BASED leaky mike

BASED leaky mike

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Other urls found in this thread: WarnerMedia inFocus.pdf



>Punch out
>Today politics
Time to see if Nintendo is really based

will the final boss be a lightning fast nigh unhittable mayweather?

>thaths whack
fixed it for him

Nintendo once again trying to keep the black man down.

>its been a literal decade since the last game

WTF is taking Nintendo so long

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Mike Tyson is a legend, absolute cliché of a violent nigger but what a lad.

Hire this man

>Punch out started with MT's
>The MT tie in was what made the game good and successful
>MT is even slightly relevant today

He probably means the release of the NES game on the switch online thing is the one without him but hi concussion brain made him think it was a new one


>nintendo ever wanting to working with "i'll fuck you until you love me" mike tyson

>one of the most iconic athletes of the 20th century
>not relevant

They literally announced Punch Out for the Switch Online yesterday. He’s just referring to that.

That blows

I'd love Mike Tyson in a new punchout game.
>Knock him out
>Pidgeons fly out everywhere

Sounds like he's talking bout Punch Out on Switch NES Library, look at his tweets it's the one right before this one

If it's even half as good as Pinch-Out Wii it'll still be GOTY by a mile

>tweeted 2019

Now that's something that would be very pleasing, Punch Out Wii was very good :)

>nincels already seething
Mike is fucking based. You just KNOW you’re a fucking faggot when you hate mike

are you able to speak a full sentence without any memes?

He's a racist though.

Seething nintendie

i love mike tyson and he made a surprisingly good show

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It's about time they added Punch-Out!! to the Switch Online NES library, it's one of the few NES games that actually hold up to this day.

Well he is Alexander after all.

And fuck

They have Mr. Dream though. Can't believe he wasn't in the Wii game.


Up this month actually.

there's nothing new to do with the franchise and stereotypes in 2019 would cause a huge stink from SJW.

Is this game good? It's been sitting in my closet forever. I don't even know how I got it.

>imagine being that guy taking shots like that

i would have intentionally gone down

That’s based

>Well pardonth me gwoods sir but as a fwellow cracker I deservsss some wights too

It’s fantastic, play it.

Punch Out Wii is a fucking masterpiece.


I guarantee he's confused and talking about them putting the Mr. Dream version on Switch Online

Does he demand money? What a fucking typical nigger. Real humans would do it free of compensation!

Probably a lot of reason why
He'd be to expensive mostly

I mean Punch Out Wii wasn't that long ago right?

Arms technically has multi nationality representation (granted they're less exaggerated in stereotypes).

Isn't LUG working on Luigi's Mansion 3,

That's a no then

Tyson you amazing bastard, I hope Tyson can make it in last minute as a secret boss if Nintendo isn't mad about this leak.

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Does this game rely on motion controls or can it be played with traditional buttons?
I love Punch Out and Super Punch Out by I completely forgot this game existed.

is he wrong tho?



I doubt Mike knows shit, he probably heard about Little Mac in Smash.

Tyson was an absolute fucking monster in his prime

How did he not end up killing people?

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Can be played with the Wiimote as a NES controller.

Honestly he probably just heard Punch-Out was coming to the Switch NES library and didn't know the difference.

They stopped after he bit someone's ear off and he kinda became a bad name for a long time. But it's been so long a lot of people don't really care anymore and seem to forgive it so attaching his name to a project isn't harmful anymore

Mike Tyson made IP Man 3 great and better than 2.

He came close.

>55 reps
Who the fuck wrote this? Why would you state the number of times you can bench an unknown weight, and why the fuck would you bench any weight 55 fucking times?


I'm assuming its the NFL combine...which is standard 225 lbs..and they rep it out because it's a measurement of strength.

Watch some sports, son.

What did he do again?

>number of repetitions is a measurement of strength
Someone inform the IWF and IPF, those dyels just do singles lmao




this pic is fake FYI, everything about it

the dude is not 6'11, is not in the NFL, those photos are photoshopped, all of those combine stats would be world records by a huge margin

he bit an ear and he (didn't) rape a girl

unless he's actually based enough to let them gave him in for free why even bother?

He would actually

>this pic is fake

What gave it away mr photoshop expert, the pixels?

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You're embarrassing yourself enough there, bud.

why did someone go to the trouble of photoshopping this guy and making up a bunch of bullshit numbers that never happened
this is some ultra faggot level shit

>We will never have as skilled and aggressive a heavyweight as prime Tyson again
Boxing’s just so boring these days.

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Mike is trash, just like Ali. The real boxer was Joe Frazier

Say what you will but Mike Tyson was one of the best parts of Punch Out!. I would’ve loved to see him again in the new one

Based, but they should add newer and more relevant boxers

>He'd be okay with his name being used in the game again

>I-I was merely p-pretending
Go back to watching niggerball, mutt

Imagine being a relevancyfag outside of video games

Mike probably would

He’s talking about the April NES Punch Out, not an actual new one

>the stereotypes in punch out are positive representations.

Why would he watch gay sports like soccer?

Did I strike a chord, kiddo?

Because "da rules" and Mexican boxers are huge pussies.

I really liked how Sandman in Wii was molded to be the new MT

Sony should contact him and make Mike Tyson's Knock Out.

Fuck Maywhether and his pussy play style forcing everybody else to be pussy because the fucker hasn’t lost yet

Tyson was an absolute fucking monster and is still a household name, but I think the series can get by without him

I want him to release a competitor series of George foreman knockoff grills one day

play it, works fine on Dolphin last I checked and looks gorgeous in 1080p+ resolution

you can play the entire game using only the D-Pad + 3 buttons (4 if you count pausing), wagglan is completely optional

the game's visuals, attention to detail, voice acting, music, gameplay is all top fucking notch, and it's got a perfect difficulty curve

worst thing I can find to complain about the game is that in the main mode of the game you hear the generic Punch Out fight music, you only get to hear specific enemy themes when playing the challenge modes

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>Smashfags trying to push their retarded logic to actual history and real people
That's worth one YIKE from me

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retards who dont know what the combine is are baited out everytime that pic is posted

Impossible to be made today as it has countless racial stereotypes

it makes them more memorable compared to...which ones are in the wii?


>Implying that whole conference wasn't kino as fuck

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not based

National stereotypes=/=Racial stereotypes

>d-don’t like new things!
Hey boomer

I think he's taking the piss, he said that he's a different person than from when he was a boxer. He's a humble pot farmer now.

You know those people dont care.

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Are they actually making another punch out or what?

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Hey, at least in my case, making the french out as slimy wine tasting and baguette fucking halfwits is not the same as making every black person a gangsta eating watermelon or whatever the racists are concocting.

user... a certain other thing happened long before the Holyfield incident.

why exactly is there supposed to be difference between these two?


There are quite many more differenciated nations in the world than "races", for instance.

>bites someone's ear off
>does it again
>rapes a woman
Why can't he fucking behave? Ali would run his loud opinionated mouth a lot, but he only ever hurt anyone by landing some punches. Tyson is just a fucking asshole.

I thought headshots were brutal, but seeing the after-effects of what happens when someone gets a good punch in the liver is scary. You immediately go into shock and your heart rate plummets so fast that your brain forces you into the fetal position so that it can get blood up there. If you're lucky your liver won't explode either.

Dude all that shit was literally decades ago, he's a lot more tame now

>Current Year
>Holyfield STILL hasn't apologized to Mike for headbutting him
Will Mike Tyson ever know justice?

>believing he raped a woman
He fucked a girl a few years younger than him in his teens and she cried rape later when word got around that she was an easy ho. Typical #metoo

Could this generation deal with a fight where you hit the canvas after 3 unblocked punches?

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Yea Forums would you rather:

Take an uppercut from prime Mike Tyson in his gloves


Play Mass Effect: Andromeda from start to finish, and you can't play anything else until you beat the game.

>Why can't he fucking behave?
He's a nigger?!

What kind of stupid reddit question is that?

Confession time: anytime I watch the UFC or boxing I always cheer for the white guy. I know this is racist and kind of fucked up but it's just my instinct. Trying to be better rn.

literaly the best game from 7th gen

You're right, let me ask a better question.

When did you lose your virginity?

I'm planning on playing Andromeda someday just for the hell of it, so obviously the latter.

>kind of fucked up

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16 to my first girlfriend. I later learned she was in love with a guy in California though so I dumped her.

>no heem

Based Tyson >>>>>>>>>>> nincels


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I mean, these sports are mostly dominated by blacks, so I can see where you coming from.
I kinda cheer for black people trying to do swimming.

I felt those hits, mike was an animal

he's right, when they took out Mike Tyson from the original it was a travesty.

nigger is going to rape your mother

The Wii Punch-Out had plenty of stereotypical boxers

>that liver shot at 1:55
Chinaman would be flopping on the ground in real life.

>San Jose Sharks

Who would win, Ali Or Tyson?

>would i rather die or eat shit

wow tough choice here.

I don't understand why this is clearly being done in front of a green screen when it wouldn't be hard to do this on a set.

anyone can say they played some shit game but not everyone gets to get socked by the champ

What the fuck? Combat sports are by far dominated by whites and especially latinos.

Black people by and large cannot fight to save their lives.

Did the retard not see all the other Punch Out games that didn't involve him?

Prime Tyson beats prime Ali, Tyson’s too strong.

>Yea Forums's weak jaws can handle a tyson uppercut
Might as well plan the funeral

how fucked doped up on amphetamines was he damn


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Current tyson would beat current ali

Jon Jones is like the greatest MMA fighter ever tho

my trunks will have 'no funeral' stitched on them


You moron, they all do the same weight and just base on your max number of reps. Fucking loser.

What's with Baseball and steroids?


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>what's with [literally any sport] and cheating?

ARMS does, but you can play as all the characters and the ethnic quality is not so much as lampoonish as it is in Punch Out.

Ali’s dead though...

Id rather step in front of a bus than get punched by mike tyson. They called him the baddest man on the planet for good reason

Why the fuck didn't nobody beat him?

Way to prove his point tard

They already did a new one without you and it was great.

Prime Tyson could take out a silverback gorilla, Ali is nothing.

He still didn't look like he was trying that hard there.

Mike Tyson.
I'm a masochist who will try any kind of psychical pain at least once.

Tyson would have murdered Ali. Muhammad Ali was from a time where most pro boxers would be considered amateurs by today's standards.

Tyson’s skill was so high he made pretty much everything look effortless.

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God Tyson is beautiful to watch, my favourite goddamn boxer.

My dad claims it's because of his short arms, makes him able to get in close and take full swings while his opponent is in a compromised position.

The dude was just a fucking monster in every sense of the word. It's like he dumped all of his points into speed and strength. Plus most of the time it seemed like he fought angry. That shit wasn't just business.

>watch youtube video of all his KOs
>they are all over withing seconds
Jesus fuck, I don't know why my dad would pay for PPV, I would feel ripoff.

Full of soul.
Now we have what? Karen and his soicons faking having fun.


Oi oi don't go saying that Tyson was just no brain killing machine, even if he looked ravenous he was incredibly accurate and methodical with his combos and dodging

>Why doesn't Nintendo do business anymore with me, a convicted rapist?
Gee I dunno, Mike

At least he showed genuine worry after every fight, maybe because he didn't want to kill anyone.

He's talked about how he was raised and his training before, basically a trainer picked him up at 15 and said "you're a killer, nothing else matters, go out there and put that guy on the ground." Telling that constantly to a kid puts him in an aggressive mindset. It took him years to chill out from that.

He's not relevant for being a boxer anymore you retard. He's just comic relief now. He's just there to get made fun of.

Tyson as a former boxer seems like a level headed, pretty coherent guy. Must have been his aggressive style that kept him from taking a lot of shots to the head. That's what I always heard about Tyson he couldn't take anywhere near as much punishment as he could dish out.
a 47 year old (At the time of the video) Mike Tyson says "Fuck you" to your face.
What do?

Do chinese really say "me so horny"?

Any time he got in trouble with the law he would just say im a big dumb nigger and everyone forgave him. He was above criticism it seemed. He raped people, did drugs, fought people in the streets and even went to proson for a while and still remained in the spotlight.

You can see that the last hit is a liver shot, followed by the reflexive crumpling of the body.

Season 4 when?

>first sued them
>now wants to be in the sequel
okay mike, take your meds gramps

>Why is it fucked up to judge people by skin color
I really have no clue, /pol/
No fucking clue

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Some do. Ever since Full Metal Jacket.

Some people are just allowed to do that because they can back it up.

well gee michael if you didn't want that time you raped somebody to reflect poorly on your character you probably shouldn't have raped somebody

Stop replying to twitter screencap threads.

Someone's jealous lol. He was smart enough to invest in the booming pot industry and is now even more of a millionaire because of it. Why weren't you?

Jon Jones is the greatest fucking UFC fighter right now. Ali, Tyson, Mayweather, Foreman, Joe Frazier, Sugar Ray, Evander Holyfield.

Do we really need to go on?

Whats your favorite mike quote? Mines "i wish you had children so i could kick them in the fucking head"

Say that to his face

I don't think anyone is going to disagree with you, Mike Tyson is a severely flawed person. As a boxer though, the dude had no equal.

>feint a low approach
>cave his fucking skull in with a hammer

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On live TV I just might have, imagine how much I could sue for if he chimped out and fucked me up

Imagine how much you'd get if he killed you on air

Could Muhammad Ali have taken him?

>and then everyone clapped

>my goal is to be professional, but to kill him

my favorite tyson quote
>"I was fucking japanese girls like it was eating grapes'

Likely no. However Mike Tyson loves Ali. Ali is his fucking hero to the point where he was in tears talking about him.

Mike himself calls Ali the greatest.

>*dodge* *dodge* *dodge* *dodge* *dodge* *dodge* *dodge* *dodge*

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Based Tyson.

That doesn't mean shit

Tom Brady would say Joe Montana was better than him but Tom Brady is literally the GOAT

I don't know if Ali could have handled someone as tenacious as Prime Tyson, Ali may have played smart and used his reach but tyson is like a fucking pit bull, you're not going to be able to play keep away against his ass forever, even if you're a member of MENSA

Why did boxing die?

My favorite
>everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth

Football players do 315 for reps

It means he's humble. He recognizes greatness and pays the proper respect to his idol, regardless of the public's opinions

He knows there were like 3 Punch Out games without him in it right.

Fag I said he wouldn't beat him. Stop being a retard. Tom Brady is the greatest thanks to his coach. Fuck off its not even a good comparison.

Yeah he totally raped that girl who came to his hotel room at 3 am.

That's fucking bullshit. Imagine how pissed you'd be if you were that dude.


Punch-Out!! did not start out on consoles, dumbass.

>Tom Brady is the greatest thanks to his coach

Yeah Belichick made those throws and reads, not Tom Brady.

Mike didn't rape anyone. Complete horseshit trial

Mike Tyson had pussy thrown at him from everyone around the world. He has stories of being in Japan and all the Japanese girls throwing themselves at him. Please

you're probably a fan of bill clinton i assume

He's a light heavyweight. Until he's the heavyweight champion he isn't the best.

"I'm gonna fuck you till you love me, faggot."

against blacks yeah

>Comparing someone that used his position over women that worked for him to an athlete that doesn't have female underlings
What did he mean by this?

Once in a great while there are boxing matches worth watching still.
GGG vs Canelo was great.The problem is the skill gap between the top few boxers and the next dozen beneath them is so massive, the fights are blowouts. The top fighters are in it for the money and won't even fight each other. Then you have the guys like Julio Cesar Chavez who pad their record fighting fucking taxi drivers


Brady is a system baby in a weak ass division. Don't start this hear boy. Ring wise Brady is the greatest QB I admit that. Brady wouldn't be this successful in another division. Drew Brees is a better playign QB without rings in a more difficult division.

At the risk of this happening I run away.

I hate when the AI is clearly reading inputs

forgot to mention the fact that unless the fight ends with a knockout the outcome is some absolute bullshit due to the obscene levels of corruption and incompetence from judges
How can 2 different 'professional' judges see a fight 110-115 one way and the other guy see the fight 110-115 the other way?

a winning boxer needs to have hatred in his heart. without the drive and desire to physically hurt your opponent, you'll never fight to your top potential.

He beat Daniel Cormier twice now without even trying. Who are you kidding right now?

>tfw you spec in STR and DEX

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mike tyson unironically fought like little mac if every punch was a star punch.

Uh oh, Bradybabbs don't like hearing that shit, mostly because it's true.
Brady would get shredded if he got tossed onto teams Peyton was on
Then you get the "Peyton was on stacked teams too" retards that don't realize he turned receivers with 5 catches a season into pro bowlers just by being there, 5 catches a fucking season isn't merely "Tim Tebow is shit" those receivers CLEARLY weren't that good

It was pure business. Listen to his interviews he did that before a match to demonize his opponent so it gave him a drive to win. After a fight it was pure respect.

>publicly announce your intent to sue your boss for embezzling millions of your hard-earned money
>suddenly on trial for rape
>on the word of a sociopath who already had a false rape accusation under her belt

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That's OK, we still have Mike Tyson adventures

I don't even care about the rings argument. Look at the fucking records this dude has, one of them being most career TDs ever. He owns almost every QB stat record in the playoffs. Tom Brady is the GOAT because he's Tom Brady, not because of his coach.

it looks like his spine broke away from his skull just without breaking the skin, like putting a twig in a sock and snapping it

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Ali was fast and had stamina but Tyson was a lot faster and unlike Ali really loved hitting people. Don't forget, Ali's entire gimmick in most matches is trying to wear people out, such as the classic rope-a-dope. Tyson would likely have fucked him up before burning out simply because he's too fast to dodge. He's a high-powered manlet with fury.

Mike Tyson was the original roid monkey. He was the guy who brought roids to boxing in a big way - prior people just used basic test, Mike was on everything.

Unlike modern Deontay Wilder-esque roidmonkeys he actually had good technique though. Cus D'amato was the best boxing coach in history and Mike was a good learner.

"I'm going to make you my girlfriend" to his opponent

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all these years the guy in this gif was mike tyson and I didn't fucking notice, I'm astonished at myself

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Did he beat him in the heavyweight class? Nope. Also I saw Jones get his ass handed to him by Gustafsson. He 100% should have lost that fight.

a fight between mike and ali would be essentially like ali vs. an even stronger and faster joe frasier
mike would take the first fight easily but rematches would be hazy.

would modern boxing be popular if it didn't have blatant corruption/fixed results ie. canelo-alvarez 1, wilder-fury, etc?

He got there because his division is TRASH. Those playoff records mean less when you don't have to work to get there.

Look man I don't shit on Brady. Power to him I said he is going to be seen as the greatest QB and he currently is. But I'm not going to put him on the level of say Michael Jordan.

Jon Jones is a roid monkey who has failed eight drug tests. Daniel Cormier is possibly the only natural champion-level fighter.

Yeah he totally bit off Holyfield's ear because he respected him.

How did Little Mac even win against Mike Tyson?

History of match-fixing and competition from other martial art tournaments.

Tyson bit off Holyfield's ear purely out of provocation from Holyfield. He kept sneaking in headbutts during clinches (Something he'd been doing for years) and the ref kept ignoring him, even when Tyson was visibly set to freak out. The ref should've called the match off at the very least or told Holyfield to fuck off instead of ignoring the headbutts.

Nowadays Tyson is comparatively fine. Still a temperamental wacko, but he's managed to tide it over with happy grass, handlers, and therapy. He even apologized to Holyfield!

More-so if they didn't charge $60+ a ppv fight. My dad remembers watching it with his dad every Friday night on cable television and he said it was basically a tradition for the whole country 50 years ago.

It would be popular if it was still the 90's and people hadn't discovered that there are other ways to fight other than standing up and hitting each other.

Career TDs are easy to rack up when you run up the score on every shitty team you play, weak division leads to easy home field advantage, because realistically you've got 6 divison games in a weak division, 3 being at home, so 5 home games against non divison teams, you've only really gotta win 5 real games, not so difficult to rack up Homefield with that easy line up, and god help you if you get an easy division rotation for the out of division games

This. Going to decision is for cucks like Mayweather. The match shouldn't end until there's a knock out.

Nice joke man. Jones won that fight. Don't come here with bullshit.
Jon Jones would destroy Cormier anyway. Pure skill Jon Jones is unmatched right now. FACTS

was Punch Out before or after ruining his career over biting someone's ear off?

That's neck fat

I've only seen one Deontay Wilder fight and I was astonished by how sloppy his technique is.
I just don't watch his fights desu. Waiting for Lomachenko to fight someone on his level.

I would hope you don't put them on the same level, because they play(ed) two completely different sports.

People who try to elect a GOAT when comparing players from different sports are just stupid.

boxingfags how do you cope with the knowledge that khabib would effortlessly kill Floyd Mayweather in a street fight, every time, even if they fought a thousand times?

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It has to be "My style is impetuous" for obvious reasons

lmao fucking stulid virgin zoomer

with a gun, nobody can beat me : -)

What about Stipe Miocic? Pretty sure he's natural and was the best of the best until very recently. Remains to be seen if he can still reclaim his throne.

>tfw you’re the first person to fight Tyson after his 6 years in prison
Poor McNeeley.

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It's not "fucked up" at all to cheer for your own kind, and I'm not just talking about race.
As Ali said: everybody prefers to be with their own kind. Ignore the brainwash that tells you otherwise.

That was Mike Tyson spiraling out.

The interview he did recently he talks about his respect for other fighters and such.

August 2019 WarnerMedia inFocus.pdf

Mike Tyson is unironically a good candidate for action films and is almost Statham-tier in terms of making schlock worth at least a drunken watch.

dude it was because he got convicted of rape, not because he bit a guys ear off

Point is Michael Jordan worked his ass off against real opponents to win his rings. Brady gets a FREE ride to the playoffs for over a decade and then he might get a real match.

Fuck Punch Out where's a new Fight Night?

MMA games are fucking trash but Fight Night was beautiful.
MMA in general is some gay shit, I only watch boxing and muay thai

>Nice joke man. Jones won that fight. Don't come here with bullshit.

Nah lol. Jones got destroyed in that fight. I will say that Jones has been much more consistent than Gustafsson but Jones didn't deserve the decision in that fight.

>caring about Floyd "decision" Mayweather

that's fucking impressive

What the shit is this? Does he actually voice himself?

Then everyone clapped and you won the lottery

>Does he actually voice himself?

Not every boxing fan is trying to just watch knockouts and bloodbaths. Mayweather is a god tier boxer and anyone who really likes boxing I think enjoys watching him fight.

Uhhh NFL bros?

Seems like a stressful life.
>"If I'm gonna win, I need to fight like I'm gonna kill!"
>"Holy fucking shit did I kill him oh god oh fuck"

I'd happily watch that. But you're insane if you think any boxingfags outside of the mouth breathing Ed Hardy wearing retards think Mayweather is good.

Mayweather is the best boxer of all time, and it's not close.

I really hate you zoomer retards

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You do know Jones beat him multiple times now?
Boxing and UFC are two different sports. Mayweather would destroy Khabib in a boxing fight. Same thing with the Conor Mcgregor thing. Conor would destroy Mayweather in the octagon.

Stupid argument. I don't even like Mayweather but come now.

he didn't even try to hit him again, knew he was done

>all those mexicans spics cheating in nu boxing
>everyone is using steroids in the ufc thanks to the sociopath getting away with it

Here's a real boxing match for ya

*sips* Yep... Dmitri Pirog... now THAT was a boxer.

Nintendo's license to use him expired in 1990 and since he was no longer the undisputed heavyweight champion (having lost to James Douglas in February) they decided not to renew it.

>When you empty your magazine on a player and they still end up killing you

So what did he go to prison for?

Cope harder. Imagine not being able to get laid when there's an app full of easy women for it. As long as you're not a complete troll and you shower at least once a day, even virgins like you have a chance.


Tyson's the more interesting boxer

Unironically he is likely the best DEFENSIVE boxer of all time.


Literally a meme started by people who know nothing about boxing and brought into Don King's propaganda. This mythical idea that for some period of time, Mike Tyson was unstoppable, or that he could have been if only King/Jail hadn't ruined everything.

Meanwhile, in the real world, Tyson had impressive looking matches knocking over tomato cans, and lost to every roughly equal/top level opponent he went up against (a very rare occasion, due to how boxing promotions/belts work).

Attached an anime image just to make you seethe.

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Boxers are a joke. Even the best boxers of all time would get their ass beat by a low level MMA fighter.

Yea man I just said that. He raped that guy's ear off.

If I was allowed at least a couple months to actually get as buff as possible to stand at least a couple seconds against Tyson, the former. Otherwise, still the former.

As vicious a boxer as Tyson was he had restraint when he knew his opponent was done, never got in trouble for striking a downed opponent.

But ali was a retard though
The man had brain damaged and still decided it would be a good idea to fight another heavy weight

A street fight means grappling and eye gouging. Mayweather lives a breathes a specific practice and nothing else. Mayweather is so good because he is able to work within the rules of boxing and consistently come out on top. His defense is probably part of the reason people moved to MMA

I don't, I accept it because I fucking hate Stayawayweather. Boxing was always mdoerately bullshit but it's been especially bullshit for over 20 years now.

See I thought the whole Tyson in his Prime thing was because he wasn't on as many drugs during it

Considering how it seems Terry literally can't be bad at anything he does, he'd probably make a decent boxer.

>someone claims they're a boxing '''''fan''''''
>they only watch knockout montages

>those people
whoa easy there user

Mayweather is good at exploiting the rules and thats it. The man has skill, but his skill is trying to fight like a little bitch for good boy points. It's why so many people hate the cunt.

For being a big scary black dude being accused of rape in the early 90s.
Mike Tyson only lost 6 times. 5 of those AFTER he went to jail. He lost to Buster Douglas AFTER partying all night fucking japanese girls and drinking.

Fucking hell.

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Everyone knew that bitch was lying

Wait, I thought Mike was famously terrible with money and is only just scraping by right now

>It's not "fucked up" at all to be racist
>I'm not just talking about race
Well he was talking about race
Also just because a black man said something stupid doesn't mean it's right
What I hope for is judging people based on there character not there skin color

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You can't hate on mayweather because he's not a brawler. The guy knows exactly what gets the points on the scorecard. I know it's an overused cliche but you can't hate the player, hate the game

remember when Mayweather whooped McGregor's ass? I do.

Literally a product of his environment. Mike was beat on, molested, and shunned by every Nigger in NY. Growing up with a lisp and your own kind Nig you turns you into an animal. Mike was fucked up, but there was a reason to it
-Joe Frazier

He's a product of the system, I won't deny that, but I'm still gonna hate how casually he embraces it and thus him with it.

Sadly this guy's right, it's like niggers who play zoners and projectile characters in Smash, they're faggots but the bigger faggot is the game for enabling them.

>You do know Jones beat him multiple times now?

I guess twice is multiple times but I stand by the fact that he didn't deserve the win in the first match. He straight up lost. Also he takes steroids and fights like modern boxers.

Calm down Floyd you’re on Yea Forums

He had people he thought he trusted run his money and he spent it all on ridiculous stuff like Tigers. However his Vegas show and investments since he retired have made him a ton of money and now he has a cannabis business which with legalization will likely boom too.



>>It's not "fucked up" at all to be racist
Not what I said.
>Well he was talking about race
The sentence "I'm not JUST talking about race" implies race is included.
Have you tried not having severely below average IQ? It might do you good in life.

His speed was superior, so he was sure to win.

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True boxing fans do care about Mayweather fights, because he's objectively a great boxer.

You don't need to have good cardio to be good at baseball, just oonga boonga hit ball hard

He’s a complicated man who lived a chaotic life, but that’s a big part of what makes him so appealing.

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I would totally beat little bitch tyson boyos

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>"I'm the best ever. I'm the most brutal and vicious, the most ruthless champion there has ever been. There's no one can stop me. Lennox is a conqueror? No! I'm Alexander! He's no Alexander! I'm the best ever. There's never been anyone as ruthless. I'm Sonny Liston. I'm Jack Dempsey. There's no one like me. I'm from their cloth. There is no one who can match me. My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I'm just ferocious. I want your heart! I want to eat his children! Praise be to Allah!"
>I want to eat his children!
>Praise be to Allah!
Holy shit Mike

> age 20


Go link his amazing fights against top tier fighters that showed his legendary status then.

Because when I look at his fighting history, I feel like I'm picking up ingredients to make spaghetti.

Heavyweight boxing was the main draw of the sport for a century. It was built on controversy. Whether they used race-baiting shit like Larry Holmes vs. Gerry Cooney , a "Slay the Monster" story like The Rumble in the Jungle, or a "King of the World" gimmick like with Mike Tyson, they drew you in with colorful personalities and drama.

Then in the 2000s, the Klitschko Brothers essentially monopolized heavyweight boxing by becoming its biggest stars and promoting themselves. They were boring as shit and built no hype around themselves. Lesser weight classes (i.e. dudes like Mayweather and Pacquiao) eventually got time to shine but by then the industry had taken some damage from lack of interest. With that said it may be bouncing back.

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With boxing rules sure. Put McGregor and Mayweather in the ring with MMA rules and Mayweather would be done in about 15 seconds.

The show is surprisingly good and comfy from start to beginning.

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Mike used to be the biggest cunts there is but he's clearly reformed now. Let him have another go.

In fairness, I doubt most people feel comfortable around Tyson, even having seen all the shows he's been in that proves he does have a sense of humor and can be comfortable being silly. I'd be choosing my words carefully to make sure nothing suddenly triggers Prime Tyson.

It also helps that it is short.

He's talking about Punch Out being released for NES online retards. He wasn't in the Wii game either

>there are faggots on this site that prefer bellator to ufc

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I only ever heard of this show because of that gif of him going up the stairs, avoiding an old lady, then coming back and punching her in the face.

>zoomers unironically think MMA is superior to boxing
nobody cares what would happen in a street fight, if a street fight occurs fighters would go to jail and lose their license to fight because they have to register their body as a deadly weapon.

God, it'd be easier to list the things that DIDN'T kill boxing.

A strong mix of match-fixing, growing research results in showing that getting punched in the face in a lot does have serious long-term effects, heavyweights and bigger billed boxers retiring, quitting, or getting arrested, same with promoters, MMA growing in popularity whilst looking more exotic and complex compared to boxing or regular wrestling, MMA also taking that same source of potential athletes, the devaluing of the knockout (It looks great but straight-up knockouts in boxing aren't very frequent anymore for good reason), and so many other things left boxing out to dry.

Literally the exact same stereotypes as the original game but with an added fag stereotype. Journalists didn't become turbo SJWs until at least 2010 user


If nothing else Tyson has a hell of a way with words

>boxing faggs still clinging to spic #302 cheats and cries like a little bitch:the dying sport

And how they actually solve mysteries no matter how fucked up it is. You can tell Myke had a love/hate relationship with Scooby Doo and just wanted the real spooky shit

Norm really makes it work.

It's the best game in the series and one of the only mandatory games from the Wii

I hope Glass Joe will be better...
S'il vous plaît, Nintendo...

Excuse me fight or flight!

He loves cartoons, they remind him of a time before boxing was all he was.

Hasnt glass joe only win been against one of the world champions?

but the slavs are better than the spics

Imagine sucking corporate dick this hard. Your disney-tier family friendly company still actively promotes Punch Out as one of their first party franchise instead of leaving it in the 80s like Capcom and Sega does with most of their dead franchises.

Whether you like it or not, your multi-billion dollar company HAD to use this man's likeness to make sure their game wasn't a commercial failure due to how popular world-wide Tyson was during that era.

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>Glass Joe
>Comes back at Hard Joe

>Famicom version gets the best final boss


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The greatest boxer of all time is unironically Lennox Lewis

It's a theory no ?
Baguettes only becomes harder with time

One is built around cultural differences while the other is considered genetic, but SJWs think making fun of Muslims for being from a shithole country is the same thing as making fun of black people so the difference really doesn't matter. Of course if we're talking about Americans they'll totally get it though and pretend to be consistent

No, he comes back as Fast Joe. Can only take 1-2 hits, but is now insanely fast and has a fuckton of i-frames on all of his attacks.

Jesus, that looks scripted.

I gotta watch this show.

>not prince naseem
Takamura faggs get out

I never understood how MMA became popular in the first place, it's literally just 2 dudes hugging for 2 minutes.
WWF did that 20 years ago but at least it was interesting back then.

Mono Gatica DLC When?

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Most people would say that judging people based off skin color is racist
Judging that someone is worthy of you cheering for them based off skin color would be consider racist by most people
and what you said was that a there was nothing wrong with a form of racism

So when I said
>It's not "fucked up" at all to be racist
what I was doing there was expecting you to not be a slipper cocksucking nigger and accept the fact that you were saying racism is ok, but I guess now I have to define what racism is so your smooth brain can understand very straight forward points

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Or maybe he only now heard of the Wii one

Disney bucks user, also doesnt help that boxing has been aids for years, the wwe is dying, sumo is shit and wrestling is boring

>the first step is to cause the opponent so much pain that they instinctively guard their body
>the second step is to punch them in the head and knock them out

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Damn. It's hard not to feel for Tyson.

>Zoomers will remember Reddit and Morty in the coming years but will completely forget about this

It's not fucking fair bros

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fucking based

unironically the only good game to ever exist on the wii

yeah he takes it seriously too. he made an effort to get better at it after he was disappointed with his initial performance

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Because originally it was basically the real life equivalent of Street Fighter. Everyone was trying to show off their striking martial arts from across the world, and then BJJ got introduced and memed on everyone. And like another user said, it was also growing in popularity around the time boxing was taking a huge nose-dive in popularity.

The ol' Mike Tyson "Left Hook into Left Uppercut", what motherfucker at the time was fast enough in the Heavyweight division to do that shit consistently

In today's world there are no positive representations, even if it was handcrafted specifically to cater to that crowd.

>it won't be the same
>even though I never liked it
>and only actually sat down to really play it years later

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Honestly the last great heavyweight fight I saw

lots of heart in that fight

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You think Kevin Spacey played the CoD he was in?
He's not wrong, part of the appeal was to beat Tyson and him as a difficult final opponent pretty much solidified the series, whether or not he played it or even beat it.

Jesus christ, Tyson is scary as fuck

What do they do to cheat?

Woops I got my Lefts and Rights fucked up, I was more focused on the combo than the arm

The whole Tyson Fury comeback seemed to relight some flames, but that doesn't look like it's going anywhere either

>Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
>Donkey Kong Country Returns
>Super Mario Galaxy
>Wario Land Shake It
>Mario Kart Wii
> Brawl

literally everything in this picture is true though

And then George went on to create the greatest invention of all time. Bless that man.

boxing wont die as long as GGG is around

you all have no idea what the fuck your talking about but you all just tlak about video games all day so its ok

>disney-tier family friendly
You say this as if Nintendo is pushing their censoring harder than ever before, when really Sony is doing exactly that and Nintendo is in fact the most lax it's ever been on censors in games.

>Look up Tyson’s first title fight
>Rules posted before the fight
>Doctor cannot stop the fight

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arnt there 4 other punchout games without him?

its so much nastier with audio, how do people organs survive that?

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back to reddiot. he was saying that the statements following the ">" sign are incorrect

>all the Punch-Out games without him are great
That's kinda funny.


Yea Forums is full of soi boys. They think black people are all this godly. don't break their immersion

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>Put your head down to protect yourself
>See Tyson's fist coming up
>Life flashes before your eyes
>Wake up surrounded by people making sure you're still alive

jesus christ how terrifying

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given that all of them are great i guess

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True, Boxing was officially dead once Floyd found success with MUH RULES abuse instead of it being about 2 dudes boxing.

I recognise that Canadian comedian from far away.
Norm is great.

>Opponent can legally perform a fatality on you "on accident" in an official match
Holy shit

Is he /ourguy/?

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>the sound when they land

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>dies from AIDS.

>Rocky IV's plot

Would you play Drederick Tatum's Punch Out for Nintendo Switch?

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>the only way fighters can get away with that in nu fighting is if they are liked enought by dana "sucking connors and jon jones dick" white

Mike Tyson for smash

>that interview one on live tv where he won't stop swearing and asks the host what he's gonna do about it
>you know that host cant do jack shit to stop him

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Why do they keep end up holding each other?

he didnt just die from aids he KNEW he had aids for SEVEN years fought in a bloodsport regardless.

>Interviewer #2: Drederick, ah, what do you think of Homer Simpson?
>Drederick Tatum: I think he's a good man. I like him. I got nothing against him, but I'm definitely gonna make orphans of his children.
>Interviewer #3: Uh, you know, they do have a mother, Champ?
>Drederick Tatum: Yes, but I would imagine that she would die of grief.

It was a decade ago, man.

>props him up with his free hand before ending his life

>Journalists didn't reveal themselves to be turbo SJWs until at least 2010 user


Also it's always been there subtly in the gaming press. Ever since journalism moved to the Internet, the amount of liberal pussies in all media outlets have shot up.

Kimbo Slice would juice the fuck out of Mike Tyson, no contest

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he won titles while he had aids lmao

> Diana disclosed that Tommy had "full-blown AIDS" and was "in his final days."
I dont know why this part of his wiki had my laughing so hard

>raised in alcoholic single mother home
>poor and lives in ghetto, quickly getting into crimes in his teenage years
>found by trainer as he was in jail
>raised in trainers house to be best boxer of all time
>second he gets famous his trainer who genuinely cared for him dies, leaving him alone
>goes into meltdown mode as he has everything from nothing and is being brainwashed by that boxing promoter who sees a vulnerable, controllable kid
>gradually fucks up his life until he becomes a shadow of his former self
Im surprised he hasnt had the obligatory big screen biography made about him yet

>professional boxers used to fight upwards of 20+ fights a year
holy fuck no wonder they are brain dead by the time they're 40

>born with lisp and squeaky voice in niggerville
he was born in the darkness
molded by it

>trying to be better rn

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Not him, but there is literally nothing wrong supporting your own kind. It doesn't matter if it's race or nationality.
There is a reason why international competitions are very popular like the Olympics and FIFA world cup, most of Pacquiao's fans are Filipinos, many Irish fans flew over to Las Vegas from Ireland just to watch Connor fight and cheer for him while waving their flags, etc...

fuck i want boxing to come back

Yea Forums here, combat """sports""" are shit. /heem/ and /box/ should be relegated to Yea Forums like /wwe/ was.

This, Hockey is the only sport worth half a shit

Sometimes I genuinely wonder about Mike's powerlevel. Like in comparison to wild animals and fictional characters.

It makes sense Nintendo wouldn’t want to associate with Mike Tyson. He’s a convicted rapist, and worse he has facial tattoos

"I normally don't do interviews with women unless I fornicate with them."

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what an absolute character though
>incredibly eloquent and verbose
>threatens to rape and eat kids
>goes full negro mode in the ring to the extent of consuming an ear
>also does megamind shit like

>own kind

Humans are a single species you dumb faggot and most of humanity gets along just fine when put together with the exception of a few retard cultures.

>race and nationality are the same thing
The first post said he cheers for white people, not Irish people or swedes
The Olympics don't pit black vs white vs yellows, its different country vs each other

>Not him, but there is literally nothing wrong supporting your own kind
It also doesn't mandate that you be a fucking bigot. Cheering for your home team doesn't mean you have to judge and hate others because they'e not on your team.

He's like Takumura except he lost his old man so he's more like Fallen Takamura (El Negro Complitidad)

>the main mode of the game you hear the generic Punch Out fight music, you only get to hear specific enemy themes when playing the challenge modes
this always irked me too
there's gotta be a dolphin cheat to change that, and if there isn't it should be made

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Takamura is a faggot and a thief
Bison and hawk did nothing wrong

Shit dude. I guess Superman had the right idea all along.

You dare mock a man with a pompadour I'll kick your ass

Fuck off josuke you damn thief before i post the webm

Imagine how fucking terrified crews is

>that one interview where he talks about his four year old daughter dying
Its pretty fucking sad

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Ali said nothing wrong, why do most people from racially diverse and multicultural huge cities tend to segregate their neighborhoods from each other? e.g China towns, Korean towns, nigger ghettos, Birmingham pakis, different immigrant communities, etc...
Hell even mutt shitholes like Brazil is like that.

i never played punch out before, what are you supposed to do?

this has always been so much more impressive than the ali clip of him dodging stuff in the corner that gets posted all over

>implying I'm that tasteless

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Hockey is pure shit though.

Punch the other guy and while not getting punched.

he would live in the wild as a protector of the birds

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>most of humanity gets along just fine when put together
Lol, history is full of violence about humans making wars and killing each other because of religion, race, ethnicity, culture, and ideology.

He was busy being a world class boxer. You think he is going to sit down to play fucking punchout back then? He played it after and liked it.

>implying that all pompadour faggots arent the same garbage

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Hes probably just referring to the Online rerelease but if they revealed a new punch out in the next direct I’d shit bricks

Whats with mike and birds?

I will never cheer for a """"Swede"""" named Ngubu, new world mutt.

He loves pigeons and keeps them as pets.

DMC5 had an homage to someone considered a nigh-universally vilified pedophile by the whitegoy masses.
Japs don't give a fuck.

I'll get you, and I'll make it look like a bloody accident as well

i'd take the punch. if i live, i can say i got hit by mike tyson and if i die, i wouldn't need to commit suicide. both are good outcomes and neither involve ass effect andromeda

>pol memes
Good one friend
Real epic

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I'd take the punch but I'd use my stand to slow his punch at the last moment, making him and everyone else believe I had really been uppercutted by mike tyson

He talked about how when he lived in the slums he would feed them and try to per them.
His first fight was the result of another kid ripping the head off of one of the pigeons he was looking after.

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>pompadour faggs
El oh el

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>from start to beginning.

punch out an arcade hit before tyson had anything to do with the brand

>psychical pain
looks like you've had enough user

>kill the faggot kid pet
>he pulls his nigger trigger and becomes a world tier monster
I wonder how that kid feels about unleashing a true monster into this world

I don't even consider other white people as Swedes, why would a nigger be considered as one?
A new world mutt or Americanised braiwashed faggot like you will never understand.

>get your fucking eye broken
>get called a cocksucker and slapped by coach for refusing to go into the blender again
>get spaghetti hurled at you after the fight

Mike tyson is like a real life chaotic neutral.
I think deep down he wanted to be good but lost the fight to make right choices.
As he's got older he's definitely matured and is surprisingly philosophical on some of his views with life and suffering.
Reading his life story makes you realise what a shit existence he had as a kid and as a result developed serious anger issues later on.
Though you also see a story of someone rising out the ashes to greatness before losing it again.
You can almost look past his rape case and spousal abuse, though they do drag down his appeal as a person to look up to.

>Doubling down on pol memes
Okay, this is epic

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It's hard to imagine a world where Tyson isn't a name to fear. Imagine if Tyson randomly came across the guy.

>get spaghetti hurled at you after the fight
>get food, loose change, and beer bottles thrown at you after your left eye orbital was fucking broken

They rereleased Punch Out featuring Mr. Dream instead of Mike Tyson's Punchout on NES online

You'll get yours you fag

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Golota was a piece of shit
he had quit in a prior fight as well and also bit a guy and was disqualified for low blows more than once iirc

this fight was such a shitshow, tyson failed his drug test

I like Tyson. He's had a fucked up life and made a lot of mistakes but corrected a lot of problems in his life when a lot of people are the same person they were 20 years ago.

>Zoomanon doesn't know what Mike Tyson sounds like
I could just pinch your cheek.

>Street Fighter has that whole swapped name debacle because the localizers were afraid Mike Tyson would kill them for using his likeness

What /pol/ memes?

Genesis does what Ninten-dont

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He really is a guy to both fear and feel sorry for. Even today, would you really fully trust him to not get angry at some small thing? But considering all he went through, it makes sense that that anger never fully goes away, specially when you're known for it and that it's exactly that anger that people want to see.
It honestly must suck to be Tyson, wanting to improve and be better and at peace but also having people who want to see that violence come back.

lefty is a faggot who goes to hollywood parties to let other guys grab his junk to get him off, what a punk azz busta

Use google faggot

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>Untouchable Prettyboy Floyd that is defeated in just a few punches to the face but is fast as fuck and really hard to hit

We need it

everyones loves to see the pure animal violence tyson put along along with the speed and skill

so what if they revitalised boxing by actively encouraging the competitors to go all out on roids and amphetamines?

Basic human tribalism is /pol/ memes now? I guess an ethno-religious state like Israel who was founded by Zionists for Jewish minority to live with their own was made by /pol/ as well.

Most people don't but this American multicultural model and see each other different.
Prove me wrong instead of making non-arguments faggot.

Its super melancholy watching him.
Its clear that under all that anger he had the ability to be pretty empathetic when he felt like it.
You also get the feeling he was pretty sad as well.
But then you remember he's prone to bursts of anger and he could literally turn you into meat paste so you better stay away from him.

Noticed why no faggot replied to this?

Jews dont post "Ngubu" memes one Yea Forums
they just steal our taxes to kill brown people
i never said you were wrong in saying people are tribal
I said its bad too be