What's the best way to make vidya friends or join a video game based community for co-op games?
What's the best way to make vidya friends or join a video game based community for co-op games?
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Sorry, it happened naturally when I was on middle school, now I just can't get into any community, my only co-op partner is my sister
So what's the best way to make friends to play vidya with online? Discord? Yea Forums Discord or?
Unironically, reddit and or Facebook
Oh, well that sucks....i guess i'll play solo then.
this is the thread where anons shill discords
I basically just made myself a discord, and occasionally invite people from Yea Forums who seem interested. Got a small group of friends now.
I guess it's not open to join is it?
I made 80 Steam friends through Killing Floor 1 and 2, the Dark Souls trilogy and Vermintide 2. Just play with randoms and be decent at it.
quality > quantity
literally choose any coop game on Steam, open its forum, and type "coop" in search box, and just add them to friends and play games you like, is it that hard for you all?
Do not make friends on discord. Don’t make friends with Yea Forums degenerates.
If you're interested. I'd be willing to give you a trial period. We mostly just shitpost, and play multiplayer games on the weekends.
Tabletop Simulator seems like a good option. People are willing to teach you a game and that can get talking going. The game's going to be facilitated through a lot of talking (a little less if the game's scripted), but it should work
Sure! What multiplayer games?
I play Vermintide 2, LFD2, Killing Floor (original) etc on PC.
Also my discord is; Flower#0204
I second this, I was able to make friends easily there, lots of friends, but I didn't want to
Lately we've been playing Vermentide 2 and Killing Floor 2 (sorry). Occasionally we'll boot up TF2, or fuck around on other games.
If you play the game well and are a good fun teammate, people will add you. Every time I boot up Borderlands or L4D2 I leave with three or four new invites. Helps if you do healing more often.
Sent ;^)
tap tap tap
mentally ill, avoid him
You unfriended me. I thought that you changed, user
I did? Did we talk? Sorry I won't do it again.
We did. I sent you another friend request. Thanks
I've lost count of how many times I did add you via fake accounts to gather info about you, soon I will dox you and fuck your life up
Good luck.
What the fuck?
why do you even want to talk to a mentally ill fag?
I added you please accept
Most of the friends in my friends list I have from playing coop games in public lobbies or on public servers. None of them is a real friend though. In the end I'm just a discount friend collector who doesn't talk to anyone and just accepts every friend request he gets.
Even if he's Cali trash he's a Tomoko poster
I only play single player games and not very many of them at that.
Seems hard to make vidya friends like this.
real life
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:
Stop cruising for attention and using Yea Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.
Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.
You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.
Make a discord and peddle your trash there.
I'd say play co-op MMOs like Elsword or whatever is popular right now. I've meet my friend 8 years ago, back when he wasn't gay and I was Christian. He kind of made me realize that not all gay people are 'bad'. Most of the people that were on my guild still are friends with one another, although to different degrees. I really, really like him, couldn't have hoped for a better friend.
>How do I make friends via vidya gaems?
1) Buy a microphone
2) Play a game with dedicated servers
3) Talk to people with the mic
>Q: What gaems have dedicated servers?
A: Tons. Counter-Strike, Team Fortress, Day of Defeat, Project Reality, Garry's Mod, Natural Selection 2, Synergy, VR Chat, Second Life, others
>Q: Why do I have to use a mic?
A: Text chat is soulless. Microphone lets you speak freely while in the middle of action, it lets you speak candid and naturally. It lets you deliver jokes better, convey emotion/satire. I don't have to spell this out. It's harder to befriend a piece of text.
>Q: b-but I can't use a mic
A: reddit.com
>Q: But I have social anxiety.
A: Try to ease into talking. Find a server that has rules and people you gel with and inch in by only using the mic when you have to call out of a target, something mandatory for the game-- play to win and you'll find yourself using the mic a little as communication is necessary for victory. Use text chat for longer sentences if you find yourself overthinking when to interject. Eventually you'll find yourself saying more as you know people and people start remembering you.
>Q: Why dedicated servers?
A: They're more like hangouts. They have regulars. It's like a lounge. Random matchmaking is too anonymous.
>Moved to Japan.
>Made some gaijin friends at first, kinda weeby but nice. Into games.
>Nearly everyone goes home because Japan is "not like muh animes."
>Now all I got is my wife and like 1 friend here to play games with.
It's difficult bros.
status of trannies: btfo
status of weeb fucks : btfo
anime posters: bffo
I made a lot of friends playing Killing Floor 1.
you can start by not being a fat smelly weeb