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Discuss lolis.

I want to slurp up their legs like noodles.

that one on the right is cute and the one on the top left is funny


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Would it be considered harassment if I licked their feet?

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Can we get a /autist/ board here so these people don't shit up Yea Forums everyday?

That's a lot of puffy everything

Why did the osu thread get deleted

What are some good lolis in recent vidya

Don't ask I already got a warning

Because you made a thread about it

Warning for what?

kys tranny mod

Have sex with a loli, incel.

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You should only be allowed to post on Yea Forums if lolis give you an erection.

This but also ironically unironically.

Pretty sure Patty is pure and made to be friends with.

Not puffy chests desu

why my thread got deleted but pedo bait is still up?

Unironically based

Sorry to hear that user what was your thread about? You are welcome to bring your discussion here!

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thx bro
i said i want to die.
i videogames, animu and Yea Forums isnt helping me wanting to live anymore

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That looks pretty good. Whats the catch?

Loli is perfect to measure a country's level of FREEDOM
If your country doesnt allow Loli you're probably on the way to living in a dictatorship of some kind
Say NO to bootlicker faggots

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>tfw no loli board

I'm tired of this shithole.
What other Chans has a board dedicated to loli posting?

This is gonna sound super gay, but take a walk outside for 30 minutes every day. If that doesn't work try reaching out to people who are close to you.

Cripplechan has one board for japanese Loli and one for western loli