>Yea Forums suddenly loves Borderlands
What happened to "memeland the pre-memequel" and "fuck randy"?
>Yea Forums suddenly loves Borderlands
What happened to "memeland the pre-memequel" and "fuck randy"?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's almost like there is more than one opinion
Memeland wasn't a thing until 2, user.
Yea Forums was always tsundere for Borderlands
Don't confuse shills with real people. Everyone who has played these games has a more accurate perception of what they're like.
Yea Forums love EPIC Store and yellow cock.
Epic shills, and the fact that most of Yea Forums is 16-19 years old now. For them Borderlands 2 is a nostalgic classic with epic humor xD
>implying I give a single slippery turd about redditlands
the kids that were 9 when BL1 released grew up, and a lot of them genuinely enjoy the "humor" somehow
The state of Yea Forums.
>>Yea Forums suddenly loves Borderlands
That's not true.
The state of (You)
>Developer of Battleborn
>3 premium editions
>Epic exclusive
>Randy "Colonial Marines" Pitchford
>Lootershooter in 2019
>2k Games
Isn't it BADASS?
The reason newfags perceive it as hated is that there's been no new game since 2013, leaving a shitposting void. At the time, Yea Forums loved it.
>"it's fun with friends"
Destiny, Warframe, and other looter shooters are all popular, even had cucks big enough to defend Anthem. Clearly there is a huge market for NPC casuals to shoot other, slightly smarter, bullet-sponge NPCs. Borderlands "le quriky randum" writing is just the cherry on top.
Also the State of (You)!
Idc about Borderlands but the unironic epic games store shilling by chinks triggers the fuck out of me
I don't dig on online lootershooters. The draw to Borderlands 1 for me was the loot, and the cel-shading art style. The writing is irrelevant to me as always.
First Borderlands was well-received. Most people still enjoyed BL2 despite the writing issues. BL3 isn't being written by Anthony Burch.
I'm cautiously optimistic since Anthony Burch is gone and BL1's writer is back.
>look mum I posted it again
What's with game companies going full anti-religion and tarnishing the image of Christianity and Jesus with this cover.
Is nothing sacred to these Jews?
This is fake. The story of borderlands has always been terrible and no one gives a fuck about it
I do. Especially in Tales.
>Manlet Tears
Oh that takes me back.
It's called astroturfing. We all will get to enjoy it from now to about 1 or 2 weeks after release.
It's not Christianity that's being mimicked here. It's Buddhism.
Hi grandpa, wanna play Pokemon go later?
I brought Water
do you have a pic that isn't potato quality?
>winner of the "you're not Anthony Burch" award 2013
That's what I'm hoping for. Pre sequel fixed the enemy health scaling BS, so all they have to do is implement the good stuff from the previous games at the same time.
>only game with combat so boring it's the only game to put me to sleep
I don't get how this has millions of sales when the combat has no weight and the humor's observational milennial shit
The story is shit but the lore is decent.
/v are a bunch of hypocrites.
Who would have thunk.
It's like being a normal person is trendy nowadays.
>Every user that I'm friends with that spouts "Memelands 2" has 200+ hours played on BL2.
Is this what being tsundere is?
wtf i love borderlands now
>"No no DUUUUDE you need to put in 100 hours to get the GOOD guns then you'll have fun with the post-game content"
>"woah wtf why do you still hate it after all this time I've dragged you in to play it?"
who are you quoting
The friends of every single person on your friendslist that has played Borderlands 2 for over 200 hours
I muted the game and just listened to podcasts the whole time while I grinded. The story itself is incredibly awful bar the performance of Jack's VA.
>Manly Tears
>anyone who is excited for a game im not, is a shill
>i hate that people talk about video games in the video game board
who cares
Reddit happened. That's all there is to say, sadly.
Stay strong user, maybe we'll get through this.
There has always been a group that liked Borderlands.
I've always liked Borderlands, but TPS was a shit, so I'm going to wait and see how much of a meme 3 is before even thinking about buying it
Jarringly accurate.
Fuck off anthony.
"Nobody likes a bigot unless they are crying, BOO-HOO!"
This song gets better with each listen.
Is it just me or is the audio at times pretty fucked?
/v are bunch of casuals that why they love mmlands and overshitland
>he thinks boringlands wasn't shilled here
Also when I see things like OMG EBIN HAS MEMELANDS STEAM IS FINISHED and that "DON'T BAN ME BORDERCHAD" post yeah I'm starting to think we've got some shills on our hands
The writing in BL2 was atrocious, but that doesn't mean it wasn't a really fun shlooter, especially the DLC.
Yeah I have that audio glitch sometimes too. Looks just like this.
dude im rolling on the floor laughing after seeing this.
worst thing is i remember playing this with my gf and she fucking went
>HAHA check this out...it'ss the quote from skyrim!
>i "hahah...yeah"just so i can keep fucking her
will women ever evolve past 13y/o comedy levels?
>shill thread
great job chink. Do you remember the massacre at tianamen square? i sure do. Take your salary elsewhere, we dont want fake anons here. Psy ops and fake marketing can go suck a dick.
Why isn't Mr Borderlands shooting himself like with the other two games?
based mutt
The first Borderlands was better than 2 in every way. UVHM just proves that further.
Because he has already died and become a messiah.
It's called marketing. This website is overrun with it and the only fun left is forced memes. If a game is close to release/released recently then don't bother. There will be a thread about it espousing positivity and it will hit bump limit.
but it's funny because it's true, Burch
but you would have to watch the show to understand those reference don't you think?
It's twitter incarnate
Borderlands 1 is mostly serious with some moments of absurdism. Borderlands 2 is mostly absurd with moments of seriousness.
We hate those dirty Chinese more
what did badass randy meant by this?