>Yea Forums just ignores the best role playing game since Morrowind
>Yea Forums just ignores the best role playing game since Morrowind
I played and enjoyed it, when I got used to the combat I started REALLY enjoying it.
Did you mean to post a picture of Witcher 3?
alt right fags claimed it
>muh unpopular game good
>muh popular game good
Yea Forums doesn't really talk much about RPGs to begin with.
>but what about Skyrim
All Skyrim threads are about the mods. You notice how nobody ever talks about the actual game?
Worst Witcher game
Consolized and meme open world
Because mods can turn Skyrim into an actual RPG
>muh alt-right bogeyman
>Mentioning this trash along side the Lord's favorite RPG.
people talk about morrowind because its flawed and they have a chad gf syndrome of "i can make him into a great person".
KCD is a game that doesnt has that kind of fanbase.
good game, given all the patches and additions it got throughout the years id say its underrated for what it is.
dropped it during Novigrad, boring ass game
Picture unrelated
You kids waste time on the most useless hobbies these days. Men like me had real hobbies back in the day: Football, beating up spazzes and nerds, going bare-back on cheerleaders, sneaking Playboys everywhere, punching random things in random places. We really knew how to live life. You kids just have no clue these days.
Because they should release the mod tools already.
I was just so delighted when I was doing alchemy for the first time and had to manually grind up the herbs, and do it in the correct order, and stoke the fire, etc
So much love and detail in this game
Looks boring as fuck. What kind of magic can you do with alchemy?
an rpg that wont launch
Where is my mod support? I want loli mods.
This, I'll hop back in after they release their last dlc and the mod support. Hopefully people take to turning the game into half the autistic fuckfest that Skyrim is
yeah but that gets really fucking old after your 50th marigold decoction, bowman's bew, padfoot, poison, and schnapps. it would have been better if routine was moved to down to level 5-ish or so, you still have every potion at least once anyways so you can still enjoy the minigame enough to where it doesn't get repetitve
>get drunk off save points
This game is very unforgiving
But I just installed that for the DLC, I loved vanilla.
Comfy medieval skyrim-esque game. Def worth a play.
Realistic fantasy is boring.
You can become a big guy.
Back to Skyrim, soibabby. KCD is a medieval simulator for chad history enthusiasts.
Why is nobody doing sfm porn of Theresa?
When I upgrade my pc in 5 years I'll play it.
>He didn't level up in alchemy enough to unlock auto brew
Not a fan of non-fantasy Midieval games unless it's strictly some sort of startegy or multiplayer game.
>tfw no qt medieval gf
how do you cope bros?
>tfw 20 strength and maces
the combat became trivial because even helmeted enemies died in one bop on the head but god did I feel powerful.
>non fantasy medieval game that isn't strategy or multiplayer
name at least one game that does this
>Realistic fantasy
This is not mount and blade thread, user.
The mom was fine too
you don't unlock that until level 10 and you can only buy so much training. crafting the potions are fun initially but it gets repetitive making enough to get to level 10 to unlock routine in the first place.
training with bernard to become an unstoppable melee god is one of my favorite rpg mechanics.
Best game I've played in a long time. Bought it cheap a few months back on PS4 and didn't realise what I was in for. Honestly can't remember the last game I played for 17 hours straight before this
Do your character physically change?
>Game gets shilled for months before release
>Comes out
>Everyone realizes how shit it is
>Shills suddenly vanish
Have they fixed the bugs on PS4 yet?
Most of them. Only ones I encountered was a scene relating to a quest in the monestary area randomly happening when I was a fair distance away and falling through the ground once
load times are still ass though
lots of fags still pissy about this.
fucking this
This game sucked lol.
I was so confused when I looked at the book and it was all gibberish, until I remembered I was a faggot peasant who can't read or write.
This. Maxes out my CPU every time I walk through Rattay and dips down to 30fps
>a black man photoshopped
>not recognizing the based move BLACK KNIGHT
great game, also runs a lot smoother now than at launch.
How's the game now? I played it at launch, really enjoyed it but the bugs got worse and worse. dlc worth looking at?
much better. dlc is decent but from ashes on only fun on a new game, if you play it late game where you're rich as hell you'll finish it in half an hour.
put about 60 hours in it, and I haven't noticed any bugs so far.
I heard it was buggy trash. Is it good now? What kind of sales can I expect on Steam or PS Store? I'm fine with either platform.
But Yea Forums loves Bloodlines
>hundreds of threads if not thousands
Sorry you're retarded OP. Hope you find the help you need.
The complete edition w/ all DLC is coming out soon.
Only $40 I think.
And then you get to the monastery and drop it for months.
In retrospect I should've just used a guide and cheesed it.
I can see why people who followed the production felt so gypped by the "big" battle at the end but given the combat system I can't see it being other than a complete cluster fuck.
read books, you have literally no excuse if you can do alchemy
Its 1000% unplayable in ps4 even with pro so I'd avoid that version
mediocre buggy game propped up by artificial "controversy" and nu-Yea Forums retards who buy games because #based amirite
because it doesn't have shills to make threads about it every hour and it doesn't include political statements so there's nothing for Yea Forums to complain about
No, we don't. It was elected as the 4th best game of 2018.
Cringed hard
>spent most of my time fighting bandits and Cumans
>just keep right clicking with high piercing swords til I get good
>max out sword and get bored
>"I do like a good war hammer."
>tfw joggin noggins 24/7 after seeing the light
2nd post best post
Witcher 3 is easily game of our generation; probably to only be eclipsed/usurped by Star Citizen when it releases next year
>autism bros
how can someone have taste this awful.
Tbh the monastery section just made me wish there was a proper monk simulator. I would've stayed in that place for hours if they had more side quests to complete
There's never any threads about it though. The whole catalog is full of weebshit and nintendo faggotry
I thought the monastery was gonna be a pain in the fucking ass, but turns out if you accuse the first novice monk that he's Pious, he poisons your food right away, and when you wake up you get to kill him in a fist fight and bolt out
>The best
Far from it, no idea why /pol/tards rallied around it like they did, it's not that good a game
Then I got to late game amd every goon suddenly was a perfect Master Striker.
>can't use combos to save my life
>have to rely on using pure brute strength to overpower enemies
still having fun, and it actually makes sense for Henry to not have to much skill with the sword but be strongk due to blacksmithing
please stop trying to make everything about /pol/, it's just as annoying as actual poltards
some of us can enjoy the novelty of a historically (semi-) accurate setting
it's refreshing for rpg's not to devolve into magic supermen at high levels
Basically this.
Witcher 3 is unironically great and watching Yea Forums impotently seethe at it will never not make me happy.
you didn't play it.
I read that after I got out of the place. At least I levelled up my stealth and alchemy I guess.
If they had more daily chores I would've stuck around a bit more. Alchemy and translating got old fast especially as I couldn't get the hang of translating for shit.
Why are you talking about Kingdom Hearts?
>user is literally unable to understand that words can have two meanings
I didn't finish it, I couldn't really bring myself to play it further after the fight club mission, I liked the game world and the combat was (except for maybe archery) ok but everything else is extremely mediocre, and I always hated how the game had so many small systems caked all around like needing to wear clean clothes and shit spoiling, not to mention crap performormance and the game being extremely buggy, better RPGs have come out like Kingdoms of Amalur and more recently Sekiro.
spoilage is not new to rpg's at all
and cleaning clothes is as easy as finding a tub and washing yourself
>like kingdoms of Amalur
that game was fucking awful user.
just buy wine you casuals.
there's an inn in every village for food and fresh game meat all over if you're in need
also beer>wine, they're Czech not French
Literally only /pol/tards care about this mediocre game
I dunno, if you pile on enough mods you can get the cart in the intro to launch pretty well.
>drinking beer over wine
My peasant chad is way too fancy for your pleb beer.
I can't go back to TW3 after having played KCD
Henry is just so much of a better character than Geralt
I wish the Witcher had a first person mode
>Henry is just so much of a better character than Geralt
you're the pleb if you shun Czech beer
edgy gary stu batman vs likeable modest underdog with relateable stakes and motivations
I really like that Henry treats the traumatic sack of his hometown like well, a traumatic experience
usually the rpg protagonists just forget about their hometown once they get to the first big city
It grows on you, the combat system is probably one of the best out there for a third person game.
Any things i should know before?
Or is the best experience :"Just play it"
the atmosphere in KCD is fantastic, definitely worth a play. characters are interesting and the world is fun to explore.
imagine the SMELL
>gary stu
Based retard.
It was boring. I invested points into thievery early on which ended up completely breaking the game I was rich as fuck and had the best armour and weapons by the time I started going to the monestary.
He literally is. And on top of that he has literally zero personality to speak of.
I ignore it because it runs like shit
>can't do anything with her after romancing
>every man women and child
Imma call bullshit, stupid stormcloak
Sekiro isn't even an RPG, it's an action game.
You mean when it releases in 2025
>zero personality
well that's not true, he has that whole batman voice thing going for him.
He is. game geralt is the best at everything, and also has emotions, a conscience and a heart of gold even though he isn't supposed to.
The alt right doesn't exist.
>cart in the intro to launch pretty well
for me its Thomas the tank engine
I agree, that walk back to your town in the rain to bury your parents was amazing
No males of african american origin
It's fucking boring.
>based game journalist just wants to live out his cuck fantasy
how could you bastards deny him that?
It was obviously going to be buggy as shit and I would go crazy putting 30 hours in and restarting over and over.
So I decided to wait for patches and then just forgot about it. Now, since I've waited a over year, I might as well wait for a sale.
I image there are a decent chunk of people like this and once it goes for $30 or so you will see a lot more talk.
some of the bugs during launch were fucking great tho.
Feels weird, been playing it and I'm at the part where I wake up at the mill and get to explore the village. Just doesn't feel like there's much to do. Every time I've explored I figure out there's a lot of cutscenes and main story to do and barely sidequests to do or really a point of release where I can do a bunch of stuff.
Am I just wrong in what I was expecting this game to be or is there actual stuff and I need to look around the mill some more/maybe check out the castle?
Because its a single player RPG thats like a year old. There was plenty of discussion about it when it came out. Its a bomb ass game though.
The only thing that annoyed me about the monastery is no matter how you do the quest, to actually complete it successfully you have to let that guy poison you, even if you figure it out and confront him with evidence.
You made the right choice. I played it some time after release and still got a bug 80 hours in that made the main quest impossible to progress. I started again eventually but it really put me off for a spell.
The game is old where the fuck have you been? There were threads up when it was released, everyone played it and then forgot about it.
fuck you.
and fuck your shit game.
made me fucking post
>Bar on top
>upside down toolbar
What kind of fucked up bizzaro quantum world do you live in? Holy fuck. Holy shit. Your age is now ash, you senile fuckfest. Your memory is a thinning fog.
>25+ games installed at once
for what purpose? is your attention span really that small?
Morrowind: Magic, fantasy creatures, custom character, custom stats, do as you please and take what you want
Kingdom come: boring doofus guy main character, linear lame story, no magic or cool shit
Yea Forums got pretty triggered over it. With any other game when Yea Forums hates the game over its political tone SJWs go full "go back to /pol/" mode. But when this came out lefty/v/ got pretty mad.
You could only play one role and I didn't like that role.
>lefty/v got pretty mad
you mean completely lost their damn minds, and ranted about this game day and night.
Realism is fucking stupid.
People don't play video games to be a lame foot soldier
t. Witchshit 3 shills
>not wanting to be the best damn foot soldier you can be
It was good though. It exposed the double standards here.
Morrowind was an actual fantasy world with more to do and see.
Kingdom Come has a great world and does great service to historical accuracy, but that's it. It's like a simulator rather than a real RPG. Also Henry is fucking annoying.
/pol/ was posting bait threads day and night, with titles like REMINDER IF YOU DON'T BUY THIS GAME, YOU'RE A TRIGGERED LEFTIE SNOWFLAKE. I usually avoid shitpost threads, but god damn was it bad. I wish I'd screencapped some of the long rambling off-topic posts with stuff like "I WANT LITERAL DEATH CAMPS FOR LIBERALS" that infested all kingdom come threads, but yeah, if you say so, that was just the fault of the nonexistent SJWs on Yea Forums losing their minds.
>2 meanings
I hate all the weeb shit so much. I play shit like that to laugh at bad localizations.
>tfw no friends to play EDF with
Who fucking assembles these memes?
I know it's just to enrage people who should know better but this is a lot of fucking thought into "what would make people most angry?"
you don't play a lame foot soldier though my man
you play a nobleman
>The game is old
>it just turned a year old
zoomzoom please
>Crusader Kings II isn't installed
The fuck is your damage?
This. Even The Witcher 1 was better than the garbage that is 3 lmao
>better than vtmb, The witcher games, Fallout new vegas, etc
How much training should I put in with Bernard at the beginning?
Retard cuck, when the day comes you will hang from a lightpole
No one said anything about fantasy retard
I've got 29 but it's for various reasons, about 10 are games I play with my mates, and probably around 6-7 are heavily modded so I don't want to go through the process all over again if I want to play them again
Holy fuck lol. WHAT. WHAT. the fucking DELUSION lol
get at the very least master strikes
would suggest getting your sword skill to about 5 to 7
this pic just made me install the game.
>the best role playing game since Morrowind
KC:D is an amazing game, and the developer earned much respect from other devs and from gamers for their sharp attention to the community resulting in frequent and prompt responses in the form of patches. KC:D is a rock solid game now, and this was merely the first ever release by Warhorse Studios. They have a chance to leap to the top of the pack alongside CDPR as the best developers in the business if creatively they can take the game to the next level with a brilliant part two. I'm excited about it.
What did you think about the Witcher 2? I thought it was much better. Open world is a meme.
alchemy is pretty comfy
that said you won't be able to do it at the start of the game, you start out illiterate and actually need to work towards becoming literate enough to read recipes
Unironically one of the best games ive ever played, its up there with morrowind and system shock 2... Heard it waa pretty janky at release though, happy i bought it a year after, its the only game apart from mount and blade that ive bought for my ps4
but i don't ignore it, easily one of the best games i've ever played.
>you can claim a videogame belongs to your ideological group
peak mental illness
Boring as shit. Knights of Honor is better
Never played desu. Bundled with Wicther 3 when I bought it.
What the fuck am i even reading
>Niggeralt being a better character than chad-henry von silver skalitz
Henry is actually fucking relatable and you can kinda put y9urself in his shoes, it is an rpg after all, and a good one..