Give me your honest opinion of this game
Give me your honest opinion of this game
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I haven't played it
I haven't played it
Just finished it. Great final boss, overall very good game
I probably won't ever play it again though
the best FROM game
I love it but I don't want the next game to be like it. Ideally, FROM should alternate between multiplayer games with lots of variety, and story games with very tight controls.
It’s weakest title since they started their “hardcore” design philosophy
Its worse than Dark Souls 2,generic to the core.
Not enough of this
It's like a fat chick with a really tight pussy
I feel like it falls apart at the end. I enjoyed the shit out of it but I didn't like the area with the dragon that much and having to go through Ashina estate 3 times was fucking tedious. I'd rather see something new, but I felt more like I'd seen the entirety of the game by the time I'd killed the ape. It doesn't help that they repeat midbosses left and right in the last 1/3rd too.
half of the changes to the formula are great, the other half aren't
game feels very small
if anything, it made me appreciate nioh more.
worth pirating
it's a masterpiece and dabs on tired ass souls formula.
Lower than DaS1 and Bloodborne, better than everything else.
I love the setting, the level design, the worldbuilding, the combat, the bosses (and minibosses), the somewhat interconnected world. It's also just a blast to play.
BUT, it has underdeveloped stealth, some weak characterization, and it can be janky at times.
Solid 8/10, enjoyed my time immensely.
Some random user kinda soured me on the game a bit before release.. He suggested that like Bloodborne, the game will probably take a big turn story-wise halfway through. Because we were mostly shown gameplay leading up to the Genichiro fight, his theory was that after that fight the world changes and dark being are released everywhere and it all becomes more fucked up. While there is more magic in the game later on, there wasn't any hidden twist to the game and I got my hopes up for that.
Love it but warping being available right at the start cheapens it quite a bit.
How's the enemy variety?
I actually felt like the game got better the more I played. The combat clicked, the story got going, the world became less linear, etc.
At no point did I ever feel like I how I felt when traversing the Demon Ruins, or Lost Izalith. For once, one of their games feels finished.
shadows start spawning everywhere but there's literally no reason to backtrack through areas that you've cleared
I like it a lot.
I hate the feudal japan theme but it really does work well with the sword fighting. I can't see two heavily armored knights fighting and parrying each other so fast with broadswords.
DaS1 > BB > DaS3 > Seki > DeS > DaS2
Very torn on DaS3 being better than Sekiro though. If Seki ever gets DLC it's definitely taking DaS3's place.
>Sekiro better because character move fast and double jumps
Action loving retards in a nutshell
It's a decent action game but it fails at everything else it tries to do.
Kind of sucked. The core combat isn't all that interesting, and the Souls Engine doesnt work all that well for it.
Stealth and various bing bing wahoo abilities make the levels between boss fights a joke too.
beautiful but absolutely fucking tedious, truly like an ancient Japanese poem
I don't know why Yea Forums likes it
filtered by the ogre I see.
Bloodborne and Demon's Souls carried that feeling for me more than this one did, unfortunately. The world became less linear, sure, but having to go through Ashina to fuck owl in the ass, then swim a little bit to the dragon, then go through Ashina AGAIN was just silly.
I like the combat as well, and the enemies towards the end were certainly better, but in this game almost every encounter feels like it's gonna play out the exact same every time. It's strange, but none of the other Soulsborne games did that for me. Here combat is interesting but it always feels like it starts and ends the exact same to me. As if enemies have many different attacks but they always choose to do the same ones in nearly the same order, then die the same way.
The fish girls are cute and deserve more art.
I love talking smack about games I have never played as well.
Didn't play it but from what i've seen, i think that the gameplay is very limited (aka it's encouraging paring and learning paterns too much).
For exemple i've never seen someone using the grapplinghook in a fight.
Yes, we all want to hear the opinion of someone who hasn't played the game
some bosses have context sensitive uses of the grapple, and some minobosses let you bamham up to the rafters. But that offers no combat advantage beyond a bit of space to heal.
Sekiro offers a vast array of new movement options vs souls, but does nothing with them beyond some red kanji attacks wanting you to jump rather than dodge.
Great game overall, but there's a few game play "techniques" you have to pick up on or else the game is hell, (parry spamming, and running). Personally I think posture damage to the player is excessive, and prevents players from choosing to parry rather than hit and run. Also parry spamming overall is a dumb mechanic and It'd be great if it was punished more.
-Give run its own button
-Make parry spam always result in a block
-Slow gameplay down or reduce blocking posture damage to encourage deliberate parries.
I love the combat, the setting is a little bit boring because it didn’t really show anything super crazy in Japanese folklore, not really much reason to explore due to no fashion or weapons to find. Honestly, it’s probably my 2nd favorite fromsoft game after dark souls 1.
When did that start ?
-has some of the best moment-to-moment sections of the modern fromsoft games
-however, the whole just doesn't work as coherently as the souls titles, it's a combination of stupidly unpunishing stealth system, overpowered tools, instant resurrection, almost no fall damage, prompt-based hooking without limitations, it cheapens the whole experience.
-unfortunately, the criticism will look like it's a "we need easy mode" retards, but it's the opposite: the game's difficulty is rather nonsensical: often going all man parry only, the most skillful thing in the game, is time consuming. you can exploit the enemy deflects by just not pressing a button for half a second and then attacking to interrupt whatever shit they will do next. this ruins the combat system 1v1, which otherwise would be the best of any soulsborne title. on the other hand tools are often too powerful. i think the parry pattern exploit is the biggest non-bug technical issue of any modern fromsoft title.
tl;dr soulsborne suffered in individual boss fights for the sake of giving you options for builds. this game is supposed to maximize individual fights but the parry waiting thing completely ruins it to the ground. if they ever fix that, it's the fromsoft game with the best combat. if not, it's a step below most of the titles.
Fantastic game but warping and tooltips feel out of place.
>you can exploit the enemy deflects by just not pressing a button for half a second and then attacking to interrupt whatever shit they will do next
this isn't reliable at all, many enemies and bosses have poise on some of their attacks which makes them uninterruptible
Incredible game, easily one of my favorite action games rivaled only by bayo 1 and ninja gaiden 2. I hope we get Sekiro 2 with more weapons.
The combat either works for you or it does not
I had to uninstall it
Hope the ever make a game like ds1 again
It's ok, but Nioh does a lot of the same things better. Feels pretty half assed overall.
it reads like you're mad that a shinobi game has things other than brute force combat
In 2009, with Demon's Souls
It's not generic, it's the most different one
Im not mad at all,
But i do like less agresive combat
Either you're good or you're bad
You had to uninstall it
Sekiro was the game Nioh should have been.
>le good boss design
Not shown:he does that move again before i can even move and kills me
like, the game's tagline is "kill ingeniously" and it even lets you backstab midbosses and shit. soulsfags call it cheese implying it's not proper play, but isn't the cheese the proper play here?
hasn't from soft finally gotten out of the hit'n'roll rut and made a game with options?
yeah, on some.
and on some they do not.
the point is, waiting/dodging/parrying a flurry of attacks is slower than just walking back and attacking when it works, and it works on quite a number of attacks.
the problem is the script, once the AI sees you attack, it will go for a parry and start a chain even if they miss the first hit. if they do not, they will immediately charge an attack that can be interrupted. the vast majority of minibosses, and some bosses even, can be interrupted.
this is reliable on whichever string it works on, it's the cheapest thing in a modern fromsoft game to date, mostly because it is literally quicker than parrying the strings, which is dumb.
poise or not, the AI should not go on autopilot after one missed parry. this is a mistake from From which assumes you are either in parry stun or dodge stun so you would not be ready with an instant attack. they did not consider the option to just not press a button when it makes sense.
i'm fine with tools if they are at least interesting to use. if it works like it's an MMO stun and you auto-win, on a resource that automatically fills up and can be equipped back and forth with no limitations, it has no tradeoffs, it's just "pick the correct thing".
if you add options they need to be at the very least fun. not a valid point.
jump nigga
wtf tool is that
Where did this originate from anyway?
>the enemy is launching forward
>let me dodge backwards
never get into a fight user. your IQ is too low. just kneel down and apologize whenever someone is slightly upset at you.
also, you remained on the ground for 2 hours before pressing the quick-roll button. you just showed everyone you are a double-retard, not just a retard, in a 12 seconds video.
so it's worth the effort of fighting through it
I never had to uninstall ds1, maybe the combat is just not for me
I appreciate from actually attempting to make their combat better, since all the soulsbornes devolve into abusing the fuck out of I frames and only using the quick attack. Also really love the sound design, te CLANG sound when you parry feels so good and makes he combat feel much more interesting than it actually is. That being said, the game really needs more content and could use some ways to mix the combat up more.
Really enjoyed the fighting system, but using the right prosthetic often made me feel like Im cheating, and it shouldnt be that way.
The overworld should be way more threatening. WAY too strong stealth mode with no skill involved, Infinite running, grappling hook, mostly huge open spaces and non-death falls really took the tension out of everything other than minibosses and bosses.
The music is forgettable.
I dont know why they slashed character creation, Sekiro really isnt interesting enough to warrant it imo.
Still a 9/10 because I loved the fighting and many bosses were amazing if you refrain from using prosthetics.
Right now Id place below it DS1, BB and DS3, but DLC has the chance to be even better than those games.
At least post the other webm that shows the tracking. I think the strict tracking makes sense for the grab, it needs to be a big threat.
things that work differently on different enemies, like fire on fire-weak enemies, or double fireworks on specific attacks, or axe on shields.
you just press a button and it's stun-time, you not only cancel a leap but you also get 5+ attacks in. for pressing one button. on a very quickly replenishing resource. not exactly fun. especially when the game literally tells you to use that tool on that thing, so you are robbed of even finding it out (not like it was a big effort anyway).
>the combat is fun to execute, but it's also very reliant on learning enemy patterns, which is made infinitely worse because the telegraphing is FUCKING INCONSISTENT AND OBTUSE
>there are a godzillion attack animations to memorize alongside their properties such as whether they have poise, what their range is, whether they deal damage even on deflect, whether they inflict poison/fear/burn, whether the attack is a part of a flurry, what the timing is to deflect them, etc.
>there's no way to tell what's what by the attack animation alone, you just have to figure out the hard way, but this is completely unnecessary, enemies could have telegraphed things better with a more consistent set of tells and consistent required deflect timings, instead the rules change from enemy to enemy which makes the learning process unnecessarily painful
>why the fuck do all perilous attacks have the same red kanji tell, all this does is cause option paralysis where you're not sure whether to mikiri/jump/dodge unless you have the properties of the attack animation memorized, and even then perilous attacks often happen so fast that reacting based on reads is not feasible for first time players
>and even then sometimes animations are deliberately misleading, go look at the perilous attack from the Snake Eyes bosses where they do a sweeping motion with their gun which would imply it's a sweep, but in reality it's a fucking grab somehow
>what's the pain in having different color kanji's for different types of perilous attacks? what's the pain in coating enemies in a distinct aura if their attack has poise? what's the pain in having attacks be telegraphed with a consistent audio and visual cue which always play exactly 1 second or so before each enemy attack actually lands, giving you a better idea of when to deflect? what's the pain in telegraphing attack flurries with multiple consecutive audiovisual cues?
Hidden masterpiece not for everyone.
If you're good at it - you'll LOVE it, if you're trash casual like this retard - you'll hate it
lmao, where did you give up? Tell me you at least beat Genichiro
Beat it. Masterpiece.
Best game ever
wait what tool is that
it’s a good game and it was fun
No. Nioh is the game Sekiro wishes it was.
If you can beat Genichiro at the top of Ashina Castle, you're allowed to think whatever you want.
But until you do, don't post these kind of things.
He will force you to learn the combat system. If you still don't like it, that's fine, but just go and beat him.
>the enemy is launching forward
>let me dodge backwards
But that makes sense you mentally ill fanboy,the problem there is that attack is nearly unavoidable if you are close to him which is fucking retarded and i have proof that the hitbox of that move is gigantic.
Too fucking hard
I'm just killing myself on Yamauchi to accumulate dragonrot. I don't care to kill 20 enemies every time I want to attempt a midboss.
I've still only got three rot essence. Will the sculptor or the maid ever die?
On a normal PS4, what FPS is Sekiro getting?
It's a very solid game, I'd say 7.5/10.
But I prefer the Souls and Bloodborne games because they excel in so many other areas that aren't purely the combat as well such as music, setting, atmosphere, replayability, weapon variety, exploration and such.
Fantastic game. Bloodborne was a better package, but Sekiro has the best feeling gameplay of the series and some of the best bosses ever.
git gud
Characters can't die I think, but you can't progress certain quests when the givers are sick.
Loved it. However, currently stuck on Demon of Hatred. What a fucking bullshit moveset. It doesn't matter if I perfect parry all his hits, since they'll do damage AND apply burn anyway. Most notably his fireballs and the up close combo with his fire fists. And then you do fuck all for damage, even with all the possible attack upgrades thus far AND he has 3 health bars. Just give me another Isshin, that fight was fun as fuck, compared to this endurance hit&run shitfest.
I guess I'll stop, then.
No, it doesn't. He's clearly LUNGING so you need to dodge to the side, which is easy as fuck. Don't panic so much and just fucking dodge to the side and punish him.
Bloodborne is still there magnum opus but Sekiro is a close third after DaS1 with the Artorias DLC. I would slap DeS in after Sekiro but they’re too different to compare especially in these current times.
You don't need to deflect his flame attacks, you can dodge them manually instead. Also, you can escape the fireballs if you start running straight towards him when he does his charge attack and turns around to shoot them.
The last time I beat him I didn't take damage once. You need to play him like a Dark Souls 3 boss, and only parry his stomps. Get behind him often too.
Tightest, most in depth combat in any From game. Amazing music and settings. The stealth makes the game really easy to cheese but thats part of the fun ig
>If you can beat Genichiro at the top of Ashina Castle, you're allowed to think whatever you want
Butterfly is the true tutorial, Genichiro shouldn't give you much trouble. The difficulty comes later with shit like Sword Saint, Seven Spears and his buttbuddy, Demon of Hatred, and maybe even the Monk. Or with just the regular enemies like the purple ninjas.
Great game so far. Felt like the first time playing Soulsborne all over again with the new learning curve. Definitely isn't too hard once you figure out combat. Boss fights and one on one combat are terrific and the best they have ever been mechanically.
One criticism I have is that the game has very beautiful levels with the potential for great exploration, but the issue is that exploration is just not very rewarding. There were a lot of times I would navigate to a seemingly difficult place to get to, but there was nothing there. So far the plot has not impressed me either.
Bloodborne (and PS2 AC games) remain my favorite FROM games but this is a great addition to their catalogue.
If you want an OP strategy to basically skip an entire phase:
The Malcontent whistle can stun him 3 times. Third phase was over in no time
Nah, I don't agree. I poked my way through the Butterfly fight. Genichiro basically blends all the combat elements together and forces you to learn the game.
Fights after it may be harder, yes, but I maintain that Genichiro is still the true tutorial. He taught me that I needed to play aggressively to win.
>Amazing music
The industry is dead and deserves to be dead
>You don't need to deflect his flame attacks, you can dodge them manually instead.
I mean the up close combo where he uppercuts you with a flaming fist. It comes out really fist, and is followed by a another flaming hit, then a stomp, and another flaming hit. The only real dodge is to get back, but the first attack comes out so quick and once you're caught it's usually death.
>Also, you can escape the fireballs if you start running straight towards him when he does his charge attack
It only works if you're close enough. I constantly run after his spastic ass, but sometimes he just moved too far away. Then I rush straight at him and he hits. Next time it happens, I decide to dodge backwards (same time when they come out) and it still hits. They are hard as balls to dodge if you're too far to run under them.
Seven Spears is considered hard because of his tracking moveset or because the second time you fight him he has a bro ready to gank you as well? Mikiri counter completely trivialized that fight for me, I didn’t understand why people think it’s so hard.
the patricians FROM game
I just dodged all of butterfly's attacks and then hit her, I didn't learn to play the game until genichiro.
Genichiro is the first boss where you have to adapt to the game mechanics. Lady Butterfly can be beaten if you play like Dark Souls
>Genichiro basically blends all the combat elements together and forces you to learn the game.
That's exactly what Butterfly does. She's the first boss you face that forces you to understand the combat system. She only doesn't have a poke attack for a mikiri, but you should have learned that from the shinobi hunter. Genichiro is only a tutorial for lightning reversal.
Sekiro has better exploration than any Souls game not named Dark Souls 1, what the fuck are you talking about?
I understood what you meant by the uppercut, and I can dodge it 100% of the time now. It's actually possible, I just dash between his legs when I see it coming.
And I've never had such problems with the fireballs. I start running the second he begins the charge animation and the fireballs never hit.
>She's the first boss you face that forces you to understand the combat system.
Butterfly is one of the weakest bosses in the history of Soulslikes. The game literally tells you to use the dodgebutton when you start the fight. And the only thing you have to do is hit her once, then dodge to the left, then hit, then dodge to the right. Run away from the illusions and repeat.
She takes no skill or understanding of the game mechanics, all you have to do is follow the advice the game gives you for this exact fight.
I honestly cant understand how people struggle so much with her.
my goty
I tried it but couldn't get into it.
Also, the soundtrack is very eh.
>or because the second time you fight him he has a bro ready to gank you as well?
this. I can beat him 1v1 no problem, but holy shit with 2 of them in a small as fuck arena is really testing.
You can literally also dodge all Genichiro's attacks and hit him, just like you can Butterfly. Shuriken him mid-air, just like her. Maybe you looked up a guide that told you how to cheese Butterfly? I'm a bit confused, since you can also literally poke Genichiro to death with the exact same method.
Sekiro is not a Soulslike.
>he still grabs you because LOL fuckhuge hitbox
>dodge successfully
>get closer to him
>he does that move again and you are fucked
>inb4 just jump bro when every other move requires you to dodge it
Its just a terrible boss
>spirit emblems being limited is a fucking retarded idea, if you use a prosthetic against a boss that is roadblocking you, you will eventually run out of emblems completely which makes using them impossible, but because of all the dying you will have no gold to buy emblems with, meaning you'll have to farm gold or adapt to beating bosses without using prosthetics, which would beg the question why they are even in the game
>even outside bosses, you are subconsciously not using prosthetics as much as you'd like because emblems can run out in the long term, and emblems only drop randomly on death AFAIK, if you want to use them a lot like the game advertised you'll eventually run out and have to rest at a statue if you want to keep using more
>a more sensible approach would have been to make using prosthetics be tied to some kind of energy bar which recharges slowly over time, but fills up quickly if you score more deathblows and deflects, like the elemental powers in Ys
>that way you won't be restricted in the long term for using prosthetics in situations where you're basically guaranteed to die, but you still have to earn the right to use prosthetics so you can't cheese a boss with fireworks by waiting for your magic bar to recharge
>many prosthetics also unfortunately suffer from being fucking useless, the axe does no justifiable damage for its massive wind-up time, the spear's ability to tear off armor only works on like four or so enemies in the entire game, fans are for farming, the flame thrower is crippled because you have to throw oil at anything if you want to do real burning damage which is a pointless and fucking convoluted step, and a lot of offensive prosthetics just suffer from tons of wind-up time without being able to break poise, so you'll often just get hit before being able to attack, and the damage you would do is pitiful anyways
Now you do it user. I can also beat Genichiro and Butterfly without getting hit and without deflecting. Doesn't mean you can. Also, makes the fight a lot less fun.
Try to attack Genichiro and sidedodging without giving a fuck what he does at all, just repeat these 2 motions. You will be dust within seconds.
But you will kill Butterfly.
While it does have some key differences, it still evokes the same feeling from me when I play it, I would classify it as a soulslike for sure.
You can easily dodge to the side. If he does the standing grab, you dodge backwards. It's really not hard user. Jesus christ how fucking bad at video games are you?
Im glad i played it,but will never touch it again
Here are some legit criticisms I think everyone can agree with
>no outfits
>prosthetics are bland and uninspired
>too few prosthetics
>copy pasted enemies
>too forgiving, falling off cliffs should mean death.
>skills are uninspired and not useful enough
>exploration is not rewarding 99% of the time. Mostly just find the same items.
>overall lack of useful items.
>the music is acceptable but nothing amazing
>can cheese most encounters
I am optimistic that the dlc will fix most of these problems. Great game despite everything though, awesome world and story.
>Maybe you looked up a guide that told you how to cheese Butterfly
nah fuck off, you just don't know what you're talking about or what a lot of people's experience with the boss was. I and probably many others depleted her vitality, not posture. One step dodge and she's swinging wildly into thin air for a year. Step dodging is equally as effective as being good at deflecting against her, which is not the case for Genichiro.
>Missing the entire point
Lady Butterfly doesn't teach you anything about the game's mechanics. Genichiro is the first boss that requires a baseline understanding of how to play Sekiro. If you can beat Genichiro, you can beat the game.
You can throw his buddy off the cliff if you stand on the branch close to them or you can also call him over and backstab him for the puppeteer trick so you can gank Seven Spears instead of yourself
Steep learning curve but very rewarding for those that don't bitch out on or before the Ogre (women, games journos, low-T men, etc.)
>nd sidedodging without giving a fuck what he does at all, just repeat these 2 motions. You will be dust within seconds
Not if you time it right. Genichiro is not a hard boss user. He's probably on of the easiest in the game. He's only there for lore reasons and to teach you lightning reversal. It's a great fight, but it's practically the same as Butterfly. Butterfly is argueably harder.
>exploration is not rewarding 99% of the time. Mostly just find the same items.
You're confusing Sekiro with the Souls games.
>Butterfly is argueably harder.
Yeah everyone who did this; 100% used a guide or this webm. Literally no denying it. No wonder people didn't get gud on that boss, if you're not going to discover how the combat system works. Butterfly teaches you all there is about the basics of the game, except for mikiri counters. Then you can apply that knowledge to Genichiro and steamroll over him.
Man, I'll record the fight with Genichiro on my NG+ run when I reach it to shut you retards up. He's piss fucking easy. If you're new to the game, no way you're beating her like that. I'll make a clip slapping Genichiro around with just dodges.
It was really fucking good.
I went in with low expectations since I fell for the whole "omg only one weapon/no customization/stealth" meme and found the best combat in any from game yet.
I genuinely had a fucking blast from start to finish and really hope it gets DLC.
I dont know what kind of point that youre trying to make, but if you "time it right", you by definition give a fuck about what hes doing. You dont have to look at what Butterfly is doing because simply attacking and sidedodging breaks her entire moveset, which requires 0 timing or skill on the players part.
If that makes her harder than a boss that you actually have to react to instead of just blindly spamming the same 2 motions, be my guest.
>find kite at senpou temple
>work like a mother to figure out its purpose
>finally figure it out
>Uno's sugar
>scrap adamantine
sometimes this game really did piss me off
>I'll make a clip slapping Genichiro around with just dodges.
I'll be here waiting.
No one is arguing that Genichiro is hard you mong, were just saying that Butterfly is broken easy and takes literally no skill while Genichiro takes some skill and reaction to what hes doing.
>You dont have to look at what Butterfly is doing because simply attacking and sidedodging breaks her entire moveset, which requires 0 timing or skill on the players part.
You realise you actually do have to time it right, or she jumps away right?
> just saying that Butterfly is broken easy
With prior knowledge that it will work like that, and a basic understanding of timing your attacks
Its okay but the ashina siege is utter bullshit and shows that from cant add atleast *some* cheapness into their games.
Tho I must say stuff like Genchi's bow or the ape shit were pretty cheap too
The reason i gave up on this game at butterfly was because i was actually having a lot of fun for the first time with a boss in this game, only to this realize later shes literally like every other boss in this game so far with adds everywhere.
Idc if its easy to deal with them or not, I saw that shit and knew instantly this was going to be a pattern for this game and stopped. Every single souls game, the weakest/worst boss fights were add fights, and almost like what 4 bosses before her already had that crap too? Nah I got sick real fast of that tedious shit and its really not fn and just reminds me of ds2 and horrible game design
lol not even close. Level design and item rewards in Sekiro is mediocre.
>Butterfly teaches you all there is about the basics of the game
You're so fucking retarded, how are you failing to grasp what people are saying? She is so punishable by step dodging, it's laughable. And many Souls veterans like me are gonna keep trying to use the step dodge early in the game because that's what I'm used to. She's not a well rounded boss at all and the fact that your only argument for her being well rounded is that "we must have used a guide" is brain dead. Our argument is literally just that Lady Butterfly is easy for someone playing like a Souls game while Genichiro isn't.
>our only argument for her being well rounded is that "we must have used a guide" is brain dead
But you did use a guide, right?
>I haven't played the game, but I have an opinion
It's the best put together world, from a gameplay standpoint, since the first Dark Souls.
Almost as good as Bloodborne, could have surpassed it if weapons/clothing had more variety.
>ceramic shard
thanks from
Okay, beat Genichiro with no deflections or blocks and Lady Butterfly with no deflections or blocks. See which one is easier
>give the hag some of the loli rice and she only hints something about puppets to rile up the kite
>spend some time wondering what she meant by that
>mfw I put two and two together and figure that the only puppets in the game are those I create with my puppeteer ninjutsu, so I go down there to try and test it out on the guy near the kite
>'this is going to be really fucking neat if it works'
>on my way down I come across the Nightjar NPC who sold you the Umbrella
>he without warning straight up fucking tells you that you should be using the puppet ninjutsu on the guy near the kite
>my new face when I walk down towards the kite, completely spoiled of my accomplishment of figuring out the riddle on my own
No. A guide would probably tell me to play the game as intended, using deflections. It wasn't until Genichiro I knew fully how the game worked. He's probably the first boss I actually broke the posture of and didn't drain vitality
I like it, once you got the mechanics down it plays really well and the bosses are fun. But honestly I think they kinda fucked up with the dificulty increase on the last 2 bosses Sword saint Isshin and demon of hatred
They are honestly just annoying to fight. I beat most bosses on 2 tries and now i have tried to beat isshin for almost 2 hours.
Did you ever consider gitting gud?
>posting webm of the boss being beaten every time someone thinks a boss is hard
fuck off with this already
a lot of people will say that Dark Souls goes to shit after Anor Londo, but Sekiro is consistent enough in its quality that this isn't really the case, Fountainhead Palace is really good for a late-game area and actually encourages you to use stealth more than the levels before
granted, you do have to go through Ashina Castle like three times and backwards through Ashina Outskirts, but the enemy placements are different and sufficiently challenging enough that it isn't too much of a problem
Wtf? the level structure is more similar to DS2. Linear till you get to Ashina castle, then other 2 branches pop up (Depths and Fort)
Looking from the top of the Mountain all the world doesn't make it good from a gameplay standpoint. Exploration was fucking ass and gave you nothing of interest 99% of the time. Level design doesn't have uniqueness within the areas themselves. Dark Souls (even 2 although 30-40% of the game is atrocious in this regard) is much, MUCH better in this. BB and DeS are too.
I honestly think the game has the worst level design of every From game since DeS
Found the games journo.
If they can beat the boss, why can't you?
my least favourite fromsoft title , if i have to give a score 7.5 is not a bad game but by far the worst post "soul" era from title
It's great. But no replay value.
It's pretty good. The stealth is pretty shitty and underdeveloped. Enemy detection ranges are hilarious in this game, they all have barely any peripheral vision but Daredevil like hearing. I feel like the combat is surprisingly shallow. It's better than Dark Souls combat, but combat was never supposed to be the entire point of Dark Souls. It is in Sekiro and there really isn't much to it past parrying shit. Parrying is a lot of fun but there isn't much more to the game past that. The combat arts and prosthetic really don't add much and there are no extra weapons or styles or anything to play with or learn. It's basically the same R1 mash as the previous Souls games. I can't help but feel it has a high barrier of entry but a very low skill ceiling. It has some great bosses and levels though and a story that was petty good, much better than I expected. I would really look forward to a sequel.
Also think the game is a bit too easy and they should nerf your r1 attack power (or make it less spamable) and maybe buff some skills and prosthetics encouraging more diverse gameplay.
>my least favourite fromsoft title
Want to know how I know you've played less than a 1/4 of their catalog?
I beat the last boss earlier today. I just think it's annoying to show everyone the boss being killed every time someone says they're struggling
I love it
You cant be serious.
How so? It might be of use.
would be perfect if it weren't for the massive technical issues. Only 20 FPS, massive input delay, and a massive input queue take it from a 10 to a 7.
It's pretty clear he was talking about the relevant titles. Stop doing this hipster cool kid shit, nobody gives a fuck if you played AC and you know full well he meant the worst from all the Soulslikes
lmao seething virgin
Sekiro isn't a Soulslike.
I just discovered this and I don't know if it's on the wiki, but you can spawn at the near secret passage, then go back to where the spear guy is, sneak up on them from behind, and kill that other dude in a backstab. I wasn't thinking or I would of turned him into a puppet too. Made the fight fucking easy.
I'm a bit dissapointed by it but at the same time im not.
and you are correct i specified "post souls era " i never played any of their ps2 ,ps1 titles
He probably has seen it, but if he hadn't seen the last phase of the boss then that was just spoiled for him. It's just unnecessary. Write a tip if you're so concerned with being helpful
>omg everyone who thought of dodging must be using google its not like dodging worked in every Soulsborne game before or that game FUCKING TELLS THE PLAYER TO DO THAT
Sekiro > DeS > DaS2 > BB > 1 and 3 are trash
I haven't played it.
You sound like a retard bro.
I liked it
Pretty damn good, intense boss fights and some great side fun seeing all the journalists ragequitting at Chained Ogre.
>long ass complaint about having to read and learn enemy patterns
all their other games require this I don’t know what you would expect, and needing a different colored kanji for each type of perilous attack is stupid, the visual clues are obvious 90% of the time
You’re an idiot. Lady Butterfly is the only boss in the game that summons ads, you can even just run away from them. The Minibosses sometimes have ads around them but that’s it, there isn’t even any gank fights.
>Couldn't beat the first/second boss
>Drops the game, say that every other boss is exactly the same and that the game is shit
>DSP is going to beat it
>A literal quadriplegic beat it
What is game journos' excuse?
dude use the fire umbrella, ez
It's fun except for the damage it does to my shitty laptop battery.
>Playing on a laptop
Lad, what are you doing?
I've become so disillusioned by playing thousands of hours of Souls that I struggle to progress through this game or dredge up even the slightest interest in it. Despite this I recognize that it's actually a great game and is extremely different from Souls. But somehow it's just similar enough for me to blank out while playing it.
Great, I like it less than Souls though.
The Good:
Bosses are genuinely challenging on the first playthrough
Bosses designs and themes are all great
Movement is fast and fluid, room to build some combos but nothing crazy
Deflection based combat is rewarding, feels like you're actually wearing enemies down as the fight progresses.
Connected areas of the game all transition together nicely
Prosthetics are all mostly unique and have their place
Very, very polished overall
The Bad:
Game is deceptively short. Almost all enemies can be ignored.
The camera varies from okay to dogshit
Grapple targeting is inconsistent
Limited spirit emblems are annoying early game, non-issue later on
Almost all of the shinobi arts get outclassed by Double Ichimonji. Lots of cool but useless skills.
Firecracker cheese is too strong
Over reliance on teleporting between idols
Outcomes of different endings are lackluster, could have been condensed to just Shura and Return endings.
Side quests give you fuckall and are all underwhelming
A million useless consumables
NG+ is easier than NG
Great game and probably From's most polished release yet. I'd rank it below Bloodborne and probably equal to DaS1. If it gets a DLC expansion, it could surpass Bloodborne in my eyes but that's a hefty feat. I got to NG+3 and unlocked all achievements.
>Very, very polished overall
The game is extremely bullshit sometimes even at the beginning,no way around it.
DSP used guides for every boss and still died a fuck ton,he's also forced to play it and is bitching about it a lot.
It's alright
Sekirodrones will defend this
it’s only there to get you into snake killing position and to end blackhat badgers quest, overall I agree though on NG+ I avoided a lot of optional areas after I realized all the items I found were worthless, mostly just wanted to fight bosses again anyway
It's great but a few of the bosses were unsatisfying because they were too easy
Find me a game that doesn't have some degree of bullshit. Hard Mode: It has to be a From game.
I get what you mean
Even the fact that most boss fights are literally the same arenas like genichiro at the beginning and end and the kuro tower fights
Felt lazy
you’re a moron, those are mini bosses and all those adds can be cleared before you engage them, all the actual boss fights are 1v1 unless I’m forgetting something and they are some of From’s best
The Ogre's lunge is more bullshit and fundamentally broken than any other Souls boss attack,you can't prove me wrong.
>The Ogre's lunge is more bullshit and fundamentally broken than any other Souls boss attack,you can't prove me wrong.
What do I win?
pretty fun, just wish exploration was a bit more rewarded. most of the consumables really aren't that useful
You're acting like the entirety of DaS2 didn't have equal levels of magnetic attack bullshit. Didn't it spawn the SHOCKWAVES meme?
Also you can negate the ogre's crap by just fighting him on flat ground. It's the incline of the stairs bugging him out. The ogre below the dojo doesn't have this problem.
I mean
He dodged instead of jumping in the first part
That's already a red flag
The more I think about it, the more I appreciate it and love what it brings to the table.
The game sure isn't Bloodborne, but it as hell is straight up consistently good from start to finish. I'm very looking forward to DLC.
Also if lightning reverse isn't the coolest fucking mechanic then idk what is
good but repetitive once you learn the L1 trick and meh level design.
a good game but below standards set by bloodborne.
You fags are such plebs
Git gud
It's dodge to the opposite direction then jump when he does the lounge
There I solved your problem for you
>The game sure isn't Bloodborne
You're right, it's better.
You're right I forgot about that. 1/3rd to half the bosses in the game reuse arenas.
kinda hated it the first few hours until i learned all the buttons. at that point it stops being unfair and dying is well-deserved whenever i fuck something up.
currently on NG+ and starting to fear that it's not as deep as i thought since no boss is giving me any trouble anymore.
It’s almost the best game this generation that isn’t Bloodborne.
I had a lot of fun playing it. The bosses were all hype as fuck and gitting gud and overcoming the challenges was extremely satisfying. But after beating it I don't really have any desire to keep playing. I see no reason to go through the game again, there's just no variety. Glad I pirated it. Not worth 60 bucks.
Wait why is it blank where his prosthetic weapon is supposed to be?
Never had a problem with a DS2 boss ever but i'm being stuck at one shitty mini boss in this crap game
>Also you can negate the ogre's crap by just fighting him on flat ground. It's the incline of the stairs bugging him out.
So it literally is broken but fanboys defend this.
>there's just no variety.
When will this meme end?
Haven't quite finished, but it's looking like:
Bloodborne > Sekiro > Dark Souls > Demon's Souls > Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2
This is assuming all DLC.
I would try the game without Kuro’s charm, L1 spam will get you killed quickly
I just beat horse guy that was protecting the gate, shit was pretty fucking kino. So far I have a good impression of the game, stealth has been integrated better than I expected and moving around with super ninja prosthetic arm feels super good especially when you hook to a place in mid-air.
>I had a lot of fun playing it. The bosses were all hype as fuck and gitting gud and overcoming the challenges was extremely satisfying.
>Not worth 60 bucks.
Zoomer autism knows no bounds.
>stuck on one shitty miniboss
So you're just bad then despite being able to get a free stealth attack on him and the game pretty much tells you to cheese him with fire. Embarrassing.
>TFW there are zero memorable tracks from the OST
>Not shown:he does that move again before i can even move and kills me
>webm ends with you rolling before he does another move
I like the divine dragon but mostly you’re right
Genichoro theme is kino
>excellent melee combat
>creative boss design
>good art design
>infinite stamina and increased mobility are pluses
>best final boss in the series (Genshiro+Sword Saint)
>most of the tools are worthless except for niche uses, firecracker is insanely good
>NG+ is awful
>most of the skills are rather useless. Double Hit is the best skill
>exploration does not give good loot
>lack of costumes
>many bosses and mini-bosses are repeated
>would have liked different types of swords
>leveling up is mostly static
>npc questlines are even more autistic than ever before
>forces you to play NG+ to beat the other final bosses that you missed out on
Hopefully the game gets some DLC. without it, it's the worst of any souls game except for DS2
Why didn't you grapple him in mid air
The button prompt is literally on him
Why didn't you double jump the attack in the first place
Are you some kind of retard
underrated post
>many bosses and mini-bosses are repeated
>cheese him
cheesing isn't a thing in sekiro
>muh firecrackers
you get limited uses
>tfw the most memorable song to me was the flute the slug people played in fountainhead palace.
I just want a truly good Souls game. Fromsoft has still not made their masterpiece, and I hope I'm around to play it when they do.
Demon's Souls feels a bit under developed in some areas, and the bosses are underwhelming. Most fights are gimmicks and only a few of them are pure skill tests.
Dark Souls is obviously a rushed unfinished mess that goes to shit after O&S.
Dark Souls 2 has fucking awful level design, with most areas feeling like a linear path. Also had too many bosses, none of them interesting or difficult. DLC was ok.
Dark Souls 3 came the closest to being perfect, if only it had a more interconnected world like DaS1. Level design itself is fantastic, but the game overall is too linear.
Bloodborne is NOT ON PC, FUCK FROMSOFT, THOSE DUMB FAGGOT NIP BASTARDS but I imagine it's probably their best game, from what I've watched on Youtube and the little I've played at a friends.
Sekiro has no fucking replay value.
>cheesing isn't a thing in sekiro
My favourite From game and currently my GOTY
you can play it on PSNOW decently with a good internet connection (ethernet of course), but no dlc is included
No Bloodborne, but it'll do. My GOTY of the year.
>cheesing isn't a thing in sekiro
You can stunlock Emma with double ichimonji until she's dead. You get 20 fucking emblems and can stunlock ape into damage staggers so he can't move. You can make discount iron tarkus dive off the bridge without attacking him if you stand in the right spot. You can almost fully stunlock demon of hatred with malcontent and damage threshold staggers. You can ignore folding monkey mechanics and just firecracker them. I can go on.
Its the perfect game for the western audience
don't understand the dislike for the ost
for me its good but not great, dislike the lack of freedom in how you approach bosses, also dislike having to go through a process of trial and error to learn which attack is either parry/jump/dodge/away despite the visuals suggesting other wise.
Recycling bosses and adding +1 mob feels a bit weak, like they ran out of ideas.
How does one get 20 emblems?
I only had to use the umbrella for his fireballs, he's pretty easy actually. Never had to use burn heal at all. Took me 25 minutes to have him beat, all I knew beforehand was that you left jump his charge.just stay on his left and dont mash or you'll fuck up a parry
imagine jerking off to japs this much
There are zero memorable tracks in any from game. You retards hype their music too much. It's been the same orchestral bullshit and monk chants since DeS until Sekiro and even then it's just generic eastern fantasy YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO bullshit.
I jerk off to good music,this game was also made by japanese so you don't make any sense.
By upgrading the prosthetics tree
im at the part where i climed a lot upwards and i found a statue in some temple like building with a lot of those respawning vomiting enemies sitting there
where the fuck do i go?
O i am laffin
Not Sekiroulsborne but fuck off m8.
I saw a cheese yesterday, in 1st phrase for granny if you attack him once and wait she will restart her attack meaning she will never hit you
you can just circle and hit her until she is dead without needing to reflect or dodge
only 1st phase though
Senpou Temple? Gotta beat the boss on top of ashina castle before you can progress any further there.
It's okay. Aesthetic is pretty boring and music is a travesty. It can be the worst and best From game when it comes to combat. Unfortunately, the "worst" happens to be the most common. When the combat lets you experiment and tackle things in different ways it is great, but most of the big fights are just, "bait the only move where you get to hit back and poke once or twice."
Phase 1 Monkey and Genichiro are the only good fights.
Only 1.4%ers are allowed to post ITT
so im at a wrong place? okay thank you will try to find that boss
I think it might have been from Shogun Total War 2
Kinda. At least you have the idol you need to warp back to when you're ready to continue.
SS Isshin is literally From's best fight.
tfw forgot to grab all the lapis lazuli in my first run
Buff the weapon arts that are not high monk or ichimonji, for God's sake From. Or at the very least remove the stupid cost to use them.
Sekiro > BB=DS3 > DS1 > shit > DS2
how the fuck do i do the mikiri?
Post discarded. DS3 is an abomination.
As soon as you see the kanji, press forward and O.
Dodge towards an enemy doing a thrust attack,yeah it doesn't make sense.
literally just press the dodge button. no need to tilt stick forward.
only if you didn't cheat exp for skills
I literally can't understand how anyone liked DS3 any more than DS2. They were both fucking pointless.
I like the game so far but it lacks the atmosphere that made the previous games unique. It feels like a bit from's take on Nioh, less grindy and more polished.
I wonder whats gonna be the next big IP that spawns a cult like Dark Souls did.
Just farmed the red shinobi fucks in burning ashina on ng+3
This game is nothing like Nioh.
this and a lower cost for some prosthetics would be nice in a patch
>corrupted monk
>schichimen warrior
>blazing bull
>chained ogre
>ashina elite
>headless ape
>lone shadow swordsman
>snake eyes
>seven spears
all have at least one repeat fight
Because DS3 isn't a series of decorationless corridors with infinite poise enemies and constant ambushes that you're meant to bruteforce your way through, meanwhile fighting story irrelevant and completely pointless, shit, rehashed bosses, like Dragonrider, Pursuer, Dragonslayer, Flexile Sentry, Ruin Sentinels, Belfry Gargoyles, Skeleton Lords, Executioner's Chariot, Smelter Demon, Old Iron King, Royal Rat Authority, Prowling Magus & Congregation, Royal Rat Vanguard, The Rotten, Dragonriders, Demon of Song, Guardian Dragon, Ancient Dragon, Giant Lord, Throne Defender & Throne Watcher, Smelter Demon (again), Lud & Zallen.
Dodge as soon as the weapon comes close enough to hitting you. Just imagine what is happening- the enemy is charging at you with a weapon, so you counter by forcing it to the ground and throwing them off balance.
>feels like Nioh
Know how I think you didn't play? Feels more like MGR:R than anything.
was going to farm the purple ninja in the chamber
4000 per kill
The very similar setting makes it super similar. there are differences in combat and gameplay obviously but the fact both of them are super fast and souls inspired make it close to me
it's hard for a filthy casual like me
different moveset, + has a companion in 2nd phase
>corrupted monk
different moveset, gains 1 phase, lets you skip 2
>headless ape
not even close to a rehashed fight
You need to buy it, you did right?
DS3 is just as shitty as DS2. The only Souls games worth going through are DeS and DS1.
Dark Souls 3 is the most soulless game ever made.
Honest? Ok.
I pirated it because i lost my job. I am going to pay it back later and buy it when its not in sale. I have all the "Souls" games on every console except for sekiro for PC. I feel regret, I really want to support my favorite developer, but I also think the game is fucking outstanding, way up there on my list, which is why I feel a bunch of extra regret. Ill pay it back.
I thought they were a part of the saem group/tribe since they live in foutainhead and even patrol togethor in the area where you sneak thru the building
Why is Wolf always so sad?
>promising Yea Forums you'll pay From back
Not even sure what you were hoping to accomplish with this post.
plenty of those are fun bosses and at least DaS2 was dangerous and mysterious on release, it did a lot of things wrong but for it’s good ideas I think it’s a better game than DaS3 even if it’s unpolished and messy
Its a promise to myself, not Yea Forums.
>corrupted monk
>different moveset
Yeah, all two of those new attacks really put an interesting spin on the fight.
You could argue the third Juzou fight is a different moveset too because he deals fire damage instead of poison damage.
Its an excellent game.
my opinion is I haven't played it yet
well I died way more on the real monk than the phantom one so yeah they're different enough.
MGR:R is a better videogame that Sekiro,so why are we still talking about it?
>MGR:R is a better videogame that Sekiro
Wrong. Sekiro literally has the best sword based combat of all time.
Friendly advice, if you're worried about being spoilered, I'd stay out of these threads if i were you.
because MGR:R doesn't have the level design, world, mood, characters, difficulty or boss fights of Sekiro. plus MGR:R is like 4 hours long.
Actually, True Monk has five new attacks, third phase is a very different fight compared to the others, especially due to the Terror barf and the Sheev spin
How do I get over there?
is Bloodborne
>best sword combat
>parry until it dies
t. filtered
>just cheated at isshin
i couldnt do it and i really wanted to finish the game
I hate it...
Reductionism doesn't help your point here.
This game is fucking my world up. I've played DS1, DS3 and BB. All were challenges but I felt like I could always make steady progress. I've beaten all of them on multiple NG+ runs.
If a boss was too tough you could always farm enemies and over level. You could also call in the calvary with coop if things were really bleak. This is not the case in this game. You either learn the mechanics or eat shit hard. You can jump around between boss order a tad, but eventually you will come up against several hard bosses and just have to git gud. Because you need to beat bosses and minibosses to power up your character you will eventually have to learn boss patterns.
I don't personally care for this, but I'm an oldfag gamer and my reflexes aren't what they once were. It's going to take me a long time to get through this beast. Still, it's fun but after a few fails I ragequit and go play RDR2.
Just bought it yesterday and about 2 hours invested but so far:
>Gameplay is reflexy as hell, feels just a bit less methodical and a little more "BONZAAAAIIIII" which I like
>Paranoia about having the wrong gear/build for a situation is gone, truly feels like when I fuck up I just fucked up unlike Souls where it always feels like you were supposed to do something differently 40 hours previous
>Environment is pretty
>Story is grabbing me
>Stealth feels a bit too much like it's just an easy answer to problems, doesn't seem to be utilized in a way that can add challenge to the game (does that change at all?)
>Grappling is the same as stealth, seems it's potential for added challenge is under utilized (again does that change?) I do however like the added mobility, good step in the right direction, also it's about fuckin time we get to swim hope they put that to use.
>Not a fan of the camera but it's not a deal breaker.
>Soundtrack sucks and gets annoying.
AIA I'd say it's gearing up to be a lot of fun, and I can't wait to see what else it has to offer.
If you're banging your head against a boss/miniboss for awhile, go explore somewhere else in the world and come back.
he's right tho. no other game even does sword combat as well as sekiro. every other game relies on dodges not on parrying/maintaining posture in a swordfight (which is how you actually swordfight)
That was my first method but it was boring as fuck. The outskirts-stairs path I believe is faster. At least it felt faster, I didn't actually measure the results. It's more engaging than just backstabbing the same dude over and over though at least.
Probably the best PvE experience in a Fromsoftware title. But I really dislike how most of the prosthetics are worthless and how you can only use one combat art.
I just beat Great Shinobi Owl. Holy shit, that fucker took me about two dozen tries.
>Raven Feathers
u wot
High Monk is OP as fuck, and so is that sweep counter art
Any tips for the Umbrella? Feels just a bit better than regular blocking so far from what I've tested.
gg faggot
you made the right call
I really want a return to simple healing mechanics instead of upgradeable healing that makes the early game tedious and then makes the late game piss easy.
Also Is there a way to parry more consistently like holding the button instead of pushing or double tapping. Regular and mini bosses aren't giving me any trouble but lady butterfly is kicking my shit in and I always screw up a deflect or two when she does a combo
I meant that you can only equip one combat art
I can't play anything else now that I finished this game.
Play a good game for a change,plenty of great 4th gen ones that none of you zoomers did play.
What move is that?
the purple trivializes a lot of fights (Shichimen warrior, headless), and it helps against ape scream, while the fire one is helpful against Demon of Hatred
its also really useful in the Gun Fort when taking fire.
as you get better at the game, it gets less useful
Upgrade it to Phoenix's Lilac Umbrella ASAP.
>finally beat demon of hatred
>it gives me 2 lazulite stone
This game have issues and it isn't the fucking combat. Exploration and loot are all fucking worthless
>helps against ape scream
Oh shit dude thanks I was getting my ass beaten.
the gameplay is way more fun than souls games. the first one where I didnt find the boss runs tedious as well.
i'd love to play it but i dont think i have the patience anymore to die over and over again to make progress.
From what i`ve seen it looks really good though
Name a more bullshit enemy.
you can blame that on the fans wanting it and then they just decided to roll with it.
That's because there is a Sculptor's Idol right next to every miniboss/boss. Whereas, in Dark Souls1, you had some crazy corpse runs, like the one to Four Kings (assuming you didn't know the shortcut).
>bawww i need muh skinner's box rewards or my time is LITERALLY wasted
The fight itself is your reward, faget. If you didn't take enjoyment in the fight itself, then why are you playing?
Can someone tell me how the fuck do you get to the far right sides of the foutainhead temples?!
One on the left has a broken bridge and the other one is wear the carp is but there a no grapple poitns to get up there and i didnt seee any underwater caves that lead there
ez pz
malcontent ring and jumping deathblow
Purple shield makes these dudes a pushover.
Without it they are really annoying though
dude you dodged backward to get away from a lunge attack. If you had immediately sprinted to the side or jumped you would have gotten away.
I loved it.
Obviously it didn't have the features that I liked in other souls games like pvp or armor and weapon builds, but there was enough different in it to give me a really good time. I'm halfway through ng+.
The game has a lot of character and I like it. The first giant snake encounter, the folding screen monkeys, and the dragon fight were fantastic. Plus fountainhead, the temple, the estate, mibu village, and the valley with the giant buddha statues were all great locations. I wouldn't call them atmospheric, but I still loved it.
In dark souls I got a lot of fun out of exploring and finding new items. Sekiro doesn't have that, but learning the ins and outs of the combat kind of replaced that for me. Things like mikiri countering the purple guys kicks, using spear on the ape, using ichimongi to interrupt unblockable attacks, or using axe in mid air to punish sweeps. The combat isn't really too deep, but it's fun and I like talking to friends to find little quirks like that.
The biggest flaw is lack of replayability. Even though my first playthrough was really good, I feel like once is enough to see everything the game has to offer.
What's the point of exploration then? Why not make the game an arena fight? Much easier than waste my time.
Confetti + Calming shit + Go ham
If you get lasered it's because you're bad at video games
It's a good game, but not as great as some people here claim
it's probably below bloodborne and dark souls 1 and above ds2, while sitting at around the same level as ds3
Nioh wishes it was a dark souls game in general, but its considered a not so good dark souls clone. Sekiro is better, because it's different than dark souls in some regards where Nioh tries to be dark souls.
Haven't played it so I would't know
this is objectively correct. only the idiots on r/games think sekiro is a soulslike
Yeah, Nioh is such a souls clone with its setting, loot and equipment system, corruption system, skill trees, level design, themes, story, mission based structure, etc. You're a fucking moron
> the beat Lady Buttefly by simply spamming counterattack
Good boss design there, From
I just never even let him use lightning, at this point he's so focused on attacking you he does a shit job actually defending himself.
if it's the start he might not have found the shuriken yet. Which is a tad sad because I pretty much tripped right over it.
There's a reason most people consider to be a game trying to be dark souls. Even if it has a few more things added to it, it's trying to be dark souls at it's core.
Ds3 is the worst game out of those though
Imagine if Dark Souls was soulless,that's Sekiro.
needs rtx
sprinting literally makes that attack never hit you. Sekiro is fast as fuck.
dark souls is just soulless demon's souls
I think it has on average worse bosses and level design than Souls games, I don't enjoy the apparent lack of variance in playstyles, the lack of appearance customization annoys me a little bit, stealth is boring, combat arts, tools and items don't seem to be very useful, I lost count on how many times I had to go Ashina Fucking Castle re-commuting every Idol, and I enjoy the resurrection system and Unseen Aid less than I enjoy bloodstains and Humanity variants. Also I've never been a fan of japanese mythos.
But there is fun to be found in it, the environments and atmosphere are well-done and I think somebody who IS a fan of japanese-themed stuff would really love the various areas, Posture is an interesting system, and the bosses and gameplay are enjoyable if you're willing to play through the game the way it wants to be played. It's a game that's not MEANT to have the variance of a Souls game, I suppose, but there are still things about it that I'd prefer were more Souls-like, like tighter, encounter-based area design, rather than the sprawling nature of the levels where many times I can't see any gameplay logic behind enemy placement.
Oh yeah. The fact I have absolutely no way to replay bosses kills me even harder than in Souls games because at least in them I can put a sign down and be summoned for co-op.
Thats not a few though there's a whole cavalcade of differences. A third person rpg with lock on is a very broad number of games and does not deserve to be called a clone just because souls popularized that type of game
I know you're lying but what's your point
I beat dark souls naked spamming dodge.
You need to kill one of them (the sculptor's friend) to get the ring.
There were many moments of frustration, triumph, lols, and fist pumps. It gave me what all From games give me—satisfaction that I still got it. Beat the game with the ‘regular’ ending, farmed to max prosthetics and all the skills I could, then fucking flew threw it three replays barely dying at all for each ending. I will say the last run was tiring and I won’t play the game again unless they put out DLC. Fun for what it was and glad to see them try to shake it up. The tight focus for the combat ruins replayability, cause half the fun is the unknown of each enemy type or situation—but they must have known this was a necessary sacrifice. In other Souls games each run with a new weapon or magic style felt like a literally new game.
very wrong
how do I beat headless without purple shield cheese?
-Orphaned as a kid due to war
-Foster dad dies in a fire
-Then turns out it was a ruse all along and you get backstabbed
-Go rescue your lord, get your arm chopped with cheap tactics even if you beat Genichiro
-Then dad comes back to bullshit you about duty and attacks you if you call him out on it.
-Get shat on, scared to death, burned, emfleebed, electrocuted and more for your lord.
-Same dickward who cut your arm off comes back to get the sweet sweet blood of your lord.
I'd be sad too.
The sculptor's friend was eaten by the ape, that was her finger you find. That's why the sculptor reacts when you show him the finger.