Play Pathfinder: Kingmaker

Play Pathfinder: Kingmaker

The only RPG where you can romance Tieflings

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I can romance the superior knock-off already

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No thanks vancian magic is boring.

But why would you romance Tieflings?

>he didn’t romance both sisters for the threesome ending

lmaoing at your life

He even said Tieflings, as in plural, you blind nigger

Is pathfinder kingmaker fun? it looks like there's a lot of dlc, is it really worth a buy? worth a pirate?

>permanent (insert skill here) damage
>brink of death
>permanent (insert skill here) damage
>permanent level debuff
Who thought this was fun?

just pirate honestly thats what i am going to do. I heard its the most deep of the nu-Crpgs so thats what i am going to find out

Can't you bang annah in ps:t?
I can't rightly remember.

People who understand resource management, healing needing more than just a simple rest and attrition matters

Just kiss. And some biting

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Wait I played it when it was a buggy mess. What did they add now?

Extra companions, extra mini campaign, quality of life features, spellsfeats and lots of bugfixes (which never end cause they solve 3, introduce 1)

It pretty hard to get into, but once you get comfortable with the combat it’s a breeze. I like the story since you start off as a normal adventurer and not some chosen one bullshit, and the game accommodates most D&D alignments pretty well.

Is there multiplayer yet?

Is there a campaign editor yet?

Can I change my camera from the static, isometric angle yet?

Is there mod support for this game yet?

I will not but not play this game until the majority of these are accomplished, no matter how pretty and polished it seems.

>Can I change my camera from the static, isometric angle yet?
>Is there mod support for this game yet?
No to the other two, possibly never ever. Wait for another game.
We'll never get a real nwn successor.

>o no i have been debuffed for the 100th time in one IGD better use my ~700gold scroll to cure all SIX of my party members of their aids debuffs again

but not play as one, despite them being a 'core' race.

I see, is it worth a repirate? I got to the last chapter or somethign but honestly I don
't know.

Is the loading times still shit?

...Yes, you can. The race was introduced when they added the companion.

My tiefling warlock married Neeshka after the ending of MotB and you can't prove otherwise.

Would honestly eat her ass for 8 hours straight.

What if she braps on you though haha

Improved, especially kingdom management exit and enter. Also, you can now leave capital from the throne room

Not sure if you did not really like the game in the first place. Unless you were stopped by bugs making it literally impossible, which is no longer the case

oh really? do npcs react to you being one or is it a wonderful case of being treated like a human by everyone cos the race was added after the fact?

post what she looks like in game.

pathfinder is a trash system and turning it into a video game does nothing to improve it.

It's the Stolen Lands, everyone hates everybody

god playing warlock in nwn2 was suffering, because 3.5 warlocks should be spamming their eldritch blasts every single turn and the game really didn't facilitate that.
though I think there was a tool for making it less aweful.

I don't think tiefling are particularly special in this setting.

Sadly, she has pants

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That's unfortunate. I fucking loved NWN, even the expansionless base game. NWN 2 was less fun for me but the campaign editor was godly and Mask of the Betrayer wasn't half bad. Why is a sequel so hard? Hell, Baulder's Gate, Dungeon Siege, Icewind Dale. They all had multiplayer, didn't they? Why doesn't this? Kills my soul.


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of course not but like, someone should at least go "oh, a tiefling" or something, I restarted nwn2 like 10 times just to hear neeshka's different reactions to the various races, I just want unique dialogue at least somewhere rather than generic fits everybody dialogue that never acknowledges it.

I tried to play the game but running the kingdom thing was too much of a busy work. I just want adventure and explore.

I personally don't like real-time with pause and I thought the writing was not that good.

What are talking about? Dex based blaster warlocks are pretty good in NWN2, great boss killers and they become an unstoppable powerhouse in MotB.

There is no reactivity to your character creation choices aside from sex and (current) alignment.
Tons of things you do in game matter, but not race/deity/class.

I want to be a futa draenei's ass slave

the tic based combat system needs you to manually fire your eldritch blast every single tic by default, when for a 3.5 warlock that should really be what they do when you press attack because why the fuck would a warlock ever swing their weapon normally.

really? no reaction to race at all? even the most multiicultural setting should have at least some nods to it, a dwarf going "oh hello fellow dwarf" to a dwarf character, or fuckin something.

i've never played it, is it worth a pirate? where can i read about the new stuff that got added?

Extremely minor, like Harrim going 'You are a dwarf, don't you know this' and saying the exact same things.

Read the 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 patch notes

You can just queue as many blasts as you like and then watch.

thats all I need, I was asking if these basic nods exist for teiflings, because when a race gets added later I kindof expect everyone to rather strangely ignore that you are one.

You can literally put your blasts in the queue, it was never a problem. Also you have stackable cold tentacles, unlimited aoe haste and invisibility that allows you to attack without breaking it.

I think these nods are non existent, save for characters who address you by race regardless of what you pick (like 'Inferior DWARF/HUMAN/ELF/AASIMAR etc)

how do you pronounce "Tiefling"?
also I want to fuck Shattercock

and this is why I don't like them leaving a core race, and a fairly popular one at that, until later out of sheer bone idleness.
oh but they can have aasimar at fucking launch.

Haven't played in a minute. Can you Yuri the demons?

Aasimars do not get unique nods either.
Like I said, aside from the dward example and one gnome example, your race choices have no reactivity in this game

Yes. Only the big dump paladin is a straight woman.

I consider that pretty disappointing, it was something I was used to seeing in older crpg's.


how good is the romance in this game

Tieflings are amazing, secret romance has cool payoff, Tristian is what women want from romance novels.
Rest are... okay to meh.

Meh. Some good development but not really focused on. More like side quests than actual romance.

Stop ruining the genre with this meme.

It is a shame indeed, but personally the game offered me many other hings I liked as far as C&C goes


let's say I wanna get this, do I want just the base game? only thing listed here that sounds worth a dam is maybe the in game portraits, but it really depends what those look like.

thai fling

mod kits so players can make their own campaign and add their own classes/archtypes when?

i just want to play as my kensai magus from my last campaign again

Probably never.
A mod kit was one of the kikestarter goals that never got met.


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this bitch was on my dick literally right after I recruited her. No way she's a virgin.

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No mod tools.
Though new classes can be added. Someoen added Oracle.
Also, why not just play Sword Saint, or Wizard/Eldritch Knight?

If your dick is making that noise when you cum, then...I don't fucking know, sell that video on the internet.

My wife Valerie IS cute! She IS cute!

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She is NamelessOneSexual

Yeah okay. Game fun?I love Tieflings

I read this in a male dwarfs voice

Game boring.

is this game actually good? reviews are middling to bad

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It's mostly positive reviews on steam, and on Metacritic has 73 user score/ 7,3 user score.
Where did you find the 'middling to bad' ones?

reading actual steam reviews, a lot dont like it and even the ones that do seem to give it a positive review begrudgingly

Reviews are bad FOR difficulty! Difficulty does NOT matter! I do NOT play this game! I bought this game AND all DLC because it has MY wife Valerie!

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Yes, the game was mixed, but after 1.2, started getting more and more positive ones.
If you think a majority of the positive ones do it begrudgingly and it's not really worth it, I guess you can just avoid it.

oi guys is the royal edition worth it or is it just stupid meme crap and bad portraits you get?

is it really d&d-like? I like RPG's as much as the next guy but micromanaging 50 diffirent stats is a pain in the ass

>reviews are middling to bad
That's solely because it was extremely fucking bugged on release, second half of the game was absolutely broken. Imagine Arcanum, VtMB or NWN2, probably even worse.
Now it's finally completely playable and mostly fixed.

Pathfinder is DnD 3.5+.
The game is the closest we have gotten to Baldur's gate recently.

well? fucking royal edition or not? the things you get don't seem to have any ingame worth so I'm leaning towards not.

She might be cute but she's an insufferable cunt.

They stop being cunty when you turn them into your personal cocksleeve.

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Valerie is the KINDEST and SWEETEST wife!

did they fix it yet?
*looks up steam reviews*

>combat it’s a breeze
fucking liar

>Play Pathfinder: Kingmaker
I already am.

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If you know what you're doing, the combat is good and fair. If you don't, you will be having heaps of trouble.
Just learn what spells and abilities do and inspect targets before fighting them. There is an inspect button in the bottom left right next to the select your whole party button.
Since i can wreck shit with a bard so can you with whatever you're playing.


Pardon, should clarify
Combat's a breeze, if you aren't a brainlet

>best girl
>can't have
As always.

The only thing that bothers me about her is the constant war she's waging against her own femininity.

who said she was a virgin

But you can punish her

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I am trying to make something that can cover all thee saves.
>enchantment spell focus for things with weak will saves
>conjuration spell focus fro those with weak reflex saves
>call thunder on those with weak fortitude saves
So far it is working out pretty well.

It fucking killed me when I learned that you couldn't romance Linzi, not even as another halfling

Why do these games always dodge romance options with dwarves and halflings? Who will cater to my shortstack desires?

I'd romance her even if she was 2 meters tall. She is so cute.

I bet she'd be into BDSM as long as it's with her story's hero, all chaotic good girls are like that.

>Who will cater to my shortstack desires?

I dunno. inCase?

Can i romance goblins?

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Can you just post more sexy tieflings? That's all I'm really here for.

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Kingmaker is extremely dog shit. There's two kinds of fights: the insane amount of copy pasted trash mobs that you can autoattack through, and random monsters the retard russian devs added 20 levels of barbarian to because they can't into math. The ai is brain dead and the russians are too stupid to design interesting encounters, so the only way they know how to make the game hard is through stat inflation. It's like playing with a shitty gm who goes "you explored off the beaten path? of course you run into 20 wargs with barbarian levels, what did you expect?"

I can already anticipate the mouth breathers going "game is too hard for you!!" No. The only thing these kind of encounters require is optimized characters and knowing which buffs are op to pre-buff with. People who think this requires a brain mistake crystallized knowledge for intelligence. Can you go to google and type "best pathfinder buff spells" and find haste and delay poison and protection from energy and death ward, etc? Can you figure out that the devs complete inablity to actually implement flanking means sneak attacking is broken? Congrats, you are now a master at Kingmaker, because the game never challenges you beyond that level. It is a bad game. If I were a player in a game where a gm acted like the devs, I would leave it.

Made for breeding.

>Two spells in the game that last for 10 minutes or 1 hour prevent 90% of the debuffs

Hmmm. If only there was something you could have done

theyre literally demons, they have sex

So can you actually romance them in game?

Fun feature I like

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Not true, there's some racial ones and if you play a class with a diety it'll come up every now and then in conversation (funnily enough, Valerie never complained about my character being a Paladin of Shelyn)

Tiefling DLC is worth it, get that for sure.

It's is extremely rare, like 1 reference for every 4 deities in the game.

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Best CRPG I've played since BG2 personally and definitely the best successor to it.

Really fun, secret true route adds a lot to a second playthrough too.

Get it from GOG.

When it’s Pathfinder: Iron Gods, call me

Wow you're super salty.

>pig western virtual D&Ds

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Tiefling’s have fiendblood, could be shagging a qlippoth’s daughter for all you know

It's not just sex that introduces taint in the bloodline

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>you actually get two tieflings and a threesome ending
>they are the best girls in the game as well

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More like Pozzfinder: Cuckmaker

link to the nsfw one or the artist please i forgot to save it last time

But user, you can bully barbarian girls.

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Go on.

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Is the game in a good playable state now? I played at release but decided to wait for patches and DLC.

Is there any specific alignment requirement for the tiefling romance? Can you fug both of them?

Is there any more DLC planed to be released anytime soon?

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>tfw you will never force Amiri to wear a pretty noblewomans dress, all embarassed and mumbling meekly that she'll get you for this

You SHOULD choose MY wife!

>that thigh gap
dude what
theres nothing but air where her asshole should be

Is this bait? That's the trim of her bikini armor

One left, by end of month

Can I romance Tieflings if I play as a paladin?

You can, yes.

Fuck I would devour that butthole

What are you a pedo?!
She's short, so that means she's a child!

>the threesome ending
The sisters expressly avoid eachother

>play game with many unique races
>game even has romance
>never allows you to romance the more exotic races

It's always humans and elves, and rarely anything else. That shit sucks.

Doesn't the fact that it's so easy to know what to do make you look kinda dumb for complaining about how hard it is? I mean, I don't get super salty about how easy crosswords are if you have a decent vocabulary

What adventure path do you hope they implement next? I hope they do Rise of the Runelords, a nice and more standard campaign. And you have a town that a lot of things center around, so you can get to know all the DLC and fug the cute Japanese innkeeper

Iron Gods or Curse of Crimson throne for me

Doesn't that one have a trap where a PC gets their soul stolen and put into the clone of an evil sorceress?

There's only one goblin companion, and I would not put any sensitive body part anywhere near him
Just cold-cocked his cock

Hellfire Warlock with that mod that automates Eldritch Blast is basically like playing the game on autopilot while mowing and gunning down everything that comes near you. Though NWN2 is so brainlessly simple that just having Khelgar in your party makes most fodder encounters fold in on themselves

To make use of their map/exploration system, I think it'd be super swank to do Skull & Shackles

Especially if they slap a half-decent shipfight minigame onto it, which wouldn't be that hard since it wouldn't have to deal with the original's problem of making that interesting for 4-6 people

I wouldn't either, but lad's an absolute unit
Give him two kukris and a designated wrangler and he'll straight up delete anything in his path

Where did I say it was hard? I said the dev tried to make the game hard by inflating enemy stats to cover for terrible ai and no attention made to actually designing interesting encounters.

Ah, you're complaining it's too easy once you have some rudimentary system knowledge. Yeah, I get that. Thankfully they included some highly customizable difficulty sliders in order to properly challenge system experts like us
Doing a Last Azlanti run even with some really optimal builds is fucking nuts

>can never romance the more exotic races

All is suffering and despair user. All is suffering and despair. Oh well, at least we'll have CoC for awhile yet.

Here's an example of how lazy and bad the ai is. Remember how, if you aren't a newfag, people complained that the ai in Baldur's Gate would always cast true seeing or whatever when you invised a unit near it, even if the enemy had no reason to know you're there? That was lame, right? In Kingmaker the AI does nothing to reveal your invisible units, even if that invisible unit is currently chunking it with sneak attacks. Improved invisibility is generally agreed to be of marginal utility in the actual ttrpg because by the time you get it most enemies are hanging out with scent or blindscence or casters have plenty of ways of dealing with it. In Kingmaker cause the ai is so bad improved invis makes your characters nigh unstoppable.

Interesting! Sounds like they're playing like a GM that doesn't arbitrarily introduce a counter to every PC Strength! It's so irritating when, say, when you start doing well with your reach AOE Lockdown build all of the enemies suddenly have +20 to tumble, or you suddenly discover that every bandit lord has started equipping his thugs with a potion of see invisibility that they chug the second their encounter sense tingles.

Kudos to them for actually sticking to the situation realistically!

Also, in general, when you have an argument you want to make, it doesn't help to start with what the alternative is and admit that it's worse.

What does Call of Cthulhu have to do with it?

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I think he's saying they're both bad and we don't need to try and make one sound better or worse than the other.

I'm saying the people at Bioware (Bioware!) put thought into how to deal with this mechanic. They came to a bad solution, but a human being somewhere tried to come up with a way to make the player think if they were going to use invisibility. The Kingmaker devs didn't bother, because the game is halfassed and was rushed out the door as a paid alpha. This halfassedness is a recurring problem throughout everything that was more complicated than direct copy pasting what was in the gm manual.

>not making a based Muscle Wizard and beating the living shit out of everyone

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How buggy is the game at the moment?

Does Horde of the Underdark just not exist anymore?

Much less so than it used to be.

Sadly, what you consider a flaw is what I consider one of it's greatest strengths. Pathfinder: Kingmaker is a pretty faithful reproduction of, well, the Pathfinder RPG, which often has spells and abilities that don't have a good counter other than omniscience on the part of your enemies.
Now, hating Pathfinder itself, I can get that. I have resigned to that. But, dammit, for once this decade we had a developer say they were going to make a Vidja adaptation of a Tabletop system, and actually delivered a faithful fucking adaptation rather than creating their own rules and plastering the IP's name all over it.
Owlcat had the cojones to do what no developer since Troika has done, which is try to make a game that was faithful both to the fluff AND the crunch of an existing system, and not just assume their audience would be so brain-dead and incompetent that their only option is to dumb everything down to grade-school levels.

I'm so fucking tired of game studios trying to fix game systems that have existed for decades or more. This isn't hard! The system is already fucking there! It already has mechanics so simple you can describe them in text to a human! Just make the computer do that!

Or Planescape. OP didn't really do much homework.

What the fuck is a Tiefling

you need to be 18 to browse this board

Schmucks who got evil peanut butter in their family line's chocolate. Because of this unusual mix, everyone's suspicious of them at first, but if you actually get to know them, you realize they give you diabetes

>And not just assume their audience would be so brain-dead and incompetent that their only option is to dumb everything down to grade-school levels
I'm reminded uncomfortably of Sword Coast Legends. Seriously, what happened? 5e is the simplest the game's been in decades.

>tail jewelry
Didn't know I needed this until now.

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No it's the epitome of slav yurojank

5e made amazing strides in accessibility while still being fun and engaging, and you still couldn't get them to just... you know... take that and make a video game out of it?

I'm afraid it's some kind of compulsion at this point.

It could be better, but it's pretty entertaining. It doesn't do a lot of handholding on it's mechanics, though, so if you're not familiar with how Pathfinder works you might be in for some frustration unless you read up on that.

Someone with distant demonic or diabolical ancestry.