Oh no, can't have people thinking this guy is HITLER or something. Better change the flag and shadow him out

Oh no, can't have people thinking this guy is HITLER or something. Better change the flag and shadow him out.

Then nobody will know. Thanks Paradox.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>trusting swedes to deliver historically accurate games

What countries censor this? Even Germany lifted the Nazi ban in gaming recently, and they are too busy sucking brown dicks.

You can't say "Hitler" dude, this is a blue board

I'm more concerned with the game being boring as fuck and yet another failure from paradox

Why are people so terrified of putting hitler in a game?

Hate this shit, people getting triggered over a WW2 game. They should just stick to counter strike for kids or overwatch if they don't want to get upset over a historic war game.


That not hitler

Why is Nazism the wests boogeyman but Communism is openly broadcasted and endorsed despite killing more people? I really don't get it.

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cause some faggot is gonna jerk off to it and then shoot up a mosque

I always wondered, what happened to all the regular folk surnamed "Hitler" in Germany after the war?

Holy shit, Hitler looks like THAT?

Who won the war? And who lost?

you can't construct a reasonable argument saying any specific video game does this stuff

He's way too wrinkled to be hitler

Because he was literally Hitler.
Also have to make 2 versions, one to sell to America and one to sell everywhere else.

Most probably changed it

Germany's National Socialists tried to run a nation independent from international banks

They are just following the law m8

Tat's the German version, nice one OP

lol the left version is much funnier. it's clearly hitler to everyone but the darkness adds some mystery and lore.

German Reich lead by Dark Spirit Tormented Hitler

They were paid and forced to change their surname or something


Well they probably changed their names. Three or four of Hitler's relatives were arrested after WWII and put in Soviet Prions where they died, or were probably killed.

>WW2 Russia is the good guys!
>WW2 ends Oh no Russia is now the bad guys what a flip!
Then after the cold war they started being the good guys again

It's a good thing.

This way, people can pretend germany has been taken over by a leader that isn't batshit insane and kind of retarded, and thus isn't actively hurting the war effort.

>pedophile defends literal nazis with whataboutism
Can't make this shit up

>autists incapable of understanding sarcasm
thanks for playing

>change the flag
I don't see a difference.

Because Jews, obviously

Master D was a cool guy.

It isn't. Communism is a fringe ideology that doesn't matter fuck all and has no bearing on society these days.

I see, well good job bongs you sure showed em Jerries that England can't be bossed around. Now your enjoying the tv tax, porn licenses, muslim sirens and over the counter sharp utensil sale ban.

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Hitler himself was quite found of Islam
I'm pretty sure it was an imam who gave him the idea for the holocaust

Yeah but actual nazism doesn't really exist either outside of the internet,

what are some games that *don't* feature Hitler?

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Those 1.5 million Tsar loyalists were innocent people user who died due to communist animals.

sorry, I just expect the least of others here

Because Nazism’s ideology is inherently tied to killing innocent people, while Communism isn’t inherently violent. It’s about eliminating class and letting workers control the means of production.

That, and everyone killed by Communists deserved it. Except Laika.

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theyre not terrified, its part of the marxist propaganda machine to pretend hitler was worse than communists and to accuse anyone who isnt part of their cult of being a nazi.

Communism kills not-Jews
Nazis killed Jews

As lons as it bothers you nazi fags im satisfied

Is that forth guy in the line Mr Bean?

He's illegal to show in germany unless it's specifically in a historical context, not that germany would show any history of WW2 anyway, they like to just pretend it never happened and never talk about it

It's aimed to make him look cooler retard. Everybody hates that snot mustache.

Nazism, probably not. Fascism on the other hand is alive and well.

It's only in Germany you dimwit.
Germany only allows nazi shit in art, and video games are not considered art in Germany.

>fringe ideology
>leftist democrat canidates running with (((Socialism))) and state siezing productions campaign
Come on now.

Those gosh dang people who don't like censorship and their National Socialist beliefs!!!

Nikolai II and his rabid monarchist dogs were even worse than Lenin's gang.

can you imagine the butthurt of playing online and beating a tranny or commie playing as hitler the sperg out would be amazing

No, he isn't. You can show Hitler whenever and whereever you want.

What is illegal to show unless it's educational or artistically valuable is nazi symbolism - party eagle, swatiskas, SS runes, that shit. But Hitler isn't a symbol. He's a dude. You can show him no problem.

>leftist democrat canidates running with (((Socialism))) and state siezing productions campaign

Who? I need to know who to vote for.

>Even Germany lifted the Nazi ban in gaming recently
they didnt.

>and video games are not considered art in Germany.
based Germans

>guys leftist socialists!!!!!!!!!

No, they aren't. Stop eating up fake news you fucking rube.

>Then after the cold war they started being the good guys again

Aparantly that's been reversed again

>Mussolini's tomb is a shrine in Italy with samples of his brain stored there

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Communism kills people through shit management.

Nazism kills people through murder.

because nazism killed 60 million people out of malice while communism killed 60 million people through poor decisions and bad luck

The good go- guys won.

>Nazism is inherantly tied to killing people
>communism isnt
Even marx said a shit-load of people had to die to get a state-less society up and running

the correct flag isn't in the game even with the decensoring of hitler

Why samples of his brain, of all things?

What are you talking about? WW2 is all everyone talks about in Germany. You legit can't spend more than 1 week in Germany without hearing or seeing some reference to it or nazism.

>it was the Nazis fault France and Britain declared war

Lol calm down Bernie and Octavio commie shill.

>nazism is inherently evil but communism isn't

*Communism killed 150 million
Fixed it for you

Wait til they break out their favorite meaningless phrase and accuse everything of "cultural marxism"
Its like 50s fear mongering all over

So was the whole "the cold war is over" thing.
Social democracy isn't communism you moron

>Churchill mind controlled Hitler and forced him to break treaties over and over again

no it didn't

>Nazis have to pretend they won WW2 in video games to make up for the fact that Stalin BTFO’d them out of existence in real life

probably because he was ripped apart by a mob

I forget the reason but allies had experimented on samples of his brain for some reason (to check for syphilis maybe? it was well after his death anyway) and at some point it was returned to a relative, maybe his grand daughter. I guess it was just placed there.

This could be all wrong but its on wikip.

>invade a country
>wtf why are people declaring war against my aggressive actions
Fuck off wehraboo

History is written by the victor and Allies won the war.

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he looks like an anime villain yet to be revealed

>you should have let this nation control you rather than this other nation
Yeah okay user

>muh 100 quadrillion innocent billionaires

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Who were the ones that made a shitload of villages starve through Russian Winter by taking their foodstorage like good communists again?

dumbest person in this thread.

hey now that you mention it, the little moustache is familiar...

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>Churchill was PM when war started

>implying it was because of aggression
France and Britain had their empires, wonder how they got those. And I don't remember Britain invading France for invading the Germans in the 19th century.

The kulaks caused the Holodomor by destroying their grain because they’d rather nobody have food than feeding the poor.

>we're here to protect you Poland!
>*doesn't protect them*
It was all about helping the Polish right? :DDDD

Imagine believing in falsehoods.

You could have been a self governed, hemogenous vassal state to the opposite of the current EU just like France with the Nazi's but now you have porn licenses, arrested for online hate spewch and muslim rape gangs while your capital city is equivalent of Somalia.

I wonder if any country would have had a better outcome if they become Communist assuming it spread a lot wider than it did or if every country would have just become a poverty heap. I guess people can point to modern China but that's not really Communist.

I wonder what a Russia-allied Japan would have ended up looking like today.

>And I don't remember Britain invading France for invading the Germans in the 19th century.
Then you gotta brush up your history knowledge, your keywords are "war of the seventh coalition", "napoleon", "waterloo", "hundred days".

>be german faggot and get ass beat in WWI
>be told not to raise another army
>be told the Rhineland ain't yours
>15 years later
>raise an army anyway
>take the Rhineland anyway
>decide you want Western Europe too
>"WhY iS EvVERyOnE dEcLArINg wAR???"

>Neville Chamberlain mind controlled Hitler and forced him to break treaties over and over again

I know, right?

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No one endorses communism (or nazism) but a small number of mentally ill idiots desu

what do you mean? dude was a monster.

Hitler and the kkk should only appear in media in a way that mocks them for their existence and everything that they belive.

YOU need to brush up on your history because those wars weren't predicated on protecting anyone.

ask eastern europe

Ah so thats why based Merkel lets millions shitskins in?

>vassal state
Ah yes truly the masculine non-cucked way is to surrender to your enemies and let them rule over you
You fucking idiot


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Communist do manage to do both actually.

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>be Germany
>not even responsible for WWI
>get all the blame

those flags are exactly the same idiot

But I don't need to ask since that's a historical example that already exists. I'm saying I wonder what other countries would have been like or if everyone would turn out like the failed Eastern Europe or Asian countries that tried.

>le real communism hasn't been tried yet
Lmao go live in Venezuela already and enjoy the socialism.

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He pretty much did with all the shit he let uncle Adolf get away with lmao.

nazism killed *100,000 when supply lines got cut off

Are you fucking high? The entire media of the west and EU is pushing towards a socialist regime. Venezuela just experienced an economic collapse under communism.

Maybe you should crack open a history book, because guess what: there was Antifa back then, anarchists, fascists, socialists /communists, they all used the EXACT same imagery and propaganda as today, and these factions will fight again. Milquetoast "I don't care about politics" people will either pick a side or get caught in the crossfire.

Attached: Antifa-Conference-1932.png (800x575, 547K)

You are a funny man

Why does everybody only think about Ukranians when they hear starving in the Soviets again? Half of the Kazakh population starved to death because the state took their animals.

>get Belgium and UK on your ass trying to fight France

You're pretty fucking dumb, OP.

you could try asking social democratic scandinavia but maybe they are too capitalist for you

What part of self governing don't you understand? Anyway you're already slaves to the EU hegemony but inatead of being homogonous and safe you're a disfunctional orwellian shithole with muslim rape gangs and prayer sirens.

> en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco-Prussian_War
Britain hardly had time to get their ships wet before Prussia had turned this one around and counterinvaded France, because, shock and alarm, they knew the war was going to happen because they'd provoked France into starting it.

>punishments for thee, but not for me

Shadow Hitler is cooler though.

Real Communism has been tried, and it was fucking glorious. It defeated the Nazis, transformed a feudal shithole into a global superpower, and explored motherfucking outer space.

I think this censorship is dumb. I'm not white and I don't feel threatened by the face of a dead guy when I see it.

Thanks for bringing the French in, Russia.

>The entire media of the west and EU is pushing towards a socialist regime.
Literally isn't. No one is calling for the seizure of the means of production.
> Venezuela just experienced an economic collapse under communism.
Most of the Venezuelan economy is privately owned.

0.06 shekels have been deposited to your account

That's the ONLY way you can defend it really, its so used it makes me nauseous

BASED commie bro

lmao no, the media's dream would be ancap paradise where everyone dies in shit while the rich upper class lives in wealth.


people who want nazism want every aspect of nazism, including removing people's right to live
people who want communism want the best aspects of communism and to carefully ensure that the worst aspects don't surface

>the media owned by giant capitalist corporations is pushing Communism
>Venezuela, a country whose economy was based almost entirely around the capitalistic export of oil, being anything close to Communism


What part of not being a fucking cuck nation and letting enemies that have proven themselves as completely untrustworthy rule over you don't you understand?

>It defeated the Nazis
>explored motherfucking outer space
so did capitalism, which outlasted the union

Apparently Kyoto was high up on a list of atomic bomb targets but they scrapped it because they thought it would anger Japan so much that they would ally with Russia out of US hatred.

tfw no modern communist Japan.

>People give a portion of their paycheck into pension and other social security funds
>World War where you kill millions of people
>When someone dies before their pension, all of the money goes to the government (a.k.a banks)

Imagine how much money these people reaped during both world wars

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I know I posted the wiki article, but you weren't supposed to get your cues from it. There wasn't Prussian provoking.

Name 5 popular explicitly anti communist songs right now

>Venezuela exists


That's history lessons, not reading wiki. We actually learn about this shit in school. And if you think Bismarck didn't instigate that shit, you're a moron.

How is the media covering Venezuela user?

>t-they're not true communists! It still hasnt been truly tried yet!

>most of their supplies came from the allies
Good job Russians, you defeated the Nazis with allied ammunition and oil.

Hitler and the nazis were evil, we need to wipe their existence from history, so thank you game devs

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What the fuck is this post?

so people who want communism acknowledge that it has terrible aspects, things which are part of that system, but are going to just keep them below the surface?

But you're living in a cucked nation already if your a bong. The difference is the Nazi's would leave you relatively alone once your non-jewed and stay British while the current EU overlords are destroying your country with subhumans.

lolno. The entire West is as neoliberal as it gets.
Antifa and the like are just useful idiots for them.

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Retard, the war was started because Prussia was trying to bring South Germany into the fold, but of course France couldn't handle having a powerful neighbour in 1870s any more than they could handle it in the 1930s.

>learned it in school
Wow, much be infallible knowledge then.

that pistol cocking is evil


I bet you think that universal health care and industry regulations are socialism

Wait. They censored Hitler in an update for HOI4? kek

>the war was started because Prussia was trying to bring South Germany into the fold
See you're starting to learn.

So you can jerk off to it? Evil fuck

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>I’m a vegetarian and I eat meat every day!
>I’m pretty sure if you’re eating meat that’s not true vegetarianism.

There are plenty of instances of true Communism: The Soviet Union, the People’s Republic of China, Cuba, the DPRK, all fucking awesome.

Venezuela is not Communist. They don’t even claim to be Communist.

Maybe try not being a fucking nigger Hans

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Well, he was the single most evil piece of shit in history.

jews started the bolshevik revolution
they also control all the media and banks
not that hard

Schindler's List, the documentary by Steven Spielberg

>See you're starting to learn.
Are you fucking retarded? The Prussians were doing literally nothing wrong. Then the frogs get pissed off for Bismark politically trolling them over Spanish succession.

This would be like Trump invading Turkey over a tweet.

Seek help. Or a bullet

> This faggot doesn't know what a nazi is

jesus christ they snuck hitler into their game?

holy based

He said inherently tied to killing people, as in the need to ethnic cleansing to achieve an ethno state.

Thank you for saying it's a documentary not and going all poltard and saying it was some kind fiction

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Not to jerk off, user, but for educational purposes, like has pointed out to me. Thanks, user

>Because Nazism’s ideology is inherently tied to killing innocent people

Literally the only thing communism teaches is that everyone more successful than you is evil and deserves to die. Nazism is more good, because theoretically there is a point in time where there is no need to kill more people. With communism the slaughter never ends.

Why didn't they show the Holocoaster though?

Both Stalin and Mao killed more people tho.

I agree with you, Americans have no fucking clue what communism is. But I think all those examples of communism you listed should have been nuked off the face of the planet years ago or while they were still around.

No such thing

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it's historical fiction. They stopped labelling the books and prefacing the film with a notice saying the story was fiction at some point for some reason..

doesnt change the fact that 97% of the population was still in the same situation as they were 40 years prior

Starting a war over political trolling was way more common back in the day, and sort of accepted. Bismarck definitly did push them there, and did so 100% intentionally.
This isn't to say "poor innocent france", but this war wouldn't have started without Prussia wanting it very much, to unify Germany while isolating France.

but thats not true.
even if you DONT believe in race realities (and if you don't then you're objectively brainwashed or just stupid), he's still not the worst because stalin and lenin both have bigger body counts than he does.

Go play in the bathtub with your toyboat and rubber ducky remembering your country was never an orwellian shithole and your capital wasn't on par with Somalia or Liberia.

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Uh, it LITERALLY rode Jews around until it got to a big furnace where it dumps them all into.

>that overly dramatic bounce

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not true
only if you look at absolute numbers and not the respective populations of China and Europe

>Literally the only thing communism teaches is that everyone more successful than you is evil and deserves to die.
It's equality retard.

t. Bergstien


If Communists hate you, there’s a simple solution: stop oppressing the proletariat and learn to share. They probably won’t be your best friend afterwards, but they’ll move on.

If Nazis hate you, literally the only way to satisfy them is to stop existing.

I guess they didn't want literally Hitler.

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yes they did dumbass

>If Nazis hate you, literally the only way to satisfy them is to stop existing.
Or ship them off to Madagascar.

>It's okay that Mao killed more people because he had more people to kill

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t. reddit spacing

>Starting a war over political trolling was way more common back in the day, and sort of accepted.
How much of a frog apologist are you going to continue being? It was a war of aggression, and going by your logic France should have been gang-raped on the spot by dozens of other nations for being really really rude to the Germans.

>be Eisenhower
>see Holocaust
>get worried people will claim these war crimes were made up like post-WWI
>tell the cameras to get in there
>tell the journalists to get in there
>the works
>"Phew, surely now no one can deny this happe-"
We need a new Plague.

Stop trying to ruin Europe every single fucking time Hans seriously what the fuck is wrong with you every time you're unified

Thread will be purged soon, so I'm posting this youtube.com/watch?v=Isq6YltjRRU

You don't have anything to back that up. You're just quoting shit some kids made up on /pol/


>Nazism is more good, because theoretically there is a point in time where there is no need to kill more people.

You always need a boogeyman to keep these kind of systems going. You think the Nazis would have stopped after they removed all the Jews and other undesirables? lmfao

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>All these commie apologists

Fucking hell, what is happening to the world? It's not bad luck, it's an inherently broken system, did you forget how many people starved and that Stalin managed to break Hitler's murder record? Both nazism and communism are bad as fuck, you don't need to pick one of them.

>If Communists hate you, there’s a simple solution: stop oppressing the proletariat and learn to share

Wow, they let one guy live after slaughtering thousands for no reason and only because he was an emperor. Nice "equality"

>If Nazis hate you, literally the only way to satisfy them is to stop existing.

There's like 99% chance that Nazis won't hate you and will leave you alone if you aren't actively trying to shit-up the country. Sure it's sucks for Jews but I'd rather sacrifice 1% of the population than 100%.

gotta say, that'd make a much more interesting setting than we've got
>on a cruise
>"and here, we have: Jew Island!"

>you know understand hundreds of millions of people had to die because Brits and French don't like having neighbors

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Super Famicom Wars


Lmao imagine being American

Man I'm surprised there bothered with a shrine considering he was ripped to shreds and hanged by a mob of Italiens

>Allies killed Nazis
>Nazis killed Jews
>Commies killed themselves
No one did anything wrong in WW2 prove me wrong protip you can't

It was an expected war that had been started deliberately, and turned around by the time anyone could get offended. Also, no one had given guarantees for Germany. Britain and France had given explicit guarantees for Poland.

I'm pretty sure you aren't. Eisenhower has been dead for a while now.

Nobody oppresses proletariat more than commies

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Madagascar was a 4th world country that couldn't even support its own population, let alone that + all the Jews in Europe. The Madgascar plan was unironically worse than the actual Holocaust

Communism starts shitty, but turns shit tier nations into industrial powerhouses.

Nazism starts well, but turns successful nations into piles of rubble.


metal as fuck

Commies had rape battalions

>You always need a boogeyman to keep these kind of systems going. You think the Nazis would have stopped after they removed all the Jews and other undesirables? lmfao

I'm sure they would just keep killing people for shits and giggles.

We should have let the Nazis carry on because they could have gotten the Soros, Rosenburgs and even Rothschild jews.

the Khmer Rouge was funded by the CIA and destroyed by the NVA

It literally isn't communism, but it has been tried (with well documented and disastrous results). Whatever Venezuela is, it isn't communism and it is definitely not good.

>only a pedophile can defend an ideology
What in the goddamn are you even talking about you absolute faggot?

Hey that wasn't Pol Pot's fault, they were wearing GLASSES for gods sake.

cambodia are rightwing fascists supported by the cia and US who revoked and rejected any sense of socialism and went to war with Communist Vietnam.

>started deliberately
Yep, now look how many republic there have been. There's a cycle in Europe and the French haven't really figured that out. And now look at Europe. A super-state headed by the Germans and little yes-men in Brussels.

You have to gives the frogs credit for unintended consequences for Europe. Millions of people died and will continue to die, and that's a large feat for such a self-styled civilized and humble nation.

>why the fuck are you so mad that we keep trying to invade everyone

Ah right, don't forget that it wasn't real communism anyway lmao

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But jews have the highest IQs in the world. They'd work there way to the top and fix the place and probably systematically wipe out the natives like with Palestines right now.

>manga depicts foreign invaders from another land bisecting frenchies and decapitating germans along with terrorist attacks in France from said foreign invaders
based and dare I say it redpilled?

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>didn't start the Franco-Prussian war
>didn't start WWI
>"started" WWII for the French and British giving guarantees to a country they had no intention of protecting
It's always been about the British and French domination mainland Europe.

>CIA-funded regime to stop the spread of Communism in Southeast Asia


what type of false equivalency is this?

You're right, he clearly missed the part of the manifesto that says "Fuck books, kill everyone with glasses and make them all farm rice"

>level the most important cultural symbol of the entire country
The idea was force a surrender, not goad them into fighting down to the last.

kek, this everytime I tell them nazis were commies coz they were called National SOCIALISTS but what did this sovlent guzzling libtard say? "uhh they weren't socialist" kek dumb libtards deny all the commies were commies. libtard S O Ycialists BTFO

>If Communists hate you, there’s a simple solution: stop oppressing the proletariat and learn to share. They probably won’t be your best friend afterwards, but they’ll move on.
Sorry to burst your bubble my sweet summer child but it doesn't work that way:

Some people think a picture of hitler is literal violence and they suffer pain and PTSD by looking at one.

It's a maligned twist of doublethink, and complete terror. The globalist forces (that control the majority of media and cultural outlets in the western world) see culture as a means of control. This, in turn, has caused various government agencies to ban and restrict any form of art made by the national socialists of Germany, or any form of art that may even "glorify" them. Of course, while this is going on, the western world is told time and time again to pay no mind to the constant barrage of utter degeneracy purveyed by these same peddlers of filth. Gang violence, sexual deviancy, rejection of societal standards - all in the form of music, movies, television programs, talk shows, comic books, etc.

It's all just "art", you see, and is mere expression, and that there's CERTAINLY no agenda going on. No no, your kids aren't being influenced - that would be CRAZY! You're CRAZY for thinking such CRAZY things, get out of here you crazy person! What, you want to see a movie where the nazis AREN'T the bad guys?? Wow, you HORRIBLE ANTI-SEMITE, that might cause another holocaust!! It's a slippery slope, ya know - one minute you have somebody saying "Well at least Germany helped stave off the spread of communism", and the next they're full on goose stepping on puppies! Think of the puppies!!

Utter lunacy.

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>didn't start WWI
While that's technically true, germany was a major factor in escalating it from an eastern european regional conflict to a worldwide shitshow.

>Communism starts shitty, but turns shit tier nations into industrial powerhouses.

I take it you have never been to eastern Europe and Russia?

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>this human death and suffering isnt as bad because of the statistics
every fucking time, communist scum

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Imagine being this fucking stupid. At least Hitler thought his plan would make things better for "his" own people. War chiefs in africa drunk on running their petty counties, cities, and/or countries do much more horrific shit just to make a name for themselves with the added effect of it helping them get their rocks off. Then not to mention Stalin, Mao, or POL-FUCKING-POT but then you have absolute mental deficits like this fag who are far too long gone.

>stop oppressing the proletariat and learn to share
>sharing with lazy and childish authoritarians who would see your head on a pike for not giving them the fruits of your labor at a price that you feel is fair
Both are wrong and stupid, so you fit right in.

HOI 4 definitely came out before w/e restrictions were in place were lifted.

>guy on the left started a famine that killed millions
>is remembered as a hero
>guy in the middle sent innocent people to prison camps
>is remembered as a hero
>guy on the right is remembered as a villain who started a famine that killed millions and sent innocent people to prison camps

I wonder why.

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>Communism starts shitty, but turns shit tier nations into industrial powerhouses.
It did help when the capitalist U.S. gave them food, guns, and tanks
>Nazism starts well, but turns successful nations into piles of rubble.
Lol Germany was at the height of economic collapse before the NatSoc's took over, Hitler turned the economy around. It was firebombing by the Allies that turned it to rubble

They were communists insurgents supported by China. Hence, when Vietnam invaded cambodia, China went to war with vietnam.

I take it you've never checked out what Russia was like, ca. 1910. It was a feudal backwater shithole. Like, seriously medieval-tier feudal, with serfs and shit.
Cold war Russia was a gigantic step up.

This thread should does stink with alot of r/pol/ and The_Donald.

Only because the French got involved for their alliance with Russia. France is equally as guilty and would have marched straight into Germany, albeit probably not from Belgium without British permission.

>only if you look at absolute numbers and not the respective populations of China and Europe
>"A single death is a tragedy; a million deaths is a statistic."
Well spoken, Stalin.

Attached: 189465486.jpg (1280x1812, 662K)

>try to censor him
>only make him cooler

Attached: Fuhrer.png (174x162, 20K)

Okay, did CIA force USSR to re-establish serfdom for 50 years too?

>while Communism isn’t inherently violent
oh boy

Maybe stop living in Germanistan

>Only because the French got involved for their alliance with Russia.
... The French got involved because Germany invaded them.

>muh /pol/ boogeyman!
Okay, reddit.
I can do it, too.

>JeWISh GAy CONSpirACy!!!!!11
Fine, the Jews won. They control the universe.
Now please neck yourself so the rest of us don't have to listen to you complain that the Jews are the reason you're a NEET faggot anymore.

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>the establishment wants to redistribute its wealth
No. They just make commies their useful idiots by supporting trannies and social justice faggotry.

serfdom was abolished in the 19th century and was likely preferable to gulags

>mass grave filled with Slavs and Jews is found in Nazi-occupied Poland
>discovered by the Nazis, known for creating mass grave filled with Slavs and Jews
>“the commies did it lol”

Try again, Herr Goebbels.

Right Wing faggotry is more reddit than any pro-communist post cold ever be. Nice try.

>gave them food, guns, and tanks
If by "them" you mean the people they were fighting a civil war against at the time, yeah. Industrial productivity charts so a massive increase in the USSR up to WWII, the Western Allies deliberately postponed advancing on Germany to maximize collateral damage to the Soviets as well.

The French got involved because they were forced into war with Austria-Hungary through the Russians (who were the first to mobilize and ultimately the entire reason for the war), which Germany was bound to protect though their own alliance.

Blame Germany and their autistic laws.

>murricans give a fuck about some limey
>the death of literal tens from things like old-age, NOT starvation is equivalent to millions upon millions dying due to starvation, over-exhaustion, political assassination, and the absolute refusal to acknowledge hearing a negative word about you or your ideology

Yeah, I do wonder why.

>not being a neet in 2019


Jews have made people scared of talking about the events of WW2 in case people were to find out the truth

>because theoretically there is a point in time where there is no need to kill more people

When? when you decide what pure white actually is? good fucking luck getting to the bottom of that question.

Nice Facebook meme holy shit

Germany wasn't bound to protect shit while Austria was doing offensive shit, that was on them. Wilhelm II was just a bitch who gave Austria way more than he should have.

And Germany literally invaded France. They weren't involved in the war until that happened. They might have joined anyways, but Germany did literally invade France.

because its what people are told and they don't think its necessary to look up what actually happened themselves

And your room smells of your girlfriend's boyfriend's semen, what of it?

Rhetoric is no substitute for an actual argument, user.

I'm not using "globalist" as a dogwhistle for jews - I mean it as it is. Anyone participating in a large-scale organization across international lines with an international agenda in mind is a globalist. This includes the Chinese, Saudis, Americans, etc. Jews just happen to have a lot of influence in particular in the US, but they're not the only forces at work. The American military - largely controlled by whites - are complicit in all of this shit, and are hardly all being blackmailed by some top-tier jewish-centric conspiracy.

Who's that pokemon?

It was only censored in Germany, everywhere else his icon was the one on the right

Still doesn't excuse why they cut the swastika flag, but at least one of the most popular mods is "accurate historical flags" which corrects it

It's an actual belief, seeing collectivists argue is funny as fuck now i can't even get mad anymore. "we killed people but we were right", no one even know what ethics is anymore.

I don't even mod it out anymore. Conquering the world as shadow Hitler is rad

They had an alliance with Austria-Hungary you moron.
>And Germany literally invaded France. They weren't involved in the war until that happened.
You are a RETARD. Go soak your head in some bleach.

Nigger please, even Russia doesn't deny Katyn

>prove me wrong protip you can't
The nazis lost
user btfo :(

>When? when you decide what pure white actually is?
The term "white" did even exist in Europe in the 1940s, lmao. This faggot allied with Muslim sand niggers and chinks, too bad they didn't care much about Jews like he did.

What the fuck is with these retards claiming the Khmer Rouge was financed by the CIA? Stop getting your facts from Noam Chomsky you colossal faggots, look up any source on the internet, the Khmer Rouge was formed by the members of the Communist Party of Kampuchea. The Khmer Rouge army was slowly built up in the jungles of Eastern Cambodia during the late 1960s, supported by the North Vietnamese army, the Viet Cong and the Pathet Lao.

Commies re-established serfdom after the revolution, calling it kolkhoz. Peasants weren't allowed to move and didn't have passports

>being an actual pewdiepie subscribing anti-globalist

But Stalin arguably killed more people, including jews than anyone else before, during and after the war

>muh joos
fuck off

>Communism is openly broadcasted
Where is this coming from? Even MSNBC openly shits on communism and socialism


>communism isnt """INHERENTLY""" violent
>its only about eliminating class causing violence upon the people who gave the workers jobs

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>Men with with hight under 6 foot are literally subhuman manelets, we need to erase this defect from our gene pool.

For exemple

Nice arguments.

Grats OP, you solved the mystery


Stalin and Mao didn't set Western Europe on fire, they only set on fire some millions of peasants nobody in the same cultural sphere as you ever cared about.

Aren't they from Cuckistan?

>They had an alliance with Austria-Hungary you moron.
Yes, but until Wilhelm sperged out, it was a defensive one, and A-H was acting offensively.
> You are a RETARD. Go soak your head in some bleach.
>waaah poor germany should've just been allowed to invade france and belgium

>>I'm not using "globalist" as a dogwhistle for jews - I mean it as it is.
Ah, okay. You'll hafta understand my kneejerk assumption as 99% of the time it's in a ((((globalist))))) context.

t. tankie

forcefully :^)

to die

and then lost to a smaller capitalist country without even firing a bullet.
Not very good!

>What would we ever do without people who pay other people to make money for them?

That's not exactly wrong though.

Don't need arguments, I just accept my place in global industrial capitalism as the most predictable and least worst option.

The free world owes its continued existence to the tankies that fought and gave their lives to stop the scourge of Nazism.

You’re goddamn right I’m a tankie.

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This shit will never cease to amuse me.

That's a fair assumption. I think when talking about it in an American-only context, it IS largely going to end up being about jews, but you still have a shitload of gentile cohorts who are no less redhanded than any hooknosed shekelgrubber out there.

>Highest IQ people in the world
>somehow dying in the 6millionth country they visit

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>fruits of your labor
>your labor


My hypothesis is mimetic: because humans imitate one another more than animals, they have had to find a means of dealing with contagious similarity, which could lead to the pure and simple disappearance of their society. The mechanism that reintroduces difference into a situation in which everyone has come to resemble everyone else is sacrifice. Humanity results from sacrifice; we are thus the children of religion. What I call after Freud the founding murder, in other words, the immolation of a sacrificial victim that is both guilty of disorder and able to restore order, is constantly re-enacted in the rituals at the origin of our institutions. Since the dawn of humanity, millions of innocent victims have been killed in this way in order to enable their fellow humans to live together, or at least not to destroy one another. This is the implacable logic of the sacred, which myths dissimulate less and less as humans become increasingly self-aware. The decisive point in this evolution is Christian revelation, a kind of divine expiation in which God through his Son could be seen as asking for forgiveness from humans for having revealed the mechanisms of their violence so late. Rituals had slowly educated them; from then on, humans had to do without.

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based and REDpilled

Man you're a boring incel. No wonder girls don't wanna have sex with you

It sure would be a shame if that same country was economically overpowered by a different Communist country later on.

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haha yeah except all the special privileges ethnic r*ssians got in the ussr
glass yourself nigger

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>bunch of Communists died to protect the capitalist “free” world

>Starting a business is so easy and without risk that, literally, everyone does it and becomes a major success.
Open up a bakery like that one that got shut down recently after letting people pay what they THOUGHT they should. The good will of your comrades will get you nothing more than an empty belly and hopefully an early grave shortly thereafter.

t. the last man

Yeah, the cucks are also building a gas pipeline to China and actually paying for it themselves
Oh wait you're talking about US

>Slav nationalist kills heir to throne
>Germany reaffirms commitment to protecting Austria-Hungary if Russia declares war
>Austria-Hungary ultimatum gives ultimatum to Serbia
>Austria-Hungary invades
>Russia mobilizes for war
>Germany send ultimatum to Russia
>German declares war
>France mobilizes
>Germany invades France
It's not hard to figure out who is in the wrong here.

Boring is definitely the goal.

Thank god for the benevolent employer, deigning to "give the workers jobs" out of the kindness of their heart.

I'll give you a hint.
William Morgan was MURDERED.

Attached: freemasonry.png (500x766, 335K)

b-but user, that only failed because of CAPITALISM!
and then when the whole country fails after forcefully installing a dictatorial regime, that's still because of capitalism

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The amount of /pol/ level larping and arguments here is hysterical. and you people honestly think this place is better than /pol/ while immediately descending into political bickering at the drop of a jannies hotpocket

capitalism begets greed so naturally such a business wouldn't work where avarice and parsimony are embedded within the cultural DNA.

found the commie

Because if Hitler and Nazi ideology is not restricted and freely being spread everywhere, someone might adapt or resume Hitler's ideology and start another coup like back in 1923 and start another world war

Then you're no better than livestock

god im glad hitler is dead and now he is mocked worldwide. Guess his genocide and mass murder views didnt help him in the end haha.

You mean the country whos capital city is considered a living hazard to breathe?

Oh yeah I can't wait until they finally become a superpower, all their citizens will have cancer super powers.

we probably need another world war
just to temporarily re-sate everyone's need for conflict

Ruin everything, probably

Attached: Empire-of-Dust-img.-2.jpg (672x368, 47K)

Holy shit, niggers are brainwashed to the point it's literally zog propaganda if "soviet union" and "gulag" aren't mentioned in the same sentence.
One has to wonder how did SU as long as it did, with all this bullshit you fags are spewing.

>muh Eastern Yurope
Uh huh, commies didn't build shit, only destroyed the mighty INDUSTRY of the countries they liberated))))))). Which is why a shit-ton of electronics was produced by poor and opressed balts.
Maybe those factories weren't economically viable without planned economy and just couldn't survive in the actual market... Nah, that's impossible

isn't sweeding teaching kids with battlefield where you can play as niggers, trans and women without legs in WW2?

video games.

that never happened

>Jews started Bolshevism
>Bolsheviks pogrom the Jews shortly after gaining power

What did this /pol/tard mean by this?

>someone might start another war
You don't have to worry about war if those you wish to subjugate have already surrendered.

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thanks for proving my point


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69 years is not really long

I would have heard about this. Germany is still running from their history like pussies.

No, Paradox is a Swedish corporation.
Fun facts, the Division was made by Swedish people as well.

So is everyone else, free will isn't real.

b-but NO you j-j-jew! he didn't suicide!!!1
H-he escaped to A-Argentina and someday he's gonna come back and wave those pop-tarts right in your face!

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Why do these amusement parks end in failure?

Attached: Welcome.jpg (600x592, 206K)

>communism is openly broadcasted and endorsed
outside of twitter and some retarded college professor can you name 1 (one) instance of this happening

Attached: jak3.gif (200x200, 3.89M)

because gamers are starting to rise up

>Bolsheviks pogrom Jews after they gained power
No they did not. And all throughout Europe the Communist movements were headed and heavily supported by Jews.

Reminder commies are literal sub-insects and you will all be kneecapped and dragged behind cars on the streets until you croak.

It's amazing how even normies are starting to believe it's time to kill commies.

Attached: =3 redpill.png (651x436, 25K)

And communism begets sloth so such a business wouldn't work where mediocrity and detachment are only fended off by the more-equal party member keeping tabs on the workers.

Every. Single. Time.

I pick cultural Marxism.

Are you ok?

Based & redpilled.

Attached: German revolution.jpg (2011x1716, 918K)

Communism is strictly an intersectional philosophy now that will put the most feeble disabled black tranny they can find into power because they're the most oppressed and it's only fair that they get their way above all overs. A wave of Stalin-esque mass murder will then naturally occur.

Lend-lease happened and the amount of supplies is well documented and credited by Khrushchev saying they wouldn't have won without it.

Cultural "marxism" which is more neo liberal capitalism. It includes everyone and is open to everyone. "Virtuism" is all euro centric or white centred a sense of nostalgia of imperialism when certain straight white people were kept ahead of everyone else thru privilege, imperialism,racism, and genocide.

>murdoch murdoch

>mocked worldwide.
He's only mocked by leftists which are like 0.0000001% of the world population

>outside some of the largest ways to socialize in the modern age and government funded educational facilities
Yeah, nothing big.

its almost like all the white people here visit /pol/ or some shit its shameful

I remember they lifted it for ONE (1) game and that was so they could have it used with the irl far right political party in a fighting game

Attached: swas.gif (800x552, 429K)

>implying a mutinational, multi-billion dollar social media platform is irrelevent
>implying people in charge of education your kids who are in prime position to indoctrinate them instead are irrelevent
user, you have terminal retardation.

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No, only republican chicanos visit /pol/

No one can resist the appeal of this absolute madlad forever

Uncle Adolf was the shit

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>mocked worldwide
Only in western anglosphere countries and Germany.

But I thought Trump was literally Hitler, how can Hitler be literally Hitler?

Is that why the Anglo-American banks such as Wall Street funded their war machine? lmao

Liberals = / = social democrats = / = democratic socialists = / = state socialists = / = anarcho-communism = / = marxist-leninism = / = stalinism = / = maoism = / = Korean Juche = / = Khmer Rouge


Attached: Nottu disu shittu agen nasgnet.png (1000x562, 263K)

>social media and educational facilities for children aren't important

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>neo liberal capitalism
What the fuck gobbledy gook are you on about? Cultural marxism is the practice of instilling the ideas of "class warfare" into every facet of culture, as practiced by those indoctrinated by the frankfurt school of critical theory.
You can't be fucking serious.

>but Communism is openly broadcasted and endorsed
It isn't, Americans just think higher taxes and the government doing more stuff is communism for some reason

So you're saying if people are allowed to choose whatever they want to think, they'll pick fascism instead of wonderful and obviously better democracy?

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Literally a jew

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>trying to condemn one more thing alongside a bad thing is whataboutism



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lmao Capitalism kills 20 million every year

>only if you look at absolute numbers


Attached: wtf feraligatr.jpg (198x200, 9K)

People will just pick whatever retarded shit they think will make them more happy in their 1-week memory span.

not real capitalism

It's almost like both communism AND capitalism are awful systems.

Really makes you think.

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>muh outdated ancient Greek ideologies

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When will you asshurt faggots finally learn that being politically incorrect is not tied to being white?

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we just went full circle, didn't we

Not in cities it isn't. But move to a village, island or by yourself and will see that you're more free than ever

>“Virtuism" is all euro centric or white centred a sense of nostalgia of imperialism when certain straight white people were kept ahead of everyone else thru privilege, imperialism,racism, and genocide.

And that’s a good thing

>implying a mutinational, multi-billion dollar social media platform would support Communism

Giant corporations, by their very nature, are the exact fucking opposite of Communism.

>Muh Frankfurt School
>Muh Cultural Marxism
Stop with the /pol/ memes please.

this is literally the same as twitter screencaps
everyone says some stupid shit every once in a while

>Wow, you HORRIBLE ANTI-SEMITE, that might cause another holocaust!! It's a slippery slope, ya know - one minute you have somebody saying "Well at least Germany helped stave off the spread of communism", and the next they're full on goose stepping on puppies!
this is pretty much what happened on this combodian basket weaving forum


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Day of the rope is coming, pinko.

They are both awful

>outdated ancient Greek ideologies

which one are you referring to


What games do German girls like to play?

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>Real communism
>Cut off all relations with the Soviet Union

>didn't mass murder jews
Yeah nah, they persecuted jews alright

No other person in history has caused more butthurt than Hitler. I unironically wish that were me.

I just want a white country where I can live and be happy. You blacks and fag-worshippers can do whatever you want outside our borders, it won't bother me none.

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Isn't the asian faggot on the left the old 8pol BO that spread disinfo about himself and pretended to be a turkroach while avatarfagging as rachel maddow?

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>where you pick between two cable packages and neither has all the channels you want
>when the country is fractured between various voting interests who fight and blame eachother instead of the incompetent gov
>when votes can be bought with media control, fraud, and mass immigration

If you could find some way to demonstrably vet someone's ability to rule through vigorous testing out of a large pool of applicants, make them dictator for 5 years, then re-test these people again every 5 years, this would be better than democracy. Right now, the leaders you can even pick from don't have yourself interests, and the shittier things get, the more people froth at their fucking friends and neighbors for being left or right. I don't care who the fuck is in charge, just someone DO something.

Why don't you just live your life and ignore people you don't like?


Please do not mention how Earths population exploded in the last century
Both systems are arguably shit but at least capitalism is somewhat sustainable


Both Fascism and Democracy are buttass old and don't work.

Lmao literally an ideological cuck

Only after Slavniggers hijacked the government post Stalin. One of the first things the Bolsheviks did was outlaw anti semitism.


i wish

>capitalism is somewhat sustainable
It's literally built on an unsustainable premise. It's currently about to cause the worst humanitarian crisis because it literally cannot scale back on being unsustainable. The fuck are you on about?

Was Soviet Union the real communism? Because you know, the peasants there literally didn't have any rights until 1970.

>"I just want a white country where I can live and be happy"
>black people exist
>"I'M nOT hAPpY!!!1"
Imagine being a Euro-immigrant faggot who's been here for a fraction of a piddling millennium and thinking who have any claim to who "belongs" here
Please sit down and enjoy the white genocide


You DO realize that both capitalism and communism DO NOT DO what they advertise, right? They're both methods of control used in tandem, pushed simultaneously in order to lock citizens into a constant class struggle where the elite seek to benefit. The only reason the soviets "fell" was because they were obsolete and no longer needed - the demoralization process in the west was complete, and the retardedly wealthy elite went to suck the blood of the US instead.

Read a fucking book, nigger

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Ich liebe Chie

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Thats great and all but communism still kills much more. Like to a degree that comparing the two is asinine. One is getting your hand chopped, thrown into the wilderness, and expected you to survive while the other is getting your arm chopped off, thrown into a factory, and told to create more cheaper than market value things because the state needs to make money after the rich were killed/fled and no longer pays their taxes or encourages the trade between other nations that their business brought. Also you'll be called a traitor to the party and shot if you dont. Or if someone says that you dont. Or if you give off an implication that you dont.


>/pol/ and /leftypol/ in the same thread

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What, that manlets are worthless?

If you had a time machine, how would you help Hitler win the war?

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>All these people in this thread that think they have the slightest fucking clue about economics or history despite not having ever picked up a book or read more than a fucking wikipedia article or a /pol/ meme on the subject
Just stick to videogames.

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How recently? Wolfenstein 2 came out a year and a half ago and it was censored in germany.

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>Grandparents fight to liberate Europe from Nazis
>Grandchildren on /pol/ larping being nazis and defending nazism

Your parents should be ashamed of you /pol/

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Commies will ignore this
Communism is inherently evil and violent, this is a fact

Finding Muhammad, both CROSS and MOONSTAR versions.

Pic related

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when Fidel Castro died you had plenty of media and political figures singing his praises. even the prime minister of Canada was telling everybody what a great guy he was