>sexy girls is problematic!
>but this is okay
What the fuck is wrong with western values?
Sexy girls is problematic!
Murica politics have infested the whole western world.
I don't care about the people that live in that country, but their fuckin political agenda is a rampant cancer
vocal minorities and silent majorities.
Guns > Boobs
you keep using that word
>dad beating the shit out of his daughter
Yeah, I don't get that either. Though I wouldn't be surprised if they start pulling women off entirely from fighting games and making them invincible in open world shit shows.
in my country its the other way around.
How can people play this generic shit? Jesus Christ
generic as in "not weeb"?
Violent games don't make people violent
But sexualized games make people pathetic incel virgins i.e. all the weebs on this site
There's nothing wrong with that. Let them live their lives how they want, instead of taking away their fake and completely fictional pixel sex.
You are talking about the most violent developed country. The country that has not only more homicides per capita than any other first world country, but also the only one with multiple mass shootings per year.
I think it is safe to say that Americans are not only okay with violence, but in fact glorifies it.
Generic as in generic,generic graphics/music/characters whatever.How can people stand playing shit like this i will never understand unless they are military simulators.
Highly sexualized girls turn you into misogynistic, racist, homophobic, transphobic, meat-eating, gun-toting, incel Republicans.
imagine being this much of a faggot
you are the reason society is falling
Wrong, the people who gravitate to sexualized games are already pathetic incel virgins to begin with
Yeah bro there is too many western cowboy games
Now let me go play that japanese game where teens with spikey hair kill god
Burgers and their puritan autism
Western games aren't nearly pervasive enough to be called generic.
>Despite being 13% of the population
During the 50's the USA had an almost crippling fear of the sexual. It's carried on to this day.
what the fuck is wrong with being gay? I'm talking normal gay who just wants to be with a guy and not flaunt it. Not the gays who dress as obsurdly as possible to make everyone see how gay they are.
Casual normal gay guys are cool. Flaming faggots are attention whores and trannies are either gays in denial or mental patients that we enable.
Not him but the reason why society is failing isn't because guys are fucking each other, or cutting their dicks off, it's because there are people actively pushing that shit to the point some mental people consider it trendy.
>start by playing shitty porn games made in Flash
>making 50k in a month by creating a shitty porn game of your own
I don't know about that, Jack. People playing violent games are less intelligent compared to those who play visual novels for instance.
>what is rome
america doesnt have a gun problem.
the problem is relentless bullying and demonization of white kids to the point where they snap and go fucking ape shit because of it.
>US is all of western
>"western values"
BASED shitskin retard. Go back to school and freshen up your geography and history.
>mfw someone says 'western values'
just say you want women and blacks to be second class citizens.
God i fucking LOVE this game
'western values' is just putting the rights of the individual first. All individuals, stop speaking for those you view as an opponent you absolute weasel
Irrelevant to what he asked you.
But then who will pay for Tyrones kid?
t. homoyokel
Based. Just look at Yea Forums.
>because there wasn't mass shootings before the hyper-progressives attack on white people
Columbine happened long before 'white ppl be da devil'
We're desensitized to guns and violence, not sexy girls.
A boob mode never made a game worse
The problem is that the "normal" gays are just considered standard straight people to other straight people. The only contact heteros have with gays is from flamboyant retards who use their sexual preferences as their sole identity and go around the internet getting butthurt at the world.
You don't play visual novels. You read them. A word document with pictures isn't a game you pathetic dork. You are low iq by being unable to find a mate kek.
Let's not be disingenuous here. It's a word document with sound effects and a curated soundtrack that changes based on what "paragraph" you are reading, that rather than tell a linear story will instead allow you to find "bad ends" or decisions the main character could have made that would have caused a premature end to the story. Possibly having branching paths to learn information about the world by seeing the story from another perspective.
Calling them a "word document with pictures" isn't entirely honest is it?
What is Columbine you white incel
Prove it
Because of christianity. Sex is evil and dirty but mutilating people and torturing them, warfare etc is okay.
Lewis Black said it best when he stated that America's sexual maturity is like 12 years old. For some reason appreciating the human body no matter the shape and size is looked down upon.
Okay, let me reword it.
It's a powerpoint presentation with effects and sound put into it that is cut from audacity. You can be calling anyone who plays any game genre low iq when you literally read VNs and call them games. And they are mostly trashy moeblob porn or some badly worded story about generic girls. I can't believe you have the gall to actually defend VNs.
>People playing violent games are less intelligent compared to those who play visual novels for instance.
lol delusional
yeah well I play my dick as part of the experience, so I'm gonna go ahead and count it as 'playing'
Oh... OH... so its not blacks fault? For being violent? Thanks for getting that out of the way.
More white people are arrested for violent crimes
>Playing visual novels
If a VN doesn’t have gameplay is not a fucking game.
>they ain't my kin
Yea I trust this very real story that simultaneously uses the word "kin" in a quote from a black man while also saying they have a 3rd grade reading comprehension and inability to conjugate verbs.
In absolute numbers, which in statistical analysis of a population is totally irrelevant...hence why all metrics are done PER CAPITA
Based and truthpilled
A unique event in a line of events that are already extremely rare, but you think they're an issue because you can't comprehend you're in a country with 330 million people and if anything crazy happens anywhere the news is going to bombard you with it. A teenager is ten times more likely to watch their house burn to the ground than be at school when one kid murders another kid with a gun.
I'm not agreeing with the "bullied white kid" user, because that excuse is ridiculous. Some people are just crazy. And this is ignoring the fact that the most famous recent school shooting was not perpetrated by a white kid, and blacks slaughter each other every day and nobody cares.
We call each other brethren here in Jamaica, I don't think kin is outside the realm of possibility
Define gameplay
You haven't been around blacks very often then. That's a very southern term that's still widely used.
>dude albino red hair green eyes native Americans are the most dangerous people ever cause 1 of the 2 that exist killed someone
>white guy does crime
>he was crazy... he was abused... look at gis parent(s)
>black guy does crime
>If a black
Lol bullshit. I'm "a black" and know my father. He is in the other room. Fuck off with this garbage. Not all blacks are going to prison without dads.
congratulations you are one of maybe 10% of the black population
personal anecdotes is not evidence. oh and the guy in there was talking about criminals hes encountered not all blacks everywhere
The best part is when you confront these new age puritans they respond with rage
You are a fool and understand absolutely nothing about statistical analysis.
It is very clear that blacks are disproportionately violent compared to other races.
There is quite a large sample size to indicate such...almost 40 million to be exact
You aren't exactly living a great life either user lol
Despite being only 13%...
Nono, I just want you to be a second class citizen, preferably coach class, or worse, thrown in with the luggage class next to the dogs.
You're a joke
Go away nigger
back to work making my coffee, liberal faggot.
Yes, four times as many white people commit violent crimes as black people do. There's five times as many white people as black people. How good are you at math? These numbers also include God knows what in the white category, since there are people who think Mexicans and Arabs are white.
And this is violent crime. You'll notice that homicide is even more disproportionate for black people, suggesting that lesser crimes like sexual assault and theft are less likely to be reported, probably because black people don't like the police (because the police arrest them when they commit crimes, which they commit a lot of). With homicide, you can't not report it, because there's a corpse.
It's also worth noting there's actually slightly less, but basically the same number of, white people in prison than black people. Keep in mind we're comparing a group of like 200,000,000 to a group of like 40,000,000.
Black people call each other kin. Watch the news.
Are you suggesting that I'm against the hypothesis that all black guys are crazy?
Well, see, we have two groups we can look at here.
Group #1 says "YAY BOOBIES!" They are full of black people, Hispanics, non-European Caucasoids who aren't Muslim, Jews, and dumb white guys like the Irish and Italians.
Group #2 looks down on that sort of thing. They're Northwestern Europeans and built modern civilization.
Wow, wonder which group I should side with? Hmmm. 500+ years of technological progress? Or boobs? Mmm, I do like boobies.
Niggers always group up, white men have been conditioned not to and only be individualists, keep the race baiting up and cause white ppl to collectivize, please and ty nignog
But he had no pa
He needs money cos he was poor user.
Clearly they need help right? :^)
yeah bro look out for them albino native americans, statistically they are dangerous!
nah it was a oppression problem
Why can't there be a Group #3 that enjoys both advancing the world as well as liking boobies? I want to join them!
Just go watch porn you faggot. Nudity doesn't add to the gameplay but violence does.
I don't play action games to stare at digital tits
shit dude thats how it was and still is, keep your phone on you at all times my dude