So the Lilmothiit (fox-like people) are actual a canon race from The Elder Scrolls.
So the Lilmothiit (fox-like people) are actual a canon race from The Elder Scrolls
Probably TESO.
>be an anthropomorphic animal
>literally have all animalistic traits from razor sharp teeth and claws to honed animal senses
>use human weaponry and clothes/armor
What the fuck man. Stop doing that.
Slug people are also a thing in TES. That would be more interesting than some generic furry.
Great lore tidbit that never got expanded upon. Right there along with Kothringi, the silver skinned Colovians.
>In additional to the reptilian Argonians, who are today Black Marsh's most visible denizen, there were once tribes of men - Kothringi, Orma, Yespest, Horwalli - and tribes of mer - the Barsaebic Ayleids and the Cantemiric Velothi - and even a tribe who may have been related to the Khajiit of Elsweyr, the vulpine Lilmothiit. Some were sent to Black Marsh as refugees of prisoners, other settled along the coastal waterways and adapted to its strange and usually insalubrious environment.
>The southern coastal regions, not surprisingly, were the realms of the Lilmothiit, though they were a nomadic group and left few enduring signs of their existence that were not covered up by later civilizations.
>The worst of the imperial prisons was constructed in the following era by Potentate Versidue-Shaie on the ruins of the Lilmothiit community called Blackrose. The Rose, as it is called, is still the most secure and notorious prison of our own time, where Jagar Tharn's associates who were not executed await their final end.
And they were in Redguard and referenced in Morrowind. They're basically the /pol/ carricature of jews.
I don’t understand why you think an anthro character should use inferior weapons just because they’ve got decent natural ones. They’re usually considered to be as smart of the settings humans, there’s no reason they’d make such a dumb decision.
They're extinct, and good riddance
Though you're never getting Lilmothiit in the 4th era. That's because they are E X T I N C T
The Hist AIDS got them when the treefags jimmies got rustled by Imperial expansion into the marshes. Sure, Black Marsh used to be a part of the Empire. But only as long as it meant only the port towns and a few crazy merchants going inside to trade, looking for treasure. Actual Cyrodiil style civilization? Try it again, human faggots and see what happens.
Yeah man why dont humans use only brass knuckles or pocket knives instead of full sized weapons of better materials?
A black marsh expac could be cool as fuck but I do not thing modern beth would do it well at all.
It's a stupid argument because Lilmothiit are literally khajiit migrants who ended up in the marshes. What are they doing in Elsweyr? Lilmothiit are probably doing the same thing. They may be the same race, although this is nothing but boring speculation. A more likely pick in the future will be a different evolution of the Khajiit without Azurah guiding them.
Hist does weird shit. Its basically "It's magic I dont gotta explain shit" in a setting where actual magic is already in place and common place.
>has human intelligence
>not using tools for better survival than what you have naturally?
Fight Smarter not harder
Well, they're not under the direct influence of the Hist because otherwise they'd be some kind of a new Argonian mutation. The context where they are mentioned in specifically singles them out as not Argonian affiliated, just like native men of Black Marsh. Although the Hist marsh magic is a good reason for what changed them.
Yeah I feel like it's not unreasonable to assume that a semisentient gas that can change lizards like playdoh will have some kind of effect on other races, even if it's not capable of directly influencing them like it can argonians. Though, my understanding of ES lore is average at best so I very well may be understanding it wrong.
There's not much to understand. Your power as a Black Marsh lorefag is limited only by how much bullshit you can justify from single lines of lore. Which is why I'm adamant against saying too much because I could construct whole theological systems and a modern history of Black Marsh from basically 3 lines from games and a short mention of An-Xileel in books. That'd be silly to peddle as lore in these threads.
The final answer is we don't really know and Bethesda never touched it. Even Kirkbride is limited to a single red*it sentence.
Yeah, thats fair. And honestly it might be best if it stayed that way. I dont trust beth anymore to not just make it skyrim: swamp edition.
Should I use my claws in close combat and risk injuring myself or getting in a prolonged fight? Or should I use this 3 pound steel sword, stab him once and win?
>my ancestors are smiling at me normies, can you say the same?
>furry thread
this... won't end well.
I take it you've never been in an Elder Scrolls thread before?
Pretty tame so far senpai
>Furry thread
But there’s actual discussion about lore of TES.
They haven't found the thread yet. You know the ones.
>discussion are happening and no porn at all
>oh no a furry thread
Normalfags are always shocked that the biggest lorefags on fourchannel are usually argonian and khajiit biased.
Argonian barafags don't apply, those are just the regular homosex shitposting squadron.
I found it but ima behave since i'm interested in the discussion.
Ok, I've been translating Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi into my local language and you notice various details when reading a text that carefully. This ain't the time or place for detailed analysis, but it's a really good fucking myth:
>In the beginning there were two littermates, Ahnurr and Fadomai. After many phases, Fadomai said to Ahnurr, "Let us wed and make children to share our happiness."
>And they gave birth to Alkosh, the First Cat
>And they gave birth to Khenarthi, the Winds.
>And Ahnurr said, "Two litters is enough, for too many children will steal our happiness."
>But Khenarthi went to Fadomai and said, "Fadomai-mother, Khenarthi grows lonely so high above the world where not even my brother Alkosh can fly." Fadomai took pity on her and tricked Ahnurr to make her pregnant again.
>Ahnurr caught Fadomai while she was still birthing, and he was angry. Ahnurr struck Fadomai and she fled to birth the last of her litter far away in the Great Darkness.
>And Fadomai gave birth to Lorkhaj, the last of her litter, in the Great Darkness. And the Heart of Lorkhaj was filled with the Great Darkness. And when he was born, the Great Darkness knew its name and it was Namiira.
>And Fadomai knew her time was near.
This is my favorite spin from the Anuad story we all know.
>After many phases, Nirni came to Lorkhaj and said, "Lorkhaj, Fadomai told me to give birth to many children, but there is no place for them."
And Lorkhaj said, "Lorkhaj makes a place for children and Lorkhaj puts you there so you can give birth." But the Heart of Lorkhaj was filled with the Great Darkness, and Lorkhaj tricked his siblings so that they were forced into this new place with Nirni.
>The children of Fadomai tore out the Heart of Lorkhaj and hid it deep within Nirni. And they said, "We curse you, noisy Lorkhaj, to walk Nirni for many phases."
>But Nirni soon forgave Lorkhaj for Nirni could make children. And she filled herself with children.
Top ten anime redemption stories material right here.
Didn't realise how detailed some of these religions in ES was
>playing Skyrim
>have to mod in fucking claws for Khajiit/Argonians
>unarmed sucks shit without mods or breaking the game via enchanting/smithing
If you're interested in Khajiit, then Words of Clan Mother are your gospel:
>And all Fadomai's children left except Azurah. >And Fadomai said, "To you, my favored daughter, Fadomai leaves her greatest gift. To you Fadomai leaves her secrets." And Fadomai told her favored daughter three things.
>And Fadomai said, "When Nirni is filled with her children, take one of them and change them. Make the fastest, cleverest, most beautiful people, and call them Khajiit."
>And Fadomai said, "The Khajiit must be the best climbers, for if Masser and Secunda fail, they must climb Khenarthi's breath to set the moons back in their courses."
>And Fadomai said, "The Khajiit must be the best deceivers, for they must always hide their nature from the children of Ahnurr."
>And Fadomai said, "The Khajiit must be the best survivors, for Nirni will be jealous, and she will make the sands harsh and the forests unforgiving, and the Khajiit will always be hungry and at war with Nirni."
>And with these words, Fadomai died.
Why do Khajiit and Argonians hate each other?
>Elder Scrolls thread
Alright, so I’m planning on starting a play through of Morrowind sometime soon and I was wondering if there’s anything in particular I should know concerning it’s gameplay and maybe some tips on creating a build. I was told earlier this morning that you’d have to actually put some thought into it and I’d like some perspective from some anons who may have some experience with Morrowind.
After not human kahjiit
Someone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, but it's not elaborated anywhere. Maybe if I read the two novels again I could find something, but as far as I know it's being outcasts from men and mer world, yet still having conflicting aims. Which leads to strife. Especially fight for supremacy over the islands in the middle of Niben bay which Cyrodiil took in the end.
Religiously, the two have nothing in common. Probably hate each other.
What kind of a playstyle you want?
In my playthroughs of Skyrim and Oblivion I went as a generic warrior. Although, I wanted to try and change it up, and go a mage.
that is terrible
Who doesn't hate scalies?
I want to FUCK a Yinglet
Make your class that the skill of the main weapon type you're going to wield is over 60. I'm not that mechanically acquainted with Morrowind anymore, I don't play games that much. Maybe someone else can expand.
Also, your fatigue is important or you won't be hitting anything.
post more lizards
Oh no, how did that picture snuck in with the TES pictures.
The internet.
And the internet is full of weirdos and rejects. Further cementing my point.
You know how it won't end well? If the anthro women are Amazonian tall and look for human men.
No I think that would end spectacularly.
honestly I'd really prefer a setting where furries are treated as slaves and shit instead of just another fantasy race
It's called Morrowind, yes? You heard of that gaem?
no I tought only skyrim existed
I legit haven't played most WRPGs because I'm not a big fan of RPGs in general I prefer action games and FPSesses
That would only work if the anthros are indeed dumber than humans. Under general circumstances anthros are of human intellect that mean they're human and have other enhanced features making them superior by default. Movies like Cats Don't Dance? Don't make a lick of sense. Why are animals accepting being discriminated by humans who they can tear apart on a whim. Same to movies like Disney's Bear Band or whatever, humans have no business getting mouthy with again BEARS who can gore you.
Logically under the general set up it's humans who should be the slaves. The only decent example that avoids this general set up is IDW TMNT in that animal mutants are indeed a minority so they have to hide themselves from humans who want to do them harm.
Here's a protip:
khaj = desert
-iit (when applied to places) = "one who lives/walks in"
Now you know.
I don't even care about videogames with anthro races I just come to these threads to jack off lmao
>We could at least try to be on topic, user.
Amaterasu is Yea Forums friendly. Now complain if people start posting Lola Bunny, Miss Bianca, Renamon, and you get it.
He meant good games.
Did you like lose your attraction to human women bro? Admittedly as far as human women IRL goes, man does porn always select UGLY and pasty (lots of make up like a clown) or wrinkled mediocre bints. I can see why guys, including young guys, prefer "waifus" that never age and get wrinkles and such it's a better fantasy.
They're all dead. And native to Argonia.
Renamon is Yea Forums though. But Ammy and Renamon shouldn’t be in an TES thread, user.
don't think we're gonna see any, TESO or otherwise. None popped up in Murkmire, and the Knahaten flu has wiped them mostly out by this point. Only hope is that TES6 is first era, or last remenents in a future chapter
I'm a schizo so I really never was really "attracted" to anything to begin with
It would end badly if anthros somehow take over the world and instead of amazonian they shrink humans down and owned them as small pets and servants.
>Image deleted
Sayonara user, the mods got ya.
Is it schizo to prefer robot/furry women to the real thing? Something that would have to really try to be ugly to be considered repulsive.
n-no, I just don't really feel love
I don't actually fap too much too, just sometimes. furry is just a thing I like too.
Who gives a shit about foxes when we've seen 6 kinds of khajiits in Elswyer so far and we've basically seen nothing yet.
>Jannies/mods going insane
Wow, we were actually discussing though. Thanks for the tips, any little bit is helpful.
Eh, the games already separate from the lore a lot.
You'll never see more than one flavour of Khajiit per game, and you'll never see a new PC-race that's so far only been mentioned in lore.
>orc at the bottom
They got pozzed by the Sloads or something and completely wiped out.
I prefer a more mixed bag where anthros enslave other anthros and sometimes humans
Why is it always assumed that people who like anthros lost their attraction to human women?
If I remember correctly, the Sload flu and the Black Marsh disease are two different things.
if you consider dunmer to be subhuman,
Old Hob is the best OC IDW has created.
I'm more interested in the vampiric sneks in Akavir.
TES: Akavir when?
there not like what you think most of the snakemen are just dudes while the top of the snake men are actually snakelike
Imagine fucking your khajiit wife, getting her pregnant and she gives birth to a literal house cat.
I can safely say as someone with a masked fetish, and who also loves scaly women and robots, that I lost my attraction to human women years ago.
Execution looks like he slays more burgers than people.
They're extinct
Why would you use natural weapons if you had the capacity to use better? A gorilla would be much, much, much better off swinging a war hammer than punching or biting people
>there will never be a TES game set in the first era
whys it gotta hurt so bad
Finally someone fixed her tail
The fact that Khajiit families can look all sorts of crazy due to the moon phases really sucks that a mainline TES game would probably just flat out disregard it entirely.
Imagine that, except instead of a housecat she gives birth to a fucking tiger the size of a horse.
Khajiit biology is weird.
Khajiit dick has barbs
>be stealth archer
>khajiit assassin wife gives birth to housecat
>try again
>khajiit wife gives birth to a fucking tiger
>for fuck's sake
>give up and raise your housecat daughter and horse-sized cat son
>every time your son has a nightmare he has to sleep in your bed, curled into a ball
>when they both can't sleep the daughter curls into a ball on top of the son
>use son as mount
>daughter trades in overheard secrets
>you are a bizarre but loving family
I imagine if you tried a third time you'd get an Ohmes. The cats that don't look anything like cats and just look like elves.
Khajiit man, they're fucking weird.
what's this meme about?
is it like spikes or just like your average weird dildo with small points?
It's like spikes that dig into the vaginal wall so the female can't get away without extreme pain.
basically a dick made specifically for rape.
All the good dicks of the animal world have some sort of add-on.
Some of them do. Some don't.
It could really go either way, honestly.
What few descriptions of the Tsaesci that exist are a little contradictory in this regard. Some describe them as being man on top of a snake, but others described them as being completely covered in scales.
That being said, the version where they're completely covered in scales comes from ESO.
>Not being proud of your sabertoothed child
>Not sharing happy memories like bringing them out on their first hunt
>Not letting them carry you around as part of a game
Cats in real life have “barbs” but they’re closer to the seeds on strawberries than massive hooks.
I would be very proud of my murder machine of a son. Its biological son is a fucking one ton sabertooth tiger. That I can, and do, ride like a fucking horse. As a human I can't think of an equivalent.
So if you can impregnate Cathay Khajit, does that mean you could also impregnate Alfiq and Pahmar Khajit?
Yes, but your main problem is whether you can impregnate cathay at all.
Pahmar yes. As for Alfiq, try sticking your dick inside a cat and see how that works.
Actually, anyone have the screencap of the catfucker? Some dude fucked a cat and greentexted about it. It died.
>"Always does, kid. Didn't anyone ever tell you about Khajiit men? It hurts good though, now doesn't it?"
holy shit what the fuck Todd
The best answer we have right now is maybe. But if you could then the offspring would be the same as the mother.
>needing more than one furfag race
Nah fuck the ape people too
So can the house cats talk and are they as intelligent as humans? IS a cat fine too?
Hey, the redguards are cool.
Isn't there a daedra who tells you he'll rape your corpse after he kills you?
TES was better when it had edgy shit like that.
>As for Alfiq, try sticking your dick inside a cat and see how that works.
I think he meant the Imga, actual monkey people. From Valenwood.
honestly society is edgy as shit sometimes so I don't really mind. There's a clear moment where it goes from "fucked up shit" to "edge"
A cat IS fine, as long as the cat is a khajiit and not an actual cat. And in all reality you're probably going to hurt the cat. So, uh, fuck alfiq khajiits at your own risk.
Never played an Elder Scrolls. This phone game is . . . It's actually alright for a phone game. Should I be ashamed?
> tfw wants to commission this artist for lewds
> it´s more than 350 burguers
> even more for nsfw
feels bad man
I used to box dragons in vanilla. It seemed to work alright. I don't believe Smithing improves unarmed, though. Fists of Steel only takes the base armor rating.
>holy shit what the fuck Todd
Todd wasn't in charge until after Daggerfall
Just get skyrim. Or morrowind. Or oblivion. Or just real the lore on UES wiki.
I’ve actually been meaning to get around to ES:B. Just because.
>As a human I can't think of an equivalent.
Part of what makes it a good fantasy race.
Which is exactly why I like them and argonians over other fantasy beast races. They're different from humans on a fundamental level instead of just being humans mixed with animals.
I'd like to, but it's incompatible with my android version.
I’ve heard some say it’s fairly decent for a mobile game. Might just dump some time into it.
The paywall is fucking horrendous when it hits. You'll get to a point between Lv6-15 depending on RNG loot where you just can't continue and need to grind out the Abyss over and over unless you pay for stuff.
Pretty sure they are insanely rare. We haven't even seen every version of Khajiit yet, you think Bethesda will add fox models into the series when they cant handle khajiit properly?
They are also sapient.
Iron weapons are going to do more damage than teeth and claws. Not to mention swords and spears have much superior reach.
Well, that sounds like ass.
That sounds like a cute family.
Yes to all of the above. The child will be khajiit since TES crossbreeding, always takes the species of the mother.
Yet the series has multiple human races as well as elf races. Also khajiit are technically elves.
post more kitti tiddi
They cant talk, but they do have human level intelligence. They can also preform magic.
Is this from the game?
user, weapons can change the tides of war, go ask Beastars
They can't talk, but they are very skilled telepaths.
Khat bump
best bump
what are the odds we're going to see any sort of different Khajiit breeds in ESO? hoping for ohms at the very least
They confirmed some for the new expansion.
so is the weird pinapple thing just her jacking an entire pineapple in her pussy?
do you know if its going to be real effort work, or just slapping new labels on the existing tiger and housecats
Who knows, but ESO isn't a good game anyways.
Yeah probably. I can't think of anything else without getting into some seriously hardcore shit.
eh,i haven't been having a terrible time with it, but I've just been playing it like a TES game rather than an mmo
I think the pineapple thing was supposed to be interpreted as however anybody saw it fit. But I’m pretty sure that’s exactly what it is.
Todd has specifically stated that he has no interest in adding new races. So, never.
Oh doubleyou oh what's this?
I hope we can see them someday officially.
Mods can fix anything (visually).
Except you won't, because they're all extinct.
>Elder Scrolls game with Lilmothiit
>Khajiit get a moon setting that changes your form including the housecat/tiger varieties
>Argonians get a Hist slider
Too bad it'll never exist.
those look dangerously too furry
>457342081 is unrelated furry art, OP's is Pathfinder art.
When it comes to guns and stuff, human tools are obviously better. However you're right when it comes to spears and old timey shit. God this zootopia concept art is retarded.
Humans made those old, primitive weapons originally because we're completely useless and inept when fighting animals that are made to cut and tear their food open. Something already capable of that wouldn't need a bladed weapon, it IS a bladed weapon. I'd be much more worried about an un-armed, angry lion man running at me than a regular dipshit with a knife. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar or fucking stupid.
is the angry lion man beefy? also is said angry lion man japanese?
Another Khat bump.
whats the deal with the whole khajiit killing off a whole race of bird people?
>Generic furry race
No thanks.
I want to FUCK katia
I want Katia to BITE rajirra
>a liar or fucking stupid.
I'll eat the bait
>Something already capable of that wouldn't need a bladed weapon, it IS a bladed weapon.
Reach and defence are large influences in actual combat weapon design. Someone comes at your unarmed lion man with a bladed weapon what's he gonna do, parry with his hands?
There's a reason renaissance swords ramped up hand protection when full-coverage armour was falling out of use.
they probably use it to compliment the weapon. Humans have fists but we use knives and the fists are a a compliment to the weapon
Wait till they invent round-up, you tree cunt.
You, I like you.
Spears can be thrown, coated in toxins, have far greater reach can make up for a lack of physical strength. Why would an antrho use their claws over even a primitive spear? Zootopia's concept isn't retarded, you are.