Unpopular opinion

>Unpopular opinion
>Random encounters suck ass and should have been left behind in the 90s
>There is absolutely nothing fun about walking 2 feet and being forced into a turn based battle that takes forever to complete.

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Thats not unpopular

>Thing in video game needs to be done away with because hardware allows for battles that aren't random encounters
Let me guess, you also hate grid based movement, first person combat, and turn based combat?

Here's mine: something not appealing to you isn't interesting to me, I don't care to hear about your dumbass opinions at all

Who are you quoting?

Actually unpopular opinion: there is nothing wrong with random encounters and people can only use hyperbole to make them sound bad. pokemon in particular you have to be specifically running in tall grass to encounter anything, they have low encounter rates without running or using the bike and the battles are very wuick to complete unless you're playing gen 4

Random encounters are good because they create tension

Imagine my face when years later I learned through the Internet that going through the grass on your bike quadruples the encounter rate

good point, it's so "tense" not knowing whether you'll see a pidgey or a rattata after 14 seconds of loading!

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Just buy repels if you don't want them

Use a Repel

wow super hot take there bro

I wholeheartedly agree, but I will give an exception to the few SMT games that can do it right. Playing earlygame Nocturne on hard, fights can actually be important resource management and risky, when you have to make sure you dont run out of mana, and healing costs money. By the end of those games even they become a grindfest though. And pretty much every other game implements them as a horrible, horrible time waster. Especially shit like old Final Fantasy etc.

Has nothing to do with hardware, it's just a shitty mechanic. I loved turn based JRPG's with random encounters when I was 12 but I just can't deal with them now it's way too slow and boring. That's not to say that turn based games can't be fun but it has to be done right. As for random encounters, why bother with them now? It's an inferior mechanic.

If you want to grind in a RPG with visible enemies you still can and if you're already strong enough you can skip them to continue the story. There's absolutely no reason for random encounters.

Nigga just run away

>popular opinion masquerading as unpopular
>using green text incorrectly

Based, and I agree

wait what

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>Faggotron attempted to flee
>It didn't work!
>Enemy Dick Wizard used annoying magic skill that hits your entire party for 1/3 their health

In Strange Journey you actually get a medal for running away from enough battles. There's 3 of them and each time the game insults you more for it. I remember the 3rd one says something like "No one has legs as fast as yours... or a belly so yellow"

Because some people like it, you fucking retard
How autistic do you need to be to struggle to understand some people like shit you don't
Don't play games with random encounters if you don't like it, simple as
That's like complaining your racing game works like a racing game when "superior" movement mechanics exist
The point of the game is to be like that because it's designed for people who like it like that

I have nothing against turn based combat. Persona 5 is actually one of my favorite games. I just hate when I have no choice when it comes to a battle.

>That's like complaining your racing game works like a racing game when "superior" movement mechanics exist


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You can't be this dense lads

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and yet here you are

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The only reason people don’t like random encounters is because JRPGs are fucking horrible. Imagine any other genre:
>oh no, the game is forcing me to play it

Dumb retard

You aren't the target audience then, and your opinion means jack shit.

I can't think of a single notable AAA game that I've enjoyed in the past 5 years. Matter of fact I can't even remember the last AAA game that I enjoyed.

It's like knowingly picking a racing game to play then complaining it plays like a racing game and not like an FPS or something because you like strafing and jumping and not turning by steering, did that clear it for you?

Stellar argument

You aren't the target audience you wojackposting cuck

that's not unpopular, almost every game has done away with random encounters. non-random battles were the only good thing in LGPE and of course gamefreak doesn't continue on with it

>walking 2 feet and being forced into a turn based battle that takes forever to complete.
1. If a wild encounter takes more than a few seconds, you're doing something wrong.
1.a. If a few seconds is forever, you have ADD
2. Use a repel, they're in the game for a reason you literal brainlet

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maybe if there were more than 5 basic mobs per huge area in SJ I wouldn't run so much

>. If a wild encounter takes more than a few seconds, you're doing something wrong.
wow I am sure that few seconds is a really challenging and rewarding experiance

That's a pretty stupid argument and could be used with literally any game type.
>Oh you don't like looting games well I guess you have no reason to complain about the mechanic just don't play them (I love looting games fyi).

Obviously if I don't like a game that has a mechanic that I dislike I'm probably not going to play it but that doesn't mean that the game is immune to criticism.

Here a really annoying one:
>Rare enemy that only have small percent to appear and have a higher chance to run away

>implying this is all that unpopular
Just have the game skip the battle and hand you the exp if it's an obvious wash. Doesn't exactly work for games where you have the option to tame or farm some resource from monsters, but hey that's what you get for playing games with those mechanics. Suck it up.

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You didn't just "feel" like you ran into more shit going through grass on the bike?

I don't see how your example or it working for any game makes it stupid or invalid, niggers like you want every game to be the same and I spit on you for it
"Me no likey" is not criticism
I think sports games are fucking lame and boring, I don't complain about their existence because I'm not the target audience
Other people can play all the sports games they want for all I care
Why do you care if some games have random encounters if you're not even going to play them? I could concede it a little bit if random encounters were something super prevalent in modern video games, and you had a legit argument that not every game needs to be that way
But whining about a mechanic that hardly any games even do anymore is fucking ridiculous

>complain it takes too long
>get told it doesn't take that long
>still complain
Also, every encounter is a chance to level your pokemon or capture a new one.
So, yeah, you're retarded

The difference is I like RPGs. I just don't like random encounter/turn based RPGs. If you like them hey that's fine I don't really give a shit. I don't. They're bad.

A lot of people in this thread don’t understand that you can hate a game mechanic but still enjoy a game.
>”You’re not the target demographic!”
That’s the shittiest argument I’ve ever heard.

Earthbound does exactly this, and that's one of those quality of life things you can't really let go when almost no other JRPGs do it.

Except you haven't posted a single argument yourself

It's good you can see encounters on the map in Let's Go

It's BAD you can't fucking battle wild Pokémon.

You fucking retarded faggots need to understand that “Random encounters” is a game mechanic not a genre. JRPG is a genre. FPS is a genre. Action is a genre. Walking 5 feet and starting an unavoidable battle is not a genre.

>complain it takes too long
>get told it doesn't take that long
It does take to long. You are saying it like there is only one random encounter.
>walk 2 feet
Wow that was boring and annoying but only 12 seconds so who am I to com....
>walk 2 feet rinse and repeat.

>but it plays into dumb grinding mechanics!
oh well then it is okay then!
I am not the OP, and I am not necessarily talking about pokemon either, it has been a long time since I was in middleschool so I dont really care about those games to much, and I heard they fixed it with the Lets Go! games anyway. But in lots of actual JRPGs made for adults they still have this annoying as fuck artificial length adding grinding bullshit.

Saying "I don't like this game mechanic" isn't criticism retard. It's just saying you don't like it. Since you don't like it, don't play it. Simple as that.

Are you sure? Which posts are mine user?

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Pokemon is different. You have wild pokemon that are random encounters and you have trainers that are fixed encounters. You go into the tall grass to actually catch new pokemon or to grind for experience if you run out of trainers. In that sense, how is it annoying? Lately in the series, Game Freak has actually made sure that tall grass doesn't always get in the way of a route's main path, too. And if you're in a cave or in the water, use a repel and problem solved. That one got a nice QOL in Gen 5, too.

I already know people are going to argue about Let's Go. The encounters in that game are still random. Literally the only difference is that they appear on the overworld. I honestly prefer it that way. It was one of the few things I really liked about the game. It made routes feel more alive instead of just being corridors with 5 trainers standing around. If they designed the world around this it would be amazing.

the mechanic is bad. It is used to artificially lengthen or pad a game with an otherwise lack of content. It is boring, unoriginal, uninspiring, lacks any challenge or depth. The only time it has ever been implemented in a way that wasn't hack bullshit is a few SMT games that actually make them require some challenge, even if it is in the form of "well I can kill them easily, but then i will run out of Mana, and I could kill them slower, but that will get me hit which requires heals from my healing demon, which is running oom, and I need to make money, not lose it all to the healing room" as supposed to most games were it is just spam "attack" hell most jrpgs have an "auto" button now because the gameplay is so fucking braindead you could have the game do it for you.

>Saying "I don't like this game mechanic" isn't criticism retard.

That wasn't my original argument user I just had to simplify it for you.

And now it's gonna disappear for Sword & Shield because Game Freak are incompetent and never build on good ideas, just strip them out and maybe put them back in another game over half a decade later.

Fun fact: the only people who defend random battles in rpgs are pokeshitters

>It does take to long. You are saying it like there is only one random encounter.
>>walk 2 feet
>Wow that was boring and annoying but only 12 seconds so who am I to com....
>>walk 2 feet rinse and repeat.
(protip: A lot of them do.)
>But in lots of actual JRPGs made for adults they still have this annoying as fuck artificial length adding grinding bullshit.
You realize that the point of random encounters is so you can't breeze to the end of the level without expending resources, right?

Reminder that TWEY has literally 0 random encounters
Reminder Monster Hunter can be this type of game and has literally 0 random encounters.
Reminder that SMT Devil Survivor has no random encounters
Reminder that in The Last Remnant you can entirely run past all random encounters
Reminder that in Persona 3-5 you can run past most random encounters.
>B...b...but it is the point of the game! you cant have a JRPG without them! IF YOU DONT LIKE IT GO PLAY CoD!
no you are just a shitter who only plays the most uninspired derivative shit, and refuses to except they can have shortcomings.

I was disappointed to find out they didn't take the few good ideas out of Let's Go and use it in the main line. Gamefreak is really weird about that. I get that they want to keep the Pokemon designs hidden until you actually battle them, but I would have been okay if they were shapeless blobs like other jrpgs with overworld encounters.

>You realize that the point of random encounters is so you can't breeze to the end of the level without expending resources, right?
But you can in literally everything except maybe the first 1/3 of SMT III and IV. That is the problem. IT is also so that you can spam attack a bunch of times to reach the level it wants you to fight the boss on.
Why dont they have an item that enables it instead?

The mechanic is bad in your opinion. I don't think it's bad. There are things in the game that let you bypass it if you don't like it. It is used so that you can gain experience. If using Pokemon as an example then it also gives you a chance to add new members to your roster. You use SMT as an example. Why not go play those kind of RPGs then? There are bound to be more of them out there. You literally just described to yourself a random-encounter system that "works" for you. If you want a more in-depth RPG maybe play something that's not fucking Pokemon.

Not really unpopular. The only people who defend random encounters are Game Freak drones. Finding Pokémon roaming in the wild sounds awesome.
>inb4 it's never happening because it requires too much processing power/ it's to difficult to program
Yeah, I know Game Freak are shitty devs. But it's not like it is impossible or even that difficult to do.

Then why don't you play those games instead of playing games with random encounters in them? It's almost like not every game has to use the same fucking formula or something. It's almost like every game doesn't have to cater to what YOU personally like or something. Isn't that weird?

I know earthbound does it, and honestly it's a good compromise for people that like/don't mind random encounters sticking around and people that want them gone. This thread is just a big "I want it this way" shouting match anyways.

Friendly reminder that one of the best jrpg series of all time doesn’t have random encounters

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>But you can in literally everything except maybe the first 1/3 of SMT III and IV.
T is also so that you can spam attack a bunch of times to reach the level it wants you to fight the boss on.
Outside of cases of absurd level grinding, this isn't even remotely true. Most RPGs have at least a few enemies that resist physical attacks, and the standard attack is the weakest one in the game. Especially if you have party members that aren't even meant for physical combat.
>Why dont they have an item that enables it instead?
The same reason Dark Souls doesn't have "SKIP THE ENTIRE GAME LMAO" mode

>Having to walk slowly on certain segments of an already too slow game to avoid the hassle of wild battles somehow doesn't make the game horribly designed
Yeah, good fucking point.

>The mechanic is bad in your opinion. I don't think it's bad.
It is essentially QTE, minus the quicktime part, and without flashing cinemetics. It is basically "your trip has come to a pause, press X to kill this pallete swap."
>Why not go play those kind of RPGs then?
I do, but there are tonnes of otherwise good RPGS that are absolutely ruined by trying to implement this type of system. See the Legend of Heroes series, or Final Fantasy for example. Often times it is just to add length to the game, or some dull grinding mechanic so you can pass level checks.
>not fucking Pokemon.
I already said ITT, I do not care about children's games. Pokemon was just the image OP used. Pokemon IS a bad game, but it is forgivable given the target demo.

I agree with you, but that's not an unpopular opinion.
I can't play games with random encounters in them anymore. They're such slogs.

is the target audience retards that'll eat up any shitty game Game Freak puts up?

>Most RPGs have at least a few enemies that resist physical attacks
Correct, in this case you have the brilliant challenge of expanding a moderate amount of mana killing it with its obvious weakness! it is fucking hardcore man!
>the standard attack is the weakest one in the game
Yes but it uses no mana, so even when the enemy is resistant to it, you just have 4 party members hit it with swords and bamn its dead.
>The same reason Dark Souls doesn't have "SKIP THE ENTIRE GAME LMAO" mode
This is obtuse. The point of these games is not meaningless interruptions of the gameplay. Gameplay can be found in boss fights.

Honestly, my problem isn't even with JRPGs that have random encounters in them. It's just that the coolest thing about Pokémon is to imagine being in that universe and random encounters just about breaks the imersion. When it happens to a point of being annoying (like in caves and in the ocean) the game stops being a game and becomes a task. Pokémon in specific would be a much more fun game with overworld encounters.

The problem with overworld battles instead of random encounters:
>if you make them avoidable you end up with Dragon Quest XI where you can walk right by almost every single encounter and end up underleveled) severely underleveled
>if you make them really hard to avoid and heavily punish the player for trying and failing to avoid, like SMT IV, it ruins the whole point of removing randomness to lessen player frustration

I think Persona 5 did a really brilliant thing by simply flipping the entire way that you encounter enemies. Ambushing them is a lot of fun and by getting the ambush you make the battle end much faster. So instead of players just walking around everything like in DQ, attacking everything just to avoid getting raped like in SMT IV, or feeling exasperated every time they're walking along and get forced into another encounter, in Persona 5 initiating battles is ITSELF fun.

>Correct, in this case you have the brilliant challenge of expanding a moderate amount of mana killing it with its obvious weakness! it is fucking hardcore man!
So you admit that part about not needing to expend resources is a total lie? Not to mention that the "obvious weakness" doesn't always apply
>Yes but it uses no mana, so even when the enemy is resistant to it, you just have 4 party members hit it with swords and bamn its dead.
Unless you're overleveled or you got into a fight consisting of a single low-tier scrub, this is not guaranteed to work
>meaningless interruptions of the gameplay.
How are the parts of the game that make the game an actual game "interruptions of gameplay," let alone MEANINGLESS ones?

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I think a lot of people prefer non-random battles in JRPGs. I wish more were like Chrono Trigger where the battle just takes place on the same field, some of the enemies were even scripted for the environment.

>severely underleveled for skipping fights
Then that's player error, and a more reasonable player error than aggressively running out of every battle.

The game you posted did.

Imagine knowing what Pokemon you're about to fight.

Go play minecraft if you want an EZ mode game.

>not even knowing how to greentext

Most video game osts aren't worth listening to. I prefer to listen to music totally unrelated to the video game rather than the soundtrack.

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One thing Let's Go got correct. Random encounters are literal garbage

That's not unpopular. I've seen way more whining that random encounters are back then there are people happy about it.

>So you admit that part about not needing to expend resources is a total lie
no, because you just use the drain mana, ability or whatever the fuck you are good.
>How are the parts of the game that make the game an actual game
Orignal fights and bosses are what make the game an actual game. Half these games, could shorten to 1/3rd the length, without removing a single unique encounter.

>no, because you just use the drain mana, ability or whatever the fuck you are good.
Ah, just use the ability most RPGs don't even have! Why didn't I think of that?
>You can shorten the game if you remove gameplay and challenge
Gee, you don't say?

>that takes forever to complete.
imagine playing slow jrpgs

If they add overworld encounters, don't do it like LGPE, make it feel natural in terms of spawning and not some retarded mini game for capture.
I liked BoF3's where it's random but battles took place on the overworld.

Pretty much. It's really disgusting to see sõybõy weebtards like desperately defending this archaic gameplay design. Random encounters really are just a padding to make your journey through small empty maps of corridors feel longer. Devs of these games don't even have to do much to design enemy encounters, just randomly throw a bunch of mobs at you for every few steps taken. If you play CRPGs, for example, the enemy encounters and placements are all handcrafted and meaningful. You're not gonna run into a fire-breathing dragon on a small grass patch just a stone's throw from the town gate.
>r-random encounters are good!
>still run away from most of them anyway

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>running away
Throwing XP away

Turn based battle systems stay interesting over a longer duration than any other combat system