Post delicious rage like this

Post delicious rage like this

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literally how much of a child do you have to be to destroy your own personal belongings because of a video game?

based miyazaki making gaijins break their ps4s lmao

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How awful of programmer is he if he has to do fucking LetsPlays to get money?

I have depression which is apparently mental illness. I'm workin on it. It definitely makes me optimistic to not have anger issues instead

He makes enough on Patreon, he's just a lazy hack who can't code.

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I've watched a few clips of Sekiro, both played by people who were shit, and people who seemed to be competent (full disclosure, I haven't played it)
is the main problem with people's play similar to in MGR where they are completely ignoring mechanics? it seems like the competent players are capitalizing on those "danger" attacks a lot more

The difference is people being willing to learn the mechanics and people trying to get through mashing buttons.

keep at it user. you can do it.

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Was the angry german kid a mastermind?

It's not a hard game, just has a learning curve some people are not willing to go through. Difference this time they can't summon people to just cheese through the whole game.

Pretty much, there are a lot of subtle mechanics to learn that are only very occasionally useful so if at any point you just assume you know everything the game fucks you up. I saw one streamer get all the way to the final boss before quitting because he never learned how hyper armor works.

>raging to the beginning of the game

>jump force
>visual novel garbage
I see he didn't handle his first real video game all that well

Those controller slams on the mic at the very beginning sound like Dio doing Za Warudo multiple consecutive times can i get an upvote gamers

the game has both a similar presentation to souls games but also a lot of false friends in game mechanics. if you play it like you'd play a souls game it will whoop your ass until you play it properly.

ZA WARUDO!!!111oneone

Do your best user.

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Did he seriously RQ on the easiest miniboss in the game?

I saw this literally after beating that same boss yesterday. It's really sad that people have such anger issues, and I mean.. The title of the guy's stream was "Sekiro - Time to hate myself" so how do you go into a game knowing what to expect and still get so fucking butthurt? Like c'mon man. I went on to beat Lady Butterfly last night and I can't imagine this dude EVER taking her down, so I guess it's good that he called it quits.

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>spends over 38 minutes talking about a sub-minute clip
nah senpai, that's an L right there

The bigger the ego, the harder they rage when things don't go their way. Literally grow the fuck up.

>1 trillion different captchas to post this

To be fair, calling it the "easiest miniboss" is a little deceptive because every boss/miniboss is way harder than most casual gamers are used to, so I can see why someone who's not used to it would have a tough time. But fuck man, don't play these games if you aren't ready to die over and over and over again.

The best.

does depression make you rage? i dont think you can blame depression on that

Jesus fucking christ a little sound warning next time.

>please stop saying get good
>I'm good at games really

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>It's not a hard game
Okay now, let's be real. The game is difficult. That's literally one of the selling points of From Software's games. Yes you can memorize patterns and stuff and get through it, even getting to the point where you can read enemies and bosses like a book, but to say that it doesn't take a lot of time and skill to get to that point is ridiculous. Any game "isn't hard" once you've memorized everything and can keep up with what the game's throwing at you.


This dude just sounds like an over dramatic autist. The OP is literally some dude with obvious anger issues and lack of patience that was straight up beaten by the game, which in my opinion is a lot more hilarious.

depression often comes with anxiety, which can

oh shit nigga what is you doin

Pretty weak desu senpai

Okami = innkeeper
Ookami = wolf
Learn the difference, it could save your life.

I beat the game and rage many times. I'm on his side. The game is just not well designed.

typical cuck white bitch

>senran kagura

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At first I thought that the base dropped and I will listen to a music video

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>jump force
he's clearly a nigger

I have diagnosed depression and anxiety and while I haven't raged like in the OP, I can attest for the fact that it does make you really short with things that really don't matter. Everything just feels worse when you're fucked up in the head like that. Raging that badly isn't a medical thing though, that's just someone who never learned to deal with their emotions properly, and resorting to actually breaking your stuff is next level. I broke my glasses once because I was overly emotional about something (not a game, it was family related) but I realize how much of a mistake that was and I've never done anything like that since.

me too, that shit fucking slapped


Different user but they're like 2 sides of the same coin. Anger can come from your inability to learn how to improve, whether you blame the game or yourself. With depression you're more inclined to just see yourself as a failure incapable of improving. I've found it really helpful to not just take a step back & breathe but think about the situation & how to tackle it

The fucker understands you have to be in stealth in order to do stealth takedowns right? What a goddamn cuck.

Wow. I mean, this is obviously a Dark Souls player who doesn't realize that stealth takedowns aren't backstabs, but like, did you not read any of the tutorials?

>his is obviously a Dark Souls player
Even worse, a path of exile player.

>Even worse, a path of exile player.
Even worse, he raided as a Ret Paladin in WoW

the true king of rage shits all over that guy.

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Anyone got the Darkest Dungeon dude who absolutely flips?

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This guy?


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is it this?

>on the verge of tears
christ dude thats not even the hardest enemy in the level

He's such a piece of shit. Even moreso than DSP

>autistic weeb nigger who plays on PS4 probably with a laggy TV gets mad and destroys his own equipment

This world is fucked

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Sekiro is literally MGR in a Souls skin, which people literally cannot grasp. MGR is like DMC, with "now is the attack time and now is the run/parry time" where everything plays out in curated phases. Dark Souls has always been more dynamic in this regard, and once you start adding multiple required avoidance mechanics and timing mechanics, people get in over their head quick.

>who doesn't realize that stealth takedowns aren't backstabs
They're the same shit just stronger desu

>go back earlier in the video
>he keeps dying like a bitch
It's almost sad really.

sounds like cosmo

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This man's IQ must be in the 50s

DSP is based shut up nigger

Does he even stream anymore after that?

he streamed for 40 mins the other day just explaining his rage quit and not even playing a game

tyrannicon has been doing souls video since 2011 , is not true rage like the vids of this thread thats his " youtube persona"

Literally me when I play DD. DD has some bullshit RNG.

reported, dude is obviously faking and also white


Is he putting on that voice? He sounds like such a little nasally bitch.

Same energy.

Nigga, you can't hug an enemy in sekiro until you backstab it
One of my favorites. Audio quality turns him into a wind demon.

>Getting mad over a weak enemy

>Autistic weeb *tranny*

I get to post my favorite clip.

Not when they saw you. I think it's easier to stealth takedown enemies than backstabbing them, also they deal a lot of damage. On mobs it's a kill guaranteed, on bosses it's one phase less but it's harder to get to use them on bosses

>tfw have both

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Oh joy, we can suffer together

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Not really. Sekiro isn't really as hard as previous games, for the reason that you have a lot more ways to negate and trivialize encounters. Jump from grabs and sweeps, dodge into thrusts, and play DDR with your L1 whenever people attack you. Every player has access to the same toolkit and "build," so everyone also gets access to all the specified weakness prosthesis that every boss has. Learning movesets barely even matters, since even if you don't use tools, it's just pressing L1 when they twitch to start their attack with a generous window. The most fun I had in the game was the secret endgame boss, because that was structured like a Souls boss. Parry spam gets you nowhere, and you have to actually evade attacks.

Sekiro is good, but it's overhyped. Speedrunning community already has most imaginable categories down, and there's no customization or replayability.

Don't who this guy is, but felt bad for him at the end, wtf.

i love these threads cause i can feel better about myself cause im not a raging autist, feels good man

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why do white people act like this ? grown men crying and breaking their own assets

childish wh*Tey baka

>Buy the Midair Deathblow skill (The one that lets you instagib enemies that are midair)
>Kinda forget about it since it's so situational
>Meet the Okami Warrior Leader or whatever, the one that snipes you with lightning from the Sakura tree
>Run up to her
>She jumps in the air to chuck lightning
>Jump up with her
>Instant deathblow, rip her to shreds in a split second
>*acquired prayer bead*

Well then

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You the same dude from the Joker thread?

If so, it's time to stop, and you're exaggerating it to use it as some sort of excuse. I don't doubt you have it, but it isn't normal to talk about it this much to random fucking people. This is coming from another person that has it.


Question, what does it matter if people rage? What matters is that you don't give up and master the fuck out of the game.

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The same can be said about Souls. What does it matter if you go through the game with a different build if the enemies are the same that people have already mastered.

>is the main problem with people's play similar to in MGR where they are completely ignoring mechanics?


they dont fucking get it at all, and its so damn simple

on the flip side you have people just mashing l1, doing that stupid looking block dance thinking they are gods at the game. not saying they dont deserve the satisfaction, but its just that simple. just press the fucking l1 button you goddamn retards.

>all the LULs flying around behind him

Holy Kino

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>wind demon

i laughed

How do you not know Evaxephon? Are you that new?

jesus christ its like opening an airlock

Furi does everything Sekiro does, except better.

indie shuvware

il pass

Furi and sekiro are both good games user

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>I've never played any of From Software's games except the Souls series, but I consider myself a hardcore From fan, and if this game wasn't made by From, I have a hard time tugging my e-peen over it.
Guess Furi was too hard for you, huh?


dakara, ill pass de gozaru.

I can handle the toughest unfairest games but i can get incredible rage if in between deaths/game overs there are way too long loading times

It's not even pixel art you brainless fuckup.

bad players can't summon phantoms to cheese the game anymore

i wont play it. stop getting mad.

Filtered so hard you're afraid to even play it. Guess you weren't good enough.

calm down, have some sex

sorry you couldn't git gud


Daily reminder:

>fuck up a deflect and still in block
>infintie stamina
>can spam attacks/sprint/dodges/grappling hooks to cheese every encounters or escape any sticky situation
>can use stealth attacks on bosses and minibosses
>DSP is breezing through the game with half the deaths he had in Dark Souls 3 (a game he power leveled AND summoned in)
>90 metacritc, 8.0 user score vs Bloodborne's 92 metacritic, 8.9 user score

Game's easy, only people who are claiming otherwise are seething PCLards desperate for MIyazaki's Magnum Opus (Bloodborne) to be surpassed. Pic related, beat the Demon of Hatred and Ishiin in 3 tries

>b-b-but look at your heals/revives
>implying this isn't exactly why this babby tier casual af game is ez af

Git Gud
Have Sex

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all these games are easy


Have sex

>the games easy thats why i took so much damage and needed to use all my heals and then some
okay buddy

>I don't have an argument so here's a Yea Forums buzzword so I can pretend I won the argument and keep my incredibly fragile sense of self intact.

nice pasta

Furi and Sekiro are both completely different games, and even if we were comparing them on a combat perspective alone, countering attacks in Furi is more forgiving since there is always a sound prompt right before the attack, so it's a bit easier in Sekiro in that regard.
But knowing you, you probably only like Furi because there's an easy mode (:

git seethe


LMAO! have sex

That's so depressing. Man. Imagine being that fat? Wings is basically my best friend if he hadn't knocked up a 15-year old girl and joined the military.

>nobody has posted the best one

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this was just horrifying

whatever happened to him

Both of these "people" sound like dumbasses. They deserve each other.

anyone have the twitch vods or whatever
i want to see the chat

I've never seen a single other person reverse boomerang chuck it like he does. It's like his own unique real life animation.

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I have depression too. For years and years it was a problem but it's so fucking managed now that I rarely have symptoms. Just keep fighting and you can come out on top.

I queued with some rage streamer named dellor in apex. Got real mad after dieing and started screaming

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I've watched a lot of people play Sekiro (I know) and, no, they don't read the tutorials. They don't read/listen to dialogue, either. I've watched people use Contact Medicine on themselves over and over again and become furious wondering why they're still poisoned. I've watched people go through a dialogue telling them where to go, then turn around and ask, "Where should I go? Not sure what I'm supposed to be doing right now." I've watched people nod as Kuro describes the shinobi shortcut at the top of Ashina castle to them, and then never go to it, and then never check it out because they didn't know he said that/they didn't know what he was talking about because they couldn't find it (it's on your screen almost 50% of the time you're in the room). I've watched people - who have played Dark Souls - get confused over what coin purses are. I've seen almost nobody use Mibu balloons. I think all but one person I've watched have read Vault Over's description and said, "Why the Hell would I want that?" I've seen several people try to purchase skills they don't have the prerequisites for, some couldn't comprehend that you needed everything pointing to a skill, some couldn't comprehend that the tree moved left to right (so even the concept of purchasing ONE prerequisite confused them). I've seen people skip the stealth tutorial, and then ask chat how to stealth. I've seen people who are total shills for this game complain that they can't see what ingredients they need for their prosthetic upgrades. Almost everyone has to ask chat how to loot, even if they stop and read the tutorial, which they usually don't. I've seen people ask chat how to use Innate Skills. Almost all of them miss the firecrackers, and even ones who see it say they don't want it and then complain when half their prosthetic upgrades are locked out. Almost no one beats the folding screen monkeys actually understanding what they do.

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he fakes his rage for viewers
he got caught for self promoting his rage clips

today i will remind them

No one will ever top this guy.

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>is the main problem with people's play similar to in MGR where they are completely ignoring mechanics?
Absolutely. I haven't watched a ton of streams but I think a ton of people still think it's Dark Souls and that dodging is as viable as it was in previous games. You will get fucked hard if you still rely on i-frame rolls in Sekiro. Which is funny, because the deflecting is arguably easier than rolling ever was, but edgelords and journalists can't adapt.

>literally how much of a child do you have to be to destroy your own personal belongings because of a video game?
A lot of the clips are Twitch faggots dying to make it big and become the next big thing, so when they fail and even vidya doesn't go well for them they rage.

>playing an FPS with a controller

>no damage run
>takes HP up item

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Imagine being this much of a baby? It's kind of surreal to think that every time he rages like this, there's this giant, cute Pikachu poster next to him.

I quit Dota for this reason. It isn't fun spending every game arguing with your team about whether you do or don't follow guides or who everyone should yell at for whatever reason. Even winning doesn't feel good.

>low IQ people's relationship gets broadcast for everyone to see
>people actually give a shit
I hate this world.
>yu heff ben... I... P... baaaAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIHHHH

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Skimming this video
>the only reason I had a hard time was because I didn't have the gear everybody else had
>6 hours in and hadn't beat gyoubu or shinobi hunter
>I just got mad because I was so close to beating him when I died
>hadn't even landed the first deathblow
>stops train of thought to yell at grandpa in the other room
>no streams for a week because he broke his only controller
>can't afford a new one because no job
>has to wait for his friend to give him a new one
>repeats "if you want to laugh at my expense I really dont give a fuck" seven times
>I was approaching it like a dark souls game when really I should be approaching it like a strategy game
Why are streamers so terrible

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>how dare you release your cock in here
My fucking sides kek

I mean, I didn't know what I would use vault over for before I learned my first Ninjutsu.

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That's fine. I meant people who had already beaten Dio.

You can just hear from his inflection he's incredibly autistic.

> those subtitles
Is that really how russians speak/insult?

As a dude that did admin shit back when MC was super popular, I got an ear-to-ear grin when the admin pulled out the axe.

I only got mad when my little sister updated my hacked Vita and I almost broke that shit, the poor girl was so upset and scared she went to her bed crying, I immediately realised what a stupid thing I did, went there, hugged her and told her that I won't be mad anymore and that I forgave her, she forgave me and I no longer give a shit anymore about retarded stuff

A slow and insidious killer

>tfw no cute little sister to fuck up your electronics

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I came across this bitch in SFV and he's a Mika player LUL

Who is this, even?

Maybe Tomoe?


What's with third worlders and autistically raging over DOTA?

>that lightning fast TK reaction
Dude knew that kid was gonna be less than worthless, absolutely based decision.

I'm sorry bro, everyone should have a little sister

His slamming his controller sounds kind of like some sort of shitty too-much-bass song starting up.

Everything about this seems staged, his wife's language (very specifically talking about him hitting her) and her rapid shifts in emotion, and everything happens off camera. I don't buy it.

She wasn't pregnant and the video cuts the part where she's the one that first gets mad and starts throwing objects at him.

>Not when they saw you
Correct. Thus, STEALTH takedown. You have to be in stealth to do a stealth takedown. Jesus christ, shut the fuck up.

I don't understand raging at video games. I mean, I get doing it for views on a stream, but I genuinely don't understand when people get legitimately enraged by a video game. The worst reaction a game can get from me is a sharp exhale, but typically I find challenging sections of games enjoyable. Can someone explain this shit to me

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fun fact: bipolar disorder used to be called "manic depression" before it was more properly understood. idk much about psychology at all, but i imagine many people who suffer from depression experience mood swings caused by high anxiety. it might be something like a spectrum.

i personally suffer from depression, and although i dont think im bipolar, ive had bouts where i suddenly felt very angry and highly volatile for no reason other than negative thought. luckily im self aware enough that i've never hurt anyone or broken anything, but i have slammed on desks before.

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There are people who are immature, mentally unstable or legit retarded. These people can play video games. These people can get mad for reasons that are not socially acceptable.

hey there, if you're the type to do self-therapy, let me recommend David D. Burns' book. it helped me dig out of a deep hole after 6 months of isolating myself, repeated panic attacks, and bad therapists.

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This fat Armenian FUCK just beat Sekiro you have no excuse

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I rage when bullshit stuff happens like aggroing enemies a country mile away or through walls

Awesome big bro.

Hilarious that he sucks at almost every game but he wasn't bad at Sekiro