>Yea Forums suddenly likes Halo
What happened?
>Yea Forums suddenly likes Halo
What happened?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's been long enough that society started to forget about it, so we can stop being contrarian and pretending that we don't like it. Life is too short to pretend that you hate fun things.
I've been posting in midnight Halo threads here since Reach launched. Always great because we get to avoid contrarian children who can't enjoy some party fun.
Yea Forums has always liked Halo, when it's good. The franchise has just been on hold for a little while.
But now that it's seemingly back on track, people are getting back on board, as past mistakes from 343i are being made up for.
>What happened?
>Yea Forums has always liked Halo
shut up newfag
Yea Forums never liked halo
>What happened?
The kids this board was basically made to get away with?
They are now the absolute majority of Yea Forums's core userbase. The insufferabe kids screeching about niggers on XBLA - yeah, they grew up, got kicked out of every other community they ever joined in, and ended up parking here. Welcome to hell.
Doom is gay
Guess those countless Yea Forums Halo CE lobbies I played in were imaginary.
>always liked Halo, when it's good
no never?
'newfag' yeah okay. just because you never saw Yea Forums threads about liking Halo, doesn't mean they didnt exist
Most of “those” kids moved to PlayStation after the Xbox One 2013 fiasco, it’s part of why there’s so many sony shitposters nowadays.
it's like 20 years old
Newfags are now the new "oldfags". You're talking about the status quo from over FIFTEEN YEARS AGO!
Fun fact: old Yea Forums hated this game.
>They are now the absolute majority of Yea Forums's core userbase. The insufferabe kids screeching about niggers on XBLA - yeah, they grew up, got kicked out of every other community they ever joined in, and ended up parking here. Welcome to hell.
Holy fuck this is the absolute truth
console players have phones now
We have this thread every day.
I don't really give a fuck. I think most of them actually moved to PS but platforms really don't matter here: the insane cancer that was last gen console generation was not a problem of platform nature, but an overwhelming pathological approach of all major players on the field.
Be it as it may: Yea Forums is now the most concentrated community of the very people we once really established an entire board culture to get away from.
This board has always hated Halo
Fuck. Time to show em real FPS again.
Fun fact: If you like Halo you're a normie.
well put. It's unfortunate the mods never implemented quality control on this board like banning naruto from Yea Forums while it was running.
I dont give a fuck about what your x and x epic personal contrarian preference is but halo 1 is one of the best FPS games ever made and has very well earned that spot with its campaign alone
the sheer amount of EVOLUTION that halo brought to the genre was practically doom 1 tier, every other series failing to copy the good aspects and actually improve on them (like the giant maps and vehicles) doesnt change that
I like the games after 1 less but all of them have some extremely strong moments and probably overall far better multiplayer
>46. Halo
>90. Halo 2
Everyone who legitimately enjoys playing games enjoys halo because it's a very unique experience and has been that way since the first game. Only literal shills and people who have allegiances (for whatever retarded reason) to other console companies will hate halo.
It's one of those games where if you don't like it don't play it but most people who play it really enjoy it and would be happy if they get to play it again hence why everyone across all big gaming forums are super hyped for halo MCC on PC.
The kids who played it grew up to become Yea Forums's main demographic.
friends who started posting in 2012 and after: remember that by the time you got here Halo was already far past its heyday
I do agree that Halo did bring some fresh air into a genre defined by Quake, but I stand by my belief that developing FPS's for consoles will always be a fool's errand. Unless you're sane and use a keyboard with your Xbox One or some shit, I don't understand you and never will.
They stopped blindly hating a game because muh Microsoft. Also, a lot of based 360 owners cane here and secretly loved halo
Most people here are zoomers who played Halo at 5 years old.
>Unique experience
It was called "Babby's first FPS" for a reason, user.
halo 1 always had a PC version and I personally owned and played it before the xbox version
Hi normalfag
Kids grew up and the gamers of yesteryear became bitter oldfags no.
Goddamn this is a solid list. Yea Forums Really did have better taste back then. What's the last top 100 we did? I remember something like Master Chief Collection appearing on the top 10, or something equally trendy.
The bias on the internet for all things Japanese is cringe.
>t. quakelard upset that his game was deposed by halo tourneys
Can someone tell me what the secret is to aiming in halo 3? I can't get any fucking kills
>2 cinematic experiences and Pokemon gens in the top 10
Yea Forums did NOT have better taste.
Even though I don't personally enjoy Halo, I will give it credit for being the best attempt at making a console FPS while still having a unique flair to it.
We had only one recently, it's still unfinished since the year isn't over yet. Apparently there is supposed to be another poll next month
Halo has similar map design philosophy as quake. It's arguably the biggest inspiration for the multiplayer.
But Halo is slow as molasses, and there's no physics manipulation or anything like that to boost the learning curve.
It was fun with friends, but it's a shit competitive game.
Zoomers that grew up with that are now 20 or over.
the only people that hated halo were half life fags on pc and jealous fags on other consoles. Thats literally it, the games were always well made
>Been here since 2006
>Still live with my parents
>Still a virgin
You still think I'm a normie?
>It was called "Babby's first FPS" for a reason, user.
LOL contrarians on a image board is not a good reason
The campaign was fucking awful, most of it was the same 4 encounters across the same 4 arenas copy pasted endlessly with the only exceptions being multiplayer maps plugged in at random. Halo2 was infinitely better
and yet it wasn't, halo defined MLG
Yeah, I had it too. Trick is, it was kind of shit. Not as bad as the PC port of Saint's Row 2, but still bad. There's a few patches to fix things, but base game kinda feels like the Xbox port of Republic Commando, and that was shit. I also have some problems with the twin gun formula, but now that literally everyone moved to that, I don't have anything to stand on.
i swear you post the same argument in every halo thread, i recognise you and don't pretend otherwise
>halo defined MLG
Sure did. Do you know what the competitive meta was like before MLG, though?
>Halo has similar map design philosophy as quake
Did you even play Quake? It's more of a mix of Tribes and UT
what a fucking retarded and incorrect critique
Yes since you keep using the word normie and not normalfag
Once again the two guns is something that halo was designed well around while it feels like a limitation in inferior copycats, the giant maps, vehicles and the gun limit comes together in a way where youre still curbstomping everything but your loadout slightly changes how. I think the only serious improvements to that formula that ever came in the series were dual wield and hijack which were both already in 2
They pretended to hate it cause it wasnt on PC
Yea Forums tries too hard to do the opposite of what's popular
>and there's no physics manipulation
As opposed to the non-existent physics of Quake?
nonexistent, and don't even try and argue that the handful of sweaty lards that showed up to lan quake counted as a true comp scene
Bungie's Halo has charm and soul. Difficult to define but you know when it is, or isn't, present.
Yea Forums finally got taste and thank god. As an oldfag Yea Forums hating Halo was the one biggest thing I hated about Yea Forums.
I've liked Halo since like 2002.
> 1. Pokemon Gen 2
> 2. Ocarina of Time
> 3. StarCraft
> 4. Pokemon Gen 1
> 5. Shadow of the Colossus
> 6. Super Mario 64
> 7. Deus Ex
> 8. EarthBound
> 9. Metal Gear Solid
> 10. KOTOR
> 11. Majora's Mask
> 12. MGS3
> 13. Super Metroid
> 14. RE4
> 15. Super Mario Bros 3
> 1. Ocarina of Time
> 2. A Link To The Past
> 3. Super Mario 64
> 4. Castlevania: SOTN
> 5. Super Mario World
> 6. Super Metroid
> 7. MGS3
> 8. Majora's Mask
> 9. DKC2
> 10. Final Fantasy VI
> 11. Chrono Trigger
> 12. Metroid Prime
> 13. Super Mario Bros 3
> 14. RE4
> 15. Pokemon Gen 2
Nu-Yea Forums unironically has better taste then old-Yea Forums
Early Zoomers are taking over from you and now posting childhood nostalgia for the late 00s-early 10s things like iCarly. It feels kinda surreal, because that stuff used to widely be considered the "Downfall into shit era" on Youtube rants.
Haha fuck you I've been using it before it was cool
Fucking Christ, this is gfaqs with that Nintendo and Zelda bias
>Yea Forums has always liked Halo
has everything to do with the fact that furfags got pushed to /vp/
>over 200 posts and 500 votes
So like 5% of Yea Forums voted? Wow, what a truly amazing community project.
This. Halo 1 was excellent and unfortunately, zoomers will never experience it. The writing was excellent even though later games would ruin the plot of the series.
>20 of the top 60 are Nintendo shit
kys nintendo manchild
can i like halo and other games, like doom and quake?
Toe beans
>all these contrarian "i'm on Yea Forums so i have act like what i think Yea Forums does" faggots getting btfo by people who were actually on the board long enough to know that Yea Forums mostly likes halo
Yes, and you're missing the point. Those games are also similar (I believe Tribes was the most influential... Someone back me up on that, I remember reading it in an interview about Marathon), but the person I was responding to brought up quake specifically.
You have never played Quake competitively.
>fat kid
>fort knox (whatever variation you played) on high ground
>big burtha
>garbage compsctor
>concrete sky (on standoff)
>tunnel rats
>miles city
>stairway to heaven
>Yea Forumsintendogaf
>Posting that pic again
Dead meme.
>he didn't play halo with Yea Forums
the absolute state of redditors
What do you think, Halo babies grew up
>don't even try and argue that the handful of sweaty lards that showed up to lan quake counted as a true comp scene
You sound like dobson in that comic where he walks in on the D&D "nerds". You genuinely don't know what you're talking about.
Maybe, but I still don't like that limitation. In Half-Life or Quake, you had to make split second decisions with your arsenal, manage your ammo consumption, and had the ability to use or test many different strategies on the fly. In twin-gun games, the most versatile weapon wins out pretty much 100% of the time. No need for that layer of strategy. It kinda becomes a mini fetchquest to find the weapon that will help you out the most instead of already having it and figuring out how and when to use it. It feels more dumbed down and adds artificial tension to areas, I think.
Seething, Nintendo makes the best games with the worst hardware. Plain & simple
Rocket jumping isnt "physics manipulation" moron
You're mixing me up with someone else, sorry. I rarely even browse Yea Forums these days.
starcraft and halo laid the groundwork for modern esports, if you actually attempt to argue this you're a fucking moron
Normie was made cause normalfag was derogatory to faggot gays, you are a fag
Strafe jumping, and also yes it is physics manipulation because you are utilizing the explosive kickback to increase your jump height.
>halo laid the groundwork for modern esports
It absolutely did! It also dropped the overall skill ceiling immensely and invited a wave of casuals that outnumbered the original fanbase.
What do you think explosion kickback is?
>Same four IP's to lure in emotionally stunted children-of-all-ages with immediately recognizable characters
>>this necessarily discards any form of character development and originality
>No games with realistic graphics
>>always the same oversaturated art style
>No games with realistic mechanics
>Almost no multiplayer-oriented games
>saw an unironic MW2 nostalgia thread here a few weeks ago
feels weird
The people who shit on Halo and call it "My First FPS" never understood why people enjoyed it in the first place. They're always looking at the series from an autistic tourney faggot perspective. The kind of people who demanded Final Destination be the only available map in Melee to the detriment of everybody else's fun because "that's what the pros play!" Or bans all hitscan weapons in Quake because "they take no skill, look at what the pros do!" Nobody gives a flying fuck about what the competitive scene is doing, Halo was a great couch co-op/multiplayer experience with friends, stuffing your faces with cheap shit junkfood while butt rock blasted in the background. Nobody plays the game for this hyper competitive environment where you autistically imagine you're up in the grand stands surrounded by crowds, they play it because they want to make a game mode call Smear the Queer where the target is pink and you have to run the fucker over with vehicles.
No, it wasn't.
pcbros are happy about any steam exclusive nowadays
Why is BOTW so high if Yea Forums constantly makes threads shitting on it?
>Marathon 1994
>Starsiege: Tribes 1998
honestly the fact that Marathon exists and doesn't get more praise than fucking HL is an embarrassment for PC gaming as a whole as it had advanced AI long before valve stole a bunch of ideas and shoved them in their game
The only "strategy" you need in halo 1 is to think how the weapons compliment eachother and if youre carrying a power weapon (rocket launcher, sniper, fuel rod gun etc) you need something more general purpose as your main gun
the enemy encounters and weapon placements are designed in a way where you usually have multiple options for tackling any situation and you are never actually "looking" for any weapon unless you somehow manage to lose your shotgun in the flood heavy chapters. I hate weapon limits in other franchises but I never thought it was an issue in halo because of the vehicles and how youre somewhat expected to keep picking up new weapons as they appear and learning how to use them
same with cod: mw 2 and cod4 becoming "cult classics" and having nostalgia threads.
the zoomers are growing up.
It was an interview done long after, it was probably just after the Halo Reach release. I have no idea where to find it.
>I'd rather esports be dead
>fallout 2 higher than fallout 1
I'd rather it be populated with people who can show off some amazing skills. I can't stand watching Halo comp.
What was the last good era here?
i pirate everything except handball 17 ;_;
Does anyone have the picture of Le Monkey Face wearing a helmet holding a gun superimposed on a picture of Terminal from MW2 with the caption "If you remember this, you're childhood was awesome" or something like that?
I really want to find this picture because the older I get the more I realized a satirical picture like that is pretty much the reality of Yea Forums these days
you might not like the humor, but holy fuck the gameplay is objectively better, unless you like Charisma being useless, a bunch of skills being useless, and NPCs that trap you in corners, you can't change their armor, and you have to steal items from them
core millenial
Marathon deserves more credit as the progenitor of story-driven FPS
lol you morons, physics manipulation in games is seen as moving physical objects like HL2 or BoTW
Look, you're too young to understand, anyway. Like I said, since everyone and their mother moved on to twin guns, I have nothing to stand on. I will say that Half-Life 2's difficulty also comes from its level design and enemy placement and it did that while retaining the old formula, but I digress. I guess I just don't like Halo enough to care.
Late Gen Y was after my time, but looking back it was a hell of a time to be alive.
clearly between core millennial and late millennial
late late millennial is really pushing it, though I have no idea why LotR is there.
it deserves credit for a lot of things common in FPS games now, but it was on Mac so it's just too icky for the gamer crowd
People who shat on Halo simply played any half-decent PC shooter prior to it. It really is that simple. I've never given a single fuck about multiplayer beyond lan parties with friends that were entirely casual.
I hated Halo for not being very good shooters. In fact for being pretty fucking attrocious with many of their core design philosophies then sticking through out the genre and basically crippling it for decade to come. It's just that if you have played a better shooter (and VAST majority of available shooters on PC have been incomparably better than any Halo game), you'd just see how much of a idiot-pandering, lazy, brain-dead shitstorm those games really are.
Why did the Forerunner structures design get shittier in later games for? They were probably peak kino in the first game.
>open pic
>"1 - Pokem-" close pic
Jesus Christ.
>People who shat on Halo simply played any half-decent PC shooter prior to it. It really is that simple.
My initial reaction was, "What the fuck is this shit?"
Eventually I got into the casual side of it with friends and really enjoyed it. Halo 3 especially with the custom games and shit. But it was NOT a competitive game by any stretch. I had no interest in "getting good" at Halo.
I've played dozens of shooters before Halo came out that Yea Forums considered good. I've played dozens of shooters Yea Forums considers good after Halo came out. There has not been a single one with a better multiplayer experience, not one.
Im 35. Id say late millennial for games and early millennials for cartoons.
Have you EVER played QuakeWorld in your life?
I’ve unironically enjoyed a chunk of late gen X-current.
tbqh halo is one of the least offensive topics compared to other cancer like ubisoft shovelware or sony movie games which plebs unironically like and even recommend
you are living in the shadow of old and forgotten Yea Forums. Things stopped being taboo here all the way back in 2010 when redditors migrated en masse
it's because it's the perfect set up for a game, low floor, decent ceiling
compare halo to any pick up sport like baseball, basketball, soccer
easy to play casually with friends but if you want to be great and dunk on niggas then you can
At a time when Doom and System Shock were king, it didn't stand out very well, especially given the exclusivity.
Yes, and it was boring schlock because it had no variety. It's the same thing over and over again like every other online shooter. Meanwhile I could hop into a custom game on Halo 3 and not know what the fuck I was about to play, and that was half the fun of it. Your friend downloaded xXSickNewCustomInfectionModeXx from some other random faggot's hot files he met in matchmaking and it ended up being the best shit you'd play for that week. What Halo has that every other shooter floundered on was variety built into the very game. Without any external tools at all you could craft the stupidest, most retarded shit imaginable and play it with your friends.
This is why Halo was top dog, and why people have fond memories of it.
Late Gen-Y/ The early 90's were awesome. The Gulf War was over, the Cold War was over, things finally looked like they were gonna be good. Kinda makes ya think what things would be like if the towers never fell.
Strafe jumping, bunnyhopping, rocket jumping, LG juggling/force, plasma climbing
Do you even know what quake is?
Halo was just another case of contrarianism. Yea Forums liked (and still likes) Call of Duty 4, but then the series got hyper-mega-popular and caused the modern shooter trend and suddenly Call of Duty was always cancer unless you get the occasional United Offensive fan. Halo isn't as popular as it used to be, and 4 and 5 are easy punching bags, so the contrarianism mostly lifted.
Unless you're a Reach fan, in which case everyone tries to hit you below the ribs because apparently you're sub-human for even daring to like anything besides the customization.
The people who hated on Halo back then were old-school PC FPS elitists who are now a dying breed.
Bro, I don't know what you're on, but if you played Quake multiplayer and thought it was boring, you have problems. Same kinds of custom games, tons of gamemodes, a metric shit ton of custom maps, the works. It only got better when Half-Life came out. And in both of those games, you didn't have shitty controls and twin guns. Better in every way, I'd say.
The best way to describe Halo multiplayer is that it was basically Little Big Planet (with guns) before Little Big Planet was even a twinkle in its creator's eyes.
I like how a lot of the Gen X culture could also apply to later eras.
dae you liek mudkipz???
it was a different time
I never played it but look forward to playing the campaign as that's all I really got to taste.
Will stick to real fps like quake and tf2 for online though
>Same kinds of custom games
I didn't come across a single one where it wasn't just a fancy form of FFA, TDM, CTF, Duel etc. Where were they hiding the good shit where two people played pinball and if they lost a zombie player would burst into the room and fuck them up?
Ive always liked halo. Yea Forums is just filled with contrarian incels
>console exclusive
>BAD GAME AWFUL *put various buzzwords*
>comes to PC
Take a guess.
Look, here's all it is, it's just generational differences.
It's basically just what says. They grew up with the game and their tastes are different, so, that's how it is.
Don't lump Quake with garbage like TF2 retard
Halo 1 came out on PC as well you mongoloid.
Pretty sure everybody saying "we're coming home" used to play Halo on consoles and moved to PC.
I never liked CoD4's MP, fucking MMORPG bullshit in my shootan is unacceptable and it made me drop BF2142 as well.
pc is still seething about bloodborne
I can understand hating grinding for attachments, guns and shit, but honestly if the core gameplay's fun then the grind is just a diversion on the side. Too bad I fucking suck at competitive games.
>console fps series
>on a three shitty as well
littlerally only american zoomers like it and have nostalgia for it
stop being revisionist faggot
I guess you never dove deeper and got mods from forums and shit. There's plenty of custom gamemodes in Quake if you know where to look, Team Fortress and CTF being the most popular. One of my favorites is Star Wars Dogfighter. They made fuckin Multiplayer X-Wing for Quake, man.
But halo came out then
CoD2 did everything better and had the more fun modding community, automatics being superior to semi and bolt action weapons made it too casual
Friendless NEETs will never understand.
Halo pretty much invented baby mode fps health regen tho
Fucking team fortress 2 post f2p blows halo out of the fucking water, please shut the fuck up you zoomer pile of cancer.
You type like a edgy kid trying to fit in
>There will be Fortnite nostalgia threads on Yea Forums by 2025
>2025 is six fucking years away
>I'll still be using this website becasue the rest of the internet is somehow worse
I want to go back to playing video games and talking about it with my friends the next day in school lads.
we're going home lad
we're discussing fps games, not hat simulators
DOOM pretty much invented baby mode fps no need to aim vertically tho
Halo was the first FPS game where the time to kill something and the player's movement speed was synchronized; that you could start at the far end of RRR, W at an enemy, and when you touched the enemy, their health would be 0 or close enough that you could melee them and make it 0.
Half Life, albeit an amazing game, enemies feel like bullet sponges; you never W at an enemy; it's just not something you did in pre-Halo FPS games.
CE did it right by making your shields and health separate, 2 fucked it up
>1 and 3 are Pokemon
>not even the good ones, Platinum is at 46 and for some reason ranked with Diamond and Pearl
>Brawl is in the top 20
how embarrassing
>class based shooter with crits
>Fucking team fortress 2 post f2p
No, no it doesn't. TF2 out of every game I've seen on PC has some of the shittiest fucking custom servers I have ever seen.
Trash, all of it.
We're discussing trash or did you not see 'halo' in the thread op?
seething tf2 autist
>Fucking team fortress 2 post f2p
>post f2p
>ost f2p
Based halo retards at it again.
Man you really love this image don't you, you boomzoom faggot
at least mistakes are punished in DOOM
also there was no vertical aim because of the controllers and hardware of the time
zoomers have replaced boomers and now anyone who speaks up about how shit the franchise always was is screamed down by dozens of angry teens who still fondly remember when they got a copy of ODST for their 5th birthday.
Your childhood Gmod has been reduced to nothing but honor-rule banhappy sandbox garbage. Anyone can host a 16 player custom games lobby in Halo and play infection and everyone can have fun.
Stupid zoomers started posting here.
why would I want to fit in with literal trash heap. Yea Forumss opinions are worth to me less than dog shit on my shoe and this thread is a testimony to it
Are you implying there are not achievement maps post F2P? I started playing after it went free and there were countless achievement maps available. The rest were exactly as he says.
I like Doom and Halo for the same reasons.
>forgetting how hated gen 4 was when it first came out
>forgetting the initial Brawl hype
>We're living in a time where Yea Forums is shitting on launch tf2 and praising console trash like halo.
I didn't think neo/v/ was real until now.
I can go on right now and find
>VS Saxton Hale
>Jailbreak I really dont get how this workes outside of CS
>Smash Bros
>Jump Maps
>random mix of everything ala Van/Redsun
>PC elitism
>in the age of parity
>at least mistakes are punished in DOOM
lol doom is piss easy to never make a "mistake"
Saying facts is seething?
Learn how pre and post work, you fucking retard. Pre is before, post is after.
Funny, if ElDewrito didn't get halted, I'd be able to find comparable minigames there.
Yeah yeah champ you are very cool, you were born in lel wrong generation
You're not very bright are you?
>tfw love DOOM and Halo
>Launch TF2
>Demoman dominating everything
>Engineer was useless
Yeah, great fun.
TF2 was never good and was the Fortnite of its day
>Hero shooter gimmick
>cartoony artstyle
>Muh Valve
You're not very bright while you samefag are you?
>We're living in a time where Yea Forums is shitting on launch tf2 and praising console trash like halo.
This is pre-F2P, you retard. The discussion was post-F2P, about the time the game started to go to shit.
This was before reddit trash and twitter tards came in droves zoomer.
Achievement servers were in such high demand because the flood of f2p children couldn't be bothered to just play the game and earn new weapons. Post f2p was the height of community servers and support. Game modes like prop hunt, wario ware, zfortress, deathrun, hale vs, surf, jump maps, balloon race, wacky races, there are too many to name. Please go die in a fire and learn your history before posting again zoomer cancer.
It's okay to not be into Halo, but if you hate it, especially because you think it made things worse for gaming overall, you're an obsessive moron with no friends and no life. Whatever garbage came after Halo's time had nothing to do with Halo or the people who were fans of it. Halo fans just loved playing with their friends and/or loved the science fiction lore and designs that Bungie were known for.
>2008 Yea Forums
>not already dead from newfaggotry
How do you compare something to Fortnite without it being anywhere near as popular?
You lack reading comprehension friend.
I think I found a Wario Ware server once. It was buried under an endless sea of trade servers and meme maps nobody actually played anything on.
Saturday tom foolery servers were a blast.
>before it was cool
so not just a normie but a hipster too
>prop hunt
modded in halo: reach and beyond
>wario ware
get out of my house
>hale vs
>jump maps
escape rooms
>balloon race
rocket race
>wacky races
rainbow road
Kill yourself.
Late Gen x master race here
New guy here. I get both your perspectives because I grew up playing Halo 2 and Sauerbraten side by side each other.
The strategies that come with figuring out weapon combos in classic arena FPS games still existed in the Halo trilogy. The difference I see is that one streamlines the process while the other leaves it all out on the table. I think both methods can be good and bad and, talking about Halo specifically, the 2-weapon system wasn't executed poorly. The weapons are balanced in such a way in Halo that I'm not really sure what I'd even use if I had, say, 5 weapon slots available. We've seen lots of genre mixing and those play out a lot harsher than games sticking to one idea and rolling with it.
>They were probably peak kino in the first game
they were the worst part of the first game, all of them were the same 3 corridors, bridge and that one little arena room over and over again.
The first game had enough to offer to make it interesting, for one game, and only for the SP campaign. MP was fucked by autoaim from the start, and it was only fun to play splitscreen locally with friends because there it's not really competitive and you're just messing around. Hopefully they'll drop that now from all versions and fix the crappy movement mechanics to give it at least somewhat of a proper PC release.
>modded in halo: reach and beyond
shallow version of a better mode in a pc game
not even close to the same
>get out of my house
Not even close and more related to zombie source survival maps. Melee in halo sucks and zfortress had building options and multiple perks with multiple classes to boot. Not even comparable.
shallow version of a better mode in a pc game without bunny hopping
shallow version of a better mode in a pc game without the class dynamics, z axis air shenanigans, and general largeness of the maps (boston basher with regen+ fan = floor is lava). Fat kid is also a different mode than hale vs but you eat haloshit so I guess that is to be expected.
shallow version of a better mode in a pc game and less air control, wew
>escape rooms
shallow version of a better mode in a pc game now with no air control or challenging rocket mechanics. wew lad. In fact escape rooms is a puzzle map not a test of player skill that jump maps are
>theres no point in going further because you clearly don't know the modes you are trying to parallel
yep sounds about right.
my point wasnt to draw direct parallels, what I was trying to say is that your precious TF2 isn't fucking special because it has user-generated content.
did the original 2 PC ports still have bullet magnetism? headshots feel just as automatic as they do in the console versions but that could just be the mouse aiming making it so much easier
hitboxes in Halo 1 are fairly generous, not sure about bullet magnetism but the character speeds + hitboxes make it painfully easy to headshot with the pistol.
The argument was about quality which is something halo never had, because its slow skilless console trash.
Here's your (You) pal, now go back to playing Overwatch and pretending you're cool.
Overwatch doesnt have any custom modes at all though, I would rather suffer through Halo than have that garbage on my harddrive
I liked it back then, I like it now (at least CE and 2, haven't played the others). Only difference is now Halo is less relevant and people don't care enough to shout you down for it now.
>newfag calls others newfag
Which are?
Facebook tier image
You were born in the mid 70s-early 80s?
dude those kids would be like 22-32 by now
they played old shooters by now, they just prefer actual fun games. halo and half life werent even 5 years apart from each other btw
>i speak for everyone here
It's like a game of chess, the AI of different enemy types behave in different ways based on their body types and character traits.
even reddit did a complete 180 on minecraft and has been shoving it down everyones throat all of the sudden
like is it time to get nostalgic over evey little thing after a few years?
How do you know?
When the Greeks came back from a long war, they felt as though the towns they had passed through were familiar.
The Greeks earned their nostalgia. We have consume it like gibsmedats.
He's right though, halofags used to be a laughing stock on Yea Forums. You'll understand how we despise you when fortnight shitheads grow up and start posting here.
vs saxton hale sure
zombies ok
smash bros yeah good luck on finding a server with people
x10 the aids of community servers. its not even funny anymore and every non trading server is fucking x10 on higher tower
death run and jail break gross
cause people are already posting remember season 1 fornite
No one even talks about MW1 anymore, Yea Forums doesn't want to admit that the broke mess that was MW2 was the more fun one.
Jailbreak in TF2 sounds retarded but dont be dissing CS jailbreak
>season 1 fornite
>even reddit did a complete 180 on minecraft
Nice selfie
This is the shit that makes me not excited for the PC release. I'm worried everyone is gonna spend all of their time playing the shitty custom game modes again and actual good shit like assault is gonna be underappreciated and underplayed again.
v never likes popular games with the execption of japanise shit. that gets a pass for everything
doom2016 is a really fun high pace action shooter and v shits on it on the daily while praising vanilla doom 2 of all fucking things
just because you did it first doesn't mean anyone saw you
im all over the place and doing something while typing, but reddit is a hive mind so it still applies
just head over to r/gaming and see the minecraft circlejerk for yourself
its the thing that gets me the most hype, vehicles and the physics behind them were always the best thing Halo ever did and the default gamemodes have them mostly absent
>just head over to r/gaming
Waw mw2 and Bo1 are the only god cods
everything else comes up to Okaish at best
I never understood why self-proclaimed oldfags gave so much of a shit about what FPS people play.
>What happened?
>"haha only babies like halo!"
>years pass
>babies start posting about halo's greatness.
it's not rocket science user.
>Actually browsing reddit
>v never likes popular games
You just grew up during 7th gen and don't understand what makes a game good.
t. console fag
ight than youtube
minecraft nostalgia is in full effect right now and fornite nostalgia for earlier seasons is starting up
Why would i play moba trash if I like classic pc shooters that aren't console trash?
no 5th, but shit before the 7th is overrated garbage usually
cod and halo just had some bangers v doesnt wanna admit cause they rather play fucking half life again
the game here people only fondly remember like 3 chapters cause the rest sucks dick
you got me
>but shit before the 7th is overrated garbage usually
7th gen didn't have a single year like this, cancer.
of what, mostly shit?
halo is objectivelly a mediocre game, i dont get how can anyone look back on it and think its good
nostalgia glasses i guess
Who's the contrarian now?
Tf2 takes way more mechanical skill
Rj is harder, uber counting is more complex than mega/heavy timers, and rollouts are far more difficult and rewarding. Scout is also way faster than any other grounded firefight which is what most 1v1s come down to. Also sniping in tf2 takes more skill than rails.
This implies you remotely know what you're talking about, which you probably dont considering you said something so poser
lol got eem, haloshits will say anything to defend their trash series
execpt 2007 and this year is starting to get good
also yeah you got a lot of overrated sht there too fucking FARCRY? Half life 2 is okay but the ai is braindead and will walk in a straight line at you? pikmin 2 is baiscully just pikmin 1. Bloodlines and metroid prime 2, surely you must be joking. san andreas, not even the best ps2 gta. and many more cause i don't feel typing anymore
I'll be honest, I wasn't here when Halo was in its prime. I can't comment on whether Halo was "liked" by some of the retards on here. However, it was better than any shooter. The core gameplay of melee-gun-grenade is what made it different and competitive. A low skill floor, but a very high skill ceiling is what kept you wanting to play more and get better. Then you had the social playlists for the casuals who just wanted to have fun.
There are only two groups of people who don't like Halo: those who hate sci fi games (reasonable), and those who sucked at it. Mainly the COD and Battlefield players. Still to this day they talk shit about Halo, because they could never get good at it. Map awareness, communication, and memorizing weapon spawns was simply too much for their small brains to handle. Ironically, these same COD and Battlefield players actually like Reach, 4, and 5, because they're almost completely different games that require less skill.
The moronic "CSR" system stolen from games like Starcraft and League of Legends is attractive to bad players, as they no longer have to use teamwork to rank up. This was intentional by Bungie to attract more casual idiots for more *insert the root of all evil*, and also to get Halo veterans to buy Destiny; another shit game. 343 just so happened to receive the Halo torch, and ran it further into the ground.
Talking shit about Reach, Halo 4, and Halo 5 is understandable. There's no point in playing those games as there's nothing unique to offer over other shooters. But hating on true, classic Halo proves you just don't like the theme or atmosphere (reasonable opinion), or you just couldn't compete, ie, you're a bad kid.
Period end of story.
2007 was trash, this year is good but 2017 was the best since 2004
2007 was pretty good
>Mass Effect
>World in Conflict
>Civ4, the finally finished version
>C&C3 fuck you its great
>Lost Planet
There's not a single 9/10 game in that list, while 2004 had multiple perfect games.
Quake Boomers are the fucking worse, that shit died so fast when we actually got fun games. they hype it up like it was the bihgest game but it didnt even beat out cs as number 1 shooter during its short time
fucking tf2 literally survived longer than quake 2x over by now. imagine playing a game where you run back and forth picking up nothing but health for the entire game
The only games on the previous image I would give 9/10 to would be VTBM and Total War Rome and MAYBE UT04
I like Halo and I'm older than ~90% of this board (29) and have been here for over 9 or 10 years
When Halo 1 was released on Xbox, it was intensely fun.
your just wrong
halo 3, mw1, bioshock, assassan creed, gta4, portal, mario galaxy, orange box
2007 was baiscully responable for killing pc until mobas revived it
>People on Yea Forums are now nostalgic for the most casual and normalfag games like Halo, CoD and WoW
>In a few years people will unironically be nostalgic for stuff like Skyrim, Fortnite and Minecraft.
We live in the dark ages.
ok but worse than system shock 1/2
megashit that was almost as cancerous as halo/CoD on the industry
ok but worse than SA
good but like 2 hours long
compilation, doesn't count
Ranked Halo was not causal.
even in 2007 people only liked Asscreed for the novelty of the concept and design, AC2 was the first and only genuinely good one
that list is a complete joke compared to 2004
Fat Kid is fucking awful, that gamemode needs to be banned.
Any gamemode that involves everyone running away from one painfully slow near invincible enemy sucks.
this is the weirdest shit to be depressed about
halo is coming to pc, why dont you just have fun with everyone else instead of protecting your "hardcore" gamer badge
why would you be on Yea Forums if not to see contrarians and hipsters in their natural habitat?
Stay mad almost all that shit in 2004 was overrated garbage thats been forgotten
fucking farcry lmao and honestly that was one of the better picks. holy shit v is too funny with the whole old good new bad thing
>I'm 29 and that makes me super old and mature on Yea Forums
You do realize that the wizard meme came around 10+ years ago on this site, meaning that the cutoff age for 'oldfag' is currently in the early fourties, right?
>overrated garbage thats been forgotten
you list of 2007 is even worse in that regard
Not an argument.
I never claimed to be super old or mature, but thanks for the reply friend. I was simply showing that just saying "zoomer" is a shit argument.
literally just not true
you cant hit me with a no you when you got two metroid games
poster franchise for overrated garbage
>What tombers actually believe
I really like whenever there's a thread
>wow Yea Forums likes Halo now wtf
How come you """oldfags""" conveniently never speak up other cancerous shit in vidya. It's almost like Snoyfucks and Nintenfags are pretending to be oldfags to shit on Halo because of it's exclusivity
People who were literally in diapers when it came out are old enough to post here without being banned.
>v never likes popular games
>he wasn't here for Yea Forums - valve fanboys
2011 was a fucking blessing on this site
>san andreas, MGS3, TTYD, Cave story, HL2, Burnout 3, V:MB, battlefront, tales of symphonia, pikmin 2, metroid prime 2, R&C3
What happened is that there are a lot of people on this website that are in their late 20's and early 30's who spent much of their childhood playing halo.
Halo is fun. Halo 2 on xbox live in 2004 was a fuckton of fun.Halo 3 with your high school bros was fun.
Mad quake nerds who are 35+ will forever be salty their game is dead. Halo is fun, get over it.
If Halo was casual and normalfag then Yea Forums would love it.
And those people aren't Halo's audience.
>halo fan thinks metroid series is overrated garbage
"how does anyone like these games, the shooting mechanics arent even good"
>Halo 4
Sure custom games and social was casual but ranked was pretty fucking competitive and relied on you going above and beyond to rank up to a respectable rank and keep it.
2000 to 2005 was the golden age of online gaming
most people played halo 1 and 2, socom 1 and 2, and CounterStrike 1.6
goldeneye couch co-op was fun too, that doesnt mean the game isnt objectively shit
>halo 4
You realize that all of those kids are probably now over 18.
>fag that was underage till very recently is a halo fag
sounds right to me
>Yea Forums is one person
>we all agree on everything
OP is a faggot and so is everyone arguing ITT about whether or not a popular, well-liked game is within 'Yea Forums's taste'
you guys are cancer. kill yourselves; or better yet-- go discuss vidya in a real thread instead of this bait trash
burnout who cares
mgs3 i perfer 2 but 3 was alright
half life is only known as a meme at his point with the best game being episode 2
pikmin 2 is just 1 so it doesnt really count
castlevania is a franchise you think would be big but its really not
bloodlines is overrated garbage that plays like shit with bad wiriting that is only held up by rpg mechanics
yeah a really good year man
and they will be posting on Yea Forums defending Halo 4 as the last good one in the next 2-3 years
It was the pinnacle of co-op gaming between 2001-2009
>Till very recently
user, that poster was 18 literally 9 years ago. He's 27 this year.
How fucking old are you if you're calling him underage?
Halo isn't objectively shit, that's such a contrarian thing to hold. Halo 1-3 are, by far, the best console shooters ever made. Halo 2 over xbox live in 2004 was one of the best experiences you could have in that time, especially if you didn't have access to a computer.
the diffrence is halo is fun and metroid isnt
and thats just how it be
DK64 was the superior N64 MP shooter
Halo isnt fun and neither is Metroid Prime
>older than 27
>he uses his age in place of an argument
post your birth certificate so we can fortnite dab on you grandpa
Halo fans are generally right-wing, hate the establishment, enjoy having fun, are generally leagues better personalities to hang out with, understand what works and what doesn't, recognises the pros and cons of the series and doesn't deny them to others.
People who oppose Halo and/or it's fans tend to lean to the left and have shitposting tendencies. They do not respond well to criticism and are generally unpleasant company to have. They love to insinuate negative things to sate their own satisfaction and will always try to spin another person's story back on them as a means to 'one-up' them. They can not let go of a grudge.
I remember Halo being universally hated in 2007, and the launch of Halo 3 (And Game Fuel) was shitposted endlessly. Remember the "Captain King" copypasta?
>Goldeneye higher than the original Half Life and Doom 1 and 2.
>Unreal Tournament at 100?
Jesus fuck.
number 2 behind conker
This is generally the difference between all pro-military and anti-military groups.
half life 1 is shit user theres a reson when yo see gameplay its only ever surface tension, office complex, and on
the rail
cause the rest are shit
>Halo 1-3 are, by far, the best console shooters ever made
timesplitters exists
>generally right-wing, hate the establishment
I know this is pasta but since the majority of posters on Yea Forums are highschool droppouts I will remind everyone that this statement is an oxymoron
>Halo 1-3 are, by far, the best console shooters ever made
reddit likes shit games and Yea Forums is basically reddit now
see: boringlands, divinity original shit and other garbage that i forgot about
>not even the good ones, Platinum is at 46 and for some reason ranked with Diamond and Pearl
unfortunately, we didn't have emulators capable of running on 500% speed during fights, so we actually had to sit through 22.4 second wild pokemon encounter and 18-32 second trainer intros every single fucking time.
>I dont know what a libertarian is
>having a respect for authority means respecting all authorities equally
That people think this way is amazing. I'm more used to normalfag, but I use both. People like to change it up sometimes, y'know?
>only on xbox
well that aged poorly
Borderlands 3 posting is the same viral marketing shit that every Borderlands game has had on Yea Forums and Divinity OS is good, suck my dick faggot
>Yea Forums has always liked Halo
nobody cares about books faggot
The Yappening is the one good thing to happen with Halo since 343i took over. I don't like Brute Shoot, I find the BTB Invisble SWAT gametype dull, but dear god something actually changed for once. Adding new functionality to old games as optional? Yes, yes and more yes.
was Marty O'Donnell right wing too or do I remember wrong?
>I remember Halo being universally hated in 2007
Yeah that's called shitposting, we all still bought it. My friend group at the time was literally like 30+ anons from this place and we all shitposted about Halo while playing custom games.
>Divinity OS is good
cant fix your shit taste
>w-we were just pretending
Dedicated grenade button
Slow movement speed
Regenerating health
Made for consoles (and a controller)
Constant waypoint markers
This shit and more Halo cursed the games industry with. It is instrumental in its downfall, like the first malignant cell in a grapefruit-sized brain tumor.
It's so good with friends, I don't know how you can dislike it.
>Yea Forums is one person
>Yea Forums is muh secret club
lmao look at this old man
>list of things that are supposed to be bad without explanation as to why they are
as usual
>so casual he doesnt understand why slow movement speed, huge hitboxes, autoaim and 2 guns is bad
See? Halo has ruined this child. He will never be able to appreciate a video game.
>Dedicated grenade button
I have yet to hear an argument for why it's bad.
Grenades are so versatile and powerful in most games they should force a weapon switch + animation. In every FPS nowadays some shitter losing a fight can tap the grenade key, aim at the ground and mutually assure his and his enemy's destruction. If the grenade was a standalone weapon, his enemy would A) see he's about to throw it and stay away and B) have to use the grenade intelligently, not as a fuck-you crutch.
stop memeing and tell him why then, retard
if a shitter kills you then you are the actual shitter.
Reach being considered a favorite game still irks the shit out of me.
You offer no explanation because you don't have one.
>slow movement speed
The level and enemy design are built around the speed and therefore do not hurt the game design.
>huge hitboxes
Halo on Legendary is more about tactical positioning, team aggro and limb based targeting than anything else. It's not a shooting gallery. The hitboxes aren't "huge" except if you compare it to an FPS that has nothing going for it besides the aiming and strafing.
See above comment.
>2 guns
See comment on slow movement speed. Having a limit on the guns also made it work better with controllers, which is just a more enjoyable peripheral than a mouse + keyboard for gaming overall and especially for a game that is not focused on just being a shooting gallery.
Very evasive response, retard. The ideal Halo audience.
I mean in Halo that's not really a big deal because it takes two grenades to kill - excluding CE where they were fucking nukes.
three based posters to start. God bless America and God bless Halo.
>It's not a shooting gallery
I just played through Halo 2 on legendary and past the first 2 levels where sniper rifles start showing up pretty much everywhere it really is a shooting gallery except for like a few minutes of each level
>Halo on Legendary is more about crouching behind a rock while your health regenerates and limb based targeting from behind said rock than anything else.
lmao i bet you throw a tantrum each time someone kill you, what a bitch.
>check out my dead mediocre franchise you guys
people getting mad at 2 guns when csgo is one of most popular games of all time
Zoomers took over
Well no wonder you have shit opinions, you're playing by yourself, the objectively wrong way to play Halo.
>removed Reach
You're doing god's blessing, user.
I have job in chemical manufacturing and an 8/10 fiance. The least normal thing about me is that I come here to talk about Risk of Rain, Elder Scrolls lore, Sekiro shitters, "Meanwhile, on High Charity Yea Forums" threads, and to masturbate. Trannies ruined /gif/
But you are a zoomer ffs. You don't suddenly become a different generation because u got older.
Reach is a fun game, it just wasn't my adolescent peak.
I dont see how two people running around with a near unlimited supply of sniper rifle ammo makes it any less of a shooting gallery than one person running around with a near unlimited supply of sniper rifle ammo
>The level and enemy design are built around the speed and therefore do not hurt the game design.
Which is laughably simplistic. Blood Gulch is the biggest offender because it's a wide expanse of fucking nothing, where 70% of the terrain is suicidal to treat over unless someone is spawning tanks (and even then you'll probably die.) Nobody wants to trudge through an action game, they want to run at a sensible speed and without having to hold shift. The movement in Halo is literally only slow because shitty ass Xbox can't render its grafix fast enough, and if enemy players moved too fast your shitty ass analog stick would never be able to hit anything.
>Halo on Legendary is more about tactical positioning, team aggro and limb based targeting
Halo on Legendary is about having some guy sit in the back for respawns, while you run into the enemy holding the trigger down, slowly killing enemies one at a time in allahu akbar runs. Don't pretend it's anything else. It's difficulty done in the worst way (nothing but inflated health and more damage) on the worst possible format for FPS games.
If you have to make bullets do an abrupt horizontal turn several inches from the other guy's hitbox just so the player can hit anything, maybe you shouldn't even bother developing the game. These titles are piss easy on PC because the horribly generous hitreg and 10 year long enemy animations are developed for controllers, anyone with a mouse and keyboard is going to stomp all over even the hardest difficulty & anyone without KBM is going to suck dick for dinner.
>Having a limit on the guns also made it work better with controllers
Yeah. Seeing a pattern? Making a shooter for consoles+controllers just leads to a dumbed down game and infants thinking they're playing a "real FPS game", like you. Halo ruined the genre so bad it's not even funny.
Combat Evolved's campaign is great.
Halo 2's campaign is absolute dog shit - to be expected of a rushed game.
Halo 3's campaign is unremarkable.
Halo 3: ODST's campaign was fantastic.
Halo: Reach's campaign had its ups and downs.
Halo 4's campaign was a thing.
Halo 5's campaign probably never happened and was all just a Republic Commando fever dream.
Do these young people have an incredibly short reference for time? A couple years ago nobody was using these lingo.
2's campaign will always be the only good one, CE fags need to get over their unfinished game that is mostly a copy paste job
cool paragrapths old man, but isnt it time to start up your sub 50 player "good" game now, and let the men prepare for reach?
halo ces campaign invovled the same 2 rooms copy pasted for like a quater of it
the other 75% is great tho
>anyone with a mouse and keyboard is going to stomp all over even the hardest difficulty & anyone without KBM is going to suck dick for dinner.
For Halo 2 this is true but for Halo 1/3 having mouse aim really doesnt help all that much since headshot weapons are uncommon compared to 2
>evasive because hes right
I probably would have a higher opinion of 4s campaign if it was just a movie or book, no shitty H4 gameplay. 5 would have been better if they cut the dogshit dialogue and all story elements leaving only gameplay.
not denying your "good" games are so garbage they die almost instanly every single time
>pikmin 2 is just 1 so it doesnt really count
beta very soon lads
>how to spot a newfag: the post
Can confirm. I was the screaming child on Halo 2. I also modded my xbox and boosted clans to level 50 because I thought I was hot shit. I also remember spamming Bungie forums with some bullshit I forgot.
plays the same check
looks the same check
basicully not the same game, okay dude least call of duty games adapt a slightly different art style to tell them apart
>Blood Gulch is the biggest offender because it's a wide expanse of fucking nothing, where 70% of the terrain is suicidal
This. Why do people like that map?
whats wrong with halo. It's fucking kino.
because they like to hear the running riot sfx when they get a scorpion or gauss hog
>getting home from school and hopping on Halo 3 to forget about life and play Jenga, Fat Kid, Predator, and Tunnel Rats with your bros
Damn I miss those moments, even playing Halo Wars was fun with friends
The golden age of games really is over, this current generation of consoles was a mistake and the next generation will probably fail due to another global recession
Halo CE's campaign was awesome
Halo 2's campaign was a disappointment
Halo 3's campaign was the best in the series
Halo 3: ODST who the fuck cares
Halo: Reach campaign was dogshit
Halo 4's campaign was decent
Halo 5's campaign was shit
Get the fuck out of here with your gay ass opinions, you're not a Halo fan.
It's worth noting that most of Yea Forums came from GameFaqs, which explains how similar their taste is
> Best Franchise Contest (120-140k Voters)
> 1. The Legend of Zelda (Nintendo)
> 2. Final Fantasy (SquareSoft)
> 3. Metal Gear Solid (Konami)
> 4. Super Mario (Nintendo)
> 5. Resident Evil (Capcom)
> 6. Super Smash Bros (Nintendo)
> 7. Kingdom Hearts (SquareSoft)
> 8. Metroid (Nintendo)
> 9. Castlevania (Konami)
> 10. Pokemon (Nintendo)
> 11. Street Fighter (Capcom)
> 12. Mega Man (Capcom)
Best Games Ever Contest (80k-190k Voters)
> 1. Ocarina of Time (Nintendo)
> 2. Final Fantasy VII (SquareSoft)
> 3. Chrono Trigger (SquareSoft)
> 4. Pokemon R/B/Y (Nintendo)
> 5. Final Fantasy VI (SquareSoft)
> 6. Super Smash Bros Melee (Nintendo)
> 7. Super Mario RPG (Nintendo)
> 8. Super Mario 64 (Nintendo)
> 9. Metal Gear Solid 3 (Konami)
> 10. A Link To The Past (Nintendo)
> 11. Castlevania: SOTN (Konami)
> 12. Majora's Mask (Nintendo)
Best Character Ever Contest (70k to 149k Voters)
> 1. Link (Legend of Zelda)
> 2. Solid Snake (Metal Gear Solid)
> 3. Samus Aran (Metroid)
> 4. Squirtle (Pokemon)
> 5. Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
> 6. Pikachu (Pokemon)
> 7. Mewtwo (Pokemon)
> 8. Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy)
> 9. Sephiroth (Final Fantasy)
> 10. Mega Man (Mega Man)
> 11. Sora (Kingdom Hearts)
> 12. Gary Oak (Pokemon)
You don't have a "near unlimited" supply on Halo 2 Legendary, that's just a lie. Not to mention using the sniper rifle as often as possible throughout Halo 2 Legendary is pretty fucking considering it's easier to take down shields with other weapons and the shields are ridiculous on Legendary, but in order to USE those other weapons you need to play with someone competent who can aggro effectively with you. Playing co-op opens up many more tactics with the game's different weapons and makes it way more fun.
>Blood Gulch is the biggest offender
>complaining that you move slow on a multiplayer map with vehicles on it, that isn't even that big really
I sincerely doubt you ever played an 8v8 CTF on Blood Gulch and especially not with competent teams.
>The movement in Halo is literally only slow because shitty ass Xbox can't render its grafix fast enough
Baseless statement.
>if enemy players moved too fast your shitty ass analog stick would never be able to hit anything.
Controller is still more fun to use for gaming overall and games that are focused on more than just aiming and strafing are more fun overall. This negative you're pointing out is not a negative at all.
>Halo on Legendary is about having some guy sit in the back for respawns, while you run into the enemy holding the trigger down, slowly killing enemies one at a time in allahu akbar runs.
No, that's just how a couple of shitters play. I've played Halo's campaigns with actual MLG stars (yes I know it's a joke but those had some really fucking good players when it was first a thing) and it's amazing how fast you can blaze through the games by synchronizing and timing attacks with your co-op partner, and it's FUN to figure out how and do so.
>These titles are piss easy on PC
Yeah no shit, and if you're playing them on PC without a controller you're retarded. It's like playing an arcade game with arrow keys rather than a stick, you just ruined the experience for yourself.
>most of Yea Forums came from GameFaqs
pretty fucking boring*
> Not one but 5 Fucking Pokemon characters in the top 12
You should play H2A Bloodline. It actually fixed the map by providing a fuckton more cover without hampering vehicle space. Honestly every single one if its updated maps are better than the OG Halo 2 versions, and that's saying something because stuff like Ascension is in there.
>the original Xbox and 360 were underpowered and couldnt render shit reliably
>Baseless statement
>original Xbox and 360 were underpowered
god damn, remaking these customs is gonna be a blast
>he doesn't care about ODST
I dont think you were even born when red ring was a huge issue.
That's why I hate this board, it's pretty obvious they're not Halo fans. People that only played Halo because it was popular aren't fans, people that started with Halo 2, ODST, Reach, Halo 4, or Halo 5 have no say in which Halo is the best because they can barely even be called fans either, people that read the books before playing the games and thinks Halo is a book series have no say in what Halo should be. A true Halo fan started with Halo CE and kept going from there while not have some kind of favoritism towards the devs just to try and fit in with the actual fans.
>Halo 2's campaign was a disappointment
>Halo 3's campaign was the best in the series
What sort of fucking glue do you sniff? Halo 2 was the only time the story actually became interesting. Losing the Arbiter missions in Halo 3 completely shot the narrative in the knees.
The original xbox wasn't underpowered compared to the contemporary consoles. The 360 came out before the other 2 consoles and was easier to develop on so the ps3 didn't stand out until later in the cycle.
The red ring had literally nothing to do with hardware power.
>Also on PC
It was a fucking cash grab, a complete waste of money and resouces.
Yea Forums didn't even exist when Halo came out.
>Kino as fuck soundtrack
>Introduced Firefight and it's still the best version of the mode
Plebs begone.
>muh story
Go play a fucking Sony game, bitch. Halo is Chief's series, not Locke, no some ODST, or some Spartan III, and certainly not Arbiters, it's Master Chief's series and Master Chief alone.
> Hornet in Halo 2 Anniversary
never played h2a, what's that all about
Cash grab garbage, nothing else, the main reason you keep citing the stupid soundtrack over anything else.
>Yea Forums has always liked Halo
Halo used to be a gold star of david. Get the fuck out.
>All these Zelda games
Why do people even enjoy these again? I have tried like four different critically acclaimed Zelda games and they've all felt like shit to play.
Holy shit it's like I've stepped back into 2004. Halo 2 still to this day has the best campaign, it has the most missions, greatest level variety, the best OST, and the best narrative - even despite the fucking disaster that was the development process.
Enjoy while you jerk Chief's unusable wang off.
You can tell, they suck ODST and Reach off as if those were good, if Yea Forums actually liked Halo, Halo CE and 3 were the best in the series. They also seem to suck off Bungie past Halo 3 and still suck them off today when they fucking hire trannies.
w-what about the people who played marathon
You're the reason Master Chief was brought back in Halo 4 when his story was fucking done. We could have had the Rookie, the Arbiter or literally anyone else leading Halo 4, but oh no Microsoft gotta appeal to the raging Chief cocksuckers.
The writing took a nosedive with 2. I liked a lot of the new things 2 introduced, but it was oriented for a movie and not for a video game.
>nothing changes in 20 years
Lurk more
What are you talking about? The cutscenes beyond the intro to the game were short as fuck and 90% of everything was explained via comms during gameplay. Halo 2's story is still the only one worth remembering. Halo 3 is honestly fucking forgettable up until the mission Cortana, and I only remember that one because of how bullshit it was on Legendary.
>What are you talking about?
I'm talking about the fact that they show you information the player should not have because the narrative is now jumping all over the place focused on different characters and the fact they put you in the shoes of another character without changing the HUD or mechanics just to suit the story. These things make the writing more oriented towards a movie than towards a video game. CE didn't do that stuff. It followed the character the player was controlling exclusively and the player was never fed information the character also didn't have. Critics regarded Halo 2's story as not as good as CE's as a result.
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Well done
Who ever made this list was sucking some fat nintendo cock, I would love to redo this list with a strawpoll, but only the listed games because they are good.
So retarded journalists can't follow two diverging narratives, that doesn't really surprise me.
>without changing... mechanics just to suit the story.
The Arbiter had stealth camo on demand, and also had missions focusing much more on working alongside allies such as Elites and Hunters, allies far more capable than marines in exchange for pumping up enemy numbers.
>over 200 posts and 500 votes is 5% of Yea Forums
The fappening was a mistake.
Gamergate was a mistake.
The 2016 election was a mistake.
>So retarded journalists can't follow two diverging narratives
That's not what I'm saying at all. As long as you aren't a moron, when you're fed information as the player that the character you're controlling doesn't have, that weakens the immersion. It's why I fucking hate all the TellTale games because they constantly do that shit and have no idea how to actually write for video games even though their games are all about the writing.
The Arbiter shouldn't have been able to use human weapons or have the same floaty jump as the Chief or have the same HUD. In fact even his aiming skill should probably not be as good as the Chief's if you really want to get technical about it.
Anyone who has a problem with Chief being Halo's main man is pretty much the ones that never Halo fans or just read the books and thinks the boring ass lore is more interesting than the games. They are the ones not to listen to.
halo is not even zoomer tier
I never played it so I don't give a fuck, I never a fan of Bungie I was a fan of Halo games, that's it.
Yeah, I'm a fan and I want to play Master Chief, no some half-assed by product version of him.
Jenga for literally the worst custom map of all time
If you're not the zombie you may as well just afk until it's over
a fucking chimp can use a gun
>not trying to assassinate the fat kid using the teleporters
should have gotten gut mein freund
I've been seeing this exact post for ten years
An elite's hand is like 3x bigger than a human's, they couldn't pull the triggers if they wanted to.
This, it's why most of the fans didn't like Halo 2's campaign either, somewhere along the lines, Bungie forgot that Halo needed to be a video game, not a movie.
>Fat Kid in Jenga
Are you illiterate?
a fucking gorrila can pull a trigger
All of that trash in the first 25. Don't even have the original super mario brothers in the top 10.
Okay fine, but the other shit still stands.
no u
>Not to mention using the sniper rifle as often as possible throughout Halo 2 Legendary is pretty fucking boring
I had fun doing it, and there are enough sniper jackals on the majority of maps that if you ration out shots you will always have enough to elimiate all of the elites you see except for like 2 levels where they are rare or that one brute level in the space station which you can just use carbines and BRs for the same result since noshields. Hell some levels like Delta Halo give you so many sniper rifles that you can kit out a full marine group with them and have them beat the level for you even on legendary
sure, if the arbiter had played more differently it would have been better but that being said what was there was still executed well and great even. What you are saying is more of a missed opportunity than a mistake, and halo 2 suffered from trying to be overly ambitious as it is.
spartans and elites are suppose to play similarly dude
A while ago I saw a painting here on Yea Forums of a Spanish conquistador during the battle for Tenochtitlan (Spain vs Aztec Empire)
It was an old style painting, of a Spanish soldier with armor standing on some building looking down at the "city" covered in bodies and blood, kinda like pic related
I remember that at the moment they gave some information and I believe the artwork was actually some sort of art for a game like Civ or Risk or some shit, so it's actually new and not some sort of classic painting
Good posts, friends.
It hasn't been "on hold". I've been a fan of Halo since I bought an Xbox and Halo: CE in 2002 (when they released here in Europe), when I was 11. And, for me, Halo 4 was an amazing game. The campaign was awesome, the new enemies were great in my opinion because they really mixed it up. Knights are challenging, and crawlers make for satisfying killing when you headshot them and they explode. And the multiplayer was awesome - I think I actually have spent more time on Halo 4 online than any other Halo (which is partly because I didn't have Xbox Live growing up, it cost too much). Although I did used to play Reach online quite a lot for a while too.
Halo 5 I can't comment on to the same degree because I haven't played through the campaign. I've heard people have misgivings about it but like I say I haven't played through it so I just don't know whether those criticisms are justified. But I have played the first couple of missions of the campaign and I watched a lot of Halo 5 multiplayer pretty recently and the game seems pretty great to me. 343 have made Halo look better than ever with both games, and the general gameplay feels better than ever too. I certainly don't think Halo 4 is perfect - I think the story was too melodramatic really. But I don't think any of the Halos are perfect. Halo CE probably has too much walking around and some repetitiveness to some of its levels. Halo 2 lacks an assault rifle and the graphics look kinda shit because the OG Xbox can barely render them. But they're all fundamentally great games.
People seem to criticise the 343 games simply because they're different. These people they fail to remember 1) that some of these differences were introduced by BUNGIE THEMSELVES (e.g. sprinting), and 2) that Halo 2 brought tons of changes which were controversial at the time. Halo 3 brought changes too. Halo has changed with every game. And I think they've improved the gameplay every time.
Seething & cope more contrarian, all of those games are better then any garbage you like
This and then Halo 5 tried the same shit and got even more backlash than Halo 2.
lmao meant to make my own thread, my bad
Im ready
spartans and elites are suppose to play similarly dude
this place has been normie tier garbage for like like 12 years at least now.
>get hit by like 15 bullets in a row
>totally fine
is halo the worst fps ever made
>implying you were here 12 years ago
i have a friend who is obsessed with Halo lol
>implying he was born 12 years ago
thats because halo 2 was great at best and competent at worst when it came to it's campaign.
Halo 5's campaign did nothing well. nothing. It is easily the worst written and presented halo story and campaign and maybe even one of the worse of the entire genre, and the genre of fps don't exactly have a high bar for campaigns, hell it's far from unreasonable to say halo 2 is the gold standard for fps story telling.
Halo 2 was king at exercising show don't tell, where as ironically halo 5 is all tell and no show.
This was it, in case anyone was wondering
This, also I like Master Chief's body in Halo CE-5, that inverted triangle body, those muscles.
12 years ago was when I was seeing people call out casuals more than usual since the newfags were in full force around that time after JAPAN TIME.
I grew up playing the first couple of Halo's up until I think Reach, used to play them co-op with my best friend, on increasing difficulty, I had a great time and have lots of good memories. Looking forward to reliving some old experiences on PC.
Yea Forums is reddit
>Despise you
I really hope you don't get this emotionally invested in arguments on an internet forum
>people don't remember energy sword sunday
shouldve stayed that way
It looks like you never played Halo before.
Im sure most people play it on the regular and easy difficulties, I cant imagine playing CoD games on anything less the veteran but the achievement rate for doing so is like less than 2% on most of them
>kids who played halo are now old enough to browse Yea Forums and all the old guard left after gamergate.
>Panzer dragoon orta
omg im in tears.
>I cant imagine playing CoD games on anything less the veteran but the achievement rate for doing so is like less than 2% on most of them
posts this low quality are a reportable offense
Wow ............... people are nostalgic for a game that was released in a period I'm not nostalgic for............. . ... .. . .. ... . .. . . . . . how is this possible................
This was the case prior to 2010. Then boomers slowly but surely made halo threads a thing even if actual boomers shat on them every time.
I just checked black ops achievements and the people who beat the final 3 missions on vet on steam is 2.5%, unless you mean Vet isnt the way CoD is meant to be played which means you're gay
>halo races
>duck hunt
>donkey Kong
That was the shit in between ranked team doubles.
Yea Forums has been invaded by newfags who weren't even here in 2010 let alone 2005 and like Halo pretty much solely for nostalgia
keep in mind that around the time of Halo 3, most 20something posters here would have been ~12
>Yea Forums has always liked Halo
based fucking historical revisionist retard
Didn't think Halo CE Campaign could suck anymore more until I played that dumpster fire of a mod
I didnt think it was that bad, granted I didnt actually realize I was playing a mod and not the original campaign until I finished the Pillar of Autumn levels and then replaced it with the original
I'm a Halo fan and I know you're full of shit, if Yea Forums actually liked Halo they wouldn't shilling ODST and Reach along with Halo 2's campaign every single day of the week, wanting Master Chief out of Halo, and shitting on 343 because they're not Bungie instead of shitting on them for making bad decisions with Halo 4 and 5. It also feels like you guys got into the books late and talk about that more than the games and honestly that shit is boring as hell.