Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3
Choose your vault hunter
>Hobo Robo
>Adam Jensen
>Tank Girl
>Indian Iris Kyle

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Other urls found in this thread:"cov""co-op"

I want to play as the boomer. Looks badass.

I'll play as the uninstall wizard. Because I don't play Chink-store garbage

So which one is gay and one which one is the tranny?

The robot is gay and trans.


There is always the piratebay exclusive character

what causes someone to even think this way

Don't worry anons, some of us are with you. If I could give the developers 100% more I would. If I had a wife I'd let them fuck her too. Rise up Epic friends. 30% IS CRIMINAL! EPIC GAMERS UNITE!

I see they added a lot more definition to the art. That could make the game very muddy and hard to read. Interested to see how it goes.

That and coupled with Gearbox and their Giant HuDs.

again, what kind of person even types words like this out

like this is what some people consider fun. what must you look like

Muscle girl because I want to lick her abs or the discount destiny robot dude if I have to choose right after jerking off.

For real though, this series is absolute trashcan with zero redeeming qualities so the uninstall wizard poster is right.

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I feel the opposite way. Borderlands always looked kind of muddy in the previous games because it lacked in definition. From the trailer for Borderlands 3, it seems like to me that things stand out a lot more now and is a bit easier to pick apart. A bit hard to tell right now, but I feel like it looks less muddy.

I like muscle girls too, but this looks like a drag queen. Everyone seems to be in love with the fan art that looks nothing like the character

Why are the classes so shitty in every borderlands game? Let me choose an archetype and then pick my own face and clothing.

Muscle Siren > Animal Robot > Old Batman > Soldier Girl

Prove me wrong

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Go back to r/games.

The one that have health regen. BL without is tough.

You kids waste time on the most useless hobbies these days. Men like me had real hobbies back in the day: Football, beating up spazzes and nerds, going bare-back on cheerleaders, sneaking Playboys everywhere, punching random things in random places. We really knew how to live life. You kids just have no clue these days.

Tell me about Jensen. What is his gimmick?
He looks really plain compared to the others.

Based pro-consumer user

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Nobody cares about your fucking the male cheerleaders in high school grandpa.

I like them all so I made a roll to determine who I will play. I'll pick the siren, Melee class are the shit

I can understand console exclusives, you have to pay $400 plus game plus tip but a free digital store that can run parallel to your current free digital store? Some people just want to seethe about everything

Is the robohobo Loader Bot?

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Maybe, nobody knows yet

Whichever one has a turret or deathtrap-esque minion

gun loli then

Why did the do the "normal fucking guy" as a white guy BOTH times?

the helmet girl or the bearded guy

>stealth batman
>normal guy

What the fuck are you talking about?

if anyone is the "normal" character its the gun girl tho?

I call Robo Hobo. I genuinely hope he's loader-bro from Tales

Living in reality

>Moze is a gunner who can digistruct and pilot a mech. Amara is a siren who can summon and smash enemies with ethereal fists. FL4K is a beastmaster whose pets prey upon bandits. And Zane is an operative who uses gadgets to cause chaos on the battlefield.

>Fearless renegade mercenaries on the wildest interplanetary treasure hunt of all time. FL4K is a wandering robotic tracker whose cold steel heart warms only for their pet beasts. Amara beats bad guys into pancakes with her psychic fists. Moze’s best friend is a 10-ton walking killing machine. And Zane, the semi-retired corporate hitman... well, he’s Zane.


>over 1 BILLION guns
How bullshit is this statement

Beastmaster > Gadget man > siren > mech girl


it counts the rng variants of individual little tweaks of each guns. its 1 billion possible combinations across what will be like 6 brands and 7 slots per weapon
not that it fucking matters when legendaries exist

I suppose it depends on the way you look at it.
1 billion unique weapons? Probably not, but 1 billion weapons including all variations with the different effects, stats and properties? I dunno, I believe Borderlands 1 and 2 had a couple hundreds of thousands taking this into account. Considering that BL3 seems to add a lot of stuff to the guns there's likely going to be a lot more multipliers on so I wouldn't be surprised.

Zane's gonna be gay isn't he?

I'm thinking bi. He looks like he bangs indiscriminately like an interplanetary assassin/james bond

He used to be a lesbian toaster.

>No Zer0
It's shit.

cute girl ini the middle and robot

Tank Girl mostly because I’ve always been attracted to Vladof

nvm she doesnt look cute

I Don't like him, but he's the best assassin they've had.

Really hope it’s Loader Bot, looks kind of similar

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It also counts levels. Like the same gun at lvl 1 all the way to level 72 is to them 72 different guns since their stats are different

skags are majestic, don’t lie

I'm going to the gun store. You guys want anything?

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Boy the game sure looks hard. I hope there's a way I can buy some XP boosts to get me through it faster. The most important thing to me is that I can get through a game fast and that it's really easy.

I’ll take one of the brand new Atlas guns, thanks.

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bl2 had the same thing in the form or relics and they were kind of useless and you could get the xp one from a mission later in the game

Pestilent defiler and a hellfire smg pls.

wait what? what is this pic from

the new weapon designs are fucking tacky, but hell i hope they at least feel powerful to shoot

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their website

Didn't you have to play the game to get that? No thank you. If there isn't something I can buy to skip gameplay, I'm out.

Borderlands 3. Remember based Rhys is CEO of Atlas now.

But it’s on all consoles

I like how they now can have different attachments like grenade launchers, rockets, tasers etc. And some of them switch between different fire modes too

just because you're a neet doesn't mean everyone who's ever been here is.

not this one, it seems

shut the fuck up boomer

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holy shit, the new guns/manufacturer mechanics looks bonkers. hype

Honestly, none of them appeal to me. Probably the Hobo Robo until a better DLC character comes along.

Fuck, that sounds good...

i like and don't like the new designs, like really look at Tediore now, their schtick was easy to dispose of guns you buy at space wal-mart for like a hundred bucks, now they want you to throw away and blow up this decorated and expensive looking weapon when all Tediore used to look like plastic boxes to emphasis their disposability

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Put all the parentheses you want little man.

I want to play as the Vladof Commie girl and fake Adam Jensen.

At least they don't look as samey as the guns in BL2. Well, we haven't seen how it works out in-game, so here's hoping.

Revolvers are back tho fuck yeah

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Same, the only base game character I liked was Lilith, it pissed me off when Maya was so different. Gonna stick with Tank Girl till something good comes out.

>getting mad at increasing the number of programs on your PC by 2%

so brave. thank you gamers for serving your country!

I'm sorry, did you mean 100 crates of these?
god I wish they had made Eridian weapons actually good in this version

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>Robots in disheveled human clothing
Sign me right the fuck up 10/10 effay

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But you must have bought it to uninstall...

>shotgun looks like a cock with balls

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Jakobs are the only ones that looks good.
I don't like how they are just putting a lot of shit on the guns, it doesn't look good.

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The new Children of the Vault weapons
>Enjoy uninterrupted damage-dealing courtesy of “infinite” ammo magazines, occasionally interrupted by unpredictable overheating

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is this the new improved BL 1?

Zane's character will be like John Wick I bet. He's "retired" but CoV did something personal to him and he's back to be a BADASS.

So, some of the manufacturers will have an alternate fire
I wonder how will the interchangeable parts works. Maybe they are interchangeable between the same brand


well Vladof has a purpose for the extra stuff, they're getting underbarrel attachments like grenade launchers, tasers and more gun barrels
Not sure what the other companies are going for though

Weird because this is the first of the games in which every single of the characters look interesting to me

Here's the best gun in the game, bro.

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A couple hundred thousand, and all I want is the mashers.

>not a x4 Torgue SMG

>Top left
How inclusive, they have guns for people with no thumbs now

So these do trackers and replay fire.

These have attachments.

These have special reloads

These add a bullet to your mag when you get a crit kill

These are a cross between bandit/eridian.

Then Maliwan will let you switch elements on the fly. That would have been super useful in BL2 with slag. Dahl lets you switch fire rate. Hyperion has shields that pop out on either side of the gun. I wonder if that means there's a third person over the shoulder mode where you can switch sides.

Every Anarchy is x4. The Torgue Steel Anarchy is the best one, but min-max is of little consequence when you can run up to every enemy and melt them regardless.

Which manufacturer has the guns with legs?

Tediore seems to be the ones

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Also I hope they go crazy with the legendary weapons. And the character skills too, Even though I didn’t like TPS very much the skills were pretty cool imo

unkept harold pls

>Legendary Pistol
>it has a Tediore scope
every time, pisses me off how much of the screen it takes

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>ammo count on the gun instead of a UI element

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Quick & Seamless Co-op Action – Play with anyone at any time online or in split-screen co-op, regardless of your level or mission progress. Take down enemies and challenges as a team, but reap rewards that are yours alone – no one misses out on loot.”
Easier to play with friends and other people and no risk of some fag stealing your loot

is split screen 2 player or 4 player

They got any XP boosts, so I can pay real money to skip gameplay? That would be great.

i sure hope it is

that would be dare i say it


Adam Jensen because he's obviously this borderland's Axton/Roland, which means turrets and that means more gun.

He's willhelm + zero

How's that Reborn mod for 2? Any1 knows?

You’d have to play as the soldier girl then

He's actually more like Zero. He has a hologram clone and looks to use long range sniper rifles.

Tank Girl looks to be the a hybrid of Axton/Roland and Gaige.

Muscle Siren is just Tank if be got his wish and became a Siren.

He's got the head but he's WAY too small. And a bunch of other details that are wrong.

Isn’t he way too big? Based on the new body he has at the end of tales

Hobo or Tank Girl
Disgusting roided nigger or bland blonde homosexual are unappealing

I want to fuck the robot

>looks to use long range sniper rifles.
Zane looks more like he's going to use Pistols. Robo Hobo looks to be the sniper.

tank girl and using a head that hides that disgusting face yuck

Didn’t they say somewhere that the game would have more skills this time around?

I AM GOING TO PIRATE this game, fuck you Gearbox. I am doing this for the Duke!!! I am a pirate like Nami

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they did the same thing in Bl2 with relics, the loot drop one was terrible and got sold the second you got an actual relic and the xp one could be gotten as a mission reward later in the game

funny because nami is a thief just like actual vidya pirates.

Ooh, I liked Wilhelm so I'll probably definitely go with this adam jensen dude

Also the thanks to the work on the community mod we now know the loot drop mod literally didn't do anything.

She looks like she's on coke in 2 and 4, and looks like she had a lobotomy in 3

Vladof guns fuck with underbarrel attachments, Dahl guns let you switch between auto/burst/semi-auto but awards bonus damage to at least one of the fire modes.

Wow early Nami almost looks like a normal person


Imagine being a pirate and raiding ships and bring s captured wenches to rape in your captain cabin but Nami grabs them and fucks them first!

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So you a slut?


What makes One Piece an anime? It's barely resembles the style at all.

Fiona would make sense considerong she was training to become a vault hunter. Also she had that little super elemental gun

you just jealous, go suck narutos dick

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The only good thing this game is going to contribute is that we'll no-doubt get some new musclegirl hentai out of it.

>What makes One Piece an anime?
It's a cartoon made in Japan, like all anime.

Reminder that proper muscle girls are the hardest to find and get to fuck you type of girl in the world

The definition of anime disagrees. The style was developed in Japan but it is a STYLE.


online skill tree WHEN i need to autistically play around with it and see what i should put muh points into
also robro is the way to go in this game for sure

Not really, anime just means animation. Japanese animation.

Robohobo or Boomer Jenson. I'd choose Amara because I like melee, but I adamantly refuse to play as a girl.

Are you gay?

I'm getting pretty mixed results in my research, I'll keep it neutral and say both are right. I agree with your point more thought but a lot of people draw in the anime style and it seems silly not to call it such.

Robro or boomer, both look pretty cool. Also apparently it's coming to steam april next year- do you think it'll be at the same initial price? I don't know if I'll want to get this on release in any case but I'd rather just wait until it's on Steam because that's where my friends are, and I hope that 6 months later they wouldn't try to sell it at full price

Kinda leaning towards gun chick or adam jensen, though im probably gonna play as all of them eventually. Apparently theres a new level sync feature though so you dont have to start up brand new characters every time you want to play co-op with different people. Sounds cool in theory but ill have to see the execution.

>reinstalled BL2 when this got announced
>forgot how boring the early game is
I fucking hate the beginning

>Choose your vault hunter
>gay man
>gay girl
>genderless sex machine
bravo gearbox

You are 13 years old and have never seen the sun. Dont lie

Tank girl how is this even a question? Should be worth a playthrough knowing this info now.


Don't get me wrong, her abs are great, but it's a matter of principle for me that I don't know how to explain. And at most 0% gay.

>A wristwatch that probably tells the in-game time accurately
You think they're gonna do anything with time, or is it just going to be a neat cosmetic feature?

>reeee where is the fat incel self insert option?!

Man I can't wait for all the porn of her and muscle siren.

No it's spelled Maya user.

Zane can't even compare to Zero

The seconds games roster was already nearly too rag-tag. A mute assassin, white man, roided Mexican, blue hair girl. You really couldn't imagine the team bantering and existing together outside of the co-op game play, like you could (somewhat) in 1. Basically they didn't seem like pals, and these three just seem even more unlikely to spend a single minute with one another

Liquid Sniper
Rest in Peace, S&S

always play the most attractive one. so, obviously, the robo hobo

They may be back in 3

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Rip in fucking pepperoni. Liquid wrath was a great goddamn explosive rifle.

Image in the OP he has a rifle.

Whoever has a melee build.
T. Brick, Zero, Kreig player

fl4k is kinda thick, hes probably not an incel though, he looks like he gets pussy

Don't get my hopes up. I told myself I wasn't going to pre-order this one...

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I love Revolvers in Borderlands, hope they don't fuck with them too much. Siren with revolver is always fun

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Can I choose to constantly shit all over Randy Pritchford's dumb fucking face instead of buying this fucking turd?

user I want to believe


Robo and Tank grill.

Revolvers in 1 were great. 2 is hit or miss.

Dog fucking robot
Twink with hipster statch
Fisty McSwoledyke
Little dyke with giant robot suit.

Why are they all some kind of gay and lame.
Where's the generic square jawed straightman character. That type of character is needed for this.
And GoTG and other shows have outright stated that those kinds of males are really popular.

Hell I'd even like a cyborg soldier or zombie roland for gods sake.
I'll just wait till they bring in the inevitable add on characters. I don't want to play as any of those dogfuckers.

>TFW Silent Night
Holy fuck

Does 2 even have revolvers?

The fuck.
Arguably the most powerful gun in the game is a revolver.

Ball's on your court, Valve.

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Yes, they're folded into pistols and jakobs only for some retarded reason. And instead of big dick damage it's basically a spam repeater.

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they all are

Badass AND bananas

So does the Epic store spyware thing launch in the background and eat up your resources?

I honestly don't a fuck even they are spying on me, Google and Microsoft does the same shit anyway.

I am more concern that whether it affects my computer performance or not.

Yes several, also Longarm is a really nice version

You mean Unforgiven?

no one in Bl is remotley close to normal,roland is the most normal one and he is a nigger

sorry im here 3h40m later to give you the attention that you wanted
you are wrong

Wait wut? He sai dis?

Hogs cpu for no raisin

>the new weapon designs are fucking tacky,
So they fit right in with the new vault hunters.

I'd argue Timothy was the most normal being a dumbass kid with student loans forced to take a shitty job/scam.

Good choice, user.

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show me a single weapon from the other games that doesnt look tacky

If they lost their spot as being strong all-rounders for this smartgun shit I'll be pissed.

Hyperion got ruined, went from being decent high accuracy to lol ammo tax for your accuracy whenever you start a volley.

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They should have ditched the random loot generator and made it about gun customization with different mods and such. Would have made upgrading more fun as your gun would have been a valuable possession instead of just being replaced every 30 seconds.

Axton and Gaige do some banter in the TPS dlc

Ill go hobo robo, 100%
Im just worried that the publisher will have smeared their shit all over it. I dont care about using the Epic Launcher,'in fact, if I cant buy it right away ill probably wait for the 2020 steam launch.
Im much, much more worried about corporate corruption of a pure product. Relatively speaking.

Any weapon in 1


congrats you failed

>2 of these will be homosex

The tank(mech) girl if I can go full-on dakka

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i hope it's both the girls

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user, the smgs and shotties in 1 look fine.

The first 5 hours of every borderlands games is just so fucking boring it amazes me.

I actually really like the beginning in TPS

Yes you faggot!
I want my fat incel selfinsert!

There aren't enough gays and gay friendly folks for those retarded character to appeal to and none of them look like they would ever even talk to each other let alone hang out.

The fuck are those character for?

Does the ultra HD pack really add anything if you're playing sub-4k?

Thank God that nigger ape woman that was leaked didnt make the cut

That render's pretty comfy.
Kind of sad they got rid of that neat crosshatching filter for shading they showed off at GDC.

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>they fixed the Vladof minigun
Holy shit
the only people autistic enough to care are on Yea Forums
They actually visit this fucking dumpster

I'm not giving in unless I see S&S. And they better not be ruined by a shitty gimmick.

Holy shit
These physically hurt my eyes
What the actual fuck were they thinking

That a cult of bandits made them.

Link to the site pictures?"cov""co-op"

i choose Indian Iris Kyle

i choose comrade vladof

There's very clearly a gap between the magazine and the grip.

>mfw the whole EGS thing reveals itself as an industry wide plot to force Valve to make HL3

What happens to this ass cancer? Who do you think these people are?

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yuri is just the best!

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Unironically BASED

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No, the double penetrating unkempt harold.

liking anime = mental illness

stop posting selfies! post yuri!

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Not a revolver

So it will be like the laser gun from Halo.
Shoot till the gun overheats or goes empty.

The only difference between how many bullets are shot in one pull is the overheating.

Will also probably hurt the character when it overheats as well.

I can go all day pal

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Give me the quick rundown on fit girls,im not fit myself(yet) and need to know what its like to get your dick crushed by Stacey ThunderCunt

They could have went with a more toned down tiny tina as the soldier.
Just had tiny tina use robots named after those retarded little toys of hers that all shot explosive damage and modeled herself after roland.

Nope. Fuck that. Random chibi dyke doing a shitty DVA impersonation.

Isn't loader bot from tales borderlands have girlfriend

HAD, and boy she was MAD THICC

>tfw all the games share a very obvious flaw that never gets addressed
Why 4 gun limit? Why not weapon wheel?

Never had a problem with that

Swole chicks are oft seriously fucked in the head and or super duper gay.
As for hard to fuck.
If you catch them at the right time you can fuck them with ease. The steroids makes them slutty as fuck. Their sexuality means less then nothing.
If you promise to make them cum they'll bend over or have you on your back and ride whatever you have till they get theirs.

The obvious flaw isn't the piss poor skill tree design?
You know, emphasizing numerical increases/alterations instead of skill-based action gameplay?

It's hard to remember.
And that small selection of guns allows for a more focused gameplay and makes the guns more special.

i honestly love all their designs and can't wait to see the dlc hunters either, but i'll obviously play the brown muscle waifu first. i'm interested in tank girl but i don't like her default head, the football paint on her face looks weird. but for my second playthrough she's a sure thing

i also saw someone in the thread picking apart the new weapons designs and i like those a lot too, can't relate user.

Also,why only 4 people coop? Its time for 6 player Raid Bosses,i mean at least when they inevitably put out classes dlcs like they did in the previous games there will be room for everyone,also actual dialogue and banter between classes

FL4K will be my nikka. Will focus on using a Spiderant named Charlotte.

I know.
Axton's skill tree was retarded.

Why not one that changed how the character played in real ways and changed how they look as well.

He's a space soldier correct?
Okay, he could have had a tree where he basically becomes a cap america/rambo/soldier super soldier. A tree where he becomes a cyborg that enhances his physical abilitites
A tree where he becomes an engineer and uses more machines enhances his weapons and enhances his turret/robot sidekick.

I usually go Siren but since new siren is unsurprisingly an ugly mutt designed by ugly feminist diversity hires I'll go with the white male boomer.

Thanks user,have a nice day

Hobo robo without any hesitation. Adam Jensen looks cool, but if his skill is just a decoy, that's generic as fuck.

for me, it's either gonna be homo robo or kirby: planet robobot

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Wilhelm kinda did go that direction,not only cosmetically changing Wilhelm but also made him a bit similar to Krieg by giving him a nuke on death to almost guarantee a revive,allowing you to charge enemies head on without much fear of dying

So can we all agree TEDIORE is the best Manufacturer now?
Tediore > Jakobs >> Maliwan >>>>> everything else.

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>Will focus on using a Spiderant named Charlotte.
Not focusing on the Skag named Boz Skaggs

>using guns that take more than one shot

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Comparing Half Life with Borderlands, how retarded can he be?

Is Borderlands 2 the newest game in the Borderlands canon? And what happens at the end of that shit? Do you kill Handsome Jack or was it another clone?

Killed millions

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She looks like a latina that went to hard on the juice.
Should have gone for thick racially ambgiuous hypersexual instathot look.

Maybe one of her skins/heads will make her look less butch.

Man up and take the piratepill

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>unsurprisingly an ugly mutt
just like u irl lol

In my headcanon they fuck up and leave handsome jacks still mostly alive body in the vault.
Where the vault makes him the new vault monster.

Hoping for a whole god emperor of dune type thing with him.

Should have went with a cyborg black guy who just upgrades what's left of his body and occasionally says booyah after he does an epic kill bro.
Was it kino?
Or dare I say... BADASS?

Is this ironic? Concern if genuine

I wont buy it ever because epic exclusivity, I know it wont matter because idiots will just end up buying it when it comes up on steam though. I wish I could actually vote with my wallet and have it mean something.

If the adam jensen character isn't just a gunslinging doc holiday(dude from tombstone) then he's useless.

This i will never put epic on my PC

not gonna lie, i'm buying it on both platforms and once it comes to steam i'll abandon my epic copy. i don't mind giving them two sales since i like gearbox.

finally. a comfy borderlands thread without christcucks or epic shills.

keep up the good work, fellas.

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No I'm not American

Robo has human fingers. Who is he?

So looking at the Diamond Chest Collector's Edition; is it safe to assume that there will be 4 Vaults in the vanilla game for us to open?
If so, that's kind of exciting. 4 Vault Monsters to destroy, potentially 4 Raid Boss Upgrades to those monsters too like in TPS.

I'll probably try them all eventually, but I'll start with the poo siren. Beating bandits to death with your bare hands is always a good time.

you think there's any stock in that user threat to leak the game in a month?

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I love mommya.

fuck up dog cunt

I wonder if Moze is Axton's ex.

As it should be
And a weapon wheel is a piece of shit only for shitty consoles

She's the same age as Axton and from the trailer and TT going from a creepy little cunt to a more then fuckable pint sized thot...I'm thinking it's some time in the future and it's just some random teenaged nobody.

I forgot how astronomically slow these games are to get rolling.

Assassin guy for sure.

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Moze is so bland and unappealing. That's what she is.
No interesting features besides her mech.

Do you seriously want to hear ashley Burch saying retarded shit the entire game?

the one voiced by Nolan North

Reminder that this is objectively, Maya's best possible look in the game.

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So what will the operative play like?

Why not just pirate and then buy on steam? It's what I'm going to do

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Her trying to be a normie and saying something quippy would be okay.
I mean, they had fucking claptrap and a Jack clone in TPS and no one complained about him.

But I can see your point. Her being a reoccuring character is probably the only way to keep her in there and keep her personality intact.

>Why not just pirate and then buy on steam? It's what I'm going to do

Are you fucking retarded?

Thank you for buying our game. Please come again.

Gonna be a hard choice between the beast master and whoever mains pistols/revolvers.

>inb4 announced you can have a huge amount of coop players and unlock vault hunters from previous games with all their skillsets in tact
>only Roland and some of the ones from the presequel arent playable cause they're dead
A man can dream

It's either robo hobo or tank girl. Gotta see their trees first. I'll probably play them all eventually though.



Looks cool, but is a beast master. Has pets, and is probably really boring to play because of it.

Is an "assassin" character, so probably boring.
However, it looks like he can make his bots explode, so because of that he might actually be fun to play.

Probably gonna be broken OP.

Probably gonna be shit, but fun to play just because of jojo references.

>Melee characters in Borderlands
Useless until you’re done with your first play through. I hope their skill approach has changed. Cause locking everything cool behind 30 levels is trash and makes the game a slog.

Zer0 was always great

>still not patched?
Marcus be praised

>implying death is going to stop anybody in the Borderlands universe

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>maybe if i talk australian then
fuck you are a loser hey

>Shoot from behind cover
>Somehow weak

new gaige or beastmaster robo for me.

the fuck are you talking about

TPS skills were all over the place. Some were neat and some were fucking godawful, like the cowboy lady's autoaim action skill which singlehandedly makes her not only not fun, but also fucking crippled if there's too many enemies or shootable objects onscreen when she uses it.
There was some really questionable design with stuff like Fragtrap's assortment of friendly fire and useless/self-crippling shit and Jack's joke skill that literally does fucking nothing apart from giving some messages.

>melee krieg
>tank sal
>rough rider Maya
nigga you stupid


The hyperion gimmick was generally awful but it was pretty lovely with shotguns, particularly because there were next to other autoshotties for some reason.

that doesn't fit his character at all. you are terrible at ideas because you don't consider other factors, only "what i consider fun"

cause i wanna be able to play with my friends, if i was going to play it solo i would totally pirate first and buy later

Huh, so do these all double as a second type of gun? Pretty neat, I suppose.

>In my headcanon

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Siren Giga Nigga

Give me that elemental rip&tear action, my man. Plus you just know she's gonna have some "prismatic punch" skill that makes each of her phase arms have a different attribute, and that's gonna be cool as fuck

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You could play co-op pirated versions of the other games, why would this one be different

i like you
this the kinda thinking from a real borderlands fan

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Based. Fuck China.

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there's a girl i'm seeing who posed the idea of each hand getting a revolver as part of some skill further down her tree, and the idea of all those guns going off at once made me scream man

Dont you know the new mechanic of atlas is that their bullets track? Have fun aiming for head shots just for the tracking to turn it into a body shot

Why are zoomers such corporate cucks?

My speculation is that you can mark specific locations anywhere you want for the bullets to seek.

Nah, cowgirl hat all the way

Post it.

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Feels pretty fucking good that they're bringing the characters from tftbl

I saw this posted in another thread, is it true?

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>no one as cool as Zer0
Trash game.

>feel the same
>load it up anyway
>mfw I have a Gaige at Sanctuary so I don't have to do Southern Shelf
Thank you past self, I'm sorry you had to through that.

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true or not Randy is a faggot

>no one as cute as Gaige
Trash game indeed.

No, obviously not.
How can you fall for bait like this?
Are you a zooming corporate shill?

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>not vladof sickle

>These add a bullet to your mag when you get a crit kill
False. Jakobs' special trait is that the bullets bounce off enemies to hit more enemies.

3 will have the other vault hunters as AI companions if you're playing solo

>Doing General Knoxx DLC
>Fight off the first Assassins in T-Bone Junction
>One of them drops a legendary Maliwan 4x Corrosive Revolver

That thing made the DLC piss easy, I love how weapons scale in BL1, makes me lament just how bad it is in BL2.

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My Maya is not a communist, she's an edgy punk centrist who would kill absolutely everyone equally, even other centrists.

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I'll play as Loader Bot

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so long as she's edgy im all in

>No one will ever have the support capability of Roland ever again

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Is there any cute male character? How's that one with grey hair on the left? Zero cute might be fine too. face hidden but a slim body

What's your favorite gun out of the ones you have right now?
Mine is a Tediore Corrosive Rocket Launcher with +150% melee attack. When it's thrown, it basically becomes an extra rocket.
Shit's cash

No more anthony burch. I'm holding onto a little bit of hope.

Silent Night, this shit is criminal

Probably going to go Hobo Robot since he reminds me of Zero and I fucking loved that guy

>800% crit bonus
Holy shit.

>Iris Kyle

I'm not Googling that.

I'll play as the hobo if he has a cool sniper skill tree

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The Lady Fist had the same thing after patches, and that was just a pistol.

Silent Night is a sniper, with really high damage and high ACC, and now with that? You tell me

How do you pronounce Moze? is it like nose? Or is it like Mouse? Maze???

Do you ever feel like you are just, firing blanks?
Do the ladies in your life find your, gun, a little, short, on fire power?

You need, ENGORGE, by Atlas!

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this, where's muh edgy lizard toe boy
i like the look of the boomer though

probably nose or moe-zay but they're too retarded to use é

Robot with lmg

I like it

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> DLC character

Wanted to play Hobo Robo but I hate pets so I will go with the the russian gal. I hope she has thick slav accent



dunning-kruger effect