What are ya

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's friday in an hour user why not wait a little

>he doesn't live in America

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>Banning memes
Nice continent

Division 2. Just have one more endgame Stronghold to clear so I’m ready for the new shit tomorrow.
Some Mickey Mouse Christmas movie with my kid
Dumb Christmas songs
Yea Forums
Pizza and wings
Unsweet iced tea
Might jerk off to some vore once the kid’s asleep

Is the Division 2 worth it? Never played 1 and have no idea what to expect from it.

Fable 2. Evil Playthrough. Using Axes and Blunderbusses for major damage control.
Old School Top gear.
Yea Forums & /pol/
Lucazade Cherry.
Bought my bag of weed a day early. Will try and save it for the weekend but that doesn't look like it's going to happen. But I get paid next week so just got to 3 days. That's if I go out tomorrow to drown my sorrows in coffee and hear about the stabbing outside the center.

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>Is the Division 2 worth it?
If they made the game not have to use online to play the fucking game and fixed the fucking aiming and loot system. Then it might be worth it.


battlefield V and TES Blades
nothing, on voip constantly
nothing, wanted to get back to reading soon though
boiled oats with sugar and pate sandwiches. plain i know
orange coke mix and water
man i just cant anymore
yeah neutral.

bit early for one of these threads but im bored as fuck

>Pizza and wings
Patrician taste. I'm a thin crust pep and breakfast bacon guy myself. Traditional Buffalo of course because momma didn't raise no bitch.

Its 9 am on Friday

Yakuza 0 ost
Reading Starship Troopers and just finished reading Storm of Steel
I dont fap, just admire ladies
Pretty good

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It’s the only good Looter Shooter that exists. If you’re interested in the genre, check it out. If the genre doesn’t interest you at all, it won’t change your mind.

Try some nice black tea with coffee creamer instead of milk and sugar

It's Friday morning in Tokyo.
Nights of Azure 2
The Winking Owl, Crystal Lake, Paledusk, etc.
Star Wars: Red Harvest
Bread with honey or strawberry jam, and a banana.
Mate cocido with milk
I just finished, but that's private.
Good, my mouth taste like shit, I should brush my teeth.

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>wife going out of town this weekend
>excited to get stoned as fuck and play vidya all weekend with no responsibilities/obligations whatsoever
>my super reliable hookup can’t get any weed til Monday

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Ham and black olives here, and Hawaiian teriyaki wings. I approve of your taste, though.

Where the fuck do you live?
Aya is cute!

I think I might give Risk of Rain 2 a pirate and try it but I don't know how to set up a pirated version to join servers.


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You try too hard.
Cutting down on sugar in my coffee.
Dam man that sucks. I hope my people can get me a half ounce end of April and end of May.

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Doom Builder, working on Map04 in my wad. Also going to play more Sekiro, probably.
Yea Forums, (you) guys
Cheat day for my diet tonight, so a burger
A soda with my burger, otherwise water mostly
vanilla gay thoughts
Pretty good, cleaned my room up today.

Oh shit, what details do you know?

Don't be such a fucking autist


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>Oh shit, what details do you know?
Dude got jumped by 3 guys and got stabbed in the leg and neck. Got told about it by a phone call on like Tuesday and they closed the place down till Friday.
>Pretty good, cleaned my room up today.
Need to do this badly.

What are ya
DMC1 on emulator
Family guy return of the jedi
Yea Forums on another screen
steaks on the grill later
Carsail White Seal whiskey.
Just busted one to a neighbor jov on pornhub, its on the second page. not bad.
Just right as rain. I need to work on my relationships but otherwise no complaints.

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I am working on making a map. Anyone wanna see?

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Have to work tonight motherfucker
Skyward Sword, just bought Xenoblade Chronicles 2 for $45
SomecallmeJohnny, PR Super Ninja Steel, One Piece
Ellie Goulding, Griz, Japanese metal
One Piece
Teriyaki turkey burgers and fries
Pepsi Vanilla
90's skinemax
Tired, hate dead end job, can't leave job no one's hiring. Wife and her side of family talking about moving out of state and it doesn't matter because the husband gets no say in his life with a disabled child. Been told we were going to move every year for 5 years and after all the effort I've put into preparing to move I don't give a fuck anymore.

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Damn son. Need the sauce

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What's the map for?

Borderlands 1 if I can get my friends together. Probably Risk of Rain 2 if not.
Cowboy Bebop for the first time
Risk of Rain 1 OST at the moment
I've got Universal Harvester by John Darnielle here.
Haven't decided yet. Might make some soup or some mac and cheese or something.
Plain old water
Probably won't
Worse than I have the past few months, but better than the past couple years.

Book thingies.

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That's pretty cool user, keep it up

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Fuckin’ Pejakis, GO HOME

>I need to work on my relationships
In what sense?
Dude that sucks hard. Sounds like your wife is using your sons disability as a weapon.
>Worse than I have the past few months,
Hey we all have shit days, weeks, months and even years. Just got to get through it.

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diablo 2
mixed diablo soundtracks
old video game creepypastas
i don't succumb to pleasures of the flesh
comfy af

Who else here /MANJURAN/

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>unironically being a Mangina
lol no

Kawasaki Aya. No porn/nudes unfortunately, just a model.

>No porn/nudes unfortunately, just a model

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My mom told me to call her last night and when I did, she didnt answer the phone, texts or anything. I assumed something bad had happened to her, I dont live with her obviously, and when she finally called me back I said some things that were a bit harsh. I shoulda given her a break. Feel bad about it, but I already texted her to apologize for it.

I know yall will make fun of me for it, but hey you asked. Felt good typing it out, thanks for letting me get it off my chest.

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I was playing Etrian Odyssey V earlier
I read a bit of The Butcher Boy earlier
Mini Pizzas
Pepsi Max
I have work that I can't figure out and it's making me feel dumb, I also have exams coming up and I'm worried about it considering I can't even figure out the work I have on hand.

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Ijite 4 life

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Yea Forums

Dokkan battle, Sf3, dbfz and probably gravity rush later.
Love, death and robots. Zima Blue is the very best so you should at least watch that. Also megalobox. It is alright but pretty basic.
The Heavy
Some of my marugoto Japanese books, they are pretty alright.
Gonna grab some grub with a bud on a couple of hour, we are going to outback since I got some cupons.
Gonna probably drink tea and a bunch of it since it is free refil
Nothing at the moment but usually milfs, gyaru and huge breasts.
Pretty good. I got a new job today and I'll start next month so I can have this little off time to myself and take care of some health issues. Remember to stretch and exercise daily folks.

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>Dude that sucks hard. Sounds like your wife is using your sons disability as a weapon.
Not necessarily, my in-laws want to move all the time but my father in law is so flaky when it comes to jobs he quits within three months. My son and wife don't want to be apart from my mother in law so they are going to go wherever she goes. There's really nothing holding us where we live now but every year I have gotten all the moving materials and planned the trip and budgets just for everything to fall apart and it doesn't seem like it's ever going to happen.

Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction

Cast Away


Yea Forums threads

Pizza, potato chips with ranch dipp

tap water

pic related


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technically this is from Mercenaries 2 but I played the first a lot more

Would it be rude to ask your son’s age and disability? Just looking for some context.

My life is so fucked up right now that I'd honestly consider pic related

5. Basically autism. The two of us can't meet all his needs working full time.

Pic related. Boy do I hate party based Ys games, but at least it's soothing in a way

Some youtube videos Vinny in particular

Unironically loving Devil Trigger from DMC5 and have it on whenever a video ends

All these fucking dialogues in this fucking game


Chamomile tea

Maybe later. Need to catch up on my RE2 remake webms. Hopefully we got some more Ada.

Aimless but content.

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>I said some things that were a bit harsh.
Yeah but at the same time. At least it showed you care. I'm constantly thinking what it will be like and how I will handle when my Mother dies. Like everyday.
You will be fine. Just leave it for abit and come back to it when you can.
Congrats on the new job.
>Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction
my nigga.

Ah, I guessed autism. That’s rough, man. My best friend has an 8yo daughter with autism. Some days she’s fine and some days he just can’t even deal with her. All you can do is love him and do your best. I’m rooting for you.

AA Spirits of Justice, loving it
Downloading Made in Abyss, a friend of mine suggested me to watch it and plot seems cool
Itaots, a Yea Forumsfag IRL made me discover it and love it unironically
Good Omens, pretty funny novem
Discount beer
Tired after a day of study, but pretty proud of my work

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Thanks user.

I'm sure she understands that you did it because you care

Reminder to thank your parents for dealing with you, doing it at least once a month means a lot
Unless they were shit and abandoned you or something, then it's up to you

Thanks, That's good advice

Because you definitely come off as an Aujist.

Why yes, I do hail from Aujauk, the heart of the world. How did you know?


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Heartcatch Precure
anime music and Billy Joel songs

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Mw2 search n destroy... new Vegas run later
Gonna watch some baseball tonight
Lots of really good music
Cosa Nostra
Scallops in lemon sauce. Making nachos tonight
Daniels and coke. Macadamia nut coffee
Videos of couples fucking in the missionary position for the sole purpose of reproduction
Bretty gud. Enjoy your nights and your Fridays fellow Kings

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I'm just sitting here being Vukul and loving it. You all need to step up your game.

Hey man enjoy that weed. If you can ever get your hands on dab carts, try it out mang. Gets you a nice more clear headed high. Doesn't hold the same novelty as grinding/packing/rolling... But i can't remember the last time I have not been high in a public setting. Great to drown out your problems.

Might try Outward but i have no friends that are interested so i might just play Sekiro and try to beat it. If none of these work RoR2

Pokelawls Stream
Going through Les Rallizes Denudes Discog so after i finish '77 live maybe heavier than a death
this board i guess
just had chicken i dont wanna eat though i put on like 8 pounds and my gut is showing again
water is the only thing i drink =[
maybe some pawg shit idk
pretty shitty got fired last week from my job and its been a week with no progress gonna try to keep my head up though, my moms really on my case about it though its really disheartening when she says some of the shit she says to me i want to move out badily really hoping i can find a new job soon so i can try to make some friends and get a date really tired of being lonely

Ijites more like Ijiots haha got em


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>tfw you finish a god tier anime and don't want to partake in any media for the next week or two

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Risk of rain 2
Rewatching Slayers
Deep Purple
Sopa azteca
I don't know
Don't think so
Like shit , I want to play and spend time with my gf but I have so much fucking work

are you getting ready for the new Ikuhara anime next weekl

Don't eat your kid with all that vore porn user. Not kink shaming though, enjoy your night and your family king
>vanilla gay thoughts
Very relatable
>family guy and steaks
Nice m8
Whatever you're going through, get better King
Enjoy that Bloomin' Onion m80
Patrician choice
Fuckin mint

>tfw you finish a god tier anime
>and don't want to partake in any media for the next week or two
This is exactly what has happened to me after Basilisk. That fucking anime was so good it fucked and broke me of my enjoyment of anime.

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Company of Heroes right now. Maybe l4d2 with friends or black ops 1 with friends
Mlb baseball
Painkiller Already
/k/, /out/, and (you) guys
Some manicotti
Coffee and water
Good. Have a nice night Yea Forums

Wait a minute, Black ops is still alive?

It’s still a solid 6 hours till Friday here but why not. Have an office still life I sketched earlier. Used to draw all the time when I was younger and office work is slowly driving me insane, so I needed to keep my mind busy.
New Vegas, never really got into the reloading system before but holy hell does buckshot wreck early game enemies.
Been binging the Americans. Malaise cars and weird hair and coke bottle glasses, pure 80s /kino/.
Classical, mostly some cello concertos by Boccherini.
Bouncing between here, /o/ and /k/, need a good book to get away from the internet for a while.
Gonna warm up some chili later, I think.
Water, need some more booze but afraid to drive anywhere right now.
I think a control arm or sway bar is going in my car and I’m really upset. Just had to shell out for a new tire and don’t want to pay for yet another repair so soon.
How’s Godless? I love anything western. Also is Blades any good?
Never been to japan but work might take me there soon, pretty excited desu. Also please brush your teeth user, it saves so much trouble down the road.
Fuck man, that sucks. Know it doesn’t mean much coming from a stranger but hope things turn out okay.
Nice, eat some of that tasty bread for me
I should get some tea. I drink way more coffee than is health throughout the day but I’ll blame work for always having the pot going.
I might have to watch it too now just based on that pic. Looks comfy.

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>Made in Abyss
>Looks comfy

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Started a new playthrough of Borderlands 2 after 5 years of not playing, easier than i remember but it received tons of patches, also playing a few ds games on my phone later
nothing atm, went to the movies yesterday, captain marvel was surprisingly nice
nothan atm
this thread and the vagabond manga
pork sandwich
water and maybe beer later
nothan atm
pretty nice, bought a new truck, thank you based /o/, this is an awesome vehicle 7w7

My cousin and his band were killed in Arizona this time last week. Trying to play some Insurgency to take my mind of it. I'm suffering boys.

>looks comfy
user don't!

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Yes. Steam Charts doesn't seem to track it but yes. Most of the CODs have decent player counts with not a lot of hackers. Mw2, blops 1, modern Warfare 1 all are solid still imo

Yeah its pretty good. Havent seen any western stuff in ages, last I watched was Tombstone. Blades is also alright, the lootboxes are a bit annoying since I need to get rid of one every 3 hours, else they clog up my inventory. Though apart from that its alright, just a dungeon crawl really - reminds me more of Daggerfall from the gameplay loop than anything.

>and his band
what the hell happened to them?

I always thought that the cawardooty fanbase always jumped to the new slightly better thing
Maybe it was pretentious 'ol me thinking everyone is stupid
Should I give it a shot?

Natsuiro High School (N4 is not enough!), Trails of Cold Steel, Atelier Nelke
Random YT stuff
This thread
Nothing yet, probably gonna make some steak hogies in a bit
Cranberry juice
loli, always
Got lazy and had some delivery Chinese last night instead of cooking it for myself, and holy shit my stomach is paying for it. Otherwise, I can't complain though.

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sorry to hear that user-kun, mind ventilate that with us?

Maybe some For Honor. I really don't know what to play these days
I need to find someone to play these fighting games with
Yea Forums
Veggie Soup
Cuteboys, Futa, Tomboys
Pretty okayish, can't complain. These days I have had a few existential dread attacks because of my anxiety, thinking to far into the future and what I really want to achieve or how to... survive I guess.

Have a good one folks

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yugioh right now, going to play some fire emblem later
myles power
jojo music, myles power
just finished the first gaunts ghosts 40k book
going to make some pizza soon
gay shit
my back hurts.

Thanks so much guys. It means so much. His tour van was hit by a drunk driver on the freeway whilst driving to a gig in California. Nearly finished their second American tour. Devastated. Coldplay messaged to say their condolences, and Pierce Brosnan wrote a really nice tribute. So surreal I guess, because they were mini rockstars bless them. I miss him so terribly at night. The band was called Her's.

Sekiro, I'm stuck on Snake-Eyes
David Bowie- Scary Monsters
A Japanese cookbook, I've never used it before but I'd like to try soon
Maybe some porridge or cereal
Not tonight, I'm trying to limit myself to once a day at most
Anxious about having to apply to lots of jobs that I'll probably hate

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Man, that sucks
Stay strong user!

the regular
Like shit, I spent all of March dealing with a batch of shitty managers who couldn't write a check to save their lives.
of course when I call them about it today those niggers want me to come in friday for a shift and collect it then.
I wasn't scheduled to come in Friday this entire week, so I made plans accordingly, only for this shit to happen.
I'm putting in my 2 week notice next month, I tried to make it work but this shit just isn't healthy for me mentally.

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Based Rock poster

>tfw when you get a job paying double what you are currently making
>tfw when they offer better insurance at half the cost.

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Girly Air Force. Finishing up Danshi no Nichijou!,
Ayano Kaneko, OGRE YOU ASSHOLE, Jinsang, Jaeden Camstra
Yea Forums!
I had eggs for breakfast this morning and nothing since then. I feel like eating a McChicken with some fries :3
>tfw no headpat bf
>but tfw finally found an EB in FFXIV and he's a CUTE! IRL too!

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Nah we are definitely stupid. But yes on PC there seems to be nice pockets of dedicated players. Its all the jaded old fucks like me that perfer boots on the ground. But ofc, i would recommend hopping on for a trip down memory lane

OP I appreciate the enthusiasm and will cooperate because these threads are some of the only decent ones left on Yea Forums, but you gotta tone it down a little and save it for Friday, Saturday, or holidays and special occasions tbqh.
Sekiro, thinking I'm nearing the end with only a few bosses left. Apex Legends with a buddy or two.
Spotify playlists
One Hundred Years of Solitude by GGM.
Ham sandwich
Code Red
8/10, have tomorrow mostly off and might meet up with an old buddy for a beer. It should be a pretty chill weekend for me and I'm looking forward to it.

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Fuck off meowie.

Yakuza Kiwami 2


A Boy and His Blob music (NES)

This thread

Just ate some Tony's Pizza.

Miller Lite

If I'm up for it tonight (most likely not), foot tickling

Fan-fuckin-tastic, thank you for asking kind sir!


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Smash, Pokemon Showdown
Really tired but at a good mental place.

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Damn I feel for you. To get acknowledged by The Architect Himself is pretty damn cool, too.

Fuck up degenerate drug addict retards

Finishing up Shantae Half Genie Hero. And then going to continue Ace Attorney. I love my Switch.
Gonna watch The Orville later.
Shantae music.
Dragon Ball
Nothing right now.
Nothing right now, about to go get some water.
Not right now.

Wonder how much plastic surgery she's had.

Outback was full :(

So we just went to a place that sells some gnarly ass tea.

Now I am going to play some dokkan battle and third strike when I get home.

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