Fixed Samus
Fixed Samus
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wow so progressive she wears those scars with pride! Tumblr-tier trash.
Unironucally 20 times better than the fuccboi design
Okay, here's the real fixed Samus
The fuck?
>feminem bad! m-maskulin gud!
>that artstyle
Don't forget, Samus is TRANS
I have a hard-on for this ultra-simple tumblr artstyle and I hate it.
she's cute
Short hair is CUTE
That (or worse) is probably what she would look like if they ever cared to make a post-Fusion game.
yeah transmale and becomes solid snake, I mean how else would you explain that ass?
I'm fine with Balalaika 2.0 only if you make the tits/hips bigger
>anime nub
Because they didn't show a suitless non-disfigured Samus at the end if Fusion or anything.
based retard
I dont know m8 her proportions look beautiful like that
we have to go (a cup size) bigger
She is now just the burned dude from Avatar.
Nah man the size fits with her attitude
>tfw the original artist was reading that thread and thought that post meant they hated it because he's japanese
Samus is already literally perfect, and needs no chage.
However, is also acceptable.
link plz
30-something boomer oldfag here. I would abandon my wife and toddler son for a tomboy like that. I'd even flee the country so they wouldn't get spousal/child support.
>huge gay fagboy doesn't want to be dominated by a muscle girl
I unironically find her even more sexy like this
Just look up @iriomote2501 on twitter
>it's all in weebspeak
ok thanks
Unironically cute
Short hair is the only thing Other M did right.
I prefer regular Samus. Also, now I wonder how much her Power suit protect her from harm. Is It canonically imposible for her to get that badly scarred?
2submissive unless she is going to subvert my expectations in that dress
Go back to >>reddit
when she ate the SA-X she basically ate her own non-damaged self. so before that MAYBE she would be fucked up under the suit, but after that she was fine.
I’m fine with this. I never understood where the hell she managed to fit that giant ponytail in that helmet anyway.
Is an interesting take on Samus. My problem is with the personality some of these artists usually give her, the make her a generic power grrrl fantasy.
Punished Samus
Presented by a sexually-confused white 13-year-old boy and shounen anime fan
This man speaks the truth.
>take a beautiful woman
>make her ugly
I need an explanation for this one
God, the scars make her sexier. I want my bounty hunter gf to be extra crispy
Didn't Samus got some spiky things in jet forearms during Fusión?
>He doesn't want a Zuko Gf
She's even sexier imo
That's just the Fusion suit.
I know you guys love your waifu bullshit, where Samus is a meek submisive Asían housewife, but she is a tough spacw bounty hunter, it's logical sonetimes things can go really bad.
still would
Bait but I don't really get why anons are saying she's not sexy and must be some tranny. Must be something in the water.
Listen, I enjoyed FLCL and Avatar as well, but you can't make Haruzuko and call it Samus.
>zyzz traps on a grill
The only way to fix Samus is to add a penis to her.
>I know you guys love your waifu bullshit, where Samus is a meek submisive Asían housewife
Literally where?
God that art looks fucking hideous
yeah nah strong dominant Samus is the only one for me
ITT closet cases, this board becomes more like a sub board of Resetera every day.
This isn't a smash thread dumbass
fixed the nose
>Someone who understands and appreciates a proper trapezius in character design.
You're my nigger.
>calls that sexual confusion
>Posts lolicon
Haha epic reference bro I watched Avatar too.
the idea is fine. she unironically should look somewhat similar in any games taking place after fusion anyways
now we're talkin
At least put in some context , the person who made this drawing said that it was kinda weird that Samus came out of a surgery to remove parts of her armor that had melted/fused to her body completely spotless in Fusion, and this is what the artist imagined she would look like had her body suffered heavy scarring.
Kys faggot
>Little girl = lolicon
So I guess whenever you go outside and see a little girl you should be arrested for being a child molester
Oh wait, you don't go outside, do you?
No, she should look like the Fusion Suit.
Because that's her fucking skin now.
>no Nigga Time Mega Man
Never ceases to upset me.
Samus still looks like a girl here, which makes this better than about 95% of Tumblr """""redesigns""""".
infact it'd add to her appeal even more
you mean like soccer claus
>still looks like a girl here
Except the face that has literally 0 feminine feature ?
No that's when I see unrelated anime trash on Yea Forums, your projection and "trying to turn it around on me" has me concerned about you though
So, does every game have this terrible of fan segmentation where one is objectively understands what makes a game series good and one that is Hot Topic tier? Is it restricted to Nintendo games? metroid didn't use to be this bad even on Yea Forums
>tfw you will never give post-fusion samus the chocolate
>she keeps parts of her body covered with scars and burns that can limit her performance on missions instead of replacing the damaged parts with robotic prostheses that could give her new skills and tools
very cute
After Fusion she is healed from all the shit from her body because she ate the SA-X, if anything, this would be during Fusion, but that's also incorrect, because she didn't suffer a small accident in half of her body, it was her WHOLE body, so if anything, she should be a full crispy Samus.
There is a myriad of things wrong with Samus' powersuit in terms of logic when you really get down to it.
Why do people have such a problem with Samus being feminine?
I mean that's the same thing, it's just that the Fusion Suit isn't soccer patterned.
Cute and based
I don't as long as it's not full blown out of character like smashfags portray her as
this is actually kind of cute
she'll be bouncing in no time soccerus
I really don't get whats so bad about this
gave her dot nose
She sure as gell doesn't look like a man if that's what you're implying
Jaded homo
>kokoro chan
>a loli
go and stay go
don't worry i will edit it to make her a girl
what is it with twitter/tumblr artists and copying the kinetic anime style?
You are a closet gay. You have been brainwashed you retard
Women have been told their entire lives that being female and feminine is bad and evil.
That being as male as possible even going so far as to masculanizing themselves mentally and sexually is good and the only way to be.
They also told tomboys, just girls who're embarassed by their femininity and hide it behind quasi masculinity and girl versions of male clothing, that they are closet lesbians and transexuals.
They are also lied to that they are still attractive to all men no matter how gross they get and that if a man isn't attracted to them(wants to use them as a fleshlight when he's blindingly horny at least) then he's broken and there is nothing wrong with her or her stupid decisions.
This kind of thing is why no one likes female characters as designed by brainwashed western females and queers/feminist scum who are little more then useful tools of the oligarchy.
Look at that clusterfuck of nonsense.
The fuck does that actually help?
How does that make her a better character, more marketable, or more powerful.
It's not.
It's like taking a shit on a beautiful piece of art and beautiful feminine iconography because they think it's smart and clever.
It just screams self hatred and misdirected anger.
Another tranny making false narritives.
It's a design that looks nothing like Samus.
The art pulls mostly from 90s/00s anime, mostly stuff worked on by guys like Hiroyuki Imaishi. It's a popular shorthand for weebs who don't like the stock "anime" styles, but you end up with a character that looks and acts nothing like Samus in any way.
People are against her having a trope or being a caricature since the series doesn't really develop her as a character and that is perfectly fine and should never change
the best thing about metroid is the silent protagonist and nu-gamers literally can't handle that aspect
No, that's an open lesbian LARPing as a man. Ironically enough said lesbian is probably horribly out of shape.
I love bacon girls.
Hold on, let me tweak it fampai
There, the REAL Samus is here
If you see every little cartoon girl as a Loli, then you are the issue, pedo
so deep
It's (relatively) easy to draw.
A lot of young artists grew up loving it.
It's a converging point between asian and western caricature.
It's a good place to draw inspiration from when cartooning and a lot of people do very well by it.
The problem is when you just rip off styles and throw them together instead of trying to learn from them.
I prefer the "two-dots" nose.
But nobody liked Other M??? Or do people like it and I actually stumbled in from Bizzaro World?
She can be long as she doesn't have any traits of being female
Because that's problematic and women who have no sense of self and are attacked from all sides BY OTHER WOMEN AND THE QUEERS AND PEOPLE WHO WANT TO CONTROL WOMENS SEXUALITY AND SENSE OF SELF FOR MONEY AND POWER.
what are tehse god awful faces
She still needs to BULK UP
As real as your dreams
That's just a shittier Sham.
I need a girl like this in my life. Most of the girls in my CC are boring or fat
Or you know we just find it hot
1 dot? 2 dots? what a bunch of weaklings, watch and learn from the true power of the THREE-DOT NOSE!
This sounds a good design for an OC character that would be a jaded samus colleague, a more experienced war veteran, maybe samus sempai.
However you can't simply just replace a good old character design that is older than 99% of Yea Forums
The scars can work on female characters as well. I just see some of the complaints as "since it isn't a moe style it's not good" but I know most anons don't feel that way at all. Like one user said it looks to be more of a Shonen approach and not a sjw tranny one.
You just have no taste
>no fusion
>scars are not green and red
you're an absolute fucking casual and a newfag
>She can be long as she doesn't have any traits of being female
What did he mean by this? What masculine traits does she have? Since when are injuries masculine?
You just don't realize your homosexual tendencies. This is a man's face. A low T one at best.
>Games depict Samus as a stoic, powerful and emotionless woman
>All the porn of her is typical bimbo shit
>No femdom or cutesy stuff with her trying to figure out sex
Why can every lefty redesign for Samus be boiled down to “just make her ugly”?
I honestly don't see how this is supposed to be sjw tumblr art
Give her a proper crosshair nose
does this artist do lewds?
As an comic-like adaptation of Samus it isn't bad but my autism needs someone to draw '80s "realism" adaptations that resemble the Prime and Echoes Samus since it's the most canon look for her.
Explain how this design is lefty
If you like "feminine" Samus, them you must love Other M, right?
Samus is actually trans, and enjoys girly things, like heels and long hair. It would be kind of transphobic to make her masculine and boyish.
It's not about the scars. It's about it being extremely derivative of the art style of a particular animator/illustrator.
i fixed it back
Is that a Mag skin?
Is she fun to play again
I only want to fuck Fusion Samus
imagine the half-jellyfish pussy
He probably thinks its "calartsy" or "tumblr-ish"
You think a bunch of tiny dots are true power? Well you're all fucking wrong. Truly the pinnacle of dottage is to have one big one and if you don't agree you're all retarded
Don't you love spewing buzzwords?
If you want to fuck a Samus with Jellyfish pussy then go and fuck Dark Samus, she is 100% Jellyfish.
But it has an ugly monster face
Admit It, you want to be pinned down by the SA X.
It’s ugly.
>heavily damaged body
Thats the exact counterpart of fixed you faggot
Why is her nose censored? Is it a nose pussy?
Tumblr is code for "thing I don't like".
Welcome to Yea Forums.
>Hiroyuki Imaishi
I swear this dude is some of the best character designers of all time
I too need to know this, it's been far too long.
that's fine too
>ITT tumblrwhores
Too bad the game is a shitty grindfest
I don't think it not being exactly like the Original would make it something sjw or tranny. It's just like how the creator of MHA drew the Avengers in his artstyle. It's just a fan drawing without any muh sexism or racism fix implications.
Is It true that Yea Forums was took over by /pol/? Years ago people complained It was Yea Forumsmblr.
Don't be weak
Yes [spoilers]It's actually because it was a lazy edit where I just took the single dot nose and upscaled it[/spoilers]
Good lad.
you seem insecure
Is... is this what true power feels like?
I... I am completely defeated, not even in my dreams I could reach such power.
His range is kind of limited, honestly, but he was a damn fine animator in his prime.
Fucking Newfag
just bring back smash 4 samus and be done with it.
you seem lost
you are fucking stupid if you think that is better
highlight ctrl+s dummy
I don't understand how someone can be so braindead a writer that they come up with a concept as cool and interesting as the fusion suit, then just throw it away at the end of the game and never make a chronological sequel just to make absolutely sure it never gets brought up again.
I actually really like the idea of punished Samus.
Post Fusion game with that design would be totally rad.
>fucked up spoilers tag
Just kill me. Please.
no, it was taken over by Yea Forums which was taken over by /pol/
She changes every time she takes the bloody suit off.
Fuck, even the SUIT changes every single game.
reminds me of the explosives girl from Baccano. I think Samus would have a more serious demeanor like Zuko, though.
It's almost like her physical characteristics are the least important aspect of Metroid.
still would, you know that those deep hidden body image issues from the scarring will turn into some furious hatesex and eventual breakdown into slower more romantic sex
Is It possible to fight in stilletos? Women can barely Walker with those.
Why every female character has to be a top tier model porn star looking wise?
I mean, I'm not saying every character should be ulgy as fuck, but why there can't be more variety, maybe some average looking, some fat, some skiny, some ugly, some grannies in videogames?
He's a personal favorite of mine next to Akira Toriyama, Hiromu Arakawa, Toshihiro Kawamoto and Kentaro Miura, they really do a great job of making unique styles that really stick out
>he doesn't own combat heels
It is a new warframe named Hildryn, she is a musclethicc shieldframe and she can fly.
maybe add an extra clump of hair
i tried
Damn that sucks. And I was thinking about making a thread there about Fleischer cartoons.
>liking females makes you gay
okay faggot
I will never understand why people care so fucking much about a non-character like Samus
>It's almost like her physical characteristics are the least important aspect of Metroid.
Eat shit, the Phazon Suit looks amazing
Heil Samus
Looks like it's by the guy who did the art for BPRD.
based and factpilled
>tfw girls like this don't exist where I live
>It was better not to draw, wasn't it? I'm sorry.
It don't matter. It's the exact same thing, just people flinging shit.
The only difference, that makes Yea Forums potentially the worst board, is they genuinely care about said shitflinging.
>tfw endangered species
He's talking actual body, not the Suits, which are what you are seeing most of the time.
Will the Metroid Switch game mention she is trans in anyway? Part of me hopes so, but another part doubts it.
Shea cute but you literally can't improve on canon bimbo Samus.
Why the fuck did someone post a Yea Forums screencap on twitter?
I mean, the simple nose fits the art style, but I don't see the reason to hate her having a visible nostril.
>"I'm gonna make Samus short-haired and muscular, that'll show those sexist gamers!"
>"They think she's hotter that way? Fine, I'll just draw her with third degree burns covering half her body, they won't be able to jerk off to that!"
Guess again, sweetheart.
At least he had some English-speaking fans to clear that up.
feels bad
Now shes a monky
Fucking christ that artstyle is abhorrent
Is it confirmed the artist said this?
Please tell me someone corrected him. PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE DID. WE NEED MORE
That extra clump of hair is a step in the right direction.
That's fucking perfect.
>tfw listening to a recording of a mating call of the last true tomboy in existence
No, Nintendo will not validate your shitty life choices, stop asking.
Someone sent him the screencap to show him that his picture had spread overseas and that Westerners loved it. He misinterpreted the translation and thought they were hating it.
Luckily a bunch of english-speaking fans corrected him and told him that we all loved it.
Shit, get's I'll have to crack open that bottle again.
>posting a random screencap of someone gushing about something to twitter
the absolute state of Yea Forumseddit
Funny fellow monky Samy
Majority of guys who consume porn have boring vanilla tastes, who knew.
Why the fuck would you do that instead of just saying it? People who don't use Yea Forums won't understand how the reply system works.
Yes they told him
No, the artist is just a guy that really likes Metroid and has a bunch of "Post Fusion" game art ideas and Yea Forums decided to complain about one of them.
As a 6ft 6, rugby playing, outdoorsy, brick shit house of a man, I can say from experience that one of the few things more pleasurable than watching a gym sculpted muscle girl realize that she's just as weak and powerless compared to you as any other woman would be, is her realisation that she's enjoying the fact that she's getting totally physically dominated.
They already did by making Samus Trans in the first game.
Pure tomboys are a dying breed and they live in remote places.
consider belmont
Whenever I see Imaishi I remember the Medabots episode he directed where he gave Brass fucking boobs and ass for no reason other than he probably wanted draw them but there weren't enough females so he put in them in the robot instead.
That's schizophrenia right there, mate.
tfw I will never be Samus's husband and make her home cooked meals when she comes back from missions. Although I never really figure out who she really is. And just think she is a rich if not busy businesswoman.
aye m8, thats why I want a tomboy gf so bad
Don't make me hurt you user I love girls with eye scars. Does that sound as bad as I think it does
calm down bro jesus
>As a 6ft 6, rugby playing, outdoorsy, brick shit house of a man
There are though
The real question is why can't some characters be sexy without femcels and onions cucks chimping out about them
why the fuck do people like short hair
every time I ask someone they just deflect with "umm sweatie you just have shit taste" despite the fact that I am only asking them why they like it
short haired girls are a miracle of this universe
Ah so it's the if I can't fap to it it's sjw
>Samus Aran
>Aran - A + T + s
Have we cracked the code?
Fuck. Warrior women like this and Hopper make me absolutely fucking diamonds. I don't know why, but a girl who's gone through hell, and still is a fiesty s.o.b. is 10x hotter to me than a normal chick.
Arakawa is a good comics artist, but her design work is pretty middling aside from the really out there stuff. She has trouble diverging from her templates. Miura was absolutely amazing, shame that too much work and tons of anime has fried him a bit. Toriyama is an insanely talented caricature artist but can't move outside his style.
Can't argue that one, the man is insanely talented.
I'll consider it with my dick.
You new friend? Where do you think the idea for Yea Forums came from?
made the ear less big looking
She still has slightly feminine features, you gotta make her look like even more of a fucking zombie.
I wish there were more "full body" leather armor women.
Had such a boner crush for Xena.
Pretty much.
This has got to be the ultimate bait. Nothing can top this. 11/10 got me to reply
Good design. Can't replace Samus. Changes are too drastic, would only be possible with the use of a major plot point.
Good design. Could replace Samus. Just a haircut is a realistic change. Can be done with ease and without writing or re-writing anything.
Know the difference.
its cute, what more do you want, faggot?
The same reason of why people like long hair, or why some people like to get fucked in the ass, is just preference.
I never said she would be masculine.
I said that she would lack the traits of a feminine woman.
A soulless CG automoton that moves kills and dodges and emotes in an entirely emotionless and heartless manner.
A completely gender neutral nonentity.
Because, as I stated, being traditionally feminine or a woman who's seen some shit in her life but isnt's a male or masculine would upset the usual suspects.
Said usual suspects are oft fat disgusting filth who've never really interacted with women who've been in dangerous situations or had to fight and survive.
It's just a beyond creepy thing for the quite frankly insane people who're pushing the ersatz-male heroine fantasy that has never existed at any point in history.
>every japanese person must be familiar with 2chan
We're not alone in our quest to find a qt tomboy gf
More like he wasn't allowed to put them on the 10 year old children.
Nah, the team said it in an interview. They wanted to play with stereotypes. This big manly suit of armor comes off and there is a cute girl. They called her the Japanese equivalent of "transvestite."
You could've just said you were new instead of embarrassing yourself
Now explain why Link now looks like a fucking tranny and crossdresses for half of the goddamned game?
>The same reason of why people like long hair,
Because it's feminine? That doesn't work for short hair.
Can someone tell me why Western artists have a unstoppable desire to make everything and everyone as hideous and ugly as possible?
Fixed her face and hair.
You didn't address what I said at all. I honestly would not be surprised if you replied to me without reading the post.
user and the artist are actually the same type of faggot. It's just that user hides in the closet while artist makes his brute amazon fetish a reality.
It was taken over by /lgbt/ and /d/ years ago with the smattering of Yea Forums peaking in when they talk about the superhero live action stuff.
Why the fuck do you care?
Stop ignoring the rest of the comment ya bloody cunt
So they basically said she was a reverse trap. Which we already knew.
Look at real life pictures of most of these artists, then you'll understand.
Yea Forums being based off of a japanese website doesn't mean that every japanese person is going to be familiar with the format.
Many western artists are leftists and feel threatened by anything that looks more beautiful than themselves.
Thank goodness
>Guess again, sweetheart.
She's not fuckable and no one would acknowledge samus as anything except bacon chick now.
I can fap to that so it's not sjw
The guy is a legit fan of the games unlike 90% of the tumblr artist and just drew that one scared image as a what if after Fusion
She looks like that troglodyte chick from Chrono Trigger.
Can someone tell me why Eastern artists have a unstoppable desire to make everything and everyone as attractive and sexy as possible?
I ignored it because it was invalid
>muh preference
Wow that's quite the non-answer, might as well say "just because".
The opinion of queers matters little to the normie.
I'd fuck her but I have a thing for women like this
>So they basically said she was a reverse trap.
Except that's the opposite of what I said? Transvestite is just a bad way of saying Transexual. Samus was born with a dick, and now has boobs.
Confirmation bias
There are good western artists and there are bad eastern artists, but you don't register them because your mindset labels them as outliers due to your preconceived generalizations
And no, this is not projection, this is how the brain works
And that's a good thing.
unfortunately real burn victims don't look cute like this. travel to the UK and you'll find out.
>I can fap to that so it's not sjw
I'm asking normal people. Not the tiny subsection LGBTQA and sexually fucked up jaded porn fiends who've been brainwashed and gaslighted by creeps.
Yes you RETARD, just because some people like to fuck woman and other like to fuck men, just because some people like the color red and others the color blue, just because some people are able to understand basic knowledge and others are FAGGOTS LIKE YOU.
>Ywn lovingly apply ointment to her crispy bits and give her a massage
Short hair is cute and feminine as well. Long hair is elegant and feminine.
Real women don't look like my Japanese anime either
Why would you want to hurt her like that? For what purpose?
>travel to the UK and you'll find out.
Don't the crispy bits turn more leathery as they heal?
>I'd fuck her but I have a thing for women like this
No you don't.
You're just a loser/loserette with a fetish for being the white knight for cinderella/ugly librarian types.
Notice how you didn't post a woman whos' an actual burn victim.
It makes you a completely out of touch with reality creep.
why does Yea Forums think fanart = "Nintendo Please Make The Character Look Like This"?
Pretty much these
I acknowledge that scars are not pretty, even more-so in real life, but in drawing form it's pretty diamonds. Like that one H-game where you take care of the little scarred girl and do wholesome things to her and/or rape her. Forgot the name.
There are REASONS for everything. Opinions are not a random spontaneous thing. They always have a justification.
Why are you responding to someone who clearly just wants to start a fight?
Sure, but the majority of Western artists seems to prefer ugliness. Look at all the shows on cartoon network, and not just currently-airing ones but even going back the past 20 years. The vast majority of characters and artstyles are undeniably ugly. Not saying the shows themselves are bad, but the characters are ugly.
Meanwhile take a look at all the anime that's been made the last 20 years. They try to constantly made the cutest girls possible.
It's not confirmation bias. Yes there are bad eastern artists and good western artists, but you have to look at what is popular.
Nothing better to do right now
If I can fap to it it's based and redpilled
>You're just a loser/loserette with a fetish for being the white knight for cinderella/ugly librarian types.
I have zero idea what this means
>Notice how you didn't post a woman whos' an actual burn victim.
So is a nibba that likes lolicon supposed to post real children he finds sexy?
I want to understand why people have such homosexual tastes, actually
>Westerners get endlessly offended and uncomfortable with feminine and sexual Samus
Why are you cucks so whipped and brainwashed by the feminist climate? You're the weak fucking dirt beneath corporate woke shoes.
Post pure Metroid
Good thing they are in 2d, the only dimension that really matters.
i unironically like this and I don't know why.
>Meanwhile take a look at all the anime that's been made the last 20 years. They try to constantly made the cutest girls possible.
10's anime looks like shit you fucking moefaggot
samus is cute
I read that in Ian Mcdiarmid's voice
i think i got it now
She looks like an unused Ranma character that'd I'd like better than Akane, Shampoo or Ranma.
>American Exchange Student who scares everyone with her muscles and size
>Picks a fight with Ranma after a misunderstanding
>Spends the rest of the episode pursuing Ranma for another fight
>Ranma being aware of the cliches of his own life thinks it's a love thing
>She just really likes fighting him and turns him down for being too girly
>This plays with Ranma's insecurities
>Rest of the series she's just a bro tier character that busts Ranma's balls
>She occasionally gets caught in Romantic competitions but because Competition, not Romance
The artist didn't draw that because he doesn't like sexy Samus user
wow what a shit-tier bounty hunter
>but you have to look at what is popular.
The majority of artists have nothing to do with what is popular, that's down to the public and what sells. The biggest hack in Japan might make bank over here for completely different reasons.
>if you draw something that isn't a moe anime girl you must be an evil lefty democrat feminist
western cartoons focus more on having a unique style than being conventionally cute
well at least they used, and now they're just being lazy and use a really simplistic style
Better than turning her into a literal man for social justice brownie points like that one twitter fag.
>I have zero idea what this means
How in the fuck can you even turn on your computer and not know what any of that means.
White knight = protect some fair damsel
Cinderella/ugly librarian = she's ugly but not really she just needs to put on a nice dress or take off her glasses and bam she's a 10/10
>>Notice how you didn't post a woman whos' an actual burn victim.
>So is a nibba that likes lolicon supposed to post real children he finds sexy?
Are you shitting me?
That has fucking nothing to do with what I said and actually states that you only like girls who've been burned as a toothless idea that you don't have to deal with in reality.
Yet another thing to add to your increasingly depraved list of masturbation aids and ideas of people you find attractive.
You can quite easily post a picture of a girl with burn scars that you find attractive.
But you won't. Because the idea of it gets you off more then the reality and that's where all of this nonsense comes from.
People who are completely shut off from reality arguing over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin.
I like It.
>White knight = protect some fair damsel
>Cinderella/ugly librarian = she's ugly but not really she just needs to put on a nice dress or take off her glasses and bam she's a 10/10
But I didn't say any of those things
>That has fucking nothing to do with what I said and actually states that you only like girls who've been burned as a toothless idea that you don't have to deal with in reality.
I am severely confused with what any of this has to do with what I said
I am an evil lefty. I just fucking hate you faggots.
Gay agenda demonizing heteronormativity.
So they are merely projecting what they are told is wrong/they are unable to express themselves onto the opposite sex.
In the case of link.
It's just the guy behind zelda being a cynical talentless faggot who's shilling this to the queer mafia. Remember.
He had zelda as a reverse trap and even hinted at dykery in OoT.
Happy ending!!!
>ywn get snu snu'd by this
Everybody likes it
the ones that are complaining are shitposters that didn't even read the thread
>More like he wasn't allowed to put them on the 10 year old children.
Didn't really stop him from trying to sexualize the 10 year old, the dude knows what he wants.
>girl with huge muscles but also huge tits
what the fuck is this nonsense
Trying to make a female character masculine is a dead giveaway. If it wasn't for the hair those shoulders and muscles could easily be misconstrued for a teenage boy superhero (and yes, most of you are too autism-dense to recognize the myriad of differences between a grown woman and a 15 year old boy. Because you're pederasts.)
More in-depth than that:
>total absence of basic fundamentals
>frequent anatomy shortcuts, due to the above
>faux-anime expressions (particularly in the face)
>glaring discoloration somewhere on the face
>dopey itinerant fashion trends
>refusing to draw anything too hard (feet)
>spectacular failure at anything you do draw that's too hard (look at those hands)
It's easy to tell when something comes from tumblr because it looks like it comes from a pretentious amateur.
>everyone calling this cute
>no one mentions how she looks like she's about to take a shite in her suit
Real lefty, or Reddit lefty who thinks Obama and Bernie Sanders are true socialists?
>not even subtle lezbo shilling
Yeah, I don't think we need to listen to the "SAMUS SHOULD BE AN AMAZON AND SHOULD BE MUSCULAR AND SWOLE" people anymore.
>Trying to make a female character masculine is a dead giveaway.
meanwhile tons of you faggots are drooling over "muh tomboy" shit
>Trying to make a female character masculine is a dead giveaway.
Truthfully, I thought it, but I didn't want to bring it up.
>unique style
They've been doing the same shit tastic cal arts/adventure time art style in most animation for nearly a fuckign decade now.
2ch is about as popular in japan as reddit is in the U.S. which is to say fairly damn mainstream.
the chances that a jap that's drawing anime tomboy samus doesnt know how an imageboard works is low
>hating yuri because of tumblr
for shame vanillafags
That;s based and redpilled though
Is Samus the only one in the Galaxy who can use the power suit?
That just seems to be the guys artstyle and not trying to be sjw like you paranoid faggots think everything is
This is a good design and decent (amateur) artstyle.
No I hate yuri because it's fucking gay
>>total absence of basic fundamentals
>>frequent anatomy shortcuts, due to the above
>>faux-anime expressions (particularly in the face)
>>glaring discoloration somewhere on the face
>>dopey itinerant fashion trends
>>refusing to draw anything too hard (feet)
>>spectacular failure at anything you do draw that's too hard (look at those hands)
Who the FUCK tipped over the crab bucket?
Peach, you shallow slut.
I mean I get it, but it's a dumb comic, Mario is strong enough to lift and throw Bowser, and crush living creatures under his feet, the guy is a tank.
Real lefty #feelthebern
Technically any of her bird relatives could, but they all died out, so she is the only one left. Others have tried, and were crushed to death when they tried to turn into a ball.
I'm so subscribed to the idea that Samus would be a physical powerhouse that I'm baffled speechless that her having a melee move is a RECENT addition to her moves in the games.
>draw a man
>call it a woman
why does Yea Forums do this?
videogames rotted are brains
>It's a man because it hurt
Congratulations, you got so buff that now you don't firt in your own armor.
girls are sexier than guys, therefore a strong girl will always be superior to a strong guy
>But I didn't say any of those things
Your post and the picture you chose screamed it.
>I am severely confused with what any of this has to do with what I said
You like the idea of girls that you can take care of...or more likely control and depend on you and only you.
The East Coast is red, comrade.
Not so cool when you realize that muscles doesn't make you resistant against acid, missiles, bombs and fire.
then just make the suit bigger
the changes are tiny and yet it's a solid improvement
It's just a well drawn picture dude.
My issue with Yuri on paper is I like to see women take dicks and yuri is just boring to me.
In real life I'm simply jealous
Yeah...that's the reason I hate lesbians.
Now you dykes hop on your dildo bikes and fuck off. Stop trying to change hot fem straight women in media into raging massive dykes and shitting on every single female character that doesn't fit that mold.
You sad creepy horny hateful cunts.
Whoa, how toxic and problematic! Good job calling him out, fellow ally
>posts a magical tranny
Why would you punch things when you have a plasma cannon/rocket launcher/portable nuke.
Yeah sure, go and ask a Chozo for that... oh wait, they all are fucking dead, then you better find a power up left by a Chozo that makes the armor thicker.
we have come full circle
>It's just a well drawn picture dude.
Calm your cunt dykebro.
You've been outed.
Your opinion on samus and how she should look is and forever more will be meaningless.
What did you mean by this?
I thought Chozos exiled themselves to the edges of the galaxy or something.
remember prime 1 when she was just like a normal woman who liked to look up in the rain and see droplets fall on her visor.
then they trurned her into a hyperspace slut with rocket stripper heels and booty shorts
its a man because you drew a shitty shonen jump boy character gave it tits and called it samus
think again
Because swole masculine samus gets her wet.
Redpilled as fuck
God I wish I had a tomboy gf
A lot of factors, but it can all be trimmed down to three points
Real people want representation, to feel included, and in't realistic for something, as fictional as it is, to have every single person be very beautiful.
also i think the jaw needs to be fixed a bit also and the eyes too
That's what the Galactic Federation wants you to think.
>entire thread is demanding that Nintendo make Samus submissive and waifu-like to sate their fetishes
>these same ankle biting troglodytes would call metroid Prime "sjw shit" if it came out today
overly-horny weebs are as damaging as anti-sex sjws
>Burning people is now fixing them
Does this mean Hilter was just trying to fix the jews all along?
This image is boomer core
My opinion never mattered, nor did yours, we're on Yea Forums
>still this mad at yuri
state-mandated tomboy gfs when?
You are completely missing the point of the complaints
What samus is: a masculine women who can be feminine
What sjw want samus to be: a masculine women who hates femininity
>What masculine traits does she have?
see the post directly below yours
That's a sexy little girl.
Wake up etecoons!
>>entire thread is demanding that Nintendo make Samus submissive and waifu-like
Wow, stop bullshitting anytime.
>W-well, it's at least the ma-
A good number of these doujins are from one artist who has a consistent plotline about the one surviving SA-X samus from Fusion escaping to federation space and becoming a slut because she thinks that pleasing men is the best way to disguise herself.
I don't want a borderline dyke
can I just like kill her or something
I like long hair on boys and short hair on girls and I want to fuck both
here's a (You), now go home
Prime Samus at no point spent her time looking up at at the sky and being mesmerized by raindrops on her visor.
The mere fucking fact that they decided to make raindrops show up on her visor in prime does not mean that the character went out of it's way to notice it you projecting dweeb.
By the way, samus's fusion suit is the most the character has ever worn in the entire damned franchise barring the full body costume. Or have you never actually fucking played any metroid before?
And the incredibles 1 and 2 were both shit.
>Your post and the picture you chose screamed it.
It didn't
>You like the idea of girls that you can take care of...or more likely control and depend on you and only you.
Why are you literally assuming what I like and don't like?
There's a distinct difference between a magical genderbend and disgusting 3DPD shit and it's the most important one and you fucking know it, you won't admit it but you know it
Do you live under a rock?
the majority of western female characters are ugly as fuck
>And the incredibles 1 and 2 were both shit.
There's also a distinct difference between a regular r63 and gender transformation and the latter one is gay
Tomboys aren't borderline dykes.
Dykes like to gaslight tomboys into thinking they are dykes for easy pussy and to pretend that bulldykes are tomboys so they can pretend they are normal women and to get sneaky side dick from unaware men.
>What samus is: a masculine women
No she isn't.
>incredibles 1 was shit
Woah now, lets not get too crazy
Besides looking a bit dated it still holds up fairly well
incredibles 2 feels like a cashgrab I'll give you
Theoretically, you could trim it all down to "realism" because for them, art needs to depict reality.
I want to fuck thicc Max in public to cuck both Chloe and Warren
Not an assumption.
Your post outright states it.
>And the incredibles 1 and 2 were both shit.
The funny thing is that most games don't have "porn star bodies" and all the complaints of such are usually heavily cherry picked
Yes, my penis inside her haha
Balloon tits with erect nipples on skintight body suits.
A classic.
>Dykes like to gaslight tomboys into thinking they are dykes for easy pussy
This, so much. That and tranny activists gaslighting them into thinking they're also trannies.
Where did he say that he wants to take care of burn victims, if it's so """explicit"""?
>Yea Forums draws a burn victim
>tumblr draws a burn victim
>wow so progressive!
explain this bullshit
my dream girl is Zarya with blond/white hair.
can you imagine how cute it would be to go out on a date with her in a girly dress.
can you fathom how adorable it would be to watch her try and fail at being girly on said date to try and not embarrass you
can you not think of how good the sex would be once you told her you loved her for her and not some made up girly bullshit.
I want to rape this ninja.
kys waifu fag
I literally in the most literally sense never said that
Honestly, I'd prefer if Samus hated all traces of femininity. It's ruined her series because Nintendo thought that being a woman means that she had to be mother like and have feelings and cry, all while conveniently strutting around in her underwear.
If she despised all femininity, she would just be female doomguy, and that wouldn't be a bad thing.
Hanako is cute and feminine. That is not.
Next stupid question!
Strictly speaking, since she was mostly raised by the chozo without a human role model she probably wouldn't fall under either masculine or feminine qualities
Did nintendo ever confirm female chozo?
I need this information for... research purposes
Literally just a bunch of faggots that's all
Mad would imply passion.
I feel nothing but disgust.
because they aren't insecure
It's not actually impossible, and can be doable with the right combination of workouts and diet.
It's just the golden standard for beauty, according to the media, are sticcs. That and they keep pushing that it can't be done so very few try it.
That much muscularity in that image isn't really obtainable without testosterone or steroids. The female body isn't built to make that much muscle naturally.
okay but I still don't like masculine women because they remind me of dykes
One is an actual character
One is a shit redesign for social points
I just think its satisfying seeing a strong girl with a normal girl.
In a perfect world there'd be enough strong tomboys for people of both genders.
Being bad doesnt mean its sjw
i forgot to mention how orgasmic her voice was
Roll into your enemies at high speeds!
Come join the fun, lad. One thing Smash Bros Ultimate and Raping Sakura have in common is that both are an 8-player party game.
knew a nerdy socially inept girl who thought she didn't fit gender in highschool. thankfully she seems to be doing better now, bumped into her at the grocery store. was talking about getting fit and work on being outside more often. she was tired of listening to social media all the time and wanted to change
I don't even understand your "1 post by this ID" meme. No shit an OP in a brand new thread would have one post.
>One is a shit redesign for social points
Everyone keeps saying this yer ignore all his other art of her ITT
>I think feeling becomes really easy...
Boo and she was already pretty shit to begin with. She looks like the prince of the fire nation. Women are already pretty ugly on the inside no need to make them ugly on the outside as well.
But gangbangs are gay. I'd rather have her for personal raping.
1.Samus has been a feminine woman and worn little more then a very conservative gymnast uniform or olympic sprinters/high jumper/general track and field uniform for her entire existence.
2.Changing her into a self hating violent asexual lunatic will be...well...retarded and make no sense on any level.
Why would she hate herself?
What is the impetous in her background to make her feel that way?
There is none.
Also, there's been a lot of stone butch type female doom guy characters/
Guess what.
They all fucking fail.
Even making them walking jack off sex material didn't help them.
Think of a new character or push a character that thinks like that. Don't ruin the poular iconography of a well established character to push your ideals onto other people.
It's fucking stupid.
>I'd prefer if Samus hated all traces of femininity.
That would be terrible. What you want is a silent protagonist with no personality or dialogue beyond grunts, just an avatar for the player to control. Which is what Samus was for years.
>Also, there's been a lot of stone butch type female doom guy characters/
>Guess what.
>They all fucking fail.
>Even making them walking jack off sex material didn't help them.
What about Zarya in overwatch and that one Buff hoe in Danganronpa
I repeat this again:
They would have to go out of their way to teach her to be sexless and aesexual user.
If anything she'd be be highly feminine but in a strange wild child kind of way and a bit of a slut with certain human men .
Selfish prick. You now get no Sakura fun time for not knowing how to share. Now go sit in the gay kid corner.
>I made an inflammatory statement, give me (You)s!
To dab on the libs and make my peepee hard
You're in the gay kid corner you rude nerd. Girls like Naomi and Sakura and for being personal cumdumps.
>1.Samus has been a feminine woman and worn little more then a very conservative gymnast uniform or olympic sprinters/high jumper/general track and field uniform for her entire existence.
Even that was too much. She should've never left her suit period.
>2.Changing her into a self hating violent asexual lunatic will be...well...retarded and make no sense on any level.
It would make a fun VIDEOGAMEY character. If it hurts the story, well I have no need to worry because I'm not some refugee from resetera who thinks games need story
>Also, there's been a lot of stone butch type
>female doom guy characters/
>Guess what.
>They all fucking fail.
That's because their games are pure garbage, same as games where the female characters embrace their femininity. You know, shit like Xenoblade or Senran Kagura, that putrid filth.
>What you want is a silent protagonist with no personality or dialogue beyond grunts, just an avatar for the player to control.
That works too.
>what Samus was for years
Other M begs to differ.
Tomboys aren't masculine.
They are normie oft hyper feminine yet insecure women who hide behind faux masculinity or indulge in masculine activities because they're childish and like hanging out with/playing with boys.
The manly tomboys who're a few injections of testosterone away from being dudes and stone butch lezbo types are easily distinguishable from proper tomboys.
The aforementioned types and entire lesbian community spend 99.9% of their time trying to convince the vast real tomboys that they are trans or gay for easy pussy access and more "allies".
The media in america and in some other places is actually facilitating this and hard pushing it.
It's not inflammatory if it's true
Samus is literally a design and nothing else
Some little unemotional text at the beginning and/or end of the game does not make a character
Wouldn't that require the female population to be twice as big as the male and 2/3 of humanity to be Tomboys?
A Jed style muscle girl is literally impossible. Having tits that big naturally with low body fat is uncommon, having muscles that large without gear is as well, both together isn't happening.
However it is possible to have a nice mixture of fat and muscle, just abandon the whole giant 6'1 FFF tiddy muscle girl with perfectly defined abs meme.
if you cannot support your claim with PHYSICAL proof showing where it was said in the comic at hand, then you and the argument you are making is completely retarded.
Oh hi, ACfag.
I also hate affectation so that's even worse
Having read the manga about a decade ago, I find posts like this rather sad. Like, Samus is a Character, let her have flaws, let her have instincts. Like I can't believe Kratos in God of War has patetnal insticts and that shit is GOTYAY, but Samus showed maternal instincts and suddenly she's ruined. Even though her relationship with the small metroid developed in her second ever game and her third game, and one of her biggest successes.
Just blame Other M for being poorly written and badly directed, but let Samus dare be something beyond a Robot. I love samus myself, both when she is being a stoic badass, and when she's being a vulnerable human.
wow a reaction image and a broken reply link, you really owned me epic style dude, no le epic (you) for me!!!
Sorry, but I'm not the average Yea Forums troglodyte, so I don't give a fuck about the epic (you) meme, and preferred back when it was called "here's your reply".
If you think that way, probably you don't like Taimanin at all.
>having read the manga
I found parts that I could work with.
Long hair isn't feminine. You don't mistake Fabio a woman. Sure, there might be some styles of long hair that are feminine, that's not it. There's more to long hair than being simply long hair being girly. Can you provide the kind of answer you expect from people who like short hair about what you like about long hair?
Long hair better suits women than men because it gets in the way of physical work
>Even that was too much. She should've never left her suit period.
user, if it wasn't for it being revealed that samus was a chick the series would have been dead in the water.
>It would make a fun VIDEOGAMEY character. If it hurts the story, well I have no need to worry because I'm not some refugee from resetera who thinks games need story
No it wouldn't you fucking disengenuous retard. If you really fetl that way then you wouldn't be in this thread and poorly arguing for a change in her character that breaks everything we've known about it for over 3 decades.
>That's because their games are pure garbage, same as games where the female characters embrace their femininity. You know, shit like Xenoblade or Senran Kagura, that putrid filth.
Butch bitches in popular games are the least liked characters period. Just like the femmy as fuck dudes.
Why else do you think the lezzies spend 99.9% of their time trying to retcon any slightly tomboyish chick or slutty girl into a dyke/bi/closet tranny?
You yourself are trying to turn samus into a stone butch lesbian.
>>What you want is a silent protagonist with no personality or dialogue beyond grunts, just an avatar for the player to control.
>That works too.
Yeah. That's what she is in every single game. Except for Super which kind of made her explode in popularity overnight.
>>what Samus was for years
>Other M begs to differ.
It was hated by everyone.
Including the Japs.
Grow the fuck up and stop being so petty.
You're fanfiction idea of samus is shit and would kill the series and the character. And you know it.
Like it or not, that's Samus, and she has always been a crybaby that got shit done after mourning a bit.
Fuck off, femdom is everywhere nowadays. I can't browse any hentai site without it and NTR clogging up the tags with crap.
If this is what the artist posts publicly as a normal thing, imagine how fucked up their porn must be.
So you're saying that, even in Fusion and (regrettably) Other M, she lacks a defined personality?
>role reversal as soon as the dick goes in
Hell, even in 2/SR her refusal to kill the "last" Metroid was implicit of SOME character.
>user, if it wasn't for it being revealed that samus was a chick the series would have been dead in the water.
Oh well. If it couldn't sell on good gameplay alone, I'd rather it not exist.
>If you really fetl that way then you wouldn't be in this thread and poorly arguing for a change in her character that breaks everything we've known about it for over 3 decades.
2 of those decades were spent with her games in the toilet because Nintendo tried forcing Samus to be emotional and sexy and "deep". Maybe that's a sign that the dead weight (aka Samus being a woman) should be thrown out.
>Butch bitches in popular games are the least liked characters period. Just like the femmy as fuck dudes.
"Popular games". Well, there's your problem. Popular games are trash and push characters as "deep" just like weeb trash. Take away their story and just make them an avatar for the player, and boom! instant character improvement.
>Yeah. That's what she is in every single game
Any game past Prime says otherwise. Same with Fusion and Zero Mission, those dumpster heaps.
>It was hated by everyone.
Which is why this thread is nothing but people and people admiring waifu Samus because they love her being submissive? yeah, sounds like people hate it alright!
If this was drawn well it would be a cool concept. They totally overdid it with the skin being held together with those metal things and the rips.
That's only necessary, if you assume that literally no one can resist big, strong tomboys.
Otherwise there'd just be enough for guys like us, and for cute girls that feel conflicted about their sexuality but ultimately give in.
>the literal only character teait that samus showed in her inception and the one that at one point literally caused controversy was that she was a woman.
>fanbase apeshit when she behaves like a woman
Femdom is nowhere in real life.
Femdom is also just hetero people playing pretend for a little while.
The Femdom in the manga? Just guys and girls wanting to be the agressor when it comes to having that good old fashioend pnv sex.
I think Senran Kagura is more up yout alley than Taimanin, boyo.
>becomes a houswife on a colony
that melted my heart
[Citation Needed]
why does she have the scars though? I don't hate it but why?
She shouldn't have been a woman, if it led to people destroying the series by demanding more fanservice and less gameplay.
>Oh well. If it couldn't sell on good gameplay alone, I'd rather it not exist.
user, you're full of it and you literally don't play the game or any of the games. Your'e just arguing to save face now.
>2 of those decades were spent with her games in the toilet because Nintendo tried forcing Samus to be emotional and sexy and "deep". Maybe that's a sign that the dead weight (aka Samus being a woman) should be thrown out.
No seriously.
In what fucking games.
Other M?
Is that it?
You're full of fucking shit.
>"Popular games". Well, there's your problem. Popular games are trash and push characters as "deep" just like weeb trash. Take away their story and just make them an avatar for the player, and boom! instant character improvement.
You can't be seriously going down this route?
They aren't popular in those oh so cool as fuck underground hipster games that even you haven't heard of either you waste of spunk.
>Any game past Prime says otherwise. Same with Fusion and Zero Mission, those dumpster heaps.
You literally only played fucking prime and probably not even much of that.
>>It was hated by everyone.
>Which is why this thread is nothing but people and people admiring waifu Samus because they love her being submissive? yeah, sounds like people hate it alright!
The hell are you talking about you stupid cunt?
No one anwhere in this thread is arguing for that. Not at any point.
I really, really hate you, ACfag. I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart that you are one of, if not the worst poster on all of Yea Forums.
>people destroying the series by demanding more fanservice and less gameplay.
>people (plural)
If by people you mean Sakamoto.
Whats grindy about it?
She's a space bounty hunter that fights giant kremlings. Pick from any number of situations where she could have almost died.
>the worst poster on all of Yea Forums.
That's Barry son
People don't, people didn't, and people demand the opposite, really. Other M was actually a baby project made by the director of the series and his friends from a different studio, making a dumbed down ninja gaiden game nobody wanted. That's literally the only fault the series has ever had.
You've only heard about the game because samus is a woman.
Know what.
Let's set the next metroid 40 years in the future.
Samus's son is the new Aran bounty hunter.
Only this time he's not hunting bounties. He's looking for his mother and why she dissapeared after destroying a massive federation base.
Series saved.
>user, you're full of it and you literally don't play the game or any of the games.
I've played pretty much every Metroid, from the first to the remakes to the Primes. I've forgotten more about Metroid than most people will ever learn. I know what priorities are most important. Having a sexy waifu with titties and underwear is NOT important.
>In what fucking games.
Prime 3 for starters, by making her emotional about the other hunters dying. Led to a weaker installment overall. Then Other M came in and shat the bed. But this isn't to forget the original disasters aka Fusion and Zero Mission, which had to make Samus emotional and story-driven, or in Zero Mission's case, making her suit to be some magic pixie dust that comes off when she's scared. And this isn't counting the assassination of her character in Smash Brothers.
>You can't be seriously going down this route?
I am serious. Take out all the story and remove all character, and you end up with a better game.
>No one anwhere in this thread is arguing for that.
Yeah, the people spamming porn totally respect her user. The ones wanting to remodel her shithole are just saying that ironically, right?
Gibe saiyan tomboy gf NOW
half the game? That depends on if you knew about the gerudo secret club soon enough, then it's literally just for gerudo town because they didn't make it so that he was an exception which he should be after saving their asses.
>Samus's son is the new Aran bounty hunter.
Oh shit my sides