (figuratively)

>Why did he contradict himself?
Learn what words mean, child.

yes, got bored after 2 "beasts"

one was a water "fight" followed by a giant shrine aka "beast" and a basic ganon-like boss

the other was surfing in the desert followed by the same thing

and i'm wondering how people can prefer this over OOT, LTTP, or WW.

Ubishit Sandbox
>Go to Ubisoft Tower
>Entire map is revealed
>Icon clutter everywhere which overwhelms the player

>Go to Tower
>You now see the whole landcape
>You still need to manually mark the landmarks like what a person on a high vantage point would do
>You can ignore them entirely besides the first one

Who the fuck in this thread said BOTW did anything revolutionary? We just said it did some things better then other games. For example the towers.

>I'm pretty sure it was trying to emulate the original zelda formula of free exploration.
I fucking HATE this meme so much
The original zelda did not have 1000 different screens to go through with only 50 or so of them having something to do
The original zelda did not let you do anything at any time, there was a decent amount of non-linearity but it was not the game's defining feature
The original zelda did not have 120 tiny braindead puzzle areas with the exact same aesthetic theme and did not sacrifice the quality of the actual dungeons for it
The original zelda did not have 900 annoying collectibles scattered around the map and did not try to pass them as actual content
And most importantly, the original zelda was not even that good so why the fuck would you want to go back to it multiple decades later

not hard to get overwhelmed in botw because it's all sparse with the occasional goblin camp with a chest, that you will see over and over.

the reward? a breakable weapon! woo.

Red bokoblins are designed so that literal toddlers can easily btfo them.

>and i'm wondering how people can prefer this over OOT, LTTP, or WW.

Quality over Quantity, faggot.

exceptionally weak bait.

I don't even hate the game. But people heap praise on it like it's the best thing ever and it's genuinely not an amazing game, or close, to me. I have played a lot of zelda games and it isn't even close to the best game.

HOW is it better than OOT or LTTP. How. The combat alone is fucking garbage. You can slash or do a floaty side-hop and spam X or whatever to do a "flurry rush".

Even OOT, from decades ago, allows you to roll. The movement is better in a n64 game.

I was bored as fuck and started to notice the passage of time during the video at that point and then turned the video up to 1.5x speed because i wanted to get to the end. It's the sign of weak oration and a bad script if you bore your audience.
>b-but it was a good script you're just an ADHD manchild to meeeeee
lol what a hot opinion dipshit

>with the same purpose of being landmarks
user, do you even know what towers are for? Let me explain it slowly, when you are playing a ubisoft game, those towers unlock points of interesting on your map, basically making it a checklist, the player don't need to think about it, just follow the point in the minimap.

Now in Botw, towers are advantage points, like in real life. You need to figure yourself about what you think is interesting to mark in your map, you don't even need a map, the game can be played with just your health in the hud.

Now, can you undestand how is this different from a simplified formula that uses "towers" just to add more to your to-do-list and BoTW that took this element and just integrated organic into the exploration?

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Ask the people who have been crying for a zelda game like BOTW for years user. I don't personally like open world games myself so BOTW isn't for me despite how much of a zelda fan I am. I don't seethe over the game existing I just accept it wasn't made for me.

Face it. If they made another zelda game with the old formula it would recieve criticism from fans that it is not innovative and is the same shit again. The universal praise shows that BOTW is what PEOPLE wanted. Whether that's a good thing or not is up to whether you like the game.

>"they're not ubisoft towers"
>proceeds to describe ubisoft towers

every time

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Be honest, is English your first language?

Yep, still a retard

>universal praise

TPP is the best Metal Gear game!

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I'm sorry. Did you even now how to read a full text? I first explained how towers in ubisoft game and then i explained how towers in BoTW is nothing like it. Is this really hard to understand? You can disagree with me, but not knowing how to even read is just too much.

So the towers in BotW reveal all the shrines and korok seed spots and mark them on the map?

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He's a reddit spacing retard lad, he's already a lost cause

>how towers WORKS in ubisoft game and then i explained how towers WORKS in BoTW

oh no, it's retarded

BOTW invented fast travel.

and potions.

and eating food.

and save games.

No one's saying BOTW invented anything. Please learn how to read

If that's what the masses think then that's how it is dude. What are you gonna do about it? Game devs certainly don't care for your "niche" opinion.

heh, that story needs a full on animation

So does BOTW. What the fuck are you even saying

*proceeds to peak the mic for like 5 minutes laughing*

Can I get a quick rundown on Joseph's video on SMO? It has a lot of dislikes

>That RE4 stream where he gets chainsawed to death 3 times in a row
Angry Irish yelling is hilarious

the majority of people think mgs5 is shit.

no, in BOTW you do the following:

-walk to "beast"

-do giant shrine "puzzle", which is involving the crappy physics runes

-beat a miniboss

-do this 4 times (if you want to)

-beat Ganon.

fucking outset island in WW has more to do than BOTW's "main quest" does.

What strawman are you attacking? Are you lonely? Do you need atention?

>muh rewards
spotted the achievement culture zoomer that feels the constant need to get rewarded

He basically played the game wrong on purpose by gimping himself, then complained about it. Oh, and he can't walk in a circle properly.


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well you need those weapons because you can use your bow/shield/weapon 5 times before it randomly explodes.

boy is it fun to break weapons! I love hoarding things because I know they will break on random mobs!

You joke but the core gameplay of TPP is miles better than BOTW and deserves all of the praise it got
If only the story was finished and good

He's just bad at explaining shit hence the video being over 2 hours. He also came off as being passive aggressive and that's not the best when you are supposed to be an unbiased game critic.

>I'm about to imply that God of War is mediocre
>It may not be inarguably great, but it sometimes scales to a peak much higher than that, to moments of perfection.
There's a reason why it's a BotW Review and a GoW Critique.

But Matt's a good reviewer because he's operating on at least one more level of critical thinking than most of the brainlets on Yea Forums. The OP whines that the world was too empty. Matt acknowledges that and says the world can be too sparse, but then he also goes into why he thinks that is, and he concludes that it's because of the unwavering commitment to freedom in the game's design, which he ultimately evaluates is worth the compromise. That's a line of thought worth considering because it carries an actual value argument you can discuss for yourself. As opposed to the OP which is just prattling off statements that aren't backed by any kind of evidence, but more importantly, don't lead to any meaningful conclusion for people who aren't the OP.

no amount of mental gymnastics is going to convince anyone that climbing towers to get map data is different in BOTW than in AC and Farcry

>It's all sparse so it's hard to get overwhelmed
You're missing the point here retard
It itentinally doesn't reveal everything so you can EXPLORE on the open world game and not following a marker on the map
>Muh breakable weapons
It forves you to be creative and cautious you retard
You don't go gung ho and attack everything on sight

You know those games, the first person shooters?
>level start
>shoot guy

No wonder people are shooting mosques.

I dunno man, you're doing some gold medal mental gymnastics yourself

TPP's problem is that it isn't balanced for shit and there's absolutely no downside to using D-Dog, tranqs and fultoning everything out of enemy bases.

there is fucking nothing to find

>generic shrines

>korok seeds that are worthless

big deal.

Alright you win, BotW is literally an Ubisoft game. I'm going to bed

your reward for exploration is literally making the weak as fuck final boss even easier and less of a challenge than he should be.

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Really user? The majority of people? Yea Forums and Metal Gear fans aren't the majority of people.

Maybe you should do mental gymnastics, your brain is the size of a pea.

no in other zelda games you do the following

-go to the same forest themed dungeon first

-do some garbage press the switch open the door "puzzle"

-beat a miniboss

-rinse and repeat some more times

-beat ganon

retarded faggot

this but unironically

>>he saves obvious shitposting images
Not even worth it

The chemistry engine alone makes TPP feel outdated in comparison. the gameplay in BOTW is also fantastic for different reasons

Matthematosis is passionate about delivering concise and objective criticism of games.
JA is interested in making people feel smart without actually requiring them to be smart as a way to atttract pseuds who will monetize his content.

holy shit I think you must be trolling now

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no one will ever convince me botw is better than OOT. there are no fucking dungeons in botw, the "beasts" are a joke, as there are no enemies of note other than the "ganon" bosses who are retardedly easy, and all you do is gimmick shit with the physics tools.

I WANT DUNGEONS. Like every other fucking game. No, rolling a ball into a bowl is not Zelda. Balancing a scale is not Zelda. And people heap praise on this dog shit that is nothing like the zelda games I know and like.

>I need urgency
Maybe that's why you like Ubishit games so much
It needs to be forced down your throat instead of picking for yourself

I'd like him more if youtube didn't spam my feed with his furfaggot friend every time I watch something of his.

answer this directly you fucknut

I like zelda games but this one is overrated as fuck.

The only reason people praise it is because they are all 10 year old autistic kids too young to have played OOT, or other GOOD Zelda titles.
does a comfier video even exist?

That's a lot of things you are doing though.

explain further, what did he do?

Because it was only available for a short period of time before his channel took off.

compare this to LTTP

>get 3 necklaces

>fight boss at castle

if this was BOTW the game would be over, but here the game is just starting. LTTP has so much more depth than botw it isn't even funny. And LTTP isn't even the best Zelda game, OOT is. And MM is also better. And many others.

But because you can eat 100 apples or lift a rock, people suck the dick of this game. Why is that.

Hyrule Castle in BOTW was an example of a great dungeon
>Multiple ways to get in according to skill
>No stupid one dungeon items so you can get in anytime
>Loot is actually vaulable
>If you do the whole adventure it will be a catharsis for your hardwork

Why did he take it down?

>Did you even has ever watched
Based retard.


>Breath of the Wild had Ubisoft Towers
>Despite the fact that the tower BotW merely fill in the topography of the region, where as Ubisoft Towers are hated because they point out every single thing that can be found in the surrounding area and kill discovery.

Let me put it for you this way. I climbed every tower and did every shrine in BotW, and I still never realized there was a bowling mini-game in Hebra until I went back to play the DLC.

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That's just the thing user. This isn't the Zelda you know and like.
This is the Zelda people wanted and it's what they got.

Who the fuck cares what you want?

or maybe he needs a reason to care about anything that's going on

That's because you are retarded. The only good dungeon in oot is the water temple

He sucked off MM pretty hard

He'll dislike the goofy tone but praise the combat. Dunno how he'll feel about V's gameplay, could go either way. At the very least he'll probably get a kick out of the DMC1 OST remixes.

Do you know the word "even"?

>people "wanted" apple eating/weapon breaking simulator


by every possible metric, OOT/MM are better games.

You do literally nothing in Skyrim except follow map markers.

why not just noclip in and turn on godmode and kill ganon? infinite ways to get in, and you get to kill the last boss with no problems.

Oh wait, it's almost as if structure actually makes videogames videogames or something.

What's the contradiction?

>"go" to "dungeon"
>"fight" "boss"
>"get" an "IMPORTANT ITEM"
>"repeat" X TIMES
>beat "ganon"
Wow I can't believe [insert zelda game here] is just a fetch quest

Because you can do that in all Zelda games

you can ignore map markers in skyrim, in the same way you can ignore wikis on BOTW that tell you where every korok and shrine and point of interest is.

You stick out like a sore thumb retard
Just admit that you're an OoT cocksucker that prefers linear shit

honest question: do you think replacing dungeons with shrine "puzzles" is an improvement?

because to me, it's a direct downgrade.

Quick post your favorite Matthewmatosis video. I cannot choose between them, the entire Mario series is kino. If you made me choose it would be the Super Mario 64 video

I don't know why you brought that up, because I said nothing about Shrines

I would call it a compromise.

>an in game system for pointing you exactly where you need to go without any nuance is the say as going to a wiki
That's like saying you beat a game because you watched the ending on Youtube

I love OoT and hate MM and its deluded fanboys. OoT also wasn't completely linear unlike Fedora's Mask

He's a retard that still sees OOT as an ageless masterpiece
It was great for it's time but the formula for it got stale
BOTW provides an alternative more akin to the original Legend of Zelda

For me it's either Mega Microvideos or Thoughts on Sonic Dreams Collection

shrines are THE definition of filler content.

it's lazy design, zero thought, just a minigame for an orb.

it's a shame because I would like BOTW so much more if they didn't waste the big world with crap like shrines.

>OOT/MM are better games.
No OOT has terrible dungeons. MM and Botw are the only 3d Zelda with good dungeons, because they make use of the 3d environment.

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See you do this. You bring up points that no one talks about in order to bait responses so you can continue going on tirades.

>you can ignore map markers in skyrim
And never complete a single quest because they don't give you any information needed to actually do them because they assume you have map markers on.

>his favorite reviewer doesn't make videos longer than 4 hours

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>Multiple ways to play MM
>Only one way to play OoT
God damn you're retarded as fuck

this is part of the problem. a "beast" is just a giant shrine.

why no dungeons? seriously.

OMG it's fucking Fedora's Mask guy. Aw man I missed you where you been man?

That dude needs a fucking editor and he needs to get over his obsession with those shitty SW movies.

I find it hilarious how MisterCaption nuked his whole channel

>I just want it to be known that I consider it the high water mark for experiential games which will inform how I view other experiential games going forward.
Rain World is to Matt what DMC is to Gamingbrit.

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Botw Dungeons make use of the 3d space. Oot linear themeparks don't.

Hyrule Castle was really great. It has a more action/exploration vibe like the original.

botw has no dungeons, which is the problem.

they are just giant physics puzzles, the same exact shit you do at shrines.

no enemies, no keys, none of that, just physics puzzles. and hey, if you like it great, but to me other zelda games are more enjoyable.

You like getting spoonfed with solutions eh?

>compare this to LTTP
LTTP has nothing so there's nothing to compare

>he thinks it's only one guy calling it fedora's mask
how new are you?

Botw Dungeons make use of the 3d space. Oot linear themeparks don't. You will not address objective truth.

WW does that, and is also a better Zelda game.

Even TP does that.

Also the towers sometime present clever puzzles or challenges, unlike Tingle who has never added anything of substance to the series.

No I like actual gameplay more than physics puzzle #3483290439804893 cause that's every single fucking shrine in the game.


ww dungeons are even more linear since there's no equivalent of the water temple in that game. every dungeon in wind waker is really railroaded. the appeal of ww is not in the dungeons

>WW does that
>Even TP does that.
Spicy bait

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Nobody is forcing you to do shrines brainlet
If you like cheap gratification so much why don't you just play gachashit?

botw has many issues not related to the glass weapons. I get why people like it, it's "different". but how can anyone objectively say glass weapon simulator 2k17 is better than OOT.

OOT literally redefined the genre and is still good to this day.

You sound like a man who understands what makes a good dungeon, but you're overlooking how the best OoT dungeons invented the design pattern that MM and BotW use. The multi-room spatial-reasoning manipulating mechanisms that make MM and BotW so good are the direct lineage of the designs of Forest Temple and Water Temple.

Just look at his posting style lad
He's all over the place with his mental gymnastics

Why do you put these "quotation marks" around your "words" sometimes? Do you know how to type like a normal person?

You are the one praising glass weapon simulator over OOT, i'm not the one with problems.

Man it's been too long since I've seen you man. Good to see you.

because oot is alttp in 3d and it didn't need to be anything more than that

He doesn't even type a post like a normal person
He does this double space shit every fucking time

I'm not the same person you've been responding to. I've just NOTICED how your "posting" STYLE is across the whole "THREAD"

And BOTW is just Skyrim + AC towers, and HL2 physics puzzles. Yet people slurp it as if it's revolutionary, in some way. Despite being derivative as fuck.

>This one daft user calling BOTW a glass weapon simulator
>Not knowing weapons break so that you get creative and versatile wirh killing shit
>Not knowing that it makes getting the Master Sword valuable since it never breaks

zoomers haven't played any videogames from before 2016, so rehashed tech demo are brand new to them.

>how the best OoT dungeons invented the design pattern that MM and BotW use
MM dis that mostly. The layout of the water temple (only good goos level design in oot) and expanded it. The forest temple is linear.

I prefer The Gaming Rapist.

>Witcher 3 comes out, sets the gold standard for open world gameplay

>BOTW comes out, shittier version of that

>"BOTW" is revolutionary!

fuck off.

The problem with the Ubisoft Open World Formula was never actually the towers. It's everything else about it, which is largely missing from BOTW. Additionally, BOTW is a much better implementation of ubisoft towers because you do actually need to use them as a vantage point rather than purely as a mechanical element to highlight things on a map.

Repeatedly screaming "BUT THE GAME HAS AN ELEMENT FROM MORE POPULAR GAMES" isn't actually an argument. If you cannot explain why the "ubisoft towers" in BOTW are bad then the point is moot.

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>Witcher 3 sets the gold standard for open world gameplay
o I'm laffin

That isn't fair, The Witcher 3 is the best game of all time

>that garbage gameplay in the witcher 3
>standard for anything
kill yourself faggot

>witcher 3

but "ubisoft" TOWERS

god of war is more of a movie than a game, fuck that shit


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It has combat that is literally 100x better than BOTW, not even kidding. What can you do in Zelda other than a sword slash, bow shot, or sidestep/flurry? Why the fuck can I not roll as Link? In fucking OOT I could roll.

Witcher 3 wasn't even considered the best game of it's own year.

Open world genre in general is polluted and boring and they all play the exact same, i can't be bothered to play them anymore.

BOTW and Skyrim have little in common besides the fact that they're both open world games. Are you retarded or just pretending?

I love when Sony ponies cry

spoken like a true zoomer

There is no better open world game than Witcher 3 + DLC. None.

they share a memetic lineage of being Ultima clones, that gives you reason enough to compare the two.

When will Yea Forums ban Sony niggers?

>Witcher 3
>Gold standard
I like Ciri but you can't be serious about that

Matthew made it very clear that the game is more rewarding to intrinsically motivated players rather than extrinsically motivated players. I'm more of an extrinsically motivated player which is why I prefer Majora's Mask, Ocarina of Time, A Link Between Worlds, and Twilight Princess more than Breath of the Wild. If you watched the video you would know that his big complaints with the game are The Great Plateau, poor combat, the option to switch clothes at any time to avoid elemental damage, the diminishing returns of gaining new equipment, and the fact that shrines all only reward orbs. He had quibbles with other parts too. He also put many of his suggestions for changes as texts which you were meant to pause the video and read; a different format from his regular form of making suggestions

BOTW and Ultima also have very little in common. You might as well say sekiro is a pong clone going by your retarded logic

No, it's not just the best open world game it's the best game period.

He didn't contradict himself, he just didn't actually fairly critique both games because even a long-term video format doesn't allow for someone to talk about literally everything in a game.

And yes complaining about GoW's cinematic nature as something objective was retarded, and he's still a megafaggot for liking BotW more.

based retard not understand how genre conventions are sourced

Explain why.

Objective is a brainlet word.

Both were completely fair critiques. He explained where he was coming from and why. A lot of what he focuses on in the GoW video is the problems with combat, and he demonstrates with examples and counter examples, why the camera sucks. That's completely reasonable.

Actually it seems like you really don't. Retard

The setting, the atmosphere, the gameplay, the quests, the side quests, the voice acting, the animations, the sound track, the graphics and the lore

BOTW is a better game. There's nothing wrong with liking it wrong.

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retard. you think miyamoto just invents things out of thin air? There is a precedent. Stop sucking dick and read a book for once.

when they stop living rent free in your head

so never

So you just like the story and graphics and you're desperately trying to convince yourself that it's more than that.
Tell me what about the gameplay is so good.

No one's saying BOTW invented anything but you.
Please seek help

Something can be objectively good and you can not like for any number of valid and non-valid reasons. BOTW is objectively good. Cope.

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>joseph "SOMA is not a horror game" anderson

Wait, i just left this thread for 1 hour and he is still repeating things like this. Stop giving him atention, the guy is broken record.

There are tons of reasons, but the out of combat gameplay is the greatest of all time. You have so many landmarks that you can spot that you can turn off your mini map and riding horses is a dream. In combat much of the joy comes from which type of enemy you're facing. You fight all the enemy types in different ways that actually make a lot of sense if you're paying attention. And that last part is key, the reason The Witcher 3 is so amazing is that praises the player for paying attention. If you're engaged with the game you can keep track of everything you need to without even having to write anything down. In other words, it makes you actually directly connect to Geralt and the world he inhabits more than any other game I know of.

Breath of the Wild invented all video games.

Matt is concise and respects the viewers time

Joseph does games in their release window hype.

He did talk about loading screens in his video.

You write like a middle schooler, holy fuck.

Nice argument

Based opinions. Microvideos is probably his best video along with BotW and his DMC commentary.

>maps aren't even connected
>limited exploration abilities
>poor level design
>game just wants you to make a beeline for objectives
>gold standard for open world gameplay
What causes a man to be this retarded?

He should do more commentaries.

You're right, how can anyone counter flawless arguments like "its like a dream" and "you don't have to write anything down"?

I don't know, mate.
Looks like a game where you need to follow the map like a gps and the game literally highlights what you suppoused to follow, really hard to me belive you can play without a minimap.

Oh sorry, i forgot you are full of shit, has another (you) for your colection.

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Playing the game without a minimap and ignoring the Witcher Sense as well as the prompts is the most enjoyable experience I've ever had gaming. Those are concessions they had to make in the modern dumb ass gaming market, but the intended way to play is without these crutches

Don't forget to use your witcher senses to search the riverbank for signs, also hold "LT" to activate your witcher senses.
Look the map, you are "nerby" if you enter the yellow circle, don't want to get lost, huh?

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>god of war bad
He literally just highlighted glaring issies that were recognized by the devs themselves, what are you on about

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>Botw Dungeons make use of the 3d space. Oot linear themeparks don't.
Sure they do. Maybe only shadow, spirit and forest don't do too much with it. Tree uses the web you fall on, dodongo cavern has the shortcut and bombs you drop on the eyes, jabu has the pits you fall through, fire you go up the whole time and drop a pillar down, water uses the water levels.

GOW is shit

exalted potatonigger knows quantity is not quality

>"DMC, MGR, and Bayo are the pinnacle of action games"
>Hasn't even played NGB or NG2

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Ok, pal. Of course the game can be fully playable this way, no amount of handholding was for nothing, maybe because the game can't be played this way...who knows...

Now that breath of the wild, huh. Isn't that game known for like doing kinda the same thing, but with fully interactive enviroment, smart decision making on behalf of the player and fully explorable world WITHOUT any handholding at all? With no objective gps markers, doted line on the map and the player needs to figure it out all by himself...Nah, that game had ubisoft towers, it can't be...

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He jerks off and worships anything Kamiya/platinum makes and treats them as the cream of the crop. In a QnA he stated he hasn't played NG1 or 2.

Are you saying you can't turn of the minimap or not push LT? Can you not use what NPCs say as well as the environment to find your way around? Are you lying intentionally online?
You're fighting the wrong guy. I don't think that Breath of the Wild is that bad. It's certainly not my favorite, but I much prefer the other 3D games, with the exception of Skyward Sword.

What about Wonderful 101?

So you just made up a quote based on something else unrelated he said? I think I remember him saying he wanted to play Ninja Gaiden, but it's xbox exclusive and he boycotts them for starting the whole "pay to use your own internet" thing.

please elaborate on the problem with the towers. theyyre not functionally the same as the ubisoft ones

i actually want to agree with you on the open world thing. it's too big for my liking but it's not absolutely empty.

god of war's camera system has many problems in terms of combat that he pointed out, if you actually listened

Well then he's pretty retarded since A: NG isn't online. B: Seganet existed. He's probably too sloshed on whisky though to think about that.

>there's only one way to beat majora's mask faggot

>autistic rambling that goes on for way longer than needed
>concise and to the point

>another BOTW thread that is going to reach bump limit

Two years

guess it wasn't flavor of the month after all

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The absolute state of Dragonfags.

>fewer icons
Try none

>Sony cucks getting BTFO

He made a fair point. Nintendo did towers better than any other studio, all it does it reveal the typography of the land and nothing else. Which actually does alot to change the design and flow of exploration in the game. how hard is it to accept that this game (which isnt perfect) actually did this thing right?

>still seething about sony 440 posts in

r e n t

f r e e

Seganet wasn't pay to use your own internet though.

>One fills up your map with info
>The other fills up your map

I like how no one replied to you simply because they knew they'd lose the argument

I just joined the damn thread and noticed these kids couldn't handle one guy explaining something a game did better than its competition, just telling it like it is


Too much shitty opinions in it to reply in a short way. Someone back then made a nice post mentioning everything Matt fucked up with his critique.

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WillLovesVideoGames' arguments for Oblivion boiled down to "it's good because I like it."

explain to me how OoT's dungeons don't "make use of 3d space".

All he did was call out God of War for the Oscar Bait bullshit it was.

Nah, mate. I'm saying is not because there is a "quit game" option you should press it if you want to continuing playing.
If you catch my draft, you see, you can turn off those hud options, NPCs can give you hints, but there is no signposts, no place names on your map, and you can't ask for directions...because just maybe...just maybe the game wasn't designed to be playable this way.
But, hey, who is me to talk about the pinacle of the open world, amright?

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Weird way to spell Shadow of the Colossus.

I mean, he did critique it in areas, but overall the majority of his review was spent praising the game.

>Why the FUCK is this allowed?
because i want to listen to a man get as mad as me at the retarded flurry rush trigger, not hear some famine o'finnegan say "it's shit m8".

Both reviews are valid, OP is an idiot who boils down his opinions based on whether it leans more positive or negative. He addressed plenty of flaws in his BOTW review, because it does have plenty to improve but also bought up what it got right. Which was also alot. I think Botw just did alot of things in general, took alot of risks technically and in its design and the systems that failed ewre usually a result of being too experimental which I would take over reiterating the same shit any day.

God of war plays it very safe, but is an alright action game that also wants to be a flashy cinematic movie experience. A lot of the time those two design philosophies clash. Botw isn't perfect and GoW isn't at all bad, one just has more consistency and focus than the other.

>boring pretentious boss rush that helped start the artfag trend
No thanks

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Not quite my favorite, but someone said his Portal 2 review aged badly recently so I rewatched it, and it's still excellent and spot on.

He didn't ignore the game's flaws just because he wasn't spouting the same tired (and often incorrect) meme criticisms you people were desperately trying to throw on the game.

>I'm saying is not because there is a "quit game" option you should press it if you want to continuing playing.

Jesus you should have warned me you were retarded before we started conversing.

The best solution to hand holding a developer can make is one that can be turned off. Both Breath of the Wild and The Witcher 3 have ways that they can be played with maximum hand holding, or no hand holding. How much you choose to engage with the game is up to you, whether this is the intended way the developer designed it is irrelevant to the main point.

Where credit is due. Botw did alot right, especially in todays sea of cinematic bullshit its nice to play a game where you are actually engaging with its many mechanics and playing 90% of the time. Also it has actual physics, why is that becoming more rare in AAA games even though hardware is getting supposedly better? I find plenty of things wrong in the game, but are undermined by 10 other things it does really well.

Look i'm not even sure what you mean by that and frankly i don't care are you just saying buzz words to look seem cool and dismissive? because it just comes across childish and annoying

And yet Wander still controls better than Gerald.


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>I don't know what the trigger for flurry rush is
>Actually I do know but it's really stupid
>Here is a clip of the trigger for flurry rush being inconsistent
>[talks about the boss for a paragraph]
>So you expect flurry rush to act this way, right? Here is how it's done in my favorite game evar, Dark Souls
>So we understand that this is how flurry rush should work, right?
>It doesn't! [PLEASE LAUGH]
>Look at ANOTHER clip of the trigger for flurry rush being inconsistent
>Just to make sure you understand that the trigger for flurry rush is inconsistent, I tested that it is inconsistent
>This is dumb!
>So I have figured out that flurry rush is dumb
>Here is an example of flurry rush working
>Here is another example of flurry rush working
>Here is my understanding of the flurry rush
>[literally just copy and pasted shit of the stuff said earlier]
>Look guys, the flurry rush is inconsistent as seen in this example
>Here is a clip of the flurry rush being inconsistent
>The inconsistent flurry rush is bad because it is bad if things are inconsistent
>Here's another example of flurry rush being inconsistent
>[shit not relevant to dodging or flurry rushes]
>Flurry rush is inconsistent as seen in this example

I agree, I'm just saying MM liked BotW.

For what it's worth, BotW is unironically one of my favorite games of all time so I'm certainly not complaining.

Pretty easy to make decent controls when 99% of your game is walking

Nice deflection.

All of the games you mentioned I can simply say "Dur you collect 3 things then 5 things then its over that's not an adventure". Breath of the Wild was the most 'adventurous' game out of all those you mentioned.

Still waiting on that LISA review Matt.

his gf sounds cute as hell

I don't need to deflect. I'm not the one pretending a "game" where all the interactivity is running around flat plains and climbing with all the depth of climbing in Ocarina of Time.

>the best solution to hand holding a developer can make is one that can be turned off
Or you know, making no hand holding at all. Good to know my point about The Witcher 3 still stands, pinacle of open world my ass.

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No shadow actually tells its story/message with the right amount of grace and subtlety. I've never fought boss enemies that epic in scale in a game since. it's not a perfect for sure, plenty of control issues and an awkward as fuck camera but its miles beyond the 2deep4u spec ops the line shit you're comparing it to. Leave SOTC out of that conversation, please.

Not to seem too defensive, but walking might actually take up the least amount of all the interactions in SOTC. Alot of the game is riding your horse, navigating where to go with your sword, climbing structures/the backs of colossi, you only walk around once you've reached the arena you're about to fight in really. Most definitely ain't no walking sim

Breath of the Wild has hand holding which can be turned off, so does The Witcher 3. Both correctly make the decision to give inexperienced players a crutch if they need it; while also smartly making it optional.

>where all the interactivity is running around flat plains and climbing with all the depth of climbing in Ocarina of Time.

Someone clearly hasn't played SOTC

Yeah yeah yeah I get it pablo, your dad bought a PS2 as a cheap DVD player to watch telenovelas and you were impressed by a complete slog of a game as a 12 year old. .

Shadow might be the only artfag game that didn't sacrifice actually being a good action game. Plus that soundtrack is elder god tier.

>matthewmatosis thread
Good to know that Yea Forums still has some IQ and tastes.

Breath of the Wild really doesn't offer handholding. Quest markers are almost always completely useless and you miss out on a lot of shit if you just follow the main quest.

>Go to do quest
>"Use your Witcher senses to find the glowing red item"
>Go to do sidequest
>"Use your Witcher senses to find three glowing red items in this massive field"
>Do a tracking quest
>"Use your Witcher senses to—"

I couldn't make it out of Velen. Breath of the Wild blows Witcher 3 out of the fucking water. In fact I'm almost certain Witcher 3 being so shit is what made Breath of the Wild review so well. They looked at other big world games, said "Jesus christ I reviewed Witcher 3 that high? That game is shit in comparison. I have to rate BOTW higher".

>You will never have a cute gf/imouto who watches you play vidya and has a cute laugh

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This is the biggest crock of shit in the thread by the way. I just played 30 hours of Witcher 3 and every description is literally "Oh you need to go just over the hill over there" and then it marks on your minimap some place several 'hills' away. You absolutely cannot play Witcher 3 without the minimap telling you where to go. The writing and overall gameplay simply wasn't designed that way.

He has a Wonderful 101 review and it's absolutely glowing.

What did Joseph Anderson mean by this?

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>shots at my dad
>lol yeah well ur 12
Nice deflection, I played the remaster recently and loved every second
The game is short as hell, its precisely not a slog because its so straight forward. Only downtime it has is when you're searching for the next colossi and even then you're still exploring an interesting arena and play space with very clear and huge scale landmarks. Bashing respected titles that wanted to be just abit more than the average video game doesn't make you seem cool user

Fucking this, botw made alot of people realize just how wrong other developers were designing their open worlds. Horizon zero dawn came out around the same time and that game is complete dogshit in comparison to botw.

I mean, he's played every action game that are up there with NGB so I can't say i'm mad at this

>Wilfully giving people money to play video games
How cucked can someone be? It's basically welfare at this point and more often than not the content gets worse because there's no one with a stick up their arse making sure they do shit which leads to a self-entitled attitude.

Well he's not wrong though. All of his opinions are based off of intensive research.

>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received

The entire Great Plateau is hand holding

>Ubisoft tower
Just climb it map opens up
>botw tower
Alright so this next tower is a puzzle like most of the towers. This time the tower is in some water surrounded by electricity type enemies. If you swim the lizalfos will be a danger and if you try to sneak or revali gale there is a chance you'll be struck by an electric projectile and plummet into the water anyway, ice could work to get past lizalfos but you'll need to perform a balancing act while fighting off the wizard guys. Choose your approach carefully and use all of the tools at your disposal to try and conquer this tower. Use your head or your brawn but good luck.

Because not everyone is capable of expressing their opinions with good writing and video editing. Especially to the really descriptive level of MM. They're just paying for an opinion that is interesting, not necessarily one they can agree with. He goes beyond "durr this game bad this game good" because games. even the weirdly bad ones deserve to be examined further beyond that

Joseph Anderson is literally unbearable

Your argument is so stupid I shouldn’t even respond, but how can you say it’s impossible to play The Witcher 3 without a minimap if it were not able to be beaten while doing so?

>People still pretend Just Cause with Zelda skin is good


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>Ur 12
Learn English Pablo, the PS2 didn't come out this year.

I agree. That's why I don't pay. But to be honest, I'm going to start doing this shit, because half of these retards make over a grand a month. Imagine what someone who was only half as retarded as them could make.

Not at all, that or you have a very misguided idea about what 'handholding' is. You have to find each of the 4 shrines themselves, can take multiple (and all equally viable) paths between them, hell even the old man has to fuck with you and give you a riddle instead of just telling you to meet him at the Temple of Time.

Holy hell does his ass hurt he's nowhere near Matt's level

He doesn't explain things in any more depth than anyone else, he just spaces it out to an hour so it makes the average idiot think he's more informed and insightful than he actually is. I've watched his Mario videos and in the Galaxy one he spends maybe 15 straight minutes talking about the history of the WA HOO YAHOO jump and how he thinks it conveys Miyamotos design philosophy which could have been summed up in less than half that time with almost no loss of detail. Less is more; it's a basic analytical philosophy.

why does joseph anderson hate games where dying doesn't have that huge consequences

God I love this copypasta.

That's... pretty bad. It's like he didn't even edit it.

Literal autism.